Bank Fraud Investigation by ICFECI

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Bank Fraud Investigation by ICFECI

Bankruptcy fraud involves engaging in proscribed acts performed knowingly and fraudulently in a bankruptcy case. Acts such as making false statements with regard to one’s assets while filing a claim for bankruptcy protection. Concealment of assets from the court by illegal transfer of money to family, friends or associates. Filing fraudulent documents as an effort to defeat bankruptcycode provisions.

What we do Our Certified Fraud Examiner and a team of investigators together handle cases involving concealment of assets, fraudulent disposal of property, manipulating documents and accounts, obtaining credit, filing false cases in order to avoid making payments or meeting financial commitments and bribing creditors to avoid filing debt claims among other related investigative services.

Investigation by Certified Fraud Examiner involves following a paper trail, examining people and following an electronic trail. We verify actual assets and bring out the truth through solvency analysis, fraudulent transfer analysis, bankruptcy examination, verification of assets and their analysis, tracing funds and transactions and computer forensics with the help of experts and our state of art computer forensics lab. Carry out discreet surveillance. Prepare a comprehensive, well analyzed report that is easy to understand and is admissible as evidence in a court of law.

What makes us Unique? • ICFECI is led by Dan James with his unique experience and qualifications as a Certified Fraud Examiner and an expert in computer forensics. We combine these two divergent streams into a highly coherent tool that works wonders in uncovering obscured information. • We are committed to your success and diligent in pursuing the case despite challenges. Bankruptcy cases mainly revolve around people hiding information and assets through devious means and this as well as interviewing people and deriving information from electronic devices is a challenge we handle with confidence.

Contact Us Institute of Computer Forensics and Criminal Investigations

Phone No : 214-384-3246 Email Us : Website :

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