Basic Qualities for a Competent Texas Private Investigator It a serious risk not to seek representation including counsel and investigative, expert , and other services necessary for adequate representation after being accused or charged with a crime. It is during this needful moment that a private investigator becomes necessary. It is evident that a compilation of a defense attorney and a private investigators yields success if history is anything to go by.
Especially in complex cases of financial frauds, ponzi schemes, bank and mortgage frauds, computer and cell phones forensic among other cases, it is wise hiring a competent private investigator and gather evidence that will help your attorney close the case successfully. It even comes with more pleasure when you are a Texan and looking to hire a private investigator. We take you through a simple guideline that will land you a competent Private detective in Texas;
Ensure your PI is licensed
The state of Texas will not recognize a non-licensed investigator as per “the Private Security Act (Chapter 1702, Texas Occupations Code)”. Licensing of Texan private investigators is conducted by the “Texas Department of Public Safety/Private Security Bureau.” Computer forensic examiners must be licenses by Texas Department of Public Safety/Private Security Bureau. It is important to understand that it is criminal hiring a non-licensed investigator for your case and therefore, checking for their license and insurance should be a mandate before hiring one.
Specialization More often than not, private investigators tend to specialize on particular cases. Before settling on one investigator, it would be wise to consider if they match your niche. Get the investigator's C.V., and vet their background. It will be a massive blunder hiring an investigator who has majored in domestic disputes to help your attorney in the investigation of complex and complicated financial crimes, major crimes or cyber crime.
Personal qualities
It is important to find a competent easy to work with private investigator. That is who everyone wishes to have handling their cases. Most importantly, rely on recommendations from satisfied clients who actually benefited from the services of the PI rather than marketers who want to build his/her brand.
Zero Crime record
Settling on a private investigator with a clean record is among the best choices you will make to win your case. Consider checking with the Texas Department of Public Safety/Private Security Bureau to ensure that no complaints and disciplinary cases have been leveled against your chosen Private Investigator
Easy to work with
While working on a case, you can never afford to work while divided. You need to team up and hiring an investigator whom you barely get a long is a big disaster to your case. Ensure that you are free to work with the PI; no matter how qualified he/she is but is not easy to work with, kindly scratch him off your list.
Institute of Computer Foresnsic Examinations and Criminal Investigations 4360 Western Center Blvd., #304 Fort Worth 76137 Texas USA Email: Web Site: