written in collaboration by youth, leaders, and pastors of the family of Fountain of Salvation Christian Churches International
Copyright © 2011 by Fountain of Salvation Christian Churches, Inc. Project Coordinator: Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jr. Publishing Editor: Carlos Ariel Fernandez Lead Editor: Tamir Reyes Editing Team: Vanessa Aquino, Lauren Ramos, Jason Rivera, Josue Fernandez, Eduardo Gil Cover Design: David Moreno -- sucreda16@gmail.com All rights reserved. Printed in the United States. Please visit our website at www.FountainofSalvation.com
P R E F A C E! C O N N E C T !!
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N O W I S B E T T E R T H A N E V E R!
J U S T I F I E D I N H I S L O V E!
S T O R M S!
By Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jersey City, NJ Pastor Ignacio Torres, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Jose Encarnacion (Alex), Youth Leader, Brooklyn, NY, USA Julia Lopez, Youth leader, Licey, Dominican Republic
C U R E F O R A N X I E T Y!
G O D ' S M E R C Y!
M A T U R I T Y!
N O T O F T H I S W O R L D!
T H E P O W E R O F T H E T O N G U E!
O V E R C O M I N G T E M P T A T I O N!
P R E P A R A T I O N T I M E!
T O T A L S U R R E N D E R!
S T R I V I N G T O E N T E R!
R E J O I C E I N T H E L O R D A L W A Y S!
J E H O V A H , H E W H O G I V E S U S S T R E N G T H !!
O B E D I E N C E!
W A L K I N G I N T H E S P I R I T!
A S A F E P L A C E!
F A C I N G T H E T R I A L S!
G O D ' S L O V E!
S A L T A N D L I G H T!
G O I N G T H R O U G H T R I A L S!
L E A V E I T I N G O D ’ S H A N D S!
T H O S E W H O W A I T . . .!
L E A N O N M E!
T R U S T H I M!
G R O W I N G I N F A I T H A N D L O V E!
S E E K F I R S T T H E K I N G D O M O F G O D!
Tamir Reyes, Youth Leader, ICFS North Hudson, USA Leonel Santana, Youth Leader, Brooklyn, NY USA Vanesa Garcia, ICFS Licey al Medio, Santiago, Dominican Republic Teresita Pascual, San Fernando, Spain
Landy Rodriguez, Youth Leader, Brooklyn, NY USA Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, USA
Pastor Tomas Reyes, North Hudson, NJ, USA Max Jean Lozier, Youth Pastor, Santiago, Dominican Republic Pastor Tomas Reyes, North Hudson, NJ, USA Alicia Pena, Licey, Dominican Republic
Carmen Julia Forastieri Santos, Licey, Dominican Republic Kyelenny Luciano, Licey, Dominican Republic Tony Nunez, Licey, Dominican Republic
Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, NJ, USA Albert, Licey, Dominican Republic
Laury, Youth, Licey ICFS, Domincan Republic by Pastor Lipe, Jersey City, NJ USA Laura, youth, Licey ICFS, Dominican Republic By Oscar Gomez, Newark, NJ USA
Abigail Alonso, ICFS, San Fernando, Spain
Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA Rebeca Alonso, San Fernando, Spain Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, USA
Stephanie Gonzales, youth, Licey ICFS, Dominican Republic
L I G H T O F M Y M I N D!
U N S W E R V I N G F A I T H!
G O D ’ S I N C O N T R O L!
M Y D E C I S I O N!
W H O W I L L B E T H E G R E A T E S T ?!
L I T T L E W O R M!
N O T O F T H I S W O R L D ( N O T W )!
H E A R T H E S H E P H E R D ’ S V O I C E!
W E A R E O N E!
S O B E Y E H O L Y!
W E A R E H I S S H E E P!
B E A T I T U D E S F O R P E O P L E I N P O V E R T Y!
T I M E T O P R A I S E!
B E I N G R E I N S T A T E D!
H E L P I N G E A C H O T H E R!
C H O O S E T O R E J O I C E !!
S A C R I F I C E = F A I T H!
T H E G O O D S H E P H E R D!
R E A L L O V E!
Y O U A R E N ’ T G U I L T Y!
I S H E Y O U R N U M B E R O N E ?!
A R M O R O F G O D!
Y O U ’ R E B E A U T I F U L , J U S T T H E W A Y Y O U A R E!
C O D E O F H O N O R!
T H E S T A R T O F T H E R A C E!
W H Y D O W E S U F F E R ?!
A U T H O R I T Y T O O V E R C O M E!
W H A T S H O U L D I D O N O W ?!
Lauren J Ramos, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA Lauren J Ramos, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, USA Pastor Ignacio Torres, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Marelny Batista, 22 Licey Al Medio, Dominican Republic Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA
Lauren J Ramos, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA by Pastor Lipe, Jersey City, NJ USA Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA
Marc Henri Beauge, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA by Pastor Lipe, Jersey City, NJ USA
Sasha Portes, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ USA Francis Socorro, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA Jennylee Sosa, Youth Leader, Lawrence, MA USA Janina Batista, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ, USA Miriam Jireh Morillo, Youth Leader, Lawrence, MA, USA by Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jersey City, NJ USA Jamie Betances, Paterson, NJ USA Michael Ayala, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA Naomy De Pena, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ USA
Ronnie & Sonyvette Croussett, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ, USA Pastor Betsy Johanna Fernandez, Jersey City, NJ, USA Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA by Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jersey City
Sonyvette Croussett, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ, USA by Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jersey City, NJ USA Pastor Ignacio Torres, Brooklyn, NY, USA
S P I R I T U A L G R O W T H!
S U F F E R I N G F O R T H E N A M E O F J E S U S!
A L O V E L I K E N O O T H E R!
W H E N S I L E N C E S P E A K S!
P E A C E I N T H E S T O R M!
T H I S M O M E N T!
W O R D S O F A D V I C E F O R T H E H E A R T!
S A L V A T I O N , T H E P U R P O S E O F W O R S H I P!
N O T E S / N O T A S!
Julia Lopez, youth leader, Licey ICFS, Dominican Republic Tony Nunez, Licey, Dominican Republic
Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA By Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, USA
Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, USA
Jason Rivera, Youth Leader, Newark NJ USA Sonyvette Croussett, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Darwin “Antorcha” Gonzalez, Youth Leader, ICFS Jersey City, NJ, USA
by Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jersey City, NJ
This generation is a generation with a passion for God. When you connect with God you will see that He has a special purpose in your life. This is a tool that was thought of in the heart of God to help this generation to connect with Him daily.
How does the devotional work? First: You will always find the title and the name of who wrote it. Second: The Word always comes first. As you read the verse connect with the word of God. Third: Connect! in this section you will be able to connect what the Bible says with your daily life. Fourth: ConeXion! In this section you will have a prayer to help you connect with God. Use it as a guide. Fifth: Action! In this section you will have an action for each day.
How to get the most out of it? READ: Read it daily. It doesn’t have to be in order, but read. MEDITATE: Meditate on what you read and put it into action. PRAY: Pray with understanding and present to God what you read and meditated on. COMMENT: Discuss what you read with a friend, your pastor or youth leader. You can also find it on Facebook: www.facebook.com/GenofFire and comment. (You don’t need a Facebook account).
If you have any questions or comments write to us: Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jr. International Youth Pastor pastorlipe@gmail.com
Note: This devotional is an effort of youth, youth leaders and pastors of the Fountain of Salvation Christian Churches family. The effort to integrate different young people from different countries has blessed us with richer material that we know that can benefit anyone who uses it. The project is the result of the process of ICFS International Summit 2010.
CONNECT! By Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jersey City, NJ
John 15: 4-5 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Connect! Connecting with God is one of the most essential needs of human beings. It's like breathing. We were designed to be near him. Apart from Him we are nothing and without Him we die. Each morning all the intentions of your day, every desire to achieve what you want: your job, school, homework, the room that needs to be fixed, unchecked emails. EVERYTHING is on hold waiting to be accomplished. Many times we rush through the day and we do not connect with Him. Our days, without a healthy time of connection with God, become heavy, boring, annoying and everything irritates us. But with God, when we have problems and difficulties things get easier and better. There’s an anecdote about some brothers in Africa, who usually prayed outdoors in a place above the grass. Usually by the spot they prayed grass did not grow. Therefore, if any brother stopped praying, they would say with love: "Brother, the grass is growing in your house.” And today I ask you, “Is the grass growing in your home for failing to connect with him?” Connect with God.
ConeXion: Lord, I pray that this devotional becomes a tool to connect with to you daily. You are my air and my food. I need you. Help me to be with you always. I love you. Your son/daughter. Amen.
Action! Today, I will commit to seek God daily, fully and freely. Today, I will set a specific time and place to connect with God every day. Today, I will contact a friend to help me connect with God.
NOW IS BETTER THAN EVER Pastor Ignacio Torres, Brooklyn, NY, USA
You must not worship the Lord your God in their way. -- Deuteronomy 12:4
Connect! I have never read about nor have I experienced a time where you are able to search for things as easily as you can nowadays. Today we enjoy a lot of technology, science, inventions, just as the Bible prophesied in the book of Daniel. Everything is easy, convenient and fast. We are able to enjoy these privileges very much. With these advances also comes the easy access to sin. With technology we can bring sin into our home or allow it to leave our home. We live in a society where things are gray, neither one thing nor the other. A society that tells us “If you like to do it, do it!” “Let’s enjoy today and then pay tomorrow.” “Life is short enjoy it today.” This leads us to take advantage of the advances of today to lead a sinful lifestyle. However, it does not have to be so. You can be an agent of change, an example for this society and say: Now is better than ever: to let Christ shine on me in the midst of all darkness. Now is better than ever: to use technology as a means to proclaim Christ to the salvation of souls. Now is better than ever: !to show other young people the joy of the Lord and show them that those who do not serve Christ do not live, they just exist. Because only He can fill the void in the heart of every human being. Now is better than ever: Now that I am young, to live a holy life for God rejecting the passing pleasures of sin. Now is better than ever: to put my gifts and talents to serve God by always being available, before I reach old age and my strength is exhausted. Now is better than ever: to be instructed and formed by the word of God and be ready to exercise a powerful ministry in God. Now is better than ever: !Everything that comes to my hands do it for the Lord, and according to my strengths.
! Lord, thank you for allowing me to born in such a time as this. I believe that you have a purpose for my life. I want to serve you now, when I’m young. I want to give you the best years of my life. Please help me to take advantage of the times and of the advances that I have now, and please you with them. Help me be an agent of change for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Action! Today I will not wait for a better time to serve God. Today I will serve God with everything. Now is better than never!
Jose Encarnacion (Alex), Youth Leader, Brooklyn, NY, USA
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! -- Romans 5:8-10
Connect! Many times when we make a mistake and fail God, we tend to stay away from him. We feel so bad about ourselves and failing God, that we do not want to have anything to do with Him. We don’t pray, don’t want to read the Bible, sometimes we don’t want to go to church, much less talk to our friends. Ironically, we act as a patient who just visits their doctor when they feel well, not when they really need it the most, when they’re sick. But what we forget is that God loves the sinner, and what He really hates is the sin in us. In other words what God wants to do is remove the sin in us and mold us in His image and likeness. Remember, if He died for us when we were buried in a life of sin, to reconcile us with the father, what more wouldn’t He do now, to keep us in His ways as we were already reconciled. The Bible says that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us daily. God knows we are weak, but also tells us that we are strong in Christ.
ConneXion Today Lord I confess my weakness, I'm weak and need your help. I ask that you may give me the strength to get up and keep fighting. Give me faith to keep believing in You despite the circumstances. Help me to never look away from Christ and not ever lose focus. Amen.
Action! - Today I will run and do the things that are good for me. - Today I will break the ice and do the things I did not feel like doing before.
Julia Lopez, Youth leader, Licey, Dominican Republic
One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake. So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” -- Luke 8:22-25
Connect! !!In our walk with Jesus many storms will come to our lives. These storms can have a great impact to us: they will either make us trust God more and bring us closer to Him, or make us doubt, have fear and turn away from Him. Ever thought that the storm is so big that you can’t beat it? !!In the time of the storm, you should seek to find what the purpose of God may be through this circumstance. Romans 8:28 says that everything works for good for those who love God. Know that a good thing God wants to accomplish in you through this situation. Remember that God hears and answers our prayers. You must have faith and believe that Jesus will calm the storm, and He will.
ConneXion Dear Father on this day I ask that you bring peace to my life. Take control of the storms that overwhelm me. That I may see how your hand sustains me and gives me peace that I so desire. I know that with You there is nothing that can worry or depress me. You are the owner and master of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Action! Ask your self, are you going through a storm these days? What is it? Think about what is your reaction to the storm: do you question?, have fear?, run away?, trust in God?, complain? Read Romans 8:28. The powerful One is in the boat with you, He will not let you perish.
Tamir Reyes, Youth Leader, ICFS North Hudson, USA
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. -- Philippians 4:6-7
Connect! " “Oh my gosh! I have an exam in two days I know nothing about!” “I have way too much work to do! There’s no way I can finish it all in time.” “I have no idea how I’m going to get through this mess!” “Will it be? Will my parents get separated? Where am I going to live? What side do I choose?” “I’m so scared to go to school tomorrow, those bullies are gonna eat me up alive.” “How will I pay for school next semester?” " Sound familiar? Whether you identify with one of the worries mentioned above, or whether you have other worries in your life right now, the truth is that at one point in our lives, we all worry about something. There are many people (even young people just like you!) who have issues with anxiety. They worry too much about the problems that surround them in life. How awesome is know that we have the cure for anxiety? The cure is simply to trust. You see, when we worry we’re telling God we don’t trust that He’s in control. On the other hand, when we trust in Him, in His promises and simply tell Him what we need, He gives us peace. That peace that surpasses all understanding guards our hearts from all anxiety and worries.
ConeXion: Lord, I want to trust You. I want to trust that You are in control of every area of my life. I thank You for Your promises towards my life. I don’t have to worry because I know You are in control. Thank you. Amen.
Action! - Make a list of all the things that you are worried about in this moment in your life. - Present these things to the Lord in prayer and thank Him for being in control of them.
Leonel Santana, Youth Leader, Brooklyn, NY USA
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart. --!Psalm 36:7-10
Connect! It's frustrating to fail God, especially when we know it is sin that hinders our spiritual growth and our relationship with God. The Bible teaches that without holiness no man shall see the Lord. But we live in a body of flesh, with weaknesses and desires that go against the will of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we may find it impossible to keep all the commandments and promises of God. Whenever we disobey God we feel a little sad, disappointed and disconnected for not having been fully right with God. Sometimes you feel a desire to not grow closer to God and follow the desires of your flesh because you feel dirty and unworthy of His presence. For this reason, it is important to remember that God's mercy is new every day and He gives us the opportunity to repent, instead of punishing us for our sins. We believe in a God who has mercy for those who hope in Him and 10
especially for those who practice mercy themselves. God provides forgiveness and mercy for a grieved and humble heart before His presence.
ConneXion Lord, I have discovered how wonderful Your mercy is. I ask you that you may forgive me for the times I have failed You. I ask that You renew your love for me. Help me to have more integrity every day, and every day obey more. Above all, help me to have mercy with my family, friends and especially my enemies. Give me strength and wisdom to love and forgive as You have forgiven me. Amen.
Action! - Today I’ll walk with integrity and be obedient to the voice of God, and plead His mercy when I fail. - Today I’ll remember to be more merciful and forgive as my God forgives me.
Vanesa Garcia, ICFS Licey al Medio, Santiago, Dominican Republic
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. -- !Philippians 3: 12-14
Connect! Overall, the maturity of a person is the high point of intellectual and emotional development, it’s a constant process. Likewise, the spiritual aspect involves a process of maturity, it starts with accepting Jesus Christ and involves several stages to get us to fully live by Him and for Him. As young people, spiritual maturity should be a priority in our lives, a longing. !But we must realize that the speed of this process is not important, what is important is the strength with which we manage to obtain. Knowing the word, making it the guide to our lives, learning to manage our character, thoughts and attitudes towards others, are key points to start this walk. Let’s not forget that He who began a good work, will be faithful to complete it.
ConneXion Lord Jesus, help me each day to desire You more. Change my life Lord, help me manage my character. I would like to be more like You. I want to mature in You in order to reach the final goal. Amen.
Action! - Today I will take the decision to learn more about the word of God. - Today I will think before I act. I will think to please God. - Today I live from the point of view of God and not of men.
NOT OF THIS WORLD Teresita Pascual, San Fernando, Spain
"These are not the world, as I am not the world" John 17:16
Connect! God has great purpose for those who are in this world but remain detached from it. He came into our hearts to be the shining church, if we walk among darkness we should be light, if our acquaintances are bad, bring them on track, if lies surround you, then speak the truth. This is why we are here, this is why we are saved and set free. We can not allow the "world " to reach us. We are here to give the world its flavor, and be the light in the darkness.
ConeXion: Lord, you know the darkness that runs wild in this world, I pray that you help me be salt to give the world flavor and light to illuminate the darkness with truth and life. Help me not become attached to this world, even as you have called me to reach it. Amen. 11
Action! As your friends listen to music that is ungodly, or lie, cheat on tests or steal, resolve to do what is good in the eyes of the Lord. That is light in darkness.
THE POWER OF THE TONGUE Landy Rodriguez, Youth Leader, Brooklyn, NY USA
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. -- Proverbs 18:21
Connect! The tongue is one of the most powerful members of the body that God has given us. With it we confess Christ as Savior, bless ourselves, bless others and proclaim the good news of salvation. However in many occasions with the same tongue we lie, criticize, judge, curse ourselves and others. We do this when we declare things out of Biblical truth such as “l'm not good looking.” “I’m no good.” “Nobody loves me.” “I hate my parents.” “God forgot me.” etc. Is this correct? Does this please God? The Bible tells us that from the same mouth come blessings and curses. Brothers and sisters, this should not be so. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? !For this reason we must be careful in how we use that power and always bear in mind that in everything we say, God must be glorified. Remembering that whatever we declare, whether it be a blessing or curse, we will get the fruits of what we have confessed. As a Christian, we should be careful with the things we declare because God has placed !authority in us, for what we bind in heaven is also bound on Earth. Much of our victory will depend on how we use our tongue.
ConneXion Lord, I ask that You may help me be more prudent and use this powerful member of my body with wisdom. Amen.
Action! Today I will think of better ways to say things. Today I will think twice before speaking, taking into account that what I say can be a blessing or curse.
OV E R C O M I N G T E M P TAT I O N Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, USA
No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Cor. 10:13
Connect! At the beginning of each new year, we hear so many discussions about goals and new years resolutions. Some people declare that one of their goals is to lose weight. Sadly, they cannot endure the temptation while in front of that chocolate cake and other delicious desserts, failing to accomplish their goal. Our feelings connect us to our exterior world and in front of our eyes we have those things that can lead us into being unfaithful to God, who loves us and is faithful. Look for the exit when temptation comes and do not become a prisoner of the desires of your flesh. This way you shall be a young person in victory.
ConneXion Father, I am grateful because You created me different from the rocks. I can feel and see. Please help me today when I am faced with temptation. Show me how to escape so I do not fall in the traps and become a victim of my feelings. In the name of my Lord, Christ Jesus.
Action! Today I will avoid opening the door to temptation. Today I will find my way out of any temptation if I am faced with. Today I will not fall.
P R E PA R AT I O N T I M E Pastor Tomas Reyes, North Hudson, NJ, USA
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. -- 2 Timothy 2:15
Connect! As students, when we have an exam in school we enter a time of preparation in order for us to pass the exam and eventually pass the grade. The more difficult the exam is, the more time we take to prepare. The key is to prepare in advance. The same happens with God. We are aware that we have exams or tests, but they prepare us to move to a new level. ! Something that gave me much result as a student was to never leave studying for last minute. I would study daily and when the test came it was easy for me to pass it because my preparation time came steadily. With life in the spirit we must not prepare just because we have a trial to face, but we must be ready when the test comes. This way, we can deal with it and come out of it triumphantly. This is to say, when you are not in a trial, prepare for when a trial does come. !
ConneXion Lord help me to prepare myself when it comes to my spiritual life. Please help me to be prepared for when the trials come. Please help me to be able to overcome temptations. I want to be strong and be strengthened in my life and come to you as an approved worker.
Action! Today I will set a time to prepare to be ready for when trials come.
Max Jean Lozier, Youth Pastor, Santiago, Dominican Republic
Then Jesus said to his disciples, Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. -Matthew 16:24
The tone of the verse above makes it clear that being a disciple of Jesus is not an option for the true Christian, it’s a mandate. The three verbs used by Jesus in this passage are imperatives, expressing an order from the Lord. It is an invitation to a life of total surrender. The Royal Academy dictionary defines surrender as "Putting yourself in someone’s hands, submitting to their direction� and this is exactly what the Lord has called us to do, to put ourselves completely in His hands. Only then can we experience the satisfaction that Paul felt when he said that to live is Christ. Total commitment is more than a concept, it's a lifestyle. It is madness and passion for His glory, to be a radical. And it has three levels: 1. Deny How interesting! This is what denial means , "Not yielding to your desires and appetites, subjecting entirely to the law, and being governed, not by opinion, but by the opinion of others under the doctrine of the Gospel" and this is what the Royal Academy dictionary says, how interesting. Total commitment is to deny our ego, our comfort, our old way of life and take the life of Jesus to make life it live in our lives. This is the first step to becoming a true disciple of Jesus, to die so that Jesus can be born in you. 2. Take Want more curiosities? Well to take is to "receive or accept in any way in whatever shape or form." So when Jesus said we must take up the cross daily, He was literally saying that regardless of the circumstances or the consequences we have to follow the path of truth. It is to continue to accept and respond to your calling without any excuses. 3. Follow There could not have been any other words, the teacher chose each verb carefully. Check this out: Follow: "Continuing what has been started or continues to go on, go after or behind someone" Only by following the Master, could we walk stepping in His footsteps; imitate Him and become like Him. God gave us one life, which we waste walking in our trespasses and sins. We were all dead, it pleased Him to raise us by His infinite grace and mercy in order to serve Him. He has given us a new life so it can be His entirely.
Father I have not lived the minutes and seconds of my life with total dedication, but I thank you that your sovereign grace has made me realize that I was born again to live alone and only for you. I surrender to you, give me the power to start from today to live a life of total surrender.
Today my conversations, actions and thoughts will all be to glorify God. 13
STRIVING TO ENTER Pastor Tomas Reyes, North Hudson, NJ, USA
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. -- !Joshua 1:9
Connect! !!When we set a goal, in order to achieve it we need to take things seriously. This requires us to dedicate ourselves with much effort, many times beyond what we think is possible. We can see this clearly in sports. When the athlete does not work hard at practice or discipline himself in order to excel, their career as an athlete fails. !!Our spiritual life is no different, if we do not strive to walk properly in the ways of the Lord our Christian life would also be a failure. Hence, the preparation for the people of Israel was because they would have an arduous task ahead. This task was to fight the enemy, people that would eventually be defeated by the Israelites. For this reason God tells them to be strong and courageous.
ConneXion Father I thank you for your word given to Joshua, now Father I ask you to help me. That I may strive to be a better Christian and to live a victorious life. Amen.
Action! Today I will strive to be a better Christian and to serve my God truly and with perseverance.
R E J O I C E I N T H E L O R D A LWAY S Alicia Pena, Licey, Dominican Republic
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. & the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -- Philippians 4:6-7
Connect The biblical text tells us that if we are in trouble and difficulty that we should not worry about anything, rather than, we should introduce our problems and difficulties in thanksgiving and prayer to God and we should not lack faith. When we pray to God with thanksgiving, the peace of God will surpass all understanding and will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. We don’t have to worry about anything because God solves all our problems and difficulties.
ConneXion Lord Jesus Christ in your hands I place all my difficulties and my problems having faith and much hope that you will resolve them. Amen.
Action! Today I will pray to God and present my problems and difficulties. Today I will look for biblical text to encourage me by putting into practice what it says.
J E H OVA H , H E W H O G I V E S U S S T R E N G T H ! Carmen Julia Forastieri Santos, Licey, Dominican Republic
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy,and with my song I praise him. -- Psalm 28:7
Connect! Jehova is our strength. He is what gives us strength. He helps us move forward when the mind says "NO, YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING" but your heart continues to believe. If the mountain is in front of you, God gives you the strength to move it and I know that with God's help you will be able to cross it if you can believe it. The Lord is our strength and gives us the strength we need to move forward. He paid all sufferings on the cross, all problems, all this pain you feel today, GOD PAID THEM on the cross of Calvary and gave us the power to cast them out. 14
ConneXion Father I ask you to give me strength to continue in the battle of life. Please help me move that mountain that is in the middle of my way and not allowing me to move forward. Help me and give me strength to continue and move forward. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ whom I give all honor and all glory AMEN!
Action! Today I will have more strength to fight against my mountain. Today I will talk more about God to my classmates from school or work and speak about the things He can do for them and me.
Kyelenny Luciano, Licey, Dominican Republic
If you love me, keep my commands. -- John 14:15
Connect! The word obedience can seem to be a negative word. When we think about obedience, we think about punishment, strict rules, and the things that drain life and what we call happiness. However, we demonstrate our love for God by obeying Him. If we show love and respect to someone on earth and want to try to please them, we try to do what we believe that person wants us to do. There shouldn’t be a difference in our relationship with God. In order for Him to be pleased with us we should try to fulfill His commandments given to us in His word and imitate His son. Faith comes first, works follow. In this case obedience is positive. We receive much joy in obeying the commandments of God. It is what we were made for. Whatever joy or emotion that is experienced when we disobey God is only temporary and we become in danger of being controlled by these things we do in disobedience. These things lead us to have a less than complete life. Therefore we must choose to obey God and by this obtain true life.
ConneXion Father give me the wisdom and strength to obey You today and tomorrow, and the rest of my life. Reveal to me what you want me to do to in order to bring glory to You through your son Jesus. Amen.
Action! As you read God’s word today, write down those things God wants you to do. Today, trust in the Spirit of God to give you strength and power to obey.
WA L K I N G I N T H E S P I R I T Tony Nunez, Licey, Dominican Republic
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. -- Romans 8:1-2
Connect! As we all know the Spirit is against the flesh and viceversa. This passage tells us that the Spirit of life freed us from the law of the flesh, from death and from all condemnation, that is if we walk according to the Spirit and not after the flesh. It is impossible to please God by obeying and satisfying the flesh. The fact is that we have three enemies which are the world, Satan and the flesh. We must identify whether what we do at every moment is of the Spirit or the flesh. Paul said that they did what they did not want to do, that their greatest battle was against themselves. This means walking in the Spirit, because he who walks in the Spirit is in a constant struggle with his flesh, but he who walks in the flesh has almost no fight against the spirit. So if you feel too comfortable without struggles against your flesh, examine yourself. Because if it’s not that you have already dominated it, then you may be satisfying it, and the end of he who satisfies the flesh is condemnation and death. It is better to walk in the Spirit so like the word says, we may reach salvation in the mighty name of Jesus.
ConneXion Lord please help me to put aside the desires of my flesh and walk in the things of the spirit today. Amen.
Action! Today I will put all my effort to avoid my instincts and desires of the flesh that try to govern me. 15
Today I will usher in the Spirit and allow him to be the one to decide what activities and actions I will do and how I will do them. Today I will subject myself to obedience to the Word.
Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, NJ, USA
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. -- Psalm 46:1
Connect! We live in a world of change, even the nature that surrounds us surprises us. One day we wake up and have a bright sun, another day when we wake up and see a gray and cloudy day. The same thing happens to us as believers. One day we feel as strong as a rock before situations, and another day we feel the weight of circumstances on us. When this happens it seems that we lack the strength to take the next step. In these moments it’s the best time to savor the words of the Psalmist, David and make them a reality in our lives. In the place of refuge we find safety, warmth, hope, protection, support, aid, comfort and encouragement. All this and more can be found in God today in the midst of the problem.
ConneXion: Lord, I acknowledge that You are strong and I'm weak, but today I am humbled in Your presence and declare that I am strong in your strength and power. You are my help in the midst of trials, weaknesses, and circumstances of my life. I lay this situation before you and declare a major victory in Christ Jesus.
Action! Today I will live with new strengths. I am a winner. Today I will view the problem below the great God whom I love.
FACING THE TRIALS Albert, Licey, Dominican Republic
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. -- !James 1:2-8
Connect! A few months ago, I was on my way to a hill, it was really hard. My feet hurt, my calves hurt, and my back was killing me. I was tired of going up the mountain and on top of that I was starting to get frustrated because I did not see the goal and the group added pressure on me too. It is one thing to follow and it is another thing to lead. On this trip I was not following, I was guiding others. During this process we were memorizing a verse from the Bible. The trial was stronger than I had expected and the question I asked myself on the road was, “How can I have joy in the midst of this trial?” I didn’t get the answer to my question until I reached the goal! It was frustrating!!! " Upon reaching the goal we were all glad, happy and accomplished. !I did not understand the answer the whole time time I was walking. I never thought the answer was so obvious. If you thought the same answers...it was PATIENCE. !Even if the pain was annoying, even if I was frustrated, I had patience in the Lord.
ConneXion: Lord Jesus teach me to be joyful regardless of my situation. I know in those moments where I'm tired or frustrated it’s not easy to wait and rest in you, but I know I can count on you and no matter the situation you're my rest. Thank you Lord because forever I can count on you.
Action! Today answer the following questions: 1- How do I have joy in the midst of trials? 2- Am I patient with the Lord? Today I will read Hebrew 12:1-5.
Laury, Youth, Licey ICFS, Domincan Republic
“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;” -- Psalms 103:11
Connect! God loves us immensely, His love is so great to us. It was shown to us from the beginning, creating man as the most special being in all of creation. We have no doubt that God loves us. He shows us every day, with the family that He has given us, the privilege of living, our skills and gifts, the sacrifice of His son on the cross and His constant forgiveness, the fact that He is always at our side, and everything else that He permits in our lives.
ConneXion: Thank You God for Your great love and all the beautiful things that You give me every day. I ask You to help me fall more in love with You, love You and seek more of You and delight in You my Lord. Thank You for being so good to me. Bless us each day. In Jesus' name, amen.
Action! · Today I will seek more of God to enjoy His love every day. · Today I will value His love, by doing His will every day in order to please Him more.
S A LT A N D L I G H T by Pastor Lipe, Jersey City, NJ USA
Matthew 5:13-16 13"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Connect! You are the salt and the light of this world. !Your passion for God cannot be hidden. !Jesus reflects Himself even through your pores. !Your calling is to be salt: protection and to be light: guidance: Protection to those that are hurt. !The salt preserved the meat and all other things that could not be refrigerated. !Today God has called you to give protection to those that are in need. ! Therefore love, love protects. !You are the light and who gives guidance to those that roam in darkness. !Therefore, do not be afraid to shine the strongest you can. !Guide today with your example to others that Jesus is your source of light. !Do not go weary, what you have cannot be ignored, cannot be stopped. !Continue ahead, the race has only just begun.
ConneXion: Lord help me be the salt to protect others with your love. !That today I can help someone take their life with purpose and meaning. Help me reflect your light. !Help me be a light to others so they do not stumble. !Guide me I am yours, use me in your love. !Your child I am. Amen.
Action! - !!" - !!" - !!"
Today I will remember a time where God used me to bless others. Today I will activate my talents to serve others. Today, I will let Jesus shine through me, and I will wear something that shows my commitment to Him.
GOING THROUGH TRIALS Laura, youth, Licey ICFS, Dominican Republic
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers & sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:2-3
Connect! We must bear in mind that no matter what problems or difficulties that we are going through, we should rejoice because God permits them to test our faith. A situation through which we acquire more patience, and at the end of this process will grow more in God.
ConneXion: God help me grow in you every day, that in the midst of trials and problems I may praise you and be happy. I ask you to help me have more faith and patience to withstand the tests that you allow in my life . In the name of your beloved son Jesus. Amen.
Action! - Today I will keep in mind that whatever God sends or allows in my life is for a special purpose. - Today I will be happy no matter what situation comes because I understand that God is always with me.
L E AV E I T I N G O D ’ S H A N D S By Oscar Gomez, Newark, NJ USA
“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” ! - !Romans 12:19
Connect! Life is never a simple road, it brings you ups and downs, hard decisions, and sometimes even life & death decisions. Not even Jesus had an easy life. He, being the Son of Man, probably had the most difficult life of all. People always criticized him, accused him of using powers from Satan, and how did Jesus respond? He respond to his accusers by clarifying that Satan cannot drive Satan out. Jesus was slandered by the Pharisees very often, He could had given up, broken down and retaliate but he didn’t. That is why he was and is God and we are human. When life brings us situations similar to this one, it is best not to retaliate at times. Instead we should leave it in God’s hands. We should let him take control of our situation, no matter what it might be. As children of Christ and model’s to the world, we should set the example and not take action the way our bodies and minds wants us to. It’s funny that I can relate to this because I just went through this situation and I took it the wrong way. Instead of following Christ’s, I let my flesh take control and reacted. Let’s just say that the person was humiliated and humbled after that experience. After talking with a youth leader of mine, I learned that it wasn’t the right way to do it. He told me “Treat others as you want other to treat you” which is also a verse in the bible; Matthew 7:12. I now look at it and say, “I was completely wrong.” I did resolve my issue with this person and I ended up learning something new. It’s when you’re going through a situation that you learn and try to apply new things in life. Even when you think God doesn’t need to be involved in it, he does. Situations can range from the smallest as getting a good grade, to the biggest of marrying the correct person. Leave everything in God’s hands and he’ll truly resolve everything.
ConeXion: God, I know I am just a man. And I know I fall short every time. I am not dependable because I am not pure as you are. But help me each and every day to become a bigger and better Christian. Help me set the example to others. Let people see a change and a difference in me. When they ask me, “Why didn’t you do something about that” let me be able to say “Because God will take vengeance upon that situation.” Lord I ask you to not let my earthly ways win. Let me be victorious, in your name. Amen.
Action! I will not take matters into my own hands. I will place them in the Lord’s hands. I will not let pressure make me conform to what my desires ask for. I will try hard to live up to God’s expectations.
T H O S E W H O WA I T. . . Abigail Alonso, ICFS, San Fernando, Spain
“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run & not grow weary, they will walk & not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31
Connect! We have to take life as an athlete who wants to reach his goal. In this life we have circumstances because he told us that the road is costly. But He will always be with us and then we can do anything. I lived it in my personal life with school. We cannot be in despair or anxiety for the injustices we encounter, we must fix our eyes on God and endure until the end and then we inherit the crown of life which is the goal for an athlete. And that is the way to live to be joyful and everything we do, do it as unto the Lord. HE DESERVES IT ALL! Give your life fully to Him and everything that happens, it will be for good.
ConeXion Lord I pray you help me to wait in you and be always focus in you. Thanks for being there for me. I will give you my focus because you deserve it all. In your name, Amen!
Action! Today, I will focus my eyes on Jesus and not in my circumstances Today, I will write down all my distractions in a piece of paper, and I will pray as I rip the paper in pieces, that God will break away all my distractions.
Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA
“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” – Colossians 2:8
Connect! Sometimes you might feel a bit confused, frustrated, insecure, or doubtful; but lean not on your own understanding- for the mind is tricky and the heart is deceitful; but God is just and righteous. He looks to reward you for the result of your actions. It takes faith to blindly believe that which you cannot see nor understand. It takes God’s divine purpose and plan to unveil the secret behind your dependency of Him, in Him. His will is good, pleasing, and perfect. Let Him drive!!
ConeXion: Lord, allow me to whole-heartedly trust in You and Your Word. Let no man deceive me by his words, but let Your spirit give me discernment to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Help me learn to allow You to take the wheel in my life and guide me to where You know I belong. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Action: - Today I will not be ashamed to stand up and speak the truth - Today I will serve as one who shines light where darkness dwells - Today I will lean on God’s Word and instruction for my life.
Rebeca Alonso, San Fernando, Spain
“When God began killing them, they finally sought Him. !They repented and took God seriously. !Then they remembered that God was their rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer.” Psalm 78:34-35
Connect! There are times when we think God has forgotten us or simply does not love us. There are moments where we don’t remember His great love or we stop trusting in Him. We get up too hasty or it’s too late to talk with Him, not knowing that He is expecting us. 19
There are days when everything is going so well that we don’t even want to enter His presence. Other times we only remember Him when we think that the world is coming !down on us. But, how do you think God feels? When we feel weak we ask God why He does this to us not knowing that the answer lies in the verse above. He loves us so much that He allows these things to happen in order for us to worship Him and give Him thanks for everything. ! If He does not allow a few bumps along the way, how many would continue looking for Him? Think and reflect on this so that you can give every minute of your day to Him. God is waiting for you in every second of your day.
ConeXion: Lord I pray that today you may allow me to trust in you despite the obstacles that may come my way. Amen.
Action! Today I make the decision to trust in God.
GROWING IN FAITH AND LOVE Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, USA
“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people.” Colossians 1:3-4
Connect! Faith and love. Two words that describe us as children of God, as victorious soldiers. If there is something that our opponent wants to weaken in our lives, is our faith. Faith is that which connects us to the spiritual world. Through faith we conquered the precious gift of salvation, and we can conquer the miracle we need today. Be it healing, strength, finances or a word to continue on to the next step, through faith we can achieve it.
ConeXion: Lord you are my strength, my eyes are on you today. Help me continue to grow and develop in faith and love. I pray that problems may not drown my faith, my love for You and my love for others. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Action! - Today I make the decision to believe God and His word. - Today I will see through the eye of the Faith and conquer my miracle.
SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD Stephanie Gonzales, youth, Licey ICFS, Dominican Republic
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33
Connect! We should mainly focus on the things of God. I mean we should seek Him more and grow in Him every day, for He will take care of us and give us the other things that He understands that we need. We know it's hard not to focus too much on worldly things, because these attract much attention, but everything consists in being clear that the most important thing in life is God and everything else shall pass away, it is therefore much more valuable seek His kingdom rather than earthly things.
ConneXion: Father help me not to focus too much on worldly things, but my maintain my focus on you. I ask you to help me seek your kingdom and your righteousness, and that you may add to my life the other things you understand are necessary in my life. In Jesus name, Amen.
Action! - Today I will not focus too much on the things of this world, but more on God’s things. - Today I will seek more of God.
Lauren J Ramos, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA
“Knowing their hearts, Jesus said, ‘Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?’” Matthew 9:4
Connect! !!!Ever caught yourself on a train of thought you never intended to board? Congratulations, you are human! Sometimes, we allow our minds to get ahead of us and we end up in dark places. Our thoughts don’t just stop at the brain, they leak into the heart, influencing our attitudes and actions too. God calls us to a holy life illuminated by His light and just like David commanded his soul to worship, we have to hold our thoughts captive to God and the righteous thought life He asks of us. !!!I once heard, “To be known and loved is a powerful thing.” No one knows us better than our Creator God himself. He knows and understands every aspect of you and loves you, deeply. Be honest about the things on your mind that don’t always please Him and let His love infiltrate your mind instead.
ConeXion: !!!Lord, I confess the areas of my thought life that aren’t pleasing to You, and ask Your forgiveness. !Give me the strength and discernment to recognize “evil” or sinful thoughts and stop them dead in their tracks. Also, I need your joy and peace to replace the “bad” thoughts with edifying thoughts that bring life and light into my heart and mind. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Action! - When a thought enters my mind that isn’t pleasing to God, I make the decision to ask for forgiveness at that very moment. - I will then read a verse and meditate on it instead.
Lauren J Ramos, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23
Connect! !!!!As a child, promises to go to the candy store or toy store are of the utmost importance. If they are not fulfilled, expect intense screams and crying that could permanently damage hearing. Has anyone ever made a promise to you that was broken? Have you ever made a promise that you did not keep? In one way or another, we have all encountered unfaithfulness, which is all the more painful coming from those you love the most, and perhaps adapted to it by withholding trust to avoid further damage. !!!God is BIG on making LOTS of promises. His plans for you are for good, His good, pleasing and perfect will is to prosper and bless you! You may think that trust is the equivalent to vulnerability or being open to get hurt, but trust in God is strength. When you see God as a Holy Dad, you can understand that His Holiness is too perfect to lie and that His goodness is too great to keep the best things from His precious children. You can count on His Promises for your life!
ConeXion: !!!Lord God, I thank You for being a good and holy Father. I trust You with every area of my life and I never want to take it back. I confess that I confide in Your faithfulness. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. 21
Action! Today, in the face of doubt or a difficult situation, I will remind myself to remain consistent in my faith in God.
GOD’S IN CONTROL Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA
“In Him we’re also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:11-12
Connect! Yes, of course, you want to control all things so that everything happens just the way you want it. You may think it is the right thing to do. It might bring some sort of gratification. But at the end of the day, we control nothing - it's all in God's hands, it has always been, and will always be. So do what you can; then let go and let God handle the rest. It will become clearer to us when we become closer to Him and begin to worry more about His Kingdom, and realize how He takes care of US!!
ConeXion: Lord help me. Allow me to trust in You and give You full control of my life. Help me understand that You want nothing but the best for me. Help me rely and let go of my worries and insecurities and fully trust in You. In Jesus name i pray, Amen.
Action! - Today I will let go and allow myself to trust in God - Today I will try to see things as God sees them - Today I will begin to accept that He knows what is best for me
Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, USA
“The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the LORD. Then Joshua made a treaty of peace with them to let them live, and the leaders of the assembly ratified it by oath.” Joshua 9:14-15
Connect! As humans we tend to be guided by what we see and what we feel. Joshua and the leaders of Israel allowed themselves to be impressed by the bread, clothing and old shoes of the Gibeonites and did not seek for God in order to discern if they were their enemies. We cannot forget that we have an enemy named Satan, the Father of lies, who in order to deceive us will use what is before our eyes and our own feelings to push us to make wrong decisions. The people of Israel had to live with their enemy in their own territory because they did not consult God, for His decision. Let’s consult God in our lives, this way we’ll be able to make decisions based on what He says. He knows what’s best.
ConeXion: Lord help me to not make a decision without first getting Your direction through Your Holy Spirit. By doing this I won’t make the wrong one decision. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Action! - Today I make the decision to consult God in prayer before making any decision. - Today all decisions I take will glorify the name of the Lord Jesus. 22
W H O W I L L B E T H E G R E AT E S T ? Pastor Ignacio Torres, Brooklyn, NY, USA
They came to Capernaum. When He was in the house, He asked them, What were you arguing about on the road? But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest. -- Mark 9:33-34
Connect! The dilemma of who will be the oldest, who will govern, who will be the boss, is not an issue of today nor is it something that only happens in secular places, as we see Jesus also confronting this issue. They were on a road returning from a mission when the discussion between the disciples became heated at that moment. It seemed that Jesus was hearing the discussion but He said nothing, He was acting as if He was unaware of what was going on. However as soon as they arrived He asked them what issue they were discussing on the way. Nowadays, this is not an issue of the office, home, church, etc. It seems that being great is a desire hidden in the heart of ever man. This desire seems to be simply waiting for a chance to manifest itself. ! Questions many young people ask is, “When I will be a leader, pastor, teacher, etc.?” !“When will I make it big?” The first thing Jesus teaches is that in this walk there aren’t any "great” ones, but there are servers with greater responsibilities. If you want to be great the way to get there is through service. Serving only leads you to take more responsibility, thus only those who serve are good to serve. When you serve God with all your heart, He will exalt you in due time. Do not jump the fence and enter through the rear gate, do not attempt to take elevators. In the kingdom of heaven all those who have served have reached the kingdom step by step. There is no other way. Clean the temple, the bathrooms, the patio and serve others. Every day The Lord will give you more responsibility. To whom is faithful in the few, God will place them with much. !
ConneXion Dear Lord, thank you for being the greatest in my life. I don’t want to make it about me, when it’s all about You. I pray that You may help me to put Your first in my life & love others by serving them. I want to make You the greatest in everything that I do. Amen.
Action! Today I want to grow in the work of the Lord. Today I will serve others in order to please the heart of the Lord. Today I will allow God to do His will in my life.
Marelny Batista, 22 Licey Al Medio, Dominican Republic
“Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, little Israel, do not fear, for I myself will help you,” declares the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. -- Isaiah 41:14
Connect! The first time I read in Isaiah that God calls Jacob “worm” it impacted me and I did not understand why "My God" who is all sweetness, tenderness and love calls what He loves most (His people) “worm”. When we’re called worm, at first it may seem that the person calling us that is doing it with an attitude of discontent, that is, viewing us as one that creeps and is dirty, living on land or in sin as I read on several occasions. But it is a compliment, that can only be understood from a humble point of view. Deuteronomy 7:6-7, tells us that Israel is the chosen people, favored by God, consecrated to Him, not for their greatness and majesty, but by their "insignificant" smallness. Since then the relationship between “God and His people” began. When we make this personal, we can say that as our relationship with God becomes more intimate, it becomes less about us and gives room for Him to grow (John 3:30). Humility is then developed in our soul, not in the human sense of "being worthless”, but the realization that our heart is in need of God in order to live and exist.
ConneXion: What I can I tell you my good God that you do not know about me? And even still searching my intentions and my misery You melt with love for me. I only ask that you make me small, so small that you I can live nestled in your heart. Lord make me small, in your mercy help me to be small. I want to see You. Amen.
Action! - Today I am humbled before God with a prayer of thanksgiving. - Today I will think about how great God is. 23
- Today I will not let anyone take His place in my life.
NOT OF THIS WORLD (NOTW) Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA
Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” - !Jeremiah 17:10
Connect! Just like His Kingdom is not of this world, we are also not of it though we live in it. Our calling is far more of greater importance than we might perceive it as. There’s a bigger picture in which, if were to all become one and live out Gods intention for humanity, we’d be able to see it. We are the objects of his love; let us become that which he’s created us to be. God said “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over…. all the earth” His spirit, that dwells in you, is capable of activating such divine attributes through you if you let him be, such as conviction, !comfort, empowerment, regeneration, and Love. You are not of this world.
ConeXion: Lord, Help me become that which you have created me to be. Help me understand the bigger picture of what this life on earth really means. Help me carry out the message of the gospel and enlighten those around me. !Lord, help me to not conform to the things of this world and always remind that I am NOT of this world.
A c t i o n ! !!! * Today I will take notice of who I am in Christ and how He lives in me. ! * Today will no longer put aside his plans and take on His will for my life. * No longer will I look back, I will look ahead for the victory is mine to own. * Today I will MOVE FORWARD.
HEAR THE SHEPHERD’S VOICE Lauren J Ramos, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA
!!“The Gatekeeper opens the gate for them & the sheep listen to His voice. He calls them by name & leads them out. His sheep follow Him because they know His voice. But they will never follow a stranger, in fact; they will run away from him.’ ”John 10:3-5
Connect! !!!Incredibly, despite foggy hearing during the first few hours of life, an infant can distinguish its mother’s voice. He doesn’t care that he cannot see her face clearly for a few months or that it’s the first time he meets her, right away he knows his mommy’s voice. Imagine how a new mother feels when her newborn stops crying just as she holds him. Amazing! !!!In the same way, those who seek God’s face know His voice and sense His calling. It’s not enough for them to see Him from a distance, they follow Him where ever He leads. On the other hand, they do not recognize a stranger’s voice. The stranger’s voice doesn’t sound like the Shepherd, or calm their hearts like the Shepherd’s, and they are fearful where the stranger may lead them. But they trust the Shepherd, wholeheartedly and confident that He goes before them and leads them to safe pastures.
ConeXion: !!!Lord Jesus, thank You because You are a Good Shepherd who loves and protects Your sheep. Help me recognize Your voice and trust you. I promise to follow you where ever You may lead me. I confide in that You go before me and make my path smooth. Also, give me wisdom to keep away from voices that may lead me astray from You and Your ways. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Action! - Today I will take a moment to reflect on the different “voices” around me (such as peer pressure or doubt). I will keep away from these voices. 24
- Today I will listen to the Voice of God.
by Pastor Lipe, Jersey City, NJ USA
Ephesians 4:1-6 1As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— 5one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Connect! If there is anything that we find difficult is to be one. !We can talk to God and love Him with all our heart, but whenever we have people around us we need to die ourselves so we can “tolerate one in love”. !Whenever we are with someone, there will be friction, however these are welcome if we are mature and use them to grow in love. !Allow today to be a day in which you can grow in love for the family in Christ. !Today I decided to love someone that is not easy to love. !Remember it is easy to love those that love you; even the non-believers do it. !To love those that seem to not love you is difficult, but with God all things are possible.
ConeXion: Lord help me grow in love; to see this team as family. !I want to love how you love, I want to see individuals the same way you see them. !I put my pride in your hands and ask that you take away all my selfishness. !I am yours and in you I have the strength to love others the way you love them. In Jesus name, Amen.
Action! I will love those people are hard to love. I will serve those who don’t like me I will email a prayer to a friend.
Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA
“But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY." - 1 Peter 1:15-16
Connect! Not sure what holiness entitles? What does it consist of? Holiness means to be devoted entirely to him. To be holy is a lifestyle where Christ lives in us and no longer do we live for ourselves. We are called to become one, to become saints. Saints not in reference to a perfect person, but a sinner who has been taken out of the kingdom of darkness and placed in the kingdom of light. Where we are being transformed by the power of God as a potter does to turn a lump of muck into a beautiful vase. A saint is flawed, imperfect, and struggles with controlling the passions of the flesh while walking in the Spirit. Welcome saints in Christ Jesus!To be holy you must obey and be just as he was, is and always will be.
ConeXion: !!!! Lord, mold me in your hands. Though I have flaws, though I struggle, though I may fail at times, help me understand and accept that you’ve forgiven me and let me move forward for I know you keep no record of wrongs. Allow me to forgive and forget as you have, and allow me to be obedient and sensitive to your voice when you call upon me, In Jesus Name, Amen.
Action! * Today I will start walking in the spirit and let God transform me * Today will I will hold my head up high because I now know his love and mercy “My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Submit yourself unto me and I will do” 25
Marc Henri Beauge, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA
“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23: 1, 2 and 5
Connect! Life can be so difficult even for those who believe in the Lord. It can be a subject at school, a situation at work, an issue with your family or a financial burden. We can find ourselves distracted by the situation and forget who we are. Stress, doubt and insecurity are the menu of the day. There is no one to turn to because of the shame we feel or we don’t want people to know about our personal struggles; !But David, reminding us of who we truly are, calls us sheep of the lord. Our protection or insurance are not from this world. God is the source of our joy and peace. We should not be ashamed of our situations because it is the enemy’s plot against us. The enemy has been defeated by Jesus and in his face we will walk in victory and abundance. Do not let your guard down because He anointed us with His Holy Spirit, Therefore we are blessed and insured.
ConeXion Father God, thank you for reminding us who we are, sheep, your sons and your servants. Thank you for your protection. I believe that my situation is just a gate to my deliverance because my insurance is in you. Therefore, we shall live with no fear, stress, worried or financial burdens because you are my shepherd; I shall not be in want! Amen
Action! Today I will live stress free for my Lord took care of my situations. Today I will embrace my victory and walk like a champion in the name of Jesus.
B E AT I T U D E S F O R P E O P L E I N P OV E RT Y by Pastor Lipe, Jersey City, NJ USA
Matthew 5: 1-12 Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Connect! God, Lord and Father of all always haves His heart inclined to His children. Jesus began His ministry by declaring the beatitudes, blessings to those who listened. His heart felt compassion for those who followed him. His heart always inclined to those who were in need and especially for those who understand that their need was not a curse but an opportunity. Certainly you are in a country that has poverty, but poverty exists throughout the world. Look at the need as an opportunity for transformation. If today we see how Jesus sees, we must think as He thinks and declare what He declares. The poor and those hungry for God will always be filled first. Today, let’s help the poor in spirit be satisfied in God and remind them that they are not forgotten; that theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
ConeXion: God help me see with your eyes. Help me see the need as an opportunity. Help me always hunger and thirst for you, and be satisfied in your presence. Today I want to be your hands; today I want to be your feet. Today I will be an instrument of your love and mercy. Thank you for making me a part of your team, in Jesus name. Amen" 26
Action! - !!" - !!" - !!"
Today I will remember the promises and prophecies spoken to my life. Today I will give my time and resources to someone in need. Today I will be a peace maker in a situation with my friends or family !
Sasha Portes, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ USA
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5: 15-20
Connect! The one question I try to ask myself when I stand on the altar before the Lord and in front of the entire congregation is: is this the only time/moment !in my life that !I praise the Lord? !Or is this when I !praise the Lord the most? Is it Sunday? The more we seek the Lord, the more we will realize that there is not a definite time to Praise Him. Praise ought to be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or as said 24/7. Psalm 71:8 states exactly when we most praise: !“My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring !your splendor all day long.” !For many it’s hard to set aside that time to praise the Lord, however praise goes beyond singing a worship song. My being and my lifestyle praises the Lord. Everything I do, what I say, how I act, how I walk, and even how I sit is praise onto the Lord. This might sound a little extreme but today lets make our life count, lets make our praise count, Lets live a life of praise!
ConeXion: Lord give me a heart of praise, the ability to live a life of praise. Let me examine my heart and cleanse myself of anything that is not allowing me to declare your splendors all day long. I love you Lord and I want my life to be an act of praise. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
Action! Today I will think of 3 reasons why I should Praise the Lord Today I will dedicate a time of praise to the Lord
Francis Socorro, Youth Leader, Paterson, NJ USA
“When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. “ John 21:15-17
Connect! We know the story about Simon Peter denying Jesus in the book of Matthew: Then he began to call down curses, and he swore to them, “I don’t know the man!” Immediately a rooster crowed. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly. We have all acted like Peter in our lives, not just in one occasion but every day. We may not hear roosters crowing but we do deny God. So many times we find ourselves thinking at night how we “wronged” God and how we are unworthy, how we could have mentioned Jesus in that conversation or how we should have obeyed mom, Or simply how we ignored God during our 27
day. However one word comes to mind and that is Grace. God knows our deepest desires and He knows how we truly long to worship Him in spirit and in truth, and for that reason God asks, “(insert your name here) do you love me?” He’s waiting for you to accept His forgiveness and to come back in a genuine relationship with Him.
ConeXion: Father, I pray that I realize how long, wide, and deep Your love is. That Your love will keep me by Your power alone and that You don’t care where I’ve fallen, where I have been, You'll never forsake me. Teach me how to overcome my guilt and lead me to forgiveness and reconciliation. Teach me how to obey and love You. In Jesus name, Amen.
Action! Today I will acknowledge and accept the unending love God has for me Today i will accept the Lord’s forgiveness and take back my place in His righteous kingdom.
HELPING EACH OTHER Jennylee Sosa, Youth Leader, Lawrence, MA USA
“So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron & Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone & put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron & Hur held his hands up- one on one side, one on the other- so that his hands remained steady til sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.” Exodus 17:10-13
Connect! Although we are going through our own personal things during spiritual battles, our brothers alongside us may be going through the same as us, or maybe even heavier things that are weighing down their faith. The Israelite's victory in Exodus depended on whether or not Moses kept his hands up, praising God. Once Aaron and Hur saw he was becoming tired, they did everything in their power to help him keep his hands up- providing him comfort to sit down and literally held Moses' hands up for him when he could not anymore. !As brothers, we need to do the same with each other. Remember that we are here for one another, to bring comfort and a Word of strength when our brother seems to be growing weary. We are all under the same mission, at war against the same enemy, and in power with our same God. He is always with us, we are never alone. And if Christ is in us, we need to spread his love through his works and be there for each other. Your neighbor's victory may be depending on your fellowship and prayer to help them overcome their battle. Make it a goal today to take time and talk to a brother that God puts in your heart. Pray for them and spend time with them to strenghen your bond, and to edify theirs with Jesus Christ.
ConeXion: Lord, help me become more aware of my surroundings. Help me see and pay more attention to my brothers and sisters that are facing affliction- let me put myself aside, and know that you are working. I have full faith and trust that my battle has already been defeated in your name, and the same for my brothers'. !I pray that you multiply the love in my heart for everyone, that I do not turn away those who come to me for guidance and prayer, and the words I speak to my brothers are those that edify, and not those that bring doubt. The victory is in you, and in no one else. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Action! *Pray for a brother/Sister God puts in your heart *Take time out to spend with them
CHOOSE TO REJOICE! Janina Batista, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ, USA
“Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart.” Psalm 32:11
Connect! Just a few weeks ago, I received some news that really put my spirit down. !!After having such an amazing weekend with my brothers and sisters from church and feeling renewed, strengthened, and extremely joyful, this news just made me forget about everything and really put a toll on my spirit. !It was something that just came out of left field and was completely unexpected. ! As I was driving home, tears could not stop running down my cheeks until I heard a song that kept repeating “I will rejoice and be glad”. !In this song something stood out that made me realize that the enemy was behind all this. !You see, the enemy knows the word of God and he knows that JOY is what gives us our STRENGTH. !When he attacks our joy, he is also attacking our strength to weaken us. !!This was something I was not going to allow the enemy take away from me, so I chose to rejoice in the Lord! !I was not going to allow the circumstances take me away from seeing what God had done in my life and especially after having such an amazing time in His presence that weekend. !I chose not to be angry, I chose not to be bitter, I chose not to be depressed, but instead rejoice in the Lord and praise Him with all my strength. !My friend, choose to rejoice and be glad in the Lord. !No matter what circumstances you are going through, choose to rejoice and be glad in the Lord because behind that situation He has a purpose and all He wants to do is manifest His glory through it in your life. !Do not allow the enemy take away your joy, instead reclaim it back and choose to be glad in the Lord.
ConeXion: Father, I choose to rejoice and be glad in YOU. !No matter what circumstances I may be going through right now I choose to rejoice and be glad in You. !In your presence is where my joy and strength is and I trust that in the mist of this circumstance Your glory will be manifested through me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Action! Today I will choose to rejoice in the love of my God Today I will overcome sorrow and be strengthened in the joy that only the Lord can offer me!
Miriam Jireh Morillo, Youth Leader, Lawrence, MA, USA
“By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. !He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. !He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the King’s anger; he persevered because he saw Him who is invincible.” Hebrew 11:24-27
Connect! !!Like in the times of Moses and us today a lot has changed, but one thing for sure hasn’t; our struggles and obstacles we have to face every day. Everyone has things in their lives that they need to let go of in order to let God work in their lives. Let’s take a look Moses; he gave up his position as prince to suffer with the people of God because he knew what God has promised him. He passed on all the worldly things to live for the Lord. But it was not easy; Moses moved and did everything by faith. Trusting in the Lord no matter how difficult a task might have been, he still did it. Moses loyalty for the lord mattered more to him than anything. God was always there for him. Now as us believers and followers of the Lord we need to look at Moses as an example and live our lives fully for the Lord. In times that we feel at our lowest, we need to remember who is with us and is holding us up. When we are faced with a difficult problem, and see no way out, we need to have faith and trust in the Lord no matter what. Just like Moses we need to “look ahead” at our “reward”. Not giving up. Now look at yourself, think of the things in your life right now that may be holding you back to fully live your life for God. What do you have to let go of? Who is around you that is not helping you grow spiritually? Sometimes the best person to encourage you is yourself. By remembering who you are in Christ and knowing what God has promised you. The Lord is faithful, just remember to be faithful to Him and trust in Him with everything you have.
ConeXion: !!Lord, I need more of you. I need your guidance through everything I am going through. Help me face these obstacles in my life so that I can live for you to the fullest. I want to be faithful to you and trust you in everything. I know you are with me everywhere that I go. I want to be obedient to your word and follow your ways help me Lord when I feel like I can’t overcome things. Give me the strength that I need to face my fears and anything that comes my way. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Action! Remember When faced with a difficult task !God is with you! Try it out! Put your faith in action today by praying and seeking the Lord in everything you do.
by Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jersey City, NJ USA
Psalms 23 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. !!" You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Connect This Psalm might be the most known passage in the Bible, although we have heard it many times it is important to read it and revisit it until we can memorize it. When you confess God as your pastor you are placed as his sheep, his follower. Remember that God's love for you extends beyond the reach of existence. Allow God to fill you with His peace even when he disciplines you with his "rod" and "staff" as you rest knowing that you are living in His will. the rod and staff were utilized for various purposes. !!!!!!!!!1) To protect the sheep from other animals and beasts. !!!!!!!!!2) To guide the sheep to safe places. !!!!!!!!!3) To rescue the sheep that may fall in a hole. !!!!!!!!!4) Lastly the rods serve as the place where all of God's promises were recorded for that individual, to later be passed down from generation to generation. Believe that today, God's promises for your life are new Breath. Believe that you are truly in the best place that you can be in His will.
ConeXion: Lord Jesus, today I want you to be my pastor. Guide my life; discipline me, as you must. Protect me although I walk through places unknown. I need your protection and mercy. I want to remain in you always Amen.
Action: - !!" - !!" - !!"
Today I will accept God’s discipline although it hurts. Today I will remember that my needs are met because God is shepherd. Today I will talk to a friend in need that God will also care for them.
Jamie Betances, Paterson, NJ USA
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. !It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. !Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
Connect! I’m quite certain you have been exposed to these verses. Even non-believers will refer to these standards not knowing its origin. Unfortunately, we often forget the true meaning of love and what it looks like. We live in a world where lust replaces love, where degrading comments are accepted as terms of endearment, and abuse is a form of love. Take time today to recognize how you give and receive love. Are you being kind and patient? Are you seeking the good of others instead of your own? Are 30
you rejoicing in truth or do you find joy in the punishment or maltreatment of others? This is not a green light to allow others to treat you badly. Instead, it is a reminder that you should respond in love to everyone in all situations. This includes the rude customer at the supermarket, the judgmental parent, the driver who cut in front of you, and even the close friend you betrayed your trust. This may be difficult at first and you may feel justified when you don’t respond in love in certain situations, but thankfully we are blessed to have a God who can do anything. We can do anything with His strength.
ConeXion Lord, fill me with Your love. Allow me to love everyone the way You love them. Help me break down any barriers that keep me from accomplishing this and help me grow in patience and in kindness. Remind me to keep trying even when I mess up. Thank you Lord, for Your love and kindness. In Your name I pray, Amen.
Action! Today, I will be patient with the people I encounter. I will do an act of kindness Today, I will recognize my standards of love and exchange them for His Today, I will not allow anger to overcome me in tough situations.
YO U A R E N ’ T G U I LT Y Michael Ayala, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin” Romans 8:1-2
Connect! Sometimes we allow the guilt of our sin to tell us we can’t speak to God. But what is guilt – a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc. !Guilt only allows us to see the sin we committed and blinds us from what is a head of us (blessings). It is a feeling that we feel inside of us, that might tell us “you messed up”….. “He isn’t going to listen to you, you are a sinner”. !!We need to understand that no matter how big our sin is, it is by no means bigger than Christ or too much for His blood to clean and forget. Christ did not come to condemn us, He came to restore. So don’t allow the feeling of guilt to hold you back from asking for forgiveness or speaking to Him. Guilt destroys, however, God restores everything that has been destroyed and makes us whole. Why do we condemn ourselves if Christ doesn’t condemn us?
ConeXion: Lord help me with this guilt. I know this feeling isn’t from you. Forgive me from my sins and help Lord to not fall in this sin again. Today I put my sin at your feet. No longer shall guilt hold me back from calling out to you. You don’t condemn me so I will not condemn myself. Love you Christ. In the name of Jesus, Amen. !
I will not let a feeling keep me from the love or blessings of Christ.
I S H E YO U R N U M B E R O N E ? Naomy De Pena, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ USA
“Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” Exodus 34:14
Connect! Growing up I learned that jealousy was not something nice to feel, so the very first time I read this verse I was very surprised to find out that in the bible God is described as a “…Jealous God” I asked God to reveal to me that part of his character so that I could understand how a loving God could at the same time be jealous. !I clearly heard his voice asking me: “Am I number one in your life?” !I said: “of course”. !Then he led me to make a list of the people and things in my life and number them in order of importance. !He focused my eyes on # 2 and then explained how it was only a matter of time until #2 would become my #1. 31
At that moment I understood that he didn’t want to be #1 in my life, but he wanted to be the only one. !!How would your boyfriend/girlfriend feel if you told them “I love you! You are my number one, but I also have a #2, and #3…” God does not want to be a part of your life. !He wants to be your life. He wants you to be immersed in him in such a way that all your needs and wants would be provided through him.Someone once asked me “Do you want to have God in your plans, or have your plans in God?”
ConeXion Lord, help me to make you the only one in my life. !Reveal to me the things or people who are competing to take your place in my life. !Give me the strength and determination to let go of those things so that you will be my one and only. In Jesus name, Amen
Action! * Today I will identify the things/people who compete with God’s place in my life. * Today will make a decision to allow God to be my only one.
Ronnie & Sonyvette Croussett, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ, USA
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” Ephesians 6:13- 18
Connect! We have learned that our battle is not against blood and flesh but it’s a spiritual battle. What am I wearing if I’m not wearing the Armor of God? We are wearing the Armor of the Weapons of the Flesh. Which are: Lust, Fornication, Adultery, Greed, Pride, Laziness, Depression, Anger, Unforgiveness, Revenge, Anger, Self-Righteousness, Gossip, Confusion, Lies, Deception,etc. !If I don’t wear The Belt of Truth I might be wearing Lust, Fornication or Adultery. If I don’t wear The Breastplate of Righteousness I might be wearing Unforgiveness, Anger or Self-Righteousness. If I don’t wear the sandals to Stand on The Gospel I might be wearing Laziness. If I don’t wear The Helmet Of Salvation I might be wearing Gossip,Confusion, Lies and Deception.If I don’t wear The Shield of Faith I might be wearing doubts and hopelessness. If I don’t wear The Sword of The Spirit - The Word of God I might be wearing all the above given the fact that the is the Word of God who is going to guide me and free me from sin.
ConeXion: Lord, help me to clothe myself with the FULL armor of God. I take off any flesh-centered clothes and please Lord clothe me with your armor. I want to be stand firm when the evil day comes. In your powerful name of Jesus, Amen.
Action! - Today, I will write down my thoughts and I will changed them into godly thoughts. - Today, I will research in order to know more about: truth, faith and righteousness. - Today, I will enlist to be part of God’s army.
YO U ’ R E B E A U T I F U L , J U S T T H E WAY YO U A R E Pastor Betsy Johanna Fernandez, Jersey City, NJ, USA
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13-16 32
Connect! Image is so important to us. We base our looks by music videos, magazine, or people around us. As we grow we try to change our style, talk, walk, or hobbies. Is totally normal, trying to find where you belong. Finding your Identity But how far would you go? What encouraged me to continue my walk with Christ was that He accepted me just that way I was. At times I felt intimidated when compared to others. !But every in and outer part of you it was all the Lord’s work. We take for granted the legs so we can dance and run or eyes to see. There was this young girl, 15 years old, who had an infection on her face. She would at herself and did not like what she saw in the mirror. One night, !as she prayed she felt God close. Then she looked her self in the mirror. Guess what happen? She still had the infection but now she was happy. For the first time that girl saw herself with the eyes of the Lord. Beautiful just the way she was! !The Lord allowed her to see through His eyes that she was and is beautiful to Him. He loves you just the way you are (way before Bruno Mars came out with that song). He loves you!!! There is no other love like Jesus Christ loves you.
ConeXion Lord, help me see my self the way that you see me. Help me see that you love me just the way I am. Also, Help me see others the way that you see them. I pray that I understand that you love me, and that you created everything about me. In your beautiful name, Jesus. Amen.
Action! Today, I as I see myself in a mirror I will praise God for his creation Today, I will help someone feel accepted and loved by God with my actions
Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA
“But since we are of the day, let us attain spiritual self- esteem, after we have put on the breastplate of doctrine, and virtue love, and as a helmet, the confidence in salvation.” - !1st Thessalonians 5:8
Connect! Honor and integrity can only be ascribed by learning the truth....., knowing the truth....., Thinking the truth......., and applying the truth!!! Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life”, know him and know the truth. The very essence of sustaining the love God intended for humanity is truth. The truth sets you free from all things. God has provided the thinking or the mind of Christ, 1CO 2:16, as our means of attaining the honor, the virtue and the integrity of God. To be strong spiritually is to operate in the integrity of God. This comes from the application of these principles to your particular circumstances in life. Operate in integrity, and notice how you’ll be !living in His righteousness and putting on the breastplate which he has provided. Make a vow to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Stand by it and defend it with your life. We are called to stand out, not to be conformed to the behaviors and patterns of this world, but to be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may prove what the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God is. It starts in the mind, after that it’s a domino effect spreading to your heart, !words, actions, emotions, intellect, will, family, church, community, nation, and last but not least of all, a Generation. A Generation of Character, a generation of commitment, a generation of conviction.
ConeXion: Lord, allow me to honor you and your ways. Bring clarity to my life, help me apply the principles of your word to attain the honor and integrity I need. Renew my mind so that I may prove and see what your good, pleasing, and perfect will is for my life. I know I can do all things through you who gives me strength, in Jesus name, Amen.
Action!! *Today I will change my ways in order to think and become more like Christ. *Today I will Stand firm and not copy the behaviors of those around me *Today I will speak truth and nothing more, for it is the truth that sets me free. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
T H E S TA RT O F T H E R AC E """"""by Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jersey City
Acts 9:1-18 Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. !!"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. "Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." -(Complete reading Acts 9:1-18 in your Bible)
Connect! While Saul was walking towards his own destiny he ended up walking to the destination that God had for him. In his walk he had his own agenda but God used his past and his impulse to use it for His glory. Likewise, God had to make a name change and a change of vision that would lead to the transformation. Saul was used by God to bring the Gospel to
people like you and me. As you prepare to do the will of God in Haiti asks:
1) A genuine encounter with God: that you truly know God as He is, so you can discuss His greatness. 2) A change of vision: ask the Lord to change your mind and your heart to feel like Him. May you have the eyes (vision) of God. May God remove all spiritual blindness to see how He sees and not with your own eyes. 3) A change of name: states that your past no longer defines your present if not the word of God in your life to found a new future that starts today. You're not the same, you have a NEW name. Your past, good or bad, is already erased. Continue forward.
ConeXion: Lord make me like you. Help me to see what you see, help me always remember that time when I met you. And help me today to be an Ananias to help those who are blind who look at you. Amen
Action! Today I want to have a real encounter with God. Today I will see life through God’s perspective Today I will forget my prejudice and past and I will accept a new name.
Sonyvette Croussett, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ, USA
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 5:10-11
Connect! !!!!Many times we ask ourselves why do we suffer? why do we go through trials and situations in our daily lives? Suffering is feeling pain. In the Bible there are many people who suffered and in the midst of their circumstances God wanted to test some aspect of your life. Job lost his family, his wealth and became ill; God wanted to test the loyalty of Job’s heart (Job 1:8). Paul was stoned, went to jail, was bitten by a snake, suffered danger at sea and in the desert had a thorn on his side from God (Galatians 2:20 / 2 Corinthians 12:7-9); God wanted to show that He is glorified in the midst of our weaknesses and we should not exalt ourselves for what we have or what we have reached. Jesus was tempted, spat upon, betrayed, beaten. God gave His son so that we might receive forgiveness for our sins and we see the greatness of God's love for us (Isaiah 53:5). Just like Job, Paul and Jesus we too are suffering and God has a purpose for it. !!!!Why suffer? God tells us that we must suffer or go through different circumstances so that He can place within us the qualities we lack in order to make us stronger in the spiritual, emotional and physical and to be established in Him always for His glory. 34
ConeXion !!!- Lord help me be strong even when I’m in the midst of tribulations. I know this will not last forever and that you're with me even in the midst of the storm.
Action! - Today will trust in God even in the midst of trial. - Today I will help others understand that God is with them even in the midst of trial.
AUTHORITY TO OVERCOME by Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, Jersey City, NJ USA
Luke 9:1-9 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: "Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic. 4Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. 5If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them." 6So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere.
Connect! Jesus has given us the authority to overcome. The confession of Jesus over his Disciples empowered them to do the task at hand; you have the authority of Christ within you. He has given you the power to do what he has called you to do. do not fear, don't be scared. Take possession of what belongs to you and believe that in God you have the power to be his witness to the nations. You have the power to set the captive free, heal the sick, and preach his word even in your school and your work place. ! Take your place and walk in faith, love, and wisdom. Victory is already yours.
ConeXion: Lord Jesus, I declare that I believe in the authority you have given me to do your will. I declare that what has been instilled in me through the spirit will bear fruit in the natural and that today I will see your glory. You are with me always and today we team up to expand your kingdom in this nation. By the power in Jesus, Amen.
Action! - Today I will confess that I have the victory in all the areas of my life. - Today, I will not speak with negativity but I will speak blessing to others. - Today, I will memorize Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.
W H AT S H O U L D I D O N OW ? Pastor Ignacio Torres, Brooklyn, NY, USA
A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice. -- Isaiah 42:3
Connect! A young man approached me and told me: “I don’t know why my life is full of ups and downs. Although I love God with all my heart, I fall before the temptations of the world.” Many believe that when they fall, all their love for God should end there, and their spiritual life begins to weaken. However, it does not have to be that way. Young Jews in their free time would go to the rivers make flutes with stems of a plant that grows on the banks of the river. These bamboo-like stems were hollow, tender and delicate. In the process of making the flute, some stems broke easily. Plenty of broken stems that were useless would float in the river. God is forming you to make you into a flute and use you for His glory. If you were broken in the process He will not throw you in the river, even if there are many stalks, He will continue to work with you. Do not stop, get up. Do not go far from His presence, though you have been broken, continue. He knows that your brokenness is part of the process. !
When this process ends for many, and God begins to use them, the same thing that happens with lamps and candles happens with them. Lamps and candles in the early hours of service are bright and splendid, the whole world notices that they are on. But over time the wick of the candle gets hard and dry which makes the light decreases greatly and not only that but it begins to release a foul-smelling smoke around the house. If your light has stopped to shine and those around you may not know what side you're on, if you’ve begun to release the stinky smoke, are confused, discouraged or frustrated, remember what God said He’d do in the end. He says He will not turn the flame off, but just as with candles you simply need cut the tip of the wick and then the candle will be ready to continue to give good light, the Holy Spirit will cut those things that are distracting you in your life. Why go back, or stop the process? God has not completed it yet. The process will be complete once we reach heaven. That is the goal !
ConneXion Lord, forgive me for allowing things around me to distract me and stop my light from shining. Holy Spirit I give you the permission to cut those things from my life that are distracting me so my light could shine for you. Thank you for never giving up on me and continuing the process you have begun in me.
Action! Today I will examine what those things are that are preventing the light of Christ to shine clearly through me.
Julia Lopez, youth leader, Licey ICFS, Dominican Republic
“...until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” -- Ephesians 4:13
Connect! God is so interested in that we grow in Him, that He wants us to get to the stature of the fullness of his son (Jesus). We obtain this growth by seeking more of Him each day, through prayer, reading the Bible, church attendance, Christian friendships and everything that brings us closer to him. As Christians we must examine ourselves in order to see how we’re growing and to reach the full enjoyment of a life in Christ. For we will have many offers of things that can prevent our growth. Some things to denote spiritual growth: - We become a more independent spirit (not just ask for prayer, but pray for our needs). - We do not come to church so that God speaks to us, but for us to confirm what He’s already been talking about. - We know what our faith is based on, and reject everything that comes against it.
ConneXion: I thank God for this day, I ask you to help me grow every day more in you. I ask you to help me get away from things that prevent my spiritual growth and that I may fall more in love with you. In Jesus' name, amen.
Action! - Today I ask myself, am I growing in God? - Today I will think of what things prevent my progress? - Today I will think about where I want to go with God? What are you doing to get there? - Today I will make a plan of what things I need to do in order to achieve the stature of the fullness of Christ.
SUFFERING FOR THE NAME OF JESUS Tony Nunez, Licey, Dominican Republic
Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. -- Matthew 10:34-39
Connect! We have heard, on many occasions, how many families have been restored by Jesus, and all its members have been reached by the mercy of God. But, also I’ve noticed where the first member to receive Christ in a family has to suffer in the flesh, exactly what our Lord says in this passage of Matthew. On several occasions we have seen this and will continue to see we must suffer 36
for Christ. !To put a believer in this situation is the first trick that Satan uses in his attempt to frustrate the believer in the ways of Christ, combined with the influence of the world and their supposed “best friends”. " It is clear that many believers make the illusion that in serving God everything !will be problem free. But the Lord telI us that He has told you these things, so that in Him we may have peace. And what more grief for a human being to be rejected, abused, discriminated against and blamed from their own family? Our enemy knows this and that is precisely why this is one of his tools to attack the children of God, that is, put the family against us because of Christ. But as the Word says in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. We achieve this by loving Him who first loved us more than our own family, even more than ourselves and then all His promises to us will follow, especially this one: Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household. -- Acts 16:31.
ConneXion My God this day I ask you to give me your understanding and stay with me as I confront the situations presented to me. I ask that you may touch those people who reject me or have moved away from me; that they may become my allies. I ask you Lord in Jesus name. Amen.
Action! Today I will reflect more on God’s face than !above all things. He is almighty,no matter how many times people reject me, especially my family. Today I will take my focus away from the men and put it on my Holy Father in heaven. ! Today I will make every effort to have my mind in Jesus.
A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER Eduardo Gil, Youth Leader, Newark, NJ USA
“I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.” - Proverbs 8:17
Connect! Are you tired of being emotional? Tired of seeing all your expectations come u short? Tired of being left alone? Have you Ever felt a time when everything was stripped away from your very grasp and emptiness dwelling in your heart, mind, and soul? Tire no more!!! The time has come for you to uncover the mysteries of HIS love. Love like no other. A love that’s patient and kind. A love that does not envy or boast. A love that’s not proud or rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. A Love that does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. A Love that will never, ever fail. I encourage you to take the time, to seek, to find, to become that which is the greatest of all, Love.
ConeXion: Lord, help me. Help me find the time to seek you, to find you and to become one with you. I want to engulf myself in the deepest realms of your presence. Where I can dwell in the midst of your unconditional, intangible, irresistible love. Where I can no longer just feel but become the very object of love that you intended me to be, unconditionally. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Action! - Today I will make time to seek you and find - Today will serve those who do not like me.
WHEN SILENCE SPEAKS By Pastor Luis “Lipe” Fernandez, USA
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. -- Psalms 46:10 My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. Oh Israel put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore. -- Psalm 131
Connect! Being still in moments of great action is difficult. Perhaps the most difficult thing for us to do is to keep quiet and sit still. But it is in silence that God speaks louder. It is our silence that can express the most intimate details of our hearts. May your heart be 37
still in the presence of God today. May you know more about His beauty in the stillness of your heart. May it be that in this silence you may hear those intimate things you do not want others to hear. May you learn to depend on God and not your talents in this stillness. May you be able to be still recognizing that He is God today.
ConeXion: Lord help me be quiet and comfortable in the silence. May I be quiet in your presence as I wait in you, just as a child with their mother. I want to learn to listen and love you in everything I do. I'm yours forever. In your sweet name, Amen.
Action! - !!" - !!" - !!"
Today I will learn to be still and in silence in the middle of trouble Today I will take time to pray in silence. Today I will learn to listen to others before I speak.
PEACE IN THE STORM Pastor Irma Reyes, North Hudson, USA
“Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him.” Matthew 8:23
Connect! Something that scares us is when we hear the news that a storm is approaching. We enter into tension, pressure, and it is normal for us to prepare ourselves with everything necessary to the atmospheric phenomenon that will visit us. A similar thing ! happens in our lives. We cross the desert and sometimes are like the disciples, filled with fear at the violent storm. But we must not forget that Jesus is in our boat as He was with the disciples. Although He was sleeping in the midst of the storm, soon He ! will say the word and we will know once again of His love and care for us.
ConeXion: Dear God, thank you because you come with me on my boat. Help me in the middle of the storm I'm living in. Please strengthen me so that I may be able to reach the other side in peace, while holding your hand.
Action! Today I will seek the presence of God in the midst of this storm. Today I will be fearless and at peace because I know God is with me. “Don’t tell God how great is your storm, tell the storm how great is your God!”
Jason Rivera, Youth Leader, Newark NJ USA
For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you” !!!I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. -- 2 Corinthians 6:2
Connect! " Many times in this race we call life, we become weary and exhausted. As we run daily we become worried with things such as who is faster, how much longer do we have to run, and we begin to question why we are running or better said where are we running toward, what is the goal? Our vision becomes blurry and we fall into the insecurity of our salvation. We pray and pray for answers to our thousand questions, demanding that God gives us answers as to, why me? when will I be promoted? am I truly saved? !!!!!!!!!I have been there so many times, accusing God of not being there for me just to justify the false neglect I felt from the Lord. God has been so good and merciful with all of us, and with me in particular because He has made me understand today that now is the time for God’s favor upon my life, and guess what! …..This is your moment of salvation, today God’s favor is on your side and bestowed upon you! 38
!!What you need to realize is that through all the times you have felt alone or lost in the race, God has been in the sidelines rooting for you! Permitting the most troublesome of times to build your character, strengthen your legs of faith that will leave a trail to those who will run behind you and follow you. Today salvation is yours, and the hand of God our heavenly father moves in your favor!
ConeXion !!Holy Father, thank you for your salvation, for fixing Your eyes to me and loving me so unconditionally that You offered Your only begotten son to save a sinner like me. Continue to move Your hand in my favor, and place in me a yearning to seek more of you. Not just to keep my salvation, but to bring it to those surrounding me, in the name of Jesus amen.
Action! - Today I will remember and treasure this moment in which I have salvation in Jesus Christ, by giving by grace what by grace I have received. - Today I will blindly trust that God’s favor is with me, and it will guide me to live in His will to bring glory to His name.
WO R D S O F A DV I C E F O R T H E H E A RT Sonyvette Croussett, Youth Leader, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Give your heart to God (Proverbs 23:26) Having a new, clean heart (Ezekiel 18:31 / Psalm 51:10) Let God guide your heart (1 John 3:21) Have a willing and cheerful heart (Psalm 108:1) Have a heart that believes God (Hebrews 3:12) Have a heart sensitive to God (Hebrews 3:8) Have a heart that seeks after God (Psalm 119:2) Love God with all your heart (Matthew 22:37-38) Serve God with a perfect heart and willing spirit (1 Chronicles 28:9) Guard your heart for itis the wellspring of life (Proverbs 4:23)
Connect! We are born and grow up thinking that we are good people. When we begin to hear about God, who He is and the purpose which He created us for, we come to realize that we need Him and that it’s better to accept Him as our Savior and let Him in our hearts dwell there. The question is: In what state was my heart in when I gave God access to enter and reign in it? The truth is that our heart needs to be examined and renewed as it has been affected by all the experiences we have lived.
ConeXion Lord I come before you to give you my heart. You know my heart because you created me. Examine my heart and cleanse me. Give me a heart like yours Lord. In your name I pray. Amen.
Activate! Today I will guard my heart from all evil. Today I will share with someone these "Words of Advice for the Heart."
S A LVAT I O N , T H E P U R P O S E O F WO R S H I P Darwin “Antorcha” Gonzalez, Youth Leader, ICFS Jersey City, NJ, USA
Noah built an altar to the LORD …Genesis 8:20
Connect! !!!!Many know the obedient Noah, few know Noah the worshiper. It amazes me that after 377 days in the ark, the first thing Noah did was to''build an altar to Jehovah.'' Imagine the ark was full of animals, only had one window, and I’m sure there was a suffocating heat and very bad stench. !!!!Upon leaving the ark, Noah has so many options, perhaps simply enjoy being on land, or rest. However, he decided to build an altar of worship to the Lord. Salvation was the reason for the worship of Noah. Salvation must be the reason for our worship. There is no greater gift than the gift of Salvation. We often lose focus and become troubled because things do not go as we wish. God. While we must always be grateful to God and His blessings, the fact remains that these additions are only temporary, while Salvation is an eternal blessing. So, when problems overwhelm you, and things do not go as planned, remember: salvation is the reason for worship.
ConeXion Father I thank You for my salvation. Thank You. for as you have given me salvation I now have eternal life and life in abundance. Thank You for dying on the cross, I love you Jesus. Amen.
Action! !!!* Today reflect on where God saved you from. * Thank God as you read Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
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