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Mai Ichimura 2010

アリゾナ州立大学、4年生の洗濯に関する一年間の研究内容です。General Electricからスポン サーを受け、授業でのフィードバックを受けながら製作していきました。 ターゲットユーザーは 2014年の33歳に設定し、マーケティングリサーチ、洗濯機や洗濯洗剤の歴史、インタビューな どのプロセスから情報を得て、 ブレインストーミングを行い、 コンセプトを決めていきました。 スケッチ、 レンダリング、 スタディーモデル、3Dモデルを作成しながら、最終的なデザインを 決めました。 Dryadはアメリカの一般家庭における、洗濯乾燥機の利用を抑え、本来の洗濯の物干しよりも 簡単に、手早く洗濯物が干せるよう、デザインされたプロダクトです。 アメリカでは、殆どの家 庭で洗濯乾燥機を利用するのが一般的であり、乾燥機を使うことは、家庭用電化製品の中で も、電気の使用量が多く、洗濯の手順の中では最も環境汚染が心配されるプロセスです。 プロダクトの用途は、小さな洗濯物(下着や靴下など)をスタンドに付いた袋に入れ、そのまま 閉じて、洗濯機の中へ入れます。洗濯終了後、一つ一つ洗濯バサミで小さな洗濯物を干す手間 をなくすため、その袋を平らに開き、洗濯物を広げる事で、乾かせられるようにしました。その 他のシャツなどは、 スタンドに付属の洗濯籠にいれ、洗濯後は、ハンガーなどで、 スタンドに干 せるようにしました。Dryadは、室内屋外兼用です。

My objective was to forecast a sustainable and practical design solution for doing laundry in the year 2014. Target user: 33 years old in 2014 The innovation proposal of senior project in senior industrial design studio at ASU.

I wondered how people think about doing laundry in the US... Research: The state of clothes dryers in the US, and American views on their necessity

The three most energy-hungry appliances Residential Consumption of Electricity by End Use, 2001

From Luxury to Necessity - and Back Again Percentage of people rating each item as a necessity


80 Clothes dryer 60




TV set Microwave

40 Home air conditioning 20 Dishwasher 0



Americans and their washers and dryers 111.1 million total households in 2005

Loads of Clothes Dried Use a Clothes Dryer in the Home Every time clothes are washed Some, but not all loads Used infrequently Do Not Use a Clothes Dryer in the Home

Clothes Dryer





83% of 1000 Americans thought a clothes dryer was a “necessity� in 2006.

87.5 72.4 12.4 2.7 23.6


of Americans think of clothes dryers as an unnecessary extravagance in 2009. the Pew Research Center

2006 2009

Next step: observation helped me to experience the laundry process through the eyes of real a real mom. Time she spends

3 1 11 2 2 3 1 1 11 2

Emily’s laundry process 40

Emily Kerns, 29 years old, married, 1 son (3 month-old) Two story house in Chandler, Arizona, U.S.A Usually does laundry twice a week.


Bring dirty towels from kitchen and bathroom downstairs.


Put dirty baby clothes in hallway for convinience. Put her baby in his cradle or his bed. Take sheets off of bed. Go to her and her hasband’s closet to get clothes. Put the sheets with dirty clothes. Bring clothes and sheets to laundry machine closet. Put laundry into machine. Set machine. Liquid detergent spillage.

Put detergent into machine. Start washing.

Leave the machine and check stuff in dryer. Do something else or take care of her baby. Take washed clothes to dryer. Leaning over with baby on her back. Put clothes in dryer (while sometimes carrying baby). Lots of electricity used.


Start drying.

Grab all the clothes and hold them in arms. Leaves a trail of socks.

Carry them back to bedroom. Put sheets back on bed.

Put clothes that did not completely dry in closet to dry. Put some clean clothes in space in hallway. She hates folding.

Fold some clothes or put on hangers. Fold baby’s clothes in his bedroom. Put clean baby clothes in his closet. Occasionally iron. Use wrinkle releaser sometimes.

3 Environmental impact

2 Burden level low









Based on the data I gathered, I brainstormed various solutions...

Folding up to stable foundation for the net. Carrying it anywhere to your destination with attached wheel.

Narrowing down...

Extend the arms to put the net by pushing down the buttons. The net smoothly extend with washed garments.

Each poles have suction cups that are ďŹ xed on window either inside or outside. - how can it make stick on window four together? - strong enough?

Use for both indoor and outdoor - need rollers?

Simply laying down the frame to spread the net for washed garments. - height issue? - long enough?

Changing to the hanging base like puzzle.

3 concept renderings

Frame for hamper use

I liked where I was headed with a new hamper concept, and decided to focus my further ideation there... 3. Perform the simple steps to trans form the hamper to a drying stand. 1. Close the bag, put it into laundry machine, and take the hamper with you.

2. Once the clothes are clean, take the bag to a desirable destination that is full of sunshine, and bring along the hamper.

4. Place the laundry net bag on the stand, open it, and lay it at, then spread the small clothes evenly for drying.

5. Once the clothes are dry, return the bag and stand to hamper functionality and continue using.

extend to both sides

net for drying

extention for other use handle


extention part extention part stable base - need support?


After building a full scale study model, I found the most ergonomically sound proportions for the product. Human Interaction Measured with actual study model (full scale)


MAX 40,75” 1340mm min 32.25” 850mm

95%ILE man


Common Comfort Zone




DIA 0.375 9.1 0.875 22

Lift Weight <20 lb 9 kg <50 lb 23 kg

The Measure of Man & Woman - human factors in design p43

Wall or Obstruction 1.5” MIN 38

1.5” DIA

3.3” 2.9” 2.5” 84 74 63


Grip length 4.8” 4.3” 3.8” 122 109 97

Bare Gloves 3.8” MIN 4.5” OPT 97mm 114mm

1.5” MIN- 2” OPT 38mm 51mm Clear

Confortable arm spinning area

Optimum 1.25” - 1.50” 32-38

Grip width 3.6” 3.3” 3.0” 91 84 76 LW MEAN SW

LW-----99 percentile large woman MEAN-50 percentile avg woman SW-----1 percentile small woman

The Measure of Man & Woman - human factors in design p42

Study Model

Here is what I learned from building the study model.

Success - Figured out how high and wide it should be by using a full scale study model. - Figured out the bag position and its use by testing with humans. - Discussed the working model with a focus group to determine its best operation. - Investigated how I should construct the model for maximum strength. Failure - Made the support struts too wide because of the cardbord. - It was too weak to hold its shape.

After all my sweating, here's the solution I finally arrived at... Handle

Bag expand view


Product Features

Magnetic part

The height of the product allows the user to hang a U.S. XL size t-shirt and provides a good comfortzone for 5 percentile and 95 percentile people.

Hole for hook

Hook for bag


Bag for small laundry

Zipper part

Sliding bar for extention

Hunging bar


Aluminum frame

Ventilation holes





Bottom rack


Dryad helps to make the clothes laundering process especially the use of clotheslines - easier and faster, eliminating the need to use automatic dryer, which is one of the worst laundry - related processes in terms of environmental impact. This device for small clothes items, which make up much of the bulk of most wash cycles. The net bag becomes a at net that can attach to the hamper, which transforms from a hamper to the clothes drying stand. This reduces the time needed to transfer clothes from the hamper to the machine one by one, and vice versa, while also doing away with the inconvenient work of hanging small articles of clothing one by one. The drying stand is adaptable for use anywhere inside or outside.

hook position

User Scenario

Put small garments in the bag and big garments in the basket to use as regular hamper.

When it is time to wash clothes, rotate the handle and slide out the basket. Close the bag and put it, along with the larger garments, into the washing machine.

Once the clothes are clean, take the bag to a desirable destination that is full of sunshine, and bring along the hamper.

Perform the simple steps to transform the haper to a drying stand. Move *hooks to handle side holes. *

Place the laundry net bag on the stand, open it, and lay it at, then spread the small clothes evenly for drying. Use rubber frame part to hang big clothes.

Once the clothes are dry, return the bag and stand to hamper functionality and continue using.

Physical model 1/2 scale

このプロジェクトは、毎年行われる、ハウスウェアコンペティションへ出展するために、製作しました。今日、個 人情報の保護に関して、人々の関心が高まってきている事から、ペーパーシュレッダーの需要が増えています。 私は、 もっと手軽に小さなレシートなどを電気を使わずにシュレッドすることができないかと思い、 コンフェテ ィカットのポータブルペーパーシュレッダーをデザインしました。既在の電動式ペーパーシュレッダーは子供 やペットへの事故が多く、音がうるさいという問題点もあります。低価格の手動式のペーパーシュレッダーは 細かく切れず、棒状に切れるものが一般的です。 FINEはそれらの問題点を考慮してデザインしました。手動式のペーパーシュレッダーにあるハンドルをなく し、本体を絞るようにまわして、紙を吸い込ませるデザインにしました。平らな側面で、安定性を持たせ、 どこ にでも持ち運べ、 しまいやすいのもFINEの特徴です。 シュレッダーの技術は、ハンドルを回したときに動くよう に、 ウォームギアの構造を利用し、 コンフェティカットができるように、製作しました。

"Safe to operate, portable, and always at hand" was my design objective when I embarked on this project to improve the paper shredder.




Width 2 3/4”

1 3/4”


Current Product Dilemma Electric paper shredder for office


receipt small

Expensive (cross cut and quiet models)

ATM small

Have caused injuries to children and pets

4 1/2”


Unpleasant sound

3 1/8” ATM large

Non-portable and takes space

I looked into the market and found a few problems with current shredders that I thought I could take on...

Study model and Study of children ergonomic


Study models of different design directions were created and tested with a focus group of children.

Safe to children Age 2.0 - 3.5 years old child (males and femailes) index finger diameter minimum 8.3 mm.



2 7


1 10


4 6



1. twisting handle 2. rubber grip 3. upper cover 4. lower cover 5. grip/paper release cap 6. hinge component 7. gear 8. worm drive 9. cutting blade 10. rotating component connect to 1 11.support for worm drive 3 and 4 joined by ultrasonic welding

ABSPC TPE ABSPC ABSPC ABSPC Steel Nylon Stainless steel Steel Steel ABSPC




happiness/new start

Security. Releif. Trust. Happiness. A new start. Those key words were my inspiration as I began sketching out the function of the product and searched for just the right style and image to embody that sensibility.


second idea

first idea


mechanism variations

storage handle system

final idea ergonomic


third idea









FINE is a portable, non-electric confetti-cut micro shredder. Operated with a unique and ergonomic twisting motion, it cuts down on messes by keeping waste contained within for clean, convenient disposal. FINE’s slim profile and flat bottom afford maximum storage possibilities; it sits soundly on a desktop or stows snugly in a drawer, bag, or briefcase. It is used deliberately in the hand; there is no risk of injury to kids and pets, who may fall victim to unattended electric paper shredders.

このプロジェクトは、電動工具のジグソウのリデザインプロジェクトです。エルゴノミックにこだわり、粘土で作 成したスタディーモデルを元に、最終的な形を決めました。OJIGIRIという名前の由来も、製作したデザインの 手順と、おにぎりを作る手順が似ていることからと、おにぎりの様に、いつでも手軽に持ち運べるという意味を 込めました。JIGIの部分はアメリカでのジグソウのあだ名です。 インタビューと機械技術の研究から、今あるジグソウの問題点や、使いにくい点を調べ、そこから得た情報から プロブレムソルビングをしました。 ターゲットユーザーはクラフトマンに設定し、小さくて薄い木や、細かい作業 が可能で、いろいろな層の人たちに使えるような、今までにないジグソウをデザインしました。一番の特徴は、 ジグソウの刃を変えて、 スクリュー型にすることにより、電源を入れたときの跳ね返りを抑えるようにしました。 さらにスクリュー型によって、 ジグソウだとできない、板の中間に穴を開ける作業をドリルなしでできるように もなります。その他には、 スキッドプレートを取り外し、 スクロールソウとしても使える用途を増やしました。作業 中の電源コードの不便さをなくし、ポータブルにしました。機械の保管には、作業終了後、 ジグソウの刃を機械 の中へしまえる事ができるような構造にしました。

My goal was to design a tool that does all the things a jigsaw can do, while granting those abilities to a far wider rnage of users. My tool had to be simple in operation, comfortable to use, and always ready to go.

Holding right top -strong grip -not ambidextrous

Holding the side -good grip -ambidextrous -diďŹƒcult mechanism

Holding top style? -comfortable -ambidextrous

The best form revealed itself organically to my hands through a piece of clay...

Thumbnail sketches for switches

Configuring all the parts of a jigsaw into a compact, ergonomic form proved to be a fitting puzzle...Finally, I decided that a radical reassessment of the basic mechanism was in order.

Smooth operation. - slide over a surface. - handy.

Product concept refinement. Electric Cord

Body non-slip material Removable part Rubber material








4.55 3.85












Here is how it all came together as an appearance model...

Button to release skidplate Battery charging port Vent Ergonomic shape to grab Switch


Replaceable skidplate Retractable Blade

speed accessibl

motor fan wire switch component

recheagerble battery bevel gears


Have a look at the motor configuration... always at hand.

Use of OJIGIRI as a jigsaw 2.

Twist until the arrows are aligned to tighten the bit.

4. After using, rotate the bit into the storage niche.




Drill a starting hole and start cutting.

Start from any position you like.

Use of OJIGIRI as a scroll 3. Twist the knob to adjust the height


and position the material to be cut.

Slide out the skidplate.


Enjoy like a scroll saw!

Working Desk

2. Clamp the scroll saw base to the surface you want to work on.

4. Push the switch to activate.

Ojigiri is a craft jigsaw that supports a wide range of users through the its convenient functionality. Ojigiri features a portable, super ergonomic shape, retractable blade, and cordless operation. The replaceable skid plate allows the user clamp down Ojigiri for use as a scroll saw. Use with a spinning helical blade enables drilling and cutting in one easy process, simplifying the creation of smooth curves and holes.

3D modeling

Created in estudio breder Internship in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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