Save Time, Boost Morale, and Maintain a Resilient Workforce in the Year Ahead by Patricia Vinchesi, ICMA NE regional director Flexibility, awareness, communication, and mental health are just some of the helpful principles emphasized in ICMA’s January 13 webinar “ Fostering Workforce Resiliency in 2021.” Cara Woodson Welch, executive director of the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) and Amber Clayton, director, Knowledge Center, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) shared their perspectives on a variety of personnel-related topics managers encountered the past year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and how to prepare for the year ahead. Their counsel focused on three broad themes and implications for local and county jurisdictions: employee mental health and fatigue, persistent workforce policy issues, and vaccine rollout and administrative issues. Whether issues were triggered or heighted by the pandemic, they provide lasting lessons for managers in supporting employees even as we look toward the other side of this crisis. Reprinted f rom the ICMA Blog, January 27, 2021.