Kaplan Depolo, P.- ICOMOS Global Case Study Project on Reconstruction - Valparaiso

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Global Case Study Project on Reconstruction

VALPARAISO: The vulnerability of the built heritage because of catastrophes – Case of study: Serrano Street- Heritage Site 1. The Heritage Resource and its Context before the Impacting Event(s) VALPARAISO CHILE: World Heritage

1.1 Description, Designation and Recognition The Seaport City of Valparaíso The city of Valparaíso presents an excellent example of late 19th-century urban and architectural development in Latin America. In its natural amphitheater-like setting, the city is characterized by a vernacular urban fabric adapted to the hillsides that are dotted with a great variety of church spires. It contrasts with the geometrical layout utilized in the plain. The city has well preserved its interesting early industrial infrastructures, such as the numerous ‘elevators’ on the steep hillsides. General Description 

Location and setting of the heritage resource.

Picture of the old city of Valparaiso – Port Distrit


Outstanding Universal Value

Brief Synthesis Located on central Chile’s Pacific coast, the Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaíso represents an extraordinary example of industrial-age heritage associated with the international sea trade of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The city was the first and most important merchant port on the sea routes of the Pacific coast of South America that linked the Atlantic and Pacific oceans via the Strait of Magellan. It had a major commercial impact on its region from the 1880s until the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914. After this date its development slowed, allowing its harbour and distinctive urban fabric to survive as an exceptional testimony to the early phase of globalisation. Valparaíso’s historic quarter is located on the coastal plain and part way up the steep surrounding hills, where the city first developed. It is composed of five interlaced neighbourhoods: La Matriz Church and Santo Domingo Square, located between the hills and the plain and comprised of the church and late 19th-century buildings typical of the seaport architecture; Echaurren Square and Serrano Street, predominantly commercial in character and marked by the presence of the Port Market, commercial establishments and active street trade; Prat Pier and Sotomayor and Justicia squares, comprising the main transversal axis of the area and containing the largest public spaces; the Prat Street and Turri Square area around the foothill, featuring a number of examples of monumental architecture; and the two hills of Cerro Alegre and Cerro Concepción, a single neighbourhood planned and developed to a large extent by German and English immigrants, with squares, viewing points, promenades, alleyways, stairways and the top stations of some of Valparaíso’s distinctive funicular elevators. Official Designation or Inscription : The outstanding nature of the historic quarter of Valparaíso results from a combination of three factors, all associated with its role as a port: its particular geographical and topographical environment; its urban forms, layout, infrastructure and architecture; and its attraction to and influence by people from around the world. The character of Valparaíso was strongly marked by the geography of its location: the bay, the narrow coastal plains (largely artificial) and the steep hills scored by multiple ravines together created the city’s amphitheatre-like layout. Adaptation of the built environment to these difficult geographical conditions produced an innovative and creative urban ensemble that stressed the particularities of each architectural object, grounded in the technological and entrepreneurial mindset typical of the era. Consistent with its preeminence, the city was populated and influenced by people from around the world. The urban fabric and cultural identity of Valparaíso are distinguished by a diversity that sets it apart from other Latin American cities. From an urban perspective, the result of this challenging geography, modernizing impulse and intercultural dialogue is a fully original American city with the stamp of the late 19th century upon it. Criterion (iii) Valparaíso is an exceptional testimony to the early phase of globalisation in the late 19th century, when it became the leading commercial port on the sea routes of the Pacific coast of South America. Integrity Within the boundaries of the property are located all the elements necessary to express the Outstanding Universal Value of the Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaíso, including the urban layout, public spaces and buildings, which range from very simple houses to monumental buildings in a variety of construction techniques, styles and adaptations to the landscape; the port and naval heritage as exemplified by Prat Pier and the customs and naval services buildings; the transportation infrastructure, including funicular elevator and trolley systems typical of the period; and a number of expressions of intangible heritage, all of which illustrate the historic quarter of the seaport city of Valparaíso’s leading role in the global commercial trade associated with the late 19th century industrial era. Without minimising the conservation challenges inherent to a living port city, the property has maintained its integrity. Authenticity The Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaíso is substantially authentic in terms of the ensemble’s forms and designs, materials and substances, uses and functions, and location and setting. It has largely retained the key features of its heyday in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including its urban elements, its architecture, its transportation systems and parts of its port infrastructure. These essential features are authentic and have been maintained with an eye to continuity of use and function as well as construction techniques. The relationship of the property with the landscape, and in particular the ‘amphitheatre’ layout, has also been maintained. The historic quarter of Valparaíso nevertheless has challenges to maintain its authenticity, particularly in relation to conservation and planning control. Damage to several buildings due to a fire in 2007 and a major earthquake in 2010 is being addressed.

Protection and Management Requirements The Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaíso, a mixture of public and private properties, is administered through the Municipal Heritage Management Department, which is specifically responsible for overseeing the management of the property. The 23.2-ha property and much of its 44.5-ha buffer zone are designated a National Monument, and are therefore overseen by the National Monuments Council of Chile. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development also supervises the entire area by virtue of the Historic Preservation Zone established in the area, which extends beyond the boundaries of both the property and the buffer zone. This Zone covers two-thirds of the city, with reference to both the natural amphitheatre that characterises the entire urban area (defined by Avenida Alemania – the 100-m level – from Cerro Playa Ancha to Cerro Esperanza), and the City Plan (area of El Almendral). To respond to challenges in relation to conservation and planning control and to sustain the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, a comprehensive Management and Conservation Plan for the property is done and now is in the process of evaluation. It reconciles the Communal Regulating Plan with the property’s National Monument status, and addresses related urban planning and regulation issues, visual integrity, heritage/development balances, strategic guidelines (including economic and financial initiatives) and monitoring systems. Sustaining the Outstanding Universal Value of the property over time will require completing, approving and implementing the comprehensive Management and Conservation Plan for the property, and ensuring financial resources for conservation. The recovery and enhancement of the sectors that are depressed and have social problems are of particular importance. Moreover, it will be necessary to reconcile economic development efforts (both tourism and commercial) with the special character of these sectors, and with the concerns of their traditional population. Attention also needs to be paid to safeguarding the infrastructure related to the historic functions of the harbour and the underwater heritage and ensuring the sustainability of traditional transportation systems (funicular elevators and trolley cars). Known and potential threats and risks must also be addressed, including the infrastructure of basic services (water, gas, electricity), the vulnerabilities of materials (the threat from xylophagous insects, for example), as well as natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, fires).

Physical setting/ context


Cerro Alegre Hills

and Intangible heritage

1.2 History and Context, Ownership and Environment Valparaiso, Cultural Heritage world, is the principal Port of Chile. Throughout the history of Valparaiso, has been plagued by tragedies that have marked the identity of this city .; earthquakes, fires, floods, bombings and epidemics All these tragedies have forged the tenacity of its inhabitants, who draw strength and organize to overcome adversity and rebuild their city again. This is how the resilient spirit achieves the enhancement of our built heritage. The case study has been the tragedy that occurred within the World Heritage Site, in the neighborhood of Port District, Serrano Street, where a large part of the buildings suffered serious damage to their structures and one sector was totally destroyed. All this because of an explosion that caused a big fire. It has been more than 10 years and even this ĂĄrea has not been able to rebuilded, which has generated a serious deterioration within the Port District. Its inhabitants, many of them and especially the merchants have moved to other sectors of the city since the trade that counted this sector has suffered great economic losses. On the other hand, the government has made great efforts to improve its infrastructure, which has meant an arrangement of streets and especially the restoration of the Cordillera elevator, key in transport and communication to Cerro Cordillera. Important is to conserve its inhabitants and that this sector does not lose its identity as a commercial and port area Serrano Street was the first street in the Plan, when Valparaiso was a hamlet scattered over the hills in 1692. It was the low platform that had the current Castillo San JosĂŠ, Lord Cochrane Museum, which was almost at sea level. In it was built the first Mall of importance in the city. From there began the growth of the city to the east and settled in it warehouses of commercial firms until, from the beginning of the nineteenth century, it became a residential street of large mansions and a commercial artery of great importance. By 1811, more than thirty commercial houses had been set up, such as shops, hotels, agencies, food places and others. In 1825 there were thirty-four wholesale houses in the Planchada and its prolongation, Prat Street , being at that time the most important street of the city, a condition that it maintained for a long time. Already in 1850 it was the only paved way of the city and in its surroundings were all the public services. Rich mansions like that of Don Joshua Wadington, one of the wealthiest men of his time, stood there, and the palace where the distinguished public man, Senator of the Republic, Don Guillermo Rivera, still resides. In 1870, in a mansion, the Club of the Union, whose members were mostly English, worked, the most elegant of South America, according to the opinion of those who knew him.

After the War of the Pacific, the Planchada was renamed as Serrano Street in honor of the heroic sailor who, in the Naval Combat of Iquique, approached HuĂĄscar, sacrificing his life for his country. Today Serrano Street is part of the historic center of ValparaĂ­so, which was declared Historic Heritage of the world, together with the Church of La Matriz and its surroundings. Historic Picture

. Social and Economic Setting Serrano Street, where the traumatic event was located,between the squares Sotomayor and Echaurren, two blocks from the port. It maintains its old, romantic and stately air, building that the owners strive to maintain according to their historical and patrimonial value.

This street, has been pioneering in several aspects. It was the first street - proper of the city - the first that had pavement; the first one that had gas street lighting. It was founded in 1927, the first Association of Street Merchants in the country. In the 1950s, it was the first to install mercury light financed by its own trade. In it also worked the first Intendance and Municipality that had the city. Today, urban improvement projects that are related to its World Heritage status, it will be the first street in the city that will have all the underground cabling system along with the improvement of its sidewalks and roadway. The works was finish Since the nineteenth century, Serrano Street became an artery of great commercial appeal, because of its strategic location close to the port areas that occupied thousands of workers for activities related to maritime works and the large number of offices, customs agencies and importing and exporting firms operating in the sector. At present, Serrano Street trade is made up of retail businesses, which are maintained with enthusiasm and confidence in the future, serving citizens in the sector where the city was born. We believe in the recovery of Valparaíso and we contribute with our effort so that this recovery materializes. Just as the city originated in this heritage and historical area, we believe that in this area you can also start the return of Valparaíso to the place of importance and development that it had in the past and that should continue to have in the future.

Frameworks, Agents and Communication In Serrano Street operated businesses were known not only at the local and provincial level, but also at the national level. Among them the Karlezi Hardware, installed in the year 1915, that the descendants of the founders managed until a few years ago. The famous shop Monza, don Alfredo Mino, where they came to buy prominent characters as gift Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez, who was President of the Republic. Also our venerable Pablo Neruda was a regular buyer of this ancient artery. The store "La Yolanda" by Fratelli Gandolfo, two Genoese brothers enthusiastic Wanderers. Emporio Ansaldo, also founded at the beginning of the 20th century, by Don Juan Ansaldo, whose children now own a major company. The great Botillería Serrano by Don Reinaldo Pasalaqua; the Marine Guild, the Universo Bookstore, the Serrano Sastrería, the restaurant La Nave by Don Aldo Frugone, the Rolf Hotel, the Palermo Tea Room, the Serrano Pharmacy and many other well-known businesses that brightened the street. The Ibarra house, founded by Marcelino Ibarra in 1948, continues to function in the 1950s; the Fernandez House of Aurelio Fernández founded in 1952; Vidriería Andina, founded in 1954 by Juan Morillo; Confecciones Fénix de Cosma y Cía .; and Serrano Bakery next to the Cordillera hill.

Bibliography of Documentation Website National Monuments Council Chile UNESCO website Official Documents of the declaratory , Valparaiso World Heritage 2003

Component 2. The Nature of the Impacting Event(s General Description On February 3 of 2007, an emergency team was formed from the municipality of Valparaiso to deal with the incident in the industry port district, specifically in Serrano Street This catastrophe caused serious damage to the tangible and intangible heritage of the city

Picture of the explotion

The cause of the traumatic event was a human caused. A gas explotion in Serrano Street and then a fire of great proportions who destroyed many important building in the heritage site In the city of Valparaiso there are frequent fires but no gas explosions. This was the second in the city. Another one was the gasometer, very dangered for the inhabitants of the city

General Impact of the Event(s) The area affected. Is called “Barrio Puerto� This district is a plan built sector, with high intensity of neighbourhood life around the Echaurren, square the streets Serrano, Cochrane and San Martin.

Echaurren Square is an exceptional testimony of the historical development of Valparaiso from 16th to the 19th centuries, through successive fillings to have more to have more land territory . This important place was the original space where Vaparaiso began to develop as a port city From its status as a main square, municipal government, to its current status as an ornate square, a meeting place for the inhabitants of the port district and the commercial environment characterized by the market, emporiums, warehouses, etc. Both,Echaurren Square and Serrano Street feature monumental buildings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, testimony to the splendor of Valparaiso, such as the Port Market, the Astoreca Building, the Subercaseaux Building, the Guillermo Rivera Building, etc. , in addition, in the street Serrano is the centenary Elevator Cordillera, Historical Monument, one of the second built in the city.

The physical effects of this tragedy was the loss of four buildings with great heritage value , one with a high degree of damages and four human lives The physical effects were enormous losses in the built heritage as well as in the immaterial Negative impacts on the Site until today marks the 10th anniversary of the tragedy

Impact on the Significance and Values of the Resource Urban heritage, foundational area of Valparaiso is the expression of its port history so impacts on the World Heritage site are several Among them is the loss of buildings that represent the period of apogee of the Port as well as the value of urban heritage. This area of the city had an important commercial value and was one of the most important and prosperous streets of the city in the nineteen century .With this tragedy, the trade and the life of the Port and bohemian area declined. After this tragedy, the inhabitants of Valparaiso begin to value more the meaning of their heritage and value not only material but also that which endures, which is the intangible cultural identity The communities are located within the Heritage source and its social structure is diverse The characteristic of the inhabitants of the port area is a diverse population with scarce resources and traders.


Over time the economic conditions of the area under study were changing from being a street with large amount of trade today is an area with economic deficit

Emergency Repair(s) to date In case of events like fire and also earthquakes so recurrent in our country, there are many mitigation actions especially in those buildings which have suffered serious damages. Serrano Street was remodelled changing the electrical system and rebuilded underground The reconstruction process is not yet complete as there are private buildings in bad conditions and there are no investors to buy the properties and rebuilded the Zero Zone who was devastated with was located this great fire


“ Restoration Cordillera Elevator

Restoration Port Market

important building of Port Distrit

The intervention after the explotion was to put an arming metal structures in the facades until the structure was restored. Today there are a project for build the office of an important port company

Component 3. Post–Event Appraisals Impact Assessment The type of impact suffered in this Area was evaluated in terms of Heritage, also in economic terms, which implied that decisions were made regarding the future of this site without losing its cultural value. Also it is important to know that there are many studies and documents of this area before and after the explosion

Post-event Documentation Complete documentation is available from the moment of the catastrophe occurs and all mitigation measures adopted at the time of the subsequent fire At the time of the tragedy and after that a program of rehabilitation of the Area was done with government programs and help for the owners of the properties affected. An excellent work of structural analysis was also contracted to the Catholic University of Valparaiso The local government done a report of the Integral development of port district, inserted in the World Heritage Site, to decide the purchase of buildings by the public sector for the conservation of this important Area. A study was also carried out to determinate the losses related to the intangible heritage

Challenges for Recovery Priorities were set for a revitalization program of the Valparaiso foundation Area from the local and central government. This program begins after the catastrophe and involved not only the restoration of buildings, also public space and immaterial Heritage .The program was called PUERTO VIEJO With regard to this point, the category that Valparaiso has as a world heritage site has not changed, it is important to explain that we have to work the concept of urban historical landscape. At the other point the municipality brings a highest protection in urban regulation the buffer zone to achieve a more sustainable development of the heritage site

Responses and Recovery Programme A study was performed of each of the properties located in the area affected by the tragedy and subsequent fire. Each of the buildings with their tiles and monitoring the affected buildings. All the documentation was prepared by the local government with state funds as well as private contributions for the revitalization of this area. The purposes was the preservation of the attributes of this emblematic port district The Documentation basis for the implementation of the restoration program was to work in the diagnostic that would give an account of the state of conservation of the area, , and subsequently prioritize those important projects within the area needed urgently

Values and Sustainability Historical cities and values that at the time of the denomination were not so relevant are now part of the local heritage that its inhabitants will preserve One of the important axes for the development of any historical city is the participation of its inhabitants and recover the memory for the new generations reconstructing the past history as well as incorporating contemporary architecture in the most deteriorated areas. Stakeholders and communities are very important in this process Is very important to have capacity to make a good and an efficient recovery programme

Drivers, Agents and Governance The agents and drivers were very important in the post traumatic event but the government is more important because contributed to help the owners of buildings affected by the explosion .This part of the program was impulse by the government The owners and inhabitants of this area had many expectations, but many of them had to change their place of residence because they did not have the financial resources to fix their homes and the state resources were not enough The evaluations were done by the municipality of Valparaiso, administrator of the world heritage site, the ministry of housing and urbanism and CORFO International organisations like program URBAL was one of the most important contribution for implement the management of the port district. Also regional institutions and the housing ministry. Also the Port Company of Valparaiso Many changes in the control of works in old Buildings in the area Also more regulation relative to the protection of heritage

Component 4. Documenting Response Actions, Timeframes, Resources and Costs The results of all the efforts that will be carried out the development program Puerto Viejo didn’t have the result that was expected because at the time there it’s not a clear policy from the government regarding resources and incentives for investment. Also the earthquake who took care in 2010 caused damage to the old and abandoned structures in the area of study The process who was elaborated in the previous sections, the actions are not so effective The objectives that were planned did not all given the results that the community expected. It is currently that this area are the lowest investment in the world heritage site, because there still a lot of poverty, insecurity for tourists crime and the port market has recently been restored, which can boost the Area

Actual Implementation and Timescales for the Recovery Programme The implementation of the Puerto Viejo program started with the improvement of Serrano Street, Today being improved through the elevator Cordillera . That has meant an approximate time of 10 years with an estimated investment of more than 10 million dollars. Also the restoration of the Port Market with an investment of 6.6 million dollars Resources and Costs of Implementation The actions that is done were those urgent, being clear that the values of the area should be respected. But many of the promises were left unfulfilled, failing to carry out the reconstruction program by various means There are almost always different opinions especially because of the expectations of the inhabitants of the area being studied The most important attributes of the area are its historical value. . Also its urban attributes .The damage caused by the incident in the Serrano Street are the buildings that were lost and human lives too. There are new attributes such as the transformation of the area into a place not only of commerce but also of recreation and has recovered the night bohemia The positive outcomes are that the authorities became aware of many deterioration buildings and also the electrical, gas and others services. The success of some programs that were implemented are not yet perceived. One of the biggest deficiencies was the disordering of actions by different state agencies The positive consequences were to have clear targets with specific deadlines for the recovery of the area and the greater degree of protection through the regulatory plan of Valparaiso, achieving a greater protection of the site The results after the incident were to learn about the serious state of abandonment was the port district and the vulnerabilities that it still has. We learned fundamental things, including understanding that the built heritage haven’t value if there not population that live in it In the Port district the processes have been slow . Since today there is still no investor confidence in this place and can not even talk about planned sustainability The local government and the state of Chile are the owners of the results of the program that has been wanted to promote for the port district. There is a change in understanding the great value that this area has, within the World Heritage site and it is a priority its rehabilitation

Component 5. Documenting the Outcomes and Effects Assessment of the Outcomes with regard to the Recovery of the Heritage Resource One of the priority action is to finish the master plan and regulation of this area for new interventions that keep constructive and architectural qualities to preserve the site As a second measure, to attract private investment, being clear about the destination of the place without losing its identity and third to give incentives from the government to the owners of the properties for restore their building in commercial and housing use The results of all the efforts that will be carried out the development program Puerto Viejo Today there are not results that was expected because at the time there it’s not a clear policy from the government regarding resources and incentives for investment.

Also the earthquake who took care in 2010 caused damage to the old and abandoned structures in the area of study The process who was elaborated in the previous sections, the actions are not so effective The objectives that were planned did not all given the results that the community expected. It is currently that this area are the lowest investment in the world heritage site, because there still a lot of properties, insecurity for tourists crime The Port Market has recently been restored, which can boost the Area In the other hand, few investors bought real estate but still do not restore it. . The Port Market, already restored, is an emblematic building in the Area but there is still no clarity in defining its destination and the resources that are required. The attributes of the Area are invaluable. Here is the foundational area of Valparaiso and the oldest church in Valparaiso, its people, its inhabitants and customs, everything intangible that represents the heritage of the port with its bohemian life still alive but it is in decadence. There must be new programs to encourage this neighbourhood The most important attributes of this area its historical value and its urban attributes The damage caused by the incident in the Serrano Street are the buildings that were lost and human lives too. There are new attributes such as the transformation of the area into a place not only of commerce but also of recreation and has recovered the night bohemia. Also their more tourist that wanted to go and visit the orders site with a lot of interesting history in Valparaiso .The resource continue after the recovery process. Each traumatic event brings as a consequence a rethinking of the neighbourhood in its urban and architectural context, as that of its inhabitants with a current look where those unattractive attributes are recognized and also heritage values of the site can be increased. The positive thing is that today Port district is one of the priority to be restored by local and central government and the negative is that the investors who believed in Puerto Viejo go back to another area of the Heritage Site Today there is not yet a finish master plan for this Area, many ideas have been implemented several times. Now is the community that is organized to continue the preservation of this emblematic Area. The master plan and regulation of this area for new interventions that keep constructive and architectural qualities to preserve the site can attract private investment, being clear about the destination of the place without losing its identity Is very important to give incentives from the government to the owners of the properties for restore their building in commercial and housing use

Ownership of the Results The Municipality, CORFO and the Universities that work in the post traumatic event

Documenting the Recovery Programme .

At the time of determining priorities it was clear that the work has been done but unfortunately not all the resources are available to all the inhabitants has after the tragedy All the recovery process was documented by the heritage Office of the Municipality in som books and work done in the site after the tragedy During the recovery program of the area, there was a lot of documentation but dispersed. This information can be systematized through the master plan done by the Municipality of Valparaiso In case of events like fire and also earthquakes so recurrent in our country, there are many mitigation actions especially in those buildings which have suffered serious damages. The reconstruction process is not yet complete as there are private buildings in bad conditions and there are no investors yet to buy the properties and rebuilded the Zero Zone who was devastated with this great fire

Impact Assessment The type of impact suffered in this Area was evaluated in terms of Heritage, also in economic terms, which implied that decisions were made regarding the future of this site without losing its cultural value. Also is important to now that there are many studies and documents of this area before and after the explosion

Component 6. Additional comments .

The importance of historic centers is the possibility of preserving and enhancing memory, to generate meanings of identity by function and belonging - that is why it is important that the measures taken in the face of catastrophes are always preserving the built heritage and reconstruction of memory that has been lost, making tragedy a factor of innovation for the city as a whole. That is why it is important to have a social subject with a conscious l where you feel part of this construction The conservation of an image of an historic city can be understood with a committed citizen participation, valuing its cultural identity that will be the correct way to safeguard its built heritage and project the one that has been lost, since there is no city that has maintained its original character in the understood one that must be changing with his own society constructing strategic and dynamic alliances between the different actors of the urban scene Therefore, when we have detected the vulnerabilities of each historical center, we must work taking into account its historical past, its geography, and urban morphology and reflect how important it is to transform that vulnerability into a development opportunity for that historic center. Its very important to establish mechanisms and instruments that contribute to the effective and sustainable management of heritage, such as regulatory plans, management plan for historical areas and then a monitoring system to diagnosing and guiding policies public with respect to the built heritage, as well as the incentives that must be given to safeguard the public and private assets to the historic city

Master plan- Puerto Viejo- Port District The first goals of the Port Recovery Program is to be efficient in creating an adequate management model for the area and have investors to rehabilitated old buildings. Is necessary have new ideas to incremented attributes of the site, and also successful programs respecting local identity Urban Regulation – Sectionals Plans



Safeguard and to put in value the morphological To aspects and architectural characteristics


Monitoring System : for protection and management of the state of material and inmaterial components

3.- Article 29 of the World Heritage Convention • Factors that affect the heritage site Serrano Street and the Port Area. • Local characterization factors. • Protection and management site

PHU GUIDE HERITAGE URBAN HISTORIC Reflect on the relationship between the contemporary city and historical Serrano Street. Guide Heritage Urban Historic, new heritage instrument integrated in the framework of sustainable development and quality of life. Study functionality and uses, trade, tourism.

Component 7. Details of the Expert(s) Completing this Case Study Name: Paulina Kaplan Depolo Professional: Architect Professional affiliations: ICOMOS Chile- TICCHI Chile, Industrial Heritage) Qualifications:

-Specialist in Conservation and Architectural Restoration, University of Chile, specialization in management of Historic Centers,-University of Lund, Sweden and Specialization course in Monuments restoration in the University of Ferrara, Italy, also Studies in Architecture Doctorate Program Cátedra de Gaudí, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain -Visiting Special Council of National Monuments Chile(1999-2008 and Member of disaster prevention of national monuments and heritage buildings, Getty Foundation, USA.In the years of 2010 until 2017 I was Latin America and the Caribbean Region Coordinator of the OVPM (ORGANIZATION OF HERITAGE CITIES) and Director Of management Heritage Site Valparaiso from 2006 until 2017 in the Municipality of Valaraiso City Also member of the Presidential Committee Historic Area of the City Port of Valparaiso (2013- 2014) Now ,permanent professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, teaching, research and projects heritage area When the tragic was happened , I was the director of the heritage management of the municipality of Valparaiso The sources of information are the experiences lived as director to be care of the Site inscribed in World Heritage List as well as written documentation that is found in the municipality

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