3 minute read

• Beginning in 1919, the Duval County Ranch Company (DCRC) was formed and purchased 133,000 acres from the Estate of Francis Smith et al; then in 1925, DCRC acquired an additional 7,000 acres from AH Worden & HP Drought. Collectively, this acreage became known as the Soledad Ranch. o One of the original owners of the Soledad was O. S. Carlton, brother of L. A. Carlton, a founding Director of Humble Oil and Refining Company (HO&R).
• 1922 DCRC divested a portion of the oil, gas and other minerals to R.E. Breeding covering individual 160 acre parcels totaling ~12,000 acres across entire DCRC.
• 1923 HO&R (and its successors) began acquiring oil & gas leases covering portions of the Soledad Ranch
• 1929 DCRC executed a Trust Deed of its land holdings to HO&R for a $300,000 debt. DCRC promised to pay the $300,000, with interest, in “Gold Coin of the United States of the present weight and fineness”. DCRC had thirteen (13) years, at to pay off the debt. On December 12, 1936, DCRC paid off its loan from HO&R and regained control of the ranch.
• 1965, HO&R exchanged its ~31% DCRC stock for ownership / interests in the Soledad Ranch. As part of that exchange, HO&R obtained 100% surface ownership and ~31% mineral ownership in northern 35,302 Soledad acres of fee land, plus control1 of an additional 8,790 acres of State of Texas mineral classified lands.
——— 1 DCRC leased its 69% portion of Tomas Ranch MC surface to HO&R for a 99 term (expiring March 31, 2064); DCRC reserved its right to its share of bonus, rental and royalty on leases negotiated by HO&R on the MC lands

The northern portion of Soledad Ranch is now known as the “Tomas Ranch”.
• 1973 HO&R was acquired by Exxon Corporation
• 1977 an eight foot game fence was installed around the perimeter of the Tomas Ranch (approximately 72 miles)
• 1980’s Exxon began habitat manipulation which resulted in the establishment of 8,000 acres of cleared brush land and the expansion of a ranch wide water system.
• 1965 to 1981 cattle grazed on the Tomas Ranch.
• 1981 to 1986, the hunting rights were leased to the owners of the YO Ranch. This is the first record of active wildlife management
• 1987, Exxon began operating Tomas Ranch under its own hunting program for the exclusive use of Exxon hosting business guests in a private and informal setting for business meetings and hunting.
• 1997 Biologist Steve Kopp was hired to run all ranch operations.
• 1997-1999 an analysis of the ranch’s habitat and wildlife population(s) was completed.
• 1999, Exxon and Mobil merged as ExxonMobil.
• 2000 the Tomas Ranch Wildlife and Habitat Improvement Program was implemented. Plan called for intentional removal of all nonnative flora and fauna, as well as, reintroduction of extirpated native species. A 300 year plan included the re-vegetation of native warm season grasses as well as the enhancement of game and non-game species.
• Tomas Ranch Lodge was remodeled prior to the beginning of the 2006 hunting season. 14,000 sq.ft lodge, 20 individual guest rooms serves at the base for ranch guests. 3,500 sq. ft. “Gun Room” is the launching point for all hunting and shooting activities that occur on the ranch. Each activity is designed to provide an exceptional outdoor experience while fostering a conducive environment for developing business relation ships in a relaxing southwestern atmosphere.
• 2008 and 2013, ExxonMobil purchased 2 interior tract to enclose Tomas Ranch in ~44,000 acres of rolling terrain and wooded seclusion.
• Today, Tomas Ranch facility continues its intended use.