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With thanks

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Research partners

Research partners


In another year of uncertainties Icon would like to extend a warm thank you to all the doctors and research teams for their ongoing dedication to the promotion and delivery of clinical trials. Thank you to our sponsors and partners for continuing to work collaboratively to increase access to clinical trials and help reduce the growing global cancer burden. We also extend a special thanks and best wishes to our patients, whose participation in clinical trials makes it possible to discover groundbreaking new treatments.

We warmly acknowledge the valued support of donors to Icon Cancer Foundation (ICF), an independent not-forprofit registered charity whose mission is to promote, initiate and support clinical trials and research, striving towards a brighter future for cancer patients and communities. ICF is committed to improving patient access to new and emerging treatments by raising awareness of and sponsoring Investigator Initiated Trials (IITs).

Community fundraising is crucial to the delivery of IITs, as they are not sponsored by large pharmaceutical companies and involve ongoing costs and resources to deliver vital and often unique research to advance medicine. All funds raised for ICF support the delivery and execution of IITs including trial management, recruitment, data collection and publication, and ongoing trial patient support including access to transport, accommodation and clinical research coordinators and allied health professionals.

Together we continue to provide hope and opportunity to patients today and tomorrow.

Learn more about Icon Cancer Foundation at iconcancerfoundation.org.

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