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Abbrev. Title
Protocol Title
AG0115R CTC0138 SPAR A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Phase II Trial of Simvastatin in Addition to Standard Chemotherapy and Radiation in Preoperative Treatment for Rectal Cancer
ANZ 1601 BIG 16-02 EXPERT Examining personalised radiation therapy for low risk early breast cancer
ANZUP1801 DASL-HiCaP Darolutamide Augments Standard Therapy for Localised Very High-Risk Cancer of the Prostate (ANZUP1801): A Randomised Phase 3 Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial of Adding Darolutamide to Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Definitive or Salvage Radiation in Very High Risk, Clinically Localised Prostate Cancer
ERUPT External Beam Radiotherapy and Urethral Strictures in Prostate Cancer Treatment
HyperArc Registry HyperArc Registry Study
LIBERATE Clinical Registry of Focal Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy in Men with Biopsy Confirmed Low-Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer
Liver SBRT Multi-Institutional Experience of Liver SBRT in Australia - Patterns of Practice, Treatment Outcomes and Toxicities
COGNO 19/03 MAGMA The Multi-Arm GlioblastoMa Australasia (MAGMA) Trial
COGNO 19/03 MAGMA The Multi-Arm GlioblastoMa Australasia (MAGMA) Trial
AG0118PS MASTERPLAN A Randomized Phase II Study of MFOLFIRINOX and Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Pancreatic Cancer with High Risk and Locally Advanced Disease
Genomic Characterisation of Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinomas
TREMOR Safety and Effectiveness of Frameless Linac-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery On Tremor in Patients with Essential Tremor or Parkinson's Disease
TROG 19.06 DECREASE Darolutamide + Consolidation Radiotherapy in Advanced Prostate Cancer Detected by PSMA