
Buffalo, Arkansas, George Catlin, 18461848 on Canvas

DC23044C—Stalking Buffalo, Upper Missouri, George Catlin, 1846-1848 on Canvas

Patterns II

Patterns IV


Texas Rangers, 1862_51220u.tiff

View of the Junction of the Red River and the False Washita, in Texas by Catlin-1985.66.345_1.tif

Elk and Buffalo Making Acquaintance, Texas by Catlin-1985.66.581_1.tif

Galveston, Texas by George Elbert,c1983.83.201A_1.tif

Caddo Indians Chasing Buffalo, Cross Timbers, Texas by Catlin-1985.66.589_1.tif

Cross Timbers, Texas by Catlin, c1985.66.362_1.tif

Elk and Buffalo Grazing among Prairie Flowers, Texas by Catlin-1985.66.580_1.tif

The Sheriff’s reward A heart taken prisoner - Cowboy drama, 1914_04336u.tiff

in cowboy costume watching the rodeo at the San Angelo Fat Stock Show, San Angelo, Texas,1940_8a28047a.tif

West Texas cattlemen looking over the cattle which are offered for sale, stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27705a.tif

West Texan. Eldorado, Texas, 1939_8a27656a.tiff

West Texans at horse auction, Eldorado, Texas, 1939_8a27660a. tiff
West Texans sitting on fence at horse auction. El Dorado, Texas, 1939-58027611.jpeg

Unloading cow from trailer at stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27709a.tif

Tightening cinch on saddle on cow pony. SMS Ranch, Spur, Texas, 1939-58088065.jpeg

Working cowboy,1934_3b10942u.tif

West Texan, Eldorado, Texas, 1939-58027609.jpg

The long line of Texas. Near Dallas, 1936-57582311.jpeg

Farmer 1939.tif

Texas farmer and stockman, county fair, Gonzales, Texas, 193958022821.jpeg

Texans on Fence 1939.tif

Texas Cattlemen.tif Texans at HorseAuction1939.tif

Texans Abilene 1939.tif
Spectators at auction of horses at the west Texas stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1940_8a28001a.tif

Stockmen sitting on fence at stockyard, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27631a.tif

Stockmen sitting on fence at stockyard, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27641a.tif

Resettled farmer terracing part of his 120 acre farm. Ropesville rural community, Hockley County, Texas,1936_8b27396a.tif
Placing identification tags on steers to be auctioned at stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27630a.tif

Horses in the corral. Cowboy about to rope one of them. Cattle ranch near Spur, Texas,1939_8a26231a.tif
Identification tag on cow, stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27627a.tif

Large truck trailer filled with cattle to be sold at stockyards auction. San Angelo, Texas,1939)8a27701a.tif
Day laborer drinking from desert water bag, large farm near Ralls, Texas,1939_8a26257a.tif

Detail of cowboy’s saddle. Roundup near Marfa, Texas, c193958025708.jpeg

Horse collars and blankets in ranch supply store. Alpine, Texas, 193958087931.jpg

Cowboys roping horses at roundup near Marfa, Texas,1939_8a26628a.tif
Cowboys’ saddles on the corral fence. Roundup near Marfa, Texas,1939_8a26609a.tif


Cowboy petting his horse. Cattle ranch near Spur, Texas,1939_8a26236a.tif

Cowboy on horseback near Eagle Pass, Texas, 1939_8b21230a. tiff

drinking beer in beer parlor, Alpine, Texas,1939_8a26177a.tif

Cowboy buying a Coca-Cola, polo match, Abilene, Texas,1939_8a26598a.tif

Cowboy leading horse which he has just saddled. Cattle ranch near Spur, Texas, 1939-58007003.jpeg

Checking in cattle to be sold at auction stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27697a.tif

Cattle which will be sold at auction in pens at stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27708a.tif

Cattlemen at stockyard, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27640a.tif

Checking in a truckload of cattle at stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27695a.tif

Cattleman at stockyard, San Angelo, Texas, 1939-58027595.jpeg
Cattle ranch near Spur, Texas,1939_8a26223a.tif

Camp wagon on a Texas roundup,1900_4a09143a.tif

Auctioning a horse at west Texas stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1940_8a28102a.tif
Wild steer wrestling at the rodeo of the San Angelo Fat Stock Show, San Angelo, Texas,1940_8a28015a.tif

Auction of horses. El Dorado, Texas, 1939-58027623.jpeg

Wild steer wrestling at the rodeo of the San Angelo Fat Stock Show, San Angelo, Texas, 1940-58028122.jpeg

Abandonded Farm Near Dalhart, Texas, Coldwater District, c1938-57714253.jpeg Woman Shopping, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27545a.tif

Unloading cotton seed at cotton seed oil mill, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27578a.tif
Twelve year old messenger #7,Houston,TX,1913_03889u.tif

U.S. Highway 80, Texas, between Dallas and Fort Worth. Roadside stand, 194258448077.jpg

Tulsa, Okla. Red Cross headquarters and hospital,1921_14750a. tif

car, 1920_29216u.tif

Tulsa car, 1920_02379u.tif

cameraman, San Antonio, Texas,1939_8a25626a.tif Tire repairman, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27571a.tif

Tourist courts, Waco, Texas1939)8a27567a.tif

Texas State Capitol, Eleventh Street at Congress Avenue, Austin, Travis County, TX_156208pu.tif

Texas Woman 1938 -00318u.tif

Texas State Capitol, Eleventh Street at Congress Avenue, Austin, Travis County, TX_156209pu.tif

The front of the Alamo through the compound gate, San Antonio, Texas,1922_3b34239u.tif

Texan, Waco, Texas, 1939_8a27496a.tiff

Sign, San Antonio, Texas,1939_8a25529a.tif
Spectators at stock auction at west Texas stockyards, San Angelo, Texas,1940_8a28001a.tif

Street scene, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27502a.tif
Sign on service station, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27505a.tif

Salt River at Foot of Ash Avenue, Tempe, Maricopa County, AZ_009565pu.tif

Sign illustrating installment buying, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27513a.tif

Salt River at Foot of Ash Avenue, Tempe, Maricopa County, AZ_009552pu.tif

Salt River at Foot of Ash Avenue, Tempe, Maricopa County, AZ_009553pu.tif

Ropesville Farms, Texas, April 1936_8b27390a.tif
Proprietor of small store in market square, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27554a.tif

Rodeo performer arriving at the San Angelo Fat Stock Show barn with his horse in trailer, San Angelo, Texas,1940_8a28087a.tif
Orange TX -8d45192a.tif

Panorama of Waco, Texas,1910_6a10165u.tif
Part of family on relief. Memphis, Texas, 1937-57592025.jpeg

Potter county courthouse, Amarillo, Texas,1934_3b22120u.tif
Office of west Texas stockyards on auction day. San Angelo, Texas,1939_8b23463u.tif

Oil Field Worker 1939 -8a26047a.tif

On the steps of the bank in the public square. Memphis, Texas, c1937-57591942.jpeg

McLennan County Courthouse just before the primary. Waco, Texas,1938_8b32432a.tif

Men sitting in front of stockyard office, San Angelo, Texas,1939_8a27622a.tif

Not Yet Titled -3a18772u.tif

McLennan County Courthouse just before the primary. Waco, Texas,1938_8b32405a.tif

Wagon -8b32058a.tif

Kahn Saloon Building, 123 West Austin Street, Jefferson, Marion County, TX_155710pu.tiff

H. Houghton House, 307 West Twelfth Street, Austin, Travis County, TX_156238pu.tif

Lubbock, Texas. “Poochy,” who attached herself to the post’s prison command as a raw recruit only six months ago, now wears the insignia of a master sergeant at the Army flying school,1942_8e00165u.tif

Houston, Texas. Shoppers,1942_8d29341a.tif

JA Ranch, watering the day herd,1903_3b14506u.tif

Houston children,1918_00480u.tif

Houston children,1918_00485u.tif

Governor’s Mansion, 1010 Colorado Street, Austin, Travis County, TX_156165pu.tif
Highway junction, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27564a.tif

Highway sign, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27563a.tif
General view of the Alamo, San Antonio, Texas,1926_1s15608u. tif

Fort Worth livestock exchange. Fort Worth, Texas,1939_8b21815a.tif

Farmer, market square, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27530a.tif
Farmers’ supply store, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27486a.tif

Flag Day, Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., 1918_6a32409u.tif

Entrance to cafe, market square, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27520a. tif

Eleven year old Western Union messenger #51,Houston,TX,1913_03890u.tif

Dust storm. Amarillo, Texas,1936_8b27554a.tif Dalworthington Gardens -8b28187a.tif

Dalworthington Gardens -8b28173a.tif

Constructing an earth tank. Ropesville rural community, Texas,1936_8b27363a.tif

Child of Migrant Worker 1939 -8a25162a.tif


Blacksmith shop, San Antonio, Texas,1939_8a25573a.tif
bootblacks in Market Square, Waco, Texas,1939_8a27498a.tif

Amarillo Creek. Potter County, Texas,1936_8b27564a.tif

Barbershop, San Antonio, Texas,1939_8a25492a.tif

Baylor University, Waco, Texas,1910_6a10093u.tif
Blacksmith shop, San Antonio, Texas,1939_8a25572a.tif

Activity at stockyards. Unloading cattle. San Angelo, Texas,1939_8b23559u.tif

Airfield near San Antonio,1920_6a35777u.tif

Abandoned Old Rock Homestead2-shutterstock_485752969.jpg West Texas Landscape-shutterstock_169286153.jpg white star on a wooden fence post-shutterstock_272223578.jpg Wyoming Industrial Oil Pumpshutterstock_344191247.jpg

Yuca blooms-shutterstock_143955328.jpg
Watusi Longhorn mix bull-shutterstock_429040606.jpg

Texas State Capitol-shutterstock_221247217.jpg
Traveling the Texas Hill Country Trail-shutterstock_460869973. jpg

Two horses grazing-shutterstock_182001527.jpg
Water well at Mission San Jose in San Antonio, Texas at Sunsetshutterstock_380628496.jpg

Windmill in a Texas field-shutterstock_62517496.jpg
Wooden windmillshutterstock_1352264.jpg

Texas Longhorn-shutterstock_545197576.jpg
Texas State Capital building-shutterstock_527075194.jpg

Texas Historic Windmill-shutterstock_498011185.jpg
Texas Lone-star Barn-shutterstock_331198880.jpg

Texas longhorn cattle-shutterstock_188870339.jpg
Texas Longhorn Lounging-shutterstock_147556583.jpg

Texas longhorn-shutterstock_461255221.jpg

Texas Farm Equipment-shutterstock_355950713.jpg

Texas Farm Equipment-shutterstock_409651273.jpg
Sunset falling behind a windmill-shutterstock_544022332.jpg

Texas bluebonnet field in sunset at Muleshoe Bend Recreation Area.-shutterstock_273231860.jpg texas bluebonnet field-shutterstock_428364220.jpg

Texas bluebonnet wildflower landscape-shutterstock_464274305. jpg Texas bluebonnets-shutterstock_273930764.jpg

Texas cotton homestead-shutterstock_942795.jpg Slippery creek road in the Texas Hill Country.shutterstock_433160530.jpg

South Texas-shutterstock_396801703 (1).jpg
Sunrise in West Texas-shutterstock_393193261.jpg

Railroad Bridge Llano Texas-shutterstock_527872690.jpg
Railroad crossing-shutterstock_423237946.jpg

Riding a horse-shutterstock_325208591.jpg
Rio Grande River-shutterstock_514929334.jpg

River Waterfall at Pedernales-shutterstock_552233446.jpg Southwest Texas Desert-shutterstock_455921464.jpg

Texas Barn-shutterstock_1156331.jpg

State flag of Texas-shutterstock_325786766.jpg

Palo Duro Canyon,Texas-shutterstock_387158338.jpg Old Iron Pipe Gate-shutterstock_477836230.jpg

old shack in desert-shutterstock_420004474.jpg
Meadow at a Farm-shutterstock_487473145.jpg

Old abandoned homestead-shutterstock_178311053.jpg
Old Alton Bridge Denton, TX-shutterstock_391353571.jpg

Palo Duro Canyon-shutterstock_41269297.jpg
Historic Old West Spanish Mission San Joseshutterstock_264300974.jpg

luminous sunset-shutterstock_438610951.jpg
Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texasshutterstock_250979866.jpg

Highway 71 bridge-shutterstock_426504490.jpg
Historic Alamo, San Antonio, Texas-shutterstock_136029644.jpg

Horse in Rural East Texas-shutterstock_1974576.jpg
Longhorn Steers-shutterstock_76497928.jpg

Field of cotton-shutterstock_513693760.jpg Dry Round Hay-shutterstock_477836269.jpg

Early morning on the Trinity River-shutterstock_273208145.jpg Fence Line in Big Bend-shutterstock_127154195.jpg

Fencepost and Meadows-shutterstock_141527464.jpg
Gathering Texas longhorn-shutterstock_204295033.jpg

Country highway-shutterstock_82057219.jpg
Cows among cacti cholla-shutterstock_415646908.jpg

Congress Avenue Bridge bats-shutterstock_84051646.jpg
Bluebonnets, White Poppies-shutterstock_404693314.jpg

Brown and white Texas Longhorn-shutterstock_545811511.jpg
Capitol - Austin - Texas-shutterstock_358960481.jpg

Cattle bridge Fort Worth Texas-shutterstock_425222155.jpg Chihuahuan desert snow-shutterstock_381384760.jpg Beautiful bluebonnets along a lake in the Texas Hill Country.shutterstock_492765655.jpg Big Bend National Park, Texas-shutterstock_149920181.jpg

Big Texas Longhorn-shutterstock_168199424.jpg Abandoned restaraunt-shutterstock_95662849.jpg

Aerial photo Texas-shutterstock_484956394.jpg An Old Vintage Windmill Used to Pump Water in a Texas Fieldshutterstock_396674674.jpg

Abandoned Old Texas Rock Homesteadshutterstock_474543538.jpg
Abandoned restaraunt-shutterstock_95662837.jpg

5 windmills in a row-shutterstock_133890074.jpg abandoned adobe-shutterstock_420006874.jpg

Abandoned house at Big Bend National Parkshutterstock_438610804.jpg
Abandoned Old Rock Homestead-shutterstock_486950392.jpg

- Texas Pacific Railway - 1873

- Texas in Blue Camp Co, Texas 1879-la000919_.tif Travis County, Texas,1880_la001148Z.tif



Texas, Natural Provinces, 1899-ct000529.tif

Texas, Map in German, 1881-ct000563_.tif

Texas, 1883-ct000528_.tif

Texas, 1853-ct002353_.tif

Texas, 1875-ct001893_.tif

Texas, 1844-ct001066_.tif

Texas, 1840-ct000877_.tif

Texas, 1835-ct002350_.tif

Texas, 1840-ct000006.tif

Texas Railroads, 1873-ct000566_.tif

Texas Map in German, 1846-ct000538_.tif

Texas and Pacific Railway, 1876-rr005790_.tif

Schonberg, TX -ct000542-.tif

Railroads, TX 1877-ct000559_.tif

Revised map of the state of Texas published by the Houston & Texas Central R.R, 1876-57567987.jpeg

McCulloch Co, TX 1879-la001062_.tif

Live Oak Co, TX 1910-la001055_.tif

Literary Map Texas, 1955-ct000787_.tif

Literary map of Texas,1955_ct000787.tif

Laredo, TX 1892-pm009180_.tif

Lamar County, TX 1870-la001045a_.tif










Jefferson Co, TX 1879-la001027_.tif

Hood Co, TX 1891-la001009_.tif

Hunt Co, TX 1914-la001016_.tif

Hood Co, TX 1879-la001008_.tif

Ho Co, TX 1890-la001013_.tif

Hardeman, Co Texas 1880-la000995_.tif

Harris County, Texas Map-la000998_.tif

Guadalupe, Texas 1880-la000992_.tif

Galveston, Texas Map-la000983.tif

Galveston, Texas Map-la000982_.tif
Galveston, Texas -la000980_.tif

Erath, Co Texas, 1879-la000966_.tif

Ellis County, Texas, 1879-la000964_.tif

Dallas Co Texas, 1931-la000944_.tif

Dallas, TX 1892-pm009070_.tif

Dallas Co Texas, 1853-la000945_.tif

City of Houston and environs,1895_ct002034.tif