Custom Patches

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Designs are laser etchedinto the leather toenhance your hats, bags, and jackets. In thisprocess the leather is burned with the laser and getspermanently engraved. Aswithall genuine leather products, shades ofleather can vary.

Our Faux Leather Patches provide the lookand feel of real leather witha consistent, evenfinish. Available inmultiplecolor choices, our patches are laser engraved, providing a rusticbut upscale lookfor your brand. And best ofall, our Faux Leather is easytomaintainand safefor domestic wash!


Holographic emblems use animation to tell the story of your and The ability tochangeor move the image comes from ulartechnology, which allowsyour emblem tohave pleeye-catchinglooks when viewedfromdifferent s.


Beveled edges givea sharper, more refined look. This is our most durable emblem, and isspecifically madefor hard goods, hats, and heavy duty garmentssuchas outerwear.


eled edges givea sharper, more refined look. This is our durable emblem, and isspecifically madefor hard s, hats, and heavy duty garmentssuchas outerwear.


Print StitchPatches are a combination ofour two most popular patches: embroidered and sublimated. The backgroundisprinted witha full-color, photographicimage withaddedembroiderytogivedimensionand texture

Custom sizeembroidered emblem witha 3Deffect oncertain parts of the design, cut withadhesivebacking toapply on surfacesthrough heat orpressure.


Our smooth to the touch, Faux Suede Patches are laser etched providing contrasting, engraveddetail to your design while maintaining a soft feel on your fingertips. Available in 23 different colors.

Designs can have up to 15 unique thread colors.
Magenta Barely Pink Red
Additional Faux Suede Colors Available:


The elevated 3Deffect of our distinctive emblemenables intricate detailing, and you have the flexibility tochoosefroma wide range of colors, including bothmetallicand non-metallicfinishes. A clear finish optionis alsoavailable. Our signatures are guaranteed tocapture attention!


CustomizedPVC Emblems that are durable but alsoflexible, versatile & dimensional Wehaveall your wishes covered withPantone color matchingand waterproof protection

A maximum of 4 colors can be usedona singlePV+ Emblem to remain within standard turn-times. Pleasenote that any designs with 5-8 colorswill cause a delay on productionand turnaround times. Onlysolid colors are available, without any gradients. Pantone color matchingis available *Metallic & Neoncolors not allowed* “Glow in the dark” color is available

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