GommerceMinisterTofail Ahmedspeakingat the inauguralsessionof the Sth NationalConventionof the ICSBthat focusedon 'CorporateLeadership:EnhancingGovernanceExcellence'in the city Friday. ICSB PresidentMohammadAsad Ullah and Senior Vice PresidentM NaseemulHye were also presenton the FE Photo occaslon.
vestors,clientstrust Tofail cleanbusinesses: tion in order to pursueethics. Mr Asad Ullah highlighted the imporCommerceministerTofail Ahmed Friday tance of charteredsecretaries,the need of placedimportanceon'ethical leadership'in their professionalknowhow and skill for the corporatesector,saying it is neededto the sake of establishing good corporate attain competitive edge and add value to governancein the country. He requestedthe minister to take efective business. to sanctiona Tk 140 million fund mea$ures a necesmerely is not leadership "Ethical sity; it is now an opportunity, a source of fiom the govemmenfs developmentfund to competitiveadvantagefor companiesand a build its own office atAftabnagar in the city. Later, three separatetechnical sessions tool to addbusinessvalue," Mr Ahmed said. He was addressingan inaugural session on different themestook place at the conof a conventionasthe chief guestin the city. vention.The themesare Ethical Leadership Institute of Chartered Secretaries of PromotesGoveming Excellence, Leading Bangladesh(ICSB) arrangedthe 5th National Effective Boards-EnsureGovemance,and Convention 2014 on the theme "Corporale The ChangingRole of CompanySecretary kadenhip: EnhancingGovemingExcellence". from Complianceto Governance. In the evening, the 5th Convocationof The opening session was addressed, among others, by Mohammad Asad Ullah ICSB was held, offrcials.said, adding that FCS, presidentof ICSB, Itrat Husain FCS, 60 students,qualified for charteredsecrepastpresidentandcouncilmemberof ICSB' tariesin a two-and-a-halfyear course,were M NaseemulHye senior vice presidentof given certificatesat the convocation. Former commerce secretaryand chairthe institute, and Dr Feroz Iqbal Faruque FCS, former seniorvice presidentof ICSB. man of Bangladesh Securities and Citine essenceof ethical practice in the Exchange Commission (BSEC) Faruk .orpotai. sector. the comtnerceminister Ahmed Siddiqi was the chief guest at the said that if an organisationbecomescor- convocationwhile Dhaka University vicerupt, its legitimacy declines,which in turn chancellorAAMS Arefrn Siddiquewas the convocationspeakerand specialguest. stiflesbusinessand the whole economy. Among others, M. Sridharan,president subone organisation when a system, "In verts the law, it becomesmuch harder for of Institute of Chartered Secretariesof othersto operatecleanly.This is where eth- India (IC$I), CS NesarAhmed, past president of ICSI, were also the special guests ical leadershipis a necessity,"he added. He said a company practicing ethical while Heng ChiangPooh,honourarysecreprinciples is more trusted by customers, tary of MAISCA (Malaysia),was the guest shareholdersand investors, and will be of honour at the convocation. Presidedover by ICSB president,the conmore successfulcomparing those having vocationwas also attended,amongothers,by le'ssethicalpractices. Sayingethicalleadership)doesnot come Md Monirul Alam, vice presidentof ICSB,
FE Report