The Financial ExPress Friday, Decembet 5, 2014
15 cos bug corporate governance awards FE Report A total of 15 listed comoanieswere awarded on Thunday for their corporategovemance excellence. The companiesreceivedthe ICSB National Award for "CorporateGovemanceExcellence 2013"at a functionin the city. FinanceMinisterAMA Muhith handedover certificatesand creststo the award winning companiesas chief guestat the Bangabandhu IntemationalConferenceCente @ICC). The hstitute of CharteredSecretariesof (CSB) gavetheawardsforthe fint Bangladesh time in five categoriesto promotegovemance excellencein the county's corporatesector. In the bankingsector,EastemBank got the gold prize while Dutch-BanglaBank Limited @BBL) andUnitedCommercialBankbagged the silver andbronzeawardsrespectively. In the Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFIS) category Prime Finance and InvestrnentLtd garneredthe gold prize while Prime Insurance Company Ltd and Union CapitalLtd won the silver and bronzeawards
respectively. In the generalmanufacturingsectorBritish American TobaccoBangladeshobtainedthe gold award while Summit Power Ltd and hemier CementMills Ltd baggedthe silver andbronzeawardsrespectively. The Ibn Sina Pharmaceutical lndustry Ltd won the gold award in the Food & Allied and Pharmaceuticalsector while Beximco PharmaceuticalLtd and Glaxo Smith Kline BangladeshLtd baggedthe silver and bronzeawards. In the IT Communicationand Servicessector, the gold awardwent to SingerBangladesh Ltd while the silver andbronzeawardswent to Grameenphone (GP) and Bangladesh SubmarineCableCompanyLtd respectively. The award-givingceremonywasaddressd amongothers,by ABMrzaAziztrl Islarq former caretakergovemment adviser and the awardjury board chairmaq ProfessorDr M Khairul Hossain, chairman of Bangladesh Securities and Exchaneâ‚Ź Commission Continued to page 7 Gol. 1
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the Mr Muhith aPPreciated (BSEC), Mohammad Asad awards ttre giving for ICSB ICSB, of I-nhh FCS,president andM Nunrl Alam FCS,chair- sayinq that it would helP man of the CorporateGover- .niluni. the knowledgebase nance Award Cor,nmitteeof in the comoratesector. ICSB. ATM Tahmiduzzaman Mr A;zul Islam said that ACS, Council Member of lack of corporategovenvu:rce level of IGB; gavefre vote ofthmrks: and--uiracc-eptabfu The jury boarrdlod bY Dr greedwere causingrecession, Azizul Islam selected the rmemploymentetc. He laid stess on Pur$xng awardees from among 150 govemancein the corporate wift got listâ‚Źd corrpaniesthat fte stock exchangesmd Pub greaterinterest of the corPolishedannualreporsfor fte Year rate sector. Mr Khairul Hossain said endedon Decernber31,2013. the ICSB award would that established The ICSB was in 2010.ft helptakethe level ofcorPorate underanActpassed is a recognisedProfessional sovemanceto a new height in ihe corurtry. body intended1od.Y.l"P,3::-