2 minute read

C. Script for Informed Consent

Appendix C

Script for Informed Consent

Script for Informed Consent

When the prospective participant arrives to the first interview meeting, the informed consent process will begin. This process will entail (1) an explanation of the study’s purpose, (2) reasons for and scholarly benefits of the study, (3) expectations of participants, (4) the data collection methodology process, (5) possible risks and benefits of participation, and (6) privacy and confidentiality procedures. Participants will be made clear that they will not receive financial compensation for participating, will have no costs except for travel, their information will be held strictly confidential and that they have the right to terminate the consent and stop the process at any time. The script below will be read aloud to the participant, and they will be asked to state their understanding of the consent. If they communicate an appropriate and clear understanding, and agree, they will sign the Informed Consent form to participate in the research.

“The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of Black men living in U.S. urban centers. Specifically, it will explore maternal messages of endangerment for these men. I aim to understand how maternal messages shape Black men’s lives. I am personally interested and motivated to study this topic because of my own experiences as a Black man raised by his mother. Despite the overwhelming injustices and disparities Black men experience in this country, few researchers have studied the experience of Black men being endangered. Much less research has addressed how maternal meanings impact this experience. This research could help mental health professionals understand and possibly better treat Black men and their families. This research may also add theory to the literature on Black male endangerment.

You will be asked to participate in 2-3, 90-120 minute interviews. I can meet you at my office at 7110 Oakland Avenue in Richmond Heights, MO or I can travel to a location more convenient for you, as long as it is quiet and private. If this is not feasible, interviews by Skype will be permitted. There are no financial benefits to this study.

Possible risks for participation in this study are not known at this time, but may include the inconvenience related to either travel, time spent on the interviews and/or having negative emotional reactions to the interviews themselves or learning of a family member’s response to interview questions. In the event that you experience negative responses to the interviews, appropriate referrals will be provided along with a debriefing that you and I will have. Furthermore, if you experience any such negative responses you do not have to continue in the study. You have the right to stop the

interviews and withdraw your participation at any time. Outside of travel expenses, there are no known costs to participating.

All information shared will remain confidential. No identifying information will be included in the research and all data from the interviews will be kept in a locked filing cabinet at my office in Richmond Heights. The only people who have access to the raw data are myself, my committee members, and my senior analyst research consultant. The information that is shared, once complete, will be disguised to protect your confidentiality. Audio recordings and all documents related to the study will be password protected. After the mandatory 5-year post graduation period has been met, I will personally destroy the records by shredding all paper data and deleting all electronic data.”

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