3 minute read
D. Screening Interview Script
from Paige LaCava dissertation
Appendix D
Screening Interview Script
“Thank you for your interest in my research. Again, my name is Paige LaCava and I’m a doctoral student conducting research through the Institute for Clinical Social Work in Chicago, Illinois. There are a few things I need to confirm before we move forward. I’m looking to better understand the concepts of “launching” and the relationship between parents and children at this stage of life. I also have to confirm a few things about you to make sure you qualify for my study. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions now?”
Demographic Questions
1. How old are you? _______ years-old (if 17 or younger then disqualify; if 65 or older then disqualify) 2. What is your race/ethnicity? 3. Where do you live? 4. What is your gender? 5. How long have you been married? _____ years 6. How many children do you have? _____ children Child 1: gender_________ age ________ Child 2: gender _________ age________ Child 3: gender _________ age________ Child 4: gender _________ age________ Child 5: gender _________ age________
Screening Questions
7. Do you have a personal experience with having at least one child going through a launching phase? [Yes/No] If Yes, can you talk about it? If No, disqualify
8. Do you have a personal experience with losing a parent when you were 18-24? [Yes/No] If Yes, can you talk about it? If No, disqualify
9. Can you briefly explain how your parent died________________________________ [No-if murder or suicide]
10. Is there anything that you can think of that might deter you from participating or providing me with honest answers? [Yes/No] If Yes, possibly disqualify
11. Would you be willing to be interviewed three times for up to 60 minutes? [Yes/No] If No, disqualify
12. Are you okay with being audiotaped? [Yes/No] If No, disqualify 13. Can we set up a date, time and meeting place for our first interview? Closing
Appendix E
Semi-Structured Interview Guide
Interview #1
1. How does participant recognize and define independence for their child? Can you tell me a little bit about why you decided to participate in my study?
Prompts: • Tell me a little about your child (the one who is launching). • What comes to mind when you think about this child becoming independent? • What does the term “launching phase” mean to you? • Is there another term you like/prefer? • How much do you think about these issues before now, our meeting?
2. What is their lived experience of their child becoming independent?
Prompts: • How do you know that your child is launching? • What was your relationship like with your child before the launch? • What has your relationship been like since the launching started? • When do you think the launching phase for your child will be over? • When the launching phase is over, what do you expect your relationship to be like? • What do you hope for/expect as you move forward relationally with your child?
Interview #2
1. What was the lived experience of losing a parent during a launching phase?
Last time we talked about what has been happening recently, with your child preparing to …. (go to college, move to own apartment, etc.). I was hoping today that you could tell me a bit more about your own experience at that age….
Prompts: • What was it like when you were “launching”? • To what extent were your parents part of the process, as you remember it? • Is this different from what becoming independent was like for you?
Interview #3
1. To what extent does the death of their parent play into the launching of their own child?
Prompts: • In the past 6 months has the death of your parent been present for you? • If yes, in what ways? Memories/dreams; Reliving of feelings and emotions • Explain what your relationship was like with your child (who is launching) before the launch started. • What is your relationship like now with that child?