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B. Informed Consent Letter
Appendix B
Informed Consent Letter
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Institute for Clinical Social Work Research Information and Consent for Participation in Social Behavioral Research an Exploration of Openness in Psychoanalytic Supervision
I, , acting for myself, agree to take part in the research entitled an Exploration of Openness in Psychoanalytic Supervision.
This work will be carried out by Kacie Liput (Principal Researcher) under the supervision of Dr. Dennis Shelby (Dissertation Chair or Sponsoring Faculty)
This work is conducted under the auspices of the Institute for Clinical Social Work at Robert Morris Center, 401 South State Street; Suite 822, Chicago, IL 60605; (312) 935-4232.
The purpose of this phenomenological study is to explore the experience of how honest psychoanalytic candidates feel they can be with their training supervisors. This is a complex relationship since (a) the candidates pay for the supervision, (b) the supervisors must eventually give approval that the candidates are ready to be certified as a psychoanalyst, (c) the evaluation process in supervision creates asymmetry in the system, so those involved cannot escape power dynamic issues, and (d) analytic training takes anywhere from 4 to 8 years or more (according to a conversation with the APssA head office May 4, 2016). This research is significant to clinical social workers and other mental health professionals, in that it will provide new information about psychoanalytic supervision that will allow them to better understand what is often viewed as a complex and secretive process.
Procedures Used in the Study and Duration
After you have agreed to partake in the study, you will be sent the Informed Consent Form and Study Questionnaire. Once these have been returned, your interview will be scheduled. You will be interviewed at least once, and at maximum twice, in your chosen surroundings either in person or via VSee or phone. VSee is video conferencing software used by NASA and medical practitioners. It is HIPAA compliant and free to download. The first interview will last 45-60 minutes, with the duration of the second interview
determined as needed (but not exceed 45 minutes). With your permission, interviews will be audiotaped using a digital recorder, with audio files then transcribed by a professional service using a pseudonym of your choosing. Transcripts of interviews will be shared between the study’s principal investigator, dissertation chair, and dissertation method’s chair. Prior to your second interview, I will email or mail detailed themes and descriptions gathered from your first interview for you to make note of any comments or questions you have regarding accuracy and clarity. This data will be sent to you via a password-protected file.
It is hoped that this research will contribute to the understanding of how openness plays out in psychoanalytic supervision, so one possible benefit of the study will provide insight into the experience of supervision from the candidate’s perspective. A second benefit will be to fill a gap in the literature, as there is currently little research related to psychoanalytic supervision that presents the supervisee perspective.
There are no costs associated with participation in this study. There will be no financial remuneration for your participation in this study.
Possible Risks and/or Side Effects
This research poses minimal potential risk to you. Any such risk would be associated with possible emotional discomfort as a result of discussing personal perspectives and feelings about supervision. You will be asked personal questions about your supervision in this study and will be notified during the pre-interview process to expect such questions. You reserve the right to refuse to answer any questions at any time during the course of the study, and you are encouraged to share information deemed relevant and safe to your emotional well-being and comfort. Should you experience strong reactions during the data gathering experience, and still wish to continue in the study, professional therapeutic help will be provided at your request. If you experience strong reactions and no longer wish to participate in the study, professional therapeutic help will be provided at your request, and the principal researcher will provide you with a full debriefing.
Privacy and Confidentiality
All data you provide for this study will be identified through a pseudonym that you will choose when filling out the initial study questionnaire. Under no circumstances will you be identified by name at any time during this research study or in any publication thereof. Data from the study will be coded and securely stored on the principal investigator’s private computer, which is password protected and kept behind locked doors and a digital security system. Transcribers and dissertation committee members will be required to sign agreements regarding confidentiality. Files passed back and forth between the principal investigator and dissertation committee will be password protected and sent
only through the Institute for Clinical Social Work’s email system. Audio files containing data will be destroyed upon final completion of the research. All other data will be maintained for period of 5 years in a secure location, after which all files will be destroyed.
Use of Results
This research study is to be submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Institute for Clinical Social Work, Chicago, IL. The results of this study will be published as a dissertation and may include verbatim extracts of your narratives. In addition, information may be used for educational purposes in professional presentation(s) and/or clinical publication(s).
Subject Assurances
The following is the format that should be followed in creating the assurances: By signing this consent form, I agree to take part in this study. I have not given up any of my rights or released this institution from responsibility for carelessness.
I may cancel my consent and refuse to continue in this study (or take my child out of this study) at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. My relationship with the staff of the ICSW will not be affected in any way, now or in the future, if I (or my child) refuse to take part, or if I begin the study and then withdraw.
If I have any questions about the research methods, I can contact Kacie Liput (Principal Researcher) or Dr. Dennis Shelby (Dissertation Chair/Sponsoring Faculty), at this phone number 832-875-3724.
If I have any questions about my rights as a research subject, I may contact Dr. John Ridings, Chair of Institutional Review Board; ICSW; At Robert Morris Center, 401 South State Street; Suite 822, Chicago, IL 60605; irbchair@icsw.edu.
I have read this consent form and I agree to take part in this study as it is explained in this consent form.
Signature of Participant Date
I certify that I have explained the research to (Name of subject) and believe that they understand and that they have agreed to participate freely. I agree to answer any additional questions when they arise during the research or afterward.
Signature of Researcher Date
Revised 14 Oct. 2015