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D. Open-Ended Questions/Probes
from Marie McKenna dissertation
[All consent forms must be signed and dated. They must be explained to the participants and witnessed by the person who is explaining the procedure.]
I have read this consent form and I agree to take part (or, to have my child take part) in this study as it is explained in this consent form.
_________________________________ _____________ Signature of Participant Date
_________________________________ _______________ Signature of child (if over 10 years) Date
I certify that I have explained the research to _____________________ (Name of subject or child) and believe that they understand and that they have agreed to participate freely. I agree to answer any additional questions when they arise during the research or afterward.
________________________________ ______________ Signature of Researcher Date
Revised 6 Sep 2006
Appendix D
Open-Ended Questions/Probes
Open-Ended Questions/Probes
• What is it like to grow up with a family with your heritage?
• What does it mean to you (if anything) that the country of your heritage
has been in ethnopolitical turmoil for so many years?
• How did (or do) your parents communicate their heritage to you?
• When you think of” family” what comes to mind as most important from
your Irish heritage? Closeness? How would you define what is important
in family? Is this different than your parents?
• Did your parents communicate their Irish heritage through stories, life
lessons, music… If so can you talk about some that you remember.
• What did you hear as most important passed down to you about being a
good person?