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A. Recruitment flyer
from Laudan Moghadam Dissertation
Appendix A
Recruitment Flyer
My name is Laudan Moghadam and I am a Ph.D. student at the Institute for Clinical Social Work. I am looking for research participants to complete my dissertation titled:
The lived experience of Muslim women subjected to Islamophobia
If you live in the DC metro area and are interested in participating in this research study, please call or email me to set up a brief screening interview. Feel free to send this information to anyone who may be interested.
I am looking for 5 participants who meet the criteria below:
• Self-identified Muslim woman between the ages 18-65 • Currently wears hijab/wore hijab in the past • Has been subjected to Islamophobia and affected by it • Willing/able to meet 2-4 times, for 60-90-minute interviews
There are no costs to participating besides the time spent for the interviews. All information will remain confidential and all identities will be disguised.
You can contact me at 240-370-5248, or moghadam.laudan@gmail.com.
Thank you!