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Transfer Credit Policy
● The student may be readmi ed under a Proba onary Status and/or be given melines for task completion ● All financial obliga ons to ICSW must be paid in full prior to reac va on of student status ● The Academic Dean must approve the pe on to return
Student at Large Program
ICSW's Student‐at‐Large program is designed for professionals or clinicians who are interested in learning about psychodynamic theories. Our courses are taught by our faculty who are experts in the field of mental health. Students may enroll in any course except for Case Conference courses subject to instructor approval. Students can receive a certificate of completion or CEU credits. No more than four courses may be transferred for credit to our Master's or PhD program. Transfer students will also be expected to fulfill all class requirements to receive full credit and complete the application process for our PhD or Master's programs.
Admissions: Application and Interview with the Academic Dean.
Student Evaluation and Grades
Classroom instructors grade students on their course work and submit evaluations on the caliber of each student’s work. The purpose of grading is evaluative, as well as to provide a learning tool for students, i.e., to provide feedback on progress, strengths and weaknesses, and issues that need to be addressed. Cumulative grade point average is based on full letter grades, not plus or minus grades. Only letter grades are recorded in the students’ transcript. Instructors are required to submit full letter grades (not pluses or minuses) within two weeks after classes end.
Grading Standards
Grades are assigned according to the following standard:
A Superior work 4.0 value B Satisfactory work 3.0 value C Marginal work 2.0 value F Failure 0.0 value P Pass 0.0 value, only to be assigned in Case Conference, Clinical and Research Practicum and Transfer Credits IP In Progress AU Audit* Credit Deferred, Clinical and Research Practicum Only 0.0 value
I Incomplete 0.0 value, awaiting grade
Incompletes: An incomplete can be granted only in cases of significant personal emergency and when the student has been in touch with the instructor in advance of the due date for the required work. Any incompletes must be resolved by the first day of the following semester (fall, spring, summer). If the work has not been completed by this date, the incomplete grade will convert to a failing grade. It is always the student’s responsibility to initiate the process for an incomplete. It is also the responsibility of the student to turn in the completed work by the following semester’s end.
Late Assignments: A late assignment is one that is submitted after the deadline but before grades are submitted. Approval for turning assignments in late is determined by individual instructors.
Assignment of Credit Policy
In our Master’s Program, the standard course extends over a sixteen‐week period including final examinations week. Master’s courses carry one credit for every sixteen class hours. For every one‐hour of class students are expected to do a minimum of two hours of work outside instructional time for each credit hour awarded. Courses in our PhD Program (onsite and distance) carry one credit for every eight 8 class hours. One credit hour is equivalent to eight hours spent in class and a minimum of two hours work outside instructional for each credit hour awarded. Credit is earned if a student receives an A through C, or P grade.
Please note that a grade of F, IP, or Audit does not earn credit.
Transfer Credit Policy
ICSW accepts, on an individual basis, transfer of credits from other accredited Master’s or Doctoral Programs for courses which are equivalent to courses in the curriculum of ICSW’s Master’s or Doctoral Program pending approval by the Academic Dean.
Guidelines: ● Courses from other programs must be evaluated by the Academic Dean The evaluation will include a judgment of the general similarity in content and clock hours. ● We will accept credits totaling no more than twenty percent of the required coursework in any degree program. ● Clinical Prac cum and case conference courses may be eligible for transfer of credit consideration. ● Courses may be no more than 5 years old to be eligible for transfer credit. ● Transcripts and syllabi need to be reviewed for content prior to gran ng transfer credit approval. ● If all the above criteria are met, the student must successfully complete an evaluation of student learning activities to demonstrate knowledge of course content.