ICTWG Meeting Held on Tuesday 19 May 2009 at 3.45
JG. HS, VC, KCa, SM, DF, ER, MB, PW, VH, MMc,
JP, JWa, KT.
Not Present:
Minutes of last meeting:1
Were read as a true and accurate record. Matters Arising.
• Following on from the previous inset day on ICT the gentleman (Dale) from Autology has offered to populate your own subject area on your behalf. Please advise other members of the department and arrange to obtain content and forward to JG preferably on CD ROMs who will then forward onto Dale. • Also with regards to the demonstration by Hodder Education which was set up in the main entrance hall. Samples were distributed to departments, these now need to be returned a.s.a.p. or a charge will be made to the school. Please pass to JG. • Same Learning – JG distributed a “Usage Report” to members. Document shows how many pupils do actually log onto this platform. • Eclipse online – this is a whole school resource (eclipse.net) to work in conjunction with the Library i.e. booking system for books. VC ran through how this worked.
• Interactive whiteboards – final instalments to take place through the summer months 14 new boards in total. 2 x MFL, 1 x History. Others tba. ICT in the Curriculum.
advised that KCa has been invited by the LEA to demonstrate/show her programme of her recent video creation involving students. JG passed over to KCa who advised:JG
• She took 16 mixed ability students off timetable for 1 day. • P1 – introduced the topic – recreation of the English Civil War. • P2 – Went to the library for reference purposes using books and/or computers. • P3 – writing the scripts and finding props (use of Drama Dept). • P4 – Filmed it. • P5 – Edited it. 3
• The video was shown at the meeting. KCa advised she would have really liked more time spent on this 1 day not being enough. • VH confirmed that she felt this was a very good resource however felt that when using equipment back up should be given by technicians in case of failure. • It was advised that this “old chestnut” had been mentioned in meetings before JG advised that he had took this to the Strategy Meeting but did not advise the outcome. • JG thanked KCa and advised the meeting that the invite from Kirklees is on 4 June at Deighton Centre. • VH advised that the school would benefit from a recording studio?
• HS took the floor to advise the group that HHS is definitely going a head with the new VLE. HS advised that this is now up and running albeit in the background. • Proposals have been put forward from all year groups and will be brought to the table at a later meeting. Anyone wishing to contribute or be apart of this new project/platform then please see HS. Some of the proposals received include students having their full names instead of numbers. ER also confirmed that this would help her too. • Examples of page designs were handed round for perusal/comment. • Frog will be up and running (e-mail side) from September 09 and which point the original e-mail will have to be shut down.
• HS advised that if any member wanted to keep any of their e-mails received/sent or otherwise then these must be stored in their “Archive” file to enable same to be transferred over. See HS if in any doubt. • HS advised that an e-mail will be forwarded to all staff once the procedure is to take place. • JG advised the group that this was a very exciting time for HHS with regards to “Frog” coming on board. ICTAC Fair.
• ICTAC Fair has been shelved but AW is to introduce a new ICT training plan next year. The concept will be on a similar basis to the ICTAC Fair. • JG thanked all departments for their support and work with regards to the new technology. • JG gave demonstration of the ICT@C page through the staffroom section on the VLE. • On another note PW asked if the staff could access Youtube. JG confirmed that this is an ongoing argument with Kirklees as they are the ones that put a block on this. Discussions are still ongoing.
New Technology. 6
“Busbi” – 5 purchased these are mini video cameras. Also 2 x digi-cameras purchased – these are stored as usual in Resources. “Sweeble”
has received an e-mail regarding the above website. Copies of these details were handed out. This is a “Free” sight. Please peruse and make comment and/or use for next meeting. JG
Demonstration. 8 JG showed
a video of new hi-tech equipment of the future called “surface”.
M-Learning Project.
• HHS were loaned hand held device i.e. i-phone, XDA mantle etc. This proved to be a very successful project so much so that we have now bought in our own products. • AW is exploring a further product called “Blackberry Curve” and works in conjunction with Paper IQ. • JG requested volunteers to use said equipment and to report back on how they think these products would be useful for their department. • Project to go ahead after half term. Meeting closed at 5.05