Principal officers 2013 v1 3

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Principal Officers 2013/14 Edition

Principal Officers Page 1


This manual will:





Key contacts and supporters




Running your Club, Society or Project


Other training






Club, Society & Project Details




Other Online Services


Storage & Equipment






Vehicle Bookings


JCR/Equipment Bookings


Intellectual Property


Reporting & Reviewing


Handover, Elections & AGMs


Appendix One - Management Group Contacts


Appendix Two - Other Useful Contacts


Appendix Three - Useful websites


Appendix Four - Common acronyms


Š 2013 Imperial College Union Version 1.3 - 12 August 2013

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Provide an overview of what facilities and support are available in the Union

Give a general introduction to the information you need to run a Club, Society or Project

Act as a starting point to find out a greater level of detail and more specific information

Tell us what you think of this training publication

Introduction This trainng manual is your guide as the Principal Officer of a Club, Society or Project. This trainng manual provides the information that is specifically intended for you as the person in charge. Various other training trainng manuals exist, which can be found online at These are recommended reading. Between them they cover all aspects of leading and running Clubs, Societies & Projects within Imperial College Union. Depending on the nature of your activities some will be of more use than others. Of particular importance is the Core Finance trainng manual – this is compulsory reading. As the Principal Officer of a Club, Society or Project you are also responsible for the your Club, Society or Project’s financial activities. There are also various other finance publications, full details are given in the Core Finance trainng manual.

Yas Edwards Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) E: T: 020 7594 1763, extension: 41763

You can also contact the Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) or the Student Activities Manager with queries relating to running your Club, Society or Project. If you have any difficulties with eActivities, or there is a technical problem with the system you should contact the Union’s Systems Coordinator by emailing club.web.enquiries@imperial.

Important Contacts If you need help with anything related to what is contained in this trainng manual, you can get in contact with your Management Group Chair or Treasurer see Appendix One for a list.

General enquires can be directed to the Student Activities Centre at activities. There are also a wide range of staff who can help with specific queries, their details are given in Appendix Two.

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Key contacts and supporters Imperial College Union is a registered charity (charity number 1151241) and Clubs, Societies and Projects form an integral part of the Union. The Principal Officers of these groups are a key part of making things actually happen. Clubs, Societies and Projects are collectively part of the Student Activities Programme.

Sabbatical Officers The Union is run by students, for students. Every year, a campus-wide election takes place where every full member of the Union can vote for who will be running their Union for the next year; those elected are known as the Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers are: • President UlJosephately responsible for everything in the Union. As a Club, Society or Project officer, you should hopefully not be in contact with them too frequently.

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• Deputy President (Finance & Services) Responsible for the Union’s money. If you ever have any financial queries which your Management Group Treasurer cannot answer, they are the one to ask. • Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) Responsible for looking after and representing all the Clubs, Societies & Projects in the Union. They also organise Freshers’ Fair. This is the Sabbatical to whom you should address all your Club, Society or Project-related queries, unless they are specifically finance things. • Deputy President (Welfare) Responsible for looking after all welfare related activities the Union undertakes. This is the Sabbatical with whom you should discuss any activity ideas which have a campaigning or outreach theme to them. • Deputy President (Education) Responsible for all the academic representation the Union carries out, you will rarely need to contact them on Club, Society or Project matters.

Key contacts and supporters cont...

Management Groups Each Club, Society or Project is part of a Management Group. The role of Management Groups is discussed in the next section on Organisation. The people who run the management groups are volunteer student officers, they have an important role in representing the interests of Clubs, Societies & Projects, as well as dealing with considerable amounts of administration to keep everything running. Each Management Group has a Chair/President and Treasurer, as well as usually having a variety of other elected officers. Their contact details can be found in Appendix One.

Union Staff The Union employs a number of staff members, some of who are work directly on aiding the work of Clubs, Societies & Projects; others who can lend their professional expert knowledge to specific queries and pieces of work being undertaken. The key staff members for Clubs, Societies & Projects, their role and contact details can be found in Appendix Two.

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Organisation Each Club, Society or Project is allocated to a Management Group, through which their operations are controlled, such as the financial operations. The allocation to a Management Group is based on the type of activity the Club, Society or Project undertakes and is in some cases historic. Clubs, Societies & Projects are managed via one of the 14 Management Groups. These groups provide similar interest Clubs, Societies & Projects with simple and readily accessible management with a wide knowledge base. This knowledge base can be considered as a forum for sharing ideas and refining best-practice. Each of the Management Groups are run by elected students, their role is: • To represent the interests of your Club, Society or Project within the Union and in the College.

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• A first source of information, advice and support. • Where you get expenditure and purchase orders approved as well as receiving advice and support with your Club, Society or Project finances. • Where budgets for your Club, Society or Project are set. • Where contingency funds are awarded. • There to represent you at either the Clubs & Societies Board, Union Council and some College Committees. • Organise social events and group activities. Each of the Management Groups will have a Chair and Treasurer who should be your first port of call for Club, Society & Project related issues; they will be the experts in the type of potential challenges likely to affect your group and should always be ready to offer advice and guidance. A list of their contacts can be found in Appendix One.

Organisation cont... Management Groups The Management Groups are: • Athletic Clubs Committee (ACC) looks after competitive sports and martial arts Clubs. • Social Clubs Committee (SCC) looks after common interest Societies (including religious, political and discussion based ones). • Recreational Clubs Committee (RCC) looks after recreational sports and activity and skill focused Clubs & Societies. • Arts and Entertainments Board (A&E) looks after arts and entertainments Societies. • Overseas Societies Committee (OSC) looks after the international and cultural Societies. • Media Group looks after the media Clubs & Societies such as Felix and IC Radio. • Royal School of Mines Union (RSMU) looks after the Departmental Societies as well as the sports and social Clubs within the former Royal School of Mines. • Silwood Park Union looks after the Clubs & Societies at the Silwood Park campus. • City & Guilds College Union (CGCU) looks after the Departmental Societies in the Faculty of Engineering and represents the Faculty’s undergraduate students, except those in the Departments of the former Royal School of Mines • Royal College of Science Union (RCSU) represents undergraduate students in the Faculty of Natural Science and looks after the Departmental Societies in the Faculty. • Imperial College School of Medicine Students’ Union (ICSMSU) is responsible for all the various Medics Clubs and Societies and represents undergraduate students in the Faculty of Medicine • Graduate Students’ Union (GSU) exists to represent the interests of Postgraduate students, as well as facilitate social activities and some specific Clubs & Societies. • Community Action Group (CAG) oversee Projects carrying out volunteering and social action, in the local community, nationally and internationally. • Raising & Giving (RAG) look after charity fundraising activities for the Union, whether those are events organised centrally, or through Projects particularly dedicated for the purpose of raising money for specific causes. RAG can also advise any student group wishing to carry out a fundraising activity. More information on arranging a charity collection can be found in the Raising Money for Charity trainng

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Organisation cont... Management Group Meetings Management Group meetings are run by your Management Group Chair. Each Club, Society or Project in a Management Group is represented in these meetings and they are a chance for all the Groups in your Management Group to meet and discuss things relevant to your Management Group. Your Management Group Chair and Treasurer will use these meetings to pass on important information from the Union, discuss shared issues, let you know

about deadlines, any policy changes and big events going on which may interest your Group. This is the place to air any particular problems affecting your Group which need to be addressed by the Union. Other things which happen are: • Budget appeals. • Approval of any changes in a Club, Society or Project’s Constitution. • Contingency claims. The Sabbatical Officers may well also attend these meetings, so it is a good chance to raise matters for them to address. Frequency

Once a month. You will be notified of the date, Josephe and location of the meeting two weeks in advance. Who Attends

Every Club, Society or Project in the Management Group is required to send one representative. This is usually the Chair; however, other Committee members can attend in their place. More than one person from a Group can attend if they want to. Important: It is the Club, Society or Project not the Club, Society or Project Chair or President who is a member of the Management Group. Therefore, if more than one representative from a Club, Society or Project attends, there will still be one vote per Club, Society or Project. Any member of the Union can attend a Management Group meeting and observe. Principal Officers Page 8

Organisation cont... Clubs & Societies Board (CSB) The Clubs & Societies Board looks after all Club, Society & Project related matters, from funding to setting policy for approval by Council. CSB is also the route for any appeals by Clubs, Societies & Projects from their own Management Group. The Committee may decide upon any of the following: • The validity of a Tour proposal as a valid tour. • Subsidy rates for tours. • Management Group funding for the forthcoming academic year. • Budget appeals. • New Club, Society or Project appeals. • Contingency claims to CSB. • Amendments to Club, Society or Project-related policy. Frequency

The committee meet once every three weeks. A list of the upcoming CSB meetings can be found at Societies_Board. Who Attends

The meeting is chaired by the Deputy President (Club & Societies). All the other sabbaticals, Management Group Chairs. Union meetings are open and transparent, so any member of the Union is encouraged to attend CSB and observe.

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Running your Club, Society or Project Responsibilities of the Principal Officer The person in charge (i.e. Principal Officer) of the Club, Society or Project has some specific duties: • Ensure the Group Constitution and any policies of the Club, Society or Project are followed. The Constitution outlines the aims and objectives of the Group, members of the committee, election procedures etc. The Club, Society or Project may have standing policies which should be followed, e.g. how activities are operated. • The Chair, while not necessarily getting involved in the day-to-day operation of the Club, Society or Project’s finances, you should have a reasonable overview of what is going on.

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• While the Chair has been elected to be in overall charge of the Group, it should be run as a democracy, not a dictatorship. There are other committee members for a reason. Make sure they are involved in the running of the Group. • Ensure all activities stay within the Law and the rules of Imperial College and Imperial College Union. Be sensible to help ensure that this situation remains as it is. • Keep your members safe in everything that your Group does. Do sensible things and make sensible decisions. • Be inclusive and ensure your Group offers activities for ALL members of your Group. These include activities at different Josephes/days and for

Running your Club, Society or Project different levels of experience and skill. Remember also that not everyone drinks alcohol! • Ensure regular committee meetings happen and are effective. • Represent the Club, Society or Project at Management Group Committee meetings. Important

Imperial College Union believes that the best people to run Clubs, Societies & Projects at Imperial are Imperial Students, not College or Union Staff members. A vast amount of trust is placed in Club, Society or Project Officers at Imperial. However with this comes responsibilities for the actions of your Club, Society or Project. Each Club, Society or Project is an intrinsic part of both Imperial College Union and Imperial College London – not a separate entity acting alone. 1. Y ou and your Group members are ambassadors for Imperial College Union AND Imperial College London. You are responsible for what your Group does and says. This includes conduct at all Club, Society & Project events and what is published in the media and on the web. 2. Y ou, as a Club, Society or Project Officer, will be expected to act in the best interests of your Club, Society or Project. You have authority, within the remit of your role, over your Club, Society or Project.

3. You are accountable to the members of your Club, Society or Project for what happens, this includes if nothing happens at all. 4. You are also accountable to the Union and the College for the actions of your Club, Society or Project, and the collective and individual actions of the members whilst undertaking your Group activity. Aside from this accountability there is a level of liability which you as a Club, Society or Project Officer undertake. Club, Society or Project Officers found responsible for breaching Union or College rules and regulations, as well as the Law, may be subject to Union and/ or College Disciplinary Proceedings. These proceedings may result in varying levels of punishment as well as an entry possibly being placed on your permanent College record. For medical students this may affect your Fitness to Practice. Disciplinary action resulting from Club, Society & Project activities can include Bringing The College Into Disrepute. Imperial College Union is prepared to refer conduct of Club, Society & Project Officers to the Police if it sees fit.

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Holding Meetings

Who Attends

All Clubs, Societies & Projects will need to run committee meetings regularly in order to keep up-to-date with what needs doing and to ensure that the Group runs smoothly and carries out successful events & activities for members. Most committee meetings which are held during the year are called ‘Ordinary Committee Meetings’, unless it is the ‘Annual General Meeting’ (AGM). For more info on AGMs, please see the Running a Club, Society or Project Election trainng manual and the Handover Information checklist.

The Club, Society or Project committee – all Clubs, Societies & Projects must have at least a Chair, Treasurer and a Secretary to form their Club, Society or Project committee. Projects may have all of these or a combination of these as approved by their Management Group. Many Groups will have more positions than just these. It is at the Chair’s discretion to allow certain members of a committee to miss a meeting, e.g. if there is a large sub-committee in charge of a large event, usually only the ‘Chair’ of the sub-committee will be required to come to Group committee meetings.


Most Club, Society & Project committees meet once a week during term Josephe. If there is a big event coming up, you may need to meet more frequently.

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All members of the Union can attend any Group committee meeting and observe. Who Does What

The Club, Society or Project Chair will normally run the meeting. The Chair is responsible for:

Running your Club, Society or Project • letting everyone on the committee know the date, Josephe and location of the meeting well in advance (at least a week is advised). • reminding people to send the Secretary any apologies and items for the agenda. • taking votes on matters during the meeting. • ensuring that everyone at the meeting contributes something and is listened to. • assigning, along with the rest of the committee, action points to the appropriate committee member and ensuring that person is clear in what they must do. • keeping the meeting in order. • setting the date of the next meeting. The Secretary is responsible for: • compiling the agenda for the meeting and circulating it to all committee

members in advance. • taking minutes during the meeting. • writing up the minutes from the meeting and circulating them to all committee members soon after the meeting. • Minuting who received action points in the meeting, and what needs to be reported back to the next meeting. This should be typed up and stored for future reference. Sample Meeting Agenda

• Apologies (those unable to attend the meeting). • Minutes of last meeting. • Matters arising from the minutes. • Chair’s Business. • Treasurer’s Report. • Matters for discussion (this is the main bulk of the meeting, e.g. any events or trips you may be running). • Date of next meeting.

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Other training Various other training is available on a large range of subjects for those involve in running Clubs, Societies & Projects. Full information is available online at

All volunteers Key Information training must be undertaken by everyone who has a committee position within a Club, Society or Project.

Finance Finance training must be completed by Principal Officers and Treasurers of Clubs, Societies & Projects. This training contains the financial information that all Principal Officers and Treasurers must know. Various specific detailed procedures are contained within the following trainng manuals which support the finance arena: Money In, Money Out, Event Budgeting, Making a Claim, Transfers & Corrections and Transaction Codes.

Use of spaces on Imperial Campuses The Requesting Spaces training contains all the information about holding events on Imperial College campuses, the various rules, procedures and policies which are in place. This training is mandatory for anyone wishing to request a space for a Club, Society or Project event. This is available as eLearning.

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Other training cont... Trips and tours away from campus The Trips & Tours trainng manual contains all the information you’ll need for organising an event away from an Imperial campus, particularly long distances away and overseas.

Marshaling The Marshaling training must be completed by those who are nominated to marshal large events taking place within College premises.

Publicity The trainng manual on Publicity contains all the various rules regarding publicising events, both through posters and flyers, but also online and via advertising stunts. It also contains information about building Club, Society or Project websites.


Sports Management 2013/14 Edition

This is the only piece of training for Clubs, Societies & Projects which is run as a group session, supported by the Sports Management trainng manual. It is mandatory for those who are sports team captains and fixtures secretaries.

Sports Management Page 1

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Membership Anyone who would like to join a Club, Society or Project must first be (or become) a member of Imperial College Union. The three types of membership are: • Full Members All registered students of Imperial College are automatically Full Members of the Union. • Associate Members College or Union staff, or any Further or Higher Education student over the age of eighteen. • Life Members Someone is entitled to become a Life Member of the Union if they have been: a Full or Associate Member of the Union for at least one academic year; a Research or Teaching Assistant for at least two academic years; a member of the full Josephe Union staff for at least two years, or a member of Imperial College London staff for at least two years. Membership is only available to people who fit into these categories because we are a charity and our purpose is to provide services and support for our members. Furthermore, we only allocate our resources for the use of our members. Groups should not invite people who do not fall into any of these categories to join them, as they will not be covered by insurance and they could potentially be taking opportunities and resources away from our other members that we support.

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Purchasing Associate/Life Membership 1. Associate Membership: costs £4/ month. This can be purchased in person from the SAC. You will need to provide proof of staff/student status. 2. Royal College of Music/ Royal College of Art Associate Membership: because these institutions are our close neighbours, Associate Membership for these students costs an annual fee of £5. This can be purchased in person from the SAC or at the beginning of the academic year at their institution. They will need to provide their student ID. 3. Life Membership: costs £50 as a oneoff payment. This can be purchased online. External individuals engaged as instructors (whether paid or otherwise) are not required to become members of the Club, Society or Project, provided the services they are providing is on a purely instructional basis. If an Instructor is engaging in the general recreational activities of a Club, Society or Project, rather than merely instructing then they must become a member. Every Club, Society & Project membership can be found on the Imperial College Union website


Who and what is eActivities for?

Further enquiries

eActivities is an online system for facilitating the management of Clubs, Societies & Projects within the Union. It is accessible by any Officer and member of a Club, Society or Project within the Union.

If you are looking for help with using eActivities for finance tasks please look at the Core Finance trainng manual. If you have any difficulties with eActivities, or there is a problem with the system you should contact the Union’s Systems Coordinator by emailing club.web.

Depending on someone’s role, they can view and edit different pieces of information so that the Union – and your Club, Society & Project itself – are aware of the details of their activities and so that there is a permanent record of their activities for future members’ reference.

If you are passionate about changing things for the better you could always join our eActivities users group – email the Systems Coordinator at club.web. if so.

Online transaction pages sit within eActivities and are accessible without logging in or passing any training quizzes, but to utilise most of the functions available you will have to log in and may also have to pass the relevant training quiz.

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eActivities cont... To log into eActivities, first head to You should come to the page pictured below, where you will see a Log in box top of the screen. Click on the Log in box and a window will pop up requesting you to enter your personal College Username and Password.

Click on the red Log in box to enter the eActivities site Enter your College Username and Password Your Roles in eActivities If you are a member of more than one Club, Society or Project, there are different eActivities areas for each group. All the Clubs, Societies & Projects you are a member of are tied to your College username. On the right-hand side of the eActivities page is the info panel. You will see under Your Roles subheading your current role and a list of other roles you hold. Change to them by clicking the one you want. If you have more than four roles, clicking on the Other Roles button will make a drop down list appear, where you can choose which Club, Society or Project’s eActivities pages you wish to look at.

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eActivities cont... Default role settings It is possible to change the default role that eActivities selects from those which are available to you. To do this you will need to go to the My Details section and select Positions, where you will see a list of the positions you have held and by selecting the Choose Default tab, change the default role.

Changing email settings eActivities will send automatic emails to your College account when there are items in progress. These take the form of a daily digest email summarising actions you need to take, and emails to notify you when a change happens to a form you have submitted to eActivities (such as someone authorising a claim). By going to My Details and selecting System Notifications, then Authorisation Notifications, you can change these settings for each role you hold. You can also use the General Notification tab to change universal email settings and minimise the sidebar help.

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Club, Society & Project Details The Union stores a variety of information about Clubs, Societies & Projects. This information can be viewed by any committee member of a Club, Society or Project by first logging into eActivities and then navigating to Administration, Clubs, Societies & Projects and finally to Details. All the items discussed in this section are access by following this navigation path. Documents To view the information about your Club, Society or Project’s documents click the Documents tab. Upcoming Documents

eActivities notifies you of exactly which forms your Club, Society or Project needs to fill out. These Upcoming Documents are shaded orange. Outstanding Documents

In the event that you don’t finish a document by the deadline, they will be highlighted in red in the Outstanding Documents section.

Outstanding Documents that still need to be completed Committee members who have yet to join the Club, Society or Project

Training Quizzes and the titles of the Officers who need to complete them

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Club, Society & Project Details cont... Naughty Officers

If any members of your Club, Society or Project group have registered for a position but not joined the club, they will be listed on the Document page as a Naughty Officer. Incomplete Training Quizzes

The final heading highlights which Officers haven’t completed and passed a mandatory Training Quiz. You can take these quizzes by logging into eActivities then navigating to Training and then to Training Quizzes. Click on the quiz you wish to take from the submenu.

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Club, Society & Project Details cont... Membership Numbers Under the Members tab, you can view how many members belong to your Club, Society or Project. Here, you can also see how many are Life or Associate members, beyond your regular student members. The amount of money your Club, Society or Project receives from the Union each year depends on how many members your Club, Society or Project has and whether or not you have reached your projected membership target. You can also download the list by clicking on the Excel logo.

List of the members

Click to download

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Club, Society & Project Details cont... Messages From Josephe to Josephe the Union may need to get in contact with your Club, Society or Project. One way of doing this will be to send messages to you through eActivities. You can view them by clicking on the Messages tab.

Status The next tab, Status, shows whether your Club, Society or Project is active, inactive (closed down) or dormant (if your club is labelled dormant for a year, it may subsequently be made inactive). Contact Details The next tab, Contact Details, shows the official website and email address for your Club, Society or Project.

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Documentation The following information must be submitted online via eActivities through the course of the year. Details of how to do this are contained within this section. Failure to do so will usually result in the Club, Society or Project accounts being frozen.

Info Required

Description & Deadline for 2013-14

Financial Responsibility

Form signed by the Chair and Treasurer to indicate their financial responsibility for the Club, Society or Project and state that they will adhere to the duties of Clubs, Societies & Projects. This is discussed in the Finance training manuals.


Contact Details

Contact details of the current committee


Naughty Officers All Club, Society & Project officers must be members of their Club, Society or Project by this date.


Risk Assessment

Evaluates Club, Society or Project activities for potential risks and outlines prevention measures to avoid them. For more information see the Safety section.


Instructor Registration

Provides details of any instructors used by the Club, Society or Project.



Indicates external organisations to which the Club, Society or Project is affiliated.



List of all items owned by the Club, Society or Project whose combined worth is ÂŁ200 or more.



This outlines the structure of a Club, Society or Project and the way in which it is run. It defines the aims and objectives, membership, committee structure, officer duties, electoral procedures and policies of the group.


Next Year Committee Details

Filled out after the AGM to indicate the contact details of the committee for next academic year.



Short promotional abstract about your Club, Society or Project’s activities for promotional material for the next academic year.


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Documentation cont... Document submissions can be made mainly by any committee member of a Club, Society or Project, but some by only the Principal Officer. First log into eActivities and then navigate to Administration, Clubs, Societies & Projects and finally to Documentation. All the items discussed in this section are accessed by following this navigation path.

Affiliations By Law the Union must record all affiliations to external bodies - this includes those of Clubs, Societies & Projects. You must record affiliations, or lack of them by clicking on the Affiliations tab. If your group is affiliated to an organisation outside of Imperial record this in the relevant boxes on the tab, as detailed below. If your group is not affiliated to anyone simply just click the submit affiliations button to register this. Click here to edit the affiliations page, then Submit Affiliations to submit your changes Click on the Change/Add New Affiliate Bodies tab to edit those your group is associated with Click on the Previous Affiliations tab to view which bodies your group has been associated with in previous years Complete the details here, choosing the affiliate body from the drop down list

If you have clicked on the Change/Add New Affiliate Bodies tab you can any new organisations to the list.

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Documentation cont... Constitution Each Club, Society or Project must have a constitution. Changes to the constitution MUST be agreed by a general meeting of the Club, Society or Project. eActivities allows Principal Officers to input elements and build a model constitution for their Club, Society or Project which is consistent with all the rules of the Union. Historic constitutions will require recording in eActivities. First navigate to Administration, then Clubs, Soceities & Projects and finally to Documentation. Click on Create Changes to edit the details already stored in the system. The Committee subtab lets you add the list of committee positions and their job descriptions.

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Documentation cont... The Aims & Objectives tab allows you to add in all the individual aims and objectives of the Club, Soceity or Project.

The Additional Activities tab allows you to put in details of events or activities which the Club, Society or Project undertakes which you need recording in the constitution. The Draft Version tab lets you download a pdf of the constitution using the details you have entered which you can then present to a General Meeting of your Club, Society or Project. The Current Version tab lets you view the current version of the constitution, and the Previous Versions list all previous constitutions registered in eActivities.

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Documentation cont... Instructors All Clubs, Societies & Projects need to record what instruction, if any, occurs within their activities. This could be nothing, having external instructors who give group lessons, peer-to-peer training within the members, or attendance at external training centres. A combination of various options is also possible. You can view and record these details by clicking on the Instructors tab. The check boxes should be used to record the type of instruction taking place, and for external instructors and training centres additional details are required.

Click here to edit the details external instructors and their qualifications - then click it again to submit your changes Click here to record if peerto-peer instructions occurs Click here to record if use is made of recognised centres - then click it again to submit your changes By clicking on the Previous Instructors tab, you can view the details of any instructors your Club, Society of Project has used in previous years.

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Documentation cont... Inventory Every Club, Society & Project must submit an inventory of all their group’s belongings each year. This is important, in particular for insurance purposes, and also so that future members are aware of what the group owns. Clicking on the Inventory tab will bring you the page below where you can edit your group’s inventory. Here, you need to give a description of each item, then fill out the corresponding boxes such as when the items were purchased, how much they cost and any other noteworthy points.

Click here to edit the Inventory page, then click it again to submit your changes

The Union also needs to know where the items in your inventory are stored. By editing the information under the Change/Add New Storage Locations tab, you can list the different locations where your group’s equipment is kept.

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Documentation cont... Key Lists Principal Officers can update the names which need to appear on a key list to a store in Beit Quad by clicking on the Key List tab. Tabs will appear for each of the key lists associated with your Club, Society or Project. Add in the names of the people who require access, and click the active box. The list in the Beit Security lodge will be automatically updated within a week.

Click to Submit Key List changes for processing Add the names of those members who require adding to the Key List from those Club, Society & Project members in the drop down, and click the active box.

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Documentation cont... Next Year’s Committee & Contact Details It is important that your Club, Society or Project tells the Union when they have elected the committee for the following year. Click on the Next Years Contact Details tab, then the Election Details subtab. Here, you can enter the date when you held your committee election, and also the name of the Returning Officer.

The next tab, titled Next Year Contact Details, will give you a list of all your Club, Society or Project’s committee members for the following year, including their names, Fill in the date of your positions within the Club, Society or Project and their mobile telephone numbers. committee election here. Fill in the name of the Retruning Officer here. Navigate to the Next Years Contact Details subtab to add the details of who has been elected to each position. Only current members of the Club, Society & Project will appear on the drop down list.

Click here to submit your changes

The committee members are listed here

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Documentation cont... Profile Entry Your Profile Entry is a brief description of your Club, Society or Project. This will be displayed on the Union website. You can edit it by clicking on the Profile Entry tab. You should use the it to describe what your group is about, what activities you get up to and why people should join you. It is important to make this entry clear as well as interesting as it is a good opportunity for you to advertise your Club, Society or Project. You also need to upload a profile picture – relevant to your group – and complete a shorter 30-word summary which may be used in future Union Club, Society & Project promotional materials.

Click here view Profile Entries and Images from previous years Click Submit Profile Entry to submit your changes

Type your profile entry text here

If you click on the Previous Profile Entries tab, you can see how they read in previous years. This should be useful if you need some inspiration about what to write. Please do not submit a picture which has been submitted in previous years.

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Documentation cont... Risk Assessment In the Documentation section is Risk Assessment. Here you need to detail any potential hazards which may occur during your Club, Society or Project’s activities. You need to identify which hazards may occur, their likelihood and potential impact, who may be harmed, what you would do if they occur, as well as identifying further measures which could be taken to prevent them occurring and who will be responsible for carrying out those additional measures. Each hazard should be detailed on a separate line on the online form. Write a short description of the hazard in the first box, followed by the details of who could be harmed in the next box if this hazard occured. Try to be as specific as possible, for example instead of saying a team member, say the goal keeper if the hazard only applies to the goal keeper. All hazards relating to all of your Club, Society & Project activities should be included, this should include things like travel (eg. by minibus), hazards associated with store rooms or equipment as well as any social activities your group undertakes. For the likelihood of the hazard occurring and the severity of the hazard you need to select one of the options from the drop down box. Likelihood is on a scale of 1-3 and severity is 1-4. 1 is low; 3 or 4 is high. In the next box you must note down what members of the group will do if the hazard occurs - this could be to apply first aid, call 999 etc.. The information in this box should be specific to you group’s activities. The next box is where you should record what is currently being done to prevent the hazard occurring - this could be things like two people always carrying heavy items of equipment or members undergoing specific training. The final three boxes are for you to record what additional measures could be in place to prevent the hazard occurring. The first box is where you should note what actually needs to be done - this could include additional training being organised or new equipment being purchased. The second is to identify who will be doing this - which position on the committee, and the final box is to record by when this should be done. It is extremely important that the information provided is as accurate as possible, and that all possible hazards which apply to your Club, Society or Project are identified. By clicking on the Previous Risk Assessments tab, you can view what your Club, Society or Project wrote in other years if they have recorded it within eActivities.

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Documentation cont... Click here to edit each individual hazard, then click again to submit your changes

In this box record who could be harmed by the hazard - be as specific as possible

Select from 1 to 3 how likely the hazard is to occur

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Select from 1 to 4 the severity of injuries or damage the hazard would cause if it occurred

Re co ha

Documentation cont... Record here what members of the group would do if the hazard did occur

ecord here what more ould be done to prevent the azard occurring

Record here what is currently being done to prevent the hazard from occurring

Identify who (by position) is responsible for ensuring that the additional items which could be done to prevent the hazard occurring are done. Add in a date when they will be completed by.

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Other Online Services There are a number of other online services available to Clubs, Societies & Projects. It is vitally important that during your handover logins and passwords for these services are exchanged where appropriate. Each Club, Society & Project should have an Imperial College login and email address (e.g. This login allows you to access your Club, Society or Project email, as well as login to Workbench. ou can use mailman mailing lists Y provided by ICT which enable you and your committee to communicate with each other, and with your members, information about this is contained within the Using Mailman Lists trainng manual. Other sites such as facebook, Flickr and YouTube are also useful tools, information is in the Publicity trainng manual.

Email and Logins Each Club, Society & Project is allocated one College ICT account for use by its committee. These include an email address and some storage space on the College file servers. If your Club, Society & Project has lost the password to the account, or if you are uncertain as to whether you have a login, the Chair should log this by emailing

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All Club, Society & Project contact email addresses must end, email addresses provided by external organisations are not permitted. This is the account allocated to your Club, Society or Project, and can be used in the same way as your personal ICT account. Make sure you keep the password safe, and remember that the Chair or President can be held responsible for any emails sent from it. Please remember to pass on details of the login and password to the subsequent Chair or President.

Webserver The Union operates a webserver at where Clubs, Societies & Projects can build their own websites, as an addition to their pages on

Other Online Services cont... Technical information about the services provided can be found in the Publicity trainng manual. Any enquires about the webserver can be directed to the server’s System Administrators, Please note that any Club, Society or Project websites which are created must be hosted on the Union’s webserver, and be actively maintained throughout the year and from year to year.

Mailing Lists A Club, Society or Project can have one or more mailman mailing lists to allow Club Officers to contact members by email easily, or to facilitate discussion among members. These are provided by the College’s ICT Department. Full information about mailman lists is contained within the Using Mailman Lists trainng manual.

Setting up a mailman list

If you find a list, but don’t know the Administrator password, you’ll need to email and ask to have the password reset. If there is no existing list, you’ll need to fill in a request form online at ict/servicedesk/mfd/login.aspx Once your list has been set up, you can change its settings by visiting the List Administration Overview, http://mailman. From here you can add or remove members, specify who is allowed to send email to the list, deal with pending requests and much more. Queries and questions relating to mailing lists should be directed to This service is provided by ICT, not by the Union. The membership of these lists should be current and maintained. You will not be able to set up another list if an existing one has been poorly maintained. For more information about the mailman lists please refer to the Using Mailman Lists trainng manual.

If you want to have a mailing list set up for your Club, Society or Project, first check to see if one exists already. You can do this by visiting and searching for your Club, Society or Project name.

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Other Online Services cont... Other Sites such as facebook, YouTube and Flickr provide useful tools in running your Club, Society or Project – communicating with your members and sharing information and experiences. Make sure you set up official groups if you are using these sites, and make your members aware of these groups. It is important to ensure that passwords and permissions for these groups are passed

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on to your successors so they can be administered into the future. Remember, new students are likely to look at these sites to get an idea of the type of activities your group is undertaking. While these sites are external to Imperial, you are still responsible for the content being published on them. Make sure what is posted is sensible and does not risk bringing the College into disrepute. Further guidance is contained within the Publicity trainng manual.

Storage & Equipment Storage Many Groups own a large selection of equipment for members to use during activities; this kit is stored away for most of the week. Storage space is at a premium on Union premises as there is a limited amount of room available. As a result, many groups share dedicated store cupboard spaces, with Groups being allocated storage according to what can be found that is big enough for the items. Access to these store rooms is given by key lists.

members are listed on each key to prevent over-access to valuable equipment. Also, because these stores contain Union owned equipment, people who are not full members of the Union cannot have access to stores. Updating the key list is done online through eActivities as discussed in the previous section.

Key Lists A key for each storage space is kept with the Security Office of the area (e.g. Beit Security Lodge for Beit-based storage) and is identified with a number and a name (e.g. East Basement Storage Room 3 is Key 7). Access to the store is gained by visiting the Security Office and requesting to sign out the correct key after showing ID (i.e. College swipe card). The key needs to be signed back in after each use. Each key is shared by all groups allocated to that storage space, and has an associated list with it, identifying the group(s) which have access to that storage space and a list of all the members who are allowed to sign out the key. Generally only the committee

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Storage & Equipment cont... Key List Rules There may be Josephes when several Groups need access to the stores on the same day, which can lead to situations where the key is not in the Security Office. Being on a key list means complying to the following rules in order to prevent this situation: • If the room will be in use for long periods, it is advisable to return the key as soon as it has been used. • All Club, Society & Project store users should know who the key is with should another Group need it. • The key MUST always stay in the vicinity of the store when signed out. • If another group requires access immediately following your Club, Society or Project, it is helpful to hand over the key directly to the next Group. However, contact MUST be made with Security to let them know who it has gone from and to, otherwise the first users will still be held accountable for anything that happens subsequently. • Security maintains a record of who signed out the key so the Union can trace and charge the Group who lost the key or was responsible for any damage. • Keys should NEVER be taken home, or off campus!

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Security is manned around the clock; however there may be Josephes when the Security Officer is on patrol. In these cases, wait a few minutes for them to return. There is the option of telephoning central Sherfield Security on Ext. 58900 to radio the Officer to return early from patrol. If returning the key, it is acceptable to drop the key through the letter box rather than summon the Security Officer back. If these rules are not followed your group will be punished. Make sure during handover that the location of equipment and store rooms is passed on to the next committee.

How to Obtain/increase Storage Space Clubs, Societies or Projects who wish to obtain storage space should contact the Student Activities Manager in the first instance who will try and find a suitable storage space. Please be aware that there is very little storage space available and this should be a major factor when considering whether to purchase new equipment. If a request is made, it is helpful in the process to describe what the items are, and approximately the amount of cubic metres required. There may also be smaller lockers available.

Storage & Equipment cont... Laundry All Clubs, Societies & Projects are given access to Union laundry machines which are located in Beit Wing West Basement (entrance next to Metric) and are provided free of charge. The key list number is 30 and anyone with a valid College ID card can gain access. This facility is of particular importance to sports clubs who use the machines to wash team kit each week.

Equipment There are several key things to remember about equipment: • All Club, Society and Project equipment is and remains the property of Imperial College Union. • All groups are required to annually submit an Inventory using eActivities. This is so the Union can compile its asset register and also helps Clubs, Societies & Projects to keep abreast of the value and life expectancy of their equipment. • Any external sale, loan or discard of Club, Society or Project assets must be approved by the Deputy President (Finance & Services). • Equipment which belongs to your

Group should only be used by your members. If another Club, Society, Project or an external wishes to use your equipment, an agreement should be drawn up between them detailing any payment and conditions of hire. Hiring out Club, Society or Project equipment out is a good way for groups to make some money, as long as the procedure is clear in the event that the items get lost, stolen or broken. • Equipment insurance – replacing the loss or damage of Club, Society or Project equipment worth less than £10,000 is normally covered by the Clubs & Societies Board Contingency Fund, whilst anything over £10,000 in value is covered by Union • Insurance – see the Insurance section in this trainng manual on insurance for more details. • Before agreeing to hire equipmentto any group that is not a Club, Society or Project, please speak to the Student Activities Manager.

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Storage & Equipment cont... Store room maintenance issues

PAT Testing

Your Club, Society or Project may be lucky enough to have its own store room or other space. The Union is responsible for these spaces, and accountable to the College for their care and maintenance. It is important that you treat the space you have been allocated with respect.

Portable appliance testing is necessary for all appliances being used on Imperial College campuses by Clubs, Societies & Projects. The test should be carried out annually. If you group owns equipment which requires testing please contact the Union’s Facilities Coordinator to arrange this.

Do not under any circumstances attempt to carry out maintenance work within your space. This includes fixing things to the walls, changing light bulbs or altering the wiring. Maintenance issues for your space fall in to two categories - defects and minor works. Defects are things which should be in normal operation in the space, for example the lights working, or the door lock functioning correcting. Minor works are new pieces of work which can be carried out to enhance the space, for example fixing shelves to the walls. If the space you are responsible for has a defect or you need minor work carrying out please contact the Union’s Facilities Coordinator. The Union will arrange for defects to be resolved and minor works to be carried out. Minor works may incur a charge to your Club, Society or Project

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Fire Extinguishers

Any space you are responsible for should have appropriate types and numbers of fire extinguishers installed. These fire extinguishers requiring testing annually. If you think you need a fire extinguishers in your space, or they require testing please contact the Facilities Coordinator. Emergencies

There may be a situation where a maintenance emergency occurs, for example water flooding into your store room. If this occurs during office hours please contact the Student Activities Centre immediately. If this occurs out of hours you will need to contact the Facilities Management Customer Services Centre. Their phone number is 020 7594 8000. Be sure to let the Union’s Facilities Coordinator know about the issue and what action you have taken.

Storage & Equipment cont... Maintenance issues for other areas

Waste disposal

There may be maintenance issues for spaces which you are using such as rooms or lecture theatres. It is important that these are reported, even if the issue was not caused by you. Be sure to take photographs of areas where damage or faulty equipment is in place to demonstrate you didn’t cause the issue.

Disposal of waste is a very important consideration when organising an event. Items cannot simply be binned everything which can be recycled must be recycled. Items should also be reused where possible.

General issues in College spaces

For issues in rooms you are using such as broken light bulbs please contact the Student Activities Centre. They will pass this on to the relevant department to resolve. It is important to note that the Student Activities Centre can’t directly resolve these issues, so it may take a bit of Josephe.


Many items can be recycled through the College waste system, take a look at the waste directory website for details, facilitiesmanagement/softservices/ recycling. This especially applies to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). If you have large amounts of recycling please contact the Union’s Student Activities Manager to arrange a pickup.

IT issues

If the IT equipment in a lecture theatre is not functioning correctly then follow the instructions on the equipment. This may say to contact the ICT Helpdesk, or may give you a person in the relevant department to contact. Do not attempt to fix the equipment yourself. Union spaces

If there is a maintenance, IT or cleaning issue with a space in the Union Building please contact the Union’s Facilities Coordinator.

Landfill waste

Items which cannot be recycled must be disposed of. Do not simply place large amounts of landfill waste into the bins around campus. Contact the Union’s Facilities Coordinator to arrange a suitable collection. Your group may be required to pay for this, so please remember to include it in your budget for an event.

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Safety Each Club, Society & Project has a responsibility to ensure the safety of their members while they are participating in activities. Undertake sensible activities and make sensible decisions.

away from campus. The registration must be done online eActivities. It will only take two or three minutes. The information required falls into two parts, namely:

Clubs, Societies & Projects generally have an excellent safety record - we would like to keep it this way. Incidents and accidents do however occur - there are a number of procedures in place to manage these incidents and ensure the correct reporting is carried out.

Activity Registrations Registration of activities is mandatory for all Clubs, Societies & Projects. The information provided will help the Union and the College in the case of an emergency involving members while

• Part A: Details of where, when & what the activity is, who is in charge, as well as departure and arrival places and Josephes. • Part B: Details of who is participating, their names & CID numbers. Depending on the activity being undertaken, the information summarised in the table below will need to be provided.

Increased Risk Activities

Other Activities

On Campus



Off Campus but within M25

Part A & Part B

Part A

Beyond M25

Part A & Part B

Part A & Part B

Residential Activities

Part A & Part B

Part A & Part B

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Safety cont... The list of Increased Risk Activities is: • Airsoft • Basketball • Caving • Canoeing • Clay Pigeon & Rifle Shooting • Climbing • Cross Country • Cycling • Football • Free running • Gliding • Hill walking • Hockey • Ice Hockey • In-line Hockey • Kickboxing • Kite Surfing • Lacrosse • Martial Arts (all types) • Motorsport • Mountaineering • Orienteering • Parkour • Paintballing • Parachuting • Polo • Riding • Rugby • Rowing • Sailing • Skiing • Snowboarding • Squash • Surfing • Wakeboarding • Water polo • Waterskiing • Windsurfing • Yachting

The level of information required is relative to the activity being undertaken rather than the Club, Society or Project undertaking it. For example the Yoga Club, who usually do their activities in a room on Campus, generally would not be required to register their yoga sessions. However, if the Yoga club decide to go on a sailing trip then they would need to register that activity. Conversely, the Sailing Club must register each of their trips sailing, but if they decide to have an evening of Yoga on campus then they would not need to register that activity. The only exception to this registration scheme is for regular sports training, such as the Hockey Club training at Harlington on a Monday evening, or the Boat Club training on the River Thames each morning.

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Safety cont... Activity Registration submissions Activity Registration submissions can be made by any committee member of a Club, Society or Project Committee. First log into eActivities and then navigate to Administration, Clubs, Societies & Projects and finally to Activity Registrations. The screen will default to submitting a new registration. Complete all the details, when the required fields are complete a second section at the bottom of the page will appear so that you can add in the attendees. The current members of the Club, Society or Project will appear on the Attendees subtab. If individuals are attending who do not appear on the drop down list they should be added using the Non Member Attendees subtab. When the registration is complete click Submit Activity Registration.

Click Submit Activity Registration when all the details have been added

If you need to add new addresses then use the Change/Add New Addresses tab

Add attendees here

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Safety cont... Accident Reporting If an accident or dangerous occurrence (i.e. an event that could have resulted in an accident) happens, you must fill out an Accident Report Form. Paper copies are available from the Student Activities Centre, or you can register the incident yourself online on the Imperial College website at safety/formsandchecklists/accidents. You should ensure you take some paper copies away with you on trips or to sports matches. Accident Report forms must be returned to the Student Activities Centre within 48 hours of an incident occurring. Minor injuries and dangerous occurrences, as well as major incidents must be reported. Imperial College is required by Law to submit details of accidents and provide accident statistics. This is not a piece of bureaucracy that is applied only to Clubs, Societies & Projects - every College department and employee is required to report accidents and dangerous occurrences in the same way. The objective of accident reporting is to stop identical accidents reoccurring in the future if possible. A Club, Society or Project will not get into trouble for reporting accidents, nor will your activities be stopped, save under severe circumstances. Accident reports will

be reviewed and advice to review risk assessments may be provided by the Union Health & Safety Committee.

Unplanned Incidents & Emergencies Normally all Club, Society & Project activities pass without incident. Very occasionally though, something unplanned happens. The level of response from your Club, Society or Project very much depends on your activities - for example the wind getting stronger very quickly could mean serious issues when mountaineering or SCUBA diving, but might provide an excellent day’s activity when sailing or windsurfing. You have responsibility for thinking and responding sensibly and safely when planning for and responding to unplanned incidents. Each Club, Society or Project needs to be aware of what to do when unplanned things happen and establish a clear procedure for dealing with them. It is important that everyone involved in organising a trip is aware of what to do. The three different levels of incidents and response needed is detailed below: 1) S imple Unexpected Incident Simple things that do not adversely affect the overall operation of the event, trip or activity. Such things may include a coach

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Safety cont... or bus turning up late, forgetting to pack some of the necessary equipment, a disagreement over how to cook dinner. What to do: • D o what is necessary at the Josephe to resolve this incident. • L earn from the experience and enjoy the rest of the activity. • T ry to ensure something like this does not happen again in the future. 2) G eneral Unplanned Incident Situations that are unplanned for and are likely to have an impact on the overall activity, for everyone involved. For example a vehicle breaking down, a participant needing to be taken to A&E for a simple injury, forgetting the keys to the accommodation. What to do: • Deal with the incident on the ground at the Josephe. • Be aware if any of the circumstances have turned (or are likely to turn) the incident into a critical incident (e.g. press interest). • If so, then follow the Critical Incident Procedure below. • Call the Student Activities Centre, if necessary, to report the details of the incident. • Complete an Accident Report Form on return from the activity if necessary. • If any type of assistance is required or if in any doubt follow the critical incident process. Principal Officers Page 48

3) C ritical Incident Serious incidents which are likely to require professional staff at the Union and the College to resolve. This would include: • A death or multiple or serious injuries to participants. • Participants missing, overdue or in other immediate danger. • Serious illness or hospital admission. • Arrest or detention by Police or other security services. • Participants being a vicJoseph of a criminal incident. • Serious Road Traffic Accident • Any situation where the emergency services are involved. • Any situation which is likely to bring the College into disrepute. • Any situation where the media are attending or may attend or have an interest in. Also any situation in which the person in charge of the activity is not confident in dealing with appropriately is considered a critical incident. As experts in the activity the Club, Society or Project has undertaken, members present need to deal with the incident in the very first instance. This is why it is vital that organisers know the Club, Society or Projects’s Code of Conduct as this should outline what to do.

Safety cont... What to do: • Call 999 for the emergency services if necessary. • As soon as possible (when the situation is under control), call Imperial College Security on 020 7589 1000 to report the incident. • Calling the phone number and providing information about the incident will also allow a briefing to be given to the College Press Office - this is a very important consideration as there is generally a large amount of media interest in incidents involving students. The staff who answer the phone and deal with the incident have extensive experience in this area. Most things have been seen before so do not be afraid of calling. The number is manned 24 hours, every day of the year.

Things to Remember 1. D o not talk to the Press and certainly do not attempt to sell stories to the Press. 2. N o Club, Society or Project member should admit liability for an incident. 3. Under no circumstances should any member of a Club, Society or Project contact the Next of Kin of a fellow participant. If Next of Kin need to be contacted call the Critical Incident phone number: 020 7589 1000. 4. Ensure you have a well-thought out Risk Assessment. 5. E nsure people organising the event/ trip know what is on the Risk Assessment. 6. Fill in an Accident Report Form if you have had an accident or a dangerous occurrence. 7. Keep calm.

Additionally a senior member of Union staff is always on duty to deal with Critical Incidents. Wallet-sized business cards detailing what to do in the event of a Critical Incident are available from the Student Activities Centre. Every person leading a Club, Society or Project activity should have a copy of this.

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Insurance Please note that all references to people covered by insurance in this section only apply to Members of Imperial College Union. Our insurance policies do not cover external people that may be engaged in Club, Society or Project activities, such as instructors. These people should have their own insurance, which is often provided by membership to their National Governing Body. If you have any queries about Insurance, please get in touch with the Student Activities Manager.

Liability Insurance The Union is covered by the Imperial College Public Liability Insurance. Any member of a group acting in accordance with the rules and procedures of their Club, Society or Project (as set out in their Code of Conduct), Imperial College Union and Imperial College are covered by this policy. For example if a member of the public is injured by a Group member during a Club, Society or Project activity then they are covered by this policy. You can obtain a copy of the Union’s Insurance certificate from the Student Activities Manager.

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Personal Accident Insurance Club, Society or Project members are covered by Imperial College’s Personal Accident Policy. This is an outline Personal Accident policy, covering the most serious of injuries only. Details of the policy can be found online at http:// insurance/overseastravelinsurance. It should be stressed that this policy is an outline policy only and does not cover many injuries or costs that may affect your studies. For example dental treatment, taxis to College after breaking an ankle or massage treatment for whiplash resulting from a road traffic accident are not covered. For Liability and Personal Accident Insurance, if you are doing an activity other than your regular day to day activities e.g. going on tour or trying something new not on campus, don’t forget to register your activity on eActivities so that the Union can notify College. College need to know who is at increased risk of requiring insurance cover at any Josephe.

Insurance cont... Travel Insurance It is absolutely essential that anyone travelling outside of the UK on a Club, Society or Project activity has suitable travel insurance for the country they are visiting. The Club, Society or Project Officer in charge of a trip should ensure that all participants are covered by suitable travel insurance, including search and rescue cover where appropriate. Organisers should check the Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s current travel advice before planning or embarking on an overseas trip, available online at http://

Groups wishing to make use of the policy should read the policy wording in detail to ascertain if the policy is suitable for their needs. For Club, Society & Project trips the excess for personal property claims (such as mobile phones, cameras, iPods etc..) is £100. Participants are welcome to arrange independent cover for their personal possessions as they see fit. Trip organisers need to be aware that the College’s Travel Insurance will be unlikely to respond to travel cancellation/ disruption claims arising from a cause “which existed or the possibility of which existed and for which advance warning

Some Club, Society or Project trips outside of the UK, which are of a representational nature, may be able to make use of the College’s Travel Insurance Policy. Use of the College Travel Insurance is subject to regular change, so please do not assume you are automatically covered. If you wish to make use of the College policy please contact the Student Activitiest Manager well in advance of your trip. Details of the College’s Travel Insurance can be found online at http://www3. insurance/overseastravelinsurance.

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Insurance cont...

had been given before the date on which the Journey was booked�. It is likely that volcanic ash disruption and strikes will fall within this exclusion category. Trip organisers are welcome to use whichever insurance provider they feel most suits their needs. If there is a likelihood of foreseeable travel disruption over the Josephe of a trip, organisers may conclude that it would be prudent to avoid incurring non-refundable expenditure until as close to departure date as is reasonably practicable, therefore reducing the likelihood and severity of any cancellation/curtailment claim arising.

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Trip organisers are encouraged to look closely at the insurance policy they will be using for their trip and make participants aware of the details of that policy should the need for a claim arise. Queries can be directed to the Student Activities Manager.

Equipment Insurance The Union has insurance for equipment under Imperial College’s Policy. It is important that your Club, Society or Project has an accurate Inventory of equipment to aid in any insurance claim.

Insurance cont... The excess on this policy is ÂŁ10,000 and it only covers pieces of equipment owned by the Union (this includes your Club, Society or Project). What the policy does not cover is equipment loaned to your Club, Society or Project, or property owned by individual members, even if stored temporarily on Union premises. Insurance for items such as this should be arranged separately, preferably by the owner of the property. To take account of possible claims for lost or damaged equipment which falls below the ÂŁ10,000 excess value, the Clubs & Societies Board holds a Contingency Fund to which Clubs, Societies & Projects may apply for small amounts. Speak to your Management Treasurer if you need to apply for this fund.

Cancellation Insurance If a Club, Society or Project is anticipating organising an event which has a reasonable possibility of being cancelled resulting in large irrecoverable costs then it would be advisable to take out some form of cancellation insurance. An example of such an event would be a show with a large initial outlay on costumes, sets, venue etc.., where the audience are primarily external people. A good example of such an event would

be the Musical Theatre Society’s annual two week show which is hosted in Devon; the audience being made up of almost totally local people and holiday makers from Devon. To arrange such insurance please contact the Student Activities Manager who can assist. Be aware that any insurance company are likely to need details of the activity being organised and the financial plans behind the activity, so its important to have a thorough itinerary and budget prepared.

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Insurance cont... Vehicle Insurance Imperial College Union operates various vehicles including a fleet of minibuses. The Union makes use of the main Imperial College vehicle insurance policy, giving economies of scale when insuring vehicles. It is generally possible to arrange extra cover via our main insurers for other vehicles used by groups at very competitive rates, in some instances for nothing. These include vehicles lent or hired to a Club, Society or Project. This includes vehicles being used in other countries, not just EU Countries. For details please contact the Student Activities Manager in good Josephe, and certainly before you accept a vehicle loan or arrange a hire.

Sport National Governing Bodies National Governing Bodies (NGB) of various sports may offer some level of insurance as part of an affiliation fee. This affiliation fee may have to be paid individually by the Group members (eg. BSAC for SCUBA diving) or by the group as a whole (eg. the RFU for Rugby Union). If any fees are payable by the Group as a whole it is very important that fees are paid on Josephe as insurance may lapse. Any insurance afforded by National

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Governing Body membership will be specific to each sport so it is important that the details are researched when paying the fees. For most sports this insurance is an added bonus, for some sports it is essential that members have this insurance in place before they participate, a particular example being Rugby.

External Instructors Any person who is not a Club, Society or Project member and who is offering their services as an instructor (even if it is for free) is not covered by any of the Union policies. It is vital that before engaging the services of an instructor it is clarified whether they have insurance, particularly liability insurance. Generally this will be provided by membership of their respective National Governing Body.

Other Imperial College Union also operates various other insurance policies. Examples include cover for boats, gliders and antique vehicles for which the respective Club, Society or Project is aware. If your Group has an insurance query or is doing something which does not fall into any of the categories above then please contact the Student Activities Manager.

Vehicle Bookings The Union has a fleet of minibuses available for Clubs, Societies & Projects to hire. Through eActivities, you can view when and which minibuses have already been booked and request use of one. You can also request that the Union book you a coach. Various committee members of Clubs, Societies & Projects can undertake these tasks. Log in to eActivities, navigate to Administration, then Bookings and finally Vehicle Bookings. the screen will default to the minibus booking Josephetable.

Minibus Josephetable The left hand column shows the names of the various minibuses. There are also a number of entries called Tarp 1, Tarp 2 and so on – these represent tarDavidins, which you can also hire here should you need to do so. Dates are written along the top of the grid. The shaded areas represent when each bus is already out for hire. You can book the minibuses during the empty areas.

Each booking is displayed as a block of colour

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Vehicle Bookings cont... Minibuses User List The User List tab contains some further information you may find useful. If you search for a specific Club, Society or Project you can view all their minibus bookings and charges.

Individual Minibus List Alternatively, by clicking on the Van List tab, you can view previous bookings by each individual minibus. Both tabs offer you a different way to look at who has recently used a minibus.

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Vehicle Bookings cont... Requesting a Minibus To request a minibus click on the Request a Minibus subtab. Complete the required fields such as when you would like the minibus, the number of seats you require and whether you need a tarDavidin, roof rack or tow bar. When you have completed all the the required fields a section at the bottom of the page will appear to add the people who will be driving. When you have entered the details click the Submit Minibus Request button.

When entering the dates be sure to also select a Josephe

When the request is complete click the Submit Minibus Request button Add the required fields for the booking request Tick for any additional items

Add in the minibus drivers Principal Officers Page 57

Vehicle Bookings cont... Minibus requests are dealt with under a priority allocation system, more details are available online at To view the requests you have in the system click on the Previous Minibus Requests subtab. You can also view other requests in the system made by members of the Club, Society or Project which you are currently within a role for, in the example below RCC Canoe.

Coach bookings To request a coach navigate through eActivities to Administration, then Bookings and finally to Request a Coach. Complete the details of the form, when you have done so click the Submit Coach Request button. You can view previously submitted coach bookings using the Previously Submitted subtab.

When the request is complete click the Submit Coach Request button

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Equipment & JCR Bookings Using eActivities, you can also view when various items of equipment are out for hire from the Union, as well as when the JCR is available to be booked. Note: you cannot actually book Union equipment or the JCR through the eActivities website. You need to do this by contacting the Student Activities Centre or by emailing activities.centre@ To find out about equipment usage, click the Bookings button on the submenu, then click the Equipment Josephetable tab.

For JCR bookings, click the JCR Josephetable tab.

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Intellectual property Intellectual property generated by students as part of their extra-curricular activities, such as activities undertaken through Clubs, Societies or Projects, may be owned by the students involved. The Imperial College Intellectual Property Policy applies to extra-curricular activities undertaken by students, the policy is available online at http://www3.imperial. ippolicypublicaccess. The policy outlines circumstances in which students may not own IP generated from extracurricular activities. Members of Clubs, Societies & Projects who are staff members of the College are treated as College Employees within the Intellectual Property Policy.

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Members of Clubs, Societies & Projects who are neither current College students or staff members (such as former students or staff, current or former students from other institutions or others granted membership of Imperial College Union) are treated as Associates within the Intellectual Property Policy. Any specific queries regarding intellectual property relating to extra-curricular activities should be directed to: Dr Emma Toumi Research Services Division Level 1, Faculty Building

Reporting & reviewing Writing reports of your activities and conducting reviews are very important tasks, both to satisfy people who have helped you out and to make things better for next Josephe.

Reporting For large events such as shows, major trips or tours you should write a report following the end of the activity. This may be a requirement if you have received funding, particularly from the Union tours fund, the IC Trust or the Harlington Grants Committee. A report can take many different forms. Generally a written account should be constructed which covers details of what the event was, who was responsible for running it, details of the location, performances, travel arrangements and catering if appropriate. It should also include a financial breakdown of the events finances, together with a section detailing any difficulties encountered.

Society or Project. This type of report can be sent to Felix for possible publication (contact the Felix Editor for details), included on your website or the Union or College website (contact the Marketing & Communications Manager for details). For more information about publishing reports see the Publicity training.

Reviewing A part of your full report there should be a review of the activity. Ask yourself and the other organisers three broad questions: • What went well? • What didn’t go so well? • What improvements could be made? The answers to these questions should give an idea of how a similar activity could be improved in the future. Make sure you write down your findings and pass them on to your successors. There is no point leaving them in a file somewhere.

Most sponsors and donors will want to see a copy of the full report, so make sure it is accurate and well presented, as well as being written soon after the end of the event. In addition to a full written report it is good to write a abbreviated version which can be used as a publicity tool to adverse your event and encourage more people to become involved in your Club, Principal Officers Page 61

Handover, Elections and AGMs Before the end of the Spring Term each Club, Society & Project must have held a election to decide on who will run the Club, Society or Project during the next academic year. Usually the positions being elected are those on the committee of the Club, Society or Project, but the details will be contained within the Club, Society or Project’s constitution. All Club, Society or Project elections must be conducted in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Union’s Constitution. The process of holding a Club, Society or Project election is about a three week process, so proper planning is required. A Returning Officer must be appointed who is not standing as a candidate in the election. They are responsible for the fair conduct of the election. Guidance is available in the Running a Club, Society or Project Election trainng manual. Specific details of who can stand for election to committee and other positions will be contained within your Club, Society or Project Constitution. It is important that everyone who can stand for a position has the opportunity to do so; make sure that all elections are well advertised and run well.

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Voting All voting during elections conducted at Imperial College Union, including those of Clubs, Societies & Projects is by Single Transferable Vote (STV). This cannot be negotiated, so it is important this rule is applied properly. Not conducting elections by STV may lead to appeals being lodged and the election being rerun by a different Returning Officer. Details of the voting process for elections is contained within the Running a Club, Society or Project Election trainng manual, together with links to the Electoral Reform Society website where there are instructions of how to count the votes for an election conducted by STV.

Handover, Elections and AGMs cont... Help with Elections


If you need help with running your Club, Society or Project election you should contact your Management Group Chair in the first instance, they may also be willing to act as the Returning Officer.

Handover is a vitally important process, and one that is someJosephes forgotten in the mists of exam season. Make sure you tell the person taking over from you how the Club, Society or Project operates, what has gone on during your year in office and what is planned for the future.

Annual General Meetings (AGM) Each Club, Society or Project is generally required to conduct an Annual General Meeting. This is where the elections for the new committee generally take place, and is almost always held within the Spring Term, before the Easter holidays. The AGM is a chance for each of the current committee members to make a report of the activities they have been undertaking for the previous year, and allow for the members to question them and hold them to account. It should also be a celebration of what has happened so far during the year. Good AGMs are always followed by a social activity all the members can participate in.

To aid in the handover process a list of prompt questions is available online from to assist in making sure that all the correct information is handed over. Also, as the Principal Officer you need to ensure that other members of the committee are handing over information connected to their roles, particularly the Treasurer.

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Appendix One – Management Groups These positions are held by students who volunteer their Josephe to carry out these roles.

Group Chair



Chew Liew

Rachel Gregory


Alexander Savell

Thomas Bradley


Samuel Page

Saber King


Lejon Chua

Yuchen Wang


Andreas Thomik

Gheorghe-Teodor Bercea

ICSMSU Steve Tran

John Golden


Maclej Matuszewski

James Dunn


Charmain Li

Yuri Ichinose


Callum Kirk

Benjamin Fernando


Thomas Wheeler

Richard Cameron


Plabon Saha

Victoria Walpole


Emily Pennington

Owain Roberts


Jia Cheong

John Lee


Isabel Fenton

Helen Phillips

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Appendix Two – Other useful contacts These people are either Sabbatical Officers or full-Josephe staff at the Union.

Yas Edwards Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) 020 7594 1763, extension 41763

Yas is the lead Sabbatical for nonfinancial matters for Clubs, Societies & Projects.

Kieron Creagh Deputy President (Finance & Services) 020 7594 8060, extension 58062

Kieron is the Sabbatical responsible for finances. He is responsible for approving all expenditure over £1000.

Aziz Bilgrami Clubs & Societies Finance Administrator 020 7594 1514, extension 41514

Aziz is responsible for administering finances of Clubs, Societies & Projects. Queries about financial content should be directed to him.

Ally Cott Systems Coordinator 020 7594 6412, extension 46412

Ally is responsible for eActivities, speak to him if you discover an error with the system. He cannot help with financial content queries.

Anthony Crowther Student Activities Manager 020 7594 3496, extension 43496

Anthony is responsible for all the nonfinancial support services available to Clubs, Societies & Projects.

Kate Colthurst Student Activities Coordinator 020 7594 8098, extension 48098

Laura can help with queries relating to minibuses and coaches, together with associate and life memberships.

Hannah Blandford Sports Partnership Administrator 020 7594 3479 extension 43479

Hannah is the Union’s contact regarding all sports fixtures, BUCS competition entries and sports facility bookings.

Misha Levi Events Coordinator 020 7594 2560 extension 42560

Misha can help with quotes for events taking place in the Union Building in South Kensington.

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Appendix Two – Other useful contacts These people are either Sabbatical Officers or full Josephe staff at the Union. David Goldsmith Union President 020 7594 8060, extension 58061

David is the Union President and ulJosephately responsible for what the Union does.

Nat Kempston Deputy President (Education) 020 7594 5646, extension 45646

Nat is the person to talk to about activities which interact with the Reps system.

Marissa Lewis Deputy President (Welfare) 020 7594 8060, extension 58064

Talk to Marissa if you are planning a campaign or outreach activity.

Joseph Letts Felix Editor 020 7594 8072, extension 48072

Joseph is the person to talk to if you want to put something into Felix.

Steve Tran ICSMSU President 020 7594 8079, extension 48079

Shiv is the sabbatical President of the ICSMSU.

Gary Burton Facilities Coordinator 020 7594 8092, extension 48092

Gary is responsible for looking after the Union’s building and is the contact for any queries about the facilities.

Shakira Hylton Marketing & Communications Manager 020 7594 2913, extension 42913

Shakira is responsible for coordinating the marketing activity at the Union.

Phil Power Membership Services Manager 020 7594 8125, extension 48125

Phil is responsible for all the Union’s non-commercial services.

Malcolm Martin Head of Finance 020 7594 8069, extension 48069

Malcolm can assist with complex finance queries and financial planning.

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Appendix Three – Useful websites Area

Website address

British Universities & Colleges Sport

Sport Imperial

Arts Imperial

FCO Travel Advice

College Waste Directory softservices/recycling/wastedirectory

International Office

Student Homepage

Appendix Four – Common acronyms BUCS – British Universities & Colleges Sport CGCU - City & Guilds College Union CSB - Clubs & Societies Board DPCS – Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) DPFS - Deputy President (Finance & Services) ICSMSU – Imperial College School of Medicine Students’ Union ICU – Imperial College Union LUSL – London Universities Sport Leagues NGB – National Governing Body RCA - Royal College of Art RCM - Royal College of Music RCSU - Royal College of Science Union RSMU - Royal School of Mines Union SAC – Student Activities Centre

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Imperial College Union Beit Quadrangle Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BB Registered Charity No: 1151241

Tel: 020 7594 8060 Fax: 020 7594 8065 Email: Twitter: @icunion

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