Swansea University Postgraduate Prospectus 2009

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Swansea University Postgraduate 2009

Swansea University

Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1792 205678

Postgraduate 09


World-class research

Vibrant campus

Lively postgraduate community

Career and life enhancing experience

Enquiries Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1792 205678

Excellence in teaching

Stunning beachfront location

Serious about sport

Links with industry

Postgraduate Open Day 25th February 2009 Visitors will have the opportunity to meet staff in academic departments, find out about Swansea’s postgraduate scholarships and bursaries, meet current postgraduate students, and tour the campus and postgraduate facilities. To book your place, or for information about other visit opportunities visit: www.swansea.ac.uk/postgraduate/opendays


Contents Welcome 04

Meet Elizabeth Morgan 25

Swansea University 06

Supporting your studies 26

Staff Excellence 08

Living in Swansea 30

Finding the right course 10

Adore the Arts? 36

Taught Master’s Degrees 13

Serious about Sport? 38

International Students 14

Meet Nina Skubala 40

Meet Omar Obeidat 18

Courses A-Z 41-137

Fees and Scholarships 20

How to Apply 140

Accommodation 22

Where Everything is 142

The Future 24

The Alumni Association 144


As a hugely ambitious, research-led University, Swansea offers an exciting and stimulating environment in which to study as a postgraduate student. The quality and significance of our research continue to grow, our collaborative links with industry are amongst the strongest in the UK, and the employability of our graduates is significantly above the UK benchmark. Factor in our award-winning student experience and unrivalled location, and it comes as no surprise to learn that our students find their time in Swansea both life and career-enhancing.


Welcome As a postgraduate student, you will be an important part of our academic community, and we encourage you to be involved in all aspects of university life. In doing so, you will gain personally and professionally from the vibrant and creative atmosphere on campus, and in turn will help to develop the challenging environment in which our research and scholarship flourishes. I am delighted that you are considering postgraduate study at Swansea University, and I hope that you choose to further your studies with us. We look forward to welcoming you on campus.

Professor Richard B Davies Vice-Chancellor

Winner of the inaugural Times Higher Education Award for the UK's Best Student Experience.

Swansea University is the perfect environment in which to combine

your studies with a superb quality of life. Founded in 1920, we are a traditional university with a long history of academic success, excellent facilities and high standards of teaching. Our location gives you all the benefits of city life as well as the advantages of living by the sea. The picturesque Gower Peninsula and several award-winning parks are close at hand, making us one of the best places to study in the UK.


Swansea University Our strengths in science, engineering, and medicine are complemented by expertise in business, law, the arts and humanities. Our Schools attract world leaders in their subjects, giving you access to some of the latest and most innovative ideas in your field, and 92% of our academic staff are involved in research of international or national significance.

We recognise the importance of linking with industry and commerce, and our many successes and ground-breaking research projects in the fields of science and technology have a direct impact on our society. We are currently working with over 150 businesses, including world-leading multinational companies such as IBM, Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, Airbus, Ericsson and Sony.

At the same time, our welcoming campus has a friendly, close-knit appeal that makes it easy to build the kind of working relationships that may be more difficult at larger institutions.

“A hot contender for any ‘best campus’ award going, Swansea is virtually unparalleled for its location. It sits in parkland overlooking the Swansea Bay, on the edge of the stunning Gower Peninsula.” The Guardian University Guide 2008

The University is structured into ten Schools, each with a strong commitment to maintaining a high standard of teaching and enhancing the learning environment for all students. Research underpins the University’s teaching and ensures the high quality of academic courses.


Staff excellence As a modern, research-led university, Swansea is committed to undertaking world-class work that genuinely makes a difference. There is a strong link between research and economic prosperity: innovation and development create real wealth and the role of the academic community is to constantly challenge convention, seeking better alternatives and new ways of confronting issues and problems. The University places great value on working with a wide range of partners to confront real issues, sparking ideas that improve the knowledge economy as well as impacting on economic regeneration.

Increasingly, the major academic advances are being made at the boundaries between traditional disciplines, giving a campus university like Swansea a distinct advantage. The University has created conditions in which research flourishes: the School structure enables a more focused approach to research, enhancing communication on important research issues, and the University is constantly adapting its academic portfolio in response to changes in the external environment and taking all opportunities to strengthen its research. Students

benefit from working closely with academic staff who are actively engaged in excellent teaching as well as groundbreaking research. Over 180 new academic appointments have been made since 2004, creating an exciting blend of staff who already have an international profile and are leaders in their research field and younger staff who have shown their potential for academic excellence.

Postgraduate courses at a glance Taught programmes • Taught Master’s: MA, MSc, LLM, MBA Typically one-year full time: 9 months of taught modules (120 credits), plus 3 month dissertation/project (60 credits). • Postgraduate Diploma: PGDip Typically one-year full-time consisting of 120 credits of taught modules. • Postgraduate Certificate: PGCert Typically one-year full-time, consisting of 60 credits of taught modules. Research programmes Research Master’s • MRes Typically one-year full-time: Consists of taught modules (60 credits) plus a research project (120 credits) • MPhil Typically one-year full-time: Consists of an individual research project plus research training. Doctorate • PhD Typically three-years full-time: Consists of an individual research project plus research training.


• EngD, MD subject specific doctorates – see below for further details.

that not all programmes offer this exit qualification). Specific regulations apply.

Taught Programmes The University offers a range of Taught Master’s including the MA, MSc, LLM and MBA. These Master’s degrees are modular in structure and students must obtain a total of 180 credits to qualify for the degree: 120 credits from taught modules (Part I) and 60 credits from the dissertation (Part II). Candidates must successfully complete Part I before being allowed to progress to Part II.

What can you study? Taught Master’s, Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates can be studied on a full-time or part-time basis in a wide variety of subject areas. For a full list of options available see page 13.

Taught Master’s programmes contain built-in research and methodology skills courses, and specific departmental training courses, which are essential for students both at Master’s level or for those wishing to go onto higher degrees. Additional specialised training courses are also available during the academic year. Some Taught Master’s programmes offer Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates as exit qualifications. To qualify for a Postgraduate Diploma, students must pursue 120 credits, or 60 credits for a Postgraduate Certificate (please note

Finding the right course

Students can pursue taught postgraduate courses in the same subject as their undergraduate degree or, in many cases, outside it: many of our courses are multidisciplinary in nature and allow students to cross boundaries between traditional subject areas and to follow courses outside their first degree subject. In addition, conversion-style courses - available in Law, Business, Computer Science and Engineering – are open to graduates of any subject. Is a Master’s degrees right for you? Yes, if you want to: • Prepare for a research degree • Acquire new and specialised research skills • Enhance your career prospects

• Develop your subject knowledge of your first degree subject • Study an entirely new subject Research Degrees PhD PhD students undertake supervised research either independently or as member of a team. Assessment is by means of a thesis of no more than 100,000 words which must demonstrate a student’s capacity to pursue original research and should represent a distinct and significant contribution to the subject. The first year of registration for a PhD is a period of official probation, requiring departmental assessment before the candidate is allowed to proceed. MPhil This degree is awarded to candidates who have successfully completed approved and supervised research, and presented the results in a thesis of not more than 60,000 words. In some cases, there may be opportunities for students to upgrade from the degree to PhD during the course of their studies.

MRes The aim of the MRes (Master of Research) is to provide relevant training to acquire the knowledge, techniques and understanding needed for a professional career, or for progression to higher academic studies, normally a PhD. The MRes is gained by a combination of taught modules (worth 60 credits) and a research thesis which presents the outcome of a significant research project (worth120 credits). EngD The Engineering Doctorate aims to prepare engineering students for research careers in industry and is fully supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. This four-year scheme consists of oneyear of taught modules followed by an industry-linked research project. For further information see page 64. MD In addition to the PhD, the School of Medicine offers the postgraduate degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) through supervised research within individual research groups.

What can you study? PhD and MPhil degrees can be pursued on any academic topic, as long as we have the expertise to guide and supervise your study. Information about the research specialisms of each department can be found on the relevant department pages of this prospectus or on the University website. This will give you a broad idea of the kinds of topics we are able to supervise. You are then advised to contact the Postgraduate Admissions Tutor to discuss your proposed research. Is a research degree right for you? Yes, if you want to: • Pursue a career in academia or research • Explore an individual topic in depth • Acquire extensive and specialised research skills • Enhance your career prospects Postgraduate Research Faculty The Postgraduate Research Faculty is concerned with the welfare of research students and ensures that they get the support and feedback they need. Contact: postgradoffice@swansea.ac.uk

Finding the right course

Whether you are looking for a taught course or a research degree, you’ll find it at Swansea. This section guides you through the opportunities we offer.

• Research skills • Academic writing • Innovation skills • Time and project management • Enterprise training • Intellectual property rights • Teaching skills • Employability The University has a policy of encouraging students to develop exploitable ideas, and the Research and Innovation Office on campus can advise you on entrepreneurship. Part-time Postgraduate Studies Applicants for part-time research or taught courses are advised to contact the relevant department in advance of making a formal application to ensure that part-time study options will be available.


Part-time Masters students pay the fulltime fee for the degree, but the amount is divided over the minimum years of study. Those undertaking part-time research studies, however, will be required to pay half the standard annual full-time fee in each of the minimum candidature years of study. Credit Transfer The University offers the possibility of credit transfer for research at the same academic level, undertaken at another academic institution, but for which no award has already been made. Postgraduate Certificates These are stand-alone certificates: • Advanced Clinical Practice (Infection Control) • Approved Mental Health Professional • Chronic Condition Management • Computer Modelling and Finite Elements in Engineering Mechanics • Development and Human Rights • Health Informatics • Migration and International Development • Social Development and Communication • Social Development and Conflict

Finding the right course

Most Certificates are fallback qualifications of their Masters schemes except where identified in the main course entries. Postgraduate Diplomas • Advanced Clinical Practice • Advanced Drafting • Chronic Condition Management • Health Informatics • Legal Practice • Medieval Studies • Professional Education in Clinical Settings* • Translation Technology • Trauma Surgery • Trauma Surgery (Military) Most Diplomas are fallback qualifications of their Masters schemes except where identified in the departmental entries. *Subject to final validation

Global Politics and Intercultural Studies, MA 132

Abnormal and Clinical Psychology, MSc 134

Health Care Law and Ethics, MA 92

Advanced Clinical Practice Multidisciplinary, MSc 92

Health Care Management, MSc 92

Advanced Clinical Practice (Infection Control), MSc 92

Health Informatics, MSc 92

Advanced Clinical Practice (Nurse Practitioner), MSc 92

History, MA 101

Ageing Studies, MSc 101

Hollywood and World, MA 42

Ancient Egyptian Culture, MA 52

International Commercial and Maritime Law, LLM 113

Ancient History and Classical Civilisation, MA 52

International Commercial Law, LLM 113

Ancient Narrative Literature, MA 52

International Communication, MA 132

Applied Criminal Justice and Criminology, MA 104

International Maritime Law, LLM 113

Aquaculture and the Environment, MSc 86

International Relations, MA 132

Behaviour Analysis, MSc 134

International Security, MA 132

Biochemical Engineering, MSc 64

International Trade Law, LLM 113

Business Administration, MBA 46

Law, GDL 113

Business Economics, MSc 62

Law and Globalisation, LLM 113

Business Economics with Computing, MSc 62

Legal Practice and Advanced Drafting, LLM 113

Business Economics with Finance, MSc 62

Lifelong Learning, MA 58

Chemical Engineering, MSc 64

Literary Translation, MA 106

Child Welfare and Applied Childhood Studies, MA 50

Logic and Computation, MRes 54

Chronic Condition Management, MSc 92

Management, MSc 46

Civil Engineering, MSc 64

Management (Finance), MSc 46

Classics, MA 52

Management (International Management), MSc 46

Communication Systems, MSc/MRes 64

Management (Marketing), MSc 46

Communication Systems (E-Health & Bio-Applications), MSc 64

Marketing, MSc 46

Communication Systems (Networks), MSc 64

Maritime and Imperial History, MA 101

Communication Systems (Photonics), MSc/MRes 64

Materials Engineering, (Power/Aerospace) MRes 64

Communication Systems (Wireless), MSc 64

Mathematics and Computing for Finance, MSc 118

Community Health Studies (Community Children’s Nursing), MSc 92

Mechanical Engineering, MSc 64

Community Health Studies (Community Mental Health Nursing), MSc 92

Medical Humanities, MA 92

Community Health Studies (District Nursing), MSc 92

Medieval Studies, MA 101

Community Health Studies – Specialist Practice Award, MSc 92

Migration and International Development, MSc 59/89

Comparative Journalism, MA 120

Modern Celtic Studies, MA 101

Comparative Literature, MA 106

Modern History, MA 101

Computational Modelling & Finite Elements, MSc 64

Modernism(s), MA 83/106

Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Virtual Environments, MRes 54

Nanoscience to Nanotechnology, MSc/MRes 64

Computer Modelling in Engineering, MRes 64

Professional Writing, MA 83

Computer Science, MA 54

Public Health and Health Promotion, MSc 92

Computing and Future Interaction Technologies, MSc 54

Public Health and Partnerships in Care, MSc 92

Computing and Future Interaction Technologies, MRes 54

Public Health and Specialist Community Public Health

Computing and Software Technology, MSc 54

Nursing, MSc 92

Contemporary Conflict and Violence, MSc 132

Radiation Physics, MSc 64

Creative and Media Writing, MA 83

Recycling Technology, MRes 64

Cymraeg, MA 106

Research Methods in Psychology, MSc 134

Development and Human Rights, MSc 59

Screening Europe, MA 120

Developmental and Therapeutic Play, MA 50

Social Development, MSc 59

Digital Media, MA 120

Social Development and Communication, MSc 59

Early Childhood, MSc 50

Social Development and Conflict, MSc 59

Early Modern History, MA 101

Social Research, MSc 59/89/104/132

Electrical and Electronics Engineering, MSc 64

Sport and Exercise Psychology, MSc 136

Electronics for sustainable Energy, MSc 64

Sports Science, MSc 136

English, MA 83

Sports Science with Management, MSc 136

Environmental and Molecular Biosciences (formerly Biological

Steel Process and Product Development, MRes 64

Sciences), MSc 86

Strength and Conditioning, MSc 136

Environmental Dynamics and Climate Change, MSc 89

Teaching English as a Foreign Language, MA 44

Environmental Management, MRes 64

Therapeutic Play, MA 101

Ethics of Health Care, MA 92

Translation with Language Technology, MA 106

Executive, MBA 46

Trauma Surgery, MSc 122

Finance, MSc 46

Trauma Surgery (Military), MSc 122

Gender and Culture, MA 83/106

Water Technology and Management, MRes 64

Global Orders and Law, MA 113

Welsh Writing in English, MA 83

Taught Master’s degrees

The Faculty also coordinates a comprehensive generic skills development programme comprising research activity days and a wide range of skills short courses. A personal skills development plan is devised for each student at the beginning of their programme to ensure that they are able to develop the specialised skills required to complete their programme of studies. Courses cover areas such as:

Aerospace Engineering, MSc 64

Why study at Swansea? The University won the UK’s first Times Higher Education Supplement Award for the best student experience in 2005/06 and was shortlisted again in 2006/07. Swansea’s Careers Service supports international students with workshops and seminars on how to improve career prospects, how to get part-time jobs or work experience, how to improve interview techniques, and much more. A unique job scheme, Go Wales, has provided thousands of vacation jobs to students over the life of the programme. Swansea University strives to provide all students with the best student experience: • Swansea University enjoys a spectacular beachfront location close to the City Centre • Consistent high ranking in the UK university guides and league tables • Scholarships and bursaries are available

• The International Office provides a fast response service to all enquiries • The Admissions Office is committed to processing applications as quickly as possible • Support documents are issued quickly for visa applications • Guaranteed University-managed accommodation at some of the lowest costs in the UK* • A free Meet and Greet Service at London’s Heathrow Airport • The International Student Advisory Service provides an orientation programme for new students and advice concerning visas, accommodation, finance, and much more • The Students’ Union and Athletics Union are among the largest in the UK with nearly 120 clubs and societies providing a great range of social, sporting and cultural activities

• Highly advanced library and information systems with over 1,800 computers on the campus for student use • A free wireless communication network across the campus and throughout University accommodation • International student support from enquiry to graduation is one of Swansea University’s biggest assets. After graduating, international students are encouraged to join Swansea Alumni and become an International Ambassador for the University (www.swansea.ac.uk/ international/Contacts) • Swansea is a safe and friendly City with many local voluntary organisations providing countless social and cultural activities for international students • Winner of the “UK’s Best Mosque Provision” award from the Federation of Islamic Students in 2006/07 * Application deadlines and offer conditions must be met in order to guarantee accommodation.


Welcoming the world to Swansea

Admission For the fastest response to your application, please use the online application system: On-Track (www.swansea.ac.uk/international/ apply). Candidates should provide all requested information, giving relevant details of qualifications, the course or area of research, two references, and details of financial sponsorship. It is also helpful to include with the application evidence of English language, e.g. JMB, Cambridge Proficiency, IELTS or TOEFL result. English Language Courses The University recognises that students from other countries whose first language is not English may need additional information and support during the application process, as well as during their period of study here. English Language Training Services (ELTS) provides a variety of English language programmes for international students both before and during their postgraduate studies. Students who do not meet the required English language

We recommend all international students whose first language is not English to attend a 5-week pre-sessional course to familiarise themselves with using English for Academic Purposes on a daily basis.

Pre-Master’s Programme The Pre-Master’s Programme (PMP) is designed for students whose qualifications mean that an extra year's study is required to gain entry onto a generalist Master’s Degree in Management at Swansea University (www.swansea.ac.uk/international/ courses/Pre-MastersManagement Programme)

For students who have already enrolled on a degree programme, there are free daily Academic English Language Support classes in grammar, speaking and writing workshops.

Accommodation Priority is given to international students for University postgraduate accommodation. A summary of the main types of accommodation is given on page 22.

entry level for their degree programme can attend a course in English for Academic Purposes for up to 12 months.

For more information on any of the above programmes, please contact: Tel: +44 (0)1792 295391 Fax: +44 (0)1792 295641 Email: elts@swansea.ac.uk www.swansea.ac.uk/elts

International students

Swansea University extends a warm welcome to international students. In 2007/08, over 1,200 students from 106 different countries studied at the University.

Scholarships and Awards for International Students Please visit the International Office website for details: www.swansea.ac.uk/international /money • International Scholarships and Bursaries for Undergraduate and Postgraduate study • Postgraduate Alumni Bursary: available to international students who have completed a full-time scheme of study at Swansea University and who wish to return for postgraduate study • Departmental and School Scholarships also available. Contact the Education Ministry of your own government or your nearest British Council office (www.britishcouncil.org) for advice about the types of funding available to international students wishing to study in the UK.


Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS) www.orsas.ac.uk The ORSAS scheme pays the difference between home and international fees. Candidates must hold an offer from Swansea University to study for a research degree before their application will be considered. For further details contact: Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme, Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ Tel: +44 (0)20 7419 5499 Fax: +44 (0)20 7383 4573 British Chevening Scholarships www.chevening.com The Foreign and Commonwealth Office provides support to international students through its British Chevening Scholarships. These assist able students to study in the UK and to gain skills that will benefit their countries. Awards are usually made for postgraduate Diploma/Master’s courses and are tenable for up to one year. Candidates for British Chevening Scholarships are selected by the British Embassy or High Commission in the applicant’s own country. The scholarships are administered

overseas and in the UK by the British Council on behalf of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. For further details contact: British Chevening Scholarships Education Affairs Section, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, SW1A 2AH Tel: +44 (0)20 7270 1500 Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) www.csfp-online.org CSFP awards are for candidates in Commonwealth countries or British overseas territories who qualify for postgraduate study (taught course or research). Scholarships are advertised by the Ministry of Education in the candidate’s own country. Applications are made to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. For further details contact: Commonwealth Scholarship Commission Association of Commonwealth Universities, John Foster House 36 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PF Tel: +44 (0)20 7380 6700 Fax: +44 (0)20 7387 2655

Welcoming the world to Swansea

British Marshall Scholarships www.marshallscholarship.org Funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for students from the USA. For further details contact either: British Information Services 845 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022, USA or Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission John Foster House, 36 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PF Tel: +44 (0)20 7380 6700 Fax: +44 (0)20 7387 2655 North American Student Funding Swansea University is a participating institution in the US Government Federal Loan Programme. Swansea's school code is: G08586 For more information, please refer to: www.swansea.ac.uk/international /money James Callaghan Scholarships See page 21 for further details.

Tuition Fees for International Students The standard fees are shown below.* Faculty of Arts and Social Studies (excluding Geography and Psychology), Schools of Law, Business & Economics, Mathematics and Economics: Taught courses: full-time over 1 year – £9,010 Research Degrees: full-time per annum – £9,010 Departments of Computer Science, Geography, Psychology, School of Health Science and Clinical Medicine (non-laboratory based): Taught courses: full-time over 1 year – £10,250 Research Degrees: full-time per annum – £10,250 Faculties of Science and Engineering and Clinical Medicine (laboratory based): Taught courses: full-time over 1 year – £11,460 Research Degrees: full-time per annum – £11,460 MBA – £11,900 Pre-Master’s Programme – £9,010

* Please note that the fees shown above are for entry during the 2008/09 session and are intended as a guide only. The 2009/10 fees will be determined in early 2009 and will be published on the website at: www.swansea.ac.uk/international/ money/ScholarshipsandFees/ InternationalTuitionFees To find out more, please contact: International Office Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1792 295818 Fax: +44 (0)1792 295839 Email: international@swansea.ac.uk www.swansea.ac.uk/international

International students

International Student Advisory Service (ISAS) ISAS is part of Student Services and provides information, advice and support for international students and their families throughout their time in Swansea. Please see page 28 for further details.

Why did you choose Swansea for your Postgraduate study? Swansea University has a great reputation. The University has a Masjed (Mosque) on the campus that allows me, as a Muslim student, to practise. I was also attracted by the beautiful sea views and the reputation Swansea has for being a friendly place. What do you think of the facilities? As a research student at the department of Politics and International Relations, I found that the University offers tremendous research facilities with great supervision from the departmental professors. The library and IT facilities are excellent. Swansea has modern teaching methods that provide an excellent environment in which to study. Swansea has a rich international culture and I soon joined The Islamic Students’ Society. What about the City of Swansea? Swansea is renowned by international students for its friendly, welcoming and helpful people. Because of its sense of community, Swansea has the vibe of a big village yet it is really a large modern city with a good range of shops, sights and cafÊs.


Tell us about the support you receive? The tutors offer great support and supervision to all students. The International Office has surely one of the best staff in the UK; they are so helpful and supportive and they really care about students. Do you have any tips or advice for prospective students? Although you have plenty of support, I would advise that you come prepared to study independently as you need to drive yourself to complete your studies. Meet new people and expose yourself to new experiences. Swansea is a great choice, offering a low cost of living, a superb way of life and great views! Is there anything else you would like to add? One of the most challenging things a new student has to do is to arrange their accommodation and go through enrolment procedures, but the welcoming week programme run on arrival helps greatly with this. Also, as a research student you need to be prepared to fit into a busy working environment.

A rich international culture

Name: Omar Obeidat Course of study: MPhil/PhD International Relations Home Country: Jordan

Tuition Fees for Home/EU Students* The standard fees given below apply to home and EU students for the 2008/09 session. They are fully inclusive of all matriculation, registration, tuition, examination and use of the Library. For international student fees please see page 17. The University also offers a number of courses for which nonstandard fees apply. You are advised to contact the Student Records Unit on +44 (0)1792 295803 to check the fee for your chosen course. Taught Courses (Standard fee per annum) Full-time course over 1 year – £3,300 Part-time course over 2 years – £1,650 Part-time course over 3 years – £1,100 Research Degrees (Standard fee per annum) Full-time per annum – £3,300 Part-time per annum – £1,650 *Please note that the fees shown above are for entry during the 2008/09 session and are intended as a guide only.


All fees are subject to revision on an annual basis and the fees appropriate for a session will be available in the July preceding the start of the session. Students are required to pay their fees, or show evidence of sponsorship, at or before enrolment. If you are selffinancing your studies, you may arrange to pay in instalments.

further information. Your local University Careers Office can also offer advice and support, and a comprehensive guide to postgraduate funding can be found on the Graduate Prospects website: www.prospects.ac.uk

Enquiries about tuition fee rates should be directed to Student Records on Tel: +44 (0)1792 295803.

Full Research Studentships (PhD) These awards are available to students from the UK/EU wishing to pursue full-time research studies. The award covers the UK home tuition fee and a maintenance grant in the region of £12,940 p.a.

Enquiries regarding the payment of tuition fees should be directed to the Finance Department on Tel: +44 (0)1792 295436. Financial Support The majority of postgraduate courses are not funded and therefore you will have to make arrangements to secure funding to cover your tuition fees and living expenses. There is a wide range of financial support open to postgraduates; this ranges from Research Council awards to loans. We also offer a number of awards for both taught masters and research degrees. You will find a brief outline of the awards available below but you will need to write to the relevant agency to obtain

Fees and scholarships Swansea University James Callaghan Scholarships These awards are available to students from Commonwealth member countries (including the UK) wishing to pursue PhD or MPhil studies. The scholarships will make a contribution towards tuition fees and are available for full- and parttime studies. Applications are made through the Head of Department and applicants should contact the relevant department to discuss the possibility of being nominated for an award. Further information about all of these awards, together with details of how to apply can be found on our website: www.swansea.ac.uk/postgraduate, or by contacting the Postgraduate Admissions Office on Tel: +44 (0)1792 295358.

Financial Contingency Funds UK postgraduate students who are self-funded or partially funded may be eligible for financial assistance from the University’s Financial Contingency Funds. For further information contact moneyadvice@swansea.ac.uk

Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants

Fees-Only Bursaries (PhD or MPhil) These awards are available to students from the UK/EU wishing to pursue full- or part-time research studies. The award covers the UK home tuition fee. Taught Master’s Bursaries Each year the University offers over 150 bursaries to students from the UK/EU wishing to pursue full- or part-time Master’s studies. Each award is worth £1,500 towards fees (pro-rata for part-time).

Alternative Funding Sources Career Development Loans The UK Learning and Skills Council, in conjunction with three high street banks, operates this scheme to enable students to finance themselves on a course of study which is vocational in nature. Further details can be obtained on Tel: 0800 585505 www.direct.gov.uk/cdl Charities, Foundations and Trusts There are a large number of charities, foundations and trusts which will award partial funding for postgraduate study. Full details can be found in ‘The Grants Register’ (published by Palgrave Macmillan) and ‘The Directory of Grant Making Trusts’ (published by the Charities Aid Foundation), both of which should be available in your University Careers Service and local library. Research Councils and Funding Bodies Applications should not normally be submitted to the awarding body direct, but through the university department where you intend to study.

The Arts and Humanities Research Council Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol, BS1 2AE www.ahrc.ac.uk Email: enquiries@ahrc.ac.uk

Natural Environment Research Council Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1EU www.nerc.ac.uk Email: aval@nerc.ac.uk

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1UH www.bbsrc.ac.uk Email: postgrad.studentships@bbsrc.ac.uk

Science and Technology Facilities Council Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1SZ www.stfc.ac.uk Email: enquiries@stfc.ac.uk

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1ET www.epsrc.ac.uk Email: studentships@epsrc.ac.uk Economic and Social Research Council Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1UJ www.esrc.ac.uk Email: ptdenquiries@esrc.ac.uk Medical Research Council 20 Park Crescent, London, W1B 1AL www.mrc.ac.uk Email: students@headoffice.mrc.ac.uk

The awards listed on these pages are primarily for Home and EU students. For International (non-EU) student awards, please see the International Students section on pages 17. Students resident in European Union member states may be eligible to apply for financial support to the UK Research Councils and to the University on the same basis as UK students, although, generally, the awards will only cover tuition fees. If you believe that you are eligible, contact the relevant organisation directly.

Fees and scholarships

This section will guide you through the process of how much postgraduate study will cost you and ways in which you can fund your studies.

Eligibility Accommodation in University residences is not normally available for home students or international students who have studied for their first degree at Swansea. However, the University can assist students in finding private sector accommodation via an online database of local properties (for more information, see the private sector accommodation section below). Postgraduate accommodation in University residences There is designated accommodation for postgraduates provided on a fixed 51-week basis at three University residences. There is a choice of living on campus in one of our nine campus halls or off site at Beck House or the Hendrefoelan Student Village. Horton is one of nine halls of residence on the University campus and was completed in 2008. It has two floors designated to postgraduate students for 51 weeks in en suite, selfcatering study rooms; many of these rooms have fantastic views of the bay


or the surrounding stunning parkland. The rooms are grouped into selfcontained flats of 8 and share a well equipped kitchen diner. All rooms have high-speed Internet access and a telephone connected to the students’ residences network.

department to discuss individual /specific requirements).

Tyˆ Beck / Beck House is a designated quiet residence providing a variety of high quality flats for single students and families, with some rooms having wonderful sweeping views of the coastline. It has an excellent location in the heart of Uplands, a thriving community, with an extensive array of shops, restaurants and schools nearby. The campus is roughly a mile away and within easy walking distance (20 minutes).

Hendrefoelan Student Village is located in a leafy suburb about 2 miles from campus and provides self-catering accommodation in flats and houses set amongst mature woodland and open grassy areas. This expansive residence is mainly for undergraduate students (usually under 21 years), however a designated area for postgraduates has been created offering rooms in flats sharing kitchen and bathroom facilities.

Approximately 120 single students live in mixed gender groups sharing kitchen-dining facilities. There is a range of standard and en suite accommodation available in selfcontained flats or single study rooms with shared communal areas. For couples and families, there are self-contained flats with 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms that comprise of a sitting room, kitchen and bathroom. All kitchens are well-equipped.

All rooms have wireless Internet, telephone and shared communal areas with well-equipped kitchens. There are on site laundry facilities, car parking and a frequent bus service that operates regularly from the site to the University campus.

All flats have wireless Internet, telephone, television points and laundry facilities and there is ample car parking on site.

Some accommodation is adapted for students with disabilities (please contact the Residential Services

Settling in Residential Services offer an extensive and varied supply of quality, affordable accommodation for new postgraduate students at Swansea. There are a range of options available in University residences and Swansea also has an exceptional stock of local private sector housing. The cost of living in Swansea is favourable and low compared with many other UK cities. There is complete Fees information on the Residential Services website at: www.swansea.ac.uk/accommodation/accommodationfees

University-managed properties The University manages a number of properties owned by local landlords to provide affordable private housing in popular surrounding student areas. There are a very limited number of places available in these houses which are shared by groups of 3-6 single students. Each student has their own study bedroom with shared kitchen and bathroom. Private sector accommodation There is an excellent supply of competitively priced, private rented housing in Swansea ranging from self-contained bedsits and flats to rooms in shared student houses.

To assist students in finding private accommodation we have an online database called StudentPad (www.studentpad.co.uk) ) where students can search through the advertised properties and liaise directly with the landlord. To receive the link for Studentpad, students make an online private sector application at www.swansea.ac.uk/accommodation /apply. For more detailed information on the private sector, including a section with advice on house hunting, please visit our website at www.swansea.ac.uk/accommodation.

Further Information To assist you in making an informed choice, please consult our website for more information on the types of accommodation available, eligibility for postgraduates and details of how to apply for your accommodation online. The Residential Services website can be found at www.swansea.ac.uk/accommodation or for further queries please email us at: postgradaccomm@swansea.ac.uk


Applying for accommodation Postgraduate students can apply for accommodation online as soon as their University offer has been confirmed at www.swansea.ac.uk/accommodation.

Whether you are studying for a postgraduate vocational qualification, converting to a new subject area, improving your academic profile or embarking on postgraduate study purely to expand your existing knowledge, we recommend that you start managing your career development plans from the beginning of your postgraduate study to facilitate a smooth move into the next stage of your career. Who are we? Careers is based within Library and Information Services. It is staffed by careers advisers, each with broad career knowledge as well as specialist knowledge in various fields such as specific disciplines, international student issues, disability issues, etc. In addition, we have a team of advisers managing work experience placements. What can we offer you? • One-to-one guidance provided by experienced careers advisers. We are available to help you make informed decisions about your future whether your career plans are well developed or whether your thinking is at a more tentative stage. We also offer support as you work towards achieving your career goals. • E-guidance through our website at www.swansea.ac.uk/careers


• Paid work placements and unpaid work tasters that provide a chance to investigate new career areas. • A vacancies’ database on our website that includes paid part-time jobs, especially important to those who are self-funded. What do postgraduates do? Data published annually by HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) shows that postgraduates move on into a very wide range of careers. Many choose careers closely related to their area of study, some use skills developed during their period of study in a new area, whilst others develop their entrepreneurial skills by setting up their own business. Information on careers entered by postgraduate researchers, ‘What do PhDs do?’ is available on www.grad.ac.uk. For those studying for masters, information is available on www.prospects.ac.uk

What do employers look for? In an increasingly competitive market, employers are looking for specific knowledge and abilities gained from postgraduate study. They are also looking for evidence of a range of additional qualities such as adaptability, analytical and problem-solving skills, a willingness to continue learning, good communication skills, ability to work in a team and take management responsibilities. Postgraduates at Swansea are encouraged to heighten their awareness of the skills they are developing in preparation for a seamless transition into employment, using an online recording system profile.

The future Accessing help from the Careers Centre • Careers information, vacancies and access to services such as e-guidance and online booking for appointments and careers talks are available via our website at www.swansea.ac.uk/careers • Careers is also developing resources and communities in the University’s Personal Learning Environment called Oremi. Oremi is a learning landscape that supports users in their social and academic networking, personal and career development and lifelong learning. You can log

Why did you choose Swansea for your Postgraduate Study? I had completed my undergraduate studies at Swansea so further study at the University seemed like the natural choice. What do you think of the facilities? The facilities at Swansea are excellent. There are always ample computers available to use, and a large library. I was also able to go swimming at lunch times in the nearby Sports Village. The campus has everything you need: a bank, a cinema, shops, places to eat and a beautiful park. What about the City of Swansea? I like Swansea’s diversity; the fact that you are so close to the beach, the City Centre and the countryside all at the same time. Tell us about the support you receive? My supervisor was great, very patient, supportive and approachable. The other members of staff were also fantastic and I always felt I could ask any of them for advice. What was the Swansea University “community” like? I enjoyed being part of a large, friendly group of people. The campus is smaller than at a lot of universities and there is a real community feel; everywhere you go you meet someone you know to talk to.

There is also a really large range of groups and societies. Tell us a bit about your course? I’d been given a good idea of what to expect by my supervisor before I began and, as I did a research course, I spent most of my time in the lab. This gave me an excellent grounding in “good lab practice” which I’ve been able to carry forward into my career.

work hard and stick at it. It will definitely be worth it in the end and will make a real difference to your life. Is there anything else you would like to add? Just a massive thank you to everyone at Swansea University!

How has the course equipped you for your career choice? My postgraduate course has equipped me tremendously well for my career. It’s given me the knowledge, analytical skills, perseverance, tenacity and love of learning that are vital for my current role. I now report to the Managing Director at a leading supplier of vitamins, minerals and supplements and was able to make a significant contribution to the company from the very start. What difference has your research programme made to your career prospects? My career prospects have been enhanced tremendously by my postgraduate qualification. Do you have any tips or advice for prospective students? I would say to anyone embarking on postgraduate study to give it your all,

The facilities at Swansea are excellent into Oremi using your usual network username and password at http://oremi.swan.ac.uk/ A good starting point is the Careers Information Community at http://oremi.swan.ac.uk/careersweb • Arranging a meeting with a member of the Careers Staff: The careers team is available daily throughout the year, including vacations, and is based on Level 3 of the Library and Information Centre. Our online system should be the first option for booking an appointment, but if you have any queries or difficulties please ring reception on 01792 513266 or

email careers@swansea.ac.uk, or call in at Careers. The booking system can be accessed at www.swansea.ac.uk/careers /Makingappointments/

We wish you every success with your studies and look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Name: Elizabeth Morgan Home town: Bridgend Course of study: PhD Current position: Technical Manager Employer: Brunel Healthcare Ltd

Library & Information Services Library & Information Services provides library, computing, careers and information services for all University members. There are over 800,000 books and periodicals in the Library and branches along with a wide range of electronic journals and databases, DVDs, videos, newspapers and other resources. Postgraduate students may borrow up to twenty items at a time. The library is open long hours during term time, from 8am – 2am Sunday to Thursday; and 8am – 8pm Friday and Saturday. A café facility serving hot and cold drinks and snacks is open during core hours. There is a dedicated postgraduate PC and study area within the Library and Information Centre, and over 450 student PCs within the LIC and its branches. All students are allocated a


computer username, password and email address upon enrolment which will allow you to use the PCs and a full range of applications. A wireless network is available across the Singleton campus, students need to register their laptop or PC and are then able to use this network. We subscribe to a wide range of full-text electronic journal packages such as Elsevier ScienceDirect and JSTOR, as well as bibliographic databases such as Web of Science via the Web of Knowledge portal. Our library catalogue, Voyager, (http://voyager.swansea.ac.uk/) is available on the web, and we also provide access to the catalogues of other research libraries. A full list of electronic information resources is available via the LIS web pages at www.swansea.ac.uk/lis Students can also make use of the unique multidisciplinary research collection, the South Wales Coalfield Collection, held in the South Wales Miners’ Library - a branch library located in the Hendrefoelan Student Village and in the Archives on Singleton campus. Specialist teams of subject librarians are available to help you with finding

Supporting your studies

information at all stages of your research. We offer information literacy courses in liaison with your department, and can provide assistance with specialist software packages such as EndNote, which will help you manage your bibliographic references. The subject librarians also run a Postgraduate Research Programme offering tailored information literacy sessions on a wide range of topics such as effective database searching, the hidden web and tracing theses and conference papers. We are members of a number of UKwide reciprocal access schemes, which will allow you to have borrowing rights in many other university libraries. In addition, students living at a distance or studying part-time may make use of a range of specialist services such as staffed photocopying and postal loans. The Careers Service is also housed in the LIC and provides a range of services and facilities for graduates. Please see the section on Careers for further information. Enquiries Tel: +44 (0)1792 295697 Email: library@swansea.ac.uk

Student Support Services Student Support Services offers a ‘one-stop-shop’ to provide all students with information, advice and support. It comprises: • Disability Office • Money Advice and Support • International Student Advisory Service • Student Counselling Service Whether you have a general enquiry, a specific problem or you just need to talk things through, the Student Support Services reception is a good place to start. You will get a friendly greeting and a sympathetic ear as well as the information and support you need. Enquiries Tel: +44 (0)1792 602000 Fax: +44 (0)1792 602136 Minicom/text: +44 (0)1792 295089 Email: student.services@swansea.ac.uk www.swansea.ac.uk/study/current/ StudentSupportServices/ Disabled Students The University positively welcomes applications from students with disabilities/specific needs/medical conditions. For many years, the University has sought to encourage the admission of such students.

The University has a well established Disability Office, which has acquired a national reputation for the quality of the support it provides. If you have a disability/specific need/medical condition, we recommend that you contact the Disability Office Caseworkers well before you submit your application, for advice on your chosen course of study and what your particular needs might be. You may be invited for an informal interview with the Disability Office staff to assess your needs and draw up preliminary plans for your admission. It will also give you an opportunity to judge for yourself whether Swansea is the right place for you in terms of your course, the facilities you will need and the support you will get. The campus is fairly flat and compact. Most of the buildings are modern and well provided with ramp access, lifts and adapted toilet facilities. Tactile paving has been laid on all major paths. A significant number of study bedrooms in the campus halls have been adapted for students and their Volunteer Support Workers. We can provide human support in terms of notetakers, readers, personal volunteers and dyslexia support.

Facilities for the visually impaired are exceptionally good. The University has a Recording for the Blind Centre with three broadcast-standard studios. The Centre is one of the finest of its kind in any UK university and the only such facility in Wales. The University has a Mental Health Coordinator who can help you to obtain the most appropriate support from the range of services on offer, both within and outside the University. The University also works closely with various external agencies to ensure the provision of good quality support. For example, specially trained RNID notetakers operate a speedtext service for hearing impaired students; the RNIB supports the Recording Centre. Enquiries Tel: +44 (0)1792 603000 Fax: +44 (0)1792 295090 Email: disability@swansea.ac.uk www.swansea.ac.uk/study/current/ StudentSupportServices/Disability Office/

Supporting your studies

Postgraduate Research Faculty Our dedicated Research Faculty Office is there to support both taught and research students during your time at the University. They will assist you with administrative issues ranging from offering advice on regulatory issues to the issuing of certificates required when submitting theses/dissertations. Our annual academic handbook will be issued to you on enrolment.

The office also administers a range of funds that provide loans, bursaries and non-repayable grants to students who may be facing financial difficulties. All applications are carefully considered against set criteria and in the strictest confidence. Enquiries Email: MoneyDoctors@swansea.ac.uk www.swansea.ac.uk/study/current/ StudentSupportServices/MoneyAdvice/

International Student Advisory Service (ISAS) ISAS provides information, advice and support on non-academic matters to all international (non-UK) students and their dependants. The service operates according to the UKCOSA/AISA Code of Ethics for those advising international students and the Rules and Code of Standards of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. Common areas of advice include UK immigration, travelling in the EU, financial hardship, employment regulations and visiting friends and family. ISAS operates the Home Office Batch Scheme to assist students with extending their visas, and arranges Police Registration on campus. ISAS produces the International Student Handbook which is sent to prospective students. There is also a dedicated Orientation Programme for international students at the start of the academic year. Full details of both of these are available on the website. Enquiries Email: isas@swansea.ac.uk www.swansea.ac.uk/study/current/ StudentSupportServices/ISAS/


Supporting your studies

Student Counselling Service The University operates a free, confidential counselling service. The service offers counselling to those students who find that they are unable to study effectively or enjoy their life at university, whatever the reason – personal or academic. Counselling is provided mainly through one-to-one contact, although group sessions may also be offered.

Medical Facilities If you are living in University accommodation, you are required to register with a local general practitioner. There is a National Health medical practice on campus in Fulton House, open to students living within two miles of the University. There is also a Dental Surgery offering a full range of NHS and private treatments, also conveniently located on campus.

All counsellors are experienced and professionally qualified and work to the Ethical Framework of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Religion and Worship The University has campus-based chaplains of the following Christian denominations: Anglican (Church in Wales), Baptist, Greek Orthodox, Methodist, Roman Catholic and United Reformed Church. There is a Chaplaincy Centre in Fulton House.

Appointments can be made 8.30am12.55pm and 1.55pm-4.30pm on weekdays; arrangements may be made for sessions outside these times. Enquiries Tel: +44 (0)1792 295592 Email: student.counselling@swansea.ac.uk www.swansea.ac.uk/counselling

The University has a Mosque on campus, which links with the local community and is supported by an active Islamic Society in the Students’ Union. There are also links with the Swansea Jewish Community. Students of other faiths will find support in the various student societies formed for this purpose.

Day Nursery The Students’ Union runs a Day Nursery, which is situated centrally on campus. It provides care for children during term time and school holidays. All staff members are qualified in childcare, first aid and basic food hygiene, and are experienced in providing a happy learning environment within a multicultural setting. The Day Nursery takes children from the ages of three months to eight years. Opening times are 8.15am – 5.15pm. Enquiries Tel: +44 (0)1792 513151 English Language Training Services See International Students section on page 14 for information.

Supporting your studies

Money Advice and Support Office The Money Advice and Support Office provides students with information, and advice on all student funding issues. We also offer money advice, budgeting advice and a debt counselling service.

Living in Swansea

Living in Swansea brings you all the benefits of living in a city, plus the advantages of living by the sea, surrounded by several award-winning parks. The area is friendly, relaxed, and offers a stunning environment that provides the work life balance that many seek, but few find. New landmark developments give Swansea a sense of purpose and many of our graduates choose to stay here long after their studies.


Live & learn


The City by the sea Visit – The Marina. Start at the centre of Swansea and make your way down Wind Street, the famous pubs-and clubs street, to the Maritime Quarter. You’ll find marina scenery, exhibitions, places to eat, and the beach beyond. Shop – In the Quadrant, Swansea’s indoor complex, which has a host of high-street names. But if it’s Dylan Thomas’ Swansea you’re in search of, visit the traditional covered market – great for fresh produce and local seafood.

Relax – In Swansea’s two central multiscreen cinemas, which feature the latest film releases, or go bowling. At night, the City Centre offers a wide choice of clubs, bars and restaurants, or there is always the option of visiting the attractive fishing village of Mumbles. Experience – The Dylan Thomas Centre, or learn about Welsh industry and innovation at Swansea’s National Waterfront Museum. The Grand Theatre presents live performances all year round and is one of Britain’s finest regional theatres.

Unwind – On the beach. Beginning just to the west of the University, the 19-mile Gower peninsula was the UK’s first designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It’s easy to see why. The coastline is simply one of the most dramatic and picturesque in the UK and every link in its chain of long, sandy beaches and rocky coves is unique. Many of the beaches have been awarded the coveted EU Blue Flag status. Three Cliffs Bay was recently voted the UK’s best beach, and Rhossili the best place in the UK to see the sunset!

Explore – The Gower coastline. Its network of tracks and footpaths is ideal for walkers and hikers. The beaches are popular with hanggliders, rock climbers, horse riders and water skiers, and are a Mecca for surfers. Field trips to the peninsula are part of life for students studying natural sciences. The Gower provides a natural field laboratory for the University, particularly in the study of marine life.

Discover – The Brecon Beacons. Lying to the north of Swansea these mountains are astonishing to look at and great to climb. From the heights you get panoramic views across the surrounding area to the sea. Caves, waterfalls and craft centres can be found between peaks. If you prefer glorious countryside, then travel west to the Towy valley. Here you’ll find castles at Carreg Cennen, Dinefwr and Dryslwyn, along with plenty of fresh air and acres of wide open space.

Live – What makes the City of Swansea so comfortable is its manageable size. Nothing is too far away from the centre. Getting lost is difficult. Regular buses run to and from Swansea centre, so getting around is simple. Good coach, rail and motorway connections provide excellent links to many other cities in the UK.


...with something for everyone

• Rugby and football fans should check out the City’s £24 million Liberty Stadium. Home to professional football and rugby in the City, the state-of-the-art stadium also hosts major pop concerts.

• As well as housing works by Hepworth, Nash, Gustave Dore and Augustus John, the Glynn Vivian Gallery has an innovative year-round programme of exhibitions.

• Gower is one of the UK’s top surfing venues. Surfers should check out the beaches at Port Eynon, Llangennith and Rhossili.

• Swansea boasts a brand new, state-of-the art leisure complex. Housing an indoor water park, Wales' biggest fitness arena and luxury spa facilities, this is truly, a twenty-first century attraction.

• Gower has an extensive network of traffic-free cycle paths, and students can follow a cycle path directly from campus to both the City Centre and Mumbles.

• The Grand Theatre’s Arts Wing has two exhibition areas, a rooftop bar and café and a 120-seat performance space – a great venue for comedy and jazz.

film and concerts from classical through jazz and rock.” The Virgin 2008 Alternative Guide to British Universities

The popular Taliesin Arts Centre is at the heart of the campus. Open throughout the year, this lively venue hosts a broad programme of events including cinema screenings, an average of ten visiting exhibitions per year and a great variety of live performances, from dance and drama to jazz and world music. Full details of Taliesin's forthcoming events are available from the website: www.taliesinartscentre.co.uk The Centre’s Oriel Ceri Richards Gallery hosts a range of exhibitions throughout the year, presenting work by emerging and established artists alongside jewellery, cards and gifts to suit all tastes. The recently refurbished bar, serving tapas and much more, is


a popular place to meet throughout the day and well into the evening. An extension to the Taliesin Arts Centre houses the Egypt Centre. This twostorey gallery contains an important collection of antiquities from Ancient Egypt. Over one thousand ancient objects are on display, dating from before 3500 BC to AD 500. The collection of artefacts includes the painted coffin of a musician from Thebes; bead necklaces from the time of Tutankhamun, statues of gods and goddesses and everyday objects such as tools and weapons. Students can become involved in the work of the Egypt Centre by joining the Friends’ Group or may join the volunteer programme.

Adore the arts?

Further information can be found on our website: www.swansea.ac.uk/egypt Want to take part? The Students' Union offer an array of arts-driven clubs and societies for those with a passion for the more cultural side of life. These include: dance, drama, alternative music, choral groups, visual arts and many more. For further information visit the societies’ website: www.swanseaunion.co.uk/societies


“...a constantly unfolding programme of drama, dance,

Photo credit: Chris Nash, Driven by Motionhouse

A full programme of varied activities is available to students who want to develop a healthy lifestyle, with classes including Pilates, Belly Dancing, Fitness, Spin, FitBall, etc. For those who wish to gain new sports skills there are classes in squash, tennis, badminton and many more, and students also have the opportunity of gaining National Governing Body Coaching/Refereeing Awards. For the more advanced and competitive, Swansea’s Athletic Union clubs have a fine tradition of success in inter-university competitions. Football, rugby, hockey, netball, swimming, golf are leading sports and triathlon is now making its mark. The football team were in the semi-finals of the 2006 British Universities’ Championships, won the Premier League and they are also currently Welsh champions. Rugby are holders of the Welsh Cup and retained the Varsity Challenge having lost only twice in the last eleven years. Our modern sports centre is a short walk from campus and includes the


Uni-Gym – a newly equipped fitness centre with over 80 stations, a multipurpose sports hall, squash courts, climbing wall, physiotherapy/sports massage unit and meeting rooms. We also have outdoor facilities including six tennis courts, rugby, football, lacrosse and cricket pitches.


A true sporting University, Swansea provides superb facilities and opportunities whatever your level. Scholarships Outstandingly talented students may be eligible for an Undergraduate Sporting Entrance Scholarship, worth £1,000 a year (see page 20 for details), bursaries are also available. You need to apply for a scholarship before you enter the University.

Our sports facilities are further boosted with a new Sports Village housing an athletics track, two water-based all weather pitches and an indoor training centre for athletes. The Sports Village is also home to Wales National Pool, which includes a 50-metre pool and a 25-metre ‘warm up’ pool. The outstanding natural environment around Swansea means you can sail in the Bay or at Margam Reservoir, row on the River Tawe, and surf, windsurf and canoe on the superb Gower beaches. Mountain biking and cycling are also popular across rugged hills for experts or flat cycle paths for beginners. So whether you just want to have a go at something new, or join one of the Athletic Union clubs, Swansea has something for you.

Serious about sport? Get involved in: Aikido



Rugby League

Table Tennis




Rugby Union

Tae Kwon Do



Kite Surfing










Life Saving

Ski & Snowboarding

Ultimate Frisbee



Mountain Biking






Sub Aqua


Horse Riding




Jiu Jitsu



Why did you choose Swansea for your Postgraduate Study? I chose to study at Swansea because the University offered a research-based course in Environmental Management which I found attractive as it would put me in contact with industry and give me the skills that I would need to begin a career in this field. In addition, Swansea offered a bursary that made it possible for me to gain a postgraduate qualification without the worry of adding further to my student debt. What do you think of the facilities? Swansea has all the facilities that you would expect from a leading university. I found the teaching to be of a high standard, with my modules being interesting and relevant. I particularly enjoyed having external lecturers and field visits; all of which provided “real life” knowledge. My research experiences at Swansea University have been amazing; the School of Engineering is at the forefront of research. During my study I have had the opportunity to collaborate with more than ten European research institutes on behalf of my industrial collaborators, COST Action 637 and EC Joint Research Centre. What about the City of Swansea? I am from Swansea so I may be a little biased! Swansea is a great place to live and study. It has something to offer everyone with the city, countryside and beach on your doorstep.


Tell us about the support you receive? There is plenty of support at Swansea. I have found my tutor and lecturers to be helpful and approachable. I have also found postgraduate workshops that give refresher sessions on grammar and referencing invaluable. Can you comment on the Swansea University “Community”? Being a campus-based university, there is definitely a “community” feel and it doesn’t take long to get to know plenty of people. Tell us a bit about your course or research programme? I am studying for an MRes in Environmental Management. The course has really exceeded my expectations. During the first taught part of the course, I gained skills that are needed in the workplace such as report writing, presenting and team work. I found the modules to be relevant, varied and interesting. I particularly enjoyed the field trips and visiting lecturers as it provided a “real” insight into the career that I hope to enter. The remainder of the course is taken up by a research project and the research projects involve industrial collaboration. So far, I have arranged and carried out a two-week long research tour of European research institutes to collect data on behalf of my collaborators, attended and presented at a Cost Action 637 Working Group meeting and subject to the

continued success of my project I hope to contribute to a journal article to present my preliminary findings and possibly present my research at an international conference. What has been the highlight of your time at Swansea so far? The highlight of my time in Swansea has been my research project. I can’t imagine that many Master’s courses give you an opportunity to take on such a challenge! The trips to Europe for research are a definite highlight and I enjoyed taking ownership of my project straightaway. Have you given any thought to life after Swansea? If so, what sort of support have you had? I certainly have given thought to life after Swansea. During the first week of the course we were given advice on pursuing our career, preparing CVs and covering letters and we even had a mock interview. Throughout the course I have had discussions with my lecturer regarding future options. So far, I have begun to apply for graduate schemes within environmental departments of engineering companies so fingers crossed! Do you have any tips or advice for prospective students? I would definitely recommend doing a Master’s course as it is almost a necessity in today’s competitive job market.

Swansea is a great place to live and study

Name: Nina Skubala Home town: Swansea Course of study: MRes Environmental Management

Courses A-Z

Courses A-Z 42

American Studies




Applied Linguistics


Environmental and Molecular Biosciences


Business Management






Childhood Studies


Health Science


Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology

101 History


Computer Science

104 Human Sciences


Continuing Education

106 Languages, Linguistics and Translation


Development Studies

113 Law



116 Law: Department of Professional Legal Studies



118 Mathematics


Engineering: Degree Schemes

120 Media and Communication Studies


Engineering: Advanced Telecommunications

122 Medicine


Engineering: Civil and Computational and

130 Physics

Engineering Centre

132 Politics and International Relations


Engineering: Materials Research Centre

134 Psychology


Engineering: Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology

136 Sports Science


(formerly Biological Sciences)



American Studies


The University library is one of the Department’s most important resources. American Studies holdings are particularly strong in such areas as American involvement in South-East Asia, American slavery, organised and corporate crime, international drug control, nineteenth-century poetry and popular culture between the wars. The Department subscribes to a significant number of appropriate journals and periodicals and holds an extensive specialist video and DVD collections.

Taught Course MA in Hollywood and the World The MA in Hollywood and the World: Transnational Perspectives on American Film is a highly distinctive degree programme focusing on the important relationships that have developed between American film and a variety of national cinemas and traditions in the modern world. The interactions between the great Hollywood tradition and other film traditions provide an immensely fruitful route to achieving a greater understanding of contemporary American society and culture from a genuinely transnational perspective. The taught Master’s degree is available by assessed coursework and a dissertation. The degree normally extends over one year for full-time or two years for part-time study. There are six required seminar modules, and a dissertation of 20,000 words is written after the successful completion of the modules. Modules offered will be concerned with film in a variety of different ways. Students will study the impact of international influences on the Hollywood film tradition; the manner in which interactions between Hollywood film and other national cinemas have influenced the development of film in a global context; an investigation of how films reflect fundamental political aspects of the relationships between America and various regions of the world such as Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America; an exploration of the controversial issues involved in the adaptation of foreign literary works for the screen, and vice versa and an analysis of the ideological political features of American film in a global cultural environment. The courses offered are: • Critical Thinking, Film Theory and Interdisciplinary Research Methods • Comparative Film Histories: National Cinemas and the Hollywood Tradition

• Literature to Film: Issues in Transnational Adaptation • Ghosts and Apocalypse: Film Culture in America and Japan since 1945 • Projecting Empire: Politics, American Film and the Global Audience • Research Portfolio • Dissertation MA in War and Society The MA in War and Society is a unique degree that explores the most spectacular of historic events. War has been a catalyst for violent change throughout human history. It inflicts terrible suffering and degradation and yet evokes great bravery. What is War? A simple, meaningful definition is not easily achieved. Simple explanations are insufficient. War needs to be analysed in political, social, cultural, technological, historical, military and media contexts.

Research The Department’s research interests cover the core disciplines of American Studies: literature, history, politics and film. Particular research strengths and special interests include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

US “War on Drugs” The UN and International Drugs Policy US Foreign Policy Hollywood film and American society The Americanisation of culture Ethnicity and multiculturalism African American Literature and Culture The Harlem Renaissance Native American History and Culture The American Presidency The Impact of war on American society Contemporary Literature Silent Cinema Representations of Vietnam War The Media & Globalization

The Department is involved in collaborative research projects with several universities across the United States and there is a programme of visiting speakers from Britain and the USA. Members of the Department have written and edited book-length studies of literature, popular culture, modern poetry, labour leaders, political processes and philosophy.

Financial Support Funding for research work comes from several sources including the Leverhulme Foundation and the Fulbright Commission. Graduates are currently funded by the University of Wales, Tempus, departmental bursaries and assistantships. Opportunities for graduate research in the United States can be funded by the Department.

Academic/research staff Postgraduates

Entry Requirements Normally an appropriate honours degree, or higher degree, or an equivalent qualification.

Enquiries Dr Subarno Chattarji Tel: +44 (0)1792 295305 Email: s.chattarji@swansea.ac.uk

Taught course MA Hollywood and the World: Transnational Perspectives on American Film MA War and Society Research opportunities PhD by research Head of Department D R Bewley-Taylor BA PhD

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American Studies


The Department of American Studies has well-established links with universities across the United States. The Department’s research interests cover the core disciplines of American Studies: history politics, literature and film. The Department is the leading centre for American Studies in Wales. We possess sufficient technological resources to service our staff and students and we are continually upgrading in this area.


Applied Linguistics


Applied Linguistics staff returned to the English Research Assessment Exercise panel in 2001 since which time the department has grown with important new international appointments. English at Swansea was awarded a 4 for the quality of its research in 2001. Opportunities for bursaries exist on these courses. For information on support funding, see the postgraduate pages of the University’s website at: www.swansea.ac.uk/postgraduate MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MA TEFL) The MA in TEFL is intended for those who have already begun to develop an informed interest or have some previous training or relevant experience in the field. Students are likely to gain most from the MA if they have some practical experience of TEFL teaching and/or have studied modules in or closely related to TEFL or Second Language Acquisition. (Those seeking a purely practical entry level professional qualification are advised to take a Certificate in TESOL at Swansea (ELTS Centre) or elsewhere. Cert. TESOL or TEFLA holders will be considered particularly favourably for entry to the Master’s scheme.) Programme Highlights: • Enhanced understanding of the area of TEFL • Training in relevant research methods • Experience of completing a research dissertation • Second Language Learning Processes • Communicative Language Teaching • Discourse Analysis for ELT • Research Methods for ELT • Vocabulary in Language Learning • Computers in ELT • Dissertation Exit with passes in 60 or 120 credits can lead to the award of a postgraduate Certificate in TEFL or Diploma in TEFL.

Entry Requirements Applicants to the MA TEFL programme should normally have a good first degree and/ or relevant experience. For students whose native language is not English, evidence of an acceptable level of English language will be required, normally 6.5 IELTS.

Enquiries Dr Geoff Hall Tel: +44 (0)1792 602540 Email: g.m.hall@swansea.ac.uk

Research The Department of Applied Linguistics is known internationally for its research into Second Language Acquisition processes, particularly Vocabulary Acquisition, language testing, and language in education, particularly with respect to English Language Teaching. Research applications are encouraged for full-time or part-time research in TEFL, Translation, Corpus Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Stylistics and Discourse Analysis. Distance PhD in Applied Linguistics The programme is primarily aimed at English language teachers working abroad who want to maintain an academic base in the UK. The programme is centred on Professor Paul Meara’s vocabulary research group. The PhD programme is specially designed for people who want to join an active research group while continuing to work. The Department is strongly committed to supporting part-time students. The part-time programme usually takes six years to complete, and we normally have four or five places available each October. Places are normally allocated in February, and you are advised to contact the Centre informally in advance if you are intending to apply for a place to study with us. We normally only accept people if they already have an MA in Linguistics or a related discipline. We also prefer applicants to have some experience of empirical research. The programme is highly structured, the work for each year being tightly organised round a series of training tasks and experimental projects. The programme currently supports about 25 students, including a group of eight students based in Japan. All of these students are working on aspects of vocabulary acquisition and lexical performance in second language speakers. The group has a particular interest in the development of innovative assessment testing tools. Enquiries Distance PhD programme Professor Paul Meara Tel: +44 (0)1792 295391 Email: p.m.meara@swansea.ac.uk

Enquiries Full-time PhDs in Applied Linguistics Dr Geoff Hall Tel: +44 (0)1792 602540 Email: g.m.hall@swansea.ac.uk

Applied Linguistics


Applied Linguistics is a section of the School of Arts. Seven full-time academic staff currently teach and supervise thirty PhDs and thirty MAs in TEFL and Translation.


Business Management


The School has extensive PC and multi-user computer facilities, with networked PCs linked to a variety of server platforms. All networked PCs have access to a broad selection of resources such as the Financial Times, The Economist and ABI/INFORM, and students have terminal access to the Datastream financial information system. The School also provides access to telephone/fax, postal and photocopying services, and provides an email address and Internet access. Postgraduate students at the School of Business and Economics have access to computer labs and study areas within the School at any time of the day.

Taught Course On all of its taught postgraduate courses, the School of Business and Economics aims to combine academic excellence with a practice-oriented perspective. It ensures that content is intellectually demanding while being related to the practical world of management. MBA (AMBA accredited) For candidates with experience in the practical aspects of management, the MBA programme aims to provide a comprehensive set of skills and an in-depth knowledge of the main managerial disciplines. The full-time MBA at Swansea University is a twelve-month programme. Part one, from October to May, consists of two semesters covering the following taught courses: • Managing Finance • Managing People • Managing Markets • Managing Processes • Management Skills • Strategic Case Analyses • Two Elective Modules • Report Preparation Part two starts in July and consists of a management project. The purpose of the management project is to enable students to develop, integrate and apply the concepts, skills and techniques acquired during the MBA programme in

addressing a management problem or issue. The report allows the opportunity for students to focus their analysis on a company or organisation. The School is actively engaged in a number of collaborative projects with our business community and, particularly at this stage of the programme, encourages students to capitalise on our extensive network of companies and organisations. To study for the MBA, you will need to have an initial degree, at least three years’ relevant work experience and, if English is not your mother tongue; an English level of 6.5 IELTS or equivalent. The University has a full range of pre-sessional language programmes available to assist those students that need to improve their English level. Non-graduates with relevant experience will be considered positively. Please contact: mba@swansea.ac.uk The School also offers our MBA programme in an executive format aimed at managers who choose to study whilst still in employment. The Executive MBA is delivered on a modular basis, during weekends over two years. Please contact: mba@swansea.ac.uk Masters in Management Programmes MSc in Management MSc in Management (International Management) MSc in Management (Marketing) MSc in Management (Finance) The Masters in Management programmes are all intensive one-year Master's degrees designed mainly for recent graduates who have achieved at least a second-class honours degree, or overseas equivalent. Work experience is not required. The programmes are primarily designed to meet the needs of graduates who have not previously specialised in Business Management, or who have studied the subject in a non-UK context. All four Masters in Management (MScs) are generalist management programmes that aim to develop a sound understanding of a broad range of management disciplines that will enhance employability and allow graduates to gain a sound knowledge and understanding of the key theories and current topics within their chosen field. All of the programmes

cover the main business and management subjects during the first part while then allowing the opportunity to focus on a specific area such as marketing, finance or international management, or to continue to study the main general areas of management in more depth. To study for a Masters in Management you will need to have an initial degree and, if English is not your mother tongue, an English level of 6.5 IELTS or equivalent. The University has a full range of presessional language programmes available to assist those students that need to improve their English level. Nongraduates with relevant experience will be considered positively. Please contact: mim@swansea.ac.uk MSc in Marketing The MSc Marketing is a twelve-month full-time programme, designed for Business and Management (or closely related) graduates. The programme combines the academic theory of marketing with a practical perspective that closely reflects true to life marketing issues and situations. The scheme aims to develop a sound understanding of marketing, to extend existing knowledge, whether from previous study or practical experience and as such, to enhance employability prospects. The techniques and skills gained on the programme will enable an accelerated start to, or continuation of career paths in marketing and will be applicable to the marketing of all types of organisations. Part I consists of nine compulsory and three optional modules while Part II provides the opportunity to explore, in depth, an area of marketing of particular interest.

To study for an MSc in Marketing you will need to have an initial degree and, if English is not your mother tongue, an English level of 6.5 IELTS or equivalent. The University has a full range of pre-sessional language programmes available to assist those students that need to improve their English level. Non-graduates with relevant experience will be considered positively. Please contact: sbe.pg@swansea.ac.uk MSc in Finance The MSc Finance is a twelve-month full-time programme, designed for Business and Management graduates or graduates with a strong quantitative background. The programme combines the academic theory of finance with a strong practical perspective closely related to the practical world of finance. The scheme aims to develop a sound understanding of finance and closely related areas, to extend existing knowledge, whether from previous study or practical experience and as such, to enhance employability prospects. The techniques and skills gained on the programme will enable an accelerated start to, or continuation of career paths in finance. Part I consists of compulsory modules while Part II provides the opportunity to explore, in depth, an area of finance (or closely related subject) of particular interest. To study for an MSc in Finance you will need to have an initial degree and, if English is not your mother tongue, an English level of 6.5 IELTS or equivalent. The University has a full range of presessional language programmes available to assist those students that need to improve their English level. Non-

Business Management


The School of Business and Economics has a lively, cosmopolitan atmosphere and is housed on the University campus in modern, purpose-built facilities with its own teaching rooms and up-todate IT facilities. It has an expanding postgraduate community. In the School’s most recent review of teaching (The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education – November 2002), the highest possible scores were achieved in Business and Management subjects for both academic standards and the quality of the learning opportunities at the School.


Business Management



Financial Support

The School has a number of established research groupings, which provide focus and support our ongoing research programmes and culture. Human Resources, Organisations and Entrepreneurship The research activity of this group includes cross-cultural research on change management practices in multinational companies; industrial relations and models of partnership management; organisational design and behaviour; and research on the drivers of entrepreneurship activity. Interdisciplinary work in environmental management is also carried out within this group. Finance and Risk Management Research in the finance area has a strong empirical flavour, areas of current interest are as follows: the modelling of futures and options data; asset pricing models; insurance industry structure; the credit rating of insurers; financial markets in developing economies. Information Systems and e-business Research of both national and international significance is conducted in the areas of electronic government and electronic democracy, strategic data planning, database design, rapid application development, information systems failure and evaluation, multimedia business applications and electronic commerce/electronic business in the SME sector. Marketing Research areas covered by the marketing group include marketing research methodology particularly in cross-cultural research, personal selling and sales management, consumer behaviour, buyer-seller relationships, Internet marketing and marketing communications. The marketing group undertakes both theoretical and applied research. Research is also conducted within the School on tourism demand modelling. Statistics Research on various aspects of applied stochastic modelling, complemented by more theoretical research into general principles of probability and statistical inference, is undertaken by this group. Work is also conducted on the practical application of statistics to a variety of problems arising from commercial organisations and government bodies. As well as providing focus and direction for research, groups hold regular colloquia and workshops and are designed to promote interdisciplinary research projects, and to provide impetus for research grant applications and consultancy activity. The School has current externally-funded research projects on the information society (National Assembly for Wales), on business succession planning (European Social

The School and the University awards a limited number of research studentships (MPhil/PhD) as well as a limited number of taught master’s bursaries. Home and overseas students are also encouraged to apply for research studentships and grants from other research institutions and funding bodies.

Entry Requirements For the management programmes, the requirements are listed in the relevant section. For a research degree, applicants normally require a first or upper second-class honours degree in a relevant subject.

Academic/research staff Postgraduates

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Taught courses (All twelve-month full-time) Master of Business Administration (MBA, full-time) Executive MBA (modular/part-time) Taught courses: MSc Management MSc Management (International Management) MSc Management (Marketing) MSc Management (Finance) MSc Marketing MSc Finance Research opportunities: MPhil/PhD by research Professors M B Adams (Finance) E Bischoff (Management Science) Y Debrah (HRM) A Henley (Head of School) C De Cock (Organisational Studies) A Palmer (Marketing) D Thomas (Finance) M Williams (e-business management)

Enquiries Ian Thomas, Director, PG Programmes Tel: +44 (0)1792 295057 Email: i.v.thomas@swansea.ac.uk Research enquiries: Dr A Watkins Tel: +44 (0)1792 295601 Email: a.watkins@swansea.ac.uk

Opportunities for research in the chemical sciences include studies in: instrumental, physical, synthetic organic and synthetic inorganic chemistry. The main thrust of this research is the exploration and application of chemistry in nanotechnology, materials science, biomedicine and environmental science. Specific areas of expertise include: bioinorganic chemistry; luminescent biomedical probes; modern NMR techniques for structure elucidation in complex systems; enzyme mimics; switchable hydrogels; novel solid state catalysts and structures; the design, synthesis and characterisation of photoactive materials for electro-optics; materials for solar

energy conversion; environmental chemistry; luminescent thin film sensors. Chemistry research at the University is housed in the School of Engineering – for study options, please see the Engineering section beginning on page 64.


Fund), on environmental management and on the labour market in Wales (European Social Fund).


graduates with relevant experience will be considered positively. Please contact: sbe.pg@swansea.ac.uk



Childhood Studies


The Department aims to: • Promote high quality teaching and lifelong learning in childhood, with a particular focus on early childhood • Enhance the profile and status of early childhood research and scholarship • Facilitate the career development of local and regional early years and childhood practitioners The Department of Childhood Studies has a thriving research culture and is committed to promoting the highest standard of work by postgraduates. The Department plans to make a significant contribution to the new interdisciplinary Centre for Child Research. The main areas of research interest and expertise are: • Inclusion, participation and children’s rights • Young children, play and learning (including outdoor play) • Children, media and digital technology • Inter-agency and multidisciplinary working • Innovative and creative research methods with children Current work includes a study of teaching practices and learning outcomes when using ICT in the classroom, an evaluation of the work of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, a project to develop children’s own research, and a series of practice-based research studies in outdoor play, Forest School and the Reggio Emilia approach. In order to support and further develop a vibrant research culture, the Department also arranges a regular seminar series open to academics and professionals, which includes presentations from internationally renowned academics in the field of childhood studies. In addition to the MSc in Early Childhood, the Department also organises the successful and very popular undergraduate degree in early childhood studies. New courses recently approved and planned for introduction in the near future include a BSc in Childhood and Youth and an MA in Play and Playwork. MA in Child Welfare and Applied Childhood Studies This degree is a one-year full-time (or two years, part-time) modular degree consisting of six taught modules and a final dissertation. The programme offers compulsory modules: children and childhood in the social sciences; child welfare; understanding

and doing research; plus optional modules: sexual exploitation of children; contemporary issues in childhood studies; child study and child development; children’s rights; therapeutic work with children; children’s service development and social change; advanced practice with children; and contemporary issues in early childhood. The final dissertation is an extended piece of work on a relevant, agreed topic, exploring an aspect of childhood or child welfare in some depth. MA in Developmental and Therapeutic Play This new scheme has been designed for a range of professionals working with children. The scheme will be of particular interest to experienced practitioners wishing to formalise their professional status or integrate therapeutic play into their current practice. The programme: • Combines the in-depth study of play from a theoretical and academic perspective with the practical application of this knowledge in context. • Offers innovative and comprehensive training that affords play the recognition it deserves in promoting children's growth and development • Demonstrates how Developmental and Therapeutic Play Specialists play a key role in facilitating play skills to promote well-being and resilience. • Provides entry into the profession for new graduates • Leads to full practitioner membership of the British Association of Therapeutic Play (BATP). MSc in Early Childhood This multidisciplinary course is a challenging and stimulating programme enabling the advanced study of young children and their families. The course will: • introduce students to an extensive range of contemporary international literature and research in the field of early childhood • extend students’ understanding of early childhood through engaging in detailed analysis of theoretical perspectives in the early years

• critically explore the complexities, challenges and opportunities offered by multi-agency and interdisciplinary working in early years’ settings and services • offer students a flexible programme of study • support professional development in the field of early childhood

in early childhood. As a result, some of the optional modules may alter from those given above.

The course is open to all those interested in the field of early childhood. It will be of particular interest to graduates of early childhood studies, local early years’ practitioners (including those working in education, health and social care) and international students.

MPhil/PhD in Childhood Studies We have a keen and growing group of postgraduate research students, studying areas as varied as pupil-teacher interaction, special educational needs, health and education in traveller families, and children and violence in Cambodia. We offer a sound research training in collaboration with other departments, with our particular focus being on methods of research involving children. All our academic staff are strongly committed to research supervision, and between us we offer a wide range of specialist expertise. We are willing to consider proposals in any area of childhood studies, particularly in one of our departmental research clusters. We welcome students who wish to work within a specific discipline such as sociology or education, as well as those who are interested in working in a more interdisciplinary way.

The duration of the course is one year full-time or two to four years part-time. The course provides opportunities for students to research their own interests in early childhood and for a study visit to a European country. In particular the course will provide opportunities for: • The critical exchange of high-level knowledge and understanding of international early years’ policy, practice and provision • Multidisciplinary research, policy and practice in early childhood The course consists of six taught modules and a dissertation. There are four compulsory modules and two optional modules selected from the following: Compulsory Modules Research Methods for Early Childhood Children’s Rights and Participation Diversity and Equality in the Early Years Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Optional Modules Children and the Media Digital Childhoods International Perspectives on Play and Learning The programme is developing and aims to respond to changes in policy and practice and to reflect current issues

Assessment is through coursework, including written assignments, seminar presentations and a dissertation of 20,000 words in length.

Applicants for all of our taught courses will be required to undergo a CRB/Police check. Academic/Research Staff Administrative Staff Taught courses MSc Early Childhood MA Child Welfare and Applied Childhood Studies MSC Developmental and Therapeutic Play Research opportunities MPhil/PhD

Enquiries Dr Guy Roberts-Holmes Tel: +44 (0) 1792 205678 Email: g.p.roberts-holmes@swansea.ac.uk

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Childhood Studies


The Department of Childhood Studies is committed to providing a genuinely interdisciplinary approach to the study of childhood. Academic staff have wide experience and expertise within the fields of education, health, social care, psychology, sociology, linguistics and communication studies. The Department has strong links with a range of international networks and a number of similar university departments in Europe and around the world.


Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology


The Department enjoys an invaluable asset in its purpose-built Egypt Centre, which houses about 3,000 objects from Ancient Egypt. This impressive and important collection illustrates more than 4,000 years of human development from the prehistoric to the early Christian era and plays an integral role in our teaching. The University Library is particularly well stocked with original texts, literary and documentary, with basic works of reference and with secondary material of all kinds. It subscribes to a wide range of general and specialist periodicals. Online access to external bibliographies and citation indexes is available. Resources include JSTOR, Dyabola, TLG, Patrologia Latina and Teubner Latin texts online, and the Gnomon database. All our postgraduate research students are automatically members of the University of Wales Institute of Classics and Ancient History. The Institute promotes conferences and seminars involving staff and postgraduates from the Classics and Ancient History Departments of Cardiff, Lampeter and Swansea. There are two further research centres linked to the department: The Centre for Egyptology and Mediterranean Archaeology, and Kyknos: The Centre for Research in Ancient Narrative Literature. The Department has a thriving postgraduate seminar, which meets weekly.

Taught Courses There are three taught MA schemes: • MA in Ancient History and Classical Civilisation • MA in Ancient Egyptian Culture • MA in Classics • MA in Ancient Narrative Literature The MA in Ancient History and Classical Civilisation is in part taught through the Welsh Video Network in collaboration with Lampeter and Cardiff, under the aegis of the University of Wales Institute of Classics and Ancient History. Each MA is an intensive year-long course, designed both as a self-contained block of study and as preparation for PhD work. Teaching is seminar-based and constructed in six modules running between October and June, concentrating on study techniques employed in ancient history, classical culture and Egyptology. The schemes are designed to be flexible, and

can, within limits, be tailored to meet the needs or interests of individual students. Modules deal with literary texts; documentary evidence, especially inscriptions; archaeological evidence; and the study of sexuality, religion and society. There will also be specific instruction in research techniques. Students are required to study Greek or Latin, or Ancient Egyptian at an appropriate level. Assessment is conducted on the basis of in-course written work and oral presentations and students must also produce a dissertation of 15,000-20,000 words.

Research There are opportunities for graduate study in language, literature, history and archaeology. The special interests of staff are in: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Egyptology Ancient Egyptian Religion Archaeology of Roman Egypt Imperialism in Egypt and the Near East Gender in Ancient Egypt The ancient novel Historiography Greek social history (Archaic to Hellenistic) Ancient technology Roman Republican and Imperial history Graeco-Roman urbanisation History and archaeology of Asia Minor Classical art and architecture The Classical Tradition in Wales Latin literature of Late Antiquity Renaissance Latin

Research proposals in Egyptology, under the supervision of Professor T Schneider and Dr K Szpakowska, are particularly welcomed.

Financial Support AHRC awards are available, and Local Education Authority awards can sometimes be obtained. The Department may, at its own discretion, enter strong applicants for a Swansea University studentship. Graduates of the University of Wales in Classics may apply for the Ellen Thomas-Stanford Scholarship’s single annual award, normally of £250.

Entry Requirements Research: 2.1 degree in Classics, Ancient History, Egyptology or related subject area. Taught MA: 2.1 degree in Humanities or Social Science subject area. Equivalent overseas qualifications considered.

Enquiries Dr D Gill Tel: +44 (0)1792 205678 ext. 4815 Email: d.w.j.gill@swansea.ac.uk

Academic/research staff




2001 RAE rating


Taught courses MA Ancient Egyptian Culture MA Ancient History and Classical Civilisation MA Classics MA in Ancient Narrative Literature Research opportunities MPhil/PhD by research Professors C Davies BA DLitt MPhil M Humphries BA MLitt PhD A B Lloyd BA MA DPhil FSA J R Morgan MA DPhil T Schneider LIC Phil DPhil

Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology


The Department of Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology is the largest in Wales, and can provide expertise touching on most aspects of the classical world, and in Egyptology. The Department was awarded the grade of 4A in the 2001 national Research Assessment Exercise.


Computer Science


Research facilities currently consist of four laboratories equipped mainly with the latest multimedia Pentium stations running Linux, Solaris or Windows-NT/2000. These stations are served by a high-performance computing infrastructure composed of a 168-processor cluster architecture, an eight-processor computation engine, and several terabyte servers. Research students also have access within the Department to three laboratories of Linux stations, and Windows 2000 stations and multimedia suites; and internally, to about 400 PC stations distributed in the campus and several remote sites. The Department maintains an active programme of seminars, by both visiting speakers and members of staff; in addition, there are regular research group meetings. The University has excellent library facilities with access to Inspec and other databases. The Department is an institutional member of both the Association for Computing Machinery and the British Computer Society, and subscribes to most of the major computer science journals.

Taught Courses MSc/Diploma/Certificate in Computing and Software Technology This MSc is suitable for both Computer Science graduates and others who have gained some experience of computing and basic programming in their first degree. As well as graduates, we give serious consideration to candidates with substantial relevant experience. An example of the latter category would be someone who had worked in a computer-related environment for some time and who wished to update or broaden their knowledge. A willingness to work hard and an ability to solve problems is more important than a formal qualification in any particular subject. The course starts in September with an intensive introductory programming module. From the end of September through to May, students select a range of modules covering aspects of Software Technology such as Algebraic Specification, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Concepts of Programming Languages, Constraint Satisfaction, Critical

Systems, Data Storage and Manipulation, Data Visualisation, Design Patterns and Generic Programming, Distributed Programming, Interactive Theorem Proving, Interaction Technologies, Internet Computing, IT Security, Relational and Object-Oriented Databases, Software Product Development, Volume Graphics and Web Service Applications. A further four months of study is then undertaken to prepare a research dissertation. MSc/Diploma/Certificate in Computing and Future Interaction Technologies The FIT MSc is about discovering and mastering the fundamental science behind putting computers to use in the world. It will give students the skills and qualifications necessary to be leading designers and architects of new, cutting-edge devices – particularly interactive devices – in many areas, from entertainment consoles to medical devices. The course is designed to appeal to excellent computing graduates, and concentrates on human computer interaction, as well as the software engineering issues underlying major IT failures. The programme contains a substantial project that allows the student to pursue their own creativity and ideas as far as they can take them. MRes courses The Department offers three MRes degree programmes. These schemes consist of approximately one-third taught modules along with a large research-style project. MRes in Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Virtual Environments The digital economy is a high growth, hi-tech area which demands skilled employees who can take a lead role in developing the science and application of new technologies. Computer Graphics and its associated areas underlie many of the recent developments, whether it is from visualising a preoperative scan of a patient, to engaging the public imagination by showing an animation of a new building development. The MRes in Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Virtual Environments provides an education in this highly active and relevant area.

The Department of Computer Science has a strong national reputation for Computer Graphics research. In particular, the links between the Department and the Digital Technium allows the scheme to expose students to an environment of high growth entrepreneurial businesses, innovation, the latest technology, academic research and industrial and academic partnerships within the digital economy. The overall aim of this programme is to give students the research background within a major area of the digital economy upon which they can build and innovate, and the transferable skills they need to exploit their efforts. Students will be destined for employment opportunities in further research in academia, hi-tech companies, the public sector, or will consider exploiting their research through company creation. Students follow taught modules in Data Visualisation, Volume Graphics, Programming and Graphics APIs, Graphics Surveys and Research Methodology, Fundamentals of Visual Computing, and state-of-the-art Computer Graphics.

MRes in Logic and Computation Logic is about what we can express, compute and reason. In the twentieth century, formal logic developed into one of the great intellectual disciplines, having a profound influence in philosophy, linguistics, mathematics, computer science, and electronics. In computing, throughout the century, logic has been the primary source of ideas and techniques for the theoretical and practical development of programming. Today, as the scope of programming technology expands, and the horizon of users’ applications widens, research in logic and its applications in software and hardware development is booming. This scheme will educate students in advanced techniques in logic and their applications in research problems in computer science. Students will receive an elite education of direct relevance to research and development problems in contemporary Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The Department of Computer Science at Swansea University has an established and excellent reputation for its

Computer Science


The Department of Computer Science is among the top computer science departments in the UK and is currently receiving investment to further strengthen its position. It was rated 5 in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise and is regularly ranked high in independent league tables. The Department’s computing facilities are based on a fibre optic backbone and 1G switched fast ethernet LANs. This is structured to give easy access to the University’s Academic Computing Services, which gives access to worldwide facilities via SuperJANET.


Computer Science

Critical Systems; Logic and Semantics; Fundamentals of Programming Languages; Functional Programming and Interactive Theorem Proving; Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Applications; Algebraic Specification of Software and Hardware; Artificial Intelligence; and Design Patterns and Generic Programming. MRes in Computing and Future Interaction Technologies The FIT MRes is designed for students who wish to learn and practise the science underlying new interaction technologies. After undertaking a FIT MRes programme, successful students will be able to demonstrate a systematic knowledge and comprehensive understanding of the following topics sufficient to apply them to previously unfamiliar problems and critically evaluate the effectiveness of the approaches adopted. • Understanding and knowledge of fundamental technical concepts, and current ideas concerning future interaction technologies, mobile technologies, appliance design, webbased and security-related interaction • Understanding and knowledge of usability issues including interface design, user cognition, testing, and evaluation • A substantial knowledge of the advanced literature and issues within IT • The knowledge and understanding of appropriate analysis and evaluation techniques including their limitations • The application of computer science to human computer and mobile interaction issues

Our research interests are based on algorithms, programs and systems, rather than on the construction of hardware, so a sound background in programming and/or mathematics is a prerequisite for most projects. There are currently three broad areas of research. Algebraic and Logical Methods for the Design of Software and Hardware The research of this group is concerned with the mathematical analysis of fundamental problems to do with algorithms, programs and programming languages, and machines. The scientific aims of the group are to explore the foundations of formal design methods, to model, specify and reason about computing systems using new algebraic and logical methods, and to study the logical basis of complexity. The group is at the forefront of research in the following areas: • Approximate and exact computations on topological data types like the real numbers and on infinite data streams • Higher-order methods for programming language semantics • Type theory and its applications in programming technologies • General algebraic methods for modelling microprocessors, in which machines at the architecture and organisation levels, and their correctness, can be specified by equations • Descriptive complexity theory and algorithmic model theory, which are fundamental subjects for studying the logical basis of complexity and logics for feasible computation • Operational semantics that gives meaning to concurrent systems, and the use of game theory, particularly the study of winning strategies, in understanding verification problems • Satisfiability problem, which is at the heart of many practical verification techniques, and the application of linear programming to this problem • Algebraic theory of synchronous concurrent algorithms (SCAs), and application of SCAs to the specification of scientific simulation in areas such as physiology • Infinite-state automata theory, particularly structural technologies for analysing large general computing systems

Teaching is by a mixture of formal lectures, tutorials, workshops, and scheduled laboratory classes. Formal lectures are used to introduce the student to the material studied. Topics are discussed further in tutorial sessions, and workshops. In particular, the professional and social context of computing is an area developed in tutorial sessions.

Computer Graphics and Visualisation The group is in a leading position in the new field of volume graphics and contributes to the development and application of multimedia communications. Its scientific aims are to develop new algorithms and methods, and to create advanced software tools for graphics, visualisation and multimedia communication. The group has made significant contributions in the following areas:

The project forms a significant part of the programme, and is the written record of the student’s work, including their practical and theoretical achievements, the background and future opportunities their work enables. The MRes project requires a very substantial research component that is contributing to the field in an explicit way rather than merely applying existing knowledge.

• Constructive volume geometry as an algebraic framework for volume graphics, and software tools for modelling and rendering complex multi-volume scenes • Distance field and its use in voxelisation of complex objects, and efficient algorithms for computing distance fields, and hypertextures • Algorithms for deformation and animation

• Efficient direct volume rendering techniques, and various rendering effects such as reflection, refraction, shadows and texture mapping in discrete ray tracing • Non-photorealistic rendering techniques, and their applications to information visualisation • Software tools for rapid implementation of software systems involving remote collaboration and multimedia communication • Scalable virtual environments and knowledge-based user interfaces • Industrial applications in management of commercial software development and maintenance using Internet/intranet-based multimedia communications • 3D volumetric display technology Scientific Computation for Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics This group plays a leading role in the field of computational rheology. Its scientific aims are to develop fundamental algorithms for predicting flows of rheologically complex materials, to investigate new programming technologies, distributed processing, visualisation and multimedia for computational rheology, and to solve advanced practical problems in the processing industry. The main interests in this area fall into four categories: • Efficient predictive algorithms for the study of flows of nonNewtonian materials, which provide solutions to highly non-linear equation systems, and incorporate state-of-the-art finite element techniques • New programming technologies (e.g. genetic programming) for computational algorithms, and parallel and distributed processing technologies for scientific computation, which provide an overall computer-aided design environment • Advanced computing technologies, including visualisation, multimedia and data warehouse, in scientific computation • The application of the above technology to solve practical problems in the processing industry Future Interaction Technologies Future Interaction Technologies (FIT) refers, broadly, to complex devices that have immediate impact on our lives, for better or worse – whether in our homes, cars, mobile phones or medical devices, etc. The research of the FIT Lab focuses on evaluating and changing design through better humanorientated tools, technology, models and methods. Its aim is to improve quality of life by addressing key technological challenges that are relevant to the whole of society. Interests include research focused on the digital divide, mobile information seeking, education and patient care.

Financial Support Each year, the Department is able to offer research students a number of EPSRC studentships. In addition, Swansea University studentships are open to research students on a competitive basis.

Many research grants from EPSRC, BBSRC, MRC, EU, the Nuffield Foundation and various international companies currently support the research work of the academic staff. In some cases, these provide research studentships as well.

Entry Requirements For research degrees (including MRes): a good honours degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or a closely related discipline. For the MSc programmes: a 2.2 (or above) honours degree in Computer Science or other discipline along with some experience of computing and basic programming.

Academic/research staff




2001 RAE rating


Taught courses MSc Computer Science MSc Computing and Software Technology MSc Computing and Future Interaction Technologies MRes Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Virtual Environments MRes Logic and Computation MRes Computing and Future Interaction Technologies (subject to validation) Research opportunities MPhil/PhD by research Professors M Chen BSc PhD FBCS F G Moller BSc MMath PhD CITP FBCS P D Mosses BA MSc DPhil H W Timbleby BSc MSc PhD MACM Hon.FRSA FIEE CEng J V Tucker BA MSc PhD CEng FBCS M F Webster MSc PhD

Enquiries MSc/Diploma/Certificate in Computing and Software Technology: Dr J A Sharp Tel: +44 (0)1792 295560 Email: j.a.sharp@swansea.ac.uk MSc/Diploma/Certificate in Future Interaction Technologies: Professor H W Thimbleby Tel: +44 (0)1792 602299 Email: h.w.thimbleby@swansea.ac.uk Research Degrees (PhD/MPhil/MRes): Professor F G Moller Tel: +44 (0)1792 295160 Email: f.g.moller@swansea.ac.uk

Computer Science

All students will be assigned an individual supervisor and undertake an in-depth research project into a topic in Logic and Computation under the supervision of an academic member of staff. In order to do this, they will be required to study various advanced topics in logic and computation, and research methodology appropriate to their own individual project. In addition, they will have the opportunity to attend a number of taught modules which include:



contributions to theoretical computer science. Currently, it has great strength in logic and its applications to software technology. It is among the best places in the UK for students to receive an education in Logic and Computation.



Continuing Education

Development Studies



Taught Course

Financial Support

MA Lifelong Learning The MA in Lifelong Learning is a three-year, part-time course aimed at anyone involved in supporting, developing and providing lifelong learning and training, whether in a voluntary or professional capacity. The programme examines current issues in lifelong learning and offers opportunities for critical debate and reflection on theory and practice in the field.

Research students are able to apply for Swansea University grants, which are allocated on a competitive basis.

Research Opportunities The Department has research in all areas of post-compulsory education, with a strong emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach. Research fields include: • History of adult education, especially in Wales • Women and post-compulsory education • Welsh in society • Minority languages and sociolinguistics • Motivation and success in second language acquisition • Environmental education and lifelong learning • Community-based learning and community studies • Citizenship and adult education • Transnational project evaluation • Continuing education and language planning policy • Social exclusion • Education and social class • Education and the arts • Trade Union studies • Science in adult education and society • Part-time higher education and university adult education in Wales Much of the research work of the Department of Adult Continuing Education is coordinated through the Welsh Centre for Research and Evaluation in Lifelong Learning. This provides a base for a number of funded projects and offers support for research students and visiting scholars. The Centre was hailed as a unique research and policy development resource, which was the first of its kind in Wales and was sponsored from the outset by the Lifelong Learning Foundation. Swansea was seen as the natural home for this centre, having as it does longstanding expertise in the field of lifelong learning. The first findings of the research project were published in 1999. The South Wales Miners’ Library provides specialist support for research in adult continuing education, particularly with reference to the South Wales Coalfield.

Entry Requirements Applicants for degrees by research are normally expected to have a good honours degree in an appropriate discipline.

Academic/research staff




Taught course MA Lifelong Learning Research opportunities MPhil/PhD Head of Department Professor C Trotman BSc PhD Research students are invited to attend Departmental research seminars. For students returning to formal education, the Department offers substantial help and guidance through its specialist Guidance Unit.

Enquiries MA Lifelong Learning: Janice Brown, Programme Secretary Tel: +44 (0)1792 513139/518620 Dr Alyce von Rothkirch, Coordinator of the MA in Lifelong Learning Tel: +44 (0)1792 295497 Ms Jane Elliott, Coordinator Postgraduate Research Students Tel: +44 (0)1792 295931

The Centre for Development Studies (CDS) offers a comprehensive range of professional, taught and research-based postgraduate teaching in a breadth of international development issues. Our courses are enriched through materials and insights gained from collaboration with cognate subject groups in the University, and through policy and technical studies undertaken by CDS staff for a number of international agencies. Our postgraduate courses are suitable for senior- and middle-level administrators, planners, academics and graduates, from the UK and overseas.

Development Studies


The Department of Adult Continuing Education undertakes research into lifelong learning, conceptualised as holistic in character, embracing formal and informal education, in institutional and non-institutional settings, ‘from the cradle to the grave’.


Development Studies

MSc in Social Development and Communication This programme is aimed at current and prospective journalists, campaigners and media professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of, and practical skills in, international development issues and in media and communications. It offers an international and multidisciplinary approach and provides students with a core curriculum that integrates theory and practice in development, media and communications. It allows students to expand their knowledge of development policy and associated debates at national and international level, and the role of the mass media and journalism in the process of development. The programme has been designed to give students a large choice of optional modules and to specialise in particular issues or regions. MSc in Development and Human Rights CDS offers an innovative new multidisciplinary taught postgraduate programme in Development and Human Rights in collaboration with the School of Law and the Department of Politics and International Relations. The programme focuses on rights-based approaches to development, international human rights law and the political theory of human rights (students will take compulsory modules in each of these subjects) but offers a wide range of optional modules. This will allow students to explore the theoretical and practical implications of the convergence of human rights and development in a variety of thematic areas, including good governance, health policy, violence and conflict, and civil society. MSc in Migration and International Development In recognition of the importance for development planning of the inter-relationships between poverty, demographic and environmental changes, and population movements (including economic and environmental migration, resettlement and displacement), CDS – in conjunction with the Department of Geography – has recently launched a new postgraduate programme. The focus of the programme is on population dynamics, specifically through analysis of the determinants of population change in the context of current theoretical and methodological debates on fertility; and of the demographic and wider social and economic impact of HIV & AIDS; causes and patterns of forced migration, political and policy responses to global refugee flows at the international, supranational and national levels, and the legal and human rights framework for international refugee protection; and the centrality of population issues to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

MSc in Social Development and Conflict From 2008, CDS is offering an innovative and exciting new multidisciplinary taught postgraduate programme in Social Development and Conflict, in collaboration with the Department of Politics and International Relations. Violence and conflict is one of the key factors creating and maintaining conditions of poverty. The insecurity and instability that arises from violent conflict affects the ability to maintain sustainable livelihoods, access to basic services, the ability of governments and other agencies to promote and protect human rights, and contributes to the impoverishment of affected communities. Yet intervention in the conflict zone brings its own challenges and difficulties. The focus of the programme is on core principles in social development practice and theory; core theories in violence and conflict; issues around humanitarian intervention and human rights; and links between violence and conflict, and conditions leading to and maintaining poverty and underdevelopment.

Health and Population Reproductive health; HIV/AIDS; population dynamics and policy analysis; equity and participation in the health sector.

MSc in Social Research The School of the Environment and Society offers an MSc in Social Research which has been granted Research Training (RT) status by the Economic and Social Research Council, provides advanced training in the range of research methods used in the social sciences, and is available to Development Studies students. Common modules develop practical research skills, methodological expertise, familiarity with examples of good practice in contemporary research and knowledge of theoretical issues relevant across the spectrum of social science disciplines. Elective modules and a dissertation provide for specialisation in Development Studies. The course may be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.

Financial Support

Research Opportunities CDS offers MPhil and PhD degree programmes. CDS has a vibrant research community with interests in a wide range of the theoretical and applied aspects of development. Much of this research is closely linked to CDS’s operational specialisms in social development and policy planning. Research lies at the core of the Centre’s mission and all academic staff are research-active. CDS champions applied, policy-relevant research based on engagement with research users, including multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental donors and most of our staff have extensive experience of commissioned as well as independent research. The Centre’s distinct strengths lie in three main areas: Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development Livelihoods, risk and vulnerability; poverty assessment; policy and strategy; social protection; marketisation and privatisation; sustainable development. Governance and Conflict Resolution Civil society and development (including secular and faithbased NGOs; rights-based approaches; accessible justice; conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction; partnership; capacity building and organisational learning; democratisation and decentralisation.

Postgraduate Diplomas and Certificates Postgraduate Diplomas and Certificates are nine-month and three-month modular programmes respectively, and share much of their curriculum with their corresponding master’s programmes. Diploma students take six modules over two semesters while Certificate students take three modules over one semester. The Diploma is intended for staff in government and non-government agencies whose academic qualifications might not be sufficient to allow entry to the master’s programme, but who have relevant work experience. The Certificate is a free-standing qualification, but module credit transfer is possible so that successful candidates can use the Certificate as a springboard for study to Diploma and/or Master’s.

Funding is available. For information, please visit our website: www.swansea.ac.uk/cds

Entry Requirements Taught Masters A good second-class degree, or above, from an approved institution. However, applicants who do not possess these qualifications may be considered if they have at least two years’ relevant experience at a responsible level and can demonstrate ability to cope with the academic requirements of the programme.

Research Degrees Master’s degree (with a strong pass in the dissertation) or a first-class honours (or equivalent) bachelor degree in a related subject. However, all subjects are considered on an individual basis.

Academic/research staff Postgraduates

6 50

Taught courses MSc in Development and Human Rights MSc in Social Development MSc in Social Development and Communication MSc in Migration and International Development MSc in Social Development and Conflict MSc in Social Research Professors N Price Research opportunities MPhil/PhD The Centre for Development Studies (CDS) has an international reputation for its expertise in social development and in health and population, acquired through close attention to the needs of multilateral, government, community, private sector and civil society partners. Financial Support CDS has a range of bursaries and scholarships on offer. Please visit the website for further information: www.swansea.ac.uk/cds/PostgraduateStudy/Funding/

Enquiries Mrs Sandra Kramcha Postgraduate Officer (Master’s & Research) Tel: +44 (0)1792 295333 Email: s.kramcha@swansea.ac.uk

Development Studies

Taught master’s courses are twelve-month full-time modular structures. Coursework is assessed by written assignments. The final component of each programme is a dissertation, not exceeding 14,000 words. Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, workshops, visits, individual tutorials, and emphasis is given to student participation and the exchange of experiences.


Taught Courses





There is a centrally administered computer network offering users not only a wide range of software applications, but also high-speed connections to the SuperJANET UK academic network and to the Internet. Two teaching laboratories with state-of-the-art PCs are maintained in the Department for use in teaching and practical workshops. A study room, similarly equipped with high-powered PCs, is also available for exclusive use by postgraduates in the Department.

Taught Courses All our taught degree schemes follow a common modular structure. To be awarded a Master’s degree, you must accumulate 180 credits over Parts I and II of the academic programme. Part I is a wholly taught component, in which you must acquire 120 credits from a list of compulsory and optional modules. Part II, yielding 60 credits, is a supervised summer dissertation in which you are required to produce a critical review of the literature and make a contribution to any field of study selected from the taught syllabus. The Department currently offers three MSc schemes in Business Economics, Business Economics with Finance, and Business Economics with Computing. Each scheme is characterised by a combination of compulsory and optional modules. The schemes are designed to be academically rigorous and to meet the needs of employers for high-quality personnel who have advanced training in business economics, finance and computing. Assessment is by coursework and written examination. MSc in Business Economics The MSc in Business Economics, which has ESRC recognition, provides students with an understanding of the ways in which economic principles are applied in the business world.

In addition, the course also provides students with a thorough training in the research skills needed to proceed onto a PhD programme in Economics. Compulsory modules: Research Methods, Modern Microeconomics, Contemporary Macroeconomics, Firm Organisation and Innovation, Econometric Methods, Economic Forecasting. Options: In addition, students must choose three modules from the following: Marketing Management, Management of International Finance, Advance Finance, Labour and Personnel Economics, Financial Econometrics, International Finance for Economic Development, Dissertation in Part II. MSc in Business Economics with Finance The compulsory modules are as for the MSc in Business Economics, above, plus three modules: Advance Finance, Financial Econometrics, Management of International Finance. This programme also has ESRC recognition. Optional modules are: Economic Forecasting, Marketing Management, Labour and Personnel Economics, International Finance for Economic Development, Contemporary Finance Issues, Dissertation in Part II. MSc in Business Economics with Computing Compulsory modules are: Modern Microeconomics, Econometric Methods, Economic Forecasting, Firm Organisation and Innovation, Distributed Programming in Java. Optional modules are: Financial Econometrics, Marketing Management, International Finance for Economic Development, Labour and Personnel Economics, Algorithms Design and Analysis, Non-Centric Computing, Critical Systems, Data Storage and Manipulations, Relational and Object-orientated Database Systems, Advance Finance, Management of International Finance, Dissertation in Part II.

The current research work of the Department covers a broad range of theoretical and applied economics. Recent publications include research on: • Industrial organisation and technological change • Environmental economics • Labour economics • Public economics • Transition economics • Financial economics • Macroeconomic theory and policy • Applied econometrics • Development economics

Research The Department of Economics provides supervised research for postgraduate study, leading to the degree of MPhil or PhD, which has ESRC recognition. The MPhil degree involves a minimum of one year’s research. The PhD degree involves a minimum of two years’ research. All students taking PhDs will normally be expected to enter the doctoral programme operated by the School of Business and Economics.

Entry Requirements

Academic/research staff




2001 RAE rating Taught courses: MSc Business Economics MSc Business Economics with Computing MSc Business Economics with Finance Research opportunities: MPhil/PhD by research Professors D Blackaby BA MA (Econ) PhD S Cooke BA MSc DPhil A G Henley BA MA PhD Philip Lawler BA MA PhD Derek Leslie BA MA PhD P Murphy BSc (Econ) MA P J Sloane BA (Econ) PhD FRSA FRSE A E H Speight BA MSc PhD J G Treble BA MA (Econ) PhD

Applicants for the MPhil should normally hold a first- or upper second-class degree in Economics or a related subject. Applicants for the PhD must hold a Master’s degree in Economics or a related subject. Applicants for the MSc should normally hold a second class or higher honours degree in Economics or a related subject.

Enquiries Dr R Arabsheibani Tel: +44 (0)1792 513682 Fax: +44 (0)1792 295872 Email: g.arabsheibani@swansea.ac.uk




Postgraduate students in Economics have access to state-of-the-art research facilities. The University Library is excellent and maintains a full range of research resources for economists, many of which are available online.




Teaching quality is of the highest standard. In the Teaching Quality Assessment Exercise, four awards were achieved at the ‘Excellent’ level. The School has active Industrial Liaison Committees that help to ensure that degree provision contains relevant engineering skills. The School is active in knowledge exploitation and has secured significant funds over the past few years to support applied engineering projects.

example of this is the well-renowned multi-million pound Nanotechnology Centre, which links many areas of engineering with physics, mathematics and the medical school.

• • • • • • • • • •

The School has a reputation for high-quality research. In all previous UK Research Assessment Exercises, Civil Engineering has received the highest grades and currently holds the prestigious 5* rating. The research activities of Civil Engineering, which are focused on Computational Engineering, have been further strengthened by the formation of the Civil and Computational Engineering Centre, which has benefited from an investment of over £3m in new premises and facilities.

Advanced Telecommunications Aerospace Engineering Biomedical Engineering Chemical and Biological Process Engineering Civil and Computational Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Environmental Engineering/Water Technology Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nanotechnology

The School is active in undertaking multidisciplinary research that crosses the boundaries of traditional subjects. A good

The School has recognised Welsh Assembly Government Centres of Excellence in Civil and Computational Engineering, Complex Fluids Processing and Materials




MSc courses MSc in Aerospace Engineering MSc in Biochemical Engineering MSc/Diploma in Chemical Engineering MSc in Civil Engineering MSc in Communication Systems MSc in Communication Systems (Photonics) MSc in Communication Systems (Wireless) MSc in Communication Systems (Networks) MSc in Communication Systems (E-Health & Bio-Applications) MSc Computational Mechanics MSc/Diploma in Computational Modelling and Finite Elements MSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering MSc in Electronics for Sustainable Energy MSc in Mechanical Engineering MSc in Nanoscience to Nanotechnology MSc in Radiation Physics MRes courses MRes in Communication Systems MRes in Communication Systems (Photonics) MRes in Computer Modelling in Engineering MRes in Environmental Management MRes in Materials Engineering (Power/Aerospace) MRes in Nanoscience to Nanotechnology MRes in Recycling Technology MRes in Steel Process and Product Development MRes in Water Technology and Management

The School of Engineering provides a stimulating, dynamic academic environment with access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources. Research within the School is organised into research centres that have a wide range of interests, including those in the areas of:

Academic staff

Research opportunities MPhil/PhD/EngD

Entry Requirements Normally a first- or second-class honours degree, relevant to the course or area of research.

Professors S Adhikari M R Bache J Bonet S G R Brown J Choi M Cross N Doran M G Edwards W J Evans T O-Farrell D T Gethin O Hassan Head of School Professor Javier Bonet

A W Lees M Marhic H N McMurray K Morgan FREng D R J Owen FREng D Peric V Randle P Rees S P Wilks P R Williams R H Williams B Wilshire


Research programmes are funded by the research councils, government agencies and a variety of industries. Suitably qualified graduates are accepted as postgraduate students and follow either Master’s programmes, leading to the degree of MPhil, MRes or MSc, or doctoral programmes leading to the degree of PhD or EngD. The School was awarded a £6m collaborative training account (CTA) grant by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) which is currently funding a variety of postgraduate training opportunities, including the provision of fees and generous maintenance allowances for UK and EU students.

Enquiries Recruitment Manager Tel: +44 (0)1792 295255 Email: engineering@swansea.ac.uk


Engineering. These Centres provide a key link between basic research and the exploitation of knowledge and expertise with local and national companies.


Engineering: Degree Schemes

EngD in Steel Technology Links with Corus plc expanded dramatically through the EPSRC decision to award the industry-linked Engineering Doctorate Centre to the University of Wales consortium led by Materials at Swansea. Each year, ten high-calibre research engineers are recruited to four-year programmes leading to the prestigious EngD degree. This innovative engineering doctorate scheme combines technical, professional and business courses with industry-based individual and team projects. These projects are designed to achieve least-cost production of superior quality steel sheet strip for a variety of market sectors, which range from auto bodies and canning to construction and consumer products. The deadline for applications for September 2009 is expected to be March 2009 – see www.swansea.ac.uk/engd for more details on how to apply for this course. EngD in Engineered Metals for High Performance Application in Aerospace and Related Technologies This programme focuses specifically on the materials requirements of aerospace companies such as Rolls-Royce (Aeroengines) and Airbus UK (Airframes). The research activities encompass titanium alloys, nickel alloys, aluminium alloys, high strength steels and advanced composite materials and explore every aspect of their development, processing and in-service application. As in the case of the steel EngD, the four-year programme includes technical, professional and business modules combined with industrybased research projects and leads to the award of a highly rated EngD degree.

MSc/MRes Courses MSc Programmes Our MSc courses are modular in structure. Students must obtain a total of 180 credits to qualify for the degree. This is made up of 120 credits in Part I (the taught element) and a project (Part II) which is worth 60 credits and culminates in a written dissertation. Students must successfully complete Part I before being allowed to progress to Part II.

MRes Programmes This degree consists of 180 credits, 60 credits for taught components and 120 credits for the project/dissertation. The research project can either be carried out in industry or at the university. MSc in Aerospace Engineering Building on our substantial background in aerospace research, this flexible MSc course is based on the worldclass expertise available in the Materials Engineering Research Centre and the Computational expertise in the C2EC Research Centre. This course provides students with a systematic understanding of advanced knowledge, and critical awareness of current problems or new insights required by effective practising Aerospace Engineers. Students will gain comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable them to contribute to the creation and maintenance of aerospace and aeronautical equipment needed by industry and society with due regard to the environment. Students will take a core set of modules in addition to a number of options before moving on to the research project of their study that can be chosen from any relevant research area within the School. MSc in Biochemical Engineering The MSc courses involve one year of study and consist of six months of coursework followed by a research project. The programme is suitable in its field for those intending to either continue in research or who seek to advance their technical knowledge before entering industry. Candidates with first degrees in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and the Biological Sciences are accepted for the MSc in Biochemical Engineering and there are two parallel programmes of instruction for students with engineering or non-engineering backgrounds. The one-year course consists of two semesters (120 credits of taught coursework including a 40-credit research module). Written and oral examinations as well as continuous assessment are used to assess these modules. The examinations are taken in January and May/June. If these are passed satisfactorily, the student passes onto the full-time research project during the summer. The research dissertation is submitted in September and is examined externally. The award of the MSc is dependent upon satisfactory performance in both coursework and research dissertation. The normal minimum entrance requirement for an MSc is a lower second-class degree or equivalent.

MSc in Chemical Engineering The course involves one year of study and consists of six months of coursework followed by a research project. Each programme is suitable in its field for those intending to either continue in research or who seek to advance their technical knowledge before entering industry. The MSc in Chemical Engineering is designed primarily for graduates in chemical or biochemical engineering. Graduates from allied disciplines will be considered for entry with supplementary training (see diploma). The one-year course consists of two semesters (120 credits of taught coursework including a 40-credit research module). Written and oral examinations as well as continuous assessment are used to assess these modules. The examinations are taken in January and May/June. If these are passed satisfactorily, the student passes onto the full-time research project during the summer. The research dissertation is submitted in September and is examined externally. The award of the MSc is dependent upon satisfactory performance in both coursework and research dissertation. The normal minimum entrance requirement for an MSc is a lower second-class degree or equivalent.

Chemical Engineering (Diploma) This is a conversion course for graduates who wish to work in the chemical engineering field but who have not obtained a first degree in Chemical Engineering. The course is set at first-degree level and lasts a full calendar year. The normal entrance requirement is a good honours degree or its equivalent in a science or engineering subject. The Diploma programmes consist of 12-coursework modules over two semesters followed by a 6-module plant design project over the summer period. Through theoretical and practical modules, the student is taught the basic facets of chemical engineering. Examinations are taken in January and May/June. The design project then follows provided the examinations and coursework are satisfactory. The award of the diploma is also dependent on a satisfactory performance in the design project. The diploma ranks as a potential qualification for entry to higher degrees in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and is recognised and accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers and given exemption from Part III of the Institution’s examinations.

Engineering: Degree Schemes

PhD and MPhil degrees PhD and MPhil degrees are offered in a wide range of research areas which you will find detailed on our website. If you are interested in pursuing a research degree, you are advised to contact our admissions and recruitment office regarding your chosen area of interest before making an application. We will be able to advise you as to whether your chosen topic is available for supervision and also advise you on current available topics.





Engineering: Degree Schemes

MRes in Computer Modelling in Engineering; MSc/Diploma in Computational Modelling and Finite Elements The MRes course consists of a four-month period of intensively taught modules from October to the end of January, followed by an eight-month period of individual research. There are two streams to the MRes course and students may choose to specialise in either structures or fluids. The MSc course consists of an initial six-month period of taught modules. This provides a good grounding in computer modelling and in the finite element method, in particular. Following the taught component, students undertake the project work. A diploma may be awarded, if the taught component only is completed. Part-time registration for these courses, for periods up to three years, can also be arranged. MSc/MRes in Communication Systems This course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the technology and architecture of both computer communications and telecommunication networks, along with practical knowledge and skills for project and business management principles. MSc/MRes in Communication Systems (Photonics) Students on this course gain an in-depth understanding of underlying technology in various photonics and telecommunications networks. They receive hands-on experience in developing, optimising and maintaining optical network architectures and develop career skills to meet the changing needs of industry and to contribute to our society. MSc in Communication Systems (Wireless) This course is intended for students with career interests in the rapidly developing fields of wireless telecommunications and related wireless information technologies. It provides the knowledge and skills required to understand and design modern wireless telecommunication systems, standards and their applications. Students are given opportunities to obtain skills, knowledge and hands-on experience in the broad area of wireless telecommunication systems, networks and their applications.

MSc in Communications Systems (Networks) This course provides an in-depth understanding of underlying technology in various computer and telecommunication networks. It enables students to learn important design and analysis techniques and gain hands-on experience in developing and maintaining network architectures and protocols through extended research projects. MSc in Communication Systems (E-Health and Bio-Applications) This course is designed to meet the growing demand for technical professionals to research, design and manage present and next generation medical systems. It provides the cutting-edge knowledge in telecommunications and skills required to understand and design new healthcare solutions for providing better services to patients. It incorporates special modules that are relevant to Biomedicine and Biosciences. Taught modules within the Communications Systems MSc/MRes courses include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Digital Signal Processing for Communications Data Networks Digital Communications Mobile Communication Systems Computer-Aided Design of Communication Systems Multimedia Processing in Communications Optical Networks Optical Fibre Communications Distributed and Enterprise Systems in Java Innovation in Product Development Signal Analysis and Modelling RF and Microwaves Lasers Photonic Components and the Applications Coding for Digital Communications Advanced Techniques for Wireless Communications Advanced Network Architectures Network QoS and Control Miniature Sensors and Actuators Optical Sources in Biomedicine

MSc in Computational Mechanics This eighteen-month course is offered in collaboration with other leading European research centres at CIMNE: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain), Universität Stuttgart (Germany) and Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France). The aim of this course is to provide a multidisciplinary in-depth training in the application of the finite element method and related numerical and computational techniques to the solution of problems in engineering analysis and design and simulation of current engineering problems. It will provide students with a wide choice of specialisation areas by incorporating modules from the four Universities and, in this way, allowing them to experience postgraduate education in more than one European institution. Students following this course will take their first semester in either Swansea or Barcelona, where they will follow an agreed common set of core modules leading to common examinations. Students will move to one of the other

Universities, depending upon their preferred specialisation, to complete their second semester of taught modules and their research thesis. The course will consist of 90 ECTS credits and will have common admission and administration procedures. Fully funded places are available to overseas students applying to this course. Please visit www.cimne.com/cm-master for more details about this course and about how to apply. MSc in Electronics for Sustainable Energy The School has an international reputation for electronics research for energy and advanced semiconductor materials and devices. This course places strong emphasis on 'state-ofthe-art' electronics for energy efficient devices and power electronics. The course also covers renewable energy generation technologies. Exciting new developments such as ‘plastic electronics’, energy harvesting, solar cells and biofuels are discussed and recent developments in nanotechnology are highlighted. Students will learn about numerical simulation techniques and have the chance to visit electronics industries with links to Swansea. The electronics and energy industries are two of the largest industrial sectors worth hundreds of billions of dollars worldwide. MSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering This course complements the School’s current suite of

undergraduate degree programmes in this field. It is suitable for candidates who have already completed an undergraduate degree in the field of Electrical Engineering either in the UK or overseas. The course will provide students with the educational components, set out by the Institution of Engineering and Technology and other UK and European engineering professional institutions, for further learning matching sections needed to qualify as a Chartered Engineer. Studying the course will enable students to develop specialist threads commensurate with the specialisms of the School’s research interests and reflecting the needs of the electrical and electronic industry. MRes in Environmental Management This exciting course is relevant to those with a strong interest in gaining a solid understanding of the relevance of environmental management processes. On completion, students will be capable of developing and implementing such processes. Environmental management has become a necessity for many organisations as they respond to commercial, regulatory and consumer pressures. The international standard for environmental management systems, ISO 14001, is increasingly being implemented by industry and

Engineering: Degree Schemes

The MSc course in Civil Engineering provides high quality postgraduate training and is suitable for both recent graduates and practising professionals from related industries who are required to pursue a further learning matching section in order to achieve a Chartered Engineer status. The course is closely linked to the MEng scheme in Civil Engineering. The modules on this course can also be studied as stand-alone modules for those in employment seeking professional development or further knowledge in particular subject fields.


MSc in Civil Engineering The School of Engineering has an excellent worldwide reputation for Civil Engineering. We hold the prestigious 5* RAE rating combined with the Excellent in Teaching rating.



Engineering: Degree Schemes

The scheme has shown how an industry-linked Master’s degree with a major research component can successfully produce higher degree graduates with the balance of knowledge and skills very much in demand in these hi-tech industries. MSc in Mechanical Engineering The MSc in Mechanical Engineering will suit candidates who have already completed an undergraduate degree, either at Swansea or elsewhere, and wish to pursue Chartered status via the Institution of Mechanical Engineers or who wish to further their knowledge before entering employment. The modules on this course can also be studied as stand-alone modules for those in employment seeking professional development or further knowledge in particular subject fields. The course aims to give students a high quality overview of the techniques of modern Mechanical Engineering and to present examples of use from a wide range of disciplines and industries. The modules on this course are of high industrial relevance and the benefits to employability are immediate. Our aim is for students to develop the potential to become future leaders and champions of industry. MSc/MRes in Nanoscience to Nanotechnology The growth of the subject of nanotechnology is one of the most exciting developments in science and engineering in recent years. Much of the research in this area is interdisciplinary in nature, drawing expertise from different areas across the life science, physical science and engineering disciplines. This Master’s course will cover a broad range of subject areas, from the latest semiconductor fabrication technology, right across to biological and medical applications, with the emphasis throughout on characterisation and control of materials at the nanoscale. The nanoscale is broadly defined as the range 1- 100 nm, where 1 nm=10-9 m. The focus will be on both the techniques necessary for science at these very small dimensions, and the very latest research developments in this rapidly evolving area. A key part of this course will be the ability to gain hands-on experience of stateof-the-art fabrication and characterisation techniques such as atomic force microscopy and scanning tunnelling microscopy, to name just two. Topics covered will include:

Probing at the nanoscale Soft Nanotechnology Nanoscale simulation Nanostructures and Devices Bionanotechnology Project Planning Communication Skills Research Project

MSc in Radiation Physics With increasing reliance on modern technology in medicine, there is a growing need for specialists trained in the physical sciences. Rapid advances in diagnostic techniques such as MRI and PET offer new views of human physiology and new approaches to the treatment of disease. Medical physics is a highly multidisciplinary subject offering an exciting career with the additional satisfaction of contributing directly to patient treatment and care. An accredited MSc, in combination with a NHS or equivalent training programme, is currently the main route for graduates seeking the professional qualification of Clinical Scientist in Medical Physics. The course will be taught in conjunction with staff from the School of Medicine and specialist Medical Physicists at Swansea NHS Trust. This course provides students with the necessary knowledge and understanding of fundamental aspects of the use of radiation in medicine in order that students are conversant in medical terms, human physiology and radiation mechanisms. MRes in Recycling Technology (part-time only) This one-year full-time degree scheme has been designed to provide graduates with the technical and commercial knowledge required for careers in the recycling field, in both the commercial and public sectors. The wide variety of topics taught on this course includes technical, business, economic and legal issues associated with recycling and environmental sustainability. This breadth of topics allows recruitment of students from a wide diversity of backgrounds and applications from all graduates are considered on their merits. MRes in Steel Process and Product Development (part-time only) Career development of engineers already working in industry is being met by a series of EPSRC-supported IGDS programme in Steel Process and Product Development, which leads to the MRes degree by part-time study, for delegates in full-time employment by the steel sector. The current programmes build on the full-time MRes schemes offering specific options to satisfy the requirements of the steel industry.

approaches to risk assessment in water supply, and operational and maintenance strategies.

MRes in Water Technology and Management Water Technology and Management are at the heart of the global goals for people to have uninterrupted access to safe drinking water, and for water supply systems to be designed and operated properly, to avoid the spread of human disease. The focus of the course will be the treatment technologies that produce drinking water and their optimisation, the new

Great emphasis is placed on obtaining the practical skills necessary for working in water technology and management, with two-thirds of the course marks coming from the research project. It is expected that many of the projects will be based in industry with water companies, engineering consultancies, contractors or manufacturers, enhancing the relevance of the research undertaken.

Engineering: Degree Schemes

MRes in Materials Engineering (Power/Aerospace) This full-time MRes degree scheme in Materials Engineering (Power/Aerospace) is supported by the major UK power industries, including Innogy, Airbus, BNFL (Magnox), Cogent and Rolls-Royce.

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governmental organisations to satisfy these pressures and provides a structured basis for achieving continual environmental improvement, for maintaining regulatory compliance and for the prevention of pollution. In many cases it can lead to significant cost savings. A significant part of the scheme will be spent working on a major research project, based either at the University or in industry.



Engineering: Advanced Telecommunications

IAT attracts leading pioneering academics and technologists who have experience of collaborating or working in key positions with blue-chip telecommunication companies and offer proven expertise in fast moving areas of research. Our schemes are offered in an excellent teaching and research environment with international recognition. On completing the programmes, graduates are equipped with specific and transferable skills to enable them to have a lasting and successful career, relevant to the changing needs of society.

IAT have extensive laboratory facilities worth in excess of £4m allowing students to gain hands-on experience during their studies. We have exclusive test equipment allowing us to be at the forefront of research. The work of IAT is complemented by areas of research within the School of Engineering. Systems, Control and Software Engineering The group is actively working on the modelling, analysis and design of systems; document-centred design environments and software engineering process and metrics. Within the group, there is significant support for multidisciplinary modelling, symbolic tools and graphical user interfaces and intelligent support for modelling. In particular, the application of neuro-fuzzy methods to industrial control systems, case-base reasoning for diagnosis systems and the repair of manufacturing schedules is being applied to real-life problems.

Research Areas: Photonics • Ultrahigh Speed Optical Fibre Links • Fibre Optical Parametric Amplifiers • Advanced Modulation and Coding Techniques • Large Optical Bandwidth Systems • Frequency Doubling of Laser Diodes • Large-Scale Red-Green-Blue (RGB) Displays Wireless Communications Wireless Communications • Smart Antennas/MIMO Systems • Multiple Access for 4G Systems/Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) • Channel Adaptive Transmission Techniques • Adaptive and Iterative Receiver Design • GPS/GNSS Receiver Design Networking Networks • Multimedia Communications • Local, Metro, Access and Wide Area Networks • Mobile, Ad Hoc and Peer-to-Peer Networks • Optical and Grid Networks • Routing and Protocols • Network Security

Computational Electromagnetics Development and application of computational techniques; electromagnetic coupling at high frequencies; electromagnetic resonance effects; modelling of radar cross-sections; modelling microstrip antenna and frequency selective surfaces; microwave hyperthermia; electromagnetic compatibility; modelling microwave applicators used in cancer therapy. Speech and Image Processing Multimedia signal processing for biometric applications and video classification; audio-visual speech fusion for person recognition; face detection and face recognition; photosignatures for document security; statistical models for automatic speaker recognition; speaker validation in mobile phones; speech enhancement and speech recognition in adverse conditions; cross-language modelling for speech and speaker recognition. Current research is being supported by grants from the EPSRC and for specific projects by EU Consortium grants (under FRAMEWORK and other initiatives). Other sponsors include BT, Siemens, Plessey, GE Lighting, Schlumberger, COGSYS, Westcode Semiconductors, Morganite, Newbridge Networks, Alstom, City Technology, BNR Europe, Philips, SWALEC, the DERA and the BTG.

Advanced Telecommunications

Financially supported by Objective 1 Funding through the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) and private sector partners, IAT is focused on developing products with real commercial potential. In establishing a research-led environment that attracts talented individuals and innovative companies, IAT aims to play a significant role in contributing to Wales' knowledge-based economy.


Building on Swansea University's enviable multidisciplinary research strengths in Engineering, Computing, Physics and Mathematics, the Institute of Advanced Telecommunications (IAT) integrates groundbreaking academic research with knowledge transfer expertise. www.swansea.ac.uk/iat



Engineering: Civil and Computational Engineering Centre


To strengthen this research excellence, and to broaden its application to other areas of engineering, the Civil and Computational Engineering Centre has been formed by including academic staff and researchers from other engineering disciplines who are also active in computational or applied mechanics. The resulting group of researchers represents an unrivalled concentration of knowledge and expertise in this field. Moreover, the Centre has utilised an award of £3m from the Science Research Infrastructure Fund (SRIF) to provide state-of-the-art research facilities. The Civil and Computational Engineering Centre is recognised as a Centre of Excellence by the former Welsh Development Agency and has been designated as a preferred academic partner by BAE Systems in the areas of both computational electromagnetics and computational engineering.

Research The Centre offers an outstanding international environment for research and provides fully-financed research-training programmes at Master’s and Doctorate levels: MSc, MRes, MPhil, PhD, EngD. The Centre is housed in a modern purpose-built accommodation in the Talbot building. The Centre has excellent computing facilities which include high-spec PC machines, multiprocessor computers with virtual reality facilities, and high-speed networking. Current research includes a continuously expanding number of topics in the area of computational and applied mechanics. Applied Mechanics Studies are being undertaken into all aspects of mechanical vibration, including experimental, computational and analytical techniques. A particular strength is the identification of unknown parameters in complex structural models. Further work in rotodynamics includes the analysis and identification of bends, unbalance and rubs in machines from vibration analysis. Another field of interest is the analysis of smart structures, including the development of control algorithms and the modelling of structures including viscoelastic components.

Biomedical Engineering In recent years, there has been significant technology transfer from conventional areas of engineering to biomedical applications. Research into the modelling of human body impact problems uses the finite element method to determine impact stresses in the human body resulting from common sport actions, such as heading a football or shin impact. At present, a large-strain dynamic computer code has been developed which can use tetrahedral meshes and adaptive re-meshing. A capability for modelling complex constitutive equations, such as large-strain viscoelasticity for the simulation of soft human tissue, is currently being added. At the same time, meshes of the lower leg and the skull are being produced in order to test the models. The simulation of superplastic forming of dental prosthesis is being conducted in collaboration with medical staff from Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospitals in London. Other application areas of interest include the modelling of air flow in the airways, blood flow and medical imaging for mesh generation. Computational Electromagnetics Unstructured grid technology, developed originally for computational aerodynamics, is being employed in the area of computational electromagnetics. At present, most analysis algorithms employ low-order approximations and the subsequent wave propagation characteristics, coupled with the electrical length of the vehicle, lead to enormous mesh requirements for high-frequency simulations. It is apparent that there is significant scope for algorithm improvement to enable the completion of such simulations within time scales that are realistic for the designer. Activities in this area are concentrating on the development of viable high-order methods, including discontinuous Galerkin and plane wave techniques. Computational Fluid Dynamics Unstructured grid technology applied to problems in fluid mechanics has been the subject of intensive research development over a period of 20 years. A particularly successful application area for the approach has been in the aerospace industry. In the UK and Europe, computational aerodynamics now plays an important industrial role and it has significantly influenced the design of modern aircraft. The

aerodynamic design of the THRUST II supersonic car was supported by computational models developed in the Centre. In addition, many major aerospace companies now employ simulation techniques based upon the FLITE unstructured mesh-based computer system, originally developed at Swansea. In collaboration with NASA, Boeing and Rolls-Royce Aero Engines, there is ongoing work exploring the prediction of massively separated flows and the complex vortex structures that arise. The capability to model complex flows is also being used in the context of jet noise reduction modelling and this is an area that is attracting significant UK government funding. In the work on subsurface petroleum reservoir simulation, the coupled hyperbolic-elliptic flow equation system is modelled on unstructured grids. New finite volume methods for solving these equations are under development, together with rock property upscaling and grid generation techniques. Computer-Based Simulation of Polymer Processing Research in this area has been focused on the computational simulation of advanced injection moulding (dual injection moulding, gas-assisted injection moulding, SCORIM, etc.) and extrusion (expert system driven optimisation of polymer profile extrusion dies for PVC, rubber, etc.).This work has been in collaboration with polymer processing companies and has been particularly successful in combining computer-based simulation, computer-assisted design and optimisation technologies. Environmental Modelling There is currently an initiative within the Centre to apply the available expertise in computation to the solution of environmental problems. One programme has focused on the development of a technique to enable industries to assess the impact on the environment of their activities. Another activity has recently been initiated following the introduction of the new regulations from the European Union on the

concentrations of lead in drinking water. This work uses computer simulation to model lead transfer from pipes into the drinking water supply and, using stochastic techniques, assesses the impact of lead within a city or catchment area. The development of techniques for the computer simulation of water treatment processes is also receiving attention. Work in this area is being undertaken in collaboration with the Water Research Centre and a number of water companies. Error Estimation The development of error estimators, combined with adaptivity techniques to control the errors in computer simulation, is a generic technology that, in the longer term, must be a goal of computational scientists. It is most important to engineers who seek solutions to complex problems. Current developments are aimed at the efficient evaluation of strict bounds of desired solution outputs for linear and non-linear problems. Geotechnics For many years, the computer simulation of geomaterials and related problems in geotechnical engineering has received considerable attention. Some of the ongoing projects include: the development and validation of computer models for frost damage to masonry; the analysis of stone column reinforced foundations; the application of homogenisation techniques to composite materials such as partially saturated soils; the constitutive modelling of masonry; risk analysis and assessment of partial factors of safety for masonry structures; shakedown analysis of offshore structures; and strain localisation and percolation theory applied to geomaterials.

Engineering: Civil and Computational Engineering Centre


Over the last 30 years Swansea University has been at the forefront of international research in the area of computational engineering. Engineers at Swansea have pioneered the development of numerical techniques, such as the finite element method and associated computational procedures, that have enabled the solution of many complex engineering problems. Originally, the activities in this field were led by the academic staff of the Civil Engineering Department, which has consistently achieved the highest rating in all the Research Assessment Exercises (RAEs) carried out to date.


Engineering: Civil and Computational Engineering Centre

Intelligent and Adaptive Computing Extensive research has been undertaken into the simulation of a variety of casting processes (flow, stress and thermal simulation in gravity, sand, investment, pressure die-casting and squeeze-casting processes), the simulation of coupled flow and deformation problems in porous media (consolidation problems, petroleum reservoir simulation, drying processes in porous capillary bodies) and the constitutive modelling of powder compaction process. More recently, work has focused on novel computing techniques including neurocomputing, optimisation techniques, multiscale modelling and molecular dynamics simulation coupled with finite element simulation to support the research activities. A related activity is the computational simulation of coupled thermal, flow and stress problems ranging from a nanometre scale to kilometre scale and the research activities within this area receive extensive external funding. Multi-Physics Modelling Computational modelling, especially in the context of manufacturing, often involves capturing the interaction amongst a range of continuum phenomena, from fluids and solids subject to thermal and electromagnetic field loadings. Research in this area has focused upon what is now collectively known as multi-physics modelling, using special numerical methods and software tools which exploit highperformance parallel cluster computing systems. Particle-Based Meshless Methods The aim of this work is to develop a new computational technique which does not rely on the existence of a mesh. For this purpose, the continuum is modelled as a collection of arbitrarily placed particles connected together by local

interpolation functions. The absence of a mesh makes this type of technique ideally suited to problems where there is significant deformation, which would lead to entanglement of traditional meshes. At present, the method has been applied to simulate free surface water flows, metal forming processes, such as forging, and to problems such as mould filling in pressure die-casting, mud flows and avalanches. Simulation of Multi-Fracturing Solids and Particulate Media Understanding the theoretical principles and associated computational strategies for non-linearly behaving solids has advanced remarkably over the past decade or so. There has been intensive activity worldwide in this computational research area and research in the Centre has played a prominent role in contributing to the current state-of-the-art. Growth in computational power has also led to an increasing interest in discrete element methods, in which individual material elements are considered to be separate and are (possibly) connected only along their boundaries by appropriate physically-based interaction laws. The incorporation of deformation kinematics into this formulation has also led naturally to combined finite element/discrete element approaches in which problems are analysed by a combination of the two methods. Current research developments include highvelocity impact involving penetration and fragmentation; the simulation of commercial rock-blasting operations; the simulation of shot-peening and peen-forming operations for aerospace and other components; the prediction of damage to seismic action and assessment of alternative repair strategies for historic masonry structures; the modelling of granulation processes for food production, which requires coupling with fluid flow codes; and the prediction of damage in laminated composites caused by low-velocity impacts. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimal Design Research in this area has demonstrated how the application of optimisation techniques can lead to substantial improvements in cost, safety and performance of structural components in the sectors of aerospace, automotive and mechanical engineering as well as in material processing aspects. Virtual Reality and Visualisation of Computational Data The visualisation and interpretation of data generated from computer simulation is an important issue in computation and simulation. Research groups at Swansea have undertaken innovative work in this area, including the development of parallel visualisation techniques to address large data sets resulting from large-scale simulations, and the investigation into the use of immersive environments using virtual reality. A major new Virtual Reality Studio houses a state-of-the-art VR CAVE facility which enables users to collaboratively engage in interactive, real-time data analysis in a visually immersive environment. The CAVE provides the ideal environment for groups to interact with 3D models as if they were physically located in the room.

Innovative and industrially relevant researches are hallmarks of the work carried out within the Materials Research Centre (MRC). The quality of the research and postgraduate training programmes has been recognised through the Queen's Anniversary Prize, with the award citation defining Materials Engineering at Swansea as a ‘recognised centre of excellence, with an international reputation’. The Centre offers MRes courses in Materials Engineering (Power/Aerospace), Steel Technology and Recycling Technology. Engineering Doctorate (EngD) degrees are offered that provide specialist programmes that integrate training and research, in collaboration with the power/aerospace industries and the steel technology sector. PhD programmes of work are available throughout the MRC that focus on fundamental aspects of materials development, processing and application. Materials research at Swansea is housed in spacious purpose-built accommodation, with well-equipped modern laboratories, multimedia suites and excellent postgraduate study rooms.

Specialist research facilities include: comprehensive computer systems for specialist and general purposes; worldleading equipment for characterisation of the mechanical properties of metallic, ceramic, polymeric and composite materials; an extensive range of laboratories housing scanning electron microscopes with full microanalysis and electron backscatter diffraction capabilities, X-ray diffraction machines, optical microscopes and image analysis facilities. All research programmes are supported by skilled technical staff. They are based within the specialised machine shops and provide expert advice on mechanical testing and heattreatment requirements.

Engineering: Materials Research Centre

Human/Computer Interface The human/computer interface is a fundamentally important area of research in computer simulation and the concept of computational steering has been explored in some depth. Using this idea, a user of simulation software can be guided, with the use of concepts from expert systems, through the process of computational modelling. Furthermore, the development of problem-solving environments is a major topic of interest both in the computational community and to computer scientists. Staff in the Centre have invested significant effort to develop an environment within which generic computational modules are embedded and in which arbitrary application software can be integrated.



High-Performance Computing A significant amount of research effort has been expended in ensuring that available parallel computer platforms can be used to maximum efficiency. This area will continue to be a high priority as the solution of large scale, practical problems is addressed. Of particular importance will be research into algorithms which naturally lend themselves to scalability on parallel platforms and to load balancing for problems involving dynamic adaptation.

Engineering: Materials Research Centre


Engineering: Materials Research Centre

The Materials Research Centre incorporates the following internationally recognised research groups: Power and Aerospace Materials This interdisciplinary research team offers an exciting range of practical and theoretical research programmes focused on the development of new materials and their characterisation through innovative measurement methods and advanced computer modelling. These include: • Right-first-time manufacture by forging and related metalforming processes (CAD/CAM) and by casting (CADCAST) • Design against failure by creep, fatigue and environmental damage, and computer-aided materials selection, design and manufacture Research excellence is recognised through designation of the Power and Aerospace group as: • A lead partner in the Rolls-Royce University Technology Partnership • A primary partner in the BAE Systems Virtual University • A preferred University Partner for Airbus UK These links provide opportunities for the students to work closely with industry. Grain Boundary Engineering Within the MRC resides world-leading expertise in the development of orientation mapping (electron backscatter diffraction) for advanced quantitative materials characterisation. Applications of this innovative technology, for which several EPSRC grants have been awarded, include: • The role of interfaces in the fracture resistance of power generation materials (in collaboration with BNFL Magnox Generation) • Analysis of grain boundary surface crystallography in large sample populations comprising tens of thousands of grains (in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University, USA). • The mechanisms of grain boundary engineering in both model systems and commercially relevant alloys Environment and Sustainable Materials: The Polymers and Composites group has taken advantage of recent rapid advances in the production of new plastics and composites, which have led to ranges of high-performance materials, present challenging problems in microstructure control and

property characterisation for engineering design. The Polymers and Composites group enjoys strong industry support in the areas of: • Design for durability, including creep, fatigue and environmental stress cracking • Computer-aided polymer engineering • Recycling of polymers and composites The Corrosion group is heavily involved in the EPSRC Engineering Doctorate programme at Swansea and enjoys strong partnerships with various companies including Corus, Alcan, Crown, Akzo-Nobel and Ford. This team has developed state-of-the-art scanning electrochemical instrumentation allowing the group to enjoy world-class status in areas including: • Non-toxic environmentally friendly anti-corrosion coatings development using ceramic ion-exchange pigments and electrically conducting polymers • Non-destructive fingerprint detection using scanning Kelvin probe potentiometry. This government-funded research is part of Britain's anti-terrorist security programme • Assessing the environmental impact of corrosion and anti-corrosion products using a range of ultra sensitive analytical methods such as induction coupled plasma mass spectrometry In the Steel Products Centre, outstanding levels of industrial funding are being attracted to support fundamental and applied research programmes in the areas of: • Development of novel strip steel grades (IF, HSLA, Dual Phase, TRIP) • Fatigue performance of welded components in high strength steels for automotive applications • Development of computer models for process optimisation and improved steel product quality The Physical Metallurgy and Phase Transformations group is heavily involved in the EPSRC Steel Products Centre, attracting strong financial support from leading companies in the metals sector, including Corus Strip Products and Niobium Products GMBH. The group also supports the Engineering Doctorate programme, especially in the areas of Product Metallurgy and Automotive Applications. CETIC The Materials research groups at Swansea are also designated a Centre of Excellence for Technology and Industrial Collaboration, which is sponsored by the Welsh Assembly Government. The CETIC investment provides world-class scientific, technical and research resources for the benefit of local, national and international companies, including organisations seeking to invest in Wales.

Swansea has a strong history of innovative and creative engineering which is epitomised by the cutting-edge research conducted within the Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre (MNC). Engineering at the nanometre scale is one of the greatest challenges known to modern man and has the potential to revolutionise the way we live our lives, from Star Trek-like gadgets through to site specific medical diagnosis and drug delivery within the human body. Indeed, the Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre at Swansea has developed in international reputation in many new fields that stretch traditional engineering concepts to the extreme. This has only been made possible by radical thinking that combines engineering with physics, biology and medicine. Therefore, the Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre has an active strategy to develop projects that bridge traditional disciplines to provide a step change in technology.

Engineering: Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre




In addition to the funding available for postgraduates registered for conventional MPhil and PhD degrees, the Materials Research Centre offers competitive studentships for Research Masters (MRes) and Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programmes (with awards of up to £17,000 tax free per annum for UK students). Both schemes were piloted at the Centre and have subsequently grown substantially in stature with over 60 students registered at the present time.

Engineering: Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre


Engineering: Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre

The Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre has a state-ofthe-art nanotechnology laboratory suite (500m2) housing cutting-edge fabrication and characterisation facilities. Equipment includes 2 UHV Omicron Nanotechnology SPMs (1 STM/AFM, 1 STM/ESCA and 1 STM/SEM), 5 Vecco AFMs (2 explorers, 1 Nanoman and 1 Picoforce), 2 Vecco SNOMs (Aurora II and III) and 5 desktop SPM systems. Many of these systems have been adapted for a variety of environments and novel applications, for example, the in situ growth of organic and inorganic material and the combination of AFM with high-speed photography (5ns intervals) to study cavitation in fluids. In addition, a variety of spectroscopic techniques are available, XPS, AES, confocal RAMAN, mass spectrometry, ICP spectroscopy and photo correlation spectroscopy for particle sizing down to 1nm.This is also supported by laser diffraction particle sizing, free solution electrophoresis BET and gas porosimetry,

Research Activities Activities within the Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre include: Nano-electronics and Nano-sensors This is an important research area of the Centre covering the miniaturisation of device technology, the so-called top-down approach, to create ultra-compact electronic systems, and the bottom-up approach based on nanoscale fabrication from individual atoms to generate a new breed of electronic devices. Research projects include band engineering and passivation of opto-electronic devices at the nanoscale, nanocrystalline gas sensors, novel quantum-dot-based devices, nanoscale patterning and functionalisation, modelling electronic properties of devices and nano-systems. Bio-electronics Replacing existing material systems (metals, insulators and semiconductors) with biocompatible platforms will revolutionise the possibilities of device application, particularly in the medical field. Areas of current interest within the Centre include the next generation of electronic materials based on conducting polymers and DNA, where engineering material properties and junction conductivity at the nanoscale via selective functionalisation is of key interest. Another novel area of investigation includes nanoscale power sources and biosensors using bacteria and cells. The Centre also has an interest in developing methods to control and optimise the electronic properties of inorganic-organic interfaces to allow integration of conventional materials with new device platforms. Bio-Nanotechnology The Centre uses many new technologies to study biological interactions at the molecular and atomic level. There is a range of scanning probe microscopes for measuring atomic forces associated with the interactions of liquids, particles and solids. This provides fundamental data for studying process critical properties such as the adhesion, self-assembly and the physical (especially mechanical and electrical) properties of molecules at the molecular scale leading to better understanding of proteins, microbial and animal cell interactions at surfaces or in fluids. The Centre leads the field in using AFM to study membrane separation processes and has developed groundbreaking methods to study the behaviour of colloids and bio-colloids.

Studying the Structure of Blood Clots Part of a prestigious £3.1m Portfolio Partnership grant by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is being used to develop collaborative research involving the NHS Trust Hospital at Morriston and the new UWS Medical School. Professor Rhodri Williams and his rheology research group are collaborating with Dr Adrian Evans, an NHS Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Senior Lecturer at the University’s new Medical School. This collaborative work concerns the management of haemorrhage in trauma patients and the development of new approaches to monitoring and understanding blood coagulation and blood clot structure. Some of the experimental work will be conducted in a new Haemorheology Laboratory within the A&E Unit at Morriston Hospital. This work will involve a rheological technique known as Fourier Transform Mechanical Spectroscopy which provides information concerning the elastic and viscous responses of blood clots to imposed deformation and stress waves. In addition, a new NMR Spectrometer at the MNC is being used to provide structural information on blood clots from healthy and diseased patients. Colloids and Interfaces The Centre has extensive experience studying the surface properties of dispersed materials in the size range 1 micrometre to 1 nanometre and has used the resulting fundamental understanding to design and operate industrial processes – both inorganic processing in the minerals industry and bio-processing such as protein production. Extensive experimentation is complemented by numerical quantification of multi-particle interactions and particle surface interaction. Nano-medicine One of the most compelling directions for the future lies in the impact that nanotechnology will have in medicine. Nano-medicine is a burgeoning field that will have significant scientific and economic impact across the globe, where next generation medical advances will be based on understanding and engineering biological functionality at the nanoscale for both in vivo and in vitro applications. Our improved understanding of the functioning of the human body at the molecular and nanometre scale as well as our ability to intervene at pre-symptomatic, acute or chronic stages of an illness are of utmost importance to meet the needs of modern society. In addition to the current portfolio of projects in the MNC, 4 RCUK fellowships have been recently awarded to a joint venture between the MNC and Medical School at Swansea in the field on nano-medicine. Membrane Separation Processes Membrane separation processes are the most important modern developments in separation of multicomponent fluids. The Centre is a leading exponent of the understanding and development of these processes. A major aim of this work has been to develop quantitative methods

for predicting the performance of membrane micro-filtration, ultra-filtration and nano-filtration, so facilitating the design and optimisation of these processes for new applications. Rheometry The Centre's activity in rheometry focuses on exploiting the viscoelastic dispersion of high (audio) frequency shear waves to characterise the rheology of complex fluids of fundamental and applied relevance. Novel instruments such as the Virtual Gap Rheometer and the Pulsed Resonance Rheometer, both invented at the Centre, are being used to relate the evolution of viscoelastic properties under process conditions to parameters controlling factors such as long term mechanical stability of fluids. In addition, the Centre has pioneered the development of high-speed photography in conjunction with the AFM for ‘real-time’ cavitation studies in liquids. Polymers Physics This research area looks at the structure and morphology of macromolecules at interfaces and in thin films. Many physical processes are dominated by interfacial phenomena and the behaviour of macromolecules at interfaces can often be quite different to their behaviour in the bulk. Many emerging technologies are built around the properties of polymer molecules at interfaces, such as bio-sensors in which enzymes are immobilised at electrodes and organic optoelectronic devices, where charge separation/ recombination and conduction takes place at internal interfaces. The research is currently focused on two specific areas: i) The relationship between the structure of semiconducting (conjugated) polymers and the performance of plastic electronic devices such as transistors and light emitting diodes; ii) The study of instabilities in thin liquid films on substrates, with the aim of controlling surface patterns. This work also involves conjugated polymers. These research activities involve a variety of laboratory-based experiments using techniques such as scanning probe microscopy and optical microscopy, as well as experiments such as neutron reflectivity and x-ray diffraction performed at central facilities in the UK (e.g. ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Lab.) and abroad (e.g. Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France). Theoretical Modelling One of our main areas of research is the calculation of the optical properties, such as gain and spontaneous emission from self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots structures. This enables us to model the dynamics of optoelectronic devices (lasers, LEDs and amplifiers) employing quantum dot structures as their active region. We are also interested in the theory of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots with a view to their use in Fluorescence Resonant Energy Transfer imaging techniques and also the tunnelling between quantum dots for applications such as charge writing and quantum computing. Study self-assembly of droplets using a random sequential adsorption (RSA) model is also an area of interest for the development of smart polymer scaffolds. We are looking to verify these calculations using Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM) and time resolve

Engineering: Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre

The MNC has a home within the School of Engineering at Swansea and has achieved significant recognition from the international community, the UK Research Councils, the European Union, the regional development agency and industry. As a measure of the success of the Centre, it is home to a prestigious EPSRC Portfolio Partnership in Complex Fluids and Complex Flows. This is a major award worth £3m and is a reflection of the high quality research carried out in the Centre. Furthermore, the Centre spearheads the nanotechnology activity across the University and the whole of Wales. Within Swansea, the Centre involves more than 30 academics from a range of disciplines (engineering, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine) and a central suite of laboratories housing unrivalled state-of-the-art facilities. The rapid growth of the Centre and the interest that it has generated has resulted in many new initiatives. For example, the creation of a new Masters of Research (MRes) course titled Nanoscience to Nanotechnology which began in October 2005 which has proven to be extremely popular. From a research perspective, what is now clear is that major investment is required to create a new branch of the Pan-Wales MNC directed at the field of nano-medicine to capitalise on the expertise available within Wales and the scientific and strategic opportunities that will arise in the near future. Hence, in partnership with Cardiff University and the Medical Schools at Swansea and Cardiff, the creation of a Welsh Centre for nano-medicine is being explored.

microcalorimetry, a comprehensive range of rheometers, gas liquid chromatography and HPLC. Other equipment includes a fully-equipped cleanroom for device fabrication, a new biotechnology pilot plant, pilot-scale membrane filtration equipment (micro- to nano-filtration) and reverse osmosis. Theoretical modelling of quantum properties of nanostructures, cavitation in fluids and process control also support the research. The Centre has access to a plethora of techniques and facilities throughout Wales with our partners in the PanWales Nanotechnology initiative that the Centre coordinates.


The Centre was founded in 2002 based on strong and rapidly growing nanotechnology activities in engineering and physics and supported by significant investment from HEFCW via the Research Capacity Development Fund to the sum of £1.54m. This award acted as a catalyst enabling additional funding of £0.25m from the Royal Society/Wolfson Foundation to be attracted. Furthermore, the formation of the Centre was identified as an area for strategic investment from the University and hence £0.85m from SRIF2 was directed towards the project. The Centre was officially opened by Professor Sir David King in January 2006.



Engineering: Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre

Bioprocess Technology The successful scale-up and hence exploitation of many of the recent developments in biotechnology depends on effective mixing in bioreactors and on the efficient recovery and separation of the desired products. The biological materials handled are extremely complex both in composition and physical properties and their processing is a key feature of the Centre's work. The underlying principles of this work are being applied to related biomedical problems. Food Process Engineering The Centre is undertaking several projects related to Agri-food and beverage processing industries. Currently under development are innovative methods of rapid maturation and fermentation of alcoholic beverages, the intensive production of microbes for process inoculants and biotransformation using membrane bioreactors. We also have membrane pilot-scale equipment for the development and implementation of novel processing methods in the food and beverage industry. We are investigating the removal and/or production of colours and flavour compounds from foods, beverages and plants. Most of the projects described above support recognised centres of excellence within the Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre (MNC), namely the Centre for Complex Fluids Processing (CCFP) and the Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating (WCPC). Centre for Complex Fluids Processing The Centre for Complex Fluids Processing is an international centre, leading in the fields of membrane separation processes, bioprocess technology, food technology, rheometry, colloids and interfaces, atomic force microscopy and nanotechnology. The processing of complex fluids is a major feature of modern industry. Such fluids are extremely diverse in origin and composition ranging for example, from

biotechnological materials and food products to mineral slurries and inks. However, underlying this diversity are certain properties that must be understood if the processing is to be effective and efficient. These include the flow behaviour in process equipment, how components of the fluid determine its overall properties and how individual components may be selectively separated. The Centre is the recipient of a prestigious EPSRC platform grant awarded to world-leading groups with continuity of funding for longer term research and international networking. The Centre is also recognised as a centre of expertise (CETIC) as we have a proven track record of collaboration with large and small companies. Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating Printing and coating is one of the largest industry sectors and the WCPC is a world-leading research centre focusing on investigating printing and coating as a manufacturing process. It has purpose-built fully-equipped air-conditioned laboratories for measurement of printed and coated products. The Centre enjoys access to industrial printing facilities and also works closely with all components in the supply chain, including ink, substrate and machinery suppliers. This work is done with companies that lead these fields. A number of industrially sponsored studentships are available annually. These are awarded by world-leading companies that work closely with the Centre.

Electronics Systems Design Research We have particular interests in power electronics and microelectronics. Almost every piece of modern electronic equipment relies heavily on power electronics. It provides electrical energy in a clean form for applications as diverse as mobile phones to large power units on electrically driven ships. The use of power electronics is all about efficient use of energy in all these applications and at all power levels. We are best known for our research in groundbreaking Power IC technology, which combines power devices with low voltage control IC technology, the key technology for more energy efficient electronics. We are a world leader in semiconductor device modelling, FEM and compact modelling; the TCAD Studio (www.esemi.com) Technology and Device Simulation package, which is used in industry and many universities, came from this research group. The application of power electronics in embedded energy generation is also an area of rapid growth within the group. The researchers within the centre are also developing state-ofthe-art SiC semiconductor technology; silicon carbide-based power semiconductor devices are promising candidates for ultra high power systems such as those regulating the national grid. The group is internationally and nationally well recognised and is funded by industrial, European, DTI and EPSRC grants. Industrial partners include names such as ZETEX, X-Fab, TOYOTA, IQE and Pure Wafer.

English within the School of Arts is characterised by breadth and diversity. The subject is home to the Centre for Research into the English Literature and Language of Wales (CREW), the Centre for Research into Gender in Culture and Society (GENCAS), the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Research (MEMO), and to teaching and research activity in creative and media writing conducted by prize-winning writers of fiction, poetry and drama. Weekly research seminars are organised in all these areas, as well as regular symposia and conferences. English has access to important subject CD-ROMs, including English Poetry Full-Text Database, English Verse drama, Editions and Adaptations of Shakespeare, EighteenthCentury Fiction, Brontë sisters’ novels, the MLA International Bibliography, British Humanities Index, and the Annotated Bibliography for English Studies. It possesses the Archive of Welsh English (based on the Survey of Anglo-Welsh Dialects) and a Raymond Williams archive. The Library has good holdings in all English’s research areas, and has collections of nineteenth-century periodicals, including the complete nineteenth-century Examiner on microfilm.

Taught Courses

The extensive Anglo-Welsh material is supplemented by three other important local collections: the Gwyn Thomas and the John Ormond collections at the Miners’ Library and the Dylan Thomas collection in the City and County of Swansea’s Central Library. Through CREW, English is in the process of building a collection of manuscript materials by leading Anglo-Welsh writers, and is involved in research exploration of the newly acquired Richard Burton papers, as well as interdisciplinary studies in collaboration with a new Richard Burton Centre.

Optional Modules • The Seventeenth-Century Lyric • ‘The Unsex’d Females’: Women Writers and the French Revolution • The Romantic Sublime • Henry James’ Later Fiction • Modelling Language • Irish Poetry of the Mid-Twentieth Century • Writing Northern Ireland since 1968 • Contemporary Women’s Writing • Contemporary African-American Writing • Exile Writing: Pound, Bunting, Russell • Theorising Postmodernity

MA in English • Four modules from anywhere on English’s MA menu (excluding the MA in Creative and Media Writing) • Taught and supervised Research Skills Training • Dissertation in any area of the Department’s MA provision Compulsory Modules • Study and Research Skills in the Humanities • Research Practice (in English)


Printing and Coating The Centre undertakes research into image transfer mechanisms of high-volume printing and coating processes. This includes experimental programmes as well as the development of models to simulate and analyse all aspects of the process. Fundamental work focuses on flow in thin fluid films, splitting and cavitation as well as transfer onto/into impermeable and permeable substrates. Fundamental experimental work is undertaken on process optimisation with respect to product quality and this has contributed significantly to the development of ISO standards. Practical applications focus on graphics printing and industrial printing. Example project areas include printing and in-mould decoration for plastic displays, industrial sensors and membrane switches.



photoluminescence in collaboration with Cardiff University. In collaboration with the University of Wales, Bangor we are modelling the chaotic operation of laser diodes for applications such as chaotic data encryption and ranging applications. In particular, we are interested in the synchronisation of non-linear systems.




Compulsory Modules • Study and Research Skills in the Humanities • Research Practice (in Welsh Writing in English) Optional Modules • Dylan Thomas and the Idea of Welsh Writing in English • Locating Wales: Comparative Perspectives • Women Writing Modern Wales • ‘American Wales’: Writing the Transatlantic • Welsh Identities: Literature and Nationhood MA in Creative and Media Writing Run jointly by English and Media and Communication Studies, the MA in Creative and Media Writing is a unique programme that offers integrated training in the writing of literary and media text. The MA provides core training and individual pathways in the major genres of contemporary literary and media writing. Compulsory Modules • Writing Fiction • Writing Poetry • Screenwriting Optional Modules (choose 3) • Feature Writing • Travel Writing • Writing Fiction II • Writing Poetry II • Writing for Radio • Genre • Writing the Self After the core and optional elements, students write a dissertation portfolio in a genre of their choosing. This is a creative piece – in prose, poetry or drama script – accompanied by a commentary placing the work in its academic context. MA in Gender and Culture An interdisciplinary MA scheme taught by gender specialists across the School of Arts and School of Humanities (Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology, English, European Languages, History, Media Studies, Sociology and Anthropology).

Optional Modules (choose 4) • British Women’s Fiction 1918-1939 • Women Writers of the 1940s • Women Writing India • Gender Trouble, the Medieval Anchorite, and Issues of Wombs and Tombs • ‘The Great Pretender’: Masculinity in Contemporary Women’s Fiction • ‘The Unsex’d Females’: Women Writers and the French Revolution • Contemporary Women’s Writing • Gendered Approaches to Myth and Fairytale • Contemporary German Women’s Writing • Gender in Contemporary European Culture • Angela Carter • Literature in Social Context • Women and Gender in Ancient Egypt • Cultural Awareness: Policy, Practice, Analysis • Cultural Difference and Change in British Society • Cultural Systems around the World • Cultural Difference: Reflexive Practice • Qualitative Research Methods • Quantitative Research Methods Optional modules are also available from across the English MA schemes and from schemes offered by other subject areas. Students write a dissertation in or across any of the subject disciplines contributing to the scheme. MA in Modernism(s) An interdisciplinary scheme coordinated by English and French specialists, the MA incorporates modules across the School of Arts and the School of Humanities (English, European Languages, American Studies, Media Studies, History). The scheme consists of: • Four modules from contributing subject areas (two compulsory Modernism(s) modules and one or two optional Modernism(s) modules; if one optional module is taken, students may take their fourth module from any Master’s schemes running in the School). • Two taught and supervised Research Skills Training modules • A dissertation on a Modernist subject or theme Compulsory Modules • Study and Research Skills in the Humanities • Research Practice (in Modernism(s)) • The foundations and theorisation of Modernism and EITHER • Modernist poetry and the visual arts OR • Canonical Modernism

Optional Modules • Modernist poetry and the visual arts • Modernism and film • Austrian Modernist fiction • Drama and politics in German Expressionism • Futurism, Dada and Surrealism • Spanish Modernist Theatre • Exile Writing: Pound, Bunting, Russell • Henry James’ Later Fiction MA in Professional Writing A programme for graduates in any field intending to work in areas requiring high-level skills in literacy, writing competence and text analysis, or for professionals seeking to improve their skills in research, writing and the critical reception of texts, including reports, documents, press releases, policies and speeches.

• Welsh Writing in English, including Dylan Thomas and Raymond Williams • Irish writing, including Yeats, Joyce and Irish poetry since 1900 • Border writing and the literature of the Cold War • Modern and contemporary poetry, including J H Prynne • Critical theory, especially cultural, feminist, psychoanalytic and canon theory • American literature, including the Harlem Renaissance and Whitman • Medieval literature, especially Arthurian narratives and the medieval town • Film and visual narrative • Gender in literature and culture from the medieval period to the twenty-first century • Creative writing, especially fiction and poetry

Financial Support Compulsory Modules • Writing in Professional Contexts • Communication and Persuasion • Research Essay in Professional Writing (Dissertation equivalent) Optional Modules (selected list) • Information Gathering Techniques • Writing Radio Drama • Feature Writing • Discourse Analysis for English Language Teaching • History of Translation • Modelling Language • Introduction to Contemporary Critical Theory • Comparative Journalism • Journalism and New Technology • Development Communication • Translation Theory • Travel Writing • Screenwriting

Research English specialists have supervised students working on subjects varying from Samuel Daniel and emblem writing to apocalypse in the lyrics of Bob Dylan, and from Surrealism and Gothic modes in Welsh 1930s writing to representations of women in Romantic oriental narratives. Staff research interests are extremely varied, and include the following: • Linguistics and sociolinguistics • Poetry and drama in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries • Romantic literature, especially Wollstonecraft, Romantic orientalism, Wordsworth, Byron, Blake and Women’s Writing • The nineteenth-century novel, especially the Brontës and ‘Gothic’ writing • The twentieth-century novel, especially D H Lawrence and Angela Carter

Apart from AHRC awards, English currently offers thirteen Swansea University Taught Master’s Studentships. The University also offers full and fees-only Research Studentships, while students have also regularly received awards from educational trusts.

Entry Requirements Normally an upper second-class or higher honours degree in English, or a degree equivalent.

Academic/research staff




2001 RAE rating Taught courses MA in English MA in Welsh Writing in English MA in Creative and Media Writing MA in Gender and Culture MA in Modernism(s) MA in Professional Writing Research opportunities MPhil/PhD Professors Catherine Belsey Caroline Franklin Helen Fulton Dai Smith M Wynn Thomas

Enquiries Ms Gabriella Wasiniak Tel: +44 (0)1792 295926 Email: g.wasiniak@swansea.ac.uk



MA in Welsh Writing in English • Four modules from English’s MA menu (including 3 from the ‘Welsh Writing in English’ list) • Taught and supervised Research Skills Training • Dissertation in Welsh Writing in English

Compulsory Modules • Gender and Culture: An Introduction • EITHER: Study and Research Skills in the Humanities OR: Historical Methods and Approaches OR: Research and Study Skills (Social Research)


• J H Prynne and Contemporary Poetry • Film and Genre



Environmental and Molecular Biosciences

(formerly Biological Sciences)

Biosciences occupy modern laboratories in two linked buildings, with an adjoining greenhouse complex. There is an extensive range of modern analytical equipment, workshops, and specialised culture facilities for a wide range of organisms. We also run an open-circulation marine aquarium, an insectary, and a custom-designed 12.5m coastal research vessel, the RV Noctiluca.

Taught Courses The following twelve-month taught courses commence in September each year: MSc in Environmental Biology: Conservation and Resource Management This course emphasises the relationships between living organisms and the terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments and interactions that result from natural and anthropogenic processes. Advanced training is offered in the interpretation of local and global environmental issues, field and theoretical aspects of biology and ecology, and in analytical techniques. The course develops skills necessary to work confidently in vocational areas such as conservation, environmental impact assessment, environmental management, monitoring and education, and fosters an objective, scientific and realistic approach to environmental biological issues that students may have to face in a professional capacity. During Part I of the course, students take modules in Science skills, Analytical skills, and Conservation Biology, followed by modules in Ecosystems and Remote Sensing, including a field trip abroad (Goa, India). Assessment is by a combination of coursework and examinations held in January and May/June.

Part II consists of an extended full-time research project of fifteen weeks duration (equivalent to 60 credits), written dissertation, and oral presentation. MSc in Aquaculture and the Environment Whilst capture fisheries are in decline globally, aquaculture is a rapidly expanding sector worldwide. Despite the promise that aquaculture holds for increased food production and the aquarium trade, there are recognised environmental and other detrimental effects associated with some existing practices. In particular, the environmental impacts can be significant. In recognition of such issues, and the increasing challenges they pose for the future of the industry, across the European Union and elsewhere, technologies and strategies are being developed to increase the sustainability of the industry. This course prepares students to address in their work some of the factors that contribute to environmentally non-sustainable aspects of the industry. The course is designed for those already employed in, or aiming to enter employment relating to aquaculture research, as well as production, regulation and developmental aspects of aquaculture. On completion of the course, students should be able to understand the range of aquaculture systems utilised in the UK and around the world, identify specific areas for improvement in terms of their environmental sustainability, and be able to initiate a process of change. The course has been designed with the needs of the future industry in mind, and industry links are maintained throughout the course through teaching and research activities. During Part I of the course, students take modules in Science skills, Analytical skills, and Conservation Biology, followed by modules in Principles and Practices of Aquaculture, Advanced Topics in Sustainable Aquaculture and term papers in Aquaculture and the Environment. A field trip abroad (currently in Tenerife) and placements at the Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture Research (CSAR) and at the Freshwater Research Unit (FRU) are an essential part of the course. Assessment is by a combination of coursework and examinations held in January and May/June. Part II consists of an extended full-time research project of fifteen weeks duration (equivalent to 60 credits), written dissertation, and oral presentation.

(formerly Biological Sciences)

Biosciences are involved in several major new research initiatives. Firstly, it is hosting the Aquaculture Wales initiative. This ÂŁ2.34 million programme is designed to develop aquaculture within Wales. As a result, a ÂŁ2 million Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture Research building, opened in June 2005, facilitates research on fish and shellfish using state-of-theart recirculation technology. Secondly, Biosciences, together with Geography, are developing the multidisciplinary Institute for Environmental Sustainability that will provide additional research facilities of relevance to environmental research.


The diverse habitats available locally set Swansea apart for study and research. These habitats are located on the nearby Gower Peninsula, in the Swansea Valley and further afield in the Brecon Beacons.

Environmental and Molecular Biosciences

Biosciences undertake research of relevance to a wide range of fields of study from molecular and cellular through to environmental.



Environmental and Molecular Biosciences

Aquaculture Research The Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture Research and the Freshwater Research Unit provide excellent research facilities in a range of topics including: • Fish and shellfish nutrition • Aquaculture waste management • Fish and shellfish diseases • Development of recirculation technology • Wetland restoration • Fish ecology and behaviour Biochemistry Research Excellent facilities exist for a range of approaches including biological mass spectrometry. The main areas of research include: • Biological mass spectrometry • Cyclic nucleotide research • Cell, Molecular and Physiological Research

• Taxonomy and population ecology • Surveying and monitoring coastal and marine ecosystem patterns and processes.

Financial Support Recent research has been supported by the following organisations: Research Councils (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Natural Environment Research Council); Government (DEFRA, DFID, Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency); International bodies (European Union); other bodies (Leverhulme Trust), and industrial (aquaculture, chemical, pharmaceutical and water industries).

Entry Requirements A first or upper second-class degree in a biological subject are normally required.

Academic/research staff


The specific facilities include laboratories for raising fungal biocontrol agents and monoclonal antibodies, for biochemical studies, for studying animal behaviour and for neurophysiological work. The main research areas include:



• • • •

MSc in Aquaculture and the Environment

Biosynthesis and functions of eicosanoids Behaviour, conservation and animal welfare Neuroscience Entomology, in particular vector species and the control of insect pests • Invertebrate pathology and immunobiology • Natural products development

Taught courses MSc in Environmental Biology: Conservation and Resource Management

Research opportunities MPhil and PhD by research Professors P F Brain BSc PhD FIBiol K J Flynn BSc PhD G C Hays BSc PhD

Ecological Research We have direct access to a variety of marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Equipment and facilities include a stable isotope (13C and 15N) and CN elemental analyser, scintillation counters, fast protein and high performance liquid chromatographic systems (FPLC and HPLC), particle and nutrient analysers, oxygen and specific ion electrodes, atomic adsorption and atomic emission spectrometers, digital image analysis systems, facilities for recombinant DNA technology. Culture and holding facilities include marine aquaria, environmentally controlled and constant temperature growth rooms, glasshouses and darkrooms. A 12.5m research vessel, smaller inshore boats and a wide range of oceanographic and biological measuring and sampling equipment are available for inshore work. Research work includes: • • • • •

Marine plankton Higher plant ecology and ecophysiology Molecular ecology Ecology of marine invertebrates Ecology and physiology of marine turtles, sea birds and marine mammals

With more than 50 research-active staff and over £5m recently invested in our research facilities, the Department of Geography is one of the largest centres of geographical scholarships in the UK.

R Newton BSc PhD DSc N A Ratcliffe BSc PhD DSc A F Rowley BSc PhD DSc R P Wilson BA, MA, PhD

Enquiries MSc in Environmental Biology: Conservation and Resource Management – Professor Graeme Hays Tel: +44 (0)1792 295375 Email: g.hays@swansea.ac.uk MSc in Aquaculture and the Environment Dr Carlos Garcia de Leaniz Tel: +44 (0)1792 295383 Email: c.garciadeleaniz@swansea.ac.uk MPhil/PhD Professor Rory Wilson Tel: +44 (0)1792 295376 Email: r.p.wilson@swansea.ac.uk

Our physical geographers are internationally renowned for their research on climatic change and environmental processes. We host the ‘Climate and Land-Surface Systems Interaction Centre’ (NERC CLASSIC), which is a UK Research Council-funded Centre of Excellence in Earth observation; direct one of the world’s most ambitious climatic change programmes, the £8.4m EU-funded MILLENNIUM project, which enlists researchers from 40 institutions to reconstruct the European climate over the last 1,000 years; and lead the GLIMPSE project, which aims to improve predictions of the stability of the Greenland ice sheet. Our human geographers are well known for their theoretically informed, policy-engaged, and evidence-based research on national and international migration, and for their development and application of post-structuralist spatial theory with particular reference to modern and postmodern cities. We lead three of the University’s multidisciplinary research centres: the Centre for Migration Policy Research, the Centre for Urban Theory, and the National Centre for Public Policy.

Taught Courses We offer three taught Master’s programmes, each of which is linked to one or more of our research groups. MSc in Environmental Dynamics and Climatic Change This interdisciplinary course offers training in the scientific basis of past, present, and future changes in the Earth’s climate and environment. The course places particular emphasis on environmental and climatic change at both the regional and global scale. The scientific basis and limitations of models and data collection techniques are discussed in light of the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report (2007). The MSc combines the international research strengths of our staff in environmental and climate dynamics (processes and mechanisms involved in stability and change), marine and ecosystem biology, and environmental management and sustainable development. The breadth of the course means that your dissertation project can range from applied science to sustainable development, and we encourage the forging of links with industry.


All members of staff undertake multidisciplinary research involving partners both within and beyond the University.





(formerly Biological Sciences)




MSc in Social Research This multidisciplinary programme will equip you with the essential skills needed to excel as a social science researcher. With Research Training (RT) status from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), it is ideally suited for those who intend to embark on a research career in the public, private or voluntary sectors or want to prepare themselves for the challenge of MPhil or PhD research. The course develops practical research skills, imparts methodological expertise (both qualitative and quantitative), instils familiarity with research ethics and governance, and promotes a thoughtful engagement with theoretical concerns across the full spectrum of social science disciplines. These generic skills are tailored to the needs of human geography, and you have the opportunity to put them into practice in a supervised dissertation project of your choice and design.

Environmental dynamics group We reconstruct past climates and environments using a range of physical and chemical archives, especially proxy records derived from ice cores, lake sediments, and tree rings. We also investigate land-surface processes such as wildfire, soil water repellency, and tropical hydrology. We routinely lead field expeditions in Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe, and coordinate the Royal Society’s field stations in Borneo. We are privileged to have our own stable-isotope laboratories alongside specialist laboratories for biogeochemistry, tephrochronology, and pollen analysis.

Research We offer fully supervised and well-resourced MPhil and PhD degree programmes that are firmly embedded within a multidisciplinary community of academic staff and research students. The calibre of staff and facilities at our disposal means that we can support the most challenging of research projects at the forefront of their respective fields. As well as drawing upon the expertise of our academic and research staff, you will build up your repertoire of skills and improve your career prospects by taking advantage of a comprehensive set of subject-specific and generic training courses offered by the Department, the School, and the University. We organise residential courses for our students, and encourage them to participate in international conferences and workshops. In 2007, our students attended conferences as far afield as America, China, and Australia. Over £5m has been invested in the Department to provide refurbished offices and workspace for staff and students, superb computing facilities, and state-of-the-art laboratories and field equipment for our research groups.

• In Human Geography, our research groups are characterised by socio-spatial theorisation of the contemporary urban experience. They work closely with key institutions such as UNESCO, the International Organisation for Migration, and the UK and Welsh Assembly governments. Each research group has a critical mass of researchers, and each is engaged in setting and addressing internationally significant research agendas. As a postgraduate research student, you will belong to one or more of our groups.

Glaciology group We study the dynamics of fast-flowing glaciers and ice streams, especially the causes of flow instability. These glaciers constitute one of the most rapidly changing parts of the cryosphere, and many are experiencing rapid thinning, especially around major ice sheet margins. We use a wide variety of methods including fieldwork, remote sensing, and modelling, and our facilities include a 3D digitalphotogrammetry workstation and state-of-the-art field equipment. Our current field projects are based in Svalbard, Antarctica, and the Alps, and we host the GLIPMSE group that aims to advance our understanding of the future of the Greenland ice sheet. Global environmental modelling and Earth observation group We use satellite data to study the land, atmosphere, and oceans, and to improve modelling of climatic change. Our research encompasses a wide range of applications ranging from the local level (e.g. the detection of urban expansion) to the global scale (e.g. the detection of El Niño effects in tropical vegetation; and the response of hydrological and carbon cycles to climatic change). We lead a NERC Centre of Excellence in Earth Observation, the Climate and Land Surface Systems Interaction Centre (CLASSIC), and work closely with scientists at NASA, ESA, CEH, and the Hadley Centre. We have excellent computing facilities that include fifteen dual-processor workstations and a 20-node multi-

processor Beowulf cluster, and we have access to the University’s £50 million IBM ‘Blue C’ supercomputer. Migration, boundaries, and identities group We advance the study of national and international migration, especially in relation to ideas of nation, place, and the social construction of identity (particularly gender and childhood). We develop new theoretical frameworks for understanding the implications of different types of boundaries - imagined, social, and political - on the construction and experiences of particular groups in society and the ways in which these boundaries are contested. Our work is empirically rich, theoretically informed, and policy relevant, and we are especially well known for our work with refugees and asylum seekers. We lead the University’s interdisciplinary research Centre for Migration Policy Research. Social theory and urban space group We develop theoretically sophisticated, empirically bold, and socially engaged understandings of space and spatiality, with particular reference to modern and postmodern cities. We have sought to transform the conceptual terrain of Human Geography through a spatialisation of post-structuralist theory. We lead the University’s interdisciplinary research Centre for Urban Theory, and work closely with media studies (visual technologies and media theory) and health researchers (general practice, oncology, psychiatry, and psychology). For more specific postgraduate research opportunities and research profiles of academic staff, please visit our website. www.swansea.ac.uk/geography

The University also offers a number of fully funded and part funded studentships each year and the GLIPMSE group offer Leverhulme Trust-funded studentships in Greenland glaciology.

Entry Requirements Normally a first-class or upper second-class honours degree in an appropriate subject or an equivalent qualification. For PhD research, a Master’s degree, preferably with research-training (RT) recognition, would be advantageous.



Academic/research staff


2001 RAE rating Research opportunities MPhil/PhD (part-time and full-time) Taught Courses MSc in Environmental Dynamics and Climatic Change MSc in Migration and International Development MSc in Social Research (ESRC RT recognised) Professors Dave Clarke BA PhD Marcus Doel BSc PhD Danny McCarroll BSc PhD Tavi Murray BSc PhD Alayne Street-Perrott MA PhD FRGS Rory Walsh MA PhD

Financial Support Postgraduate studentships awarded by the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), and Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRB) can be held in the Department.

Enquiries Mrs Sandra Kramcha Postgraduate Officer (Master’s & Research) Tel: +44 (0)1792 295333 Email: s.kramcha@swansea.ac.uk



• In Physical Geography, our research groups have a strong quantitative-science emphasis, encompassing computationally intensive numerical modelling, advanced analytical laboratory techniques, worldwide field campaigns, and satellite observation. They collaborate with key agencies such as the British Antarctic Survey, NASA, and the Hadley Centre.


MSc in Migration and International Development In recognition of the importance for development planning of the inter-relationships between poverty, demographic and environmental changes, and population movements (including economic and environmental migration, resettlement and displacement), the Centre for Development Studies – in conjunction with the Department of Geography – has recently launched a new postgraduate programme. The focus of the programme is on: population dynamics, specifically through analysis of the determinants of population change in the context of current theoretical and methodological debates on fertility; and of the demographic and wider social and economic impact of HIV & AIDS; causes and patterns of forced migration, political and policy responses to global refugee flows at the international, supra-national and national levels, and the legal and human rights framework for international refugee protection and; the centrality of population issues to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.


Health Science


The School of Health Science, originally established in 1992, has over 250 academic and support staff. The School's mission is to become a Centre of Excellence, conducting high quality research, promoting clinical practice and delivering high quality programmes. Forerunners in meeting health science demands, the School responds rapidly to changes in health care and medical practice, and established clinical links with NHS Trusts enhance the learning experience. Taught Courses Students of taught MA and MSc programmes can benefit from the different levels of awards available, to fit in with the education and training they wish to receive. The School offers Postgraduate Certificates, Postgraduate Diplomas and full Master’s awards depending on which course of study you choose to follow. MA in Ethics of Health Care The MA Ethics of Health Care provides an opportunity for close examination of moral challenges in health care, including the moral problems that arise at the beginning and end of life, and moral theories. The programme provides a structure for students to deal with the moral difficulties that frequently arise in healthcare roles, and is the longest running of its kind in the UK. The programme can be studied full-time or part-time. Modules studied • Philosophy, Ethics and Health Care • The Boundaries of Life • Health, Disease and Abnormality • Health Policy and Ethics • Ethics and the Professional Health Carer • Dissertation Who should take this programme? Most medical and nursing professions at some point touch difficult moral ground and the programme could help ease the strain of modern day moral dilemmas. Others who may find it useful are health service managers, osteopaths, pharmaceutical and medical charity workers. Anyone with an interest in ethical healthcare issues is welcome to apply.

Entry Requirements Applicants should hold either an initial degree (usually of grade 2.2 or above) or a period of professional experience in a relevant field.

MA in Health Care Law and Ethics This course provides an opportunity to examine the structure and operation of the legal system in England and Wales, to look critically at the real life impact of law on practice within the healthcare system, and to do this in the context of an understanding of the ethical problems that arise in health care. This course is studied on a part-time basis. Modules studied • Philosophy, Ethics and Health Care • The Boundaries of Life • Introduction to Law and Health Care • Patients, Professionals and the Law • Mental Health, Mental Capacity and the Law • Dissertation Who should take this programme? Healthcare professionals seeking to study legal issues relevant to their work, and lawyers interested in healthcare provision, regulation and delivery will find this programme informative and useful. Anyone interested in approaching some of the hardest human decisions from an academic angle, including graduates from a relevant discipline and those going on to research, are also encouraged to apply.

MA in Medical Humanities The only course of its kind in the UK, the MA in Medical Humanities helps students gain an understanding of why medicine and health care should not be reduced to scientific principles, by exploring the contribution of humanities and addressing the limitations of a purely scientific approach.

MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice – Multidisciplinary Option There is a pressing need for a multi-professional clinically orientated course for practitioners developing advanced clinical roles in health care. This programme enables practitioners to appraise their current practice, and to develop into advanced practice roles.

This course is studied on a part-time basis.

Key areas covered are conceptualisation, problem solving, reflective abilities, practical abilities and communication skills. Students will develop their analytical and critical thinking, and enhance their technical clinical activity and research skills.

Modules studied • Introducing Medical Humanities • History, Heritage and Health Care • Social Sciences and Health Care • Literature, The Arts and Health Care • Philosophy, Religion and Health Care • Law and Health Care • Dissertation Who should take this programme? Doctors, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, health visitors, alternative practitioners, health service managers, community health service personnel and staff in the voluntary sector could all benefit from this course. All applications from those with a professional or personal interest in the humanities applied to medicine will be considered.

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

Applicants should hold either a relevant degree (usually of grade 2.2 or above) or a period of professional experience in a relevant field.

Applicants should hold either a relevant degree (usually of grade 2.2 or above) or a period of professional experience in a relevant field.

This course is studied on a part-time basis. Modules studied This programme has some compulsory and some optional modules. In the first year students will take compulsory modules only. In the second year students will choose two optional modules, plus a choice of research module. Compulsory modules • Research, Information and Knowledge Development • Clinical Supervision 1 (Orientation) • Clinical Portfolio 1A and Clinical Portfolio 1B • Clinical Decision Making • A research module chosen from Action Research, Qualitative Methods or Quantitative Methods • Dissertation or Clinical Portfolio Dissertation

Health Science


With programmes available for healthcare professionals, including nurses, midwives, doctors, managers and others, and opportunities for those who don’t currently work in the field of health, you could boost your career with the School of Health Science postgraduate opportunities.


Health Science

This course is endorsed by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. It is attended by a wide range of healthcare professionals, including speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, dieticians, occupational therapists, podiatrists, paramedics, midwives, nurses and nurse practitioners. Please note that this course is taught at our St David’s Park campus in Carmarthen.

Entry Requirements An appropriate degree (preferably 2.2 or above) or its equivalent and evidence of recent academic study is required. Applicants also need to be registered as first level healthcare professionals with possession of a good professional portfolio. Alternatively, applicants may have at least two years’ experience as a first level healthcare professional, with possession of a good professional portfolio. Please note that because of the clinical nature of this course, you will need to be working in clinical practice and the support of your manager is essential.

MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice – Infection Control Option This part-time postgraduate degree was developed in conjunction with the NHS. It is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the skills to lead innovative infection control practice. Learning, developing and enhancing infection control research and practice is key to this programme. Students will learn how to approach the subject critically, evaluating and promoting progressive practices and sound patient care in their workplace. Graduates of this programme will be motivated to strive for the highest standards of care for their patients and clients. This course is studied on a part-time basis. Modules studied • Clinical Portfolio 1a • Clinical Supervision

Who should take this programme? This course is aimed at qualified healthcare professionals who work with infection risks and communicable diseases, as well as those who would like to widen their knowledge and develop their practice in infection control and public health. Please note that this course is taught at our St David’s Park campus in Carmarthen.

Optional modules Students can opt for any combination of approved modules that total a minimum of 30 credits from the School of Health Science module catalogue.

Optional modules • Clinical Portfolio 1a and 1b • Health Education/Promotion • Health Psychology of Chronic Illness • Counselling & Communication Skills • Clinical Biomechanics • Pain Management • Exercise Therapy • Care and Management of Diabetes

Who should take this programme? This course is designed for experienced registered nurses. It will develop enhanced assessment, diagnostic and disease management skills, and the skills of independent prescribing.

Who should take this programme? This course is designed for all those involved in chronic condition management who want to extend their key skills or develop their careers within the field.

Please note that this course is taught at our St David’s Park campus in Carmarthen.

Chiropractors, clinical managers, dieticians, general practitioners, nurses, occupational therapists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, podiatrists and speech language therapists would all benefit from the programme.

• Clinical Portfolio 1a and 1b • Research, Information and Knowledge Development • Consultation Skills • Dissertation

Entry Requirements An appropriate degree or its equivalent (preferably 2.2 or above) and evidence of recent academic study is required. Applicants also need to be registered as first level healthcare professionals with possession of a good professional portfolio. Alternatively, applicants may have at least two years’ experience as a first level healthcare professional, with possession of a good professional portfolio. Please note that because of the clinical nature of this course, you will need to be working in clinical practice.

MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice – Nurse Practitioner Option The expansion and development of nursing practice that has led to increasing employment of nurse practitioners and advanced clinical nurses is one of the ways in which the Government’s plans for modernising the National Health Service (NHS) and improving the quality of health care and the health of the population is to be achieved. Nurse Practitioners are increasingly being seen as an important way to develop primary and acute care services that address not only the needs of patients but also manpower and skill mix workforce issues, and this has been reinforced by the introduction of Personal Medical Services and NHS Walk-in Centres where they are being widely utilised. The programme is currently an accredited RCN Nurse Practitioner award and meets this standard of Nurse Practitioner competency and practice at both PgDip and MSc level. In addition, the programme has been carefully mapped against the prospective Advanced Nurse Practitioner competencies of the Nursing and Midwifery Council. This course is studied on a part-time basis. Modules studied Compulsory modules • Clinical Supervision • Clinical Assessment Skills • Clinical Assessment Skills 2

Entry Requirements Students may be required to undertake prerequiste studies that could include the Foundations in Physiology module, the Pathology and Therapeutics module, a Foundations in Health Assessment Skills module, or others that the admission tutor may deem as suitable and relevant prior to formal commencement of the programme. This would be viewed as preclinical study and is required to provide an adequate knowledge base in human physiology, pathology and applied therapeutics and developing clinical diagnostics. This prerequisite study will also provide a mechanism of ensuring that students have adequate academic skills for Master’s level study and could be utilised in the acquisition of a first level degree.

MSc in Chronic Condition Management The National Service Framework for the management of long term conditions indicates that 20% of all acute hospital admissions and 350,000 people requiring daily care and rehabilitation are all in need of chronic condition management. With such a large demand for treatment, the need for education in this area is clear. People living with a chronic condition require specialist care and rehabilitation from a wide range of healthcare professionals, ranging from their GPs to physiotherapists. To ensure the most efficient service delivery and to optimise clinical efficacy, it is necessary for these clinicians to have specialist training to enhance their key clinical skills. This programme can be studied on a full-time or part-time basis. Modules studied Compulsory modules • Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology • Research, Information and Knowledge Development • Clinical Assessment & Management • Dissertation

Entry Requirements Applicants should possess either a degree or a professional qualification in a relevant field with clinical experience and responsibilities.

MSc in Community Health Studies: Specialist Practice Award: Community Nursing in the Home (District Nursing); Community Mental Health Nursing; Community Children’s Nursing Designed to prepare practitioners for working in a complex and dynamic community setting, this programme will produce community nurses with the knowledge, interpersonal skills and managerial capabilities to excel in the healthcare service. Community nurses taking this award will receive an NMC Specialist Practice Award. This programme can be studied on a full-time or part-time basis. Modules studied Students will complete a core module, and then go on to study the modules from their chosen pathway - Community Nursing in the Home, Community Mental Health Nursing, or Community Children’s Nursing. Students progressing to MSc level in each pathway will complete a dissertation module. Core module • Evidence-Based Decision Making in Community Nursing Community Nursing in the Home • Context of Nursing in the Home • Essential Skills for Nursing in the Home • Developing Specialist Nursing in the Home

Health Science

Who should take this programme? Healthcare professionals looking to move into leadership roles within the healthcare sector, or who wish to act as a consultant to other practitioners should apply to this programme, and also those who want to make sure that they are providing the most up to date and best patient focused therapy and care.

• Research, Information and Knowledge Development • Clinical Decision Making • Infection Control Theory • Infection Control Strategy, Policy and Practice • Clinical Portfolio 1b • Dissertation or Clinical Portfolio Dissertation


Optional modules • Philosophical Perspectives of Health Care • Clinical Supervision 2 (Practice) • Theories and Practices of Social Care • Organisation and Management in Health Care • Ethics and the Professional Health Carer • Health Policy and Ethics • Supplementary Prescribing



Health Science


Community Children’s Nursing Please note that the core module for this pathway is entitled: Context of CCN Practice • Essential Skills of CCN Practice • Developing Specialist CCN Practice

Modules studied Compulsory Modules • Managing Resources • Strategic Management in Health & Social Care • Leadership, Teamwork and Human Resource Management • Policies and Politics • Theory and Practice of Healthcare Research Evaluation • Management and Organisation Development • Dissertation

Who should take this programme? Registered nurses who wish to enhance and develop their skills in community nursing.

Entry Requirements All prospective candidates must be registered nurses who will have completed a minimum of one year in professional practice. Candidates should have established pre-registration outcomes and gained a deeper understanding of an area of practice. Applicants for Community Mental Health Nursing must be registered mental health nurses. Applicants for Children’s Community Nursing should be registered child nurses. Applicants should possess a minimum of 120 credits at Level 1 (Certificate), plus 120 credits at Level 2 (Diploma) including Research and Critical Appraisal at Level 2 or equivalent. Students with an initial degree will follow a Postgraduate Diploma route with the possibility of progressing to complete a Master’s degree.

This programme can be studied on a full-time or part-time basis.

Optional Modules In addition to the six compulsory modules, students will need a further 30 credit points to complete Part |. They may opt for two of our own optional modules, or another relevant module from the University judged as appropriate by the programme leader. • Foundations in Public Health & Primary Health • Health Economics • Quality and Management of Performance • International Perspectives on Health Care Systems Who should take this programme? People working in healthcare management, and health and social care, wishing to develop and update their practice and those interested in entering the healthcare sector in a management capacity, can all benefit from this programme.

This programme can be studied on a full-time or part-time basis. Modules studied • The Health Informatics Professional • Communication Systems • Data Quality and Secondary Uses • Information Systems and Technologies • Knowledge Management • Health Technologies and Telecare • Dissertation Who should take this programme? Recent graduates looking to work in a health informatics role, healthcare professionals or those working in a health-related service or industry would benefit from this programme.

Entry Requirements

Funding Applicants who are accepted onto the Postgraduate Diploma 42-week programme will be funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and will have both their fees and salary paid. Please note that to continue studying to receive the full Master’s Award and complete the dissertation module, students must be self- or employer-funded. MSc in Healthcare Management Designed to meet the management development needs of a modern healthcare system, this course is provided in a research-based environment that allows healthcare managers to develop and enhance their skills by teaching them to: • Plan and deliver service improvements • Work with others to achieve organisational goals • Optimise resources used • Manage and motivate change • Communicate effectively and be accountable for performance

Applicants should possess either a degree from a recognised university or awarding body, or equivalent qualifications, or have professional qualifications in a relevant field of work experience, or have at least two years’ relevant work experience.

MSc in Health Informatics Government policies, health circulars and European strategies have all made explicit reference to the need for healthcare staff with health informatics education and training to keep in line with new developments and the changing nature of new technology. This programme is designed for professionals who want to increase their knowledge of and skills in health informatics, to equip them for roles in the developing world of e-health. One of a kind in Wales, the programme uses the latest technologies and a strong focus on practical experience. Run by the award-winning Health Informatics and e-Learning Team in the School of Health Science, expertise in informatics, ICT, and e-learning are complemented by guest lecturers from Informing Healthcare, NHS Direct, the Welsh Assembly Government and more.

Designed for a wide range of people including nurses, midwives, medical staff, paramedics, practice and IT managers, this programme keeps ahead in this rapidly advancing field. Entry Requirements Applicants with two years of relevant employment are welcomed, as well as recent graduates of a relevant discipline with a degree of grade 2.2 or above, or an equivalent recognised qualification. You should have access to the Internet at home or your place of work and a basic understanding of IT (including Internet use and office software), although some training will be given throughout the course.

Funding Informing Healthcare (IHC) has bursaries available to help support NHS Wales employees who wish to study informatics. Many previous students on our MSc have benefited from a bursary in the past. Please contact IHC directly for more information (www.wales.nhs.uk/IHC).

MSc in Public Health and Health Promotion Designed to provide an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of health promotion and public health, this programme enables students to experience health promotion in practice, and gain theoretical knowledge and apply it to practice – facilitating both their personal and professional development. With an established working relationship between the programme leader and the Welsh Assembly Government and Wales Centre for Health, the programme develops students’ skills to provide others with health information and the support necessary to achieve change and to influence health policy at all levels. This programme is designed to meet the needs of health promotion practitioners at Level 5 and above and the developing public health agenda. The course is mapped to the National Occupational Standards for the Practice of Public Health and has been part of a 2007 project piloting the mapping of the new Public Health Career Framework competences. This programme can be studied on a full-time or part-time basis. Modules studied • Foundations in Health Promotion • Foundations in Research • Management & Leadership for Public Health Practice • Health Promotion in Practice • Research Development to Improve Health & Well-being • Developing Programmes and Evaluation • Partnership Working • Partnership, Public Health & Epidemiology • Dissertation

Health Science

This internationally recognised course was completely revised in 2006 to ensure it continues to meet the requirements of students, enhancing their employability, career and skills.


Community Mental Health Nursing • The Context of Community Mental Health Nursing Practice • Essential Skills in Community Mental Health Nursing • Developing Specialist Community Mental Health Nursing Practice


Health Science

Past students include sport and fitness workers, teachers, dental health workers, chiropodists, dieticians and physiotherapists, those working in the voluntary sector, the private sector and industry.

Entry Requirements Applicants with two years of relevant employment with evidence of educational/professional achievement are welcomed, as well as recent graduates of a relevant discipline with a degree of grade 2.2 or above, or an equivalent recognised qualification.

Professionals working in agencies concerned with identifying and developing public health interventions and collaborative strategies of care, such as Local Health Boards and other primary care organisations, Local Authorities, Social Services and housing departments, NHS Trusts, the National Public Health Service, voluntary organisations, housing associations and nongovernment offices, would all benefit from this programme. Individuals who have a demonstrable interest in developing a career in this field will also be considered. Primary healthcare workers, health visitors, community nurses, social workers, community development workers, voluntary sector staff, public health professionals and housing organisation staff could also enhance and develop their careers.

Entry Requirements MSc in Public Health and Partnerships in Care Focusing on public health and collaborative care, this programme addresses the demands of current policies, such as the need for effective leadership and management. Approaches to planning integrated and collaborative care in public health and communities are studied, with a focus on the social integration of disadvantaged groups into the main stream of community life and reducing inequalities in health and social status. The programme has been developed in line with National Occupational Standards for Practice of Public Health (Skills for Health, 2004) and each module addresses the requirements of one or more of the ten National Occupational Standards. Some of the modules make use of external professional involvement so that there is integration of theory and current practice.

Those with a degree (preferably 2.2 or above), or other equivalent qualifications acceptable to the University, and registered healthcare professionals, or those with two years’ experience in a position of responsibility in a health or social care field relevant to the course, are eligible to apply.

MSc in Public Health and Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Developed in response to the new standards for Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (NMC, 2004) for registration as a practitioner in a distinct area of nursing practice, this programme incorporates professional registration on Part ||| of the Nursing and Midwifery Council nursing register as well as the academic award. Preparing students for working in complex and varied settings including homes, schools and workplaces, students become knowledgeable practitioners with excellent interpersonal and managerial capabilities.

This programme can be studied on a full-time or part-time basis. Modules studied • Foundations in Public Health and Primary Care • Foundations in Research • Foundations in Social Care • Management and Leadership for Public Health Practice • Promoting Equality, Diversity and Ethical Practice • Community Development in Social Care • Partnership Working • Partnership, Public Health and Epidemiology • Dissertation

Identifying and fulfilling self-declared, recognised and unrecognised health needs of individuals and social groups, students discuss health inequalities and factors that contribute to health and well-being in the context of people’s lives and learn how different factors contribute to policies that affect health. This programme has two pathways from which students may choose – School Health Nursing and Health Visiting. Both pathways can be studied full-time, and there is a part-time study option available for School Health Nursing.

Modules studied Core modules for both pathways • Promoting Population Health & Well-being in Clinical Practice • Management & Leadership in SCPHN Practice • Public Health & Primary Health Care Practice • Principles of Research for Clinical Decision Making School Health Nursing • Public Health Skills for School Health Nurses when Working with Populations • Lifespan Development & Clinical Skills for the Public Health Specialist Role of the School Health Nurse • Partnership Working for Protecting Vulnerable Children & Families Health Visiting • Partnership Working for Protecting Vulnerable People in the Population • Lifespan Development & Clinical Skills for the Public Health Specialist Role of the Health Visitor • Public Health Skills for Health Visitors when Working with Communities Who should take this programme? Nurses or midwives on Part | or || of the NMC register should take this programme. Those in this group should also hold the appropriate academic achievements as outlined in the entry requirements.

Entry Requirements All applicants must be registered nurses or midwives (registrants on Part | or || of the NMC professional register) who will normally have a minimum of one year’s experience in professional practice, or experience of sufficient length to have consolidated pre-registration outcomes and to have gained a deeper understanding of an area of practice. Students entering with a relevant degree (at 2.2 or above) can follow a Postgraduate Diploma route with the possibility of progressing to complete a Master’s degree.

Research The Institute for Health Research With the creation of the Institute for Health Research (IHR) in 2004, research opportunities and experience in the School of Health Science have never been better. Strong links with healthcare services and research centres both nationally and internationally allow us to enhance the learning experience and stay at the forefront of our field. Our links with our academic colleagues in places including New Jersey, Minnesota, Adelaide, and Cape Town amongst others, and our representation on the All Wales Medicine Strategy Group to determine policies relating to medicine management within Wales, show our determined, innovative and experienced approach to healthcare research. The Four Professorial Units within the IHR • Nursing and Healthcare Practice • Philosophy, History and Law of Health Care • Health Services Research • Family and Midwifery Studies Breakthroughs The IHR has made significant strides in research in the year since its conception, with around 200 published papers, winning national and international acclaim. Funding has been secured from a number of prestigious sources, breakthroughs have been incorporated into national health guidelines and the number of students completing our PhD programme is increasing all the time. This success is due to the expertise of our staff team and the thriving, supportive research culture that they build in the Institute – allowing all students to develop their skills as expert researchers regardless of their previous experience.

Enquiries For more information on the IHR, please contact +44 (0)1792 518539 or ifhr@swansea.ac.uk or visit www.swansea.ac.uk/health_science/research

Funding The Postgraduate Diploma, a 52-week programme, is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, for gaining the qualification to register to practise as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. The Dissertation module to gain the Master’s Award is self- or employer-funded.

MPhil and PhD programmes With an active community of over 70 students currently working on part-time or full-time research degrees, excellent facilities to support research students and the Institute for Health Research’s strong commitment to interdisciplinary research, students benefit from a high quality research environment. The Programme Details The School of Health Science has an inclusive and supportive research environment for both staff and students. The research seminar programme allows students to gain a greater understanding of the wider field of research in the School

Health Science

Nurses, midwives and health visitors can improve their working health promotion skills, relating theory to practice. The programme allows for career development towards clinical specialism or teaching.

Who should take this programme? This programme is designed to meet the educational needs of professionals who provide interdisciplinary care in community settings, including those who work in the statutory and voluntary sectors.


Who should take this programme? The programme is suitable for a range of people with an interest in public health and health promotion. It can lead to career development for Health Promotion Officers, recent graduates of sport, fitness, education or health, and those in Social Services, project, youth and community work.



Health Science

The IHR’s links with research partners in Wales, the UK and internationally, provides a range of opportunities for our students to engage in a global research community.

International Students English Language Skills Candidates whose first language is not English, and would like to study at the School of Health Science are expected to pass one of the following English Language tests: • IELTS test – a minimum of grade 6.5 • TOEFL test score – a minimum of 570/230 The University provides full-time English Language courses all year round for students who need to improve their English before commencing studies.

Who should take this programme? Many applicants take up these programmes with the hope of pursuing research-focused or academic careers in the health sciences, or for development and recognition of their skills in their chosen professional career. Current students span a variety of health and social care disciplines including nursing, midwifery, health economics, biosciences, health and social policy, social care practice, the voluntary and charity sectors, academia and healthcare management. Those applying for either the MPhil or PhD should have a research topic in mind that complements the activities of the IHR. Previous research students have been supported by grants awarded from governments, charities, and the NHS.

Entry Requirements Applicants to the MPhil should possess either an honours degree in a subject related to the chosen specialty which is being applied for (usually at least a 2.2), or an approved and relevant postgraduate qualification. Applicants to the PhD should possess a Master’s degree or a good honours degree in a related subject to the chosen specialty which is being applied for (usually at least 2.1). Minimum candidature periods: PhD – Full-time 3 years; Part-time 6 years MPhil – Full-time 1 year; Part-time 2 years

Financial Support Funding opportunities may be available through funded Institute for Health Research projects, and some School of Health Science taught masters are funded by the Welsh Assembly Government. Students may also wish to apply for University studentships, scholarships or bursaries. Previous research students have been supported by grants awarded from governments, charities, and the NHS. Enquiries School of Health Science Admissions Office Tel: +44 (0)1792 518531 Email: shsadmissions@swansea.ac.uk

Academic/research staff Administrative staff Postgraduates 2001 RAE rating

207 45 546 3b

Taught courses MA in Ethics of Health Care MA in Health Care Law and Ethics MA in Medical Humanities MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice – Multidisciplinary Option MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice – Infection Control Option MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice – Nurse Practitioner Option MSc in Chronic Condition Management MSc in Community Health Studies: Specialist Practice Award – Nursing in the Home (District Nursing), Community Mental Health Nursing, Community Children’s Nursing MSc in Health Care Management MSc in Health Informatics MSc in Public Health and Health Promotion MSc in Public Health and Partnerships in Care MSc in Public Health and Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Research opportunities MPhil/PhD Professors Anne Borsay BScEcon, MLitt, PhD Steven Edwards RMN, BA, MPhil, PhD David Hughes BA, MA, PhD Billie Hunter BNurs, RM, RN, HV, PGCE, PhD Joy Merrell BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, RGN, RHV, RNT, HV Tut Cert Ceri Phillips BScEcon, MScEcon, PhD Gary Rolfe PhD, MA, BSc, RMN, PGCEA Melanie Jasper BNurs, BA, RHV, RN, RM, MSc, PGCEA, PhD Lesley Griffiths BScEcon (Hons), PhD

History, within the School of Humanities, is a leading centre for the study of the subject. In 1999, the Times Higher Education Supplement listed Swansea as one of the top twenty UK institutions in which to study History. The University Library has extensive holdings in medieval and modern history. It possesses electronic resources such as Early English Books Online and Eighteenth-Century Collections Online. Use can be made of the National Library of Wales at Aberystwyth.


The Research Student Support Group provides a forum through which students can participate in a peer support network to share their ideas. Support is also available from the Postgraduate Research Faculty and other University services, including the excellent library and information facilities.



and start to form links with experienced colleagues in their own field, whilst research methodology groups provide an opportunity to refine their skills and gain advice from experienced researchers from the IHR.




The University is also a centre for American Studies, Medieval Studies and Russian Studies, and appropriate library collections have been built up. Computer and language courses and facilities are available. The School of Humanities has invested heavily in a suite of postgraduate facilities, including computer provision, which History students are able to use.

MA in Modern Celtic Studies This MA is intended for those who particularly want to study the history, literature, culture, and politics of the Celtic countries, and draws on expertise across the School of Humanities and the School of Arts. Optional modules available include Sport and Identity in Britain's Celtic Fringe, Celtic Borders, Celtic Frontiers, and Empire and Enlightenment: Scottish Society and the Making of Modern Britain. MA in Modern History Students wishing to specialise in the study of modern history can select their optional modules from a range offered by our eight historians of the modern world, including Globalizing the Victorians and Stalin's Russia, Stalin's Russians. As with our other MAs, students may also choose to develop language skills appropriate to their field of study.

Taught Courses The following MA schemes are available to both full-time and part-time students. Part I typically involves two core modules intended to develop the student's research skills and historiographical understanding, three optional modules, and supervised preparation for the dissertation in the form of a 'research folder'. The dissertation, a piece of original scholarly work on a topic chosen by the student of up to 20,000 words, is the culmination of the MA and forms Part II of the degree. MA in Early Modern History Students seeking to specialise in early modern history may choose from a range of modules offered by our nine early modernists, including From Vesuvius to Snowdon: The Evolution of Travel, Curiosity and Aesthetics and Science, Magic and Religion in Early Modern Europe. Students may also opt to develop their skills in an appropriate language. MA in Maritime and Imperial History In addition to a core module exploring Themes and Concepts in Maritime and Imperial History, students pursuing this new MA will undertake a group project. The range of optional modules offered by our nine specialists includes The Maritime Worlds of the East India Company, Swansea and the Sea, and Globalizing the Victorians. MA in Medieval Studies A joint enterprise by the School of Arts and the School of Humanities, the new MA in Medieval Studies will allow students choosing to specialise in this period to combine the study of medieval history, literature and language. Optional modules in medieval history available to students on the scheme include England's Elite: Power, Culture & Gender in Late Medieval Britain and Good and Bad Government in Late Medieval Italy. Students who do not proceed to Part II of the

MA in History The MA in History is available to students who do not wish to specialise in any particular period or field. Students may choose their optional modules from those provided to students of the other MA schemes.

Research MPhil and PhD degrees are available for either part-time or full-time study. Current research interests within the Department include: Medieval History • Norman and Angevin England and Wales • The Mediterranean world, especially the Crusades and the Italian Renaissance • Late medieval England and Wales, especially the gentry, religious belief and practice, education, literacy and readership, and urban history • Medieval ‘frontier’ society in the Anglo-Welsh Borderlands • Gender and the life cycle in late medieval Europe • The history of late medieval Italian society, especially lordships and art works Early Modern History • Most aspects of British history between 1500 and 1800, especially religious, scientific, cultural and gender history • The history of health, medicine and disability in early modern Britain • The Portuguese Empire • The Reformation and Counter-Reformation • Science, intellectual life, collecting and museums in early modern Europe • The social history of early modern sex and marriage • Crime and witchcraft • The Enlightenment, republicanism and international relations in the eighteenth century

Modern History • Most aspects of Welsh history, especially industrial society • The cultural, intellectual and urban history of nineteenthcentury and twentieth-century Britain • Modern International History • The United States since 1750, in particular slavery, the South and the Civil War • The economic and imperial history of Britain in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries • Emigration and urbanisation in the British Isles between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries • The cultural history of Victorian Britain, including theatre and popular entertainment • The political history of the UK since 1800 • Modern and contemporary Russian social history, especially medicine and gender • Austrian, German and Central European history, especially in the fields of urban, labour and post-1945 history • Modern Economic History • Quantitative aspects of British economic growth from the sixteenth to the twenty-first centuries • Demographic history • Anti-capitalist and socialist political economy Historians play an important role in University research centres such as the Callaghan Centre for the Study of Conflict and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Research. History has a strong publications record, all staff are research-active, and many are prominent in UK learned societies and advisory bodies.

Financial Support Bursaries towards the cost of tuition fees for MA students are offered by Swansea University and by History. Other sources of funding include the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Wellcome Trust and Local Education Authorities (e.g. West Glamorgan Further Education Trust Fund, Welsh Assembly Government Learning Grants, Post-Compulsory Education Awards, Thomas and Elizabeth Williams Scholarships).

International students Overseas Research Studentships are offered by the University for students from outside the European Union to assist with tuition fees for postgraduate research.

Entry Requirements For UK applicants: a first- or second-class (first division) degree in History or a related subject. Equivalent qualifications are acceptable from EU and overseas applicants.

Academic/research staff




[30 MA and 28 Postgraduate Research]

2001 RAE rating Taught courses MA in History MA in Early Modern History MA in Modern History MA in Modern Celtic Studies MA in Medieval Studies MA in Maritime and Imperial History Research opportunities MPhil/PhD Professors J France BA PhD FRHistS J Spurr MA DPhil FRHistS N W Thompson MA MSc PhD C Williams BA PhD FRHistS H V Bowen BA PhD FRHistS D J Power MA PhD FRHistS

Enquiries Dr David Turner, Director of Postgraduate Studies Tel: +44 (0)1792 295980 Fax: +44 (0)1792 295746 Email: d.m.turner@swansea.ac.uk



The South Wales Miners’ Library, which is managed by the University, houses important printed and audio-visual aids for research into south Wales’ industrial history.

MA in Medieval Studies may graduate with a Postgraduate Diploma in Medieval Studies. A Postgraduate Certificate in Medieval Studies is available to students who complete one semester of study.


There are collections of local, municipal, industrial and political records in the University Library, the City and County of Swansea Archives, the Royal Institution of South Wales, and the record offices at Cardiff and Carmarthen. The Department also has close links with the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea with its major collection of exhibits in Welsh maritime and industrial history.



Human Sciences


Much of our research is interdisciplinary, and encompasses a wide range of research clusters. These include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Applied criminal justice and criminology Youth justice Young people and social inclusion Child welfare and childhood studies Gerontology Community care and welfare policy Health, health needs and health policy Policy-making and policy processes Politics, citizenship and social rights Social policy, service provision and service users Social Work

We encourage all our students to take advantage of this active research involvement to enhance their own scholarship and learning.

Taught Courses MA in Applied Criminal Justice and Criminology This Master’s degree is a one-year full-time (or two years, parttime) modular degree focused on the application of knowledge to the operation of the criminal justice system. The programme offers a wide range of modules, which allows students to develop particular areas of interest, including two compulsory modules: understanding crime, and responding to crime; plus optional modules: crime, drugs and alcohol; gender and crime; young offenders and youth justice; crimes of the powerful; prisons – past, present and future; crime, mental illness and dangerousness; criminal justice, policy and practice (supervising offenders in the community); the criminal justice process. Students also complete a supervised dissertation on a relevant, agreed topic of their own choosing. MSc in Social Research Staff in the Department of Applied Social Sciences contribute to this course, which is organised within the School of the Environment and Society. The course, which has been granted research training status by the Economic and Social Research Council, is a one-year full-time (or two years, part-time)

modular taught degree, providing advanced training in the range of research methods used in the social sciences. Common modules develop practical research skills, methodological expertise, familiarity with examples of good practice in contemporary research and knowledge of theoretical issues relevant across the spectrum of social science disciplines. Elective modules and a dissertation provide for specialisation. MSc in Ageing Studies The MSc in Ageing Studies comprise of six modules (120 credits) and a dissertation (60 credits). Four compulsory modules cover the context of population ageing; explore theoretical perspectives on ageing and critically examine policy and practice initiatives; deal with issues in relation to health; and consider the types of research methods that can be adopted in conducting ageing research. Optional modules allow students to study particular topics in greater depth. Each module provides the opportunity to examine cutting edge debates and issues on ageing in a global context.

Research Opportunities MPhil/PhD in Applied Social Sciences MPhil and PhD degrees are available (full-time and part-time) by supervised research in the broad areas of child welfare, criminology and criminal justice, ageing studies and social policy and social work. Both degrees are awarded by thesis or dissertation only.

Financial Support Home students are eligible to apply for Swansea University studentships/fees-only bursaries. Research projects may also provide job opportunities for research students. Overseas students may apply for Overseas Research Studentships: the competition runs from January to April each year. In addition, a limited number of international studentships are available from the University. Commonwealth students can apply for a Callaghan studentship.




2001 RAE rating 5A Taught courses MA in Applied Criminal Justice and Criminology MSc in Social Research MSc in Ageing Studies Research opportunities MPhil/PhD Professors V Burholt BSc PhD M Colton Dip ASS DPhil AcSS CQSW P Huxley BA Dip PSW CQSW MSc PhD J Phillips BA Dip Soc Sci MSc CQSW PhD

All research students (unless exempted from some or all of the modules) follow an ESRC-approved research training programme composed of taught modules shared with the MSc Social Research. PhD students are expected to take six modules, whilst MPhil students take three modules. However, MPhil students who upgrade to a PhD are expected to take another three modules. There will also be opportunities to attend occasional research seminars. In addition, students undertaking PhD degrees in Criminology or Social Work may be eligible to apply to the ESRC for support.

Academic/Research Staff

P Raynor MA BPhil PhD CQSW The School of Human Sciences was awarded a grade of 5A in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise, indicating that all staff members are active in research of national or international standing.

Entry Requirements MPhil/PhD: a good social science degree normally required. Taught MA and MSc degrees: normally require a good first degree. Candidates without a degree may be admitted on the basis of relevant experience, and may be required to attend an interview with the Admissions Tutor.

Enquiries Mrs Maria Davis (MPhil/PhD and MA courses) Tel: +44 (0)1792 295309 Email: a.m.davis@swansea.ac.uk

Human Sciences


The School includes Psychology and the Sports and Exercise Science Research Centre and staff are active in research across a broad range of interests. Four specialist centres of excellence have been established – the Centre for Child Research, the Centre for Criminal Justice and Criminology, the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Ageing, and the Centre for Social Work and Social Carework Research - to promote research activities in these areas.


Languages, Linguistics and Translation


Postgraduates have access to a computer-based language laboratory, a satellite TV and video editing lab, an advanced Translation and Media computing lab and a more specialised Translation Research facility housing the latest digitisation, corpus analysis and computer-assisted translation tools. We have extensive library holdings and subscribe to many journals and newspapers. We maintain a large collection of audio-visual materials, available for loan or for viewing in our video room. All research students are provided with a networked PC and workspace in one of our dedicated research student rooms. We organise a biennial Colloquium at the University of Wales Conference Centre at Gregynog, a selection of papers from which is published in the international journal Romance Studies, edited from Swansea. Postgraduates are encouraged to offer papers at Gregynog and other conferences in the UK and abroad, and support funding for travel and subsistence is available. The International Colloquium in 2007 was devoted to cultural and literary translation; and two forthcoming issues of the journal will focus on related themes. A programme of distinguished guest speakers and regular research seminars in Swansea is also organised.

Taught Courses Opportunities for bursaries exist on these courses. For information on support funding, see the postgraduate pages of the University’s website at: www.swansea.ac.uk/postgraduate MA in Translation with Language Technology Language pairs offered: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Welsh into English; English into Chinese and Welsh (students normally study one or two language pairs). Professional translators today need to be more computer literate than ever before. Whether you plan to work in an international organisation such as the European Union, a large national or multinational company, or a translation bureau, or alternatively to set up in business as a freelance translator working from home, being an excellent specialist linguist is no longer enough. Translators are increasingly expected to use the powerful software tools (particularly terminology management and translation memory systems) developed in recent years to enhance the speed, efficiency and consistency of the commercial translation process. By combining advanced translation work in administrative and technical domains with in-depth language technology training, this vocational Master’s programme provides graduates with the skills and experience to become immediately productive in

a modern professional environment, and puts them in a strong position to compete for work in the expanding worldwide language services industry. Programme Highlights Part I: (120 credits/60 ECTS, two semesters) • Emphasis on journalistic, administrative and technical translation • Pre-sessional English course available to non-native speakers • Solid grounding in the historical aspects and theoretical principles of translation • Advanced Language Technology training: professional word-processing, Web research and concordancing, Systran and web-based Machine Translation systems, computerised terminology management using SDL Multiterm and Star Termstar, translation memory systems including Atril Déjà-Vu, SDL TRADOS, Star Transit and Wordfast; software localisation using SDL Passolo and Alchemy Catalyst. • Option to study another language at beginner or intermediate level (includes French [intermediate only], German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Welsh and Catalan) • Wide range of other options in linguistics, language technology, translation studies, terminology management • Optional ‘Skills lab’ module (simulated translation company with real world assignments) Part II: (60 credits/30 ECTS) • Choice of academic dissertation (ideal preparation for PhD research) or two Extended Translations (simulated professional projects using language technology tools) Programme available part-time over two years to Home/EU students. It is also possible to undertake Part | of the programme and qualify for a Postgraduate Diploma in Translation with Language Technology.

Postgraduate Certificate in Translation Technology This programme, new in 2008/09, is designed to offer a flexible cost-effective way for practising translators to update and validate their skills in Computer-Assisted Translation. Students take 60 credits (30 ECTS) of modules from the MA in Translation with Language Technology (MATLT) over two semesters, in either one year (full-time) or two years (parttime). The compulsory element consists of 40 credits (20 ECTS) of Language Technology (as above). Software covered includes Déjà-Vu (as used by the National Assembly and local government in Wales); assessment is by practical group translation/localisation project and the opportunity is offered to take SDL Trados Certification tests free of charge. 20 credits (10 ECTS) of options are also chosen from MATLT or another appropriate MA (e.g. the Computer-Assisted

Language Learning module from the MA in TEFL). All tuition takes place during working hours and fees are pro-rata to the standard MA fee.

Enquiries Professor Andrew Rothwell Tel: +44 (0)1792 295967 Email: a.j.rothwell@swansea.ac.uk MA in Literary Translation Language pairs offered: English with Catalan, French, German, Spanish or Welsh. This well-established programme is designed to offer both an independent scheme of study for advanced linguists and a practical and theoretical training for

Languages, Linguistics and Translation


Modern Languages at Swansea incorporates the academic areas of French, German, Hispanic Studies, Italian, Welsh and Translation.


Languages, Linguistics and Translation

Enquiries Dr Lloyd Davies Tel: +44 (0)1792 602005 or 295968 Email: l.h.davies@swansea.ac.uk MA in European Stage and Screen If you have a degree in Modern Languages, Theatre, Drama, Film or Cultural Studies, this new MA programme will give you a good grounding in research and study skills and a unique opportunity to develop your interests in European Stage and Screen Studies. Programme Highlights • Training in Research and Study Skills • The modular programme includes the following: Points of View: Reviewing and Interviewing; Conflict, Politics and Propaganda in European Theatre; Images of Women in European Theatre; Projected Cities: The European Metropolis; Adaptations on European Screen; Border Exchanges: Cinematic Dialogues with the World; Screenwriting Enquiries Dr Elaine Canning, Department of Modern Languages Tel: +44 (0)1792 513025 Email: e.canning@swansea.ac.uk MA yn y Gymraeg Ym maes llenyddiaeth Gymraeg a beirniadaeth lenyddol y mae prif arbenigedd ymchwil Adran y Gymraeg. Mae’r cynllun MA modiwlaidd yn adlewyrchu hynny ac yn rhoi cyfle i chi astudio meysydd a chyfnodau mewn mwy o ddyfnder nag a wnaed ar gyfer gradd gyntaf, a hynny dan gyfarwyddyd staff sy’n ymchwilio ac yn cyhoeddi yn y maes. Yn yr Adran, er enghraifft, y lleolwyd y prosiect uchelgeisiol i lunio golygiad newydd o waith Dafydd ap Gwilym ac a fydd yn arwain nid yn unig at olygiad traddodiadol rhwng cloriau ond hefyd at

• Modiwlau gorfodol ar sgiliau ymchwil a theori beirniadaeth • Modiwlau dewisol ar Ryddiaith a Barddoniaeth yr Oesoedd Canol, yr Anterliwt, y Diwygiad Methodistaidd, Beirniaid Llenyddol, Arddulleg, a Blodeugerddi’r 20fed Ganrif • Darlithoedd/seminarau wythnosol • Asesu trwy draethodau neu waith cwrs • Traethawd hir (hyd at 20,000 o eiriau Enquiries Dr A Cynfael Lake Tel: +44 (0)1792 295193 Email: a.c.lake@abertawe.ac.uk


• Literary Translation, Translation Theory (including non-Western), History of Translation, Comparative Translation Studies • Corpus-based Translation Analysis: Using concordance and translation memory software to compare literary or non-literary translations into or from English • Translation and the Lexicon: contrastive analysis of vocabulary and word formation mechanisms in the mental lexicon and the way they are used in translation • Computer-based Lexicography and Terminography. Principles and practice of constructing electronic dictionaries and terminology databases from corpora, with implications for Machine Translation, Computer-Assisted Translation, etc. • Translation Processes: Psycholinguistics of translation, translation workflows • Comparative translation software analysis Enquiries Professor Andrew Rothwell Department of Modern Languages Tel: +44 (0)1792 295967 Email: a.j.rothwell@swansea.ac.uk

MPhil/PhD The School is willing to consider applications for research degrees in the very wide range of areas in which its staff are expert. Suggestions for individual research projects at departmental or inter-departmental level are welcomed. There are flourishing research groups in Modern European Literatures and Cultures, Modern European Ideologies, Conflict and Memory, Translation, Applied Linguistics and Language Technology, in which postgraduate students play a leading role.

Literatures and Cultures The School of Arts houses a number of established and new Research Centres and Groups with a literary and/or cultural focus in Modern Languages, all of which invite MPhil and PhD applications. (A summary of other areas in which Modern Languages research supervision is offered can be found below). Languages also contribute to the work of Research Centres based elsewhere in the School, and interdisciplinary proposals in these areas are also welcomed.

PhD Programme in Translation The School of Arts has many translation specialists and published translators on its staff and a lively community of research postgraduates working on translation-related projects in different languages. Please see: www.swansea.ac.uk/arts

German Contemporary German Literature: the Department of German at Swansea achieved a 5A rating in the last two national Research Assessment Exercises; we were also rated ‘Excellent’ in the last national Teaching Quality Assessment. On the basis of these and other criteria, The Times ‘Good University Guide’ has consistently placed us in the national top ten for German. Facilities exist for supervision in any period of German literature since the eighteenth century, although the main research strength of the Department lies in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, in particular in contemporary literature. The main focus for this area of research activity is the Centre for Contemporary German Literature, founded in 1993 and located within the Department. A German-speaking writer and academic are invited by the Centre to spend a period of some weeks in Swansea each academic year. The University Library is of very high quality, with particularly rich holdings in post-1945 literature of the German-speaking world.

The TRAM (Translation Research and Multilingualism) research group invites distinguished external specialists to give papers at its regular seminar series and research students offer annual ‘work in progress’ presentations in a supportive environment to fellow students and staff. Thorough training in research techniques is provided and all students are given an annual allowance for conference attendance, research travel, etc., as well as their own up-to-date workstation facilities. Staff are always happy to discuss research ideas with potential applicants, by email, telephone or in person. Applications to pursue full-time or part-time research towards a PhD in any of the following areas and relating to any of the languages taught in the School (including Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Welsh) are particularly welcome:

Both the PhD and MPhil schemes involve attendance at regular supervisions and the regular departmental research seminar, at which papers are given by members of staff, visiting writers and academics, and postgraduate research

students. Potential areas of supervision for PhD and MPhil study include: • The German-language Modernist novel, particularly Broch, Kafka, Thomas Mann and Musil. German literature and National Socialism • The beginnings of post-war literature, particularly Andersch, Richter and Koeppen • Literature of the 1950s, literature and the Student Movement, Grass, Walser. The Holocaust in post-1945 literature • Contemporary women’s writing. Turkish-German writing. Contemporary German-Jewish writing. Gender Studies and German. German writing from Eastern and Central Europe Enquiries Dr Brigid Haines Department of Modern Languages Tel: +44 (0)1792 295170 Email: b.haines@swansea.ac.uk Comparative Literature Comparative Literature is a well-established area of research interest. One significant example is the collaboration between the internationally recognised Centre for Research into the English Literature and Language of Wales (CREW) and other research programmes (including Welsh Literature, American Literature and Scottish and Irish Studies) across the School. These initiatives have attracted prestigious AHRC funding for online scholarly editions and bibliographies, and have underpinned important publishing ventures such as the English Language HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Wales. Staff involved in the work of CREW, and the wider field of comparative literature, have attracted major scholarly distinctions that include one Fellow of the British Academy (FBA), and have organised such important scholarly events as the triennial international Conference of the British Comparative Literature Association. A cognate activity was the major multi-institutional research programme on Transnational Communities/Diasporic Cultures (of which the Department of German was a coordinator) funded by the ESRC as part of the Axial Writing project. Enquiries Professor M Wynn Thomas Department of English Tel: +44 (0)1792 295306 Email: m.w.thomas@swansea.ac.uk

Languages, Linguistics and Translation

Programme Highlights • Work in either one or two languages, plus English • Balance of theory and practical translation modules • All students take modules in Translation Theory, History of Translation and complete either a dissertation or Extended Translations • Optional modules are chosen from Critical Theory, Literature and Culture

safle ar y we a fydd yn cynnwys ymhlith pethau eraill nodiadau, aralleiriadau, delweddau o lawysgrifau a darlleniadau. Os yw eich bryd ar fynd ymlaen i wneud ymchwil bellach ar gyfer doethuriaeth, dyma gynllun delfrydol ar eich cyfer gan fod ei bwyslais ar feithrin sgiliau ymchwil sy’n ateb gofynion y corff ariannu perthnasol. Dyma rai o nodweddion amlycaf y rhaglen:


those wishing to pursue a career in literary translation. It is also suitable for practising translators who do not yet have but wish to gain formal qualifications. If you have a single or joint honours degree in Modern Languages, if you are an EU student who has studied English or Translation Studies, or if you are simply keen to study further, this flexible programme will give you a unique opportunity to develop your interests, and will also qualify you to proceed to doctoral study in translation or literary studies.



Languages, Linguistics and Translation

Dr Rob Stone Tel: +44 (0)1792 602069 Email: r.a.stone@swansea.ac.uk MA in Screening Europe Dr Owen Evans Tel: +44 (0)1792 602338 Email: o.evans@swansea.ac.uk MA in European Stage & Screen Dr Elaine Canning Tel: +44 (0)1792 513025 Email: e.canning@swansea.ac.uk

MEICAM (Modern European Ideologies, Conflict and Memory) is a collaborative research group which draws together research on the history and representation of politics and conflict in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Current areas of interest include memory in literature and film, and censorship and repression under fascist regimes. The group hosts a regular programme of visiting speakers, and hosted a major international conference in 2007 on Constructions of Conflict. MEICAM collaborates with the University’s Callaghan Centre for the Study of Conflict, and is affiliated to the Group for War and Culture Studies (GWACS), a national research group which publishes the Journal of War and Culture Studies. Enquiries Professor Nicola Cooper Tel: +44 (0)1792 513514 Email: n.cooper@swansea.ac.uk Dr Jonathan Dunnage Tel: +44 (0)1792 205678 Email: j.dunnage@swansea.ac.uk

A new MA programme in Latin American Studies will be launched in September 2009. Enquiries Dr Lloyd Davies Tel: +44 (0)1792 205678 ext 4842

GENCAS (Centre for Research into Gender and Culture) Several members of Modern Languages staff are involved in the activities of GENCAS (see main entry under English), including teaching on the MA in Gender and Culture and contributing to the regular seminar series. Enquiries Dr Sarah Gamble Tel: +44 (0)1792 295926 Email: s.gamble@swansea.ac.uk

Languages, Linguistics and Translation

Enquiries CRISS Dr Elaine Canning Tel: +44 (0)1792 513025 Email: e.canning@swansea.ac.uk

CLASS (Centre for Latin American Studies) CLASS was formally constituted in 2007. The study of Latin America constitutes a wide-ranging subject of investigation replete with interdisciplinary research potential. The Centre will provide a forum whose initial focus will be on the interrelated themes of Gender, Space and Identity. The Centre will be dedicated to advancing theoretically-informed understanding of Latin American realities through the analysis of diverse cultural formations, including visual media. A research seminar series will be introduced in September 2008.


CRISS (The Centre for Research into Iberian Stage and Screen) CRISS is a newly developed research centre co-directed by Dr Rob Stone (Media and Communication Studies) and Dr Elaine Canning (Hispanic Studies) and includes associate members from the UK, Ireland and the US. CRISS' current research strategy is based on a three-year project to run from 2007/10, which includes a co-written book by Stone and Canning entitled Altared Images: The Subversion of Catholic Iconography in Iberian Theatre and Film and an international conference in Swansea in 2010 entitled ‘The Sacred and the Profane: Religion and the Arts in Europe’.



Languages, Linguistics and Translation

Welsh • Middle Welsh Prose: Aspects of the style and structure of traditional tales, questions relating to the background of non-fictional prose; textual studies • The Laws of Hywel Dda: Textual and comparative studies • The Literature of the Valleys: Individual authors and significant themes • Welsh Drama: Particularly eighteenth-century interludes and modern drama • Literary criticism and modern Welsh literature • Eisteddfod Culture • Popular literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries • The literary renaissance of the eighteenth century

Hispanic Studies Spain • Golden-age literature • Nineteenth- and twentieth-century poetry • Twentieth-century Spanish theatre • Catalan poetry • Catalan theatre • Contemporary Spanish film • National and regional identity in post-Franco Spain • Literary translation Spanish America • Twentieth-century prose and poetry • Women’s writing and gender; feminist theory • The economic history of Spanish America, particularly of Chile • Contemporary Spanish American film • Spanish American nation building • Twentieth-century Argentine literature and culture • Twentieth-century Chilean literature and culture • Twentieth-century Mexican literature and culture • The formation of the twentieth-century Mexican literary canon • Chicano/a and Mexico-US border studies

Italian • Twentieth-century history • Nineteenth- and twentieth-century narrative • Cinema and theatre • Cultural studies French • Medieval Literature, especially women writers (the French Department also houses the externally-funded Anglo-Norman Online Hub project has a large resource of digitised medieval texts, linked to the Anglo-Norman Dictionary) • Eighteenth-century drama, fiction and literary ideas (including Théâtre de la foire, the plays of Marivaux, Diderot) • Nineteenth- and twentieth-century novelists (Balzac, Zola, Proust) • Women’s writing and Gender (Simone de Beauvoir, Marguerite Duras, Françoise Sagan, Feminist approaches to literature) • Drama of the twentieth century • Politics and literature (eighteenth,nineteenth and twentieth centuries) • Politics and religion • Area Studies (history of social and political ideas, propaganda and literary discourse) • Colonialism, postcolonialism, Algeria, Indochina, Francophone Africa • War and Culture studies

The School of Law provides high quality, professional teaching in a friendly and supportive environment and offers its students first class modern facilities, and a dedicated Law library. The School is research-led and recognised by the Quality Assurance Agency as providing teaching excellence in Law. Research in the School attains levels of international excellence and is at the cutting edge of developments in Law.

Academic/research staff




Taught courses – Translation MA in Translation with Language Technology Postgraduate Certificate in Translation Technology MA Literary Translation Taught courses – Literatures and Cultures MA Comparative Literature MA Gender and Culture (based in department of English) MA yn y Gymraeg MA Modernisms (based in department of English) Research opportunities MPhil/PhD by research Distance PhD programme in Applied Linguistics Full-time PhD

Law postgraduate programmes require commitment to study throughout one calendar year. Students are given the opportunity to develop a number of important skills which are not only essential to those wishing to become lawyers but are valuable, transferable skills in themselves in other employment contexts. The School offers its postgraduate students dedicated resources, which include IT facilities and teaching rooms. Students are fully supported by the School’s dedicated Law Librarian, with the Law Library holding an extensive selection of legal materials and online services such as Lexis and Westlaw. Students are encouraged to make full use of the facilities offered by the Postgraduate Research Faculty and, in particular, to take advantage of training sessions run by the Faculty, such as legal research methods.

Taught Courses The range of LLM degrees offered by the School of Law gives students the advantage of choice and specialism. Students are able to gain an in-depth knowledge in International Maritime Law, International Commercial Law, International Trade Law. Students wishing to combine any of these disciplines can do so through our LLM in International Commercial and Maritime Law. Following their studies at Swansea, the majority of our graduates obtain prominent positions of employment within the legal profession, shipping industry, financial and banking sectors and academia. The School also offers new taught master’s programmes, focusing on the concept of globalisation and its impact on law and various legal orders. The global economy is the powerful driving force for the more general globalisation of all sectors of law. The LLM in Law and Globalisation deals with the emerging global economic and commercial law,


German • Ballads and popular culture from the seventeenth century to the present day. Romanticism, particularly Hoffmann • Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century women's writing, translation and reception studies • Nineteenth-century realism, particularly Stifter and Fontane. Nietzsche. German and Austrian society and literature from Naturalism to Expressionism, particularly Andreas-Salomé, Benn, Einstein, Kaiser, Schnitzler and Sternheim • Anglo-German literary relations



Other MPhil/PhD Opportunities in Literary, Cultural and Area Studies




The School’s Department of Professional Legal Studies offers a first class professional legal education, notably the Legal Practice Course (LPC) for law graduates wishing to enter the legal profession. Students undertaking the LPC are also offered the opportunity to complete, within the same year, the unique LLM in Legal Practice and Advanced Drafting, developed to respond to the increasing need for high quality legal drafting, where exciting career opportunities exist. The Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) is a conversion course for non-law graduates considering a career in law. Successful completion of the GDL leads on to the LPC and to completion of the vocational stage of academic training before entry into the legal profession as a trainee solicitor. LLM in International Maritime Law Students may choose four modules from: • Admiralty Law • Marine Insurance • Charterparties and Carriage of Goods by Sea • Marine Cargo Claims • Law of the Sea - International and Regional Perspectives • International Trade Law • E-Commerce • International Litigation and Arbitration Outline descriptions of the modules taught are to be found in the School’s postgraduate brochure. The list of modules outlined above will be offered in any academic year subject to student demand and school resources. LLM in International Commercial Law Students may choose four modules from: • Transnational Asset Finance and Security Law • International Economic Law • European and International Intellectual Property Law • Law, Globalisation and Commerce • European Competition Law • World Trade Law • E-Commerce • International Litigation and Arbitration • Law and Practice in relation to International Banking and Commercial Payments

LLM in International Trade Law Students may choose four modules from: • International Trade Law • Law and Practice in relation to International Banking and Commercial Payments • International Economic Law • World Trade Law • Marine Insurance • Charterparties and Carriage of Goods by Sea • E-Commerce • International Litigation and Arbitration Outline descriptions of the modules taught are to be found in the School’s postgraduate brochure. The list of modules outlined above will be offered in any academic year subject to student demand and school resources. LLM in International Commercial and Maritime Law Students may choose four modules from the three specialist module lists (at least one Maritime and one Commercial module must be selected). LLM in Law and Globalisation Students may choose four modules from: • Law, Globalisation and Commerce • World Trade Law • Global Investment Regime • Global Intellectual Property Law and Policy • Global Protection of Natural Resources and the Environment • Law of the Sea - International and Regional Perspectives • Global Protection of Human Rights • Global Energy Law and Policy • Multilevel Criminal Justice in a Global Society MA in Global Orders and Law • Global Legal Orders: An Interdisciplinary Approach (compulsory)

Research Degrees (MPhil/PhD) The School is committed to legal scholarship and is researchled. It is home to the following research centres: • Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law: promotes research and teaching of the highest standards in the field of International Shipping and Trade Law • Centre for Commercial Law Studies: where the area of activity is Commercial Law, with particular emphasis on Intellectual Property, Asset Finance and International Economic Law • Centre for Environmental and Energy Law and Policy: promotes excellence in research and teaching in environmental and energy law and seeks to foster links in its areas of expertise between academia and local and national governments, the community, industry and the professions The research centres provide effective vehicles for the promotion of research within their respective areas of specialism. The School has particular strengths and can offer supervision in the fields of: • Shipping Law • International Trade Law • Commercial Law • International Commercial Law • Legal Theory • Global Legal Order • Criminal Law and Evidence • International Criminal Law • World Trade Law • Human Rights Law • Intellectual Property Law • European Law • Public and Administrative Law • Family Law • Ethics and Philosophy • Environmental Law • Private International Law • Public International Law • Discrimination Law • Labour Law

Financial Support Students may also choose three modules from: • Law, Globalisation and Commerce • World Trade Law • Global Investment Regime • Global Intellectual Property Law and Policy • Global Protection of Natural Resources and the Environment • Law of the Sea - International and Regional Perspectives • Global Protection of Human Rights • Global Energy Law and Policy • Multilevel Criminal Justice in a Global Society

Swansea University Postgraduate Studentships are advertised annually and are awarded on a competitive basis. Suitable students may be appointed to a tutorship and thereby receive payment for undertaking undergraduate teaching. Other research support schemes are available.

Entry Requirements LLM: A good initial degree in law or a cognate discipline required, or equivalent professional qualification. Candidates with relevant work experience are also encouraged. MA: A good initial degree in law or a related discipline, such as economics, politics, international relations and business PhD: An LLM or master’s degree are usually required.

Academic/research staff Postgraduates

29 220

Taught courses LLM in International Maritime Law LLM in International Commercial Law LLM in International Trade Law LLM in International Commercial and Maritime Law LLM in Law and Globalisation MA in Global Orders and Law Legal Practice Course (LPC)/LLM in Legal Practice and Advanced Drafting Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) Research opportunities MPhil/PhD Professors Iwan Davies LLB LLM PhD Andrew Halpin LLB MA DPhil Mary Hayes LLB Timothy Jones LLB MPhil PhD Elizabeth MacDonald LLB LLM Lynn Mainwaring BSc MA (Econ) PhD Karen Morrow LLB LLM Dennis Patterson JD PhD Volker Röben LLM Jukka Snell Oikeust. Kand. LLM, PhD Mark Stallworthy BA LLM Rhidian Thomas LLB MA ACIArb Richard Williams LLB LLM

Enquiries for LLM Degrees Dr Baris Soyer Tel: +44 (0)1792 295125 Email: llm@swansea.ac.uk Enquiries for Research Degrees Professor Volker Röben Tel: +44 (0)1792 602723 Email: V.Roeben@swansea.ac.uk


Our LLM and MA degrees are taught degree courses involving twelve months of full-time study during which students study four option subjects and submit research projects under supervision. The options are studied between October and June, and the students complete their research projects between June and September.

Outline descriptions of the modules taught are to be found in the School’s postgraduate brochure. The list of modules outlined above will be offered in any academic year subject to student demand and school resources.



global protection of the environment, and aspects of the global protection of the human person, including international criminal law. The MA in Global Orders and Law focuses on the interdisciplinary study of globalisation and the emerging global legal order. The MA programme is open to both law graduates and graduates of other disciplines such as economics, politics and international relations.



Law: Department of Professional Legal Studies

Assessment is by means of a variety of methods, ranging from multiple-choice and unseen examinations to coursework and mini-dissertations. Successful completion of the course, which is recognised by both professional legal bodies, enables students to progress to the vocational stage of training for both solicitors and barristers (see below for further details of our LPC for solicitor training). Further information on the GDL can be found at: www.swansea.ac.uk/law

Entry Requirements A degree in any non-law discipline (normally at 2.2 or above) is usually required. However, candidates with alternative, relevant qualifications or experience are also encouraged to apply. Prospective students who hold a degree from a non-UK or Republic of Ireland institution will normally be required to obtain a Certificate of Academic Standing from either the Solicitors Regulation Authority (www.sra.org.uk) or The General Council of the Bar (www.barcouncil.org.uk). Applications must be made through the Central Applications Board (CAB) and can be made online at www.lawcabs.ac.uk.

Enquiries Mrs Karen Davies Tel: +44 (0)1792 295913 Email: karen.davies@swansea.ac.uk

In the first teaching period (Stage 1) the course covers the following: Compulsory subjects • Business Law and Practice • Property Law and Practice • Criminal and Civil Litigation • Probate and Administration of Estates Pervasive areas • Professional Conduct • Accounts and Financial Services Skills • Practical Legal Research • Interviewing and Advising clients • Writing and Drafting documents • Advocacy in court In the second teaching period (Stage 2), students will elect to study a choice of three of the following, usually determined by the type of legal environment in which a student wishes to practise. (Electives are subject to numbers, availability and are reviewed annually): • Advanced Commercial Law • Business Leases • Employment Law and Practice • Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence • Housing Law • Immigration and Asylum Law • Advanced Criminal Practice (Advanced Criminal Advocacy available in Welsh) • Family Law and Practice • Competition Law in Practice • Commercial Property and Secured Lending

Assessment is by way of open and closed book examinations. Skills and Pervasives are assessed simply as competent/not yet competent as they are done. Stage 2 may be taken immediately after Stage 1, which is mandatory until September 2009, but for students enrolling for the academic year 2009/2010 and after, Stage 2 may (subject to validation) be taken at any time within a five-year period of commencing Stage 1. This means that Stage 2 at Swansea could be taken whilst in employment and by a student who has completed Stage 1 of the LPC at another institution. All institutions providing the LPC must be validated to deliver the LPC to allow this flexibility in respect of Stage 2 by the academic year 2010/2011 at the latest.

Entry Requirements Applicants must usually possess a qualifying lower second-class honours degree in law from a UK or recognised overseas university or a Graduate Diploma in Law (CPE) or a similar qualification such as FILEX. Applications must be made through the Central Applications Board online at: www.lawcabs.ac.uk To study the LPC, a student must be a student member of the Law Society and have a Certificate of Academic Standing. Applicants should apply to The Law Society to become a student member and to the Solicitors Regulation Authority for a Certificate of Academic Standing before they commence the LPC.

Enquiries Ms Michelle Meacham Tel: +44 (0)1792 295913 Email: m.meacham@swansea.ac.uk Ms M Leyshon Tel: +44 (0)1792 602374 Email: m.e.leyshon@swansea.ac.uk

LLM in Legal Practice and Advanced Drafting This is a unique course combining the LPC qualification with the opportunity of completing, within the same calendar year of academic study, further research into drafting techniques – essential skills for those intending to enter the legal profession at the highest level. The course is taught by senior practitioners skilled in legislative process and drafting. The course is divided into two main parts. The first element is the LPC. On successful completion of the LPC, this is followed by a dissertation in advanced drafting. There will be a short course introducing students to the research methodology for the dissertation. This is the first course of its kind with the emphasis being placed upon developing and demonstrating skills of drafting highly complex instructions. Such skills are likely to be highly marketable in both the public and private sectors.

Entry Requirements Applicants must usually possess a qualifying upper second-class honours degree in law from a UK or recognised overseas university, or a Graduate Diploma in Law (CPE) (with commendation) or a similar qualification such as FILEX.

Enquiries Ms Jane Williams Tel: +44 (0)1792 295815 Email: jane.m.williams@swansea.ac.uk

Law: Department of Professional Legal Studies

Students encounter a broad and balanced range of teaching methods, first class, modern teaching facilities and high quality teaching in a supportive and friendly environment. Students are also afforded the opportunity to gain “hands-on” experience of interviewing and advising clients by participating in the School’s Pro Bono Law Clinic, a free legal advice service for students, run by students under the supervision of qualified local solicitors.

Legal Practice Course (LPC) Postgraduate Diploma in Law The LPC at Swansea is a high quality professional course designed to prepare students for practise as a trainee solicitor in England and Wales. The course runs full-time for 36 weeks. Students are offered first class facilities, which include an interactive lecture theatre, advocacy suite and a dedicated practitioner resource room with full network access to extensive electronic legal resources. Students on the Swansea LPC are offered support in finding work placements and are encouraged to participate in the School’s Pro Bono Law Clinic, supervised by external legal practitioners. The course is divided into two stages, during which time students are supported by a dedicated team of professional practitioner tutors. Teaching is by way of large group introductory and interactive sessions and small group sessions with the emphasis on transactional work.



Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) The GDL (also known as the Common Professional Examination or CPE) is a 36-week, full-time conversion course for non-law graduates considering a career in law. The course is designed to provide students with sound knowledge in the fundamental areas of law (i.e. the Foundations of Legal Knowledge), plus one additional area of law. The course, which begins during the first week of September, commences with an introduction to the English Legal System, together with instruction on the acquisition of Legal Skills. The course then moves on to consider the Law of the European Union, whilst the foundation subjects of Contract, Tort, Public, Equity & Trusts, Land Law and Criminal Law are taught over two teaching blocks. An additional legal subject is studied by means of a supervised research project.

Law: Department of professional legal studies



Law: Department of professional legal studies

There are good IT facilities for postgraduate research students, with a small lab providing drop-in facilities for MSc students. TeX and Mathematica are available on all desktop computers. Schools and Workshops for Postgraduates, given by worldclass mathematicians, are offered on a regular basis at Swansea. Throughout the year, there are regular seminars and colloquia given by staff and visitors to the Department. We benefit from considerable EPSRC support for extended research visits by distinguished mathematicians from abroad.

Taught Course MSc in Mathematics and Computing for Finance In the past decade, the job market for mathematicians has undergone something of a revolution. Mathematicians have always been in demand, as teachers, accountants, actuaries, scientists and engineers. However, there are now highly lucrative jobs for mathematicians in the financial markets – the City, Wall Street, Frankfurt and Tokyo. The reason for this revolution was the award in 1997 of the Nobel Prize for Economics to Scholes for his work in obtaining the Black-Scholes formula. This award recognises the primacy of advanced probability theory in pricing financial derivative products. The MSc course in Mathematics and Computing for Finance has been designed to meet the growing demand for specifically trained academics to work in the world’s financial markets. The mathematics part of the course covers such topics as stochastic calculus based on Brownian motion, Lévy processes, more general jump processes, the advanced Black-Scholes theory and parabolic partial differential equations. The computing training aims to give students expertise in advanced IT skills such as Java programming, Mathematica and Internet systems. Students will be required to undertake a project on mathematics or computing and its applications in the above areas, so developing their communication and presentational skills.

Our degree schemes are supported by our research links. Mathematics and Computer Science are grade 5 departments. We cooperate with other leading centres in the theory of mathematics for finance, for example, Imperial College London, and MaPhySto in Denmark, and we have very good contacts with world experts in the field.

Research MRes programme The Department offers a one-year MRes degree in ‘Stochastic Processes and Applications’. You will have a personal supervisor from the start who will also be the supervisor for your research project which counts as 110 credits. Officially, you will start with the project after successfully completing a first taught part of 70 credits of lectures. Most of the taught modules are held jointly with the MSc students. However, we treat all MRes students as PhD students when it counts to office space etc. Research topics will be related to areas mentioned in the PhD programme under the headings: ‘Stochastic Analysis’, ‘Diffusions, Markov Processes and Martingales’ or ‘Lévy-type Processes and Pseudo-Differential Operators’. Typically, we require a first class honours degree for being admitted as an MRes student.. PhD programme In the beginning, whilst working for your PhD, you will normally have an intensive tutorial programme with your supervisor and, if appropriate, you will follow prescribed courses during the first year of the programme. The reason for this is that a wide background is required for success in research. With a satisfactory performance in the first year, you can continue to work towards a PhD. Our main research areas are as follows: Stochastic Analysis: The research interests are quantum physics; functional integrals; stochastic differential equations and applications; Brownian motion; statistical mechanics; stochastic processes; large deviations and renormalisation group theory; partial differential equations and applications; mathematics of finance. Diffusions, Markov Processes and Martingales: Stochastic processes and applications, including applications to WienerHopf theory; quantum probability and quantum computing.

Lévy-type Processes and Pseudo-Differential Operators: Pseudo-differential operators with continuous negative definite functions as symbols; Lp- theory of sub-Markovian semigroups; function spaces related to Markov processes; fractional derivatives as generators of jump processes; nonlinear analysis for pseudo-differential operators generating Markov processes; balayage theory; construction of branching processes; mathematics of finance. Hopf Algebras and Integrable Systems: Differential structures on quantum groups; the functional Bethe Ansatz; algebraic aspects of deformed gauge theories; classical and quantum solitons; braided categories. Algebraic Topology: Algebraic topology; K-theory and other cohomology theories; Lie groups; relations with number theory and algebra. Analysis of Partial Differential Operators: Linear and nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations; non-linear problems and the calculus of variations; reaction-diffusion equations; Burgers-type equations; semigroups of linear operators; pseudo-differential operators; related harmonic analysis.

Entry Requirements Candidates should normally have a good honours degree in Mathematics. For the MSc, a good honours degree in Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, Economics or equivalent is required.

Academic/research staff




2001 RAE rating Taught course MSc Mathematics and Computing for Finance Research opportunities MPhil, MRes and PhD by research Professors T Brzezinski PhD N Jacob Diplom Dr rer nat, Dr rer nat habil V Liskevich PhD L Pastur Academician A Truman MA DPhil PhD FRSE FIMA FY Wang PhD D Williams DPhil FRS K Zhang PhD

Enquiries Professor N Jacob (for MRes and PhD) Tel: +44 (0)1792 295461 Email: N.Jacob@swansea.ac.uk Dr E Lytvynov (for MSc) Tel: +44 (0)1792 602156 Email: E.Lytvynov@swansea.ac.uk




The Department of Mathematics offers postgraduate opportunities in pure and applied mathematics. There is a wide spectrum of research concentrated in the three research groups ‘Algebraic Structures’, ‘Analysis of Partial Differential Equations’ and ‘Probability Theory’. Mathematics at Swansea was rated 5 in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise and the Department has expanded considerably, i.e. doubled its research active staff. The University has one of the finest mathematics libraries in the UK, housing an extensive collection of books and periodicals. The Department has a reading room that contains an impressive collection of research books and recent preprints, which are available to staff and students of the Department.



Media and Communication Studies


The Department of Media and Communication Studies at Swansea University was established in June 2001 and is part of the School of Arts. It brings together the teaching of media, film, journalism and communication, which has been established at Swansea for several years in subject areas such as English, Welsh, European Languages, Applied Language Studies, Politics, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, International Development and Computer Science. The Department is distinctively interdisciplinary and international in its outlook and draws its students from a range of countries all over Europe and beyond. The School of Arts has an international reputation for research excellence with several ‘5-rated’ departments in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise. The Department is committed to research-led teaching and cross-disciplinary research.

Taught Courses MA in Comparative Journalism The MA in Comparative Journalism provides an international and cross-cultural approach to journalism in the twenty-first century. It is aimed at practising, mid-career journalists as well as those interested in developing their knowledge and understanding of the role of journalism in society. The course combines the teaching of practical skills and techniques of journalistic production with the exploration of practice from a range of theoretical and analytical perspectives. MA in Digital Media This offers an innovative interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to contemporary technology and new media, drawing upon expertise in Media and Communication Studies. The MA examines some of the key issues confronting twenty-first century global societies through a dynamic programme that combines theoretical and applied perspectives, and is taught by a team of leading academics in the field. The department has considerable research and teaching interest in new media, technology, and media theory. Students will be encouraged to apply media theory, political and social theory and research tools in analysing and understanding digital media, as well as teaching key historical, policy and practice dimensions of new media. The programme explores key concepts and ideas in media as well as focusing on research methodologies for those undertaking research on digital media and technology. The dissertation allows students to design a research project of their own which draws on issues and themes developed throughout the year.

MA in Screening Europe The MA in Screening Europe builds on the research expertise in European film and television across the Department of Media and Communication Studies and the School of Arts. The programme offers a wide-ranging and innovative approach to the subject. Instead of the traditional approach of exploring European screen history and theory nation by nation we adopt a thematic examination, allowing for a comparative analysis of European film and television by focusing instead on a variety of key topics such as: Celtic Screens, Screening Totalitarianism, The European Metropolis, Film Adaptation, The Gendered Screen and Cinematic Dialogues with the World. In addition, you will have the chance to take practical modules in Screenwriting, and Interviewing and Reviewing, which reflects our belief in the benefits of combining theory and practice. By virtue of its interdisciplinary emphasis, the MA should appeal to students from subject backgrounds such as Film and Media, Modern Languages and Creative Arts, from the UK and overseas.

Research The Department has a dynamic research agenda and provides opportunities for full-time and part-time training leading to the degrees of MPhil and PhD. Supervision is available in English and Welsh. For research and supervision expertise please see: http://www.swansea.ac.uk/mediastudies. The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) currently funds collaborative research in the Department into perceptions of security and threat in the post-September 11 era, as part of their 'New Securities Challenges Programme'. Lecturers are directors of the European Cinema Research Forum and the journal Studies in European Cinemas published by Intellect. MPhil and PhD supervision is available across a wide range of research topics in media and communication studies organised into two research groupings: (1) European film and identity; (2) Media history, theory and technology; and also shared research clusters of Journalism Theory, Practice and Criticism and Media and Identity in Small Nations, with particular reference to Wales. European Film and Identity European Film and Identity brings together substantial expertise in the history, theory and reception of European cinema and is engaged in a variety of provocative analyses of films, filmmakers, movements and film-watching communities and nations in relation to literature, new media, politics and sociopolitical and geo-political contexts. Researchers are closely

• • • • • • • • • • • •

European cinema history, theory and criticism Spanish, Basque and Cuban cinema German and Eastern European cinema French cinema, particularly the French New Wave Documentary Media, nation and identity American cinema The media in Wales Welsh, Celtic and British cinema Welsh-language film, radio, television and new media British and American animation Silent cinema history

Media History, Theory and Technology Media History, Theory and Technology combine research at the nexus between media history, theory and technological change, addressing key issues in the emerging global digital world. The group seeks to develop a critical understanding of networked digital media and online social practices and their social, economic and political dynamics in order to inform academic research, wider policy issues and public debates. The relationships between media technology, cultural form and the shift from 'atoms to bits' are addressed through a range of innovative methodological approaches together with a focus on placing these developments within a historical and social context. • Media History: including visual media and visual culture; print and broadcast media; science fiction and technology; music and popular culture; journalism; the deep history of media; media archaeology. • Theory: including postmodern theory; theories of the information society, network society, post-fordism; global communication; media and the public sphere; political theory and the media; Jean Baudrillard; moral panics and the media; social and political aspects of media; methodologies for researching media. • Technology: including new media; digital media; philosophy of technology; intellectual property rights (IPRs); theories of technology; history of technology; software studies; auditory technology and sound; digital democracy; social networking; computer code; remediation.

Shared Research Clusters Journalism Theory, Practice and Criticism Research associated with the Erasmus-Mundus scheme centres upon technology, war and global journalism, and incorporates work on moral panics and journalism theory, history and practice. Media and Identity in Small Nations, with particular reference to Wales Research into Welsh media studies has focused on the output, policy and history of the press, cinema, television and new media in both languages of the country, as well as developing comparative research on Basque media. The Department seeks to encourage research that brings together industry and academic concerns and examines theory and practice in a supportive, culturally aware and collaborative environment.

Entry Requirements Good honours degree in relevant subject or an equivalent overseas qualification. Applicants with at least three to five years of work experience in the field of journalism will be eligible for the MA in Comparative Journalism.

Academic/research staff Taught courses MA in Comparative Journalism MA in Digital Media MA in Screening Europe Research opportunities MPhil/PhD in Welsh and English Professors R Stone K Williams

Enquiries MA in Comparative Journalism MA in Digital Media MA in Screening Europe Mr Geraint Evans Tel: +44 (0)1792 602550 Email: Geraint.evans@swansea.ac.uk MPhil/PhD by research Dr David M Berry Tel: +44 (0)1792 602063 Email: d.m.berry@swansea.ac.uk


Media and Communication Studies

The Department offers three innovative Taught Master’s programmes in, Comparative Journalism, Digital Media, and Screening Europe.


associated with the European Cinema Research Forum and the Studies in European Cinema journal from Intellect. This group features specific research strengths in French, German, Polish, Eastern European, Basque, English, Hispanic and Welsh cinema.




Besides international and national research links, the School has key collaborations with Swansea NHS Trust, the College of Medicine at Cardiff University and with diverse Schools on the University campus. It is thus able to offer outstanding postgraduate opportunities in medical training, on a fast-track graduate entry programme, and in scientific training encompassing the experimental and health sciences. The School has an interdisciplinary approach to clinical, health and experimental research, which is also at the heart of its six-storey state-of-the-art Institute of Life Science. In an effort to develop radical research solutions to old medical problems, its research enterprise is driven by 24 internationally recognised professors, supported by 191 research and teaching staff, academics and clinicians. The School has recently expanded with the inclusion of the Institute of Mass Spectrometry and staff involved in delivery of the Swansea Genetics degree courses. The School's project portfolio now encompasses medical research ranging from the atomic level to the population level.

Taught Courses MSc in Trauma Surgery Applications are invited from those pursuing a career in Trauma & Orthopaedic, Burns & Plastic, or Maxillo-facial surgery specialties. Morriston Hospital is one of only six centres in the United Kingdom housing all surgical specialities required to provide comprehensive care for trauma patients, and hence is the natural home for this unique MSc in Trauma Surgery. The shortening of medical training is placing greater emphasis upon postgraduate education. A Master’s degree embracing the principle surgical disciplines involved in UK trauma care aims to set new standards in this field and lead into high quality research. The scheme is offered on a part-time basis only and students will normally take eighteen months to complete Part I and a further twelve months to complete Part II. This is a modular Master’s scheme, consisting of Part I (totalling 120 credits) and Part II (60 credits). Completion of Part I with 120 credits will result in the award of Higher Education Postgraduate Diploma in Trauma Surgery for students who wish to exit at this point.

The education sessions will be delivered at the School of Medicine, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, on a block basis. Trauma surgery is a practical discipline, and much of the educational sessions will be given to moulage scenarios and surgical skills simulations. These methods will be familiar to candidates, but the MSc course will weave these experiences together into moulage skills practicals. The experience gained in these simulations will cement the factual knowledge acquired, with its clinical application. Assessment in the clinical modules will be built around the development and demonstration of strategic thinking, with written assessment of core knowledge and its application in unseen written papers (USWP) and moulage skills practical examinations (MSPE). Essays and portfolio preparation will supplement these core assessments.

Entry Requirements Candidates for the course must have obtained, or will shortly obtain, Part ||| MRCS or equivalent (for Maxillo-facial surgery candidates), and must be able to demonstrate a track record clearly indicating the intention to pursue a career in one of the above. Applications will include a structured CV in order to assess the clinical experience, career pathway and research activities. Two references from consultants in the relevant field of interest will be used to confirm clinical experience, career pathway as well as academic ability. Closing date for completed applications and structured CVs is the end of March with interviews scheduled for April.

Taught Master’s Enquiries Ceri Davies Administrative Assistant MSc Trauma Surgery Tel: +44 (0)1792 703904 Email: c.l.davies@swansea.ac.uk www.medicine.swan.ac.uk/msccourses.html

Research Degrees The School offers postgraduate degrees of Masters of Philosophy (MPhil), Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) through supervised research within individual research groups. The research activity of the School will be

focused through the Institute of Life Science, an exciting development in interdisciplinary collaboration in the fields of community-based medicine, medical, engineering, computing, physics, chemistry and bioscience with state-ofthe-art laboratories and equipment. The School welcomes applications from those interested in any area of the School’s research. Candidates will be asked to nominate their preferred research area from a list of potential topics for research students, which may be found at: www.medicine.swansea.ac.uk/postgradresearch.html. Students complete a programme of research, with regular discussion with and advice from an appointed supervisor. Excellent laboratory facilities are equipped to support genomics, proteomics, bio-imaging and microbiology, with access to equipment such as automated sequencing, confocal microscopy, high-throughput genomic analysis, mass spectrometry. A suite of seminar rooms and meeting rooms are provided within the School, with further laboratory and general facilities becoming available shortly. The School has its own supercomputer, the IBM Blue C, the fastest computer dedicated to life science research. The School also has its own dedicated student computer suite located in the Grove Building on the Swansea campus, with access to office management systems, email, library catalogue, and the Internet. All students also have access to all student facilities within the University, including the library (which has comprehensive IT facilities), sports, counselling and social activities. Weekly School research seminars, frequently with talks from eminent invited speakers, provide an opportunity for discussion of current research projects. The School also holds an annual postgraduate event where students present their work. This vibrant research environment comprises three areas of expertise: Biomedical research (BIMR), Centre for

Health Improvement Research and Evaluation (CHIRAL) and the Institute of Mass Spectrometry (IMS). Biomedical Research The biomedical research group includes a variety of experimental disciplines undertaking research into diverse areas of interest but with many shared technology platforms for modern molecular and systems biology. Besides working to international levels within disciplines, an interdisciplinary awareness is part of the general approach, both within Swansea, the UK and through links overseas. The Institute of Mass Spectrometry, our Blue C supercomputer and the Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre all provide important support for multidisciplinary research. Biomedical Research in the School of Medicine is supported by the National Institutes of Health (USA), EU Framework Six, research councils, charities, industry and government. Asthma and Allergy: The group’s key achievements recently have been the demonstration of how genetic variants of Th-2 immune signalling (particularly through the ligand IL-13 and the transduction molecule STAT 6) impact on the production of reagenic antibody IgE, the promotion of asthma, and protection from parasitic worm infection. Current main efforts are focused on: Thorough definition of how genetic interactions between multiple variants in Th-2 immune signalling interact to predict the phenotypes of allergy, asthma and low parasitic worm burdens; Deriving a functional and structural understanding of how these variants change function; Advancing molecular approaches to the inhibition of Th-2 immune signalling as a prospective foundation for novel therapies for asthma and allergy; Exploration of the role of mast cell chymase in IgE mediated inflammation of the skin.



Established in 2001, the School of Medicine is fast becoming a Centre of Excellence in worldclass research and medical education. The School’s principal activities are: • Higher degree programmes including PhD, MD, and Taught Master’s degrees • Biomedical and healthcare research with a strong interdisciplinary ethos • Four-year Graduate Entry Programme in Medicine



Cell Signalling: The research group, led by Dr Venkateswarlu Kanamarlapudi, uses a multidisciplinary approach to understand PI 3-kinase and ARF small GTPase signalling in health and disease. Our long-term aim is to define the roles played by cytohesins and centaurins in PI 3-kinase mediated regulation of ARF signalling. For this purpose, we have been using various molecular biological (cloning and site-directed mutagenesis), biochemical (protein purification and in vitro/in vivo GAP/GEF assays), pharmacological (protein-lipid binding assays), yeast genetical (functional complementation and two-hybrid), biophysical (NMR and crystallography) and cell biological (immunofluorescence, immunoprecipitation and GFP technology) techniques. The ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTP-binding proteins regulates intracellular membrane trafficking, which is vital for many cellular functions such as endocytosis, exocytosis, secretion and neuronal elongation. ARF inability to be activated has been implicated in several diseases such as cancer, diabetes and neurological defects. ARF function is regulated by the controlled binding and hydrolysis of GTP, which require GTP exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase activating proteins (GAPs). The cytohesin family ARF GEFs and centaurin family ARF GAPs are potential targets for the plasma membrane localised second messenger phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3), which is produced by agonist activated PI 3-kinase. Although we know much about the ARFs associated cellular functions, the regulation of ARF activity remains to be determined. Our major interest is in exploring the connections between PIs produced by PI 3-kinase and membrane trafficking mediated by ARFs. By tagging proteins with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) to visualise their movement in live cells using confocal microscopy, we have shown the recruitment of ARF regulators from the cytosol to the plasma membrane in response to PIP3 production. Moreover, we have shown that the plasma membrane recruitment of cytohesins and centaurins by binding to PIP3 is essential for their catalytic activity.

Developmental Medicine (Paediatrics/Immunology): The main research interest of the group is childhood immunity (particularly immune function in the newborn), studied mainly by analysis of umbilical cord blood and placental tissue. Another prominent focus is on probiotics as modulators of immunity. Diabetes Research Unit: The recently-formed Diabetes Research Unit (2005) has a wide range of research interests. These include the genetics of diabetes (type 1 and type 2) and the genetics of diabetes complications including protection from these and prospective follow-up of pre-diabetes. Other areas of research include the interfaces between clinical diabetes research and established expertise within Swansea University; including community-delivered diabetes health care, engineering-related advances in diabetes care delivery (laser assessment of the diabetic foot, analysis of exhaled metabolites during acute diabetic decompensation) and mobile-health applications. In addition, the Diabetes Research Unit is actively involved in the expansion of Clinical Trial Research within Swansea NHS Trust. Experimental Medicine Unit: The research focus of the Experimental Medicine Unit is the genetic and immune aspects of asthma. Areas include: the definition of how genetic variants in immune signalling predict asthma and low parasitic worm burdens; deriving an understanding of how these variants change function and advancing molecular approaches (including RNA inhibition) as novel therapies for asthma and allergy.

modelling of gel networks, in terms of their microstructure and functionality. This work is establishing a basis for the study of gel network modification, and other mechanical effects, due to the incorporation of engineered or combustion-derived carbon nanostructures (such as carbon nanotubes) as microstructural templates within coagulating blood. The research builds upon strong collaborative links established during three years as a principal researcher in the field of haemorheology within the MNC. Human Cancer Studies Group: This multidisciplinary group aims to determine the mechanisms that underlie the genesis of tumours in the thyroid and the breast, and to identify prognostic and predictive markers and novel therapeutics. There are four subgroups: The Chernobyl Tissue Bank (CTB), the Wales Cancer Bank, Molecular Pathology and Proteomics. Laser technology and micro devices: Research and development of medical devices, including laser and optical devices as well as micro devices for cardiac application, is led by Professor Marc Clement. This research builds an intellectual property platform with regulatory approval both in Europe and the US and, to date, it includes twenty-five established patent families and fifteen FDA approvals. Technologies pioneered include photo-stimulation of natural wound healing processes in skin, cartilage, tendon and ligaments and non-invasive diagnosis of skin lesions. The micro engineering of cardiac devices is undertaken in partnership with the Cardiac Surgery Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital and the Texas Heart Institute, Houston. This involves computer-based simulation of devices, leading to evaluation in animal models and human trials within CCTL, and a start-up company formed in 2007 at ILS with venture capital and grant-funding. Medical and Clinical Oncology: The research effort on immunity and cancer focuses on immune modulation as potential therapy in cancer. Further interdisciplinary research work is being undertaken looking into complex modelling of cancer anatomy and radiotherapy, applying diverse scanning, physics and deep computing approaches.

Genetics: This research area encompasses: environmental toxicology and mutagenesis, genetic processes in evolution, genetic epidemiology and taxonomy, molecular basis of transcription in yeast, microbial genetics of bacteria, yeast and fungi, site-directed mutagenesis, recombinant protein expression and protein engineering for diagnostic applications. Complementary to this well-established grouping is the genetics of common diseases work in asthma, epilepsy and diabetes.

Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: The group aims to improve diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hospital-acquired infection. Specifically, it is working on the role of biofilms in the pathogenesis of biomaterial-related infection occurring with implanted medical devices, which affects millions of patients worldwide, aiming to improve antibiotic therapy and develop new diagnostic tools. Additional interests are antibiotic resistance mechanisms like methicillin resistance, vancomycin resistance, and extended spectrum beta-lactamases and the activity of antibiotics on bacteria in biofilms.

Haemorheology: Research interests within this newly formed group involve the development and application of advanced rheometry to biopolymer gel systems; and the viscoelastic

Molecular Neuroscience: The research focus for this group, led by Professor Mark Rees, is the genetic and cellular biology of inherited human neurological and cardiac disorders.

Although these seem to be two distinct medical disciplines, there are commonalities in terms of the ion channel gene families that cause epilepsy and cardiac arrhythmias. An increased rate of sudden unexpected death in young people is a feature of both disorders. The group has several international collaborations including a project with the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in relation to Huntington’s disease and development of harmless preventive therapies for neurodegeneration. Other extensive collaborations exist with centres in Cardiff (UWCM), London and Sydney relating to the biology of inhibitory neurotransmission, specifically the glycine and GABA A receptors. The synaptic machinery of receptors and their interacting molecules is the primary interest of Dr Kristin Baer, a lecturer on the team. The protein gephyrin, associated with glycine and GABA A receptors, will be analysed in the context of neurological disorders with emphasis on imaging of human brain samples. Molecular Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology: This group aims to throw light on the interdependence of genes and behaviour using the methods and techniques of molecular neuroscience. It aims to better understand the mechanisms and actions of psychotropic drugs and to develop innovative treatment strategies. The Molecular Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology group works closely with the Social and Epidemiological Psychiatry group to conduct crossdisciplinary research of international quality. Molecular Neuroscience: The research focus of this group is the genetic and cellular biology of inherited neurological and cardiac disorders. There is common ground between the two medical disciplines in terms of the ion channel gene families that cause both epilepsy and cardiac arrhythmias. Medical Devices: Research stems from a broad interest in innovation and the development of new medical devices. Since 1998, the focus has been on novel fully closed circuit gas delivery systems for safe clinical application of the rare noble gas xenon. This has involved design and build of equipment for laboratory research and supervision of the construction of systems for clinical investigations by external engineering companies. Xenon is a scarce expensive anaesthetic gas which has few, if any, side effects on the body. Consequently, initial interest was as an anaesthetic for very unwell patients. However, more recently, evidence has been accumulating that xenon may be profoundly neuroprotective and it is this potential clinical application that drives current research. In the UK, many thousands of newborn infants suffer permanent brain injury caused by lack of oxygen and/or blood supply to the brain around the time of birth. Until recently, medical management was mainly supportive as no effective treatments existed. Cooling of these neonates can improve outcome and this is now entering clinical use, however, six need to be treated in this way to produce benefit in one. Since 2005, as part of a collaboration with the neonatology group at Bristol University, the potential role of xenon as a clinical damage limitation strategy in hypoxic-ischaemic encapholopathy of


Bioinformatics and Biomathematics: A range of academic staff are engaged in multidisciplinary studies concerning the investigation of complex data set including transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic studies in conjunction with experimental scientists. Statistical/mathematical analysis in population and evolutionary studies and protein structure modelling (on a genomic scale) are also aided by the Blue C supercomputer in Swansea University.

Centre for P450 Biodiversity: Research is primarily investigating cytochrome P450 systems of bacteria, fungi and animals. The P450 gene/enzyme system is very diverse, reflecting the central role it plays in natural product production for deterrence/attraction and also for detoxification of diverse organic chemicals in the biosphere. P450s are also targets in drug therapy. The work of the group includes studies of the molecular genetics and biochemistry of these systems which includes studying P450s as drug targets and also azole antifungal drug resistance. A central current theme is also determining microbial P450 functions in post-genomic studies including their roles in primary and secondary metabolism.


Basic Biomedical and Physiological Science: Molecular, cellular and integrative mechanisms in mammalian physiology and pathology are the research focus of a number of academics within the School. Specific areas of research include biological clocks and the neurobiological basis of circadian rhythms, ion channel regulation of microvessel permeability, bacterial pathobiology, the biology of sports injury including the role of stem cells in cartilage formation and repair, and the metabolism of extracellular matrix proteins in healthy and arthritic musculoskeletal tissue.




Neurobiology and Biological Timekeeping: This group, led by Dr Andrew Coogan, is interested in attempting to delineate some of the molecular, neurophysiological and anatomical factors that underpin the circadian timekeeping system in mammals. Circadian rhythms are recurring patterns in various physiological parameters that display periods of about 24 hours. In other words, these are things we tend to do at the same time every day. Examples of circadian rhythms are the sleep/wake cycles, feeding schedules, cycles in body temperature and endocrine factors (e.g. cortisol, prolactin). The group is addressing a number of issues, using a mix of molecular, electrophysiological, endocrine and behavioural techniques in order to gain a better insight into clock function in health and disease. Reproductive Biology: The group investigates gene expression and function in the uterus and its relationship to fertility. The aim is to identify genes and proteins that are essential to the establishment and maintenance of a healthy pregnancy. Streptomyces Genetics: Research is aimed at developing novel genomics-based approaches to exploit hitherto overlooked genetic resources for new antibiotics. This work includes the regulation of antibiotic biosynthesis, signal transduction and antibiotic production. Manipulation of cell division to optimise antibiotic production is also being investigated along with developing modified proteins of clinical and industrial value. The roles of cytochromes P450 in streptomycete metabolism and in other actinomyctes is another research focus. Surgery and the GI tract: The Gastrointestinal Cancer Group is particularly interested in a pre-malignant form of oesophageal cancer known as Barrett’s Oesophagus and in the contribution of bile acids in promoting cancer development in oesophageal tissues. Dr Gareth Jenkins is also a key member of the DNA Damage Research Group which investigates the molecular mechanisms and consequences

of DNA damage. The broader academic surgical groups also focus on bariatric surgery in obesity and effective surgical approaches to major trauma. Centre for Health Information Research and Evaluation (CHIRAL) CHIRAL conducts interdisciplinary research into health informatics and disease modelling, health promotion and disease prevention, diagnosis treatment and care. These themes span the traditional areas of clinical trials, epidemiology, health service research, health informatics, public health and qualitative research.

Research Areas Health Informatics and Disease Modelling: Within these themes there are research opportunities to work with high-powered computing to better understand disease processes in populations through the use of routine information, health and bioinformatics. The range of activities within these themes includes: • Biostatistics and mathematical modelling in epidemiology • Data modelling and visualisation • Electronic cohort (ecohort) and hybrid cohort studies • Evaluation of the impact of new policy and services • Randomised controlled trial (RCT) feasibility studies • Assessment of the generalisability of trial data • Trial participant identification and long-term follow-up • Electronic trials (etrials) research • Monitoring patient outcomes at a population level • Analysis of narrative data and qualitative research • Development of innovation methods for measuring performance Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: CHIRAL has a major programme of research into disease prevention spanning priority disease areas and linked by our shared methodologies, particularly in diabetes, injury prevention and mental illness and there are opportunities to undertake research degrees in developing, implementing and evaluating effective risk reduction and behaviour change strategies for common diseases. Projects within this theme include: • Mental health: – PUBLIS: Public involvement in suicide prevention: understanding and strengthening public responses to distress (MRC) – BLIS: Barriers to the uptake of healthy lifestyle interventions among people with severe mental illness (NPRI) • Injury prevention: – Department for Transport-funded studies – The Advocacy in Action Study

• Diabetes and related conditions: – Assessing the extent of local activity and doctors’ and nurses’ views of early detection and prevention of type 2 diabetes – Prosiect Sir Gâr (the Carmarthenshire project) Diagnosis Treatment and Care: CHIRAL carries out research and evaluation of treatment and care at practice, programme and policy levels. Research and evaluation are undertaken across all clinical and service disciplines, focusing on the assessment of health technologies and service delivery and organisation within health and social care. We are establishing a clinical trials unit with new appointments to be made in 2008 and exciting new research opportunities. Recent and current projects include: • CONSTRUCT: COmparison of New drugs (infliximab and ciclosporin) in STeroid Resistant Ulcerative Colitis: Trial • SAFE: A trial of Support and Assessment for Fall Emergencies. • FOLATED: Folate Augmentation of Treatment Evaluation for Depression: Randomised Controlled Trial (FOLATED RCT) • MINuET: What is the clinical and cost-effectiveness of endoscopy undertaken by nurses? • LADA: Research on Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults • Time trends and demography of mortality after fractured neck of femur in an English population, 1968-98: database study • Hospital admission for acute pancreatitis in an English population, 1963-98: database study of incidence and mortality

• DUETs: a Database of Uncertainties about the effects of Treatments for Schizophrenia

Entry requirements All candidates whose first language is not English are expected to pass one of the following English Language Tests: • IELTS test at grade 6.5 • TOEFL test score of 570/230 MPhil Applicants for the MPhil degree should normally possess: an honours degree in a relevant subject (normally at least a lower second-class); or an approved and relevant postgraduate qualification; or other evidence of previous study and research. PhD Applicants for the PhD degree should normally possess: a first degree or a good honours degree in a relevant subject (normally at least an upper second-class). All PhD candidates will initially be admitted to the MPhil degree, and required at the end of the first year to demonstrate evidence of satisfactory progress and an ability to proceed to PhD. Applicants for the MD degree should normally possess: a Bachelor of Medicine or Surgery of the University of Wales awarded at least three years prior to the submission of the thesis. (Approval to admit medical graduates of another approved university should be sought at the admission stage).


Nanoimaging and Toxicology: Shareen H Doak is an RCUK Fellow in Nanomedicine with specific research interests in genotoxic responses to engineered nanomaterials and developing the use of high resolution imaging and force measurement tools to study the biophysical properties of cancer cells at the nanoscale. She is a member of the DNA Damage Research Group and also has established collaborations with the Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre in the School of Engineering through Dr Chris Wright and Dr Peter Dunstan.


the newborn has been investigated. This work is showing that the xenon-cooling combination is better than either one alone. All the equipment, gas supply systems and monitoring required for this work, which it is hoped will result in a clinically viable treatment, have been constructed using the knowledge and skills personally gained in the fieId and which continues to provide regular technical input as these delivery systems are continually developed and improved.





The course is fully integrated, with each week based on a clinical problem. After an introductory session, this problem will be explored using group tutorials, lectures and seminars. From the first week, this theoretical framework will be used to perform clinical skills in the laboratory using actors and simulations. In the later years, an increasing amount of time will be spent on the wards. Students will be able to choose from a long list of half-day clinical attachments throughout the course.

Research Degree Enquiries Dr Vivienne Jenkins Tel: +44 (0)1792 602183 Email: v.e.jenkins@swansea.ac.uk www.medicine.swansea.ac.uk/research.html

Graduate Entry Programme in Medicine MB BCh (Wales) A101 Medicine (subject to approval) 4-year programme The Graduate Entry Programme in Medicine at Swansea was launched in 2004 in partnership with Cardiff University and has rapidly established itself as an outstanding programme of learning. The programme is now a fully independent four-year course based entirely in Swansea and west Wales that enables graduates of any discipline to learn the scientific and clinical principles of medicine, using state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge teaching methods. It combines an innovative case-based curriculum with the input from enthusiastic and committed researchers and clinicians. Applications must be submitted to UCAS by 15th October 2008.

Scheme of study The course is fully integrated with all the necessary teaching and learning designed to lead the student on a journey; from exploring simple clinical problems as a novice, through repeated cycles of learning and practice, to the development of a knowledgeable, skilled and professional doctor. The four-year course will be based in Swansea University, and surrounding healthcare providers. Students will rotate through a series of learning weeks and clinical attachments. Exposure to real and simulated patients will start during the first week and continue through regular, half-day, full-day and five-week clinical attachments.

These learning weeks will be interspersed with a variety of other activities: • Attachment to a Primary Care centre to see patients and gain experience of a variety of medical problems • 5-week clinical attachments where students will be embedded in a healthcare team to work alongside other staff and gain experience of how health care is really delivered • Professorial weeks will be delivered by staff from the Institute of Life Science, a new research facility in Swansea University, which will expose students to the latest research methods and findings • An elective period in the third year will allow students to choose to visit almost any part of the world and a final ‘Shadowing’ period will allow the final honing of skills prior to starting work as a qualified doctor • Each year will include a long-term project to work with other professions and explore the issues of interprofessional learning Each student will be allocated a personal tutor on arrival to provide support and advice on both academic and personal matters. The academic staff delivering this programme are drawn from a variety of backgrounds, including experienced clinicians (general practitioners, hospital specialists and public health practitioners), biomedical scientists and social scientists. They will guide you through this interdisciplinary and integrated programme, in order to provide you with the best possible learning experience. Many of the patients that students will meet, especially during clinical attachments in west Wales, will have Welsh as their first language. For this reason, there is an emphasis on assisting non-Welsh speaking students to at least have some familiarity with the language and its origins. Their attention is drawn to the Welsh Assembly Government’s package ‘Iechyd Da!’ – an introduction to language awareness in health care. Students who are Welsh-speaking are provided with opportunities to enhance their technical vocabulary in the context of the clinical consultation. The School has already been awarded a Welsh Assembly Government prize for the first in a series of recordings of teaching consultations involving Welsh-speaking students, consultants and patients.

Funding As a graduate-entry medical student from England or Wales, you are eligible to receive a student loan in Year 1, and from Year 2 onwards you may apply to the NHS Student Grants Unit for a means-tested bursary to support you in your studies. Throughout the programme, you may apply to the University for extra funding in times of hardship.

Prospects Upon graduation you will be offered a rotational year on the Foundation Year Programme in Wales. After this, you will be able to specialise in and practise whatever area of medicine or surgery that excites you, with the full range of foundation knowledge and skills required to be amongst the top in your field. Further information and course brochures are available from our website at www.medicine.swansea.ac.uk

Academic/research staff Administrative staff Postgraduates

35 180

Taught courses MSc Trauma Surgery MSc Trauma Surgery (Military)* *Please contact the School of Medicine directly (below) for further details Research opportunities MPhil/MD/PhD

Entry Requirements To be eligible to apply to the programme, you must be a home student, which includes UK and EU residents. You must apply through UCAS and sit the GAMSAT test to be eligible to apply. You must also have at least an upper second-class degree (or equivalent) in any subject, Maths and English Language at GCSE level (or equivalent) and preferably some GCSE or postGCSE level (or equivalent) experience in Biology or Chemistry.


Enquiries Mrs Claire Cowell (Admissions Coordinator) Tel: +44 (0)1792 602818 Email: medicine@swansea.ac.uk


How will I study

Swansea University offers part- and fully-funded scholarships annually on a competitive basis for home and EU students. Overseas candidates may be eligible for funding from other bodies, details of which may be obtained from the University International Office, The Wales Office of Research and Development for Health and Social Care, NHS national research programmes, the National Assembly of Wales, the Research Councils, the European Commission, charitable bodies, and industrial collaborators have all supported research projects.


Financial Support




The experimental groups have a low-energy positron beam together with a high-field superconducting magnet for the study of positronium, a number of CW and pulsed laser systems, scanning tunnelling electron and near-field optical microscopes and a Raman microscope. The theory group has a 72 CPU parallel cluster, access to the Blue C facility at Swansea University and is part of the UKGRID. Furthermore, it has an extensive network of workstations and PCs linked to the University network and SuperJANET. It also shares the use of the teraflop QCDOC facility based in Edinburgh. There are additional computer systems for online use in the research and teaching laboratories.

Research The degrees of MPhil and PhD can be obtained through supervised research in any of the research areas described below. As well as work within the Department, the research activities outlined below involve considerable collaboration with other establishments and organisations, including the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology as well as many universities and institutes in Europe and the United States. The three research areas are: Atomic, Molecular and Laser Physics This group, consisting of twelve academic staff and headed by Professor Michael Charlton, has diverse research interests spanning small scale lab research to large scale experiments: • Antihydrogen physics: Members of the group have been part of the successful ATHENA collaboration and are founding members of the new ALPHA collaboration. The research is mainly done in CERN in Geneva, although theoretical studies are carried out locally. The ultimate goal is to test CPT symmetries by comparing transitions in hydrogen and antihydrogen. A number of postgraduate students have been seconded for a period of two years or more to work on this experiment.

• Low-energy positron physics: At Swansea, a unique lowenergy positron beamline capable of producing bursts of about 100,000 positrons at a rate of 10 Hz has been constructed. This will be used to investigate positronium energy levels and magnetised Rydberg positronium. Furthermore, attempts will be made to cool positrons to mK temperature using laser cooled Mg+ ions. Typically two or three postgraduate students will be working on this experiment. • Neutrino mass: Recently it has been discovered that neutrinos have non-zero mass. Swansea is part of a large multinational collaboration called KATRIN (Karlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment) which aims to make an absolute mass determination by making a precise measurement of the beta-decay spectrum of tritium near its endpoint. Postgraduate students will spend part of their time in Karlsruhe. • Ultra-fast atomic and molecular physics: In collaboration with groups from UCL and QUB, ultra-fast effects in atoms and molecules are studied using femtosecond lasers. Most of this work is done at the Astra Laser Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot. Postgraduate students will share their time between Didcot and Swansea. • Ultracold atoms and degenerate quantum gases: In collaboration with Imperial College, we have worked on confining and manipulating cold atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensates in microtraps on atom chips. We develop single atom detection techniques using micro-optics. The small detectors are scalable and are used to study the properties of quantum gases. The micro-detectors can also be applied to quantum information processing using neutral atoms. • Theoretical studies of cold atoms: In collaboration with an experimental group at Umeå University in Sweden, the properties of atoms in near-resonant optical lattices are researched. Subject studies are for example Brownian motors, understanding of the so-called Sisyphus mechanism and properties of ultracold few-atom systems. Condensed Matter and Nanoscale Physics Led by Dr Peter Dunstan, this group is interested in the fundamental understanding of the electronic, structural, chemical and optical properties of materials on the nanoscale. Of particular current interest are applications of near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), which can produce

Financial Support Theoretical Particle Physics Professor Graham Shore leads one of the largest theoretical particle physics groups in the UK and Europe. Its work is aimed at an understanding of the fundamental particles of nature and their interactions. The work focuses on quantum field theories and their manifestation in particle physics and cosmology. This entails not only some of the most sophisticated areas of modern mathematics but also numerical simulations using powerful, special-purpose computers. Research encompasses many different areas, all closely connected, making Swansea a perfect research environment: • Gauge theories (supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric), especially in the areas of non-perturbative methods and electromagnetic duality • String Theory methods to gain understanding on topics such as Black Holes dynamics, as well as the use of stringinspired methods to get new results on strongly interacting gauge theories for different values of the relevant parameters, such as the number of colours, etc. • The use of string-inspired methods to compute processes of fundamental importance in collider physics, and to gain new valuable information on the high energy structure of quantum field theories of gravity • Lattice gauge theories to study QCD (the theory of quarks and gluons), in particular under extreme conditions of temperature and baryon density; formal elaborations on quantum field theories with large number of colours and new physics effects in this context; algorithmic developments to improve the efficiency of new specialpurpose computers • New developments regarding the study of the Quark Gluon-Plasma thought to exist at high temperature (interestingly, this has close connections to the Black Hole research mentioned above) • Considerations on well-known symmetries and their possible breaking, obtaining new insights into the structure of physics laws at high energies • The study of the Physics proposed to be found ‘Beyond the Standard Model', mostly in the area of the Supersymmetric Standard Model and different dynamical scenarios of electroweak symmetry breaking, such as technicolour theories

Support for research students is available through the EPSRC and STFC, the European Union, Swansea University Postgraduate Awards and industry. The Theoretical Particle Physics Group has three STFC-funded PhD studentships available each year. The Experimental Groups have EPSRC and Leverhulme studentships available. Departmental research attracts considerable support from the EPSRC, STFC, European Union, Medical Research Council, the Royal Society, Atomic Energy Authority, Ministry of Defence, HEFCW, British Council, Leverhulme Trust, NATO and the Welsh Office, through grants for equipment and the support of research staff.

Entry Requirements Usually at least a first-class BSc or 2.1 MPhys degree (experiment) or a first-class MPhys degree (theory) in Physics or a related subject is required, although all applications are reviewed on an individual basis.

Academic/research staff




2001 RAE rating


Research opportunities MPhil/PhD Professors M Charlton BSc PhD S J Hands BA PhD G M Shore BSc PhD

D C Dunbar BSc PhD T J Hollowood BA PhD H H Telle MSc PhD

Enquiries Dr Carlos Nunez Tel: +44 (0)1792 602287 Fax: +44 (0)1792 295324 Email: C.Nunez@Swansea.ac.uk


In addition to well-equipped general laboratories and workshops, the Department hosts specialist equipment.

These are the main lines of research in the Department, but we could add applications to theories of quantum gravity, particle cosmology, and condensed matter systems. The newly discovered relations among these different topics makes Swansea one of the leading Theoretical Physics groups in Europe. The group has close connections with other leading groups in Europe, USA and Asia.


Physics, within the School of Physical Sciences, concentrates on three main research areas: atomic, molecular and laser physics, condensed matter and nanoscale physics and theoretical particle physics. The Department was awarded the grade of 5A in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise, indicating that all staff members are active in research of international standing.

simultaneous topographic and optical response information with nanoscale resolution. Recently, a new collaboration has begun with the School of Medicine to research the possibility of early pathogen detection using Raman Microscopy. The group is part of the Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre and thus postgraduate students will have the opportunity to perform research of an interdisciplinary nature and exploit techniques from other disciplines.


Politics and International Relations


Politics and International Relations is part of a dynamic postgraduate learning environment. The School of Humanities provides up-to-date computing facilities and a common room for all registered postgraduate students. The University Library has extensive holdings of teaching and research materials in the areas covered by our Master’s schemes and research topics.

MA in International Communication The MA in International Communication offers advanced research in International Relations and Media Studies, providing students with a detailed understanding of the international news media, the relationship between media and politics and issues such as war-reporting.

We organise various conferences, seminars and workshops at which leading members of the profession, as well as our own research students, give presentations. The Department organises a programme of regular visiting speakers from outside the University so that postgraduate students are always kept in touch with the latest developments in our field.

MSc in Contemporary Conflict and Violence Provides students with a detailed understanding of the role of conflict in modern international politics, in conflict resolution and the linkages between humanitarian and military action.

Taught Courses Each of the taught MA schemes listed below follows a common format, with specific core modules, plus options taken from a wide menu. In addition, general modules are taken by all Master’s students, including Conceptual Issues in the Social Sciences and a dissertation (inclusive of a preparatory module in dissertation writing). MA in Politics The MA in Politics provides a broad introduction to the study of Politics, covering both the structures and processes of contemporary politics. Issues covered include democracy and citizenship, government and politics in the UK, and the politics of human rights. MA in International Relations Examines the key issues and actors in international relations and alternative ways of analysing and interpreting the subject. MA in Global Politics and Intercultural Studies Offers advanced interdisciplinary research, providing students with a detailed understanding of the international system and the significance of intercultural relations in global politics. MA in International Security This MA scheme includes the study of economic, environmental, political and societal dimension of security as well as traditional issues such as war and violence.

MSc in Social Research This scheme, which has been granted RT (Research Training) status by the Economic and Social Research Council, provides advanced training in the range of research methods used in the social sciences.


Financial Support

We welcome applications with research proposals in any area in which the Department has research and teaching expertise as below:

We can submit candidates for the Swansea University Postgraduate Studentships. Please contact the Department for information on these and other Departmental bursaries for fulltime MA/MScEcon candidates.

• Political Theory: including domestic and international political and moral philosophy; liberalism and its critics; culture and politics; democracy and democratisation; post-structuralism; political theory and the media • British Government: including Welsh politics; devolution and local government; politics of New Labour; political communication • International Politics: including conflict studies; strategic and security studies; arms control and nuclear security; globalisation; South-East Asia; the Middle East; space policy; children and international relations Potential applicants are invited to contact the Department informally to discuss their proposals. All courses may be taken on a part-time basis.

International Students The Department welcomes applications from international students. All postgraduate students in Politics and International Relations are assigned a personal tutor, and students also have access to language courses provided within the University.

Academic/research staff




Taught courses MA in Politics MA in International Relations MA in Global Politics and Intercultural Studies MA in International Security MA in International Communication MSc in Contemporary Conflict and Violence MSc in Social Research Research opportunities MPhil/PhD

Entry Requirements We welcome students from a range of backgrounds, with a range of qualifications, and from all over the world. In general, you will have a good undergraduate degree in Politics, International Relations or a cognate subject. But we will consider your application on the basis of your merits and your commitment to postgraduate study. PhD applicants are normally required to have completed a Master’s course which has included research training appropriate for the proposed thesis project. The Department will provide training as necessary for research students in their probationary year. Part-time students are fully encouraged to study with us.

Professors R Axtmann MA PhD J Baylis BA MScEcon PhD FRHistS M Sheehan BSc PhD

Enquiries Dr Alan Collins Tel: +44 (0)1792 513103 Email: a.collins@swansea.ac.uk www.swanseapolitics.org.uk

Politics and International Relations


Part of the School of Humanities, Politics and International Relations was set up in the late 1950s and was well-known initially for its work in the fields of political theory and governance. More recently International Relations, Security Studies and the politics of the media have been added to these existing strengths. As well as providing extensive coverage of mainstream Politics and International Relations, members of staff possess unique expertise in areas such as the politics of outer space, children and war, and political rhetoric.




Taught Courses MSc in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology This MSc programme is designed to equip students with an advanced understanding of issues relating to the theory and practice of psychology in healthcare settings. The course does not provide a professional qualification, but will help prepare students who intend applying for professional training courses in clinical psychology. Applicants should be aware that in addition to further academic study, experience of working with relevant client groups will be beneficial when applying for professional training. Course modules include: developmental disorders, the history of abnormal psychology, adult affective disorders, adult psychotic disorders, personality disorders, clinical research methods and statistics, eating disorders, somatoform disorders, health promotion, theory and practice. Teaching will be in the form of seminars, small group lectures and practical classes. Assessment is by written coursework, examination, and a research thesis on a topic related to clinical psychology. MSc in Behaviour Analysis The MSc in Behaviour Analysis is one of only a handful of such courses in Europe. This unique course aims to teach students the basic principles of behaviour and their application to problems of social importance in various applied and clinical settings. Methods of research design, behavioural observation, functional assessment, and empirical evaluation of behavioural interventions is taught through a combination of lectures, seminars and practicals. The course is approved by the behaviour Analyst Certification Board (see www.bach .com) as meeting the coursework requirements to apply for eligibility to become a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA™). Applicants will need to meet additional requirements in order to qualify. Obtaining a professional, internationally recognised certification in behaviour analysis is something that employers are increasingly insisting upon. Applicants need not have an undergraduate degree in psychology, but are expected to show a commitment to behaviour analysis.

MSc in Research Methods in Psychology The aim of this programme is to provide students with the advanced training in research methods that will prepare them for a career involving psychological research. Training is provided in all relevant skills, including reviewing literature, developing hypotheses, writing research proposals, designing and carrying out empirical studies, conducting advanced statistical and qualitative analyses, and presenting results. Students learn to use a range of research tools, such as databases, statistical software and computer-assisted qualitative analysis packages. Teaching is in seminars, small group lectures, and practical classes, and is assessed primarily by written coursework, and reports of empirical projects carried out individually, and in groups. By the end of this training, students will have acquired a wide range of practical research skills. They will have gained an understanding of the nature and limitations of the scientific method and the main alternatives. In addition, they will have knowledge of a range of general historical, theoretical, and philosophical issues underlying the discipline of psychology, including the Philosophy of Science.

Research Students working full-time towards a research degree will have the opportunity to attend taught courses on research methods and statistics. Research Students are expected to attend the Departmental Research Seminar series and are encouraged to disseminate their own research findings both at national and international conferences. Postgraduate students are provided with office space, personal computing facilities and access to technical support. The Department has four strong research groups reflecting the research interests of members of staff. • Psychology Applied to Health and Medicine: coping with health threat; interventions in medical settings; nutrition, obesity; body image; addiction and craving; occupational stress • Learning and Behaviour: autism and early interventions; schizophrenia; personality; reward sensitivity theory; animal behaviour; relational frame theory

• Cognitive Psychology: inhibitory process in memory; attention; sleep and dreams; eye-witness testimony; object and face recognition; biological motion; cognitive neuroscience • Brain and Behaviour: psychopharmacology, neuropsychology; brain injury rehabilitation; quantitative EEG; neuro-feedback, addiction and substance misuse

Financial Support The Department has proven success in attracting research funding from the ESRC, the European Union, the Health and Safety Executive, the Leverhulme Trust, the Nuffield Foundation, the British Academy, the Wellcome Trust, the Welsh Assembly Government, BAE Systems, and the EPSRC.

Enquiries Taught Masters Mrs Eleanor Gregory Tel: +44 (0)1792 513023 Email: e.k.gregory@swansea.ac.uk Research Dr Cristina Izura, Postgraduate Admissions Tutor Tel: +44 (0)1792 513344 Email: c.izura@swansea.ac.uk

Entry Requirements A minimum of an upper second-class degree in Psychology or a related discipline is required. Where English is not the first language, the Swansea University required score in tests of English is required. For applicants to the MSc in Research Methods in Psychology, evidence of a commitment to a subsequent career in a research setting is desirable.

Academic/research staff




2001 RAE rating


Taught courses MSc in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology MSc in Behaviour Analysis MSc in Research Methods in Psychology (ESRC accredited) Research opportunities MPhil/PhD by research Professors D Benton BSc PhD A P Burgess BSc MSc PhD CPsychol P Corr BSc PhD CPsychol T Lloyd-Jones BSc PhD A Parrott BSc PhD P Reed BSc DPhil I M Thornton BSc MSc PhD R L Wood BSc PhD CPsychol FBPsS



The Department has an international reputation in research, and is rated ‘Excellent’ for teaching. Psychology is part of the School of Human Sciences and has extensive laboratory space, excellent facilities, and good links with hospitals and education. The Department is a member of the Welsh Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience in partnership with Bangor and Cardiff Universities. Psychology at Swansea has a dynamic and diverse group of postgraduate students who are central to the research ethos of the Department. The Department is accredited by the ESRC as a postgraduate training outlet.


Sports Science

Sports Science

All courses are modular. In Part I (120 credits), students study for a combination of core and optional (where appropriate) modules. Part II consists of a dissertation (60 credits). At the completion of Part I, a student is eligible for the award of Postgraduate Diploma (PgD). Candidates who successfully complete half of Part I (60 credits) are eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate (PgC). The degree of MSc is awarded following the successful completion of Parts I and II. MSc in Sports Science The course is intended for graduates of sports science or related subjects. The purpose of the course is to enhance the career prospects of those who are directly or indirectly concerned with promoting participation and/or enhancing performance in sport. In general, graduates go on to work in the areas of sports science support, physical activity and health promotion, and sport development and coaching. The course will also equip students for further study, especially a MPhil/PhD research degree in a related discipline. Students are required to complete compulsory taught modules in research methods and optional modules in specialist subjects, including Physiology, Nutrition, Health-related exercise, Kinanthropometry, Psychology, Biomechanics and Injury prevention. MSc in Sports Science with Management This course is also intended for graduates of sports science or related subjects. The course is designed for those students who want to study sports science and specific areas of management. The aim of the course is to enhance the career prospects of those who are directly or indirectly concerned with promoting participation and/or enhancing performance in sport. In general, graduates go on to work in the areas of sports management and administration, sport development and coaching. The course is offered jointly by the SESRC and the School of Business and Economics. Students are required to complete compulsory taught management modules in Financial accounting, Strategic management, Human resources management, and Management theory and practice, together

with taught modules in research methods, and a choice of modules from the MSc Sports Science catalogue. MSc in Strength and Conditioning (subject to validation) This course provides the opportunity for advanced study in the field of Strength and Conditioning. The course is designed for graduates of sports science or related subjects who wish to enhance both their theoretical and applied knowledge and gain practical experience in the specific field of Strength and Conditioning. The programme is delivered by staff with extensive research experience in the application of Strength and Conditioning principles to international athletes and teams (e.g. Welsh Rugby Union, Ospreys Rugby, Swansea City AFC, and British Swimming). The course is delivered using the latest research and technology with organised guest speakers working within the field (e.g. Welsh Rugby Union, Ospreys Rugby). On completing this course, students will be eligible to sit the internationally recognised professional qualification offered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and will also be equipped to apply for United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association accreditation. Students complete modules in Strength and Conditioning: Theory and Practice, Physiology of sports performance, Biomechanics of strength and conditioning, and supervised experience. MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology (subject to validation) This programme is intended for applicants interested in working as sport and exercise psychology consultants in applied sport and exercise settings, and/or wish to pursue doctoral work in sport and exercise psychology. This MSc programme is currently seeking accreditation by the British Psychological Society (BPS) to form Stage 1 of the training requirements towards Chartered Status as a Sport and Exercise Psychologist with the BPS. If applicants are graduates of a BPS accredited undergraduate psychology degree that confers Graduate Basis of Registration (GBR) then they will be eligible to enrol on the BPS accredited pathway. The course comprises modules delivered from both the SESRC and the Department of Psychology. Students are required to complete compulsory modules in Sport psychology, Exercise

psychology, Social psychology of sport and exercise, Reflective practice (work-based learning), Research methods and statistics, and a choice of two options in Clinical and Abnormal psychology.

Research The main areas of research in the SESRC are exerciserelated enhancement of health, and the enhancement of sport performance. Expertise is largely within the three disciplines of physiology, psychology, and biomechanics, with an increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary research. National and international collaborative research links are well established with a number of universities and organisations within industry. Sources of externally-funded research include the Welsh Office for Research and Development, Diabetes UK, the Sugar Bureau, and the Welsh Rugby Union. In 2005, Swansea University was a founder member of the Welsh Institute for Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences (WISHES) whose aim is to promote research in all areas of sport, health and exercise science through collaboration between the Welsh universities.

Entry Requirements A first-class or upper second-class honours degree in Sports Science or a related subject would normally be expected for entry to postgraduate study (research and taught courses). However, all applications are considered on an individual basis.

Academic/research staff




Taught courses MSc in Sports Science MSc in Sports Science with Management MSc in Strength and Conditioning (subject to validation) MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology (subject to validation) Research opportunities MPhil/PhD Professors J Watkins PhD FPEA FBASES

Financial Support A number of Taught Master’s bursaries to offset tuition fees are available to applicants.

Enquiries Mrs V-M George Tel: +44 (0)1792 295086 Email: v.m.george@swansea.ac.uk

Sports Science


The focus of sport, physical activity and health-related research at Swansea is the Sport and Exercise Science Research Centre (SESRC). The SESRC was established in 2001 with the objective of undertaking research in sport and exercise science of international excellence for the benefit of society. The SESRC has excellent laboratories for biomechanics, exercise physiology, sport psychology, motor learning and notational analysis with state-of-the-art equipment. All courses are research-led and taught by British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) and British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited staff. Taught courses



Information How to apply Where everything is Alumni Association



How to Apply

How to Apply www.swansea.ac.uk/applyonline Tel: +44 (0)1792 295358 Fax: +44 (0)1792 295110 Email:

postgraduate.admissions@swansea.ac.uk How to Apply

Candidates can apply for postgraduate study in the following ways: Online: Apply online and track your application status at: www.swansea.ac.uk/applyonline By Post: Application forms are

obtained from: Postgraduate Admissions Office, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP. Welsh Language: A Welsh

language application form is available on request. Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice: Applications should be made via the Central Admissions Board (CAB). Information and application forms are available online at: www.lawcabs.ac.uk. Or write to: PO Box 84, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 1YX Tel: +44 (0)1483 301282

When to Apply

Decision Process

Some of our departments have fixed closing dates for their taught programmes and/or research degrees. Please see the individual departmental entries for details. Applicants for other courses are advised to apply early (by 31 July, in year of intended study, if possible) to ensure that vacancies are still available. For general information see: www.swansea.ac.uk/admissions

The Admissions Office directs applications to the relevant department for consideration and decision. When we receive your application we will write to acknowledge this and to inform you of your student number. Please ensure that you quote this in all communications with the Admissions Office. Ensuring that your application is complete and legible will help the speed of the admissions process. The decision will also depend on the references supporting your application and you should try to ensure that these are sent to the University as quickly as possible.

Entry Requirements

Candidates should normally possess, or expect to obtain, an appropriate honours degree or higher degree of a British university or an equivalent qualification. Please see the course entries for subject requirements. English Language Entry Requirements If your first language is not English, you will be required to provide evidence of your competence in English. An IELTS score of 6.5 or a TOEFL score of 570, (or approximately 230 in the computerbased test or 88 in the internet-based test), is normally acceptable for all studies. However, some departments will accept an IELTS score of 6.0 (or equivalent). The University's English Language Training Services provide presessional English Language courses. Further information: Tel: +44 (0)1792 295391 Email: elts@swansea.ac.uk www.swansea.ac.uk/elts

You should note that formal offers are only made by the University's Admissions Officer, following recommendations from the relevant academic department. Offer letters contain full details of the terms under which the offers are made, together with any conditions. Details of how to apply for University accommodation will be sent to full-time candidates with their offers of admission. If you do not meet the precise conditions of the University's offer, your application will be reconsidered in light of available vacancies and it may still be possible to confirm your place. If your application is unsuccessful and you wish to request that your case be reconsidered, you should write direct to the Admissions Officer.

Information about the enrolment process will be sent to you in advance of the start of your study. Enrolment for taught courses usually takes place in late September. Enrolment for research degrees usually takes place in late September and April. Students are required to comply with the University's enrolment procedures and observe the University's General and Academic Regulations: www.swansea.ac.uk/registry. Admissions Policy

Our admissions policy is to encourage the enrolment of students who have the potential to acquire a broad range of complex, new skills; to master an extensive body of advanced knowledge and, above all, to undergo a period of rigorous, intellectual development culminating in the award of a University qualification. The University welcomes applications and enquiries from people regardless of age, ethnic or national origins, race, religion, gender, sexual preference, marital status, family responsibility, physical or sensory disability, and political or religious beliefs and activities unless those activities are unlawful or contrary to the policies of the University.

When considering a candidate's suitability for admission, the people delegated with the task of recommending students for admission will pay due regard, as appropriate, to previous academic performance; prior experiential learning; availability (or lack) of suitable learning opportunities and resources; current courses of study; assessments by referees, educational psychologists or medical practitioners; records of achievement; evidence of commitment and motivation; quality of written work; performance at interview or under examination conditions. The selectors shall also take into account the candidate's ability to contribute to the cultural, sporting or social life of the University and the community. We recognise that although they may well satisfy some or all of its criteria for selection, certain candidates may have to be denied admission because of the intensity of competition for a limited number of places.



Where Everything is

Visiting Swansea... By rail to Swansea Travelling distance to Swansea (in miles) Aberystwyth Bangor Birmingham Bristol Cardiff Edinburgh Glasgow Leeds Liverpool London Manchester Newcastle Sheffield Southampton

73 160 126 85 40 383 426 227 168 203 187 319 200 160

Birmingham Bristol Cardiff Liverpool London Manchester

USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS AND CONTACT DETAILS: Bus and Coach Enquiries Tel: +44 (0)8705 808080 www.nationalexpress.com www.firstcymru.co.uk

University – general Tel: +44 (0)1792 205678 Fax: +44 (0)1792 295048 Email: info@swansea.ac.uk www.swansea.ac.uk

3hrs 15mins 2hrs 55mins 4hrs 40mins 3hrs 4hrs 30mins

Rail Services Tel: +44 (0)8457 484950 www.nationalrail.co.uk

Traveline Tel: +44 (0)8706 082608 www.traveline.org.uk

Swansea Tourist Information Centre Tel: +44 (0)1792 468321 Email: tourism@swansea.gov.uk www.swansea.gov.uk/tourism


M4 J47 3 MILES

A48 3




A 4 8 3














6 0 4













A 4 0 6 7





A4 118

42 16






Taliesin Annexe





Taliesin ArtsCentre




Dental Surgery


Egypt Centre

11.2, 11.3

Sports Science




ILS Building


AquaCulture Wales

4 4

School of Humanities American Studies


Disability Office –Assessment


Porters’ Traffic Control Lodge



Wolfson Building

Classics, Ancient History & Egyptology



Student Counselling


Finance Building


Singleton Abbey


Singleton Abbey, Stable Block


Keir Hardie Building


James Callaghan Building


Law Library




Library and Information Centre


Faraday Building


Faraday Tower



Talbot Building


School of Arts


Wallace Building




Margam Building




Glyndw ˆ r Building



Vivian Tower



Sports Science Motion Laboratory

3 3


Grove Building



Grove Building Extension


Richard Price Building


Amy Dillwyn Building


Haldane Building





Fulton House





Union House

8.2, 8.3

School of Engineering






Energy Centre

School of the Environment and Society






Cefn Bryn

21.2, 21.3







Digital Technium








4 11.2 4

History Philosophy Politics and International Relations


School of Law


School of Medicine


School of Physical Sciences


8.1, 8.2

Computer Science




Hispanic Studies





Institute of Life Science

Media and Communication Studies


School of Business and Economics

Department of Adult Continuing Education


Requirements Office and Training Centre Discovery - Student Volunteering 32.1

Egypt Centre


Estates Department


Finance Department


Human Resources


International Office


International Student Advisory Service


Law Library

7, 9.4

Library & Information Services




Media Resources


Medical Centre




Occupational Health & Emergency Centre

Academic Registry


Post Office

Accommodation Office


Postgraduate Office


Admissions Office


Recording Centre for the Blind


Alumni Office




Art Gallery


9, 9.4, 11.2 Biological Sciences



Research & Innovation Department


Development Studies

17, 18, 32


17, 18







Staff Development Unit



17, 18, 32

Cash Points


Student Counselling Service


School of Health Science


Catering Office


Student Financial Aid Office


School of Human Sciences


Careers Centre


Student Support Services


Central Administration


Students ’Union


Chaplaincy Centre


Theatre (Taliesin)


Conference Office


Applied Social Science


Childhood Studies









The Alumni Association



Keeping in touch…


Thousands of Swansea’s past students enjoy the many benefits of the University’s Alumni Association by registering online at www.alumni.swansea.ac.uk

You can keep in touch with your old friends by using the Buddy Board, and set up or join a Chapter to continue socialising with other Swansea graduates!

Keeping you up-to-date with news and events locally and across the globe, this website also provides information on services and merchandise.

It’s all free-of-charge and takes just a few minutes to register. For further information contact the Alumni Office on +44 (0)1792 295156 or email alumni@swansea.ac.uk

We look forward to welcoming you back…

This prospectus is issued as a guide to prospective students wishing to enter Swansea University in 2009 and does not form part of any contract. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication at the time of printing. However, you should note that the University reserves the right to introduce changes in fees, regulations and services and the establishment, modification or withdrawal of courses and degree schemes at any time and without notice.

Design: Icon Creative Design +44 (0)1633 897086

© Swansea University 2008

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