been everywhere, seen everything

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rolina nell

been everywhere, seen everything

been everywhere, seen everything

rolina nell

been everywhere, seen everything

been everywhere, seen everything

about my project

For the year of 2007 I allowed the unlimited influence of the outside world on my working process. I planned to travel and paint for a year and work in a number of artist residencies all the way from Eastern Europe through the Middle East and on to Asia. During my overland trip from, and then back to, the Netherlands I made photographs and drawings. These served as inspiration for my work at the artist residencies.

artist residencies

I participated in six artist residencies with approximately one month’s travel time in between each one. The time spent in each residency allowed me to give visual form to the impressions and inspirations gained from my research during each leg of the journey. My choice of countries; Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, India, China and Latvia resulted from a mixture of curiosity about cultural differences as well as my interest in women and the way they manifest themselves in relation to their social environment. Additionally, I travelled overland to the different residencies to experience the gradual transformation from one culture to the next. It seemed to me that the variety of artist residencies would be an interesting way to further deepen and develop my work. At the conclusion of each residency I exhibited the work accomplished during the residency. I was pleased to give a work to the country where the original inspiration came from. ‘lost and found’ is the title of the series of donated paintings.


Maintaining contact with the Netherlands during my travels was important in order to foreground awareness of the fact that, although I made my art during 2007 in another reality, I never the less, inevitably did it from my own cultural context. To that end I devised a fax project. During 2007 my weekly Friday column (a black and white drawing) arrived by fax to an artists’ initiative in the Netherlands. My photographs, paintings, sketches, drawings, Friday column, etc. are all digitized and available on my weblog. Keeping this blog was not only important for maintaining contacts, but also for the awareness it gave me of my own process. It also allowed me to see my process from another perspective.


I have concluded my travels with a selection of my residency paintings in this catalogue and an exhibition titled: ‘been everywhere, seen everything’. Rolina Nell

been everywhere, seen everything

about my work

In Garikula we were moved by the committed work approach and professionalism of Rolina Nell as she approached imaging of a new context while in residence in Garikula. The style of work close to traveler’s diary produced pieces that flowed in, similar to movie frames, charged by artist’s expectations and search of subtle relationships found in specifics of a foreign country. Seemingly monochromatic they conveyed the feeling and character of the place, very well in the ‘Laundry’ series. Garikula and Georgia were seen as we did not see it before. The social conditions of inhabitants of the village had been addressed from an angle that allowed perception of different cultural perspective, quite useful to the hosts. The thematic of work as well as colour palette was interesting to see for Georgian artists attending the exhibition on a final day of the residency. Karaman Kutateladze Art Villa Garikula, Garikula, Georgia Rolina is an accomplished painter and during her stay in Iran she was able to create a new collection of paintings. In the end she prepared several installations on Pirozi Street (East Tehran). Her art was unusual in for this very traditional neighborhood and in turn generated significant attention and questioning. Rolina’s artwork, be it painting or installation, is often an effective medium for social communication. Ahmad Nadalian Paradise International Art Centre, Tehran, Iran Rolina’s paintings has a distinct freshness and life into it. Each piece of work depicts scenes from day-to-day life and they all seem to crawl out of canvas and come to life. Her work is like looking at real-life images of everything going around us. Puja Shah Kanoria Centre for Arts, Ahmedabad, India The art of Rolina Nell, reminiscent of lost childhood memories. A sense longing to be apart of another world, another time. Paintings of intimate objects expressing humanity. Her travels have allowed her to capture and connect the qualities of life. With simple brush strokes and a strong sense of color her paintings engage you on an emotional level, revealing the human conditions from her travels and journey. Mylissa Fitzsimmons LittleBird Gallery, Los Angeles, United States of America

laundry series hungary

‘t wasgoed acrylic on canvas 100 x 130 cm


‘t wasgoed acrylic on canvas 90 x 140 cm


‘t wasgoed acrylic on canvas 140 x 200 cm


chamashir acrylic on canvas 140 x 100 cm


sareckhi acrylic on canvas 120 x 140 cm


nathalia’s laundry acrylic on canvas 130 x 190 cm


sukata kapda acrylic on canvas 100 x 75 cm

women series georgia

butterfly acrylic on canvas 140 x 90 cm


bahar and leila acrylic on canvas 150 x 100 cm


golnar and yalda acrylic on canvas 24 x 18 cm


cocoon acrylic on canvas 160 x 65 cm


market acrylic on canvas 90 x 60 cm


horizon acrylic on canvas 75 x 75 cm


day’s to come acrylic on canvas 60 x 90 cm


a summer day acrylic on canvas 75 x 100 cm


saloni acrylic on canvas 100 x 75 cm


kitty acrylic on canvas 110 x 160 cm


waiting acrylic on canvas 170 x 200 cm


anjii acrylic on canvas 160 x 110 cm


limei acrylic on canvas 160 x 110 cm


yin acrylic on canvas 160 x 110 cm


ayushi acrylic on canvas 160 x 110 cm

installations iran

appearance installation acrylic and wallpaper


appearance installation acrylic and wallpaper


exclude installation mural painting


exclude installation mural painting

been everywhere, seen everything

rolina nell 1968 rutten the netherlands

Rolina Nell studied from 1997-2001 at the Academy of Fine Art and Design Minerva, Groningen, the Netherlands. In 2006 she received a basic stipend from The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture.

artist residencies

Union of Bulgarian Artists Art Villa Garikula Paradise International Art Center Kanoria Centre for Arts Red Gate Artist Residency Singalong Artist Residency


Sareckhi Appearance Indian Times Open Studio Exclude


Art Villa Garikula Pirozi Street Neighborhood Kanoria Centre for Arts Red Gate Studios Andrejsala

Sofia Garikula Tehran Ahmedabad Beijing Riga

Bulgaria Georgia Iran India China Latvia

Garikula Tehran Ahmedabad Beijing Riga

Georgia Iran India China Latvia

solo solo solo group solo

paintings installation paintings paintings installation

been everywhere, seen everything


Design Text Photographs Printer

Rolina Nell Rolina Nell Rolina Nell Confiance, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

This catalogue was printed in an edition of 500


This publication was made possible with support of The Netherlands Foudation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture Amsterdam, the Netherlands Ahmad Nadalian Karaman Kutateladze Margaret Nowling Mylissa Fitzsimmons Paul Giesen Puja Shah Š2008

been everywhere, seen everything

the project In 2007 Rolina Nell spent the year travelling extensively and participating in several artist residencies. This catalogue is an overview of the works made during her sojourns.

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