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IDA R&D Spotlight: IDA 2020-21 Research & Development Committee Targets
Ms. Olga Sallangoa Dhekelia Desalination Plant Manager
Dr. Ruan Guoling Chief Engineer of SDMU, The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization
Dr. Victor Monsalvo Garcia Head of Eco-Efficiency, Aqualia

85IDANEWS The Term 19 IDA Board Research & Development Committee, Co-chaired by Ms. Olga Sallangos (Caramondani Desalination Plants Ltd.), Dr. Ruan Guoling (The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization- SOA) and Mr. Victor Monsalvo Garcia (Aqualia) announces exciting opportunities for collaboration with research entities, recommending candidates for strategic partnerships with the Association, and much more. To initiate a new opportunity with the committee, please email a 250-500 word proposal to kzilinek@idadesal.org It is our honor and a great responsibility to be cochairs of the R&D Committee of the International Desalination Association (IDA). We are grateful to IDA for their trust. We are always devoted to promoting initiatives about innovation towards highly competitive and sustainable solutions during the term 2019 – 2021. The IDA R&D Committee aims to push the envelope of desalination, water reuse and advanced water treatment industry, catalyzing innovations and elevating best practices from around the world. We aim to accelerate progressive outcomes by demonstrating replicable research findings and sharing
advanced water treatment technologies, practices, and experiences across a range of diverse geographical, climatic and socio-cultural aims in helping bridge the chasm between research and practice in order to accelerate the development and market uptake of innovative

settings. The IDA is resourceful and committed to be the international reference where innovative sustainable solutions for water desalination are presented as universally applicable, easily accessible, and locally adaptable future products and services. A new ambitious mission of the Committee solutions in the water industry - A BRIDGE BETWEEN RESEARCH AND PRACTICE. The IDA drives innovation and change in the water desalination sector, as well as showcasing the use of new eco-efficient solutions that are practical and provide sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to the world’s growing water scarcity, while also helping to reduce costs.

BRINGING CUTTING-EDGE SOLUTIONS TO REALITY - to promote the goals and vision of the R&D Committee and bring together diverse stakeholders from universities, research foundations, utilities and industry to promote a systems approach that drives innovation and change in the water desalination industry
CREATE COMMON GROUNDS FOR R&D COLLABORATION - to provide a platform where research, development, innovation and dissemination of innovative technologies and services are promoted, with the aim of boosting innovation in the water sector. Utilities can also share experiences, recognize and learn from emerging disruption, as well as adapt and embrace change. Relevant specific R&D events and parallel sessions (workshops, round tables, oral/key/plenary presentations, poster rooms, competitions and awards) in exhibitions will be organized
LEADER IN INNOVATION: SUSTAINABLE DESALINATION - to lead the way in providing sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to the world’s growing water scarcity and demand, while also helping to reduce costs. The IDA continues its strong support of the use of renewables in low carbon footprint advanced water desalination processes
FROM CHALLENGES TO OPPORTUNITIES - to support emerging opportunities to overcome current and future challenges faced by industry, i.e competitiveness, energy consumption, social awareness, and brine management. Scientific community awareness to create new side opportunities and novel business models in desalination facilities
DECARBONIZATION - to reinforce sustainable practices and dedication to raising awareness about environmental conservation, accelerating deployment of renewable-driven desalination (hybridization and integration with low-carbon grids)
If you are interested in becoming a member of the R&D Committee, please contact info@idadesal.org