IDAG - Industrial Design, Arts & Graphics

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IDAG Design Group/ Västernorrland/ Swe Our company name IDAG is not only a swedish word meaning “today”, but also an acronym for “Industrial Design, Arts & Graphics”. These, our three main areas of work-expertise is the governing idea which, in one way or another, runs through all of our work – because we believe that in keeping a wide approach when working in the design field, one will ultimately gain both better and more innovative solutions as well as stronger product brands. Regardless of wether the result is a city-branding concept, a piece of furniture or an interior design theme.

A tool for effective product development. As industrial designers we adopt a certain methodology in order to ensure that every design project will end up in a product or service that will not only fit into the company brand but also meet market- and end user requirements. This process, as illustrated below, can be applied to a variety of different projects that involves a designers point of view, as it is not limited to product development only, it may just as well be used to improve a company brand, a service or an experience.


2. First Draft 1. Design Brief & Analysis Client meeting - Design objectives - Pilot study User & market analysis - Requirement specs.

Various ideas & solutions - Discussion & testing Sketches - Outlining of a general concept

6. Follow up/ Review Ensuring the product meets market/ user requirements - possible improvements & development

5. Finishing & Delivery Preparation for manufacturing - Delivery of 3D/ CAD files, sketches & schematics

4. Evaluation of Concept Reviewing design proposal - Testing together with client & end user - Possible modifications

3. Concept Choosing & refining a concept - Explicit visuals Optimizing for production & market


Communication A product can communicate a variety of different values depending on the shape and colour it is given - for instance; a train or a car which did not look “fast” and “safe” would be pretty hard to sell, since no one would really want to ride in it.

8:30 - 9:15 Snökylanläggning - Välkommen till snökylanläggningen vid Sundsvalls sjukhus. Turen börjar vid informationstavlan över området. - Genomgång av det tekniska systemet nere vid pumphusets informationstavla. Här finns även möjligheten att titta in i maskinrummet. - Möjlighet till hjälp för handikappade.

9:15 - 9:30 Entré - Samling vid bakre sjukhusentrén, möjlighet att gå på toaletten innan turen fortsätter.

9:30 - 10:00 Belysningssystem - Genomgång i samlingsutrymme med informationstavla som förklarar energibesparingar i sjukhusets nya belysningssystem.

10:00 - 12:00 Konferens - Avslutning i konferensrummet med fika, sammanfattande bildspel och möjlighet att ställa frågor till tekniker. - Här kan den intresserade även få med sig ytterligare informationsmaterial samt hjälp att komma i kontakt med leverantörer av de olika systemen.


A Better Visitor Experience Design project aiming towards creating streamlined logistics and legible visual communication for guided studytours of the snow-cooling system used at the V채sternorrland county hospital.


Chair “>� A rocking-chair inspired by the graphic signs < > (angle- or diamond-bracket) exhibited at Check In 09 during Stockholm Design Week 2009. For more info about our own products, please visit our development blog;


More Than Just Looks When working with package design one has to take into consideration not only looks and product brand; equally important are transport and logistics (for instance optimizing measurements to fit as many units as possible onto a loading pallet), as well as user friendlyness, production costs and durability.


Inspirational Concept One of the most important aspects of destination design is to influence the local people in a way so that a living and active community aljnasdgfjklรถ brand is being communicated outwards. For instance ; imagine the impact a climate controlled ski-tunnel would have on activities and peoples way of life in a town - and thus also on the way the destination could be marketed.

Cubinn - Concept for compact accomodations The main purpose for developing the Cubinn-concept (shown on following spread) is to fulfill an increasingly higher need for temporary low-price accomodations, foremost in connection to various infrastructural key-points (e.g airports, train- and busstations, etc.). In short, the room consists of a five m2 cube - simply furnished and suited for a temporary rest; from a couple of hours of sleep to an overnight stay. The idea is to locate the Cubinn boxes in close proximity to WC- and (where available) shower-facilities. Each Cubinn unit is also equipped with Wi-Fi internet connection as well as electric sockets and some extra luggage space.


In addition, the Cubinn is based on a light-weight modular system which provides for assembling and disassembling as well as compact storage. A feature that makes it possible to easily move and store the hotel-boxes at any given time. We feel that the need for this alternative solution of accomodation is huge in many of the world’s infrastructural centres and thus, Cubinn may penetrate a market with scarcely any competitors present to this day. Why this gap? Is there no market for this kind of living? We don’t think that this is the case here, but more so there hasn’t been any solutions good or flexible enogh to meet the needs of the market.


Visual Consistency Graphic profile and illustration manner developed for the snow-cooling studytours service at V채sternorrland county hospital. Used for signposts, printed and electronic information, etc. Shown to the left is a pamphlet with info on how the system works and a brief history of the facilities.



Explanatory graphics In order to explain how a product works and/ or looks in a convincing way, without having a physical model to show - 3D graphics and animations is by far the best way to go. Shown to the left is a shot from a sample animation that shows the movement scheme of an industrial robot.

Designers Anders Molin

070 573 69 41

Bjรถrn ร berg

070 225 71 46

Jan Lรถfgren

070 440 28 39

3D Animation Niklas Sjรถgren

Economy Torbjรถrn Molin

Office IDAG

Storgatan 90 851 70 Sundsvall Sweden

Weblog Products, lifestyle & more: www.byidag.som



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