Guide For Cleaning Your Barbecue Grill

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==== ==== Don't buy a barbeque grill before reading this! ==== ====

When you purchase a new piece of equipment for your home, it's only normal to protect your investment by maintaining it properly. Barbecue grills are no different; you can prolong their lifetime if you care for them properly. Luckily, practically the only maintenance required for barbecue grills is regular - and proper - cleaning. Cleaning barbecue grills after each use is important because accumulated grease, dirt and burnt food particles increase the risk of rusting and can affect the performance of your grill and greatly reduce the number of years you will be able to enjoy it. Also, when you put off cleaning your grill, you're only making the task more difficult - when you eventually get around to it. Depending on its type (electric, charcoal, smoker or gas), your barbecue grill may require a specific sort of maintenance, and you should be sure to ask the manufacturer about this. In general, however, the cleaning routine is the same for all barbecue grills. Using the information in this article, combined with any specific manufacturer's maintenance instructions, will ensure that your barbecue grill will function properly and last for many years. I. Cleaning Equipment The only 'equipment' needed for properly cleaning barbecue grills are ordinary household cleaning supplies: Stiff wire brush (brass bristles are better for porcelain-coated surfaces, steel bristles for iron-cast surfaces) Steel wool pads (you could opt for steel wool soap pads) Mild dishwashing soap Sponge or rubber scrubber Dry baking soda Aluminum foil Can of spray cooking oil II. Brushing After you empty the ashes from a barbecue grill (charcoal grills and smokers), give it a good brushing. Be sure to clean all surfaces of the grill. This is a very important step as it prevents dirt from building up and damaging your grill on the long run. Use the appropriate grill brush for your type of grill. III. Racks

Your barbecue grill racks are where you place your food when you cook it, so it is especially important to clean them properly. First, use your grill brush as described above. Next, wash the racks with mild soapy water. Depending on the amount of dirt, you may or may not need to use the steel wool pads. Rinse the racks thoroughly to ensure that your food will not taste of dishwashing liquid the next time you use the grill. IV. Polishing Baking soda is a very effective, non-toxic cleaner. Use dry baking soda and a damp sponge or a rubber scrubber to polish the surfaces, knobs and handles of your grill. This will restore the grill's original shine and it will get rid of any remaining dirt that you were not able to remove with the grill brush. You can also use aluminum foil to keep your grill polished and shiny. Don't throw away used aluminum sheets. Instead, crush them into a ball and use it to gently scrub the grill's surfaces. V. Protection After you have removed all debris and burnt food particles from your grill and washed the racks clean, spray a light coat of cooking oil on it. This will protect the grill and keep it from rusting. Always make sure that the grill has cooled down completely before you apply oil to its surfaces. Oil ignites if it heats and spraying a hot grill could be dangerous. Finally, remember to keep you barbecue grill covered after you clean it. You can purchase barbecue grill covers in all shapes and sizes.

Barbecues are really Monty's preferred passion and he really likes giving out his ideas and experiences with you. He says that it doesn't make any difference should you use a charcoal barbecues or perhaps cheap gas barbecues it really is all about the particular feeling that you create.

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==== ==== Don't buy a barbeque grill before reading this! ==== ====

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