Form No 1 2
Response type Negative (N) Positive (P) Conditional acceptance (C ) No Opinion (O)(blank) Total = N P C O General comments 1 Very impressed 1 Already WaterSpace attractions in the area, e.g. Braunston, Whilton and Stoke Bruerne
Excellent - needs to be good quality build too
Like the WaterSpace but concerns about traffic in Ashby Road No need for a canal
5 1
7 1
Number of Responses 57 66 25 1 149 Mix of uses
% 38.26 44.30 16.78 0.67 100.00 Mix of mooring
Very optimistic. Mkt at low for next 10 years
Leisure provision Lido missing
Good as long as there is a demand
Would prefer traditional locks not lift.
Environmental Any other comments Canal will be buffer Hopefully will bring prosperity We would have liked to see options
This will give Daventry something to shout about
Would like to see a cinema, bowling alley etc
Want to see some If done well will be good national chains e.g. Ask, Bella Italia etc
Waste of tax payers money. Want to see improvements to existing town first, including more police, highway improvements and an improvement to small shops. Traffic, noise, site 5 concerns
Via Response Open day Positive comments noted. Open day There are indeed already pleasant places to relax and eat in the locality, but that does not mean that more would be unwelcome. Development around the end basin should also prove a popular destination where people from the area will come to eat, and shop in the surrounding developments too. The Council is working with the developer on the adjacent site to provide leisure activities on that site, but the type is currently undetermined. Depending on demand these may include a cinema and bowling alley. The previous lido was financially unsustainable. Works may need to be phased so that the development around the end basins is not delayed. The basins will be built first and used to help attract funding for the canal. Open day DDC will be working closely with the developer selected to develop the site to ensure a high quality build. There appears to be a continuing demand for moorings in the locality and the long term moorings will provide an income that will be used for the canal maintenance. The decision about whether there is a lift or locks has yet to be made, but the comments are noted. Open day The Council will be taking all reasonable steps to reduce the amount of noise and inconvenience to local residents, including from traffic. Open day The Council is working with the developer on the adjacent site 5 to provide leisure activities on that site. Depending on demand these may include a cinema and bowling alley. The use of water is a proven positive feature used in Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water and tourism. Open day The Council agrees that there need to be some different places to eat, and want to create a pleasant environment to encourage people into Daventry at evenings and week ends. The Country Park would be protected by the proposed canal, which will also create an additional walk to the Grand Union.
Noise pollution
Don't want to see unoccupied or underused areas
Excellent - boat lift is a necessity
Canal Arm Hopes it will be well used Must be built before the basins
Keep Country Park Get on with it as soon as sacred. possible
Open day A development agreement is already in place with Henry Boot to improve and develop the town centre. This will encourage people to shop in Daventry rather than neighbouring towns. The District Council does not control most retail units in the town, highways, pavements or the police.
More facilities for youths
Agree with canal if done right
What about kids?
Open day The Council will seek to minimise the disturbance to residents by restricting times of work although it is impossible to carry out the work without any disruption. The adjacent Site 5 scheme will be subject to consultation in due course. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre.
Boat lift required!
Keep up the good work
Open day The decision about whether there is a lift or locks has yet to be made, but the comments are noted. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre.
10 1
Waste of tax payers money.
Fantastic concept for enhancement of town's profile
Boat users needs must be considered to encourage them to come
Looks good, as long as taxpayers money not used to build or maintain.
Sympathetic development is essential.
Seems a good provision
Bring it on!
Needs boat lifts
Seems good
Seems good
Hopefully a cinema Looks great and should bring in tourists
Could there be a larger marina
Worried about birds and cycle paths
Too dense, need transport upgrade too
18 1
Do not do this
Allowing existing facilities to die
Might be nice if all the uses come Don't need housing here about. Will boats be willing to travel up arm?
Design is good and must not be watered down
Beneficial to Dav and surrounds
Open day The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). We will follow good practice to minimise any risk to both users and visitors. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre. Open day There will be further public consultation on the updated masterplan following this consultation. Following this, the planning application will be submitted in the summer of 2010. The decision about whether there is a lift or locks has yet to be made, but the comments are noted. Open day The canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water and tourism.
No canal please
Security for boaters Don't let people moor is required along whole length
Strongly object
Children will die in the canal
Wants facilities
17 1
Would like to see a Do not want cinema, bowling alley etc
Could work without canal
Seems to have been adequately considered
Don't want
Catering for those Need a viable with a boat transport system
Canals only for wealthy
Looks considered
Basins are also being considered by Droysden and Bradford
Needs to be kept as a priority
Don't have a towpath on the reservoir side
Change visual Strong commercial emphasis aspect permanently
Waste of tax payers money
Shopping trolleys, Need to make sure Area of fountains would be basins too big there is an occupier nice for these before built
Good addition
don't want PRT
Needs to be strong links to Looks covered town centre
Can only be good
Locks could be more sustainable?
Get on with it.
Open day It is anticipated that there will be a service facility on the canal at the eastern basin. This would be for the use of long term moorers and also visiting boats. It is also hoped that the shopping and leisure facilitates on the neighbouring sites will provide an attraction for boaters. Mooring along the length of the canal would be controlled. Open day We are in contact with Bradford Council and there has been an exchange of information with them. We are trying to create a balance of a vibrant end basin with cafes, bars and restaurants. This is likely to be for short term moorings and we feel that this size basin should cope with the maximum number of boats. The eastern basin is for long term moorings and is restricted by the geographical features and by Daventry Country Park. Open day We have carried out environmental surveys and will be seeking to maintain and improve the ecological attributes of the area. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre. Open day Outside of the town centre there will only be a towpath along the eastern side of the canal until the flight of 4 locks is reached to the north east of the reservoir. The canal does not encroach into the Country Park and therefore wildlife within that area will not be disturbed. Open day The primary benefit of the WaterSpace would be the visual aspect for users of the town centre and as a walking/cycling route into the countryside. In addition, however, canals are not just used by the wealthy. Enjoyment of canal environment is not just by people with boats, people enjoy free access to canal towpaths. A lot of boats are hired and not privately owned. It is agreed transport provision is important. Open day The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). This is one element of the Town Centre Vision all of which will enhance the town visiting experience and increase overall vibrancy not just of one area. The Council will be working closely with the developer to ensure a high quality scheme. Open day There are few towns in this area that offer shops and other facilities near to the canal so this is likely to be an incentive to boaters, particularly once the other town centre improvements are in place. Fountains can be considered. PRT is not part of this consultation, but the comments are noted. Trolley dumping is an issue which can be managed as it is elsewhere. Open day The proposed alterations to Eastern Way and routes through the proposed developments it is anticipated that strong links between Site 3 and the existing town centre will be created. Open day The decision about whether there is a lift or locks has yet to be made, but the comments are noted.
22 1
25 1
Cannot guarantee that it will be an attraction. Millennium park option was good.
Too much unoccupied space in town Totally already unnecessary
Not needed
Not needed
Can be achieved by Life cycle assessment? other means
In agreement with all proposals
Dance studio req'd
Need visitor moorings in top basin
Need family entertainment
Would like to see parallel staircase
A diabolical waste of money
A welcome addition, will create jobs and an enhanced local area
Great idea, jobs and wealth to the area Welton road resident concerns
28 1
31 1
32 1
Money could be used for something else
Opposed to it all
Excellent idea, should attract investment Thoroughly support these OK if sustainable objectives- scheme good benefits. Falconers Close resident, Traffic issues Overdeveloped. Not enough detail. More open space. Need to know more about site 5.
Narrowing of road will cause problems in town centre
Open day Due to Daventry's status as a centre for growth it is important that as the number of dwellings increase, the amount of employment, shops, leisure and other facilities also increases. There is considerable desire for better leisure facilities. The development should not add to unoccupied space given its proposed content and staged construction. The Council assesses projects over a reasonable lifecycle.
Too much housing
Supervision and management necessary
Places to eat in a Needs a boatlift good location Don't want uses that If done well could be good generate noise need to stop trolleys being dumped.
Open day The changes to Eastern Way should lead to increased use of the ring road and reduce the amount of through traffic using the town centre. Dance facilities may be available in the ICoN or in other facilities offered by either this development or in site 5. Open day It is planned that the top basin will be for temporary visitor moorings (whilst the eastern basin will be long term or residential). Parallel staircases will be too costly to provide, can be confusing to use, would probably have a bigger requirement for water management and may not be space available. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre. Open day The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). The town centre will need to grow to cope with the future doubled population increase. This is one element of the Town Centre Vision all of which will enhance the town visiting experience and increase overall vibrancy not just of one area. Open day Positive comments noted
Good Good to canal but development could destroy habitat
Open day The decision about whether there is a lift or locks has yet to be made, but the comments are noted. Open day Improvement of the town centre is necessary both to meet current needs and to respond to the planned population growth. DDC will be working with the contractor to minimise the noise and disruption to residents. Trolley dumping is an issue which can be managed as it is elsewhere. Open day Positive comments noted.
Good and welcome Vital to increase tourist trade
Gets less and less
Right balance should make it sustainable
Loss of trees and hedgerows
Wholeheartedly support
Have little confidence after site Supplied 4a
Open day We are giving careful consideration to the exact split of users to ensure that there is the right balance of uses on the site. Open day These are highway matters that are already in existence. They should be taken up with the highway authority, Northamptonshire County Council. Open day This plan is indicative but shows enough detail in terms of denisty and use for an outline planning application. The developer that the Council choses to work with may not build exactly what is shown on the current masterplan. There will be further opportunities to comment throughout the planning process. The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). We will be seeking to minimise the loss of trees and hedgerows and will be creating more habitats, the canal will form a natural barrier to protect the Country Park. Site 5 is being brought forward by as a separate developer and we have already selected Henry Boot who will carrying out separate consultation on their site. With regard to the housing, this will not exceed 3 storeys but some of the commercial buildings at the end of the arm and the college may exceed this.
Wonderful imaginative scheme, it Excellent will be a place to visit rather than just collect the groceries.
34 35
1 1
Very good Badly needed or Dav will not progress Against. Lets have railway
36 1
42 43
A forward step! Will open up town to tourism. Daventry crying out for this development
1 1
45 1
good Very good mix
A good idea to keep long term and short term separate good Hope it will be used
Lift would require operator. Very good Would be better to have all locks or one lift.
Good luck
good Badly needed
good good Gives protection to Country Very good Park
For it! Thoroughly recommended.
Open day Positive comments noted. Due to the contours of the land it is not possible to replace all the locks with a lift without deep cutting or large embankments which would be expensive to construct and are unlikely to be attractive. Open day Positive comments noted. Open day Positive comments noted. Open day The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). The costs of an extension to the rail network would be very high compared to these proposals not in the control of the Council and even if this were possible it would not necessarily result in people wishing to visit Daventry without regeneration. Open day Positive comments noted.
iHUB is an incentive
Water attracts
Will encourage visitors
Vital for the success of the Keep the green feel The sooner the better scheme of Dav
Open day We will be seeking to retain as many trees as possible and there will be sympathetic planting both within the development and along the canal to maintain bio diversity.
Exciting times, in favour
ihub will attract prestige
Decent chain restaurants
Need this
Open day Positive comments noted.
A legacy of prosperity
Good balance
Braunston boaters will come into town Need mix of long and short term
Natural and sympathetic
If boat lift created it could become a Mecca
No objection but worried about value of their property
Too much development
We need more than we have
Very exciting Hurry up and build it!
Possibly too many houses
Cinema would be good
We need a lido in the scheme
Need high quality build
Forward thinking and promotes Dav as a town with vibrant future
Get behind Creative Idea
Need to be able to walk or cycle whole length
We need to get on with it.
Money could be better spent. Shopping trolleys will be dumped and children will drown. People will also bathe illegally in the canal. Good idea but concerns over who will pay
Keep green nature Hurry up and build it of town and protect CP Could be self Wholehearted support sustaining
Supports town council against this and the pods.
Could it be proved that there are private investors?
A one off opportunity to create a new town image.
Open day Positive comments noted. The decision about whether there is a lift or locks has yet to be made, but the comments are noted. Open day We are looking at some revisions to the scheme based on the public consultation which may reduce the density and address the matter of leisure uses. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre. Open day Positive comments noted. Open day It will be possible to walk or cycle the length of the canal arm and from there it will be possible to continue either north or south on the Grand Union. We are looking at the number of units which could be built on site. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre. Open day There is no intention to replace the lido which had become unsustainable. There is an indoor heated swimming pool in the Leisure centre and various other pools around the town in private facilities (E.g. hotels). The cost of running the lido had become unsustainable. There will be further public consultation following the amendments to the scheme we are presently considering, but the site will only be marketed once the property market improves. Open day Trolley dumping is an issue which can be managed as it is elsewhere. We will follow good practice in relation to water safety. Bathing seems unlikely as this does not happen in other areas with canal frontage such as Birmingham and Banbury. Reception Site 3 development will be self funding via an agreement with a developer, which will contain controls ensure suitable development. In relation to the canal, external sources of funding will be sought. Reception We have already received some funding towards the enabling works for the Masterplan and for the boat lift studies. We have also explored possible sources of further funding which will be contacted once there is a planning permission on the site. Reception Positive comments noted.
49 1
Leave as it is
Exciting and imaginative
Great Idea
One off opportunity to kick start the town
Replace outdoor Football pitches and Leave the CP alone swimming pool replace scout hall
Quality restaurants, independent shops and craft outlets
Like the idea of 3 Need this basins desperately
Doesn't think boaters will use the arm because of the time it will take .
54 1
Waste of money
Too much dev't nothing for residents Waste of money of town
55 1
Not interested
Leave green field
56 57 58
1 1 1
Pledges support Fully supportive of canal Supportive but more work req'd
Fine in principle but why will boaters come (crime)
60 1
Sack all the cllrs who want this.
61 1
Rail link would be better
Great for walking too.
Needs to be more green space
Maintain what we have
Basin encroaches on the Country Park
Remove basin and extend onto site 5
Need good restaurants
You don't know what you are talking about
Hope sustainable heat sources
Natural link to the town
53 1
Worried about flood Fanciful idea, too many risk buildings
Need to release in the press about who is paying for the doubters.
Reception We will be seeking further investment and grants from external sources, but at this stage we cannot provide further information. Once this is known we will issue a press release but this is unlikely to happen before we have obtained a planning permission. Web site Boaters have indicated that they would use the arm as the town will be worthwhile visiting. A quality public realm will be provided which may include green areas. We are aware of the problems faced by adjacent properties and will be seeking that any contractor signs up to the 'Considerate Contractor' scheme. Daventry is about to face massive growth although the residential development sites around the town have as yet to be identified by the Planning Inspector determining the Planning Appeal. This in town site could be beneficial to the Town in providing a focal point for visitors and residents. The Council cannot comment on Highway issues regarding access onto Welton Road. These concerns should be addressed to the County Council.
Falconers close concerns regarding noise, traffic and light pollution during the construction and use of the site.
Waste of money
Keep away from the Country Park
Scrap the WaterSpace
Web site
Thinks cllr responsible should stand in town rather than safe village seat.
Web site
Possibly a bit too intensive on the development front.
Worried that the canal is a dead end
Rubbish. Boaters will laugh in your face!
Reception The old lido was not financially sustainable. The scout building has already been replaced with an improved building at Daventry Country Park. There is no threat to the Country Park; the canal will provide it protection by becoming a further barrier against encroachment. There is no requirement for more football pitches. A Flood Risk Assessment has been carried out for the canal and the design includes weirs to prevent flooding. Reception Environmental issues are very important to the council, and new buildings for which it is responsible are built to high environmental standards. Developers will be required to build "green" buildings in order to comply with current planning policies and legislation. Reception Positive comments noted.
The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). The town centre will need to grow to cope with the future doubled population increase. This is one element of the Town Centre Vision, all of which will enhance the town visiting experience and increase overall vibrancy not just of one area. The interim draft Daventry Masterplan was approved by the full Council. Personal comment about a Councillor are not comments about the proposals. Positive comments noted. Positive comments noted. We are presently considering the results of the consultation, and as a result it is possible that the eastern basin may reduce in size slightly to minimise impact on the Country Park. However, it will not be possible to extend the canal into site 5 as the costs of constructing a road bridge for Ashby road would be prohibitive.
Supplied Supplied Supplied
Web site Web site Web site
Web site
There are moorings in many town centres, including Gas Street basin in Birmingham, Banbury and Manchester which are extensively used. Often these areas become self policing the more popular they become. It is important that there are a full range of facilities to attract boaters. The development at the end of the arm will be an attraction to boaters.
Web site
Personal comment about Councillors are not comments about the proposals. Boaters have indicated that they would use the arm as the town will be worthwhile visiting. The Council is unable to control extensions to the present rail network, which is a privatised. Even if this were possible it would not necessarily result in people wishing to visit Daventry without the improvements that are proposed.
Web site
62 1
Waste of money
63 1
Canal not viable and never was - Detrimental keep the land green
64 1
Traffic issues
65 1
Waste of Money
66 67
1 blank Various
Could think of something better
Ask everyone in Daventry what they want
Web site
Canal arm should Should enlarge not be built Country Park
PRT shows lack of credibility of Supplied council
Web site
Needs public parking
Dogs need Locks/lift debate exercise, kids need to play football and is leisure financially viable
Many other comments on roads, boats
Web site
Not wanted or pleasing
Not wanted or pleasing
Not wanted or pleasing
stop wasting tax payers money on stupid ideas
68 1
Waste of money. Security of boats, future management of the canal.
69 1
Objectives first then plan to meet Commercial development them
70 1
71 1 72
73 1 74 1
What a load of old rubbish Concerns about traffic around the site generally.
Mostly illegible but negative What's the point as BW have not agreed to take over running it as they have no money
Not wanted or pleasing
Need restaurants not just a hotel
Web site
Web site Web site
Web site
Just a housing development. Too dense.
Not wanted and will Retain open space be dirty and dangerous
Looks lacking
Keep open space. Has done a mini survey of boaters and doesn't think it is well researched.
Web site
Didn't see any
Who will pay for upkeep. No demand for moorings (planning permission was refused at Barby for a new marina).
Web site
Web site Web site
Supplied Supplied
Post Post
The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). The consultation was open to everyone. We will follow good practice to minimise any risk to both users and visitors. The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). This area of open space is very under used even in the summer months. The Council is seeking to extend Daventry Country Park. PRT is not part of this consultation but the comments are noted. Parking would be provided, much of it undercroft on the site. Highway issues are addressed by altering Eastern Way which should have the effect of encouraging traffic round the ring road. There are many areas for exercising dogs, which would include the tow path with easy access to the Country Park. Football is already provided for elsewhere and not in this location. The decision about whether there is a lift or locks has yet to be made, but the comments are noted. These comments are very general. Daventry has to grow to meet the requirements of the Regional Spatial Strategy. This proposal is seeking to extend the town centre in a way which will benefit many people. No response possible. It is intended that there will be cafes and restaurants around the area of public realm. At the present time we are trying to build up an idea of density and use mix, but the comments are noted. The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). Areas that are well used tend to become self policing. Most visitor moorings are not secured. This even applies in major cities such as Birmingham and Manchester. The Town has a Masterplan and a Town Centre Vision. This developed the ideas of what was needed and what should be achieved. The Town Centre Vision was developed in 2004 that was prepared jointly by the Civic Trust and DDC with input from NCC, parish councils, local groups, local businesses and residents. The Masterplan for the WaterSpace was a development of this agreed and adopted Vision. A consultation was carried out with boaters at the Crick Boat Show and the response was overwhelmingly positive. The eastern basin will be for long term and residential moorings and these will create an income. The western basin will be for visitor moorings. The planning permission at Barby was not refused on the grounds of lack of demand (this is not a planning ground). Many of the local marinas are full with waiting lists. The comment is too general to respond to. It is proposed that Eastern Way be downgraded to slow down existing traffic and to reduce the amount of traffic travelling along Braunston Road and Eastern Way. Traffic will be encouraged to use the ring road. The comment is too general to respond to. The canal is not just about getting boats into the town but about creating a 'destination' that this development could create for the town. Which organisation ultimately looks after it will be determined later but the business model involved generating income to support the costs, whether it is British Waterways or another entity.
75 1
Blah, blah, blah. You'll do what you want anyway
There isn't any
Note the historic incompatibility Imaginative between different uses on towpaths. Also the boat lift will be too far from town to have any relevance to the town centre development.
Very much needed to wake up Dav good and make it attractive to visitors. Agrees with them all esp. links Variety is important , there is a risk of between town and Country Park over development
Excellent idea, people in Dav are Great so negative and opposed to change. People will not drown!
Positive but should be wide beam
I agree with objectives although concerns that current proposals will not meet them
On line better, too Don't compete with Don't need a boat lift as much, better to main market the lifts all failed for a one basin reason
It is proposed that the boat lift, if built, will be served by boat trips from the town centre, with parking in the town centre. It would also be possible to walk to the lift along the towpath. The basins themselves will have different purposes and we have already a waiting list for permanent moorings on the site. Although it is true that Foxton inclined plane failed, it is also true to say that on a commercial basis nearly all canals have failed, but now their use has evolved to leisure based. The Anderton lift failed and was rebuilt with lottery funding and is a popular destination as is the Falkirk wheel. Positive comments noted.
Needs an open feel Great idea
Plenty of planting
Great opportunity , want to see it happen
Web site
Dav needs more attractions
Lovely to drive Let's see some positive along Eastern Way comments instead of all the and see water negative ones.
We will be seeking to minimise the loss of trees and hedgerows and will be creating more habitats to encourage bio-diversity, the canal will form a natural barrier to protect the Country Park. It is important that we retain views across the water from various points outside the site.
Mooring cost will Too little open need to be less space than those directly on the network
Great if it happens, Mkt Harbor' is good
Needs this
Can Dav support a cinema
Canal is alien to the history of town centre
83 1
Objectives ok but deliverability questionable
There seems little provision
Won't be used
Brilliant idea
Needs open space, bandstand, leisure, cafes, some resi and some commercial
Floating restaurant
Web site
Better vistas could be created
The plans have been developed as result of the Town Centre Vision which was produced in 2004 with the cooperation and agreement of many bodies, together with public consultation. Councillors are elected by a democratic process to represent the views of the residents. Unfortunately, it is not possible to please all of the people all of the time. The Council is not destroying the Country Park; it created it, maintains it and is seeking to extend it.
Very much in support
Not enough green space . Canal Too much housing users only like pretty places not concrete jungles
9.5 / 10
82 1
Stop destroying the You don't want to hear them Country Park
Mooring facilities need to be provided. Will water demands on the reservoir have an environmental impact?
Web site
We have considered a wide beam canal but the costs, water resource implications, additional depth required, and there are many canals in the midlands which are narrow beam. There are relatively few wide beam boats in the area.
Eastern way will remain busy
We will be sourcing the initial water supply from the reservoir in the winter from the overflow so the water levels should not be affected. We believe that although the moorings are up an arm rather than on the main line, their proximity to the town increase the demand. We have some interest already. The eastern basin will have a small building offering servicing facilities such as water, elsan disposal and pump out to both visitors and permanent moorers.
Not enough green which is what makes Daventry special
Reception Many canal users have shown an interest in this canal at the Crick boat show and many actually enjoy the town environment. Certainly Daventry will offer facilities that are not readily available in the immediate vicinity of the canal in this area. All uses are alien on first arrival, but settle in and become part of the character of a place. Reception This is not just all about bringing boats in but creating a vibrant and attractive environment, and forming links from the town through to the Country Park and to the canal. The Country Park is preserved by the canal as it forms a buffer from any other developments that could take place. The modern term of leisure parks tends to include areas for eating and drinking rather than football pitches. The area of open space is actually very poorly used. Reception We agree that links between the town centre and this site are very important and once plans are further forward we will be looking at ways of improving the transport between the various sites. We also agree with your comments about a cafĂŠ culture, and the public realm could easily be used for a variety of functions. The ICON will have facilities available for public hire.
Building around the Out of touch, stick to the basics Country Park wrecks that
Transport from town centre to this scheme should be considered for elderly and infirm. Also ICON should have a room available for let.
85 1
All a joke, no one wants
86 1
Don't like
87 1
Against canal
88 1
More important things are needed
89 1
I have always been against the canal
90 1
I have always been against the canal
Less housing , more other uses
What about canoes rather than elitist boating jack tars!
May be ok but other problems need to be addressed first. (mostly Borough Hill issues) and concerns over down grading of Eastern Way. Marina not required without canal
94 1
95 1
Reception The plans have been developed as result of the Town Centre Vision which was produced in 2004 with the cooperation and agreement of many bodies, together with public consultation. The use of water is an accepted form of town centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). Reception It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre.
Need something for teenagers
There is no 'green' infrastructure More green spaces needed. Too [from] what I can see on these many houses in a small area. plans and very little to enhance Daventry's identity. The plans indicate a 'second' town centre. The area will soon fall into the category "done that" and people will move off to other areas. The canal will create a hazard and [will be] life threatening to those who can't swim. The wildlife and wildfowl will suffer as a result of a canal by the Country Park.
Very against PRT
Reception The use of water is an accepted form of town centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). Reception There are other developments in the town which are progressing and should improve the retail offer of the town. These developed in conjunction with the WaterSpace will mean people will choose to come to Daventry rather than neighbouring towns. Reception The use of water is an accepted form of town centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). Reception The use of water is an accepted form of town centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). Reception Daventry has to provide locations for more residential development, and housing around the canal will create an attractive location. There are commercial, leisure and education uses on the site too. However, the mix may alter in the revised scheme. Generally canoeists will use rivers as they flow and have weirs rather than canals which rely on lock movements and back pumping to create a flow. There are many holiday makers that hire boats in the area and day boat hire, whilst walkers and cyclists could enjoy the towpath. PRT is not part of this consultation but the comments are noted.
Concerned about maintenance and locks, and possible vandalism to locks causing flooding.
Creates three There need to be An environmental disaster dangerous and more leisure and hazard to the general hazardous areas. facilities to cater for public. all needs, e.g. swimming, pool, bowling, cinema etc.
Eastern Way should not be providing the access to the north of Daventry. This area should be accessed from the Ring Road.
Use the space to erect an ice dome
The canal will not bring enough people into the WaterSpace area to pay for the upkeep of the WaterSpace. The sustainability of the business will suffer through lack of visitors.
There are too many high Supplied buildings in the area. All buildings should be no bigger than 3 storeys high. A new allpurpose swimming facility is needed more than a canal and marina.
It is intended that the works will be phased to allow the development around the basins to take place. The basins will not be built unless there is a clear indication that the canal will be built as a second phase. No large boats will be able to use the first phase of the works. It is impossible to open all the gates. Lock gates can only be opened when the water levels are even on both sides and anti vandal locks can be fitted to paddles. There are other towns and villages that thrive on their position on canals without undue safety issues. We will follow good practice in relation to water safety. The town already has a swimming pool in the leisure centre together with other private facilities. Other leisure facilities may be available on the other sites. Residential development will be limited in height, although development of the commercial space may be higher and should give a feeling of containment for the public realm. We will also be seeking to enhance the environment for local habitats.
96 1
I see the destruction of a "green infrastructure" and replaced by housing, offices and concrete. Daventry town centre will be split with an upper and lower town centre. If the WaterSpace economy is dependant on tourists visiting the canal infrastructure, the area will soon become a "ghost town". The canal corridor will create an environmental disaster. The cycle links in Daventry are very important and should be enhanced at every opportunity.
97 1
Why do we need a canal and marina? The buildings of 3 storeys and above will be an eyesore. More "green areas" should be incorporated.
The leisure and recreational [provision] is poor in the plan. What leisure facilities will come to Daventry? Why not build a new indoor/outdoor swimming pool as more people will use it than a canal and marina. There will not be enough parking places to accommodate the houses and businesses. (1) There is no 'green' Ok, apart from the marina and canal, Daventry does There need to be infrastructure in this plan and a more green park areas could be not need a canal! more leisure and sustainable development it is not. incorporated. recreational facilities (Only sustainable from taxpayers' instead of a canal monies). (2) The development is and marina. Why linked by 3 roads from the old not keep park areas town centre. This will split the with fountains etc. town centre into two separate as a focus point? areas competing for business against each other. (3) More people would return and visit a good quality leisure facility like an outdoor swimming pool. (4) Markets and fairs should be encouraged to both the old town and WaterSpace. (5) The area is already being used for informal recreation. (6) Pedestrian and cycle links are important and enhancement is a must. (7) Develop a swimming pool for the community to use 12 months of the year.
A waste of money! Who will pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the canal? What damage will it create to the wildlife?
What will happen to the canal in the event of a drought, water pollution and closure of locks? The environmental problems for wildlife such as kingfishers could be devastating.
More green park areas would Supplied be better than a canal and marina. The water will become a hazard for non-swimmers in our community. Keep all buildings to 3 storeys maximum. Car parking at the new development needs increasing.
The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). It is agreed that cycle links are important and the tow path will be a new cycle path. As required, water on the canal will be back pumped and circulated. The Canal would have a positive affect on the environment. Incidents of water pollution are very scarce and kingfishers can be seen on the main line of the canal.
A costly unsustainable dangerous project.
What will happen to the canal when there is a drought? The canal could harm the existing wildfowl, birds etc. through displacement whilst the canal is under construction. The income received [from] visitors won't be enough to sustain the upkeep of the WaterSpace and canal.
The buildings should be built to None. a maximum 3 storeys high. Daventry is a market town not a city! Cycle routes need to be promoted and encouraged to get traffic off our roads.
Daventry has a swimming pool at the leisure centre which is a heated facility offering lessons and can be used all year. All the residential will be no more than 3 storey but some of the commercial buildings including the college may be higher. Regenerating a town is not purely about balancing the books but creating a vibrant centre which people wish to visit and return to.
A great scheme that will put Very good. Daventry on the map and give employment for the next generation. Full marks to the architects and planners. There seems to be no point in having a lift plus two locks as you then have the worst of both for users. A lift would only be available during certain hours and locks would still need a water supply. If the top level of canal continued on the contour further round towards the main canal a lift could cover the total fall, although it would be further from the Country Park. I look forward to the submission of this planning application.
Very good.
Wonderful idea. Boat lift what an attraction!
Hope all goes ahead.
Positive comments noted.
After our meeting I have been thinking about the implications of the extra lock and the proposed reduction in the size of the mooring basin. Presumably it will need a fairly large pump to recycle water back above this additional lock. Even with such a pump frequent use of the lock will result in lowered levels above. This problem could be eased by reducing the rise of the lock, moving it nearer to the Northern Way bridge and/or increasing the size of the basin above.
The Inland Waterways Association (Northampton)
Wonderful leisure facility - very popular dining by water
No problems
Needs to be good mix of uses to maintain trade throughout quieter winter months
Daventry does not need a canal or marina. What happens if there is a drought?
Very good.
I also think there is scope for some of the mooring to be available for occupants of the adjacent apartments.
Should prove an attraction No problems
The suggestion about moorings being sold associated with the properties is helpful and we are trying to include this within our revised design. Unfortunately it would not be possible to replace all the locks because of the topography, and the water level at the point of entry into site 3 is set by the level of Northern Way and the need to pass under it. The decision about whether there is a lift or locks has yet to be made, but the comments are noted.
Web site
Positive comments noted.
101 1
Already 2 marinas. Who will pay No marinas, children will drown. Will No benefits for maintaining the marina there be lifeguards
More for teenagers Against canal - build more for youths
Development has been fragmented by different political agendas
Web site
102 1
Waste of money
Don't build on all the green space
Not required
Put a museum in Moot Hall with art displays
Development of town centre Supplied should be encouraged. iHub is an industrial unit and we don't need a conference facility or more housing.
Ihub good. Resi will keep it vibrant.
Using a little used field for this is good idea. At the moment there are very few reasons to visit Dav.
Good mix for Fantastic everyone proposed. Initially surprised by the amount of residential development but on reflection think this may be a way to add vibrancy.
Links for walks and cycling is good If dev't done well it will be ok. Need reason for people to visit Dav.
We welcome the opportunity to come to Daventry with our community boats
105 1
106 1
107 1
Good - need parking provisions for dropping off
This is a developer's dream ticket. Too much housing, needs to be better design than Timkens development which is an embarrassment to the town DDC determined to destroy Dav. Going to be an eyesore Working club awful. Canal will fill with trolleys
Replace any trees that are removed.
If done properly will be a benefit to the town.
Long overdue
Our belief too is that the mixed use will mean that the area is in constant use by one group of users or another, e.g. working, living, resting or learning. We will be seeking to minimise the loss of trees and hedgerows and will be creating more habitats, including tree planting.
Web site
There will indeed be areas of parking for users of the site. We have tried to keep parking as undercroft so that it does not result in large areas of cars on view on the WaterSpace development. At this time we are trying to establish broad principles and not details of design, but good quality design will be important. The mix of uses will be further considered as the proposals evolve.
Web site
The Council is not building on the Country Park but by building the canal beside the Country Park (on land that is presently used as agricultural land) it will protect the Park against future encroachment and enhance the wildlife and create new and improved habitats. Environmental issues are very important to the council, and new buildings for which it is responsible are built to high environmental standards. The canal water will be circulated and will not become stagnant. There is always a degree of subjectivity about design, as many others have commented positively about the working men's club. Trolley dumping is an issue which can be managed as it is elsewhere.
Developers 'dream ticket'
This seems to be an attempt to move the town centre not to regenerate. We don't need any more market places
What a waste of time and money
We need large shops and not hotels don't want canal
Too little too late. It will fill with trolleys. It will Generally unhappy DDC stinks You build on the be stagnant and attract about conditions of Country Park and mosquitoes streets etc. turn it into a building plot. Should be ashamed of yourselves.
Plaza will become an eye sore
No one will want to do 14 locks
No one will want to A waste of money which could live in an area that be better spent will become an eyesore
There are a number of marinas in the area including Braunston, and these are usually full. We already have interest in the moorings and they are likely to be popular because of their proximity to the town centre. Most of the mooring in the end basin is likely to be for visiting boats to create an attractive and changing environment. The Town has a Masterplan and a Town Centre Vision. This developed the ideas of what was needed and what should be achieved. The Town Centre Vision was developed in 2004 that was prepared jointly by the Civic Trust and DDC with input from NCC, parish councils, local groups, local businesses and residents. The Masterplan for the WaterSpace was a development of this agreed and adopted Vision. A consultation was carried out with boaters at the Crick Boat Show and the response was overwhelmingly positive. The ICON is not part of this consultation but the conference facilities will be available for hire for non business events, and should promote and encourage businesses specialising in sustainability and innovation. Daventry Town Council now holds museum artefacts and can choose how to display them.
The concept of the development is based on the Daventry Town Centre Vision (TCV). This was prepared jointly by the Civic Trust and DDC with input from NCC, parish councils, local groups, local businesses and residents and adopted in 2004. The TCV Site 1 development will be the main retail area with further development in site 5, which links the town centre with the WaterSpace. Site 3, in particular the public realm area will have cafes and restaurants which Daventry presently lacks. There is no reason why this area should become an eyesore.
108 1
The town centre will become split Public realm is a fancy word for built over space which is used occasionally. Density too high
If it was a through canal it may be worthwhile. Think it will be underused.
We need other things to do other than eat and drink. 10 pin bowling
Excellent concept
quite good
Like plaza but need Should be a loop not an to be more leisure arm. Lift would need big facilities. car park
Too dense, and no open space
No one wants it.
Too dense
There are some redeeming aspects. Hotels on the outskirts are half empty
Too dense
Need off street parking -not shown on block 16
110 1
It's not green infrastructure, most Too many houses, not enough of us wont live or work there. It leisure won't excite the world. All looks too cramped and can only be detrimental to wild life.
not sure than Poor perm mooring will be attractive (doesn't say about resi or long term)
Madness, and expensive white elephant
Plans fail to show the canal with housing along it
this looks like a scheme for the developer
111 1
Idealistic nonsense. No one want Nothing to attract locals to visit this white elephant
Flawed, no one Why is pub away will come and pay from the plaza to transit the arm
Rejected in 1793
Negative impact
Some form of WaterSpace is a good idea but as its an arm going no where is will just be come a dumping ground.
112 1
There appears to be little support There is a loss of green space for these grandiose ideas
Only good for those that have n/boats
Pointless and expensive
Will not protect park WaterSpace could be good, but boating lake or children's pool would be better.
113 1
Better ways to spend money
We need to get something in place of lost swimming pool and pitch and putt Unnecessary as Should be a new the canal arm will outdoor pool, a never be built concert hall and a community centre
Pointless there are lots of canals already
Not a green initiative, more grass less water
Probably only Where is it? ever see 6 boats
Cannot be a serious proposition
It does matter
114 1
no problems
There isn't a mix - it's commercial or residential
Has anyone got a grip on what this town needs?
Web site
The concept of the development is based on the Daventry Town Centre Vision (TCV). This was prepared jointly by the Civic Trust and DDC with input from NCC, parish councils, local groups, local businesses and residents and adopted in 2004. As Daventry grows it needs to be able to offer all facilities so that people will stay in the town rather than drive to Northampton or Rugby. 10-pin bowling is a possibility on Site 5. There is continuing demand for hotel space in the Daventry area. Reception Most of the off street car parking is in undercroft car park so that there will not be large areas dominated by parking cars. It is agreed that a loop would be a good facility but here are huge cost implications and it is about trying to make Daventry a place to visit to attract boaters in and about the environment that the WaterSpace creates so that non boaters can enjoy the space too. Very little of ecological interest has been found on this site (Site 3), so there is unlikely to be a destruction to a habitat whereas the canal will create new habitats and form a natural barrier between the County Park and any future development. We will be seeking to minimise the loss of trees and hedgerows and will be creating more habitats, the canal will form a natural barrier to protect the Country Park. The housing development is not shown as it does not have planning permission, and it is not the Council's proposal. Although it is true to say that only some people will live or work on the site, there will be educational opportunities for all, conference facilities for hire, and leisure facilities in the form of restaurants, and towpath and cycle routes to the park and the canal. Reception The use of canals and their reason for being has changed, and whereas once they were used for commercial traffic now they are sources of leisure for both boaters and those partaking in towpath activities. It is important that the facilities in Daventry will be attractive to boaters, and hopefully if the boat lift option is pursued then there will be an additional reason to cruise the arm. The use of water is an accepted form of Town Centre regeneration and the canal link is considered to increase the attractiveness of the area through activity on the water (the responses seem to be split between wanting and not wanting the canal). Reception The arm is not all about boaters but also about the environment that water helps to create. Stoke Bruerne is a good example of this with its pubs and eating places adjacent to the canal, attractive walks both along the canal and into the surrounding green spaces. Reception The former lido was financially unsustainable due to poor levels of use overall. There is an indoor heated swimming pool in the Leisure centre and various other pools around the town in private facilities (E.g. hotels). The cost of running the lido had become unsustainable. The ICON will provide facilities that can be hired and there is already a Community Centre and the Phoenix Youth Centre on Ashby Road, and further facilities for hire in the Leisure Centre. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre. It is important to remember that this is only one site of several that are being developed. Sites 1 and 5 are already subject to a Development Agreement with Henry Boot and there will be massive improvements to the town centre as part of this proposal. The provision of a college is vital as the town grows and the ICON will provide specialist employment and conference facilities which can be hired. The leisure offer in the WaterSpace will include places to eat and relax.
Should be deeper. Lift will mean shorter operating hours which will detract people from coming. Stop lock facility would render draining almost impossible.
It is a decision that has yet to be made about the boat lift but the advantages are that it will encourage boaters and their 'guests' to visit the arm as a tourist and the hundreds of locally moored boats will be able to visit at week ends, in addition to those hiring or on longer breaks. The issue of depth is continuing to receive consideration.
WaterSpace good but not a canal
We take the point with regard to leisure activities for teenagers. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre.
WaterSpace good but more leisure facilities and jobs Strengthening links to the town centre are key to keeping both parts busy The canal will give people a place to go and there will be new jobs A visionary lift will regenerate and make Daventry a central point Want a KFC. Connect Welton to canal OK
Jobs will be created in the ICON and the neighbouring units, and in the leisure facilities (hotel and restaurants) We accept this and are trying to create strong links with footpaths, and by declassifying Eastern Way making this less of barrier. Positive comments noted.
Positive comments noted.
At this stage we cannot confirm which retailers will occupier the units. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre.
123 124
Need restaurants, and a cinema
yes, good
Cinema and child based attractions would be good.
128 129
1 1
Good idea We need a cinema as Northampton is nearest
Appears to be a good scheme in principle Need to improve the rec facilities for young and old.
Great to hear lots of changes are Like the idea of the canal and more fine coming to improve the town facilities but don't want to see houses centre round the whole Country Park
Great to have cafes Great, will bring tourism to by canal, pleasant town, which will generate to wander more business.
Good idea- more facilities for young people are needed
More leisure Gets more people into the activities for town centre younger people (indoor). We want to spend in Dav not Northampton
The cinema idea is good, as we have to go to Northampton
134 135
Interesting in theory Like the idea but worry about safety. Would like more entertainment
Need a cinema
what we need
need a cinema and bowling
good idea 1
Don't want college to go to new site. Kids like to play on opens space. Canal ok if it doesn't flood
Good idea
good idea
Important that there is no litter and area is cleaned.
good idea
Positive comments noted. We will be taking all safety measures possible to ensure the safety of boaters and those visiting the site.
It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre.
There will be restaurants on the development around the public realm area. It is likely that there will be a service charge of the commercial users to manage and maintain the public areas.
Good idea
good idea
Funday Funday
Bring back Dav train station
good idea Supplied
Funday Funday
Positive comments noted. It is hoped Site 5 will include leisure facilities such as cinema and/or bowling alley, and the Council is supporting the development plans of the Phoenix Youth Centre.
The ICON will offer facilities for hire for groups and individuals. This will form links to the hotel and to the restaurants around the public realm area of the scheme
Positive comments noted.
The reintroduction of a railway connection for Daventry would be welcome but it is not something the Council can control.
Positive comments noted.
Funday Funday
Positive comments noted. The canal will not flood as it will be weired into the Reservoir in the Country Park which then weirs into the river.
137 1
Need a variety of shops, small and large chain.
Need a selection of shops, doesn't like housing development next to Borough Hill or canal basin
Good idea for Dav to move forward, keep water feature closed lake for boating
I think the marina is a great thing for Dav. I only worry that the rubbish will collect They have sent a comprehensive letter but are generally supportive of the canal.
141 1
142 1
146 1 147 1
149 1
Negative issue that Question how much it will o.s will be taken be used away
Will need to be litter Will be used by generations to Supplied police come
We believe that the key to Daventry's success is a mix of larger stores and smaller more specialist stores. We will be offering a selection of premises which should suit both purposes throughout the planned developments across the town centre. It is agreed a selection of shops is needed and a selection of premises will be provided in the developments across the town centre. It is considered that housing development around the basins would add to vibrancy of the area, although the mix of uses is being further considered as the proposals evolve. Development to the south and east of Borough Hill is subject to a planning application on which the Secretary of State's decision is awaited. The Council opposed the application at the public inquiry held during 2009.
It is true that the open space will be removed but equally a linear open space will be provided along the canal which will be used for walking and cycling. It is anticipated that this use will substantially exceed the current use of the open space. It is likely that the properties around the basins and canal will be charged a service charge in respect of the cleaning and litter clearance on the site.
It is likely that the properties around the basins and canal will be charged a service charge in respect of the cleaning and litter clearance on the site. Positive comments noted.
They have sent a comprehensive report but they have indicated that they are in favour of the scheme verbally. Not a green piece of infrastructure. Integration may be an issue. Undercroft can have a negative visual impact at ground level. Heights of buildings. Particular concerns about the eastern basin. Concerned about the width of canal
Web site
Positive comments noted.
Web site
Canals provide valuable habitat and space for recreation, and so are fully green infrastructure. Good design is important and the Council will ensure that it is achieved.
Procedural response as putative local planning authority for the planning application.
There will be continued dialogue with the local planning authority.
Positive comments noted.
Discussion with the Environment Agency about these issues will continue.
The following responses followed the closing date Canal will form a high quality link, the key objectives of the scheme will be met, informal rec, and will support the regent of the town centre Technical comments on the provision of services and flood risk issues. Excellent a mini gas st basin Unattainable, unsustainable. Low impact on tourism. White elephant Excellent
Full report on file
Excellent We want green fields
Lifts Dav to 1st division of market towns, long overdue
Seems fine but Good but would Connects Dav to the canal Must not have an needs support for some uses compete networks and gives access adverse affect on moorings with town centre to a unique and valuable Country Park recreational asset. Boat lift would be a great attraction Need more for young people, the money could be put to better use.
excellent Just vague ideas
Long overdue How many boats will use dead end basin
Totally opposed.
The Welford arm does not Disruption will not At a time of recession this is attract any visitors be environmentally unnecessary expenditure with good no guarantee that it will be a viable investment
Reception Positive comments noted. Reception The field has very low usage, and the results of the consultation indicate that there is a lot of support for the scheme. Reception The Council is also committed to development not having an adverse affect on Daventry County Park. Connections between Site 3 and the existing town centre will be of particular importance and will be designed into the Site 3 and Site 5 schemes. Post
The Welford arm does not lead into a town, with all the facilities that boaters require. This project is planned to integrate with the economic recovery and would take place over a number of years.