Portfolio 2021_ Agostinelli

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TheBi gSmok e-Ani mat i c

ht t ps : / / y out u. be/ J mR3I y ASASE

TheBi gSmok e-Ani mat i c

ht t ps : / / y out u. be/ J mR3I y ASASE

I DEAAc ademyRome|Vi s ualDev el opmentMas t erL ev el1Oc t ober2020-J une2021 I DEAAc ademyRome|F undament al sofVi s ualDev el opmentSept ember2019-J une2020

Languages|I t al i an, Engl i s h Tr adi t i onalMedi a|Gr aphi t e, i nk , wat er c ol or Di gi t alMedi a|Phot os hop, Cl i pSt udi oPai nt

ht t ps : / / agos t i nel l i gr et a. ar t s t at i on. c om/

agos t i nel l i gr et a@gmai l . c om

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