25 Random Things About Me

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this i sa that there wou

rst tag I thought immediately of doin this because i knew

things about me

ntal guidance , eally it isn’t that bad. this is in respo ng pare is ot r a dvised....n ..


must read for all you peeps that want to know more warni about me. be more to come and true en ough i did recieve another one,so here it is..

nt tags e te. when a I l t r o h e s c i s e v a i e d s t i ns to the rece h i t m r y e r r c o i s e v . e d yf


digital art i painted yesterday

Copyright Š 2009 by ria (unless noted otherwise) All rights reserved. No other part of this zine may be produced in any form or by any electronic means including information storage and retrievel systems without permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. Published by RIA’s Stuff. First edition.

i was listenting to this song yesterday while creating stuff. who was that song by?

some cards i designed for this weekly gathering i was planning to have while living in maui. i never had them...those weekly sometimes bi-weekly dinners we had was enough socializing. maybe i”ll have them now since there’s really nothing going on here. if you’re reading this and live on the Big Island let me know if you are interested.



















it' a r ts a n fa sy c r ar t s y bag fty g i r e ly d a yl y n m e!

some photos i took a couple of years ago. (yes, i do get away from the computer some times)

nature speaks

my book reviews this is a book by my dear friend Brett Brady. He’s an amazing poet! what can say... just get the damn book!! available on Amazon.com. read the review below. And dont get it just because my husband’s art work is on the cover. or because the picture of Brett that’s on the back cover is by me. hehehe

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Breath of Fresh Air, January 5, 2008 By Marcia Twain - See all my reviews Brett Brady’s wind in the pages: haiku lends the reader an oft-overdue moment of repose. Each haiku is a breath--an unconscious moment that, once considered, illuminates the simultaneous significance and futility of thought--of the act of thinking. Indeed, each page transports us beyond this plateau, as the visceral experience reminds us of what lies beneath and beyond the self-importance we construe through our memory of names and feelings and words; it is not just “poetry,” but a lens through which we can recognize (without cognizing if we are so lucky)--and perhaps even become--understanding. It is a rare book that one can leaf through randomly or sit down and soak in each page in its carefully crafted order. Highly recommended.

About the book Never has a book so boldly detailed the collateral damage caused by raising a child with a drug addiction. It will raise the hair on the back of your neck and at times take your breath away as the author’s tale of trying to make it through another day unfolds like dirty laundry. It is painfully honest and reads like a roller coaster out of control. From the moment you open the book you will be captivated by the lyrical this book gave me “chicken skin” as we say conversations between the it in Hawaii. it’s an easy.....but ugghhh so author and the angel sent painful read. i could feel her pain! I love her style of writng. She tells it like it is ... no to watch over her. You will holding back here! i recommend this book come to understand that the not because the author is a girl friend of mine, but because she paid me. (LOL). the unconditional love of a book is available @ parent can be so binding, http://www.authorhouse.com/Bookstore/ ItemDetail.aspx?bookid=57800 so intensely powerful, so completely absorbing that Congratulations Jacqui! Love ya! My love to Sarah and the bad they become willing to lose all of themselves to save an boys. addicted child from dirty dancing with the devil.

one of my inspirations...Toulouse - Lautrec. I p this digitally in 2008 while on Maui. I am fort to be surrouded by so many accomplished artis and when I ‘m their art shows (which is rarely give my self no more than 2 minutes per paintin study their technique. for these 2 paintin (sorry I forgot the titles) i actual decided to spend some time to study his technique. about an hour on ea these are done digitally of course.

painted tunate sts y) I ng to ngs lly y ach. .

these are ria originals that were done followwing my toulouse studies

from a body of work entitled, “Tribal Vibrations�

?! dont ask!? i drew it yester on the left beca theme.

rday. i thought i put it next to the picture ause it matched the polka dot and purple

this is another piece from Tribal Vibrations. No, it’s not a girl... it’s my nephew, Brandon. This was done 3 years ago...i think.

13 this is a scene from my imagination for a show OR animation that i hope to someday “bring to life�.

They bite at sunset near the end of the pier as if by chance


15 i call this Maui Girl mostly haoles in Kihei i know i should call it Haole Girl. lol.

16 - I’m still waiting to hear from President Obama. Last week I sent him my proposal for the Stimulus Package. The letter reads...Dear President Obama, Here is my proposal on how we can stimulate our economy. Sincerely, Ria. So you’re probably wondering what my proposal was....It was a vibrator.LOL. FYI, got that idea from a friend. True story, while she was in boot camp she actually recieved a “stimulus package”.

I don’t have a picture for this one. I’ll leave to your imagination.

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17 this piece entiltle Blind Faith is from a body or work also entitled Blind Faith. this was done three years ago.

18 I love Samba! I miss dancing Samba. My knee is still bothering me. One day I shall dance again. Rio! ...Here I come! FYI, I drew this last year. I think it was after a Samba dance class. I was in pain.....I wondered if I would be able to dance again.

19 I hope you enjoyed my e-zine 25 Random Things About Me. There’s more than the nineteen that I counted... actually, even more than 25. I enjoyed putting this together and hope to do more... perhaps bi-monthly. I have so much more to share. If you would like to advertise with me or contribute a photo or story its gonna cost you big bucks, so save up. Kiddin! If you’re Pililpino it’s por PREE. If you’re not filipino it’s for FREE. I support the arts so anything you want to share or promote that’s artsy please email me at ideagyrl@gmail. com or @ any of the emails that you may already have on file. I’m doing this of course for fun and also to get some exposure on my art and the art of my friends and family. We all know that these are tough times, but that’s no reason to let our dreams for a creative life die. We have to be more creative than ever. If you’re interested in my design services contact me @ the above email. I’m currently offering my design services for free or for an exchange for some fine dinners and expansive wine. Kiddin!

idea gyrl


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