2018 | Lin Pai Design & Illustration Portfolio

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Content 03

Depressy Trouble When Depressy Strikes, Hold It Tight

19 Graphic Design Learn Chinese in Taiwan with Freedom of speech Dance, Dance, Dance Culture Contains and Evolves into All Human Experiences

25 Infographic Experiential Map in YunTech Collaboration Process of Pratt + AKV St. Joost

29 Editorial Design

Taipei Architecture of Art Last Night, Bad Night Process of Creative Design

35 Brand Identity To Ebb Taipei Concept Concert PAI Workshop Halal Brunch Store Taipei Safe Exit Festival American Ballet Theatre Fall Season Campaign Showcase

53 Packaging Wandering Kids Ru Lou Shi Hokkaido Milk Box

67 Illustration NTUST Design Department Orientation Camp "MysteXrious" Depressed, arn't we? Farewell! Dear New Yorkers! Her

77 Animation & Video Cloudy! Dog & Cat The Unique People No One Care About What You Say Give That Man an Upwork!

About Me :

Pai, Lin ç™˝ ç?ł (

1993/03/01 New Taipei City, Taiwan ideapailin@gmail.com 0977-044-771 https://issuu.com/idealinpai www.behance.net/pailin2013

Skills Visual Design Information Design Illustration Branding Editorial Design Motion User Interface Adobe Creative Suite PS / AI / ID / PR / AE Language mandarin - native english - advanced



Depressy Trouble

http://depressytrouble.tw/ https://www.facebook.com/depressytrouble/

01 Depressy Trouble Genre/ information design, infographic, digital marketing, web design, character design Date/ May 2016 - present Web Design, UIUX, character design, infographic/ Lin Pai, Yu-Heng Lin Visual Idendity, Illustraton/ Lin Pai Website Construction/ Yu-Heng Lin Social Media Promotaion and Management/ Lin Pai, Yu-Heng Lin Concept/ Depression is a serious problem in Taiwan and especially is the problem of stigma. To us, the stigma of depression can only be solved by understanding. However, the information of Taiwanese depression books and websites are usually hard to understand. Depressy Trouble is an information interaction online platform. Combined with the social media, Depressy Trouble spreading knowledge online through character design and information design. This project aims for communicating the knowledge of depression to the audience in a humor and easy way.

03 Background of the project

The Stigma of Depression in Taiwan

Our Strategies

Hard to addmit Depression as a disease


Depressy Trouble

The Main Character Depressy is a little depression monster.


Use a depression onine platform and the social media marketing to reach broader audiences.

Depression Infographic Web

Interactive Depression Test

Social Media Marketing

05 Interactive Depression Test > http://depressytrouble.tw/index.php/quiz/

Responsive Design

Social Media Marketing Achievement



Depressy Trouble

Depression Infographic Web The Website provides 36 understandable and infographic articles that allow readers understand the knowledge of depression more easily. > http://depressytrouble.tw/index.php/information/

Depressy Trouble

The Social Media Marketing Tool : Lazybag

> https://goo.gl/aRhzMs



Depressy Trouble

The Social Media Marketing Tool : Lazybag

> https://goo.gl/vDKpR3



When Depressy Strikes, Hold It Tight

02 When Depressy Strikes, Hold It Tight Genre/ Publication Date/ April 2017 Publisher/ Eurasian Publishing Group Book Planning/ Eurasian Publishing Group, Lin Pai, Yu-Heng Lin Copy, Layout Direction/ Lin Pai, Yu-Heng Lin Illustration/ Lin Pai Concept/ This book acts as a physical and offline version of project "Depressy Trouble" in order to reach more extensive audiences. On top of the features of "Depressy Trouble", the book not only contains depression infographic knowledge, it also provides a touching story of curing depressy in the form of the comic. We hope that by reading this book, readers can grasp the correct understanding of depression and resonate the complex feelings that depressed patients may have.

13 Book Cover Illustration/



When Depressy Strikes, Hold It Tight

The Main Story (Selected)/



When Depressy Strikes, Hold It Tight

Main Characters/

Inside Pages (Selected)/



Graphic Design :

Learn Chinese in Taiwan with Freedom of Speech

poster design

Dance, Dance, Dance

typograhpic poster

Culture Contains and Evolves into All Human Experiences

poster design

Graphic Design

Learn Chinese in Taiwan with Freedom of Speech



03 Learn Chinese in Taiwan with Freedom of Speech Genre/ poster Date/ Jul. 2015 Designer/ Lin Pai Concept/ Because of the speedy development of China, Chinese gradually becomes hot recently. Maybe China or HongKong are the options for learning Chinese, but I think Taiwan is the best choice because of its far more liberal environment. The design process centers 5W that considers what is the purpose of the poster, who will see the poster, where and when the target audiences will see the poster in order to communicate with the target audiences effectively. Moreover, I add several Chinese words with their English definitions so that people can also learn some Chinese vocabulary while look at the poster.



The main goal of the poster is to attract foreign young people to come to Taiwan and learn Chinese (Mandarin) in Taiwan’s language schools and universities instead of going to China or HongKong, since Chinese becomes popular in recent years.

Taiwan is the only country that can offer a mature Chinese practice enivironment as well as ensure individuals' freedom of speech.

Additionally, promoting Taiwan’s liberal enviornment.

When/ 8:00 am - 9:00 pm when undergraduate students and fresh graduates may pass by on their way to school or office.



Foreign young people such as students, exchanged students and fresh graduates who want to learn and utlize Chinese in a liberal environment.

University campus, education institutions, subway, studyaboard magazine.

Graphic Design

Dance, Dance, Dance

04 Dance, Dance, Dance Genre/ typography, poster Date/ Jan. 2014 Designer/ Lin Pai Concept/ I select modern dance as the original design concept and design English 26 characters and the poster of it based on my personal experience of learning modern dance and individual preference of choreographic style. I am especially fond of the style of Taiwan international well-known modern dance group Cloud Gate Dance 2 and its sense of minimal and calmness yet full of emotion. Hence, I use a lot of cool colors and scatterd organs of human body to express my perceptions of Cloud Gate Dance 2's art works and modern dance.



Graphic Design

Culture Contains and Evoloves into All Human Experiences

05 Culture Contains and Evolves into All Human Experiences Genre/ poster design, infographic poster Date/ Jul. 2017 Designer/ Lin Pai Client/ LaPlaca Cohen Concept/ This is the project I did during the internship at LaPlaca Cohen. The purpose of the project is to design a poster that can demonstrate LaPlaca Cohen's belief and attitude of culture. The poster will be a part of the email newsletter and the commercial brochure that will send and give to LaPlaca Cohen's current and potential clients. "What is culture?" This question is constantly asked in the culture world. My response the question is that "culture contains and evolve into all human experiences". On the other hand, I not only want to display LaPlaca Cohen's belief toward culture, I also want to show LaPlaca Cohen's potential clients what the firm has done before. Because of this, I incorporate works of diverse fields that the firm did before, and the poster turns out to become an infographic poster.





Experiential Map in YunTech

map design

Collaboration Process of Pratt + AKV St Joost

print ontograph


Experiential Map in YunTech

06 Experiential Map in YunTech Genre/ map, infographic Date/ Jul. 2015 Design/ Lin Pai Concept/ Design a personal experience map according to the daily path in YenTech Design workshop. Because of my dainty figure, the transformation of heights and habits, the dorm without an elevator, super high bed and bike...etc all resulted in my complicated feeling. Thus, I design the map with the crossseciotn concept of architectural graphic and the actual length, height and size of the objects which I encountered during the daily path. Then, I diagram the conversion of my emotion during the route with colorful wavelength.


The higher wavelength means that I am more nervous to the transformation of the height; the color represents the degree of my pleasure and red means more pleasant fo me.

Full-scale map



Collaboration Process of Pratt + AKV St. Joost

07 Collaboration Process of Pratt + AKV St. Joost Genre/ print ontograph Date/ May 2017 Concept & Design/ Laura Peres, Lin Pai Concept/ In this assignment, I and Laura utilized our team's messages on Facebook messenger during one and a half month of international collaboration between Pratt ComD (New York) and AKV St. Joost (Amsterdam) and designed the ontograph. We categorized five main phases (Kick-off, Brainstorm, Research, Interpretation and Execution), identified key actions (Proposing, Thanking, Feedback, Apologizing, Misunderstanding, Troubleshooting and Clarification) took place among the overall collaboration, and incorporated them into the ontograph. By looking at this long strip, audiences are able to grasp our colloration process.

Editorial Design :

Taipei Architecture of Art Museum

zine, poster design

Last Night, Bad Night

publication design

Process of Creative Design

magazine design

Editorial Design

Taipei Architecture of Art Museum

08 Taipei Architecture of Art Museum Genre/ zine, poster Date/ Jul. 2015 Designer/ Lin Pai Concept/ For the visitors who come to Taipei for the first time, how should I introduce the features of Taipei to them? I was born and raised in Taipei, for me, the most extraordinary feature must be the art museums and countless art exhibtions. For instance, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei Museum of Contemporary Art and Art Taipei are the top three art institutions in Taipei from my point of view. Meanwhile, they all share unique architectural and interior expressions.

Therefore, I combine architectural expressions of three art institutions with the moist impression of Taipei and design the poster side of the zine; I also put some useful information like open hours of the institutions in the zine so that it not only is a poster but also a guide book for tourists and art lovers.



Editorial Design

Last Night, Bad Night

09 Last Night, Bad Night Genre/ publication design Date/ Dec. 2013 Designer/ Lin Pai Material/ paper, needle pen Concept/ The design concept origins from the unhealthy work and rest habit that lots of Taiwan design students are used to stay up late in order to hasten design assignments. Consequently, I want to reveal the disadvantages and side effects of unhealthy sleep patterns to readers via simple and understandable pictures and discriptions, in order to help people gain organized instructions in a relatively quick way, comparing to reading or searching complex studies on the Internet. The publication has two magor categories: the top three harms of staying up late that may scare young people the most and the recommendations of proper diet for those who stays up late on occasion. As for the pictures, I paint them in black humor and fearful ways to make readers consider how scary if they keep staying up late.



Editorial Design

Process of Creative Design

10 Process of Creative Design Genre/ magazine, symbol Date/ Jul. 2015 Designer/ Lin Pai Concept/ Take the symbol as a sort of medium and symbolize seven things that I may encounter during the process of creative design. I choose the bulb as the basic and mutual form of the seven symbols because I suppose the idea is the key that determines whether a design solution is compelling. First of all , start with sketching and thus I use the part of pencil to express the term. Second, designers may transfer their tool from pencil to computer softwares. Unfortunately, then is the dark ages of design process which ideas shrink and dry and need to reset and resume. Ultimately, the excellent design solution pops out from nowhere suddenly, and not only gets to the point but also solves the problem in a fabulous way.



Identity Design :

To Ebb Taipei Concept Concert

key visual design

PAI Workshop


Halal Brunch Store


Taipei Safe Exit Festival

key visual design

American Ballet Theatre Fall Season Campaign

key visual design



Identity Design

To Ebb Taipei Concept Concert



Final Version/ The meaning of Chinese characters on the poster is as follows : I hope that you will resist to be the frog in the tepid water; Many things in the world seem difficult to achieve is because they are crucial and extraordinary. And it is as if your true love.

11 To Ebb Taipei Concept Concert Genre/ event key visual, poster, website Designer/ Lin Pai Concept/ Instead of using Taiwanese traditional expressions of music concert visual deisgn such as singers' whole portrait photos, I attempt to design an unprecedented visual experience via several special visual methods such as scattered pieces of portrait photo, distinctive illustrations and the image which is composed with Chinese characters uniquely. I especially want to tell readers that Taiwanese singer Desert Chang is a wise, kind and humble

individual who not only devotes herself to music realm but also care about Taiwan very much and is an activist. Hence, in the final chosen version, the Chinese characters seem to be streams pouring down from upper side when people look at it from far away; however, if people step forward, the truth is that the image is composed of the wise words that singer Desert Chang has said about social movement in Taiwan.

Identity Design

To Ebb Taipei Concept Concert



Identity Design


12 PAI Workshop Genre/ identity, branding Date/ Dec. 2013 Designer/ Lin Pai Concept/ The project is the identity design of my personal graphic design and illustration studio. I select my family name as the basic of logotype since "Pai" is a relatively rare surname in Taiwan and thus I suppose it will be distinctive. According to my own preference of cool

color, abstract painting and graphic novel, I design logo and typography with abstract geometric figures and color them with colors to my liking and compose patterns with my illustrations in order to express a sense of absract.



Identity Design




13 Halal Brunch Store Genre/ identity, branding Date/ May 2014 Designer/ Lin Pai Model/ Ling-Qi Wang Concept/ Halal is Arabic and it is not only refer to "pure food" that can be eaten but also a kind of religious lifestyle. The purpose of the design project is to create a friendly yet mysterious exotic atmosphere of the brunch store and thus I choose yellow to express the feeling of morning and purple to convey the mystery of the exotic culture. In order to be close to customers life, I specially design an exotic mouthpiece and shoot a short commercial film based on her to promote Halal Brunch Store.





Identity Design

Halal Brunch Store



Identity Design

Taipei Safe Exit Festival

14 Taipei Safe Exit Festival Genre/ key visual, identity, branding Date/ Dec. 2015 Designer/ Lin Pai Concept/ The pressure and tension of living in the city Taipei need a safe way out. The goal of the festival is to offer these safe way outs to the participants. In this proposal, the festival offers two entrances to the events. One provides soothing ways to release pressure, another offers more intense ways. Therefore, I designed the key visual in two versions with contrast color combinations in order to give a different sense of two event entrances.



Identity Design

American Ballet Theatre Fall Season Campaign

15 American Ballet Theatre Fall Season Campaign Genre/ key visual design Date/ June 2017 Director/ LaPlaca Cohen Concept & Design/ Lin Pai Client/ American Ballet Theatre Concept/ Since 1940, American Ballet Theatre(ABT) has performed in the greatest theatres around the world. In the upcoming 2017 fall season campaign, LaPlaca Cohen continued to provide design solutions for ABT. This series of key visual designs were one of my proposals that were selected to present to the client officially. My concept was to emphasize the initial and the brand logo "ABT". Moreover, I also would like to combine the dramatic poses of dancers with the brand logo "ABT". Meanwhile, the fall season campaign had to maintain the visual style of spring season campaign but twisted slightly. So I chose gold as the background color to indicate the upcoming autumn.

Spring Season Campaign


Fall Season Campaign Proposal


Identity Design


16 Showcase Genre/ logo, identity, branding Date/ Jul. 2015 Director/ UXI Design Design/ Lin Pai Client/ Showcase Concept/ The client of the design project is a startup which offers online connection service between movie staff and actors/ actresses. I center the core concept of the firm's slogan "Showcase yourself" and design the logo in a shape looks like the spot light. And that is not all, I design the logo with flat color and neat line so as to demonstrate a modern sense of art.





Wandering Kids

album packaging

Ru Lou Shi

food packaging

Hokkaido Milk Box

milk box packaging


Wandering Kids

17 Wandering Kids Genre/ album packaging Date/ Jan. 2015 Designer / Lin Pai Music / Hush!, Sodagreen, Glory, Waa Wei Lyric Adaption/Lin Pai Material / paper, cardboard, CD plate Concept/ The music album is inscribed for anxious young people. All the lyrics contained in the album are adapted from several noted Taiwan indie music bands so that are more suitable for wandering kids' mood. The cover of the album is composed with a androgynous teenage and countless nagging words which corrsepond with the mental state of the young generation. Additionally, through the process of untieing the over long thread entwining the ablum, the readers could feel the anxious emotion as well.




Wandering Kids


The music album is bound in a folding form, and inside it are the titles and lyrics of songs.



Ru Lou Shi

18 Ru Lou Shi Genre/ food packaging Date/ May 2015 Material/ paper, cardboard, UV ink, pencil Concept/ Ru luo si is a kind of snack that benefits skin and will make skin smooth. Therefore, I choose the famous beauties in Chinese history as the concept of the illustration series of inner package and depict the three beauties in a modern way of look, comparing to their original look from the anicent Chinese brush paintings. Moreover, I combine their clothing, hair style and deocrations with the different flavor of the

ru luo si to make them more interesting. And the three flavors are honey, Chinese pickled vegetables and milk. For the outer package, I use the notion of one-point persepective to imitate the sense of space of catwalk. Users merely need to pull out the two-sided outer packaging, and the fashion show of three beauties is on.


To open the package, the user would start with pulling out the door sleeve cover.

And inside is the one-point persepective fashion catwalk which is printed with UV ink.

Then pull the two-sided outer package. And inside are the three beauties with the three flavors they represent.

Finally, the show is on!



Ru Lou Shi

Zhao - Honey Flavor

Wu - Milk Flavor

Zhuang - Korean Kimchi Flavor


Hokkaido Milk Box

19 Hokkaido Milk Box Genre/ milk box, packaging Date/ Oct. 2014 Designer/ Lin Pai Material/ paper Concept/ In the design project I aim to target audiences who favor old-fashioned style, take the visual items on the design for instance; bottles remind people of the good old days. Additionally, bright orange may be associated with the milk candies which sold in the Taiwan early convenient stores. As for the practical aspect, neat line and loud color combination are definitely eye-catching on the goodshelf. Furthermore, the layout on the two sides of the packaging is designed in a traditional way that can convince customers the quality and authenticity of the product itself.



Illustration :



Farewell! D Her

Design Department Orientation Camp "MysteXrious"

key visual

d, aren't we ?


Dear New Yorkers!

card undecided


NTUST Design Department Orientation Camp "MysteXrious"

20 NTUST Design Department Orientation Camp "MysteXrious" Genre/ key visual, poster, editorial design Date/ Jul. 2013 Design/ Chia-Shien Cheng, Lin Pai, Yu-Heng Lin Illustration/ Lin Pai Concept/ In 102 NTUST Design Department Orientation Camp "MysteXrious", freshmen of NTUST Design Department had an adventure and went on several missions in order to rescue Powerpuff Girls from Mojo Jojo. To meet the main theme and the storyline, we chose American comic style as our overall art direction. In the project, I participated in the early stage of creative brainstorming and proposed the art direction. As for execution, I designed the logotype, key visual, invitation design, and took care of all the illustration parts of the project

67 Key Visual Poster



NTUST Design Department Orientation Camp "MysteXrious"

Invitation Invitation of the orientation camp.

69 Game Card



Depressed, aren't we?

21 Depressed, aren't we? Genre/ illustration Date/ Jan. 2015 Illustrator/ Lin Pai Concept/ Lin Pai, Yu-Heng Lin Concept/ In this series of illustration, I design several little monsters that are concealed in the dark or bright side of the life which represent different human's modern sickness. Some are physical illness such as flu and yet some represent mental diseases like depression. Through transfering the diseases into tangible characters, I hope it will be more enjoyable and understandable for readers to feel the characteristics of these modern diseases.




Farewell! Dear New Yorkers!

22 Farewell! Dear New Yorkers! Genre/ farewell card Date/ Aug. 2017 Illustration/ Lin Pai Concept/ Time to say goodbye! I hope this is not the end of my memorable journey to The Big Apple, and it will be another promisng start of my life as a creator. Hope we will meet again someday somewhere in the future.





22.5 Her Date/ Dec. 2017 - present Concept/ This project will discuss Feminism and gender equality, particularly in the context of Asia and the modern society. To be continued.



Animation & Video :


3D animation

Dog & Cat

3D animation

The Unique People

motion graphic

No One Care About What You Say

music video

Give That Man an Upwork!

design as provocation

Animation & Video


23 Cloudy! Genre/ animation, poster Date/ Dec. 2014 Designer/ Lin Pai Voice Dubber/ Zhang, Zhe-Zhen Tool/ Maya, PS, AI, GarageBand Concept/ The story happened in a laboratory, Cloudy, a cloudy fairy which is born in the lab is going to playact into two roles and tell a ridiculous joke. I design the character and the colors of the whole stage all based on my personal preferences of style. Besides, in order to make the project more completed as a whole, I also design a movie poster to promote the animation. "Cloudy" is my first 3D animation, and it costs ample time to design and rander the details of set design and chatacter design but I also learn a new visual methods like designing typography in a 3D way and sophisticated lighting during the project. > https://www.lin-pai.com/motion/#/cloudy/



Animation & Video


The beginning of the animation is the quick look and details of the labortary. The details such as the formulas on the wall suggest that the place is where Cloudy was born.

After the quick look of the labortary, the audience will find that Cloudy sit on the cover of a chemical bottle.


The project is also my first time to test and render so many different textures like glass and various lighting combination through animation software.

Then Cloudy is going to playact into two roles all on its own and tell a ridiculous joke!


Animation & Video


24 DOG & CAT Genre/ Animation Date/ Jan. 2015 Designer/ Lin Pai Tool/ Maya, AI, GarageBand Concept/ As an animal lover, I especially like to watch the videos which demonstrate interactions between natural enemies such as dog and cat. Meanwhile, I am also curious about how will the interaction be if I put a bit of "humanity" into these lovely and interesting creatures? Hence, I combine the most expressive yet subtle part of the human body with dog and cat, that is, hand. The set design and the color of the whole animation are neat and simple so as to draw audience' attention on the interactions between dog and cat. And for me the most remarkable comment from my peer to the animation is that it could be develop in the commercial film of the Deaflympics and the idea definitely delights me. > https://www.lin-pai.com/motion/#/dog-cat/



Animation & Video


I use strong tempo background music in order to balance the simple background design and emphasise the pace of the white dog.


presents 2015 copyright all reserve.

In the end, the white hands with a strong clap ends up the story of the dog and the cat.


Animation & Video

The Unique People

25 The Unique People Genre/ motion graphic Date/ Jan. 2013 Motion Designer/ Lin Pai, Rei-Yu Hsieh Graphic Designer/ Chia-Shien Cheng Tool/ PS, AI, After Effects Concept/ The animation was made for promoting the 2013 summer vacation design camp held in NTUST. I cooperated with another motion graphic designer on story board and dubbing the background music. And for the motion graphic part I was chiefly in charge of the latter porpotion which designer needed to balance the realistic photo materials of the lecturers and the abstract design elements. > https://www.lin-pai.com/the-uniquepeople/



Animation & Video

No one cares about what you say

26 No one cares about what you say Genre/ music video Date/ Jan. 2015 Team/ Lin Pai, Rei-Yu Hsieh, Yu-Shu Chen Actor/ Chen, Dong-Hua Music / " No one cares about what you say" Tool/ GoPro, Premiere, newspaper Concept/ It is a story about a sensitive boy's life and his untouchable mental world. This is my first time shooting a music video and we use GoPro to capture daily images and records of Taipei city so as to render a experimential atmosphere. Besides, we also want to express an indifferent emotion of the city and the boy so we cut letters and words from daily deserted newspaper to collage the lyrics instead of typing normal computer fonts. We would like to create a comparison between boy's inwards mental world and the outside real world via images of bustling Taipei streets, roads and the relatively images of boy's room. During whole project, I cooperated with my team members on screen play , story board, music and editing; besides, I majorly took charge of the the shooting of the whole project. > https://goo.gl/BRJ8EM



Animation & Video Upwork

27 Give That Man an Upwork! Genre/ design as provocation, design research, design proposal Date/ Jan. 2017 Design research, proposal/ Lin Pai, Leif Lin GIF, illustration/ Lin Pai Powerpoint Design/ Leif Lin Concept/ Upwork is an platform which allows freelancers cooperate with clients remotely online, but it companies side effects when freelancers try earning money via Upwork. In the assignment, we did research on Upwork and sub-Reddit of Upwork to further understand how Upwork operates and its' problems. Finally, we proposed a series of ironic short filems which the famous graphic designer Milton Glasor would demonstrates the problems of Upwork.













EP. 1

EP. 3

EP. 4

“YOU ARE A FREElancer!”



Animation & Video Upwork







To be continued.

Lin Pai ideapailin@gmail.com 0977-044-771 https://issuu.com/idealinpai www.behance.net/pailin2013

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