the barrister
Transition within the legal sector – how to manage the process successfully Agnes Bamford of executive coaching company The Results Centre has advice for legal personnel dealing with the challenge of workplace transition.
your control, which can make it hard to
to the behaviours and norms of the new
is often seen as a
understand exactly why you feel the way
static environment by
that you do.
those working outside it
The important thing to remember is that Transition stages
it’s completely normal to experience
within it), populated
these negative emotions, so accept and
by traditional partnership structures
Whether moving to new chambers, a new
acknowledge them, whilst focusing on
and slow to implement the different
role or a new workplace, the transition
finding the positives and taking action.
concepts embraced by other industries
period typically involves several phases
such as outsourcing. However, the
that most people experience, although
legal workplace is also undergoing
the timescale and intensity can vary
Strategies for dealing with transition The good news is that there are practical
personnel consider the alternatives to
strategies that you can use to help
private practice or self-employment,
manage the anxiety of transition, which
encouraged by initiatives such as the
experience the ambiguity of initial
apply to most situations and most levels
relaxation of the Bar Standards Board’s
excitement coupled with anxiety about
of personnel – from the most junior
regulatory changes allowing barristers
the new situation. This may be followed
through to senior.
to act as partners in a law firm.
by a honeymoon period of discovery and
Whilst this change may be good, it can
exploration, where people assist you as
The first step is being realistic about
a newcomer.
the situation that you are entering. This
also be a major source of stress for
means recognising that transitioning
most people - and those working in the
The first dip is normally a
between roles or firms will almost
legal profession are no different.
reaction to the new environment and an
certainly incur periods of uncertainty
may have worked long and hard for
inability to consistently function within it
and doubt. However, just acknowledging
as well as you know that you are capable
that this is normal can help you to
or partner and you may be excited by
of. This includes logistical systems and
deal with the situation better. It is also
moving to an innovative new practice,
procedures that you haven’t yet learned
important to appreciate that this is an
but you are likely to find the transition
to manage. After learning to adjust to
emotional process, a rollercoaster for
period stressful.
the new environment and its demands,
some, and therefore not something that
you will soon function more comfortably
you can rationalise your way out of.
There are many variables that influence
and successfully.
transition stress, from basic changes in
Think about how you normally tackle
routine to potentially profound changes
As you become more involved
hardship and how you can prepare for
in how you see yourself and your role
in the new role, you may experience
these experiences. Difficult situations
within an organisation. This can be
a second dip: an internal reaction as
are often easier to tackle – and may
particularly difficult if moving to a
you continue to adjust your behaviour.
even act as a powerful motivator - as
completely different environment e.g.
This is because former behaviours may
long as you are prepared for them.
from chambers to working in-house
not be sufficiently effective or generate
Whilst the majority of your attention
within industry.
Often, much of the
the expected reaction. However, you
should be focused on success, it will
focus centres on elements outside of
should eventually find a way to adapt
also help if you are prepared for any
the barrister
negative experiences. It is possible to
during the lows. It may also be helpful
change your mindset and learn how
to focus on what helped you to manage
impacts you: what you tend to think,
to like being uncomfortable, teaching
this transition.
feel and do as a result. Then consider
Learning from change
what you can do that will help you to
yourself to enjoy the possibilities offered by tough challenges.
Now consider the potential implications
feel balanced and manage stress more
for your current situation. What did
you learn about yourself that you could apply to your present transition?
Tips for managing transition stress
personal experiences, so looking back
It may also be useful, dependent upon
at other past transitions can help you
your experience and areas of practice
the top ten successes in your working life
understand how you react to change.
expertise, to look at how others, including
so far. Consider where you have added
Thinking about your past responses to
clients, have dealt with transitional
value to the organisation or people in it
major life transitions such as having
changes in their lives, environment and
and when you have received praise or
children, getting divorced or moving
circumstances – how can you learn from
recognition. What has brought you the
house can all prepare you for the
these observed experiences?
most enjoyment and when you have felt
We all learn from our professional and
changes ahead. What were the periods
Get into a positive mindset. List
positive and satisfied?
of emotional ‘highs’ and enablers of
Reflect on what normally causes you
these? Think of the periods of emotional
stress, identifying the situations, types
‘lows’ and what triggered them and
of people, responsibilities or areas (work
the main skills/qualities you bring that
reflect on how stress manifested itself
and personal) that are your specific
have enabled your success? Identify ten.
Considering the above, identify
the barrister
No matter how successful your career, stress and anxiety are inevitable parts of transition. Approach the situation as you would a difficult case or complex legal issue – by preparing and gathering information. This way, its impact can be
transformed into something positive. About the author Agnes Bamford specialises in crosscultural
development. She is a partner at executive
Results Centre and a board member of the Norwegian-British Chamber of Commerce in the UK. Agnes holds an Look objectively at your new
reasonable risks. If you are moving home
MSc in Business from the Norwegian
role and consider the four/ five best
get involved in the new community:
School of Economics and a PGCE in
volunteer, explore and interact.
coaching from the UK.
and what would be the best outcome for
you in this role 12 months from now?
trust who can introduce you to parts
Identify two things that you can do
of the new culture that you would
immediately to move towards achieving
not otherwise have access to, as well
this outcome. It may help to imagine a
as helping you to make sense of the
colleague you admire stepping into this
differences. New colleagues can show
role - what would they do in the first
you the culture from the inside, as well
month/three months?
as helping you to interpret reactions
which of your main skills will be useful
around •
Approach a colleague that you
Try to make sense of your new
interaction with others. They can also
environment. Look for logical reasons
offer feedback and act as a safe sounding
for why people behave as they do and
board before you take action.
for why things work differently. Look for the ‘big picture’. •
Pay attention to the different
of respect
and your those
differences. How do your beliefs, values and assumptions colour the way you perceive them? •
Be prepared to step outside of
your comfort zone. Great learning can occur when you do. Take advantage of your new environment and take
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