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Dear Seniors,
We are thrilled to be here on College Signing Day, celebrating our commitment to college for the first time with our first generation of seniors! We are making history! Seven years ago, IDEA Austin decided to open IDEA Bluff Springs.
I am honored to be the new principal of this resilient school. I am humbled to present the first generation of senior students at IDEA Bluff Springs College Preparatory, where 97% of our seniors are first-generation college acceptances. To name a few of our accomplishments, we have 21% of our IDEA Bluff Spring Seniors accepted to Tier 1 Universities, the best colleges our country has to offer, with 76 % accepted to Tier 2 Universities with an accumulation of 10 million dollars in scholarships, gifts, aid awards.
We are so proud of our Bats. Students, teachers, counselors, staff, and parents are here to support you. We know your commitment to college. Being here means you have your seat in the university of your choice and will be a college graduate in the following 4 to 6 years. As you walk along this platform, I would like for you to see your parents first, who support you at all times. Thank you, parents, for your support! “Se llego el dia.” Thank you on behalf of the students for the wake-up call. For the “jalones de orejas” and for asking your kiddos to try their best and for pushing them to never give up! Also, look at your teachers and counselors who supported you all these years. We are all super proud of you. Whether it is Austin Community College or Harvard University, you are taking your seat as a college student. Never underestimate your power and strength! Never let anyone tell you that you are not ready! In less than two months, I have seen your passion for attending college. You inspire me daily with your ALL-IN attitude, how you focus on class, sweat the small stuff, and advocate receiving the best education inspires me daily. Seniors, today is your time to shine!
Congratulations, Class of 2023!
Gisela Guerra Principals, IDEA Bluff Springs College Preparatory