CSD IDEA Rio Grande Valley 1 Program 2023

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Al & Judy Lopez Scholarship Fund

are so glad you are part of it.

College Signing Day (CSD) is a tradition unlike any other. It began more than two decades ago as IDEA’s promise to parents: “Your child will go to college.” Today, across the Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio, and the Austin metro area, CSD is an opportunity for our seniors to announce a meaningful commitment and for our schools and communities to celebrate everything that led up to this joyful and pivotal moment.

So, if you want to feel inspired, you’re in the right place.

If you want to feel hopeful about the future of our community, our country, and our world, stick around.

If you came to cheer on your own student today, don’t be surprised if you’re screaming for one you have never met.

Across IDEA’s Texas campuses, the 1,966 members of the Class of 2023 have achieved over 9,000 acceptances to colleges and universities across the country. Today we learn where everyone is headed.

While this moment is a culmination of sorts, it also represents a new start for the students who have worked so hard to get here. So many opportunities, adventures, experiences, and challenges lie ahead.

For now, this is a day for celebration. For every senior who declares their college choice on this stage, let’s also celebrate and be grateful for the teachers, counselors, principals, parents, siblings, grandparents, mentors, employers, neighbors, friends, and everyone else who has supported these students.

Class of 2023: Congratulations! You’re going to college.

estamos muy contentos de que usted sea parte de ello.

College Signing Day (CSD) es una tradición como ninguna otra. Comenzó hace más de dos décadas como la promesa de IDEA a los padres: “Su hijo irá a la universidad”. Hoy, en todo el Valle del Río Grande, San Antonio y el área metropolitana de Austin, CSD es una oportunidad para que nuestros alumnos de último año anuncien una decisión significativa que han tomado y para que nuestras comunidades celebren todo lo que llevo a este momento alegre y crucial.

Así que, si quieres sentirte inspirado, estás en el lugar correcto.

Si quieres sentirte ilusionado sobre el futuro de nuestra comunidad, nuestro país y nuestro mundo, quédate aquí.

Si vinieron a animar a sus propios estudiantes el día de hoy, no te sorprendas si estás gritando por uno que jamás has conocido.

A través de todos los campus de IDEA en Texas, los 1,966 miembros de la Clase de 2023 han logrado más de 9,000 aceptaciones en colegios y universidades de todo el país. Hoy, conoceremos hacia dónde se dirigen todos.

Si bien este momento es una culminación de clases, también representa un nuevo comienzo para los estudiantes que han trabajado muy duro para llegar aquí. Quedan muchas oportunidades, aventuras, experiencias y, sí, desafíos, están por venir.

Por ahora, sin embargo, este es un día de celebración. Por cada estudiante de último año que declara su elección de universidad en este escenario, también celebremos y estemos agradecidos por los maestros, consejeros, directores, padres, hermanos, abuelos, mentores, empleados, vecinos, amigos y todos los demás que han apoyado a estos estudiantes.

Clase de 2023: ¡Felicitaciones! Vas a ir a la universidad.



Collin Sewell, Chair

Ed Rivera, Vice-Chair and Treasurer

Ryan Vaughan, Secretary

Reba Cardenas McNair

David Earl

Erich Holmsten

Michael Adams

Gary Lindgren

Theresa Barrera-Shaw

Nanette Cocero



Cerise R. de Garduno

Sarah Garza

Zulieda Lopez-Habbouche

Andrea Rodriguez

Alyssa L. Romero

Bobby Saenz

CJ Sanchez

Jesus (Jesse) Zepeda




The IDEA ALUMNI AFFAIRS TEAM is here to support you through your college journey!


Stay informed with IDEA ALUMNI AFFAIRS TEAM:

• Alumni College Success 1:1 Coaching

• Upcoming College Campus Events

• Upcoming Financial Aid Deadlines

• Semester Registration Deadlines

• Scholarship Opportunities

• College to Career Exploration



Manténgase informado sobre el EQUIPO ADMINISTRATIVO DE EXALUMNOS:

• Éxito de Ex Alumnos Universitario 1:1

• Entrenamiento Próximos Eventos del Campus Universitario

• Próximos Plazos de Ayuda Financiera

• Plazos de Inscripción Semestral

• Oportunidades de Becas

• Exploración de la Universidad a la Carrera




$35,000 $5,000 $10,000 $2,500 Instant
Abel Gonzalez Law Offices of Alejandro Dominguez




To the IDEA Mission Class of 2023:

You have been relentless in your pursuit of a high-quality high school education. You have allowed nothing to stand in your way of achieving this goal – and today, you see the fruits of your labor. I couldn’t be prouder!

You, my dearest scholars, are prepared for the rigors of college and life thereafter. Over 50% of you have been admitted to a Tier 1/2 university and over 30% of you are expected to matriculate in one of those top universities. In fact, this is the greatest number of students IDEA Mission has sent off to those top tier universities in one year! Additionally, a significant number of you have been at IDEA Mission since Kindergarten. You have seen the changes at our school, and we have seen the changes in you. On behalf of all the adults that have worked at IDEA Mission, congratulations!

In addition to the numerous academic accomplishments, I thank your class for being caring and compassionate young adults who have been true advocates of a more socially just society. Many of you have been brave and articulate in defending your beliefs. We are so grateful for your advocacy because we know that the independence of spirit your group has shown in exploring new roles, advancing your ideas, and honing your communication skills has positioned all of you to be leaders in your colleges as well as in this increasingly demanding world.

Enjoy the excitement and celebration today as you announce your new alma mater!



Warrior Class of ‘23,

A huge congratulations to each of you, your families, friends and staff who have supported you to this monumental day. Today you have a chance to celebrate the past 12+ years and commit to your future! It has been 7 years in the making since you all helped start our campus at 2706 N. Holland and I’m incredibly proud of all the accomplishments from the past years I have been able to see you work towards. You all have made an impact, not only on me, but the rest of Warrior Nation. I can not think of a better class to proudly wear the G.O.A.T.’s number (#23) for the rest of your lives. We are proud of you! I am proud of each of you!

As North Mission’s founding class in the North Mission area, the Class of 2023, you have continued the standard for what is expected with academics, athletics and extra-curriculars. I have also seen you all grow in the face of adversity more than any other senior class I have witnessed in my 17 years in education. As Rocky said in the Rocky movies “It’s not about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” The quote reminds me of your class’s progress in the face of adversity over the years. You have been without a teacher multiple times in your 7 year career at Warrior Nation, but you haven’t given up, nor have you demanded anything less than excellence from yourselves or your school. Thank you for displaying how to overcome adversity and being examples of inner change throughout the past 7 years!

I thank you all for teaching me along the way, too. Although some of you have given me grey hair throughout your middle school years, I look at the grey hair with pride daily and am reminded of how much I have appreciated growing older with each of you as I have witnessed growth and maturity, while also teaching you in the classroom at times, too. It has been an honor and privilege to be your principal over the past 7 years and I cannot wait to hear from you all in the future to see how you will positively impact the world around us as you begin the next chapter in your life. Thank you for continuing traditions, starting new traditions and being yourselves over the past 7 years.

While you celebrate today, be sure to acknowledge your family, friends and mentors that have been influential in your educational life thus far. It has taken a village to help each of you arrive at your decision for the next chapter. As you begin thinking about the future, think about ways or people who can help you overcome obstacles and commit to those support networks. There will be challenges, but if there is one thing the class of ’23 has taught me, it’s that challenges are meant to be overcome.

While you relish in your celebration of announcing your destination for college, begin setting your focus on graduating college in 2027. For now, enjoy your day and remember to always be Humble, Hungry and (People) Smart.


Mckenna Acevedo

Isaias Aguirre - Mar

Jorge Emilio Arevalo de Leon

Angel Berrones

Ramon C. Buentello IV

Angela Daniela Callejas

Cielo Cantu

Diego Cantu

Jose G Cantu

Jose L. Cantu Jr.

Valeria A. Cantu Campos

Maria De Los Angeles Casas

Daniel Chapa Castrejon

Amarely Colunga

Daniel Cuevas

Melanie Erysel De La Garza

Daniela Elejarza

Eric Fernandez

Abdiel Fernandez-Esquivel

Emiliano Flores-Rendon

Camila Garcia

Moses Garcia

Cesar Garcia Quintero

Irma Gloria Garcia Vazquez

Heidi Garduno

Alondra Garza

Dylan Garza

Cristobal Flores Gonzalez Jr.

Frida Sofia Gonzalez

Lisset Gonzalez

Rafael Gonzalez

Daniela Gracia Garcia

Giselle Guerrero

Alexis Hernandez

Alex Hernandez Iglesias

Daniel Honea

Gerardo Huerta

Ever Ibarra-Barbosa

Carolina Lomas Quintero

Grecia A. Luna- Avila

Jose Emilio Martinez

Kimberly Martinez

Alexander Mohammad

Gabriel Monsivias

Adamaris Morales

Yarely Montes- Garcia

Isaiah Emir Morales

Reyli Isarel Morales

Victor Eduardo Munoz Vera

Hailey Nunez

Danna Olivares

Martha Rubi Orozco

Mariana Ortiz

Perla JanethPena

Alyson Perez

Daniela Perez De Leon

Dariela Perez-Cortez

Danna Ramirez

Sergio Ramirez

Ana Sofia Raudy

Karen Reyna

Jose Rios

Karely Giselle Rios

Gerardo Rocha

Mariana Rodarte

Damian Rodriguez

Gael Rodriguez

Vida Rodriguez-Vergel

Andry Rubio

Bethani Ruiz

Lita Ruiz

Frida Salazar

Lorenzo Salinas

Jeriel Sanchez

Savannah Sanchez

Karen Santes

Evelyn Soto Flores

Haley Alessandra Tavarez

Fatima Tovar

Karyme Trevino

Angel Urbina

Anna Vargas

Gerardo Vega

Edwin Vela

Luz Elena Vela

Gael Velasquez

Melanie Vela Rodriguez

Danna Vera

Naholi Vera Rodriguez

Fatima Yanez Rodriguez

Gabriel Zavaleta

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Dear Class of 2023,

As Unstoppable Rockets at IDEA Riverview College Prep, you have demonstrated throughout the years what it means to be a ROCKET. You definitely are Respectful, Optimistic, Courageous, Kind, Empathetic, and Tenacious. These characteristics helped you complete your coursework on time and excel in many other areas, such as Athletics, Dance, Art, AP Classes, and Dual Enrollment classes, to mention a few.

When I think of the class of 2023, three words come to mind, Determination, Respect and Happiness. It has been a pleasure to be surrounded by you. We all want to express our gratitude for always showing us your kind spirit and making every interaction positive and meaningful. You all are beautiful human beings who deserve a bright future full of love and joy.

I want to thank you for accompanying me during my journey as principal. You helped me every day to become a better school leader. It was great hearing your ideas and feedback, even when it was not easy and you advocated for your right to have a special College Signing Day like the generations before you. Riverview College Prep has been improving every year to serve all of you better.

Dear class of 2023, please know that at IDEA Riverview everyone is incredibly proud of you. YOU are the group of students who by 11th grade, had already met the AP Scholars goal. The class of 2023 surpassed the goal of 50% acceptance to a Tier 1 or Tier 2 University with an 80%. Nothing stopped you from achieving these remarkable outcomes.

I recognized that there were language, academic, and emotional gaps when you first arrived at IDEA Riverview. These gaps continued for several years. However, you are living proof that with determination, respect, happiness, and hard work, nothing will stop you from achieving your goals and surpassing expectations. You all went through difficult times, but you always leaned on each other, reached out to adults for support, and respectfully advocated for yourself. These very same lessons will now apply to your College life.

Su familia de IDEA Riverview, siempre estará aquí para ofrecerles apoyo y cariño. We are confident that you will soon give us the excellent news that you graduated from College. So, don’t forget to send me your College Graduation Pictures. Why? Because I want to continue feeling proud and bragging about all your accomplishments.

Now that you are flying out of Riverview’s space, you have the knowledge and experience you need to succeed in College and beyond.

Always remember, YOU are a Rocket, and you are Unstoppable!

Sofia Acevedo

Sofia Alvarado

Arturo Alvarez

Mia Alvarez

Keren Arguelles

Grecia Arreola Martinez

Gustavo Baez

Ximena Barajas

Samantha Bardales

Sebastian Barrios Polanco

Marc Benavides

Elim Benitez

Jacqueline Cantu

Karla Cantu

Daniela Cardenas

Regina Cardiel

Albert Carrizales

Carlos Carsi

Itzel Casas

Katherine Castillo

Dana Cepeda

Keira Chavez

Santiago Conde

Roman Cortez

Regina De La Garza

Emiliano Dominguez

Jose Duarte-Hernandez

Darianna Escobedo

Maria Figueroa Castanon

Daniel Flores San Miguel

Lindsey Gallegos

Gael Galvan

Jaime Gaona

Luis Garcia

Patrick Garcia

Sofia Garcia De Leon

Jessica Gomez Rangel

Diego Gonzalez

Jimena Gonzalez

Deissy Gonzalez Escalante

Gerardo Guerrero

Vivianna Guerrero

Daniela Gutierrez

Efren Gutierrez

Jose Gutierrez

Marian Gutierrez-Salazar

Paulina King Benitez

Graciela Lara

Eduardo Legorreta

Isabella Llamas

Erick Llanas

Cristel Lopez

Rafael Lopez Izaguirre

Angela Lozano

Roberto Lozoya

Jolette Maldonado

Valeria Maravilla Gonzalez

Javier Martinez

Marvin Martinez

Cristian Mejia Diaz

Mia Moreno

Kamila Muniz

Mia Munoz

Jesus Munoz Mireles

Sofia Munoz Mireles

Maria Navar

Triana Navarro

Alessandra Olvera

Valeria Olvera

Marina Palafox

Carlos Pliego

Karen Pliego

Alexia Polanco Rodriguez

Jesus Ramos

Mia J. Ramos

Mia C. Ramos

Barbara Camila Reina

Zaydali Rios

Pedro Rivera

Alex Rodriguez

Leopoldo Ruiz

Rafael Ruiz

Rosendo Salas

Sabrina Salinas

Abel Sanchez

Elfego Sanchez

Dana Serna

Maria Silva

Yeiri Silva Perez

Bryan Sosa

Antonio Soto Ortega

Ricardo Urbina

Joshua Valencia

Fernando Vega

Bryan Zamora Lopez

Daniela Zuniga

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Dear IDEA San Benito Class of 2023,

I am so incredibly proud of each and every one of you! You have surpassed expectations and finished strong. Today is a celebration of your accomplishments as one journey ends and a new one begins.

As a graduate of IDEA San Benito, you are joining a fierce group of Dragon alumni. As you take on the world ahead of you, remember the lessons and values you learned during your years at IDEA San Benito. I hope that as you join new college communities, you remember the connections and positive relationships you forged at IDEA to help you build new support systems with your peers and professors. When you are working to find new solutions to both your own obstacles and the problems facing our society, draw on the innovation and problem-solving strategies your teachers taught you. At times when you feel stuck, rely on your growth mindset, to persevere and to never give up.

Lastly, be brave and take risks; new opportunities will come your way as you take the next step in your life. Enjoy the adventures to come and know that your Dragon family is cheering you on and will always be here to continue to support you. You are ready and prepared for the rigor and challenges coming your way. Everything you need, you already have inside you – so go out there and set the world on fire!

Once a Dragon, Always a Dragons!

Forever in your corner,


Natalia Aguilera

Alex Xavier Alcala

Andrea Alexandra Alvarez

Vanessa Nayeli Amaya

Albert Alexis Aparicio

Sofia Belen Arreguin

Jina Laisha Baena

Jesus Cardenas

Perla Cantu

Loorayne Beatriz Castro Sosa

Lynette Louise Cuellar

Adrian Del Angel

Angel Alejandro De La Fuente

Anahi Delgado Ibarra

Felipe Santiago Dominguez

Karla Marie Ellorimo

Bridget Arliet Flores

Jose Angel Flores

Sofia Theresa Flores

Nena Rowan Forbess

Karol Lynn Gamez

Bernardo Garcia

Albert James Gonzales

Bianey Gonzalez

Paige Hailey Grayson

Jenee Jo Guerrero

Brianna Nicole Hernandez

Frida Lorena Hernandez

Lilliana Hernandez

Michael Ashton Hernandez

Juan Guillermo Ingram Gonzalez

Juan Alejandro Linan

Jaret Lobaton Ramirez

Bridgette Elizabeth Longoria

Tristan Boyd Lopez

Joe Lozoya

Crystal Anabel Manis Barrintos

Juan Carlos Marquez

Andres Martinez

Javier Martinez

Katelyn Jayleen Martinez

Manuel Rolando Martinez

Sebastian Medrano

Thaily Medrano

Genesis Galilea Morales

Daniel Gregorio Moreno

Ariana Lizbeth Nieto

Kayla Arrlett Perez

Kihanna Angelie Perez Gonzalez

Edward Pina

Annie Josaphine Proenza

Kayla Ramirez

Marcus Ramirez

Jonathan Isaac Ramos

Rowyn Alora Randolph

Alyzza Nicole Rendon

Caleb Alejandro Reyes

Dominic Seth Reyna

Mishael Reyna

Luz Maria Rios Rodriguez

Esai Daniel Rodriguez

Yesenia Rodriguez

Isaiah Andre Rosenbaum

Ramiro Ruiz

Samantha A Saldana

Hector Salinas

Angel Marissa Sanchez

Irving Yael Sanchez

Sofia Mariel Schroeder

Isaac Silva

Jonathan Andrew Silva

Karissa Araceli Solis

Fatima Jacquelin Sosa

David Diego Sotelo

Jabneel Ain Torres

Jairo Adiel Torres

Maliqhi Xabier Torres

Javier Damian Torres Hernandez

Carlos Alan Trevino

Evan Jay Van Cise

Paula Brisheida Vicedas

Priscila Guadalupe Villarreal

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Mighty Saints Class of 2023,

Congratulations! You are officially our eleventh graduating class, but my first seniors as principal of IDEA San Juan College Preparatory, and I could not be more proud of you and all of the work you have put in to make it to this point. Many of you started your journey to college as Kinder students or even sixth graders, bright and optimistic about what the next several years of your lives would bring.

I am thrilled to share that the Class of 2023 has submitted over 690 college applications, received 313 college acceptances. In addition, over 60% of you have been accepted to selective and highly selective universities and you have helped our school achieve state and national rankings. You are truly an amazing group of young people!

It is evident that the statistics surrounding our demographics, especially when one considers our community, are not your reality. You did not let that be your story. Others’ expectations of you were not your own, and you proved to everyone that when you set goals without boundaries, there is no limit to your success. I know you will take the lessons learned from within the walls of our school and from the people that care about you deeply, and use them to carry you through your journey outside of IDEA San Juan CP.

A college degree will change your life trajectory forever. Remember, you made it through a pandemic with all the challenges it brought. But you are here! You are big dreamers with amazing goals and incredible opportunities in front of you. Seize those opportunities and keep dreaming!

Above all, remember that you are leaders. You have proven, time and again, that you hold the leadership qualities necessary to achieve your goals. The path will not always be laid out for you, and you will have to create your own way at times. This is difficult, but I am beyond confident that if anyone can do it, it’s the Saints Class of 2023.

So, keep moving forward and don’t lose sight of your dreams. Remember these words by Barack Obama: “Don’t let anyone tell you want you can’t do. Follow your dreams and persist.”

You already make us proud. I, along with everyone who was a part of your beautiful journey, stand behind you. We believe in you and can’t wait to see all you accomplish in your lives!

Your biggest fan,

Azul Alejandro

Edgar Blanco

Lilybell Bruce

Steve Calderon

Alexa Campos

Michelle Campos

Serenity Cantu

Nestor Cardenas

Natalie Cedillo

Kimberley Chavez

Xavier Cienfuegos

Nathaniel Cortinas

Jamie Davila

Dafne De Leon

Karla Delgado Zamora

Jennifer Elizondo

Karla Escobedo

Hector Espericueta-Jimenez

Jose Estrada

Saray Flores

Francisco Fuentes

Noe Galindo

Kenia Gaona

Kristopher Gaona Carrillo

Angeluriel Garcia

Bryan Garcia

Josue Garcia

Marco Garcia

Ryan Garcia

Francisco Garcia-Berrones

Keon Garza

Lyssa Garza

Karely Garza-Cantu

Angel Hernandez

Oscar Hernandez Montiel

Alan Ibarra

Dayana Ibarra

Christian Leal

Leonardo Lopez

Dana Martinez

Edson Martinez Castillo

Jason Martinez-Barrientos

Robie Martinez-Diaz

Isaac Montanez

Aletzy Montelongo

Ivan Montiel

Aileen Morales

Arleen Morales

Alondra Munoz

Yahir Ornelas

Abraham Ortiz

Gabrielle Padua-Vargas

Tony Perez

Mandy Pina

Ilse Pineda Gracia

Erika Pineda-Horta

Adan Quintanilla

Regino Ramirez

Juan Reyes

Naxely Reyes

Victoria Reyes

Andrea Rios-Roque

Olivia Rivas

Lizbeth Rodriguez

Joelie Salinas

Andrew Sanchez

Jael Sanchez-Escalante

Fernando Serna

Mariela Tamez-Elizondo

Eduardo Torres

Joaquin Torres

Nicolas Uresti

Priscilla Valle

Eliza Vargas

Areli Vazquez

Faviola Vidales-Ramirez

Nereida Ybanez

Jaqueline Ybarra

Laisha Zavala

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Class of 2023,

People who know what they are doing know the rules, and they know what is possible and what is impossible. You do not. And you should not. The rules on what is possible and impossible were made by people who had not tested the bounds of the possible by going beyond them. And you, the class of 2023, have proven the possible by going beyond the boundaries. Together, the class of 2023 have submitted over 500 applications, with 76% being highly selective and with 100% 4-Year acceptances. With this said, collectively you have earned over 11 million dollars in scholarships! Truly Amazing!

Three years ago, you joined IDEA Sports Park blind. A year where we opened during the pandemic, online and where you were unsure what college was and how you were going to get there. Now we sit here today celebrating your resilience and dedication to your education. I remember when we conducted the Karate event, and had you name your fear and had you break through the barrier holding you back. I recalled reading your boards. Some stated to learn English, to get accepted into college and even some just to graduate. Now look around you! YOU MADE IT. I hope this gives you a small sense of pride and will encourage you to break through another barrier as you matriculate to college. And if by chance you get discouraged, look to your left and right. Reach out for help because we are in this together.

I leave you with this, life will be a little messy, but embrace the mess. It will be complicated but rejoice in the complications and it will not be anything like what you think it’s going to be like, but surprises are good for you. Do not be frightened. You got this, just like you did three years ago. I will always believe in you. Siempre e creido en ustedes. Si Se Puede!

My Stingrays.... Rays up!

Your Proud Principal,


Fabiola Alvarez

Brandon Ausucua

Rafael Avina

Igor Campos-Martinez

Stephanie Cardona

Sara Casas

Alan Castillo

Ricardo Davila

Itzel Delgado Salas

Maria Fernanda Esquivel

Andres Figueroa

David Garcia

Even Humberto Gonzalez

Joselyne Gonzalez

Rosario Gonzalez

Yesenia Gonzalez

Raymond Gracia

Adelina Hernandez

Areli Jimenez

Elias Jimenez

Jatziry Longoria

Alexa Lopez

Camila Lozano Banda

Edgar Lozano Banda

Paola Lucio

Yshua Matu Rodriguez

Angie Medrano

Alexa Michel

Alan Murillo Compean

Estephanie Nunez

Daniela Orta

Martha Paez

Carlos Pena

Gia Pena

Alexa Perez

Emily Perez

Mariela Ramirez

Gabriela Ramirez Venegas

Illene Ramos

Daniel Recio

Schareene Romero Rivera

Joshua Sanchez

Siomara Sanchez

Esequiel Serrano Flores

Erasmo Suarez

Joaquin Trevino

Frida Yepez

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