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Edita: Documenta INSTITUTO EUROPEO DE ESTUDIOS PARA LA FORMACIÓN Y EL DESARROLLO C/ Cardenal Cisneros, 20, 1º. 39001 Santander (Cantabria) Spain Diseño gráfico y maquetación: Ideas4design Impresión: Ideas4design Depósito Legal: SA 590-2019

From DOCUMENTA, we want to share with you these verses of Kavafis which have accompanied us on this long, intense and enriching journey:

“When you set out for distant Ithaca, fervently wish your journey may be long, full of adventures and with much to learn. Of the Laestrygones and the Cyclopes, of the angry god Poseidon, have no fear: these you shall not encounter, if your thought remains at all times lofty, if select emotion touches you in body and spirit. Not the Laestrygones, not the Cyclopes, nor yet the fierce Poseidon, shall you meet, unless you carry them within your soul, unless your soul should raise them to confront you. Fervently wish your journey may be long. May they be numerous the summer mornings when, pleased and joyous, you will be anchoring in harbours you have never seen before. Stay at the populous Phoenician marts, and make provision of good merchandise; coral and mother of pearl; and ebony and amber; and voluptuous perfumes of every kind, in lavish quantity. Sojourn in many a city of the Nile, and from the learned learn and learn amain.

At every stage bear Ithaca in mind. The arrival there is your appointed lot. But hurry not the voyage in the least: ’twere better if you travelled many years and reached your island home in your old age, being rich in riches gathered on the way, and not expecting more from Ithaca. Ithaca gave you the delightful voyage: without her you would never have set out: and she has nothing else to give you now. And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you. Wise as you will have become, so full of experience, you will have understood by then what these Ithakas mean”. C.P. Cavafy 1837-1933. Adaptation of translations made by John Cavafy (2003) and Edmund Keeley/Philip Sherrard (1992).








1996 - 1999


2000 - 2006


2007 - 2013


2014 - 2015






glossary of acronyms





58 projects implemented, 224 European partners (entities and organizations), of which 77 are Spanish and 147 from 27 European or associated countries.

24 programs attended), of social problems faced together, theoretical models and methodological tools tested, exchange of knowledge, know-how and best practices, awareness and dissemination actions; job creation and fight against unemployment, entrepreneurship, equal opportunities and social inclusion, improvement of professional qualifications and employability, new Professional Profiles and training Curricula, Territorial Employment Pacts and on-line training platforms, knowledge society, ICTs and digital gap, immigration, diversity, cultural management, social participation and citizen empowerment‌

If the poet’s verses reflect the feeling and spirit that animated our journey, figures and graphs tell us about the magnitude of the journey undertaken, the distance traveled, the ports to which we arrived, the people we found, of those with whom we worked, shared and lived; of those with whom we cooperated creating collaborative networks to learn, innovate and compete, to contribute to building a more social, more democratic, more cohesive, more united in diversity, more sustainable, more competitive Europe.

A journey of international cooperation, innovation and networking to our Ithaca: a Europe of Knowledge, respectful and proud of its founding values (peace, democracy, equality, diversity, solidarity, social cohesion, sustainability), a Social Market Economy which places people and environment in the center of the economic thought, an empowered, participative, ethical and responsible European Citizenship.

Perhaps our contribution was just a drop in the vastness of the ocean, but without that drop, the ocean would be smaller. It was not the only journey we started and brought to fruition in the last 20 years, but in these pages we will only talk of a marked itinerary of European initiatives (58 projects implemented, 17 major issues tackled,

20 years, one journey, and one purpose: to help build Europe.














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International Cooperation Innovation & Networking





1996 - 1999


2000 - 2006




2007 - 2013

2014 - 2015

E U R O P E A N P R O J E C T S 1996 - 1999 / 2000 - 2006 / 2007 - 2013 / 2014 - 2015


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking


EDLIT. Employer Data Link to Initial Training THEMATIC: YOUTH AND EMPLOYMENT

1996 - 1999

CALL: Leonardo Da Vinci. Pilot Project. COUNTRIES: United Kingdom, Spain, The Netherlands YEARS: 1996-1997 DOCUMENTA joined the EDLIT project in an economic context in which Spain held the highest rate of youth unemployment in Europe. The mismatch between labour supply and demand led to many unfilled jobs. The EDLIT project faced a double challenge: •

On the one hand, to enhance the qualification and employability of young unemployed people by improving their knowledge about the job market. On the other hand, to try to adjust labour supply and demand by incorporating the requirements of the enterprises and the trends of the labour market in the training programmes for young people.

Among the main products developed under EDLIT project stood out the following: •

The design of a complementary training module with relevant information about the labour market and necessary requirements to foster the access of young people into it. The creation of a methodological tool for the updating of training programmes so that they fit the changes of the labour market and the requirements regarding qualifications demanded by employers. The “Distance to Labour Market” (DLM) model, which enables an assessment of the distance of unemployed young people to entry the labour market. It also enables the design of a personalized job insertion programme.

DOCUMENTA introduced the DLM model in Cantabria through different job placement projects and adapted it to different specific groups.


EUROPEAN PROJECTS 1996 - 1999 DURATION: 1996-1997

Among the main results obtained we highlight the following ones:

NYEC. Nuevos Yacimientos de Empleo en Cantabria New Sources for Jobs in Cantabria

THEMATIC: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT CALL: Art. 10 European Social Fund. Innovative Measures. New Sources for Jobs, particularly, local employment initiatives.

COUNTRIES: Spain YEARS: 1996-1998

After the publication of Delors White Book (1993) and the European survey on Local Employment and Development Initiatives (ILDE, 1995), the EU decided to focus heavily on employment creation policies in the so-called New Sources for Jobs (NSJ), 19 subsectors classified into 4 action fields in the services sector, namely: daily life services, services for the improvement of the quality life, cultural and recreational services and environmental services.

The production of numerous studies on NSJ during the research phase (study, diagnosis and elaboration of local and regional strategies) that led to the publication of the book “New Sources for Jobs in Cantabria”. The creation of two Centrals for Proximity Services in Santander and El Astillero that worked as intermediation structures between supply and demand of NSJ. The design and testing of a multi-service cheque aimed at improving the solvency of supply and demand in the rendering of the service. The studies on the potential for jobs and business creation in the cultural sector and the first Cultural Management workshop in Cantabria.

As a result of the close collaboration with the Government of Cantabria we highlight two more results that encouraged the sustainability and continuity of the project, as well as increasing their impact on the Regional Employment policy.

The “NYE in Cantabria” (NYEC) project was designed and managed by DOCUMENTA. It was chosen within the “Innovative Actions of the European Social Fund (ESF)” among over 340 proposals as one of the pilot projects to be implemented in Spain. This fact turned DOCUMENTA (and Cantabria) into pioneers, becoming a reference in Europe on R+D+i regarding Active Employment Policies (AEP), NSJs and ILDESs.

Among the actions developed, we highlight the ones aimed at facilitating the private/public collaboration and networking (a close cooperation among the Government of Cantabria, city councils, tertiary sector and private companies) and the ones focused on the creation and implementation of pilot projects aimed at overcoming legal-administrative barriers, financial barriers and sociocultural barriers that blocked supply and demand of the aforementioned NSJ; apart from a great number of diagnostic actions, awareness, motivation, accompanying, proof and testing.

The first Employment Plan of Cantabria (1997) integrates the NSJ as one of its intervention strategic lines following the approaches and guidelines of the White Book. The Government of Cantabria approves an “Aid Programme for local entities and companies in the field of NSJ” (1998), with an allocation of 150 million pesetas per year.

Without any doubt, the NYEC project laid the foundations and forged some of the identity marks that have characterized DOCUMENTA´s work over the years and with ulterior projects: public/private collaboration, networking, R+D+i (AEP, NSJ, ILDE), applied social innovation, new financial instruments for local development, specialization in the cultural, environmental and tourism sectors and so on.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking


Centro de Recursos para el Autoempleo y la Creación de Spin-Off Resources Centre for Self-Employment and Creation of Spin-Off

THEMATIC: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT CALL: Art. 6 ESF. Innovative actions in the field of New Sources for Jobs. DG V of the European Commission.



CALL: ADAPT Initiative. DG V of the European Commission.

YEARS: 1997-1999


Building on the experience gained with the NYEC project (New Sources for Jobs) and its excellent management and results, DOCUMENTA becomes a reference both at national and European level in innovation on active policies for creating employment and enterprises, as well as in the management of European projects and transnational networks. DOCUMENTA was then selected to actively participate, and lead in Cantabria, in the SARELAN project, within the European framework of the “Innovative Actions in the field of New Sources for Jobs”.

YEARS: 1998-1999 Continuing with the line of action initiated with the SARELAN project on the creation of employment and enterprises through outsourcing processes and spin-off creation, DOCUMENTA and the Council of El Astillero set up this Resources Centre with a double objective: • •

SARELAN was a transnational project that tackled the creation of employment and enterprises on the basis of innovative, emerging and little tested until that time processes, such as outsourcing and spin-off creation.

Among the actions implemented stood out the following: • •

The main goal of the project was the design of a specific methodology, at European level, to identify and support the creation of spin-off. In the case of Cantabria, the focus was put on industrial spin-off in the south section of Santander Bay.

• •

Among activities developed and results obtained stood out the following: • • • •

To bring the academic and educational world closer to the business one so that it fits its reality, requirements and needs. To improve SME competitiveness and to create new jobs through spin-off.

• •

Study about European experiences and best practices of spinoff. Own methodology for the detection and support of spin-off processes. SME and Local Development Days. Exchange of experience and transnational best practices with all project partners.


Analysis and diagnose of the industrial sector in El Astillero. Training of entrepreneurs: “Outsourcing of activities” and “Benchmarking”. Support and training to academic spin-off promoters: “Course of new entrepreneurs”. Creation of the business incubator in the Industrial Park of Guarnizo. Grants to support new entrepreneurs. Promoting business cooperation through the creation of an “Entrepreneurs Forum”. Exchange of experiences and transnational best practices with project partners.


Centro Juvenil de Desarrollo Cultural y Medioambiental Youth Centre for Environmental and Cultural Development

Cuéntame Europa Tell me Europe THEMATIC: EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP CALL: PRINCE, Information Programme for the European Citizens. “Building Europe Together”.

THEMATIC: YOUTH AND EMPLOYMENT CALL: Youthstart II. DG V European Commission


COUNTRIES: Spain, Greece

YEARS: 1998-1999

YEARS: 1998-2000 Fully in line with the initiative PRINCE “Building Europe Together”, from this project onwards DOCUMENTA was actively involved in a series of programmes of information, awareness and dissemination about the EU and its constitutive values. DOCUMENTA was also involved in the exercise of a full and participative European citizenship, laying the foundations for our commitment and work in favour of the European process. Such commitment would lead us later on to actively participate in events such as the European Civic Forum.

Through this project, the Youth Centre for Environmental and Cultural Development in the Saja area was created. Its aim was to tackle youth unemployment mainly through support to self-employment and the creation of microenterprises in rural areas. The centre was structured in three main basic services: research studies, training services and advice for business start-up. In this way, the project also intended to revitalize the area through the identification and value of its natural and cultural resources, as well as to promote the creation of enterprises and jobs in those sectors related to New Sources for Jobs (rural tourism, artisanal agri-food production, ecological agriculture, etc.) and particularly the ones related to cultural management (management and organization of natural and cultural resources).

Among “Tell me Europe” goals were: • • •

To inform the youth in Cantabria about the results and contents in the Treaty of Amsterdam. To boost and strengthen the feelings of belonging to the EU and the European citizenship. To encourage and promote a constructive discussion in the region about the European process: prospects, concerns and challenges for Cantabria.

Taking into account the concept of Sustainable Local Development (analysis, diagnosis, and definition of strategic plans) combined with a comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of youth unemployment (identification of training needs, design of “ad hoc” training programmes, personalized counselling and job placement), different studies/diagnosis on territory´s resources and its value were made. Specific curricular programs were also designed (training of trainers and end users) along with a successfully personalized process for personalized counselling and labour market integration.

Activities implemented included: the design and teaching of a course on the European Union for young counsellors, a competition among secondary school students, a discussion involving young people at the Parliament of Cantabria and the creation of a CD-ROM on the European Union.


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2002 - 2006

CALL: Support to the activities related to the European Integration. DG Education and Culture. COUNTRIES: Spain YEARS: 2000 In a context of high unemployment rates, general criticism to passive employment policies and total consensus about the need of gradually transforming the Active Employment Policies, DOCUMENTA designed and led “Get Employed in Europe” to innovate in Active Employment Policies. The main goal of this project was the exchange of experiences and the dissemination of best practices related to active employment policies at European level. Apart from providing comprehensive information about different active employment policies implemented not only at regional and national level, but also at European level, various areas of action and economic sectors with high potential to generate jobs were analysed in depth and by country. The studies conducted, the identification of best practices at national level and their transfer to European level provided the necessary basis to reach the project´s second most important objective: to create a framework for reflection and debate at European level allowing technical staff from Public Administration, technicians in local development, professionals from different productive sectors, new entrepreneurs, employers and public in general to get in touch via different seminars organised along the project.



Trabajando por la Paz Working for Peace

F.A.R.O. Foro Artístico de Redes de Organización Artistical Forum of Organisation Networks



CALL: CONNECT Initiative. Education and Culture.

CALL: D.G. Enterprise

COUNTRIES: Spain, Greece, United Kingdom

COUNTRIES: Spain, The Netherlands, United Kingdom

YEARS: 2000-2001

YEARS: 2000-2002

The full awareness of being a European organisation engaged with the constitution of the European Union along with our active participation in projects dealing with information, awareness and dissemination for an active European citizenship led us to be directly engaged with Education in Values projects (Founding values of the European Union: equal opportunities, social inclusion…) and particularly those related to a Peace and No Violence Culture.

Through F.A.R.O. project DOCUMENTA addressed the creation of employment and businesses in the Cultural Sector, one of the New Sources for Jobs with greater potential for development and employment creation according to all existing studies. Among the objectives of F.A.R.O. project were the following: •

Working for Peace was a transnational project which main aim was to gear the education processes toward networking, the concept of educating for peace and leisure time as a learning factor, fostering that way awareness among young people in the countries participating in the project.

• •

The objectives were pursued through three lines of action: •

Initiatives of awareness and organization of events, such as the Competition of Ideas for Peace or the support to the UNESCO´s Manifesto for Peace. Training initiatives, such as Education for Peace Workshops aimed at teachers; organization of seminars and conferences; Fair Trade Days. Creation and publishing of new didactic materials: Resources Guide on Education for Peace on internet; the Agenda for Peace 2001; the Suitcase for Peace.

To provide professionals of the cultural sector with the necessary knowledge and techniques for the development of their initiatives applying criteria of professionalism; To identify and recognise the growing need to “create a sector”; To create a space for debate in which, with the contributions of different experts, best practices are identified, transferred and integrated; To lay the foundations to create regional and interregional bonds of cooperation.

Products and results of the project included: • • • •

Both the didactic materials designed and the overall process carried out, along with the acquired experience were transferred to other EU countries through the project Early Childhood and Primary Education for Peace (2007-2009).


The development of a Guide of Best Practices about Cultural Management in Europe. Training activities for SME managers of the artistic/cultural sector in Cantabria. Awareness-raising activities for technical staff in the Public Administration on cultural policies. Creation of the CULTURE FORUM 2000 as a meeting and debate space for the cultural sector at European level with the aim of promoting the creation of cultural networks and boosting public/private partnerships.

International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

Financial Engineering for local employment: opportunities for local and regional government

AVALON – Stands for added value for local networking THEMATIC: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT


CALL: Preparatory measures for a local commitment for employment – Measure 3

CALL: Preparatory measures for a local commitment for employment

COUNTRIES: Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom

COUNTRIES: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom

YEARS: 2001

YEARS: 2001-2002 Consolidated as a European reference organization in the Sustainable Local Development, innovation in active employment policies and the creation of employment and enterprises in the New Sources for Jobs, DOCUMENTA took active part in the AVALON project.

“Financial Engineering for local employment” project was a milestone in the line of research and innovation of DOCUMENTA by addressing and deepen on the strategic aspect of local development financing, which was absolutely innovative in Local Development at the moment: organisation, systems and tools for local microfinancing (systems of microcredits, complementary currency, ethical banking, etc.)

This project analysed and assessed the first European experiences of the TERRITORIAL EMPLOYMENT PACTS (TEPs), through a partnership formed by reference organisations in TEPs, such as Berlin, London or Rome.

The goal of the project was to improve knowledge, provide information and advice national, regional and local authorities when offering local support and microfinancing for employment creation.

Among other factors, the following points were also analysed and evaluated: • • •

As a result of the comprehensive and systematic research conducted at European level, the book “Financing for Local Development” (Spanish, French, English, Italian and German) was published; compulsory reference for whomever interested in delving into this both interesting and exciting topic: one of the aspects of local development where social creativity, public and private partnership and innovation have converged in the most efficient way.

Examples of best practices and failures at European level. The role of the private sector in both local employment pacts and the processes of start-ups and support to microenterprises. The effects of cooperation among different stakeholders for the creation of employment at local level beyond its usual sphere of influence.

After the analysis and evaluation of the best practices conducted, AVALON focused on two fundamental aspects: •

Beyond the great deal of information or case studies and best practices analysed, the book itself is an authentic handbook with practical guidelines on what to do in each case and how to proceed, as well as how to efficiently join political and financial tools at local level, therefore the approach used, as for the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the different mechanisms or the recommendations made to successfully design and implement new systems of local microfinancing.

To define a general strategy transferable to the EU as a whole for the successful implementation of TEPs based on the experience and the good practices analysed. To define a guide with recommendations and guidelines to promote the entrepreneurial spirit in districts with high unemployment rates and serious social problems.



Generando Empleo en el Medioambiente Generating Employment through Environment (GEMA)

eQUAL GEMA developed many information activities, awareness and dissemination actions, as well as training and career guidance, advice and support for the creation of companies, channelled through the creation of different services and projects in different areas of Cantabria:

THEMATIC: SOCIAL INCLUSION AND EMPLOYMENT CALL: ESF and ERDF. eQual Initiative. Pillar 1: Employability. Entry into the labour market.

• • •

COUNTRIES: Spain, France, Italy, Ireland, Finland, Luxembourg YEARS: 2001-2005

• •

As it has been already mentioned, working with groups of people at risk of social exclusion and active fight against all types of inequality when accessing the labour market are DOCUMENTA´s identifying marks and a strategic vector for its R+D+I work in favour of employment.

Among the achievements of the project it is worth highlighting the excellent networking carried out, with the creation of a Development Partnership which sets an example for dialogue and public-private collaboration, two transnational networks (DREAT; ASSET) and a network of interregional cooperation (the only one in Spain).

This fact led us to actively take part in the EQUAL initiative (striving to eliminate any kind of inequality and/or discrimination when entering the labour market) through three projects: GEMA (environmental area); CULTUR CIVITAS (cultural sector); CONSAR (canning sector). The main goal of GEMA project was to improve the employability of people facing social exclusion and/or discrimination when entering the labour market, through the creation of employment and entrepreneurial initiatives in the environment sector (with high potential of creation of employment in Cantabria, according to all studies and experiences implemented up to that date). Other objectives of the project were: • •

Integrated Service for the Support of Labour Insertion (SIAIL). Observatory on Labour Discrimination and Equal Opportunities. Environmental restoration in degraded areas such as La Viesca (Reocín). Rural Dinamization and Equal Opportunities Centre (CDRIO). Environmental Education and Active Tourism Centre (CEATA).

To develop social intervention strategies in favour of social inclusion. To design and use tailor-made plans for labour insertion adapted to the needs of the people who are suffering from any kind of discrimination when entering the labour market. To develop pilot projects with demonstrative purposes and to analyse its technical and corporate feasibility to create sustainable employment.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

CONSAR. Conciliar y Conservar CONSAR. Conciliate & Conserve



CALL: ESF and ERDF. eQual Initiative. Pillar 4. Equal opportunities between men and women. Reduction of imbalances and segregation at work.

CALL: ESF. eQual Initiative. Pillar 4. Equal opportunities of women and men. Reconciliation of family and professional life.

COUNTRIES: Spain, Austria, Italy, Portugal

COUNTRIES: Spain, France, Sweden

YEARS: 2001-2005

YEARS: 2001-2005

A second steady feature of the EQUAL projects in which DOCUMENTA participated was its framing within the NSJ, sectors in which our organization piled up knowledge, know-how and experience consequence of previously mentioned projects.

The participation of DOCUMENTA in the eQual CONSAR project allowed us to put into practice and contrast the know-how and experience gained both at the NSJ field (in this case “proximity services to the people”) and alternative local financing: design, implementation and testing of a service cheque (new financial instruments).

Cultur@civitas was planned as a training and labour insertion itinerary (basically through self-employment), targeted at people who are in an unequal position when entering the labour market (mainly women) through a series of actions in the cultural and entertainment sector at local level. In this respect, the network of participating municipalities led by the FEMP (Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces) was crucial.

We are therefore faced with a sectorial project which main goal is to propose and test specific solutions that enhance work-personal life balance in the agri-food sector, due to the unmet needs in several companies active in this sector located in Cantabria, Galicia, Navarra and Murcia. Based on the reality of the sector (female-dominated presence in the sector, seasonality and extreme timetables) and the territories (with a poor service offerings and with little flexibility), it was decided to implement the CONSAR cheque as an innovative pilot project aimed at:

The actions of the project (information, dissemination and awareness, training and guidance, counselling for the creation of microenterprises) were primarily targeted at overcoming the double inequality that graduated women in the field of Humanities suffered when entering the labour market: gender discrimination and a scarce appreciation of their qualifications from the labour market.

On the other hand, Cultur@civitas was based on the consideration and use of the local cultural heritage as a resource and tool to encourage the integration of this group of people through the development of the cultural sector which, according to all available studies that have been conducted “ad hoc”, had a high potential for the creation of microenterprises and employment without presenting “a priori” cultural and/or social barriers that could hamper women to enter the labour market.

• •


Softening the obstacles related to both supply and demand of proximity services/services to the people that hampered the creation of enterprises and sustainable jobs in these fields, Promoting quality in service delivery and its regulation; Encouraging work-personal life balance in the agri-food sector.


GC Development Group: Born in Europe

eL4eI. E-Learning for E-inclusion



CALL: Support for debate and reflection projects organised by associations and federations of european interest. DG EAC

CALL: eLearning. COUNTRIES: France, Greece, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands

COUNTRIES: Greece, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

YEARS: 2002-2004

YEARS: 2001-2002 eL4eI stands for “e-learning for e-inclusion”, a project that identifies and highlights some of the main topics and target groups DOCUMENTA has long worked with in successive projects over the years, gaining proven expertise and know-how on the following areas: reduction of the digital gap and the access to internet and social networks, use of ICTs to improve qualifications and/or employability, people at risk of social exclusion.

Being immersed and deeply involved with the design and management of European projects, DOCUMENTA decides to boost and participate in the creation of a European Economic Interest Grouping (E.E.I.G.) following the guidelines of the EU: “a tool of flexible transnational cooperation, with its own legal capacity that enables to complete the competencies and provide added value to the activities each organization undertakes”.

eL4eI is a project aimed at reducing the digital gap preferably among the people at risk of social exclusion with the objective of facilitating their access to the “internet” and improving this way their employability, their daily work and quality of life by expanding their capabilities.

“Born in Europe” was conceived to boost the design and setting up of GC Development Group E.E.I.G. and its main results were the following: • •

The design, constitution, and legal formalisation of the GC as E.E.I.G. The elaboration, dissemination and debate of five studies about different relevant topics for the creation of Europe: Ethical and Spiritual Values and Sources of the European Integration, European Governance, Cultural Diversity, Forthcoming EU enlargement, European citizenship. The elaboration of the document “Net’s Philosophy in code of Europe” for internal use of the GC and as an instrument of debate to disseminate among other networks and organizations.

Among the many results obtained and the fruitful work conducted during the two-year project, we would like to highlight the following: • •

The elaboration of the European Letter for the Digital and Social Inclusion through e-Learning. The celebration of an international congress where possibilities for distance learning in order to fight social exclusion were discussed and analysed.

The topics presented and the groups of people mentioned are part of the identifying marks of DOCUMENTA´s R+D+i work (training/ employment/ICTs/social exclusion), and they have continuity in different projects such as EQUAL ones, which have being also described in this publication.”

EEIG was the only common legal formula in all countries of the UE, and sought to resolve legislative differences between enterprises and associations, apart from encourage the creation of stable European networks of collaboration.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

Among the many results obtained, the following ones are highlighted:

ELECAN. Estrategia Local de Empleo para Cantabria ELECAN. Local Employment Strategy for Cantabria


• •

YEARS: 2002-2005 ELECAN was a reference project in Cantabria. It was a milestone in DOCUMENTA´s professional career (responsible for its design, presentation and subsequent management), not just due to the topics which were presented for the first time in Cantabria (definition of Local Employment Strategies and creation of Territorial Pacts for Employment) or its innovative approach both from a theoretical point of view (incorporation of guidelines of the newly approved European Employment Strategy) and a methodological one (creation of social capital in the territory and a firm intent for networking); but also, and most of all, because of one of its main achievements: the creation of the greatest institutional network in favour of employment ever implemented in Cantabria up to date.

• • • • • • •

ELECAN created different networks for employment, local development and social economy from a deep knowledge of the territory and its social, economic and cultural dynamics, seeking for the design and implementation of a Regional Employment Policy based on: the generation of social capital in the territory, the promotion of networking and the definition of coordinated Local Employment Strategies at national level.

Creation of the ELECAN network: Regional Ministry of Industry, Employment and Technological Development of the Government of Cantabria, the 20 most important municipalities in the region, Sodercan (Organization for the Local Development of Cantabria), DOCUMENTA. Hiring of 20 Territorial Analysis Technicians. Axis of research + Employment: creation of a Regional Committee of Labour Counselling for the standardisation of methodologies; definition of the first model of Employment Observatory for Cantabria. Axis of the territorial analysis: different studies on Knowledge Management, Social Capital and CSR in the territory. Creation of online databases and a System of Graphic and Cartographic Representation of the results. Creation of the Democracy and Development Forum. Different specialized publications and dissemination newsletters. Creation of the Cantabrian Network for Democracy and Employment. Workshops about Territorial Employment Pacts and definition of Local Employment Strategies. Signing of the Framework Agreement for the creation of Local Employment Pacts in: the Eastern part of Cantabria, Western area of Besaya. Design of an innovative evaluation process called “Distance to the Territorial Employment Pact”.

Finally, the overall process was gathered and transformed into a training curriculum called TEISA (European Technician on Applied Social Innovation) that served for its dissemination and transference to other European countries (Greece and Lithuania).

ELECAN´s package of measures fully integrated the main guidelines approved by the European Employment Strategy: decentralisation and revaluation of the local level, the implementation of stable cooperation networks between public/private and tertiary sector and networking to increase the impact in the territory.



The greatest success of the project was its continuity after its assumption by the Employment Service of Cantabria and its consolidation as Entrepreneurship Regional Service joined by all municipalities offering that entrepreneurship service. The result was: homogeneity in information, development of common itineraries and counselling tools, creation of the “REDICAN Cheque” and consolidation of the virtual incubator REDICAN 2.0.

Red Europea de Info-Viveros Virtuales European Network of Virtuals Info-Incubators. THEMATIC: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT CALL: INTERREG III-B. Operational Programme of the Southeast European Space (SUDOE) COUNTRIES: France, Portugal, Spain YEARS: 2003-2005 The European Network of Virtual Info-Incubators project, designed and managed by DOCUMENTA meant a qualitative leap forward through the participation in programmes of regional development and international cooperation funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It also allowed the positioning of Cantabria in the Sudoe and the Atlantic Arc spaces. The Interreg III-B Sudoe programme fostered transnational cooperation to solve common problems in the Southeast regions of Europe such as a low investment in research and development, low competitiveness of SMEs and exposure to climate change and environmental risks. In Cantabria the project was known as REDICAN, and combined the objectives and features of on-site and virtual incubators of enterprises. The project achieved to: •

Build a network of “virtual info-incubators” in a single structure that allowed unifying functions and acting as a single window, offering systematized and homogeneous information, apart from counselling both to entrepreneurs and to administrations. Facilitate the access to NTIC and encourage the creation of new enterprises and/or commercial activities linked to the development of the information society. The counseling of those enterprises included in the virtual incubator was also assured by the partners. Create a European Network of Virtual Info-Incubators which interconnected the different participant territories in order to undertake a transnational cooperation of exchange of experiences and best practices regarding entrepreneurship.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

Ruta de las Bahías Bays’ Route

Gestora de Innovación Innovation Agent




CALL: Leonardo Da Vinci. Pilot Project.

COUNTRIES: France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain

COUNTRIES: France, Greece, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands

YEARS: 2003-2005

YEARS: 2003-2005

As in the previous project, The Route of Bays project (Integral and Sustainable Management of the Endogenous Resources of the Atlantic Bays Space) was designed and managed by DOCUMENTA in the frame of Interreg Atlantic Space. Apart from the City Council of El Astillero (promoter, Bay of Santander) and the Spanish Association of Towns of Fisheries, bays from Spain, Portugal, France and Ireland also participated in the project.

In the same way as in some of the projects described above, (NYEC, ELECAN, GEMA), “Innovation Agent” is also a milestone in DOCUMENTA´s professional career as it opened a new channel of R+D+i: the definition, testing and validation of new professional profiles and training curricula required from the labour market at European level. This line of work will continue up to today with different projects. Through the design, definition and testing of the professional profile and training curriculum of the Innovation Agent, the project faced two objectives of burning importance:

The project was a good way to create a European Network of Bays of the Atlantic Space, which among other things allowed to: analyse and put in value natural, cultural and environmental resources from the 8 participant spaces; exchange of know-how and best practices among the partners and with other existing networks; definition of infrastructures and common management systems.

• •

Specifically in Cantabria, some infrastructures were created or reinforced, namely: the Environmental and Active Tourism Education Centre, the Interpretation Centre of the Bay, the Office of Urban Ecology, etc.

To encourage the work insertion and/or reinsertion of qualified women in a sector (ICTs) in which they were under-represented. To improve the competitiveness of SMEs, encouraging the implementation of a culture of innovation, the right acquisition of technologies and the maximization of their use.

Among main results, and apart from the european definition of the Professional Profile and the Training Profile, an intense previous phase of analysis and study was implemented (“Innovation and SMEs in Europe”; “Women and NTICs in Europe”), 15 Innovation Agents were trained in Spain, and a network of enterprises and organizations was created to carry out the labor practices and validation of final resultant products. The innovative approach of the profile directed to the management of intellectual capital and intangible assets of the company, made it possible to innovate in the definition of competences and knowledge areas such as: knowledge management, CSR, ICTs, etc. Innovation Agent project was complemented later on through INMA project, and transferred to new countries with INMA2.



EMPRENDE + INNOVA. Transnational Network in the Sudoe Space for identification, valorization and definition of the entrepreneur profile

Transference of a tool for a territorial compromising in EU THEMATIC: VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING


CALL: Art. 6 ESF Regulation Transfer and Dissemination of Innovation

CALL: Interreg III B. Operational Programme of the Southeast European Space (SUDOE)

COUNTRIES: Greece, Lithuania, Spain

COUNTRIES: France, Portugal, Spain

YEARS: 2006-2007

YEARS: 2005-2007 After the design and management of ELECAN project in Cantabria and due to the good results obtained and the innovation process followed, DOCUMENTA was chosen once more to transfer that process to other countries in the EU through the pedagogical tool TEISA (European Technician on Applied Social Innovation), under Art.6 of ESF, measures of transference and dissemination of innovation.

Due to the experience piled up previous past projects related to business start up and encouraging of entrepreneurial culture, DOCUMENTA was chosen to participate in the project EMPRENDE+INNOVA, under Interreg IIIB Sudoe programme, led by Andalusian Network Foundation of Social Economy. Among the main objectives of the project were: • •

Through the project, the Multimedia Training Programme TEISA was adapted and put into practice in Greece. This pedagogical tool formalized the methodological intervention model implemented in Cantabria, with the objective of verifying its applicability in different territorial contexts within the EU.

To create a steady network to support entrepreneurship for the exchange of knowledge, resources and information. To elaborate and present to public administrations and other social agents involved, a series of proposals to improve results and assessment of public policies related to entrepreneurship at local, regional and national level.

TEISA provided a complete training programme that responded to the professional needs of people from the Socioeconomic Promotion and Local Development field that needed to update and complete their knowledges with the aim of improving methods of intervention to prospect and activate the social capital in the territory.

In order to achieve these results, several activies were implemented: analysis of the factors of the entrepreneurial culture that need to be strength in order to encourage business start up, identification of best practices that give support to entrepreneurs, exchange of innovative experiences, transference of results from the analysis of policies supporting existing entrepreneurs to policy makers, definition of common indicators for the evaluation of management and results of those policies.

The pedagogical contents were structured in four modules: • • • •

Sustainable Local Development and European Strategy of Employment. Social Capital and Governance. Corporate Social Responsibility. Territorial Employment Pacts.

The testing was carried out in the region of Larissa, where a process of economic promotion and employment creation based on territorial coordination and creation of networks was taking place. The tool was also disseminated in Lithuania.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking


MEDIA. The Influence of Media in Adult Education Development THEMATIC: VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING

2007 - 2013

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Socrates. Grundtvig 2. Learning Partnership COUNTRIES: Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Spain YEARS: 2007-2009 Another key line of work regarding DOCUMENTA´s R+D+i has been education, and more specifically adult education. Media project was one of the first projects at European level in the frame of the Socrates Programme (Grundtvig), aimed at improving adult education and encouraging innovation in alternative educational itineraries. In a context of emergency and consolidation of the so-called information society, along with the growing influence and impact of the denominated social media in the social processes of learning, new challenges emerge for the adult education programmes to give an answer, namely: an increase and variety of the information received by the students through the media, the emergence of new technologies with which to manage that information, analysis of the concept of the e-learning. Media project was initially focused on analysing the state of the art in the different partner countries and exchanging some knowledge, experiences and best practices. The project´s final product was a handbook of best practices in which, apart from describing the new challenges of the knowledge society at that very moment, it also contains solutions correlating pedagogical, methodological and technical strategies aimed at keeping a lifelong learning process.



Helping hand

Early Childhood and Primary Education for Peace (ECPEFP)



CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Grundvitg. Learning. Partnerships

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation

COUNTRIES: Italy, Poland, Spain, Turkey

COUNTRIES: Germany, Portugal, Spain, Turkey

YEARS: 2007-2009

YEARS: 2007-2009 Networking is without doubt one of DOCUMENTA´s identifying marks, what has taken us to participate along the last 20 years in many networks, or initiatives aimed at creating steady partnerships for the successful implementation of future projects.This is the case with the Helping Hand project.

Continuing in the field of education, another steady feature of DOCUMENTA´s work of reference has always been education in values, particularly all those related to the founding values of the EU constitutive of a full and active European citizenship.

The project was aimed at encouraging volunteerism not only among adults but also among young and elderly people.

Due to its transfer of innovation project, Early Childhood and Primary Education for Peace allowed to translate, adapt and transfer, to the partner countries, the teaching materials elaborated with the Working for Peace Project (2000-2001), as well as methodologies used and dissemination campaigns and events launched.

Among the objectives this learning partnership pursued were the following: •

• •

To improve the quality of services offered by volunteers through the exchange of experiences and best practices among the different partner countries. To build the necessary conditions to engage more volunteers in professional activities aimed at disadvantaged people or people in risk of exclusion. To encourage participation in local voluntary activities of elder people with time availability. To encourage volunteerism as an opportunity of professional development to engage young people.

The project intended to encourage and educate in a culture for peace and no violence, coinciding with the UNESCO´s declaration for the years 2001-2010 as the Decade for Peace and No Violence. The pedagogical proposal adopted an approach oriented to prevention, approach from which a training programme mainly aimed at teachers and educators of children within the age range of 0-18 was developed. The contents and methodologies were structured around three lines of intervention: • • •


To face violence at school. Social strategies to approach violence in educational environments. Individual strategies in Education for Peace for teachers.

International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

L@JOST. Learn about finding jobs from digital storytelling

COMIX: Creativity · Collaboration · Across Borders THEMATIC: CREATIVITY AND CULTURE


CALL: Culture Programme

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. KA3 - ITC

COUNTRIES: Bulgary, Spain, United Kingdom

COUNTRIES: Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain

YEARS: 2008-2009

YEARS: 2008-2011 The COMIX project was a challenge for DOCUMENTA, since we had to go into a innovative and creative work of professional exchange that eased the development of necessary skills for the design of comics and graphic novels for a group of new artists from different fields, as a way to enhance their motivation and qualifications in relation to the labour market.

In the midst of a global crisis and with the unemployment rate going up, DOCUMENTA started a project to work with unemployed people, enhancing the distinctiveness and the positioning of the C.V. through the opportunities that a good knowledge of the ICTs can offer. With the objective of making the C.V. more attractive for the employers, without losing any information or quality in its content, unemployed people that participated in LAJOST project learned how to use digital storytelling, its techniques and ePortfolio to reinforce their distinctiveness against other potential candidates for a job.

COMIX let them to participate in the training provided by high-level professionals of the comic industry at European level, to get to know and exchange experiences with other European artists from the partners’ countries (Bulgary, Spain and United Kingdom). It also allowed them to attend some of the main comic fairs, such as the Birmingham or the Avilés one, where they could show their work to the professionals in the sector and extend their network of contacts.

An active student community formed by universities, students, former students and employers was created at European level in order to exchange experiences (web 2.0). In addition, a wide range of material of high pedagogical value, such as handbooks, best practices and specific methodologies were created for the design of ePortfolios and storytelling.

The product of the work conducted by those artists was compiled into two publications issued with the support of the Santander Council and linked to the candidacy of Santander as European Capital of the Culture 2016. In their work, the young artists portrayed some stories related to the history of the city or based on some of its most representative historical elements. Both publications were translated into English and were released in paper and digital format. They served them as a portfolio to show their work at the fairs they attended to both in the framework of the project and for the future.



MANAGE. Méthode d’Approche Nouvelle d’Apprentissage de la Gestion d’Entreprise New Approximation Method for Entrepreneurial Management Learning

Social Europe as seen by European citizens: What tools to fight against inequalities and social exclusion THEMATIC: EUROPEAN CITIZENSIP


CALL: Europe for Citizens

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation

COUNTRIES: Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain

COUNTRIES: France, Italy, Romania, Spain

YEARS: 2009-2010

YEARS: 2009-2011 Aware of the importance of bringing citizens closer to the process of constitution of the EU, DOCUMENTA was an active member of the committee that designed and implemented a project for the accomplishment of a European Forum for discussion about the Social Europe and the tools to fight against inequalities and social exclusion.

We continue detecting, analysing, adapting and transferring best practices already implemented with success. MANAGE project was born from a methodology called MIME that has been thoroughly tested in France, England and outside Europe as a tool to foster entrepreneurship as a labour alternative to recruitment by employers. DOCUMENTA successfully transferred and implemented it in Santander with great results.

The committee was formed by 13 NGOs and Spanish social platforms, along with 2 European platforms. The process started with an online consultation in the eight participant countries, dealing with cross-cutting issues such as: the role of social organizations, effectiveness of existing tools against discrimination, means to defend the rights of citizens, the exercise of citizenship in daily life, mechanisms to influence social policy, and so on.

MIME is an educational tool whereby people with interest in setting up their own business learn and internalise basic concepts about management and business decision-making processes through a board game that recreates a real business and market environment. In the game, the students are organized in teams and they have to take and put into practice strategic decisions (output, suppliers, selling, marketing, internationalization…) in order to overcome competition.

Each country formed a committee of citizens that were randomly chosen among those that particiapted on the online questionnaire. Another committee was also formed to analyse the results obtained from the online questionnaire and to make suggestions about the information gathered through the citizens committee.

With MANAGE, we adapted a European pedagogical theoretical and practical training model raising awareness about how a company works and its management, and we transferred it to teachers and trainers with the aim of improving insertion of young people in the labour market as well as promoting entrepreneurship.

The project concluded with the celebration of the “European Civic Days” Forum in the city of Málaga. This event was within the framework of the programme of the Spanish Presidency in the EU and involved the participation of 650 representatives of different European NGOs coming from 27 countries. The forum was closed with the joint formulation of the “Citizen Manifesto for a Social Europe”.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

CQAFVET – provider model. Operational model of “Common Quality Assurance Framework” at VET-provider level

DIGEM. Digital Empowerment THEMATIC: ICTs AND SOCIAL INCLUSION CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. KA 3 ICT


COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation

YEARS: 2009-2011

COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands YEARS: 2009-2010

In DigEm, DOCUMENTA reiterates the importance of people´s digital empowerment, now through a creative approach when teaching basic ICT skills. DigEm is an innovative digital empowering project that uses a creative methodology for teaching ICT skills.

The establishment of quality standards in training is a priority in which DOCUMENTA has constantly worked throughout its 20 years of history since, without these standards, a barrier for transparency and movility at european level is created, hampering the access to the labour market.

It addressed learners unfamiliar with new technologies, in particular those with no/few formal qualifications, socially excluded groups, senior learners and minority ethnic groups to motivate them to increase their employability.

The Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) from the Board of Education of May 2004 is the reference system designed to that end, even though its implementation has been unequal at European level.

The project fostered creativity and communication skills through narration, photography, music and video editing to develop basic ICT skills, learning to learn, as well as social and civic competences. It placed the learner at the centre of the teaching method, and draws upon personal experiences to engage them.

CQAFVET involved the design, creation, testing and validation of a European quality model with a practical tool that includes a set of operational documents based on a list of concrete indicators which have been adapted to the country´s circumstances. In doing so, it offers a quality assurance tool for vocational training system in accordance with ISO 9001-2000, with the objective of encouraging transparency in Europe.

The project developed a methodology guide and trainers’ toolkit for digital storytelling, and created an e-learning platform to facilitate trainers and end users to showcase their products, as well as social networks and learning communities. The project was selected as a good practice in the guide “Erasmus+: Building on Experience, Best Practices in ICT for learning” published by the European Commission.

The tool generates a spider chart that allows identifying in a visual and quick way those aspects that need to be improved in order to increase quality. For its definition, the focus was put on crucial aspects such as the match between training and labour market demand, level and quality in the training process or flexibility and pedagogical approach, among others.



EM1, EM2, EM3. Entrepreneurs’ Mobility

LECIM. Learning Cities for Migrants Inclusion



CALL: Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. KA4 - Multilateral projects

COUNTRIES: Finland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden

COUNTRIES: Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain

YEARS: 2009-2012

YEARS: 2010-2011

With three consecutive projects to facilitate mobility of Young Entrepreneurs, DOCUMENTA was the first organization of Cantabria in participating in the European Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program.

Immigration in Spain reached its highest levels between the years 2010 and 2012. DOCUMENTA, aware of the need of contributing to the full integration of immigrants and the existence of best practices in this line that had already been tested in other countries, implemented in Santander a project of analysis and transference of three experiences carried out successfully in other European cities (Bologna, Berlin and Dunkerque) to three European cities (Catania, Santander and Budapest).

Entrepreneurs’ Mobility (EM) encouraged entrepreneurship, competitiveness, internationalization and growth of established small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through the exchange of technical knowledge among experienced entrepreneurs from a country and new entrepreneurs from a different one.

LECIM project was intended to maximise the impact of the results obtained in previous experiences for economic and social integration of immigrants in urban environments through the creation of local networks and specific training for adult immigrants.

EM1, EM2 y EM3 offered to Spanish entrepreneurs the possibility of spending between 1 and 6 months collaborating with an experienced entrepreneur in other EU country and getting some ideas to make their own business grow.

Some of the results and products were, among others: the implementation of an analysis of the situation and evolution of immigration in the 3 cities receiving the best practices, the study of those selected best practices and their capacity to be transferred, the creation of a local partnership in each city that included both immigrant organizations and NGOs, facilitating immigrants to take part in the development of local migration policies, defining new projects and promoting cooperation activities at local and European level, etc.

Mobility was a business to business relation where the scope and collaboration areas were defined and established directly between the two parts: new entrepreneur and host business in which: •

The new entrepreneur gained in experience as this person worked closely with an experienced entrepreneur acquiring the skills needed to run a small firm and contributing with new points of view and ideas at the same time. The host entrepreneur would have the opportunity of getting in touch with entrepreneurs from other countries, contributing also to their development and defining potential future commercial relations.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking DURATION: 1996-1997

focused on the definition of new professional profiles required by the European labour market and the elaboration of the corresponding training curriculum along with the blended learning platform for its implementation, which was materialised in subsequent projects under the LLL and ERASMUS+ initiatives.

GETIR. European Manager of Intelligent and Responsible Territories THEMATIC: NEW PROFESSIONAL PROFILES CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Multilateral Projects for Development of Innovation.

The emergence and quick institutional acceptance in the EU of the Socially Responsible Territory and Intelligent Territories along with the TIR model, made necessary a profound redefinition of both theory and practice for local development, highlighting the obsolescence and the need of updating the professional profile and qualifications of potential and current local development agents.

COUNTRIES: Bulgary, Greece, Romania, Spain, Sweden YEARS: 2010-2012 In order to understand the importance of the GETIR project, it is necessary to have in mind three previous events: •

DOCUMENTA defined the new professional profile of the European Manager of Intelligent and Responsible Territories (GETIR), as well as the new competencies, knowledge, skills and attitudes required by the labour market; and developed contents of the training curriculum for the acquisition of such competences.

In the year 2003, the European Commission invited DOCUMENTA, as expert organization in local development, to participate in the European Forum on Local Development and Employment where we made a presentation entitled “Social Capital Management in Intelligent Territories”, the seed of the future Intelligent Territories. With the ELECAN project (2002/2005), we experienced on the ground an action/thinking process on matters such as social capital management, social responsibility of the territory, networking or social interaction as a factor for development. In the year 2006, the book “Sustainable Local Development (SLD) in Responsible and Intelligent Territories” was published and we explained our SLD model.

The resulting training proposal included 6 areas of knowledge: knowledge management of the territory, territorial social responsibility, social capital, governance, social participation and empowerment and ICTs as transversal technical competence. The pedagogic methodology used was a flexible “blended-learning” (adaptable to different territorial, language and political contexts) and innovative one (collaborative, organisational and social learning) in order to train professionals able to manage TIR models defined as territories that are able to learn for innovating and competing.

As with the previous projects (NYEC, GEMA, ELECAN), GETIR represented a qualitative leap and a turning point in the professional career of DOCUMENTA for different reasons: •

With regard to R+D+i, GETIR allowed us to complete the theoretical/practical circle that entails: the definition of the Intelligent and Responsible Territories (TIR) development model, the definition of the professional profile for its management (TIR European Manager) and the definition of the pedagogic curriculum for the training of these professionals. On the other hand, the project consolidated a way of working



EM-KIT. Empowerment kit for Immigrant Women with Low Educational/Working Experience

CReBUS. Creating a Business in the Digital Age. Developing Entrepreneurship Competencies for Young Europeans through eMentorship.



CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Grundtvig

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. K3 - ICT

COUNTRIES: Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Sweden

COUNTRIES: Austria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Turkey, Spain

YEARS: 2010-2012

YEARS: 2010-2012

During these years, Spain continues receiving the greatest amount of immigrant people. DOCUMENTA, with the EM-KIT project improves the accessibility of immigrant women into the vocational training system, especially the ones with a lower level of education or little working experience, in order to promote their integration into the labour market and to encourage their active participation in society.

The Europe 2020 Strategy demonstrates that there are new sectors for which new skills are required, and all these sectors have a common denominator of including entrepreneurship and ICT skills as basic needs.

The result is an “Empowerment Kit” in key competences, based on the specific needs of this group of women, which includes a series of necessary training modules for them to successfully enter into the education system of the country they live in. Namely: • • •

In DOCUMENTA, we believe that skills like entrepreneurship, creativity and the use of ICT are crucial competences in the future economy and necessary to find a job. The CReBUS project had as its general objective the creation of a training itinerary that, with the support of a web 2.0, facilitated the development of entrepreneurial competences among graduated students and entrepreneurs between 18-35 years old. Along with the creation of a European network of virtual Mentorship, it also encouraged the know-how sharing and the transfer of real experiences of successful employers to our young entrepreneurs.

Modules with information about the education system / labour market and pre-employment training. Motivational and reinforcing self-esteem modules. Supporting documentation for trainers / bilingual mentors in order to give advice and to develop individualised action plans.

Therefore, the training is combined with ongoing support at individual level by the mentors with intercultural experience.

Therefore, CReBUS created a new virtual learning framework, colaborated with the development of new entrepreneurial and technological competencies related to the knowledge society and contributed to the development of the economy by updating the skills of our young in order for them to fit the requirements of the current labour market in a better way.

Specific Training + Personalised Support = Empowerment. This kit is a major step towards the access of unemployed immigrant women into the labour market and the active citizenship through a conscious choice of the job they want to devote themselves. It also develops a personalised action plan and the necessary skills acquisition for a successful attendance to the training programmes.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

ISABEL. Interactive Social Media for Integration, Skills bartering, Empowerment, Informal learning

JS TOOLBOX. Methodological Toolbox for Development of New Skill for Future Jobs



CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. KA 3 - ICT

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation

COUNTRIES: Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom

COUNTRIES: Greece, Poland, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands

YEARS: 2010-2012

YEARS: 2010-2012

Taking advantage of the usefulness of new technologies as communication tool to create society, ISABEL used innovative ICT practices like civic journalism, to strengthen communities both at social and territorial level, tightening social and intercultural links, encouraging communities to get in touch with each other and facilitating a personal/collective growth.

The mismatch between supply and demand of professional competencies entails high social and economic costs apart from contributing to structural unemployment. The early identification of training needs for future employments allows teachers to foresee the most required skills in the future so that there is a greater adjustment between training provision and labour demand.

To that end, an interactive platform of merging/blending/mixture (mash up) was created. This platform incorporated different virtual communication tools such as online TV, blogs, forums or social networks, turning it into an informal learning environment and establishing a process in which people who belonged to a certain community became social participation and exchange of competencies leaders, both at intercultural and intergenerational level. The final result was a shared e-Portfolio of multilingual and multicultural skills.

With the JS Toolbox project a methodological tool was developed which facilitates: 1. 2. 3.

The interpretation of future demands in the local labour market according to the professional profile. The interpretation of future employment needs according to the type of training based on the skills profiles. The inclusion of these profiles in the training programmes.

This is a tool that covers the whole process from the detection and interpretation of expected demands all the way to the skills profile and the updating and modernisation of the training programs, adapting them to the needs of the labour market and allowing training young and unemployed people in those profiles with a higher absorption capacity by the business sector now and in the future.

The social participation leaders learned how to be correspondents and journalists (citizen journalism) and through the platform they transferred objectives and activities from their communities to other members. Consequently, participation and progressive dissemination increased and both a virtual and physical environment were created. In such environment, people from different ages and backgrounds found their way to mutually learn and break the isolation and marginalisation (elder people, marginalised groups or people with mental problems), allowing them to improve their social network and their skills to establish new relationships, as well as to participate in different activities.



INMA. Innovation Management Agents

And the objective for insertion included the provision of services to SMEs, because of their own features; they hardly have the capacity to create and maintain a specific innovation department within the company. It is important to have in mind that a well-executed innovation entails an increase of competitiveness in the company.

THEMATIC: NEW PROFESSIONAL PROFILES CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation COUNTRIES: France, Greece, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands YEARS: 2010-2012 Already in year 2009, with the crisis and the unemployment rate going up at a high pace, we believed that many of the unemployed women would decide to entry into the labour market in order to contribute to diminish the effects of the crisis in the domestic economy, as it was demonstrated later on. With that in mind, DOCUMENTA designed and implemented a new project to transfer the training profile “Innovation Agent” (mainly aimed at women since they are a group of people underrepresented in the sector) which, when was tested showed a great capacity for social and laboral insertion for the group of people that participated. INMA updated and adapted the training contents of the profile to convert them in a multimedia and multilingual tool which was uploaded to the new e-learning platform of DOCUMENTA, making it easier for a greater number of people could have access to such training. The e-learning platform was also linked to a virtual social community and a multi-agent network at european level, what foster the exchange among all people participating in the training in the different partner countries. The INMA training profile includes 5 areas of knowledge: • • • • •

Strategic Mangement People management Knowledge management Corporate Social Responsibility New Information and Communication Technologies


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

LOCAL-LLL-POWER. The Empowerment of Local People through lifelong learning strategies as a method within the local employment development

LIKE. Learning through Innovative management concepts to ensure transfer of Knowledge of Elderly people



CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. GRUNDTVIG. Learning Partnerships

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Grundtvig COUNTRIES: Greece, Poland, Scotland, Spain, Sweden

COUNTRIES: Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands

YEARS: 2011-2014

YEARS: 2011-2012

With the crisis and the unemployment rate still increasing, there were other group of people, aside from young people and women, which were having a really bad time and with whom DOCUMENTA had not previously worked: the group of people who are 50 year old onwards, a working force that gets older and that is increasingly often excluded from the labour market.

Networking continues to be a key feature for DOCUMENTA both to get to know new organizations and to detect and analyse new best practices, as well as to define and implement joint innovative projects from the common work conducted. In this case the project was focused on the strengthening of the local population through permanent learning strategies as a way to develop local employment. The partners in the project exchanged experiences of different methods of empowerment for groups at risk of exclusion through study visits to the partners’ organization and their local network and also through specific workshops.

With the LIKE project we had the opportunity of starting out a project to fight against the age barriers at work. To that end, innovative concepts of human resources´ management were developed in order to minimize the impact that discriminatory approaches regarding age have on recruiting workers, adaptability of elder labour work in a changing business environment through different initiatives of lifelong training was promoted and awareness among entrepreneurs/ employers on the advantages that experience produce in the work environment was raised.

The topics and the shared best practices were about neighbourhood management, educational counselling for mobility, innovative methods for (outdoor) training for low-qualified or unemployed adults, lifelong learning for local agents of employment and innovation agents or training for unemployed people.

In addition, with a view to continue progressing in line with objectives achieved, a Strategic plan was elaborated in order to detect and satisfy future demographic needs.



IGMA. - “EU Integration Agent”- Innovative Guidance Methodology for Integration of Low-skilled Immigrants into Adult Education

GUIDE! GOOD GUIDANCE STORIES - case studies as an innovative cross-cultural training material for guidance practitioners



CALL: Life Long Learning Programme. Grundtvig

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Multilateral Projects for Development of innovation

COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands

COUNTRIES: Austria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Spain

YEARS: 2011-2014

YEARS: 2011-2013 We keep working in favour of integration of immigrant people with lower levels of qualification. In the EMKIT project it was confirmed that one of the major barriers for job placement of low-qualified immigrant people is linked to the guidance systems.

With the growing importance of flexibility in the labour market and the need of people to adapt to changes, educational and professional orientation becomes more and more important as an element for lifelong learning. DOCUMENTA has worked on this matter for years and continues to reinforce it in order to improve work insertion of unemployed people.

With that objective and through IGMA project, a new methodology was developed in order to improve the guidance and job placement systems of low-qualified immigrant people through a proper adult training and an efficient and cooperative procedure.

With GUIDE project we identified and developed competencies required by labor counselors that work with groups which have trouble accessing the labour market. This is done through the case study methodology to enrich the discussion regarding the lifelong professional development of labor counselors by:

The IGMA methodology is based on three key elements: 1.



The Integration Ladder Method, with individual at the centre, searchs for the best opportunities for the users in an individualized manner for their entry into the labour market. The coordination among the stakeholders involved with the objective of improving the effectiveness of their actions and encouraging networking. Progress Management method that encourages the efficient use of the available resources and improves management procedures of each participating organization.

• •

Identifying professional competencies and individual needs to successfully implement the guiding processes. Elaborating teaching materials to train these employment consultants.

6 practical cases were analysed (described in detail in the corresponding methodological guide) and 6 specific pedagogical cards were designed. The pedagogical cards correspond to the scenarios in which the following competencies are developed: • • • •

Updating of knowledge. Communication and facilitation skills. Ethical practice. Detecting and responding to the different user´s needs, etc.

A final manual gathers all recommendations and the most important conclusions for the professional development of labor counselors from training and policy-making areas.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

CQAF-online. Common Quality Assurance Framework-VET, a provider online model

CERF. Certification standard for European Reference Framework Key Competencies



CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation

COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands

COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

YEARS: 2011-2013

YEARS: 2011-2013

The purpose of the project was to test and to complete the Quality Assurance model for vocational training centres elaborated in a previously described project (CQAFVET – provider model) and transfer it to an online tool for the self-advising and improvement of organizations and companies of the sector, strengthening that way its use to a large number of organizations.

In CERF project a methodology of innovative training that includes 5 of the 8 key competencies of the European Reference Framework was developed to enhance lifelong training and access to the labour market. In a complementary way, a model of multimedia certification for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities specifically for the key competence 7 (KC7) “Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship” was created.

This model consists of three main axes related to the result of the learning processes: • • •

We defined the training curriculum, a package with methodologies for trainers and an online tool for the following competencies:

The first one includes methodologies and learning contents. The second one refers to organisational issues that are essential for the service the centre provides. The third one focuses on the student´s needs.

• • • • •

Each of these processes is divided into four sections, each of them with its corresponding quality indicators. In this way, organizations are able to measure their state and progress in every area; to define the actions that are taken from the basic level (1) to the most advanced ones (4) and to implement them in order to increase the quality and performance of each centre and achieve the standard of excellence.

KC2: Communication in Foreign Languages. KC4: Digital Competency. KC6: Social and Civic Competencies. KC7: Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship. KC8: Cultural Awareness and Expression.

The innovation of the project resides precisely in having developed a training methodology and a standard certification not only for potential students but also for the business world according to the ERF´s objective, which says that these competencies need to be applied in an integrated way with a view to a competitive and cohesive European economy based on a knowledge society.



AGE WORK BALANCE. Balanced Approaches for an Ageing Workforce in Metropolitan Areas

YES. Youth Unemployment: Enhancing Entrepreneurial Skills



CALL: PROGRESS. DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation

COUNTRIES: Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom

COUNTRIES: Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Turkey

YEARS: 2011-2013

YEARS: 2012-2014

This project analyses actions implemented in urban areas with the objective of fighting long-term unemployment of people over age 50. The purpose of the project was to identify what made an action innovative in order to integrate them in sustainable employments.

Unemployment has considerably increased in Europe due to the global economic crisis. The rise is manifest in all countries but in a different way, and despite the recovery of the European economy, young people in Europe are still facing the highest unemployment rates.

AGE WORK BALANCE sought to detect the optimal relation between a concrete programme/approach and the structure of the social network that achieves the successful insertion levels for the target audience. In doing so, these results and their implementation will later be transferred to day-to day policy decisions and standard practices at a larger scale.

With this project, DOCUMENTA seeks to give a solution to this problem by encouraging self-employment as a professional alternative to being hired by a company among young people who have interest in create their own business. YES presents an innovative training programme for the development of Key Competence 7 of the ERF “Sense of Initiative and Entreprenurship” through two tools specifically developed for entrepreneurs: ePROF and ePACK.

To that end, 7 concrete actions successfully implemented in 7 European cities were analysed: Dublin, Tampere, Berlin, Hamburg, Santander, London and Vienna. With all the information gathered and analysed, two final documents were produced which facilitated the transference of:

• •

The strategy and a set of transferable prototypes (models and elements) mainly targeted at local, national and European agents. The necessary lines of action for their practical implementation by policy makers, NGO´s and researchers.

ePROF is an innovative model and an evaluation tool for the entrepreneurial profile, ePACK is a distance learning training package for entrepreneurs.

Both tools targeted unemployed young people and training centres. These training centres were equipped with methodologies, tools and specific competencies with the purpose of becoming the future educators of potential entrepreneurs and speed up the training of entrepreneurs among unemployed young people in all partner countries, generating also that way an intense multiplier effect in its implementation.

This allowed us to put into practice adquired knowledge and to design a global European strategy on how to reintegrate long-term unemployed people over age 50 in the labour market.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

PR-ERF. Practical Methodology for Aquiring Key Competences of European Reference Framework through Continuous Vocational Education and Training



CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. COUNTRIES: Austria, Cyprus, Iceland, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom

CALL: Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo Da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation

YEARS: 2013-2015

COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands YEARS: 2013-2015

Once again, a networking project as a basis for the elaboration of new proposals that respond to detected real needs of the market analysed by DOCUMENTA and the rest of the partners.

The acquisition of key competencies (KC) of the European Reference Framework (ERF, 2007) for personal development is a key issue in vocational training.

The project studies the scope and relevance on the part of the JOB BROKER (job placement counsellor) regarding the new functions and roles undertaken by these professionals and the organizations that work in counselling, training and job placement both for unemployed young people and other job seekers with disadvantages.

PR-ERF proposed a complete training programme and a methodology for the recognisition and development of 8 key competencies of the ERF applied to the administrative staff within the health sector. The innovation of the PR-ERF material is its adaptation to the needs detected in the job performance of these professionals that are not covered in the traditional training programmes. This is a complementary material to those official programmes so the following aspects were taken into consideration:

With the rising of unemployment rates throughout the EU, counsellors and trainers are increasingly becoming also more like job placement counsellors when dealing with employers and they are encouraged to do a follow-up at the workplace. However, there is a lack of recognition and validation in the several roles they perform and so a lack of specific vocational training too.

• •

The project: • •

Identified existing professional profiles, competencies and training needs in each participant country. Detected best practices about the most effective models of intermediation and designed a competency framework in line with the National Qualification Framework (NQF) of the participant countries and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) for the future development of a programme for definition and training contents development of this new professional profile.

The vocational training programmes contents in every country. The experts´ opinions on key competencies that administrative staff from the sector health should have.

With all this, the following products were developed: •

A training curriculum and the methodological tools needed to develop each of the 8 key competencies in the training of the professional profile within the lifelong training, A validation and evaluation tool of the training results with regard to the requirements of the EQF.

The methodology and the training material are available through an e-learning tool.




INMATOUR - Innovation Management Agent in Intelligent and Responsible Tourism Destinations THEMATIC: NEW PROFESSIONAL PROFILES

2014 - 2015

CALL: Erasmus+. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom YEARS: 2014-2016 INMATOUR contributes to the adaptation of knowledges, skills and competences of the professionals of the tourism sector to the current needs of the market through the design of a new profile called “Innovation Management Agent in Intelligent and Responsible Tourism Destinations” and its corresponding curriculum. The new professional profile apart from updating knowledges of those professionals in the tourism sector also achieves three goals: • • •

It reinforces the bonds between the education/training in Tourism and labour world. It uses Innovation Management as a tool to improve competitiveness of companies and tourism destinations. It adapts the training in knowledges and skills of tourism professionals to the needs and current development strategies of the tourist market.

The profile includes 5 areas of knowledge which are: • • • • •

Creativity Tourism Destinations. Sustainable Tourism Destinations. Intelligent Tourism Destinations and ICTs possibilities. Governance and Social Participation in Tourism Destinations. Responsible Tourism Destinations.

The training contents, along with a specific handbook for trainers, and a virtual social network of exchange of experiences and know-how among professionals in the sector at a European level, are available on DOCUMENTA´s e-learning platform.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

SEE-ME - Methodology for Early Warning detection of risk for Early School Leaving (ELS)


THEMATIC: EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING PREVENTION CALL: Erasmus+. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic Partnerships for school education

CALL: Erasmus+. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

COUNTRIES: Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands

COUNTRIES: Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey

YEARS: 2014-2017

YEARS: 2015-2017

In Europe, 5.6 million of young people aged from 18 to 24 did not finish secondary school, becoming a group with risk of having trouble for entering the labour market for the rest of their lives. This fact entails a huge loss of potential of these young people and it also has serious social and economic consequences for society. DOCUMENTA opens this way a new line of work dealing with the problem of early school leaving and tries to find solutions to reduce dropout rates.

INMA2 is the transference of the project “Innovation Management in SMEs”. This project was an initiative by DOCUMENTA that was awarded at national level for its quality in the year 2007 by the MECD through the Organismo Autónomo de Programas Educativos Europeos. The project intends to export and to implement in a number of European countries that did not participate in the original project -and that have similar gaps in the education, employment and innovation fields- the professional profile of the innovation agent to improve competitiveness of SMEs and to encourage the right acquisition and use of technological innovations, while also promoting women´s work insertion and the ICT field.

SEE-ME has as main objective the creation of a mechanism of early warning or methodological handbook that allows education centres to detect those students who are at risk of early school leaving, so that necessary actions to prevent and to tackle it can be taken. Along with the handbook, a training package for teachers and teaching staff that work with these students is also being developed in order to help them achieve the objective of reducing dropout rates.

INMA 2 updates and improves the original training programme by updating the contents and translating them into new languages so that more information and extra materials are added.

The handbook combines the best European and international practices to allow education centres to establish strategies and actions regarding behaviour, follow-up and monitoring, school tutoring sessions, support learning programmes, personal development of the student, support to family and programmes that lead to other studies/ career opportunities.

The projects stands out for its innovative character in the following aspects: •


Innovation in contents. Innovative vision in the company in a global way, structured around 5 areas of knowledge: strategic management, human resources, knowledge management, corporate social responsibility and ICT. Teaching methodologies. Combined learning, multimedia training tools, virtual campus, new languages, links to the virtual social community, collaborative learning environment. Convergence of the curriculum with the European Credit for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).


CS.TOUR. Cultural Awareness and Social Skills Key Competences in Tourism

JOBBROKER 2. Competency and learning development for Job Brokers in the EU



CALL: Erasmus+. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

CALL: Erasmus+. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

COUNTRIES: Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom

YEARS: 2015-2018

YEARS: 2015-2018 The European Reference Framework (ERF) identifies and defines the key competencies (KC) that citizens require for their personal fulfilment, social inclusion, active citizenship and employability in our knowledge-based society. The education systems and the initial training of the Member States must promote the development of such competencies, while education and training must offer all adults real chance of learning and keep their skills and capabilities.

With the JOBBROKER project we are designing, defining, developing and validating the new professional profile of the job placement worker (Job Broker) in Europe. To do this, we start from the analysis of the emerging role of this Job Broker, particularly in the context of the recent trend called “funding by results” of the public programmes, increasingly more common in the training for employment field.

The objective of this project is to elaborate innovative training methodologies for people who are already working in the tourism sector or people who are thinking about doing it in order for them to learn and certificate key competencies 6 (Social Skills) and 8 (Cultural Awareness and Expression).

The project identifies the new contexts that affect the redefinition of this job and hence, the change in the traditional roles that job placement workers or recruitment agencies have been performing up to now. This fact directly relates to the corresponding challenges on professional development, training and accreditation throughout Europe.

To that end, the different partner countries are currently working for the development of the following products: 1. 2.

A Training Needs Analysis in KCs 6 & 8 of the tourism field in each participant country. For the development of key competences 6 & 8 training contents a modular training curriculum including: • • •


Aside from the JOB BROKER profile, the curriculum and the training contents related to it are also bein gdeveloped and a number of specific “models” and “tools” will be elaborated so that the Job Brokers can incorporate them in their daily work when dealing with employers and jobseekers in order to ensure satisfying results (long-term and sustainable jobs) for the insertion of unemployed people into the labour market.

Methodological handbook and toolkit for trainers. Trainees Syllabus Open e-platform with learning resources.

Accreditation scheme of the two competencies according to levels 4-5 of the National Qualification Framework.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

IGMA 3. Shortening Distance to Labour Market for young people with risk for unemployment and social exclusion - Distance Education for Coordinated Measures by Regional Stakeholder Networks

AMICO. A new Alliance for Mobility Incoming and Outgoing THEMATIC: NEW PROFESSIONAL PROFILES


CALL: Erasmus+. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic Partnerships for higher education

CALL: Erasmus+. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic Partnerships for adult education

COUNTRIES: Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom YEARS: 2015-2018

COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Greece, Norway, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Ukraine

AMICO is an initiative aimed at translating in relevant results the principle of Education and Training 2020 (ET2020) of “Making lifelong learning and mobility come true” and facing the imbalance of ICT competencies at European level.

YEARS: 2015-2018 IGMA3 adapts and extends the methodology and training materials of the previous projects (IGMA 1 & 2) and, in this case, focuses on guiding and job inclusion of young adults aged 18 to 30.

Despite the willingness of the workers themselves for mobility, data show that the range of workers who really move around the EU is still low. This is due to the fact that there is still an insufficient provision of services and qualified staff to support this transnational mobility.

The innovation of the project consists on: 1.

2. 3. 4.

The adaptation of the IGMA methodology (method of progress, management of cases and network coordination) to the needs of young people and the resources of the networks that work with this group of people. The enrichment of the methodology with successful strategies of job placement and best practices to change employers’ attitudes. The development of a distance training course for the network of agents on the Moodle platform. The professionalization of the staff working in adult education and dealing with job orientation and intermediation services for young adults.

AMICO´s objective is to facilitate labour mobility among European countries through a number of measures currently being implemented: 1.

2. 3.

The impact of IGMA 3 methodology in the regional networks leads to an improvement in the opportunities for job placement of young people according to their own needs and abilities. In addition, cooperation efforts among the network of stakeholders improve the transparency and efficiency of the system with regard to job orientation and employability of young people.

The design and development of an innovative curriculum for the “Job Mobility Consultant” strengthening the professionalization of the Job Placement Consultants. Matching workers´ skills at international level with a number of tailor-made tools. Improvement in the provision of services to encourage workers´ mobility, creating processes and developing a number of practical tools that support people who are in favor of labour mobility among countries.

With this project, we mainly focus on the geographical mobility within the ICT sector but without losing the objective of its subsequent transferability to other countries and/or new sectors of activity.



International Cooperation, Innovation and Networking: this journey couldn’t have been possible without our partners, those with whom we share concerns, with whom we face complex issues, with whom we collaborate to find viable solutions at European level.

International cooperation and networking to innovate in the approach to problems and in the definition of challenges, in methodologies of analysis and proposals of solutions; to innovate through joint learning and enrich each other with what we learned along the journey; innovate to imagine, and help to create an Ithaca, sorry, an Europe!, more social, more solidary, more sustainable, more‌; more Europe.

Those with whom we share stable collaborative networks to exchange know-how, experience and best practices, to learn to innovate and compete cooperating, to provide European solutions from diversity, from the knowledge and acceptance of different cultural, social and economic realities; those with whom we work, live and share a common destiny: to build more Europe.

They are our partners, our mates, and in some cases our friends; they are our greatest capital, and together with those who work in DOCUMENTA, the main asset of the organisation. Our sincere thanks to all of them.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking Austria

• • •

• •

Abif - Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Analyse Bit media e-Learning solution GmbH & Co KG ZSI, Zentrum für Soziale Innovation

Belgium • • •

Agence Alter Contact 2013 Sofi, money & banking for society

Bulgaria • •

BDA, Bulgarian Development Agency The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate

• • • • • • • •

CCIT, Chambre de Commerce et d´Industrie de Toulouse CEEI, Business Innovation Center CEFIR Éficea, Échanges, financements, information pour la création d’entreprises et d’activités ÉNESAD, Etablissement national d´enseignement supérieur agronomique de Dijon EIFEL, European Institute for E-Learning Gréta du Velay I2ER, Institut Européen de l´Entrepreneuriat Rural Institut Polytechnique de Lyon Institut Regional Initiative et Developpement La Ligue de l’Enseignement Mutualité Sociale Agricole de la Charente Réseau Universitaire Toulouse MidiPyrénées UNAI, Union Nationale des Associations Intermédiaires

• • • • • • • • • • •

Bee Group sa Chamber of Larissa DIMITRA Education & Consulting sa European Center for Vocational Training ARGO European Expression Institute of Entrepreneurship Development INTERSIN Vocational Training Center I-Skills sa IFITOS, Initiative Council for the Revival of the Olympic Truce Vocational Training Center INTERSYN 3L Research Institute

Hungary • • • •

Artemisszió Foundation Budapest Chance Nonprofit Ltd Európa Ház FKFSZ Kht, Budapest Public Employment Service Office


• •



• •

Anaplasis Business Consultants ltd EDICT, Education and Information Technology Centre Ltd Larnaka Tourism Board MMC, Management Centre ltd

Czech Republic • •

AKSES, spol. s r.o. ATHENA, Association for Education and Development of Women

Denmark •

Danmarks Paedagogiske Univeristetsskole

Finland • • •

JAO, Jyväskylän Koulutuskuntayhtymä Joensuun seudun EQUAL - hanke, Joensuun kaupunki Tampere City Council

France • • • •

AGECO Association Airelle Limousin Association CITEVAL Association PARTENA International

• • • • • • • • •

Europäische Bildungswerk für Beruf und Gesellschaft Evers & Jung GmbH Friedrich Alexander Univeristät. Institute für Lern-Innovation gsub - Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung mbH HdBA, Hochschule der Bundesagentur fuer Arbeit Johann Daniel Lawaetz-Stiftung MetropolisNet eeig, European Metropolis Employment Network PERSPEKTIVwechsel, Institut für Bildung und Beratung Universität Druisburg-Essen VHS, Zentrum Grundbildung und Drittmittelprojekte

• • •

• • •

ACTA sa, Aristotle Certification Training & Assessment ANCE, Athens Network of Collaborating Experts ARSIS, Association for the Social Support of Youth Asset Technology ltd


VMST, Vinnumálastofnun

Dublin Employment Pact DFBA, Community Enterprises Ltd Ennis Community Development Programme

Italy • • • • • • •

Greece •


• • • • • •

ARCI, Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Italiana Associaziones Verso l’Agio ciofs-fp, Centro Italiano Opere Femminile Salesiane Cittá di Biella CSCS, Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Consorzio Abn ENFAP, Ente Nazionale Formazione e Aggiornamento Professionale E.RI.FO., Ente per la Ricerca e la Formazione Fondazione Choros Life Sas Semplicittá spa Smallcodes srl Universita degli Studi di Firenze


USRV, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto

Latvia •

Latvijas Universitte

Lithuania • • •

BETI, Baltic Education Technology Institute SEPC, Socialines ir Ekonomines Pletros Centras VAEC, Vilnius Adult Education Centre

Romania • • • • • •

• •

Norway •

ECWT, European Centre for Women and Technology Forening

Poland • • • • • • •

Association Semper Avanti IPA, Foundation Institute of Public Affairs O´rodek Pomocy Społecznej w Wyszkowie Staropolska Chamber Commerce Społeczna Akademia Nauk, Academy of Management Warsaw University of Life Sciences WPBS, The West Pomeranian Business School

Portugal • • • • • • • •

ADRAVE, Agencia de Desenvolvimento Regional do Vale do Ave AidLearn-Consultoria Em Recursos Humanos Lda ANJE Norte, Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários APDT, Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento do Teletrabalho Câmara Municipal de Alcobaça Câmara Municipal de Vila Real de San Antonio INSCOOP, Instituto António Sergio do Sector Cooperativo ISQ, Instituto de Soldura e Qualidade

Agentia Pentru Dezvoltare RegionalasudMuntenia Asociatia pro Democratia IREA, Institutul Roman de Educatie a Adultilor Universitatea Bucuresti Universitatea din Craiova Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara


Luxembourg ProActif asbl

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ACEL, Asociación de Empresas Laborales de Cantabria ADEBISA, Agencia del Desarrollo del Bidasoa AJE Cantabria, Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios de Cantabria Asociación AMICA AECIPE, Asociación Española de Ciudades de la Pesca Arguiberri sl Asociación AGIANTZA Ayuntamiento de Azagra Ayuntamiento de Almería Ayuntamiento de Cabezón de la Sal Ayuntamiento de Cáceres Ayuntamiento de Cádiz Ayuntamiento de Cartagena Ayuntamiento de Colindres Ayuntamiento de Córdoba Ayuntamiento de El Astillero Ayuntamiento de Gijón Ayuntamiento de Los Corrales de Buelna Ayuntamiento de Lugo Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón Ayuntamiento de Milagro Ayuntamiento de O Grove Ayuntamiento de Orense Ayuntamiento de Palencia Ayuntamiento de Ramales de la Victoria Ayuntamiento de Salamanca Ayuntamiento de San Cristóbal de La Laguna Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Bezana Ayuntamiento de Santander Ayuntamiento de Santoña Ayuntamiento de Torre-Pacheco Ayuntamiento de Vitoria Caja Cantabria Centro de Formación Somorrostro CESTE, Centro de Estudios Universitarios


• • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • •

de Turismo CEPES, Confederación de Entidades para la Economía Social de Andalucía Códice Cantabria sl Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia Coorcopar, Asociación Coordinadora contra el Paro de Torrelavega CP'AC, Fundació Privada per a la Promoció de l'Autoocupació de Catalunya D’Aleph Formación Diputación Provincial Huelva Federación Agroalimentaria de CC.OO. FEMP, Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias Fundación Centro Andaluz de Innovación y Tecnología de la Información y las Comunicaciones - CITIC Fundación CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria Fundación Formación CEOE-CEPYME Fundación ICT Fundación INTRAS Gestión Cultural y Comunicación sl GETIR, Gestión Territorial Inteligente y Responsable sl Gobierno de Cantabria • Consejería de Cultura y Deporte • Consejería de Educación y Juventud • Consejería de Industria, Trabajo y Desarrollo Tecnológico • Consejería de Presidencia • Dirección General de Asuntos Europeos y Cooperación al desarrollo • Dirección General de Sanidad, Consumo y Servicios Sociales • Dirección General de Formación Profesional • Dirección General de la Mujer • Dirección General de Trabajo • Dirección General de Turismo • Servicio Cántabro de Empleo Hernández Zamora sa IES La Albericia IES Alberto Pico IES Hermanos Machado IES Lope de Vega IES nº2 IES Ría del Carmen IKONO, Diseño Gráfico y Comunicación Ingemática Instituto de Empleo y Desarrollo Tecnológico ITD, Innovación, Transferencia, Desarrollo

International Cooperation Innovation & Networking • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jealsa Rianxeira, sa Meditec Multiprosur sa Nuevos Yacimientos de Empleo sal Paquito sl Pelazza sl Servicio Navarro de Empleo SODERCAN, Sociedad para el Desarrollo de Cantabria sa SOEMCA sl Talleres Juveniles Brumas Trànsit Projectes sl Universidad de Salamanca Universidad de Sevilla Universidad de Valladolid Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

Sweden • • •

European Minds AB Folkuniversitetet Kursverksamheten vid Uppsala Universitetet Myndigheten för Yrkeshögskolan

Ukraine •

United Kingdom • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Netherlands

• • •

• • • •

Alfa - Omega Avies Gemeente Emmen ITW, International Training Centre for Women Persyst, Personal Systems Tilburg Revalento, Van de Winkel Consultancy B.V. Stichting Saxion Telebridge

UYOVR, Union of Youth Organizations of Vinnytsia Region

Academy of Learning ltd Collage Arts CONEL, College of North East London DigiTales Gosforth High School Haringey Council HI8us Midlands Ltd Learn Train Recruit Ltd NEF, New Economics Foundation Newcastle Upon Tyne Local Education Authority People's Voice Media Rinova Limited St. Mary’s RC School The Mrs Consultancy Ltd Tyneside Tec, Tyneside Training and Enterprise Council

United Kingdom (Scotland) University of Strathclyde, Centre for Lifelong Learning

Turkey • • • • • • • • • •

Cankiri Civil Society Association Cankiri Karatekin University Gazi University General Directorate of Apprenticeship and Non-Formal Education Governorship of Giresum METGEM University of Bahcesehir OPAL, Yayincilik Organizasyon ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi T. R. Governorship of Istambul The Nature Sports Youth and Fames Lub of Diyarbakir TUGIAD, Young Businessman Association of Turkey Bursa Branch



Although this journey logbook will not narrate our work over the last 20 years in Cooperation for Development (22 projects, actions and / or collaborations) in different countries of North Africa and South America (7 countries: Spain, Morocco, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru), we will at least mention them since they share the same principles as those of described European projects: international cooperation, innovation and networking.

Because they don’t fail to be a proyection of the same principles and values (the other side of the same coin) ​​that led us to engage in the European construction process: peace, democracy, equality, diversity, solidarity, social cohesion, sustainability. Because our commitment to Europe is also a journey to the “South”, wherever there is the “South”.


International Cooperation Innovation & Networking

SPAIN Morocco








1998 1998

Organization of the 1st Seminar on Cooperation for Development in Cantabria

Awareness Seminar on Cooperation for Development

Santander, Cantabria (Spain)

DOCUMENTA, Instituto Europeo de Estudios para la Formación y el Desarrollo, España.

1998 1998

‘Integrated Littoral’. Transfrontier Integrated Development of Uruguay River

Training: “New Sources for Jobs”

Argentina y Uruguay

DOCUMENTA, España; Proyecto Local, España; Centro Latinoamericano de Economía Humana (CLAEH), Uruguay.

1998 1998

Support to Associative Action

Training: Local Development

Tendrara (Morocco)

DOCUMENTA, España; Proyecto Local, España; ACAET, Association de Cadres et Anciens Élèves de Tendrara, Marruecos

1999 1999

Opening Seminar of Cátedra Andrés Bello ‘University and Citizenship. New policies of education and employment for Youth in Latin America’

Lecture: “New Sources for Jobs”

Río de Janeiro (Brasil)

DOCUMENTA, España; Universidad de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Convenio Andrés Bello, Brasil; Fundación Mudes, Brasil

1999 1999

1st Seminar of Youth Local Policies in Mercociudades

Lecture: “Experiences on selfemployment and employment promotion for young people”

Rosario (Argentina)

DOCUMENTA, España; Ayuntamiento de Rosario (Argentina)






1999 1999

Youth for the Third Millennium. Youth Public Policy in Colombia

Lecture: “New Sources for Jobs as Active Policy to create employment for Young People”

Santa Fé de Bogotá (Colombia)

DOCUMENTA, España; Viceministerio de la Juventud de Colombia

2001 2002

New Sources for Jobs in Huaycán. District of AteVitarte.

Project: Training and Entrepreneurship

Lima (Perú)

DOCUMENTA, España; ADEC-ATC, Asociación Laboral para el Desarrollo, Perú; Gobierno de Cantabria. Consejería de Economía y Hacienda, España

2002 2003

Craft School “CANTABRIA” for the rehabilitation of the urban environment of Huaycán

Lima (Perú)

DOCUMENTA, España; ADEC-ATC, Asociación Laboral para el Desarrollo, Perú; Gobierno de Cantabria. Consejería de Economía y Hacienda, España

Project: Training and Employment



2nd Phase Craft School “CANTABRIA” for the rehabilitation of the urban environment of Huaycán

Project: Training and Employment

2004 2005

Strengthening Productive Microempresas of the Asociación de Mujeres Inmigrantes Sumak Allpa of Barrio San Roque

Project: Training, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Local Development

Quito (Ecuador)

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación ESQUEL, Ecuador; Gobierno de Cantabria. DG de Asuntos Europeos y Cooperación al Desarrollo, España.


Productive Youth Initiatives in the province of Pichincha

Project: Training, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Local Development

Pichincha (Ecuador)

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación ESQUEL, Ecuador; Gobierno de Cantabria. DG de Asuntos Europeos y Cooperación al Desarrollo, España.


EcoTourism as a tool for Sustainable Development in Three Indigenous Communities of Ecuador

Project: Training, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Local Development

Isla Corazón, Yunguilla, Santa Lucía (Ecuador)

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación ESQUEL, Ecuador; Gobierno de Cantabria. DG de Asuntos Europeos y Cooperación al Desarrollo, España.


Entrepreneurship inside and outside of our borders: International cooperation programs and with immigrants in Spain

Training: “Sustainable Local Development in Intelligent Territories”

Granja de San Idelfonso, Madrid (Spain)

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación ADECCO, España; Comunidad de Madrid, España;

Antioquía (Colombia)

DOCUMENTA, España; Cámara de Comercio de Medellín, Colombia; Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia; Fundación IBEREMPRENDE, España; Comunidad de Madrid, España;

2003 2004


Antioquía Emprende 2008

Training: “Corporate Social Responsibility” and Lecture: “Local Development in Intelligent Territories”


Lima (Perú)

DOCUMENTA, España; ADEC-ATC, Asociación Laboral para el Desarrollo, Perú; Gobierno de Cantabria. Consejería de Economía y Hacienda, España

International Cooperation Innovation & Networking YEARS



Bolivar advances learning



Co-authored of the book “Corporate Social Responsibility” and Training: “Sustainable Local Development in Intelligent and Responsible Territories”

Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación IBEREMPRENDE, España; Fundación COLOMBIA EMPRENDE, Colombia; Comunidad de Madrid, España;

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación ESQUEL, Ecuador; Gobierno de Cantabria. DG Asuntos Europeos y Cooperación al Desarrollo, España;


2008 2009

Defense and Promotion of Human Rights of the Afro-Ecuatorian people

Project: Training and Qualification

Guayas, Pichincha, Esmeraldas, Manabí y Machala (Ecuador)

2008 2009

2nd Phase EcoTourism as a tool for Sustainable Development in Three Indigenous Communities of Ecuador

Project: Awareness and Dissemination

Isla Corazón, Yunguilla, Santa Lucía (Ecuador)

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación ESQUEL, Ecuador; Ayuntamiento de Castro Urdiales

2008 2009

Cultural Development Management School and Best Practices in Culture and Development

Project: Training, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Local Development

Quito (Ecuador)

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación HOLCIM, Ecuador; Ayuntamiento de Santander, España;

2009 2010

Awareness of the culture and development strategy on decentralized cooperation

Project: Awaraness and Networking

Cantabria e Iberoamérica

DOCUMENTA, España; Gobierno de Cantabria. Dirección General de Asuntos Europeos y Cooperación al Desarrollo, España;

2009 2010

Participatory Water Management in Cuenca del Guayllamba

Project: Awaraness and Networking

Pichincha (Ecuador)

DOCUMENTA, España; AECID, España; Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano, Ecuador; Gobierno de Cantabria, DG Asuntos Europeos y Cooperación al Desarrollo, España; Ayuntamiento de Santander, España;

2009 2010

Construction and consolidation of life plans of indigenous people in the Amazonía of Ecuador to defend their identity and promote democratic and inclusive processes

Project: Cultural Identity, Social Inclusion and Sustainable Local Development

Pastaza (Ecuador)

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano, Ecuador; Gobierno de Cantabria, DG Asuntos Europeos y Cooperación al Desarrollo, España;

2010 2011

Support to Afroecuadorian organizations for the improvement of networking, the enhancement of their identity and culture, and the development of employment opportunities

Project: Cultural Identity and Sustainable Local Development

Guayas (Ecuador)

DOCUMENTA, España; Fundación Afroamérica XXI, Latinoamérica; Ayuntamiento de Santander, España;




AEP – Active Employment Policies CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility DLM – Distance to Labour Market ECVET – European Credit for Vocational Education and Training EEIG – European Economic Interest Grouping EES – European Employment Strategy EQF – European Quality Framework ERDF – European Regional Development Fund ERF – European Reference Framework ESF – European Social Fund EU – European Union FEMP – Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces ICT – Information and Communication Technologies KC – Key Competence LEP – Local Employment Pact LLL – Lifelong Learning MECD – Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports NGOs – Non-Governmental Organizations NSJ – New Sources for Jobs R+D+I – Research + Development + innovation SLD – Sustainable Local Development SME – Small and Medium-sized Enterprises TEP – Territorial Employment Pact TIR – Intelligent and Responsible Territories


w w w. d o c u m e n t a . e s

DOCUMENTA, Instituto Europeo de Estudios para la Formaciรณn y el Desarrollo.

E-mail: /documenta.proyectos

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