How to Make Candles The Chandler Zen

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==== ==== How to Make Candles - making candles is easy and fun but also can be profitable if you want. The link below shows you absolutely everything you need to make the best candles at the lowest price. ==== ====

Today I would like to teach you how to make candles step by step. Making candles can be a fun and enjoyable hobby for you and the whole family. So let's get started with making your very own candles. Its Time To Learn How To Make Candles Step By Step You should have all the needed materials and tools that are going to require to make your own candles. The type of candles that you will be learning to make are called scented candles, Scented candles are extremely popular and unique due to their smell when they are lighten, they are also one of the most expensive types of candles to buy and can come in many different shapes, and sizes, The first thing that you are going to do is get your molds and place your pre-tabbed candle wicks in the center of the molds. You are going to take out your two cooking pots and take your cookie cutter and place it inside the larger pot, now you will fill the large pot with about two inches of water. Place the pot on the stove and set the stove to a medium to high temperature. The pot should begin boiling; now you are going to take the medium pot place it inside the large pot on top of the cookie cuter. You will now place the block of paraffin wax inside the medium pot and leave it to melt. When you see that the wax is starting to melt, turn down the stoves temperature down to medium to low, and start stirring the wax. As the large pot starts to lose water, due to the vaporizing you will need to add more water to keep the level the same all the time. When the wax is melted you are going to turn off the stove and move the pots to one side. Make sure that the wax is at a maximum temperature of 200 degrees F as this is the ideal temperature for making scented candles, you are now going to add you color dye to the meted wax. After you have applied the dye its time to throw in your scented oil, the amount of oil to apply is about one ounce of scented oil to one pound of candle wax. This can differ depending on how strong you want the fragrance of your candle to be. It is now time to begin pouring your candles, make sure that the wax is about 175 degrees F before pouring. You are now going to slowly and carefully pour the wax into the molds, once you have completed the pouring you are going to leave the wax inside the mold and allow it to set for about 3 to 4 hours. After the wax has set it's going to have sink wholes, so you are going to need to fill these sink

holes up. To do this you will need to reheat the left over wax till it reaches a temperature of 10-15 degrees F, after the wax is ready you are going to pour it into the sink wholes until they are completely covered up. After the candles have cooled down you can trim the wick so that it is about 6 to 7 mm long.

And that's it you have just learnt how to make candles step by step, please feel free to try out different colors sizes and shapes. I now invite you to come over to make candles step by step were we will be going into much more detail on candle making as this article was just a summery on this topic.

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==== ==== How to Make Candles - making candles is easy and fun but also can be profitable if you want. The link below shows you absolutely everything you need to make the best candles at the lowest price. ==== ====

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