Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Electrical & Electronics 2010
Two Phasing Method for Conducting Heat Run Test of Three Phase Induction Motors Harish Kumar Sahu AGM(RVC), Bhilai Steel Plant/SAIL Bhilai (Chhattisgarh), India-490001 Email: Abstract—This paper introduces a new method1 developed for equivalent loading for conducting heat run test for measuring full load temperature rise of three phase induction motors. This method does not require mechanical load, auxiliary machines or identical motor of similar rating. It simulates the running conditions with normally available apparatus avoiding laborious computations. The induction motor is run on no load at rated voltages across two phases with third phase open. The third phase is connected to a variable inductance. The rated load currents in all the phases are obtained by adjusting the third phase external inductance and making a little difference in two voltages. The different components of losses in new method are nearly same as the losses during normal full load operation. Hence the rise above ambient temperature can be determined accurately. The experimental results on heat run tests with new method and with conventional method show an excellent agreement with each other, confirming the validity of the proposed method. This method is very simple, cheap and reliable in comparison to others.
With the ever increasing sizes of induction motor, it becomes more and more difficult and costly to perform a fully loaded heat run test at manufacturing works. Therefore, methods have been developed to perform heat run test without mechanically loading the machine. They are: 1) Direct loading using coupled generator (1963)[3] 2) Reverse rotation test (1963)[3] 3) Back to back: floating stator bed plate (1966) [4], motorized coupling (1967) [5] and floating gear box (1967)[6] 4) Phantom loading (1972) [7] 5) Forward short circuit test (1988)[8] 6) Variable inertia test (1994) [9,10] 7) No load run at over input voltage (1993-2001) [11,12,13,14]. 8) Two frequency method: using motor generator set (1970)[15,16,17,18] 9)Two frequency, Sweep Frequency and amplitude modulated rotating magnetic field at constant speed method: using microprocessor controlled powered electronic. (1993-2009) [10,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28]
Index Terms—Equivalent loading, Two phasing method, Induction motor, temperature rise test, heat run test.
I. INTRODUCTION Problem is always faced in deciding the rating of the electrical machineries, which is limited by the temperature rise of machines on full load. The temperature rise predicted using electrical & mechanical design data may differ from the actual temperature rise on full load. This is because many physical systems can't be defined and the calculation uses empirical formula.
In all the testing methods mentioned above, either additional machines as load or specially designed power supply (to produce mixed frequency power) are required or inaccurate results are given requiring laborious computations. The mixed frequency method can be applied to all type of machines, as it does not require an extra identical machine or mechanical load. But it requires specially designed power supply source. Several adjustment of main and secondary voltages may be needed to establish rated voltage and current. The vibration of the machine was found abnormal [10,29]. The vertical motors may need additional bracing to prevent torsional vibrations [16]. Design issues of supply sources of different frequency had yet to be clarified [18]. Core losses and copper losses were increased over full load value due to high harmonics giving results of several degrees high (upto 8°C). An important problem in artificial loading was to obtain losses equivalent to those when a real load was applied to the shaft [19]. Presently there is no way of determining the individual loss components in the real machine under synthetic loading and further simulations for reduction of torque pulsations are to be developed [24].
Operating of machine at higher temperature, not only
decreases the efficiency but the life of the machine is also shortened due to deterioration of insulation given by where 'A' and 'B' are constants and T is absolute temperature [1]. For each 10°C increase in the temperature above the limiting value of 105°C, the expected insulation life is roughly halved [2]. The temperature of a motor must be limited also because of the differing thermal expansions of iron, copper and other materials giving rise to mechanical stresses and displacements that causes progressive deterioration. 1 This method was developed for submission of thesis for ME (Research) to Nagpur University in April,1989.
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Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Electrical & Electronics 2010
The another method, which can be applied to a free standing motor is to run the induction motor at 120% of rated voltage at no load. The negligible rotor copper and iron losses at no load are compensated by increased stator copper loss in small motors and by increased stator iron loss in large size motors [14]. In normal full load run, rotor losses provide significant contribution in temperature rise of the machine[30]. With the absence of rotor components from the thermal circuit, the efficiency of the cooling medium will be always doubtful. The present method of two phasing was developed to simplify the heat run test by overcoming the problems faced in equivalent loading for temperature rise.
θ1, θ2, θ3 - Trigonometric function defines the space distribution varying sinusoidally with time 'm' is a factor by which voltage across two phases differs 'k' is the ratio of current in open phase to current in other two phases 'a' is the operator that causes a rotation of a phasor through 120° in counter clockwise direction
A. Expression for Rotating Magnetic Fields The operation of 3 phase induction motor under 2 phasing may be examined by analyzing the resultant field
The new term 'two phasing' was used first time for a three phase induction motor running with its two windings connected across the two phases of a three 3 phase supply system. The third phase remained open. This was obtained by grounding the star point of the motor windings with one phase open. [H. K. Sahu, 1989]. In case of star connected windings, only star point is needed in addition to three leads outside the motor, whilst in delta connected stator windings, all the six leads are to be brought out of the motor. However, it is common to bring out six leads in large induction machines for metering and protection. Unlike the single phasing of three phase induction motors, the phase difference of 120° is maintained in input voltages across the two running stator windings producing rotating magnetic field to develop the starting torque.A voltage is generated across the third open phase due to stator and rotor currents. By loading the third phase with an external impedance and making a little difference in voltage across two phases, the current in all the phases may be increased equally to full load rated current. Thus, the motor runs partially as self excited single phase generator as shown in Figure 1.Based on the above, the present method was developed for
in a similar way as given in ref. [1]. The general expression for resultant mmf for three phase induction motor at any time t and at any point θ under unbalanced two phasing can be derived as given in ref. [31], where current in one of the
phases is 'k' times of current in other two phases: when k = [ 1, 0, -1], the three phase induction motor running under following conditions are described respectively: (a) Normal 3 phase balanced condition, with balanced equal current producing resultant mmf as: (b) Two phased no load condition, with zero current in an open phase producing resultant mmf as:
(c) Two phased on load condition, with equal negative viz. generating current in open phase by connecting an external impedance as:
conducting an equivalent heat run test, which is equally applicable to large induction machines as well as to small induction machines. Fig. 1. Three phase induction motor running under two phased condition with open phase connected to an external impedance.
Thus the two mmf waves are produced by the excitation of two phases of 3 phase distributed winding with 2 phase sinusoidally varying current with phase displacement 120°:
Where, L1, L2,L3 – Line Terminals , N - Neutral point I1 , I2, I3- line currents, I-Maximum value of current ZE - External impedance
a) having peak value equal to maximum amplitude of pulsating mmf wave in one phase and argument is (θ - ωt) 169
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where Zp and ZN are impedances to positive and negative phase sequence component of current. A generalized equivalent circuit for three phase induction motor running under two phased unbalanced condition has been shown at Fig.2, which is in compliance with the general expression for mmf "(1)" and voltage current relationship "(5)". By putting the value of 'k' equal to (1, 0, -1) in "(5)" the circuit is converted for the three phase induction motor running under following conditions as described in section III.
travels in forward direction of θ. It is 2/3 times or 66.77% of the mmf produced by 3 phase balanced current. b) having peak value half of the maximum amplitude of pulsating mmf wave in one phase and argument is (θ + ωt ) travels in backward direction of θ. It is 1/3 times or 33.3 % of the mmf produced by 3 phase balanced current. Both the component describes a sinusoidal time varying function of space angle θ and (θ+180° ), showing the displacement of 180° between the positive peak of forward and backward mmf in space.
(a). Normal 3 phase balanced condition (b). Two phased no load condition and
B. Torque Speed Characteristic
(c). Two phased on load condition
Induction motor action is produced by both the component mmf waves, but the corresponding torques are in opposite direction. With the rotor at rest, due to difference in magnitude of forward and backward air gap flux waves created by the combined mmfs of stator and rotor current, there will be a difference in forward and backward torque, hence starting torque is produced.
The variation in current in two phases with change in current in third phase is shown in Fig.3.
Thus, two rotating fields, one in forward and another in backward direction are produced in air gap. Forward field being double of the backward field, the motor is started and run nearly at its normal no load speed in the forward direction. When the rotor is in motion the component rotor currents induced by the backward field are greater than at stand still or starting. Their mmf which opposes that of the stator current, results in a reduction of backward flux wave. As speed increases the forward flux wave increases, while the backward flux wave decreases, their sum remaining roughly constant since it induces the counter emf in stator, which is approximately constant if the stator leakage impedance drop is small. Hence with the rotor in motion, the torque of the forward field is greater and that of the backward field is less. In normal running region with small value of slip, the forward field is several times greater than the backward field, and the flux wave does not differ much from the constant amplitude revolving field in the air gap of a balanced polyphase motor. The torque speed characteristic of a three phase induction motor under normal running conditions and working under two phasing condition do not differ much [1,32].
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of 3 phase induction motors under two phased condition.
Where, Z1 = impedance of stator winding, ZM = magnetizing branch impedance, Z2' = impedance of rotor winding referred to stator, R1, X1 = resistance and reactance of stator winding, R2', X2 ' = equivalent resistance and reactance of rotor winding, s = fractional slip ZP, ZN = positive and negative sequence impedance of motor ZRP, ZRN = positive and negative sequence impedance of rotor winding, ZP = (R1 + jX1)+ (ZM-1 +ZRP-1)-1 , ZN = (R1 + jX1)+ (ZM-1 -1 -1 +ZRN ) ZRP = R2'/s + jX2', ZRN = (R2'/(2-s) + jX2')
IV. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT A. Without an External Impedance Across Open Phase A general expression showing the relation of current 'kI' in one of the phases, with equal magnitude of current I in other two phases for three phase induction motor can be derived by symmetrical components as given in [ 31, 33]: V = 1/3 (ZP – ZN) KI + 1/3 (2 ZP + ZN) I (5)
B. With an External Impedance Across Open Phase With star point grounded, the symmetrical components were evaluated on phase basis assuming the phase sequence of the line transferred to phases of motor. The voltage across three stator windings shown in Fig.1 are V1 = - I ZE, V2 = a2 V, V3 = (1 + m ) a V (6) 170
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The equations for current in the three phases were derived as given below [31]: I1 =(V/3)[(2ZP-1 - ZN-1 - Z0-1) + m(ZP-1 + a2 ZN-1 + aZ0-1 )] [1 + (ZE/3)(ZP-1+ ZN-1 + Z0-1]-1 (7) I2 =(V/3)[(2a2 ZP-1- a ZN-1 -Z0-1)+m(a2ZP-1 + ZN-1 + aZ0-1 )3ZE {(√3ZP)-1 (jZN-1 + ∕30° Z0-1)+m(aZP-1 ZN-1 +ZP-1 Z0-1 +a2 ZN-1Z0-1 )}][1+(ZE/3) (ZP-1 + ZN-1 + Z0-1)]-1 (8) I3=(V/3)[(2aZP-1 – a2 ZN-1 – Z0-1) + ma(ZP-1 + ZN-1 + Z0-1)3ZE {(√3ZP)-1 ( ZN-1 - ∕-30° Z0-1)+ma(ZP-1 ZN-1 + ZP-1 Z0-1 + ZP-1 Z0-1 )}][1+(ZE/3) (ZP-1 + ZN-1+ Z0-1 )]-1 (9) The change in three currents for different values of ZE can be computed for different values of 'm' in steps of 0.01 till a condition is reached for a particular value of 'm' and ZE, when the three currents are equal to rated full load current.
iii) Copper losses taking place correspond to full load copper losses of the motor since the current is set equal to the full load value. This may be concluded that by two phasing method, heat run test may be conducted to certain approximation without mechanically loading the motor. VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 1. Experimental work In order to make the proposition acceptable, the above hypothesis was verified experimentally by carrying out the experimental work on an induction motor having following specifications: 1. Rated voltage - 440 V, 2. Power in shaft - 7.4 KW, 3. Stator line current - 13 A, 4. Rotor current - 24 A, 5. Potential between rotor rings at standstill - 194 V, 6. Power factor, Cos φ - 0.88, 7. (a) Synchronous speed - 1500 rpm , (b) Rated load speed – 1430rpm, 8. Frequency - 50 Hz, 9. Stator winding resistance/ phase - 1.1 Ω,
Where, I0N is normal no load current. Fig. 3. Current under normal and two phased conditions for 3-p I.M
10. Stator leakage reactance / phase - 1.75 Ω, V. LOSSES UNDER TWO PHASED LOADING 11. Rotor winding resistance / phase - 0.21 Ω, If the results of an equivalent load temperature test are to be accurate, the losses must be close to the rated losses. It was expected that the voltage applied across the two phases will not differ by more than 5% to get the current in all the phases equal to rated full load current. This will mean that:
12. Rotor leakage resistance / phase - 1.75 Ω, 13.Magnetizing reactance - 60 Ω. A. Heat Run Test by Direct Loading:
i) Mechanical losses correspond very near to actual mechanical losses (windage & bearing) when the motor is operating at full load, since the motor runs nearly or between at its normal no load and rated load speed.
Induction motor was run on 3 phase supply and loaded by dc generator coupled to it. Rated full load current was obtained by adjusting load resistance across the dc generator. The motor was run for four hours on nearly full load with rated voltage applied.
ii) Iron losses are also very near to the actual iron losses which take place under normal running condition. Under two phasing condition forward flux is several times higher than backward flux ( more than 30 for large induction motors). The stator iron losses remain nearly same as operating at full load. Although the backward flux cuts the rotor at nearly double the synchronous speed, the iron losses still remain negligible in rotor.
B. Heat Run Test by Proposed Two Phasing Method: The induction motor was run through two dimmerstats. The motor was run on no load at rated voltages across two phases with third phase open. The third open phase was connected to a variable inductance. The rated full load current in all the phases was obtained by adjusting the external inductance and by making a little difference in two voltages. The experimental set up for the proposed 171
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method is shown in figure 4. The motor was run for four hours on nearly full load current in all the phases with rated voltage applied across two phases. 2. Experimental Analysis:
stator, which may do more than justify the conclusion drawn from temperature rise test by two phasing method. This is an area that could be explored in future [34,35,36,37].The analytical and experimental approach considering the following may be attempted;
During the heat run test the temperature of stator and rotor winding was measured by the rise of resistances and of body by thermometer. The resistance of windings were measured by wheat-stone bridge. The rate of rise in temperature of windings and body with time is almost same in proposed method and the actual heat run. The heat run was continued until thermal equilibrium between the motor and the cooling medium was almost established. At the end of equally long test period, thetemperature of stator body and windings were measured, which resembled with the the values reached under actual steady state loading. The table I shows the comparison of test results with two methods.
Computer based approach for prediction of value of inductance required and voltage values for two phases. ii) Rigorous analysis based on generalized machine theory. iii) Possibility of use of this method for special purpose motors ( like in an integrated process industry, Bhilai Steel Plant/ SAIL.) ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author expresses his heartiest gratitude to Shri T. R. Subramanyam, Shri P. K. Kharbanda, Shri S.G. Tarnekar, Shri A. S. Zadgaonkar and Shri P. R. Aldak for their kind support at all the stages of the research work. Author wishes to thank V.R.C.E., Nagpur and BSP for granting permission to conduct experiments.
Temperature of Parts
Coupled Generator Loading
Two Phase Loading
1. Stator body
2. Stator winding
3. Rotor winding
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VII. CONCLUSION Experiment in the laboratory has shown that there is an excellent agreement between the temperature reached by the new method and that obtained with a true temperature rise test. The main advantage of the new method is that coupling with another motor or loading machine is eliminated. Hence the new test can be performed on free standing motors with facilities ordinarily available in all industrial test beds with considerable reduction in setting up time and space. Also, for rated volt amperes rated power is not required. For checking the thermal performance of machines which can't be coupled physically to loading machine (e.g. vertical machines) and which are of prototype design, the advantage by the new method is obvious. Even where mechanical coupling is possible, the new method is still very advantageous. Unlike the two frequency method, it avoids the use of big accessories of ratings of the order of the motor under test and specially designed power supply. Thus, this method is cheapest, and is simpler and more suitable for determining the temperature rise of the induction motors. At this time, to the author's knowledge, there has not been a strict theoretical investigations of machines operating with two phase voltages applied to 172 © 2010 ACEEE DOI: 02.AEE.2010.01.159
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