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Poster Paper Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Electrical & Electronics 2012

Universal Data Concentrator – Hardware Plug-in C. Kavitha1. K. Narendra Swaroop2 A. Venkata Ramana 3 S.Sushma Raj4 1. Associate Professor, Department of Electronics/ Physics, GITAM Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam-530 045, 9885058061, kavithachandu2000@yahoo.co.in 2. Technical Lead, HCL Technologies, Chennai, narendra_swp@rediffmail.com 3. Technical Lead, Gainspan, Bangalore, oyaramana@yahoo.com 4. Assistant Professor, GITAM Institute of Science, GITAM University Abstract — Universal Data Concentrator (UDC) acts as a hardware plug-in device to any existing system for monitoring most primary parameters of either Electrical or Electronic system i.e. Voltage, Current and Temperature. UDC provides health monitoring facility to existing complex system without any alteration in the circuitry. UDC does not act as protection device, it can only simplify the troubleshooting process. The current systems are basically provided with protection design in terms of handling over or under voltage and current shot but after occurrence of fault scenario, the diagnosis steps to identify the fault will tend to take time. In such scenarios UDC gives clear cut data which indicates the cause for the fault occurrence. In any high end electrical and electronic system voltage, current and temperature are the basic primary parameters to be considered on fault occurrence. The Design elements required to implement this concept are embedded circuit devices i.e. Microcontroller, ADC, Switches, LED’s, LCD and Memory devices

UDC device can be used in following conditions: a. Machineries running from ages which do not have sufficient system health monitoring functionality b. Systems or machineries that require additional fault indicating provision c. Systems which require very quick turn around time to recover from fault condition

Keyword: Voltage, Current, Temperature, Memory deices, Microcontroller, ADC, Data log, LCD.

The hardware block diagram of UDC device is shown in Figure 2


I. INTRODUCTION In the current Scenario, an embedded system design plays a vital role in making the life style straight forward and uncomplicated. Embedded system is defined as “A Programmable device, which can be designed to perform dedicated functionalities of a trivial system to scheduled functionalities of a large system”. The design of an embedded system is the combination of Software and Hardware. Based upon the hardware interfaces, the software interacts with the functionality of the system and hardware. Most economical embedded systems can be built using a ‘microcontroller’. A microcontroller is a kind of miniature computer that you can find in all kinds of gizmos “Ref. [1]”. The concept of UDC is depicted in figure 1. UDC device via parameter measuring probes can be plugged into any old machinery related to industrial production or automation or any high system. The concept of UDC is flavor of Remote Data Concentrator (RDC) “Ref. [2]”. RDC collects data associated with all the monitoring zones of aircraft.

© 2012 ACEEE DOI: 02.AETAEE.2012.3.524

Figure 2: UDC Block Diagram

The Design of UDC device shall be completely portable. Working power supply voltage will be regular 230V AC. The master controller of UDC device will be a microcontroller. Microcontroller interfaces with other on board devices for execution of UDC functionality. The major data acquisition is first obtained as input to Analog to Digital IC after signal conditioner. The parameters Voltage, Current and Temperature are measured by mean of probes placed at suitable junctures of the system. LCD and keypad interface shall display and set the execution carrying out configuring UDC mode of operation, setting lower and higher threshold ranges for monitoring parameters and fault indication functionalities. During the monitoring process UDC shall log the data with 89

Poster Paper Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Electrical & Electronics 2012 IV. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION

timestamp details in NVRAM, if the acquired data is in the threshold range the fault data parameter will be displayed on LCD and buzzer indication is also provided. Mean time via RS232 communication, the data logged can be transmitted in order to carry out fault analysis. For the purpose of better understanding, let us consider a scenario where this concept ‘UDC’ can play a vital role in achieving desired application. CNC lath machines are used for tailoring huge iron sheets to required shape. These machineries will need large power to cut the iron sheets and in some context they need to work continuously. The modern CNC lath machines are computerized and to some extent self diagnostics capabilities are inbuilt. Basically the CNC machines are huge is size and a lot of electrical modules are used in the design. The possibility of identifying faults in the system is definitely a tough task. In this case placing a unit like UDC with multiple Voltages, current and temperature monitoring probes will provide enough support to identify the cause of the fault. In case if one electrical module like motor or actuator consumes more current beyond the rated value, it leads to increase in temperature around the coils of motor. Then temperature sensing probes monitors and indicates in the display of UDC

During the installation of the UDC device, the probes of 1.5mts length are placed at the monitoring junction point for voltage, current and temperature respectively. These parameters will be monitored and the values are given to the ADC module after signal conditioning. The firmware in the microcontroller compares the current parameter values with threshold range and act accordingly. If the corresponding parameter value is in the threshold range then indicates the fault on LCD and hoots the buzzer. Simultaneously the incident is logged in NVRAM. TABLE I.


III. HARDWARE SCHEMATICS The Hardware schematics of UDC device are shown in figures followed by, Figure 4 is considered from “Ref [3]”

Figure 3: UDC Harware Schematic

Figure 4: UDC Power circuit schematic

© 2012 ACEEE DOI: 02.AETAEE.2012.3.524




Poster Paper Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Electrical & Electronics 2012 V. SOFTWARE


The UDC Software Algorithm and high level code flow is explained in this section.

The concept of UDC has been designed and tested. Machineries running from ages which do not have sufficient system health monitoring functionality, Systems or machineries that required additional fault indicating provision and Systems which required very quick turn around time to recover from fault condition can use this UDC device. CONCLUSIONS The Concept of Universal Data Concentrator can be further expanded with WIFI interface by which data can be immediately communicated to the master PC having user friendly GUI. This UDC GUI can feature data analysis and configuration. REFERENCES [1] Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispe Mazidi “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems” (India, Pearson education ltd.) (2007) [2] Website reference from which the concept of UDC been enhanced “http://www.techsat.com/fileadmin/ media/pdf/Data Sheets.engl/TechSAT-DS-RDC-787-EN.pdf” [3] Website reference for power supply schematic “http:// www.datasheetarchive.com /schematic+ d i a g r a m + 2 3 0 VAC + t o + 5 V D C + P O W E R + S U P P LYdatasheet.html” [4] Website reference for microcontroller features “www.atmel.com” [5] Website reference for parameter sensors datasheet “http:// www.avagotech.com/docs/AV02-2153EN” [6] Website reference for probes features “http://www.tek.com/ datasheet/node/796176-passive-high-voltage-probes “

Figure 5: UDC Software Algorithm

UDC High level Code Void main() { Post(); Init ports(); InitDisplay(); Init ADC(); Init Signal_Conditioner(); Init NVRAM(); Configure_UDC(); SET_Parameters(); While(INFINETE LOOP) { Voltage_Value = Monitor_voltage(); Display(“v”, Voltage_Value); Check_threshold(Voltage_Value); BIT_Modules(); LoadCurrent_Value = Monitor_voltage(); Display(“a”, LoadCurrent_Value); Check_threshold(Voltage_Value); BIT_Modules(); Temperature_Value = Monitor_voltage(); Display(“t”, Temperature_Value); Check_threshold(Voltage_Value); BIT_Modules(); } }

© 2012 ACEEE DOI: 02.AETAEE.2012.3. 524


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