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ORGANISING YOUR CHILD'S STUDY SPACE If at all possible, a school-going child should have a desk in their bedroom so that they have a clearly zoned area for schoolwork. BUT, this desk should be as organised as you would want your office desk to be, because ultimately, a disorganised desk could lead to untidy and disorganised schoolwork. To achieve an organised desk, try following these easy steps: Ask your child how they like to use their desk. Where do they like their pens and art supplies to be? Consider the placement of items for the desk in relation to whether your child is right or left-handed. Do they have lots of paper to store? Do you keep art supplies 'stock' in your child's room? Can the desk be used to store toys as well, without them interfering with the function of the space? Consider which organisational products are available that could help organise the space. Remember to measure the space you have available BEFORE purchasing as you may find that certain items are too large or small for the space. Think out of the box - can you use space under the desk if it doesn't have drawers? Can you place shelves on the wall for books to get them off the desk? Can you use notice boards to give a 'zone' for school notices and your child's artwork? Once you have everything you need, divide the items for the desk into zones, e.g. stationery, paper, books, toys, CDs etc. Place these in the zones you have identified and pack away into the products that are going to keep it all tidy. LABEL the folders, trays and whatever else you have bought so that YOUR CHILD knows what goes where and therefore can tidy up after themselves!
These tips brought to you by Neat Freak with a wide range of organisational products now available online!
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Following on from the concept of teaching your children to be responsible for their school activities and homework, I also think children need to be taught how to tidy up. Here are a few tips:
Break it down into small steps . My son actually brought this tip to my attention because I would rattle off a set of instructions and he would forget the first thing I said and only do the last! Instead of saying “tidy up that desk”, you could ask your child to put all the books away first - then all the pens away – then the crayons, and so on. When your child completes one task, give them a ‘high 5'. Boosting their confidence will probably motivate them to carry on. Think of ways to make tidying up fun. For example, my son loves toy cars so perhaps he could drive them into the box whereas my daughter just loves music. So for her, I often tell her to put music on whilst she is doing something. BUT, the only problem with making it fun, is that sometimes it makes my children play with the stuff instead of putting it away – so you'll have to keep your eye on that! Encourage children to do every day tasks around the house , such as washing the dishes or cleaning the bath after they have used it. I think that because most families in South Africa have the luxury of a domestic worker, children take a clean and tidy house for granted. They seldom see the cleaning happening, and are unlikely to participate in the cleaning either. (The exception is perhaps the child in boarding school, who has to be responsible for their things and space.) By teaching your child how to clean and encouraging them to do certain tasks around the house, they will be less likely to mess it up because they know what it takes to keep a space clean. Lead by example. It stands to reason that if you don't tidy up after yourself, your child will do the same. So don't be confused when they don't listen to you. Fortunately behavior and habits can be unlearnt, so as the parent, you will have to take the lead. For example, start putting the dishes away after dinner and include your child in the activity. If you see it as an opportunity to spend time together, it won't seem like a chore but rather, a time to converse and catch up on the day's activities. Introduce simple systems for your children , ones that they can manage themselves. For example, if your child has lots of toy animals, get a box for these and label it (with a picture if the child doesn't read yet). Teach your child to put the toy animals back in that box each time. Do the same for other toys in the room (and even paper and drawings). This way you AND your child know where the items go and your child can be responsible for these. Remember: If your systems are too complicated, your children will get overwhelmed and not keep to it. To avoid any confusion, spend time with your child explaining how to use their things and why it is important to put them away.
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