San f 4 1 additional checklist for pepper in vietnam(2)

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SAN audit checklist – Pepper Vietnam

ADDITIONAL* CHECKLIST FOR SAN PEPPER (Piper nigrum) FARM AUDITS IN VIETNAM Compliance Audit element per SAN criterion YES Criterion

2.2 (Critical)

2.2 (Critical)


NO MNC mnc

Observation NA

Principle 2. ECOSYSTEM CONSERVATION Where is the farm located and when was it established? Did the establishment of the farm contribute to the degradation and/or destruction of NE and/or HVE? (Note, that independently of any official authorization for land clearing – such as under a plantation development plan – the requirements of this critical criterion remain the same and need to be fulfilled for a farm to become certified.) In case dead wood stands are used as climbing support for pepper, what type of wood is used and when and where was it sourced from? (Pepper is an agroforestry crop according to the SAN certification policy.) Is the shade provided by shade trees and living stands sufficient? Does the farm use different tree species and gives preference to native species over exotic species? Does the farm avoid the use of invasive exotic species? Does the farm give preference to the use of life stands over the use of concrete stands or has established improvement plans to do so?


This checklist focuses on pepper specific issues to be considered in a SAN audit in Vietnam. It is supposed to be used complementary to generic audit checklists that cover most of the SAN Sustainable Agriculture Standard requirements not specific to pepper production in Vietnam. SAN-F-4-1


SAN audit checklist – Pepper Vietnam

Compliance Audit element per SAN criterion YES Criterion

3.3 (Critical)

Criterion 4.5 (Critical) Criterion

5.5 (Critical)


NO MNC mnc

Observation NA

Principle 3. WILDLIFE PROTECTION If caged wildlife birds are kept on the farm, were they obtained prior to the date of application for first certification? Are no caged wildlife birds kept on the farm after the date of application for first certification? If people living on the farm are fishing in nearby natural water bodies is that for domestic consumption only? Are sustainable fishing techniques used? Is electro fishing used? Is fishing of threatened fish species avoided? Are no bears kept on the farm? If bears kept on the farm were obtained prior to the date of application for first certification, has the forestry department been contacted and a plan established to end the bear’s captivity on the farm? Principle 4. WATER CONSERVATION Is any wastewater generated by the farm treated appropriately and not discharged into natural water bodies? Principle 5. FAIR TREATMENT AND GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS FOR WORKERS Does the farm have a documented agreement with any hired worker on the set wage and potentially other benefits? Does the agreed wage match at least the minimum wage for the respective industry sector? Does the wage structure differentiate between men and women? Does the wage structure consider qualification and experience?


SAN audit checklist – Pepper Vietnam

Compliance Audit element per SAN criterion YES


5.8 (Critical)


Criterion 6.2


NO MNC mnc

Observation NA

Are overtime rates – according to the Vietnamese legislation paid for working hours worked in excess of 48h/week and/or proportionally considered for the remuneration of task based work that exceeds the weekly contingency of 48h? Do workers working overtime – e.g. in peak season – stay within the overtime limits and get the rest periods as required by criterion 5.7? Is any worker employed on the farm min. 16 years old? Do workers below the age of 18 years not conduct dangerous activities like climbing harvesting ladders or applying agrochemicals? Are minors helping on their family’s farm at least 12 years old? Is their support on the farm not conflicting with their educational opportunities? Is their support on the farm limited to maximum 2 hours on a school day (including transport) and maximum 8 hours on a nonschool day (including transport)? Do these minors conduct dangerous activities like climbing harvesting ladders or applying agrochemicals? Are minors of migrant workers and below the age of 16 years not working on the farm? Principle 6. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Have the people using harvesting ladders or operating processing machinery received an initial occupational safety training on the use of ladders and operation of the processing machinery?


SAN audit checklist – Pepper Vietnam

Compliance Audit element per SAN criterion YES



6.13 (Critical)



NO MNC mnc

Observation NA

Are workers implementing the safety instructions when using ladders or operating processing machinery? Are workers provided with the appropriate PPE and tools to conduct their working activities safely? Do the provided harvesting ladders provide a safe stand and are they in good condition? Is processing machinery well maintained and equipped/installed with the necessary safety precautions? Are agrochemicals stored safely in a separate and locked place as required by criterion 6.7? Are agrochemicals never stored together with food products or harvested pepper? Are workers in contact with agrochemicals provided with the required PPE (personal protective equipment)? Are workers applying plant protection products provided with facemasks with appropriate filters (e.g. active carbon filters)? Are people on and nearby the farm protected from agrochemical drift? Are people working on certified farms protected from agrochemical drift from neighboring (non-certified) farms? Are the respective pre-entry/pre-harvest intervals respected after agrochemical application? Are farms using signboards to inform people of not entering a respective area due to agrochemical application?


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