SAN audit checklist – Zingiber officinale and Curcuma longa India
Criterion 4.4, 4.5 (Critical)
Does the farm keep the necessary buffer zone/and or no spray zone next to aquatic ecosystems? Does the farm keep the necessary buffer zone and/or no spray zone next to housing areas and public roads? Does the farm use “no entry” signage during spraying especially when spraying next to footpaths?
Criterion 3.3 (Critical)
Compliance No Yes NA MNC mnc Principle 2. ECOSYSTEM CONSERVATION
Principle 3. WILDLIFE PROTECTION Do people living on the farm hunt? Principle 4. WATER CONSERVATION Do farms have separate and appropriate treatment systems for domestic grey water and wastewater from agrochemical application?
*This checklist focuses on the ginger and turmeric specific issues to be considered during a SAN audit in India. It should be used complementary
to generic SAN audit checklists that cover the other SAN Standards criteria not specific to ginger and turmeric production in India. SAN-F-7-1
SAN audit checklist – Zingiber officinale and Curcuma longa India
Do farms treat any wastewater from turmeric washing appropriately before releasing it into natural aquatic ecosystems? Do farms and the group administrator pay special attention to prevent the uncontrolled run off of domestic wastewater, especially after heavy rainfalls? Criterion
5.2, 5.5 (Critical)
5.6; 5.7
5.8 5.9 (Critical)
Principle 5. FAIR TREATMENT AND GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS FOR WORKERS Do workers’ salary meet at least minimum wage requirements? Do all workers conducting the same type of work receive the same salary – irrespective where they come from or if they are male or female workers? Do farms respect the 48h-week normal working time? If exceeding normal working time, do they remunerate workers according to applicable overtime rates? Is no minor below the age of 15 years employed on the farm? Are children of smallholders owning the farm minimum 12 years old when helping on the farm? Is the farm work of these smallholder children conflicting with their educational opportunities? Do these smallholder children conduct any hazardous work? Do these smallholder children not work for more than 2h per day on a school day (including transport) and 8h per day on a non-school day (including transport)?
SAN audit checklist – Zingiber officinale and Curcuma longa India
Does the farm provide sufficient drinking water to all its workers and people living on the farm? Does 5.15 the group administrator organise stratified testing of the drinking water and advice the group members according to the test results? Does any farm keep a first aid kit? Does any farm ensure that sick workers are taken to the next 5.16 health centre? Do farms with 20 or more workers provide health insurance for their workers? Criterion Principle 6. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Has an operational health and safety programme been designed at the group level and does it name the main occupational risks and respective action point? Does the group administrator coordinate 6.1 trainings mentioned in the programme and monitor the programme’s implementation? Do group members implement the action points on farm level? Do workers applying agrochemicals and/or 6.4 carrying heavy loads receive regular health check ups? Does the farm provide changing and showering facilities for people applying agrochemicals on any part of the farm? Do people applying 6.16, agrochemicals use these facilities? Do people 6.17 applying agrochemicals take home their clothes used while applying agrochemicals but rather clean them at specifically designated sites provided by the farm?
SAN audit checklist – Zingiber officinale and Curcuma longa India
Has the group administrator or farm manager identified the most common types of emergencies and is a list available naming those? 6.18 Have workers and group members been trained how to respond to those emergencies? Is training documentation available? Principle 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS Criterion Does the group administrator engage in community education activities? Does the farm hold for any of its plots documentation that testifies the absence of land 7.6 use conflicts? (This is required for any part of its operation – whole farm concept) Principle 8. INTEGRATED CROP MANAGEMENT Criterion 7.5
Does the farm prefer non-chemical options to chemical options to control pest and diseases? Does the farm use any of the active 8.4 ingredients/agrochemicals listed on the SAN list (Critical) of banned pesticides as well as in the Indian list of banned pesticides? Does the farm obtain its agrochemicals from trustworthy sources and thus avoids the use of fake agrochemicals? 8.6 Does the farm use any GMO crop in any of its (Critical) operations (including any other crop – for example cotton)? Principle 9. SOIL MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION Criterion
SAN audit checklist – Zingiber officinale and Curcuma longa India
Does the farm have measures in place to 9.1 specifically prevent soil erosion in hilly terrains and after the harvesting of ginger or turmeric? Does the group administrator organize regular soil testing of the group members’ farms and 9.2 advice fertilization requirements according to the test results? 9.4, 9.5 Does the farm use any slash and burn practices for (Critical) land preparation? Principle 10. WASTE MANAGEMENT Criterion
10.3, 10.4
Does the farm separate its waste? Does the farm compost organic waste? Does the farm handle hazardous waste (e.g. radio batteries, Cfl lamps) separately and with the necessary caution? Does the farm/group administrator work with officials/agrochemicals companies on the safe disposal of empty agrochemical containers outside the farm? Does the farm ensure that the final disposal of its waste complies with the respective Indian legislation? Does the farm ensure that service providers handling their waste comply with the applicable legal requirements?