San f 8 1 audit checklist chilli india

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SAN audit checklist – Capsicum annum India


1.1, 1.2






Principle 1. SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Does a social and environmental management plan exist on the group and/or farm level? Are short-, medium- and long term goals defined in the continuous improvement programme? Does the farm respect the Indian legislation that is relevant to its operation? Is the farm management aware and ensures the paying of minimum wages to its workers, the equal treatment of workers, the prohibition of hunting, the minimum working age, and the right of children for education? Do service providers to the farm respect the requirements set by this standard relevant to their operation on the farm?


checklist focuses on the chilli specific issues to be considered during a SAN audit in India. It should be used complementary to generic SAN audit checklists that cover the other SAN Standards criteria not specific to chilli production in India. SAN-F-8-1


SAN audit checklist – Capsicum annum India

Compliance Standards YES


1.10 (Critical)







Does any worker on the farm (including casual workers) receive training for his/her task and level of risk prior to commencement of their work on the farm? Does the training and education program on group and/or farm level pay special attention to: - Handling and application of agrochemicals (including fertilizers), - Irrigation practices and frequency, - Safe harvesting & handling of pungent chilli, - Regulations on living on the farm / in the community esp. to casual workers (e.g. health and sanitation, protection of water and terrestrial ecosystems). In case certified and non-certified produce is handled on the group and/or farm level, is there a specific procedure in place that prevents the mixing of certified with non-certified produce? Are records made per farm on energy sources and energy consumption? Is special attention paid to the consumption of water (for irrigation) and fuel for stoves?


SAN audit checklist – Capsicum annum India

Principle 2. ECOSYSTEM CONSERVATION 2.1 (Critical)




Has any natural ecosystem been identified on and nearby the farm? Are these areas indicated in a map (can be a simplified hand sketched map in the case of smallholder farms)? In case any firewood/construction wood is cut from nearby forests by group members or their workers, has any required permit been obtained prior to the abstraction of this wood? In case natural resources are used regularly, is a sustainable management plan in place, and has this plan been approved by the local authorities? Does the farm keep the necessary buffer zone/and or no spray zone next to aquatic ecosystems? Does the farm keep the necessary buffer zone and/or no spray zone next to housing areas and public roads? Does the farm use “no entry” signage during spraying especially when spraying next to footpaths?

Criterion 3.3 (Critical) Criterion 4.1


Principle 3. WILDLIFE PROTECTION Do people living on the farm hunt? Principle 4. WATER CONSERVATION Do farms and the group administrator work towards a more efficient use specifically of irrigation water?


SAN audit checklist – Capsicum annum India

4.2 4.4 4.5 (Critical)


5.2, 5.5 (Critical)


5.6; 5.7 5.8 5.9 (Critical)


Do farms abstracting water hold the required abstraction permits? Do farms have separate and appropriate treatment systems for domestic grey water and wastewater from agrochemical application? Do farms and the group administrator pay special attention to the wastewater treatment by migrant workers at their campsite? (also see criterion 5.14) Principle 5. FAIR TREATMENT AND GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS FOR WORKERS Do workers’ salary meet at least minimum wage requirements? Do all workers conducting the same type of work receive the same salary – irrespective where they come from or if they are male or female workers? Do workers understand how their salary is calculated and are aware of any deductions made to it? Do worker’s salary meet at least the minimum wage requirements after any deductions for manpower service providers have been made? Do farms respect the requirements of criterion 5.6 and 5.7 if migrant workers are staying for more than 6 consecutive days on one and the same farm? Are minors below the age of 15 present on the farm?


SAN audit checklist – Capsicum annum India






6.3, 6.4



In case of migrant workers working on the farm, does the group administrator address their accommodation condition within the community? Does the farm provide sufficient drinking water to all its workers and people living on the farm? Does the drinking water quality comply with the Indian Standard for drinking water? Do farms with 20 or more workers provide health insurance for their workers? Does the group administrator / farm manager provide education and sensitization for group members, workers and their families, that cover at least the following topics: - Health, hygiene and sanitation, - Awareness on environmental issues, - OHS trainings for workers, - Importance of education for children - no child labour? Principle 6. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Has any person working on the farm been sufficiently trained to conduct his/her work safely (including casual workers)? This includes (but is not limited) to the following activities: Handling of agrochemicals, handling of mechanical equipment, irrigation procedures. Does the farm provide its workers with appropriate PPE? This includes but is not limited 5

SAN audit checklist – Capsicum annum India

to activities like the handling of pungent chilli and the handling of agrochemicals. Does the farm handle empty agrochemical containers appropriately (triple rinse, destroy and stored in a safe location)? Does the farm/group 6.10 administrator work with officials/agrochemical companies on the safe disposal of empty agrochemicals containers outside the farm? Does the farm provide any person applying 6.13 agrochemicals in any part of its operation with the (Critical) appropriate PPE (according to the respective MSDS)? Does the farm provide changing and showering facilities for people applying agrochemicals on any part of the farm? Do people applying 6.16, agrochemicals use these facilities? Do people 6.17 applying agrochemicals take home their clothes used while applying agrochemicals or rather clean them at specifically designated sites provided by the farm? Has the group administrator or farm manager identified the most common types of emergencies and is a list available naming those? 6.18 Have workers and group members been trained how to respond to those emergencies? Is training documentation available? 6.20 Does the farm provide its workers at any time with sufficient drinking water? Criterion Principle 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS



SAN audit checklist – Capsicum annum India

Does the farm cultivate crops on any temple land or other land with particular cultural and/or 7.2 religious importance to the local community? (This applies to any part of its operation – whole farm concept) Does the farm hold for any of its plots documentation that testifies the absence of land 7.6 use conflicts? (This is required for any part of its operation – whole farm concept) Principle 8. INTEGRATED CROP MANAGEMENT Criterion Does the farm use any of the active ingredients/agrochemicals listed on the SAN list 8.4 of banned pesticides as well as in the Indian list of (Critical) banned pesticides? Does the farm obtain its agrochemicals from trustworthy sources and thus avoid the use of fake agrochemicals? 8.6 Does the farm use any GMO crops in any of its (Critical) operations (including any other crops than chilli – for example cotton)? Principle 9. SOIL MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION Criterion In case the farm is located next to a river/stream, does the farm apply appropriate techniques that 9.1 prevent soil erosion and sedimentation of water bodies? (related to compliance with criterion 2.6) Does the farm use cover crops, intercropping 9.3 and/or fallow crops to reduce soil erosion and increase soil fertility? Principle 10. WASTE MANAGEMENT Criterion



SAN audit checklist – Capsicum annum India



Does the farm separate its waste? Does the farm compost organic waste? Does the farm handle hazardous waste (e.g. radio batteries, Cfl lamps) separately and with the necessary caution? Does the farm/group administrator work with officials or agrochemical companies on the safe disposal of empty agrochemical containers outside the farm? (also relates to 6.10)


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