Colorado Gambler 1-17-17

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Gambler Celebrating 25 Years Serving Colorado’s Gaming Community coloradogambler cogamblerr

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Commemorative Edition 2 of 2

January 17-30, 2017

Check out valuable coupons on page 13


Thinking About Poker: Whatcha gonna do? Page 4

NATIONAL WESTERN STOCK SHOW Covering a 100-year old event with modern technology Page 5

HOT PROMOS/NUGGETS Black Hawk, Central City promos, specials and giveaways Pages 7-9


100 years of the National Western Stock Show Page 17


The Last Hand

A good cabin-fever joke about our lovely snow metro area. It seems, historically, The following is a litwhenever the National tle reminder that we have Western Stock Show published before about arrives, the bitter cold weather comes right the experience of one along with the fancy new couple who moved livestock, horses, sheep to the Colorado mounand chickens. The recent tains: snow has been minor “Why We Live by compared to cold snaps the Ocean in California” that put the tempera- BY BOB SWEENEY (author and source unknown) ture into minus degrees Dec. 8, 6 p.m. A personal log: across the state. Skiers are reporting awesome It started to snow. The first snow snow at all the Colorado ski slopes, of the season, and the wife and I took and it will again be a bumper year for our cocktails and sat for hours by the our mountain ski towns and avid ski- window watching the huge soft flakes ers. If you play in the snow, it warms drift down from heaven. It looked like up the winter and brings cheering a Grandma Moses print. So romantic, when the white powder arrives. If one we felt like newlyweds again. I love doesn’t ski, the snow means snarled snow! Dec. 9: traffic, slippery streets and snow We woke to a beautiful blanket shoveling, but also water for the grass of crystal white snow covering every and trees next summer. New residents continue to trek to inch of the landscape. What a fantasColorado to live, work and play in tic sight! Can there be a lovelier place our great state. Many new apartment in the whole world? Moving here was buildings dot the skyline around the the best idea I’ve ever had! Shoveled

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for the first time in years and felt like s h i p m e n t a boy again. I did both our driveway in March. I and the sidewalks. This afternoon, the think they’re Publisher Subscriptions snowplow came along and covered lying. Bob Robert Sweeney B.T. Galloway 303-773-8313 x301 up the sidewalks and closed in the says I have subscribe@villager driveway, so I got to shovel again. to shovel or V.P. Marketing the city will What a perfect life! Sharon Sweeney have it done Dec. 12: Contributing Writers The sun has melted all our lovely and bill me. To advertise, call Sharon snow. Such a disappointment. My I think he’s 303-503-1388 neighbor tells me not to worry—we’ll lying. Managing Editor Dec. 22: definitely have a white Christmas. No Becky Osterwald snow on Christmas would be awful. Bob was gambler@villagerpublishing. Bob says we’ll have so much snow by right about com the end of winter that I’ll never want a white Design/Production Manager to see snow again. I don’t think that’s C h r i s t m a s Tom McTighe possible. Bob is such a nice man. I’m because 13 production@villagerpublishing. glad he’s our neighbor. more inches com Dec. 14: of the white Snow, lovely snow. Eight inches stuff fell toDesign/Production last night. The temperature dropped day and it’s Renee Novitsky to 20 below zero. The cold makes so cold. It everything sparkle so. The wind took p r o b a b l y my breath away, but I warmed up won’t melt coloradogambler cogambler by shoveling the driveway and sidetill August. me walks. This is the life! The snowplow Took came back this afternoon and buried 45 minutes everything again. I didn’t realize I to get all would have to do quite this much dressed up wife says I have a bad attitude. I think shoveling, but I’ll certainly get back warm to go out to shovel and then she’s an idiot. If I have to watch It’s in shape this way. I wish I wouldn’t I had to go to the bathroom. By the a Wonderful Life one more time, I’m huff and puff so much. time I got undressed and then dressed going to stuff her into the microwave. Dec. 15: again, I was too tired to shovel. Tried Dec. 26: Twenty inches forecast. Sold my to hire Bob, who has a plow his truck Still snowed in. Why the heck did I van and bought a 4x4 Blazer. Bought for the rest of the winter, but he says ever move here? It was all HER idea. snow tires for the wife’s car and two he’s too busy. I think he’s lying. She’s really getting on my nerves. extra shovels. Stocked the freezer. Dec. 23: Dec. 27: The wife wants a wood stove in case Only two inches of snow today. Temperature dropped to 30 dethe electricity goes out. I think that’s And it warmed up to zero. The wife silly. We aren’t in Alaska, after all. wanted me to decorate the front of the grees below zero and the pipes froze. Dec. 16: house for Christmas morning. What is Plumber came after 14 hours of waitStorm this morning. Fell on my she, nuts? Why didn’t she tell me to ing for him. He only charged me rear on the ice in the driveway putting do that a month ago? She says she $1,400 to replace all my pipes. Dec. 28: down salt. Hurt like heck. The wife did, but I think she’s lying. laughed for an hour, which I think Dec. 24: Warmed up to above 20 below was very cruel. Six inches of snow packed so zero. Still snowed in. My wife is drivDec. 17: hard by snowplow, broke the shovel. ing me crazy. Still way below freezing. Roads Thought I was having a heart attack. Dec. 29: are too icy to go anywhere. Electric- If I ever catch the guy who drives Ten more inches. Bob says I have ity was off for five hours. I had to pile that snowplow, I’ll drag him through to shovel the roof or it could cave in. blankets on to stay warm. Nothing to the snow and beat him to death with That’s the silliest thing I ever heard. do but stare at the wife and try not to my broken shovel. I know he hides How dumb does he think I am? irritate her. Guess I should’ve bought around the corner and waits for me Dec. 30: a woodstove, but won’t admit it to to finish shoveling and then he comes Roof caved in. I beat up the snowher. God, I hate it when she’s right. I down the street 100 miles an hour and plow driver, and now he is suing me can’t believe I’m freezing to death in throws the snow all over where I’ve for $1 million, not only for the beatjust been. Tonight, the wife wanted my own living room. me to sing Christmas carols with her ing I gave him, but also for trying to Dec. 20: Electricity’s back on, but I had an- and open our presents, but I was to shove the broken snow shovel up his posterior. The wife went home to her other 14 inches of the stuff last night. busy watching for the snowplow. mother. Nine more inches predicted. Dec. 25: More shoveling. Took all day. The Dec. 31: Merry yucky Christmas! Twenty darn snowplow came by twice. Tried I set fire to what’s left of the house. to find a neighbor kid to shovel, but more inches of the slop tonight— they said they’re too busy playing snowed in. The idea of shoveling No more shoveling. Jan. 8: hockey. I think they’re lying. Called makes my blood boil. I hate snow! Feel so good. I just love those little the only hardware store around to Then the snowplow driver came by see about buying a snow blower asking for a donation and I hit him white pills they keep giving me. Why and they’re out. Might have another over the head with my shovel. The am I tied to the bed?

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years

January 17-30, 2017

WIN CASH OR FANPLAY® FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 NOON - 9:00PM Play on Friday, January 27 starting at noon and you could be one of 25 players selected at 9:00pm to go for the $5,000 CASH progressive. Winners select an envelope that contains up to $250 FanPlay or the BIG progressive. Players can also earn double entries for the progressive giveaway on Tuesdays in January. The progressive will increase to $10,000 in February if not won.



Excludes Friday, January 27 2:00PM - 8:00PM





Join us every Friday and Saturday when one winner each half hour will build a snowman. The higher your Fan Club® status, the more you could win. All players receive one FREE entry each promotional day and earn additional entries for every 100 unadjusted points.

WIN UP TO $250 FANPLAY TUESDAYS, NOW - JANUARY 24 NOON - 6:00PM We’re randomly looking for three winners each hour to try and grab as much FanPlay from our blizzard blasting machine. All players earn one FREE entry each promotional day and earn additional entries for every 100 unadjusted points.



© 2017 Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Lady Luck, FanPlay and Fan Club are registered trademarks of Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Must be 21 or older. Promotions and events subject to change or cancellation without notice. Rules and promotions may vary. Complete rules and eligibility for promotions are available upon request. Please visit the players club or cashier services for details. Management reserves all rights. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-522-4700.

January 3 - 16, 2017

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years



Thinking About Poker: Whatcha gonna do?

As I write this I’m sitting in San Diego having visited family and friends over Christmas and am contemplating what my 2017 bucket list will hold. I don’t make New Years’ resolutions as those are too easily BY broken and/or forgotten and LARRY by a large margin are unreJOHNSON alistic and unattainable. I try to keep my future goals at the simple and basic level; I don’t need to provide examples as we Oceanside. It’s in north San Diego all know what ‘simple and basic’ County just south of Camp Pendmeans. In the realm of poker, all I leton Marine Corps base. Clean, wish to attain is a consistent pat- bright and a non-smoking facility tern of playing my best no matter (the Indian casinos such as Sichwhat. Poker is a game of highs and uan allow smoking), they spread lows, profitable sessions and los- a wide range of limit and no-limit ing sessions; there is much to be hold-em and Omaha games – said for having skill in the game quite literally something for evbut then there’s the element of eryone’s’ tastes and budget. Since luck. Sometimes you catch the the Omaha games were filled with card(s) you need, sometimes you longer waiting lists, I joined a $2 don’t. Sometimes the ‘long run’ - $5 no-limit game and in a few turns out a lot longer than one minutes moved over to an $8 - $16 limit game. Since I had been doing would like. When I venture to Southern well at the $30 - $60 limit hold-em California the closest cardroom game in Black Hawk I figured this to where I stay is Ocean’s 11 in might work out well. I was hoping

poker talk

the $20 - $40 game would get enough players but that never happened; probably a good thing, too. The headline of this article is “Whatcha gonna do?” So I pose to you, faithful reader, the question posed in the title when on average seven or eight players see a flop – even with a raise and even (!) the occasional three-bet before the flop – and again on average three to four stay to the river! All the ‘normal’ strategies and tactics in essence went right out the window. Bets, raises and re-raises, bluffs and check-raises did not have the ‘normal’ and expected/ hoped for results; players just threw in another $8 and in many cases $16, $24 and $32 like it meant nothing. They were calling capped pots with draws and the displays of ‘wish poker’ funded by their calls of bets and multiple bets ‘wishing’ their hand would come in; for example… In late position with K – 9 suited the flop came J – 9 – 7

rainbow; strong betting convinced me to fold and ultimately a pair of sevens won. Pocket 4’s a half hour later found me again folding when my blind was raised and capped before getting back to me. In that situation, do you think that maybe, just maybe someone has a bigger pair or better starting hand? Of course! Are you going to throw $32 into the pot with that low pair? Of course not! Didn’t help my mood when a four flopped and the board paired on the river for a potential win had I stayed, especially when the winning hand showed pocket queens. For the next hour or more, no flush or straight draws came in and the old chip stack began to look depleted – which it was. One bright moment was when I had pocket 3’s in late position and so to see a flop I called a raise with four other players. Nothing higher than a nine on the flop and when the hand ended my threes had won. What could these guys be calling with – nothing but drawing hands? Evidently so - but the entire night went like that: raises and

re-raises meant nothing to these players. What the heck, it’s only four more chips (we were playing with $2 chips) or eight or 12. It would be a great game if I was catching some cards with any level or regularity, which I was not. And the hands that were shown and which did win I could only shake my head in wonderment that players would expend that number of bets on so slim a draw. And of course, they would either get there on the river or by pure attrition drive out the winner. So, whatcha gonna do when encountering a table full of – not necessarily maniacs per se but – extremely loose calling stations who wouldn’t get out of a hand even if the casino was on fire? I surely couldn’t tell you because quite frankly I don’t know. I’m going to have to give this scenario a lot of thought. But that’s what makes – or breaks – this game; whether or not you’re thinking about poker.

Crossword Puzzle 1

ACROSS: 1. Very popular AWD car in the front range (6, 7) 9. Former 800m world record holder, Sebastian (3) 10. Denver opera house (5, 8) 12. Type of bulb (3) 13. Vegas drug (5) 14. Dubai location (3) 15. Jordan sneakers (3) 16. Scottish uncle (3)

18. Hebrew Mesopotamia (6) 19. Israeli currency (6) 22. Czech cars (6) 23. Alda from MASH (4) 26. Not applicable (2) 27. Popular dog breed (3) 29. Giant tortoise islands (9) 30. A central shaft for a rotating wheel (4) 31. Muppet character (5)

34. There are many varieties of these trees (4) 37. European soccer body (4) 38. There isn’t one in Ned (9) 39. Opposite of LG (2)

1. Under Siege actor (6, 6) 2. Place to see The Nutcracker in Moscow (7, 6) 3. Typically denser than its wheat counterpart (3, 5) 4. Transparent (6) 5. Famous Central City attraction (6, 5) 6. PH balance (4, 8) 7. Rip-off inmate (3)

8. Bird of prey (7) 11. NASDAQ ticker symbol for Kimball Electronics (2) 17. Mister (2) 19. Gaming company (2) 20. Short for Edward (2) 21. Rocket launchers across the pond (3) 22. Hang down (3)

24. CA airport (3) 25. Scottish no (3) 26. Relating to the Navy (5) 28. Freshwater fish 32. Elk do it in the fall (3) 33. Before buts (3) 34. Ed newspaper piece (2) 35. Energy, chi (2) 36. Gibson guitar (2)


























31 36






14 17



28 33


Crossword puzzle by Tony Thorpe. See answers on page 18 PAGE 4

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years

January 17-30, 2017

RIDE ‘EM COWBOY National Western Stock Show saddles up

The National Western Stock Show and Rodeo started in an empty lot with tents more than 100 years ago. Today, it has grown into an international event and a crown jewel known for its competitive rodeo and influential showcase for the disciplines of farming and ranching.

Everyone’s a cowboy during the 2017 National Western Stock Show—including politicians, society leaders and sports figures—as ties and suits are bucked for cowboy boots and Western shirts. A highlight this week was 2017 PBR Pro Bull Riding. In covering it, photojournalist Stefan Krusze took a ride on his new Droid Moto Z by Motorola with a Hasselblad 4116 Camera from Verizon—a first for The Villager and the Stock Show.

Gov. John and Robin Hickenlooper go West. BELOW: Kelsie Winslow, Miss Rodeo Colorado 2017, Lisa Langeschaar, Miss Rodeo America 2017, and Abby Hayduk, Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2017.

Ernie Blake alongside Sharon Magness Blake, atop Denver Broncos mascot Thunder, and handler/trainer Ann Judge.

Photos by Stefan Krusze

January 17-30, 2017

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years


Black Hawk Nuggets Play and Ride!

Earn 75 same day base points, redeem your bus ticket at Club Z and receive $25 in Z-Play. Earn 500 same day base points and get an additional $5 in Z-Play.

reimbursed for your Get ATM fees Stop by the Z Stop Gas Station to use our ATM, Free knife set

Join us Wednesday, Jan. 25 starting at 11 a.m. to pick up your free knife set! All you need is 100 same day base points.

bring your receipt to Z Casino within two hours from the time on your receipt. You will receive $5 in Z-Play or $3 Cash back!

10X Points

Catch the free shuttle!

Z Casino is the place for the most points. Every day this month win up to 10X Points, just play our kiosk game!

Get in the Zone!

Featured exclusively at Z Casino in Black Hawk, the Multiplier Zone. Play slots in the Zone and get 10X points all day and night. That’s right, a full 10X points on all of your slot play in the Multiplier Zone! Why settle for less when you can play in the Zone?

The shuttle stops at Z Casino (on Selak Street adjacent to our free parking lot).

Z Cafe

Stop by Z Cafe located on the 2nd floor of Z Casino to get your favorite cappuccino, latte, mocha and much more.

Silver Tsunami Club

Are you 60 years of age or older? Join us every Monday and Tuesday this month for our Silver Tsunami Club 60+ days. Just earn 60 base points that day and receive one free special of the day and a free nonalcoholic soft drink, coffee or tea. Just one more way to win at the Z!

Club Z

Sign up for a new Club Z card at Z Casino and receive up to $100 in Z-Play the same day! See Club Z for complete details.

Don’t want to pay for Breakfast?

On Mondays and Tuesdays just earn 10 same day base points before 11 a.m. and receive a voucher for a free Double Down Breakfast and Wednesday through Sunday just earn 20 same day base points before 11 a.m.! Receive your voucher from the promotional kiosk.

Prime rib dinner special

Join us every Friday this month for our $3.99 Prime Rib dinner special after you earn 50 same day base points. Receive your voucher from the promotional kiosk.

Prime rib dinner

Everyday earn 25 same day base points and receive your Prime Rib dinner for $7.77. Receive your voucher from the promotional kiosk.

Free gas

Want to convert your comps to free gas? Earn Turbo, Nitro or Flame status and redeem your comps for up to $20 in gas each day!


Kitchen item giveaway

On Jan. 17, 24 and 31 beginning at 12 p.m. (noon), earn 300 tier points and spice up your kitchen with a brand new kitchen item! On top of that, one in five items will have a cash or FanPlay prize up to $500. The gift on Jan. 17 will be a Frigidaire Stir-Fry Pan, the gift on Jan. 24 will be an Oster Mixing Bowl Set, and the gift on Jan. 31 will be a Frigidaire Grill Pan. Limited to one gift per person, per promotional day, while supplies last.

theisleblackhawk. com

Farmer’s Pick Buffet now open!

The Farmer’s Pick Buffet is now open! Farmer’s Pick offers many delicious items to choose from on the buffet - from the freshest salad bar to our always changing carving station and simply yummy desserts - we offer something for everyone. A wide variety tastes better when the ingredients come right from your own backyard. Local. Fresh. Flavorful. Plus, All-You-Can-Eat Crab Legs Nightly!

Spin into the New Year giveaway

Spin the lucky winners wheel for a chance to win up to $500 in FanPlay! Fridays and Saturdays, Jan. 6 -21, drawings will be held every 15 minutes from 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. for your chance to win big. Receive one free entry and additional entries for every 100 tier points earned each promotional day

Red envelope giveaway

Win up to $888 on Monday, Jan. 23 and 30. Lucky money is waiting for you when you’re selected to pick a red envelope to reveal a cash prize. Cash prizes range from $88 - $888. Plus, the higher your Fan Club Status, the more envelopes you get to pick. Receive one free entry and additional entries for every 100 tier points earned

40X Friday Funday Multiplier

Fill your Fridays with fun by receiving up to 40X points on all your favorite slot machines from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. On top of all that multiplier fun, you will also receive a free buffet when you earn 200

contests! Also, make sure to register your email with Cashier Services to receive special promotion emails.

Try the new desserts at Tradewinds

Tradewinds at the Isle has a new menu that features the best hamburgers in Black Hawk. Whether you try the classics, the California or the Tradewinds Classic Burger, you will not be disappointed. Tradewinds now offers the best desserts in town; visit Tradewinds at the Isle Casino Hotel Black Hawk.

$8,888 lucky money

Win up to $1,888 in cash or FanPlay on Saturday, Jan. 28, from 12 p.m. (noon) – 9 p.m. Winners will get to select a red envelope that will reveal their cash or FanPlay prize ranging from $88 - $1,888. Receive one free entry daily and additional entries for every 100 tier points earned.

Luv Bug Giveaway

Spin N Win Drawings

Every Wednesday through Sunday from Jan. 4 – Jan. 29 join us for our $50,000 Spin N Win Drawings from 1 to 11 p.m. every other hour, win up to $250 in Z-Play at each drawing. We will have two winners per drawing hour. Earn entries with every 100 points for that day of play.

tier points. Must register at Cashier Services prior to playing. Multiplier excludes video poker. *Limited to earning a maximum of $500 in cash or FanPlay if you receive to 40X point multiplier

We are spreading the love on Feb. 25 when you have a chance to win a 2017 VW Bug at 9 p.m.! $1,000 cash drawings will be held from 6 – 8 p.m. and again at 10 p.m. Start earning entries Jan. 16 with a free daily entry and additional entries for every 100 tier points earned. Earn 50x entries every Monday and 100x entries for Platinum and Millionaire members on Feb. 10.

FanPlay fun earn and get

Pick your favorite slot machine and rack up some FanPlay with our FanPlay Fun Earn and Get Promotion. Thursdays in January, from 8 a.m. – Midnight, earn 500 tier points and receive $50 in FanPlay! Limited to $200 in earned FanPlay per day.

Casha Palooza

Going on now for a limited time only is Casha Palooza! Now is your chance to earn even more cash for your points. During Casha Palooza, redeem 5,000 points for $5 cash back. Talk about more bang for your back. Current point redemption rate is 10,000 points for $5 cash back.

50+ Perks

With age comes big bonuses! Every Sunday in January from 8 a.m. – midnight everyone age 50 or better is invited to stop by for 5X points on slots and 2X points on video poker. Receive a food offer after earning 200 tier points. Cannot be combined with any other point multiplier.

New member play 30 & 5,000 FanClub points for an email

In January, all new members of the Fan Club will receive a food offer after playing 30 minutes on their new Players card. Guests who provide an email address at the time of enrollment will receive 5,000 FanClub points.

Social media

Make sure to ‘like’ Isle Black Hawk on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram. To stay up to date with all promotions, events and special

unadjusted points. See guest services for rules and additional details. Management reserves all rights.

Monday Funday Multiplier

We’re changing the way you play in January on Mondays! Earn up to 20 times points on Mondays. You will receive 10 times points on all your favorite slot machines. For every 100 unadjusted points you earn, we’ll add two times more points up to 20 times points. Don’t forget to register before you play. See guest services for rules and additional details. Management reserves all rights.

Club 40

Now on one convenient day! We’re multiplying the fun every Wednesday in January! Join us for Club 40. All guests age 40 or better will receive 6x points on slots and 2x points on video poker. Guests will also receive a free entrée at Otis & Henry’s once they earn 25 Tier Score points on their Lady Luck Player’s Card. See guest services for rules and additional details. Management reserves all rights.

New member



Head home a huge winner on Tuesdays in January. Walk away with up to $250 in FanPlay during Grab-O-Rama! We’re randomly looking for three winners each hour to try and grab as much FanPlay from our blizzard blasting machine. All players earn one free entry each promotional day, and earn additional entries for every 100 unadjusted points. Management reserves all rights.

Snowman Stack of FanPlay

Join us Fridays and Saturdays, through Jan. 28 when we pick one winner each half hour between 2 and 8 p.m. for Snowman Stack of FanPlay. Each winner will get to build a snowman for a chance at $750 in FanPlay. The higher your tier the more pieces you pick and more chances to win! Receive one free entry, plus additional entries for every 100 unadjusted points. Management reserves all rights.

Now, Luck is just a click away. Check out our latest merchandise and apparel at While you’re there you can play your favorite classic casino games online.

Rolling Riches

Join us on Friday, Jan. 27 from noon – 9 p.m. for your chance to be the lucky winner of $5,000 in cold, hard cash progressive! At 9 p.m. you could be one of 25 winners who will get to select an envelope that contains anywhere from $50-$250 in FanPlay or the big cash progressive. Receive 2X entries every Tuesday in January. All players receive one free entry on the day of the giveaway and earn additional entries for every 100 unadjusted points. If no one wins the progressive in January, it will increase to $10,000 in February! Management reserves all rights.

Happy High Low

Lady Luck is your place for fun times and FanPlay! We’re picking three winners every hour on Thursdays from Noon to 6 p.m. in January to play Happy High Low. We’ll pick a card and you tell us if the next is higher or lower, get all five guesses correct and you could win $250 in FanPlay! Receive one free entry, plus additional entries for every 50

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years

There has never been a better time to sign up for the Fan Club at Lady Luck. Join the club today. When you’re a fan, you get better rewards faster than ever. For all new members, just play 10 unadjusted points and receive $20 in Otis & Henry’s Bar & Grill and $10 in match play on table games. Sign up your email address, receive $5 and start raking in those rewards. See guest services for rules and additional details. Management reserves all rights.

Social media

Make sure to ‘like’ Lady Luck Black Hawk on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Stay up to date with all promotions, events and special contests! Also, make sure to register your email with Guest Services to receive special promotion emails.

Play and stay

Play More, Be Happy and stay for free with your friends at Lady Luck! Earn 500 Tier Score points Sunday through Thursday between 8 a.m. and midnight for a free room in the Lady Luck hotel tower. On Fridays play 800 Tier Score Points between 8 a.m. and midnight for a free room. Make sure to register at guest services prior to play. Offer subject to availability. Excludes holidays and blackout dates.

Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo Jackpots make the fun of winning a progressive jackpot that much easier with 12 individual progressive prizes that can hit multiple times a day. There are jackpots for Royal Flushes, Straight Flushes, and any 4 of a kind. Monte Carlo Madness takes effect when our bad beat jackpots all reach $25K and 100% of the jackpot rake gets distributed to the Monte Carlo hands making the amounts increase twice as fast. Visit the Lady Luck Poker Room for details and updated jackpot amounts.

Lady Luck Poker

It’s easier than ever to win big in the Lady Luck Poker Room! The Bad Beat Jackpot now includes a decreasing qualifier element starting at Aces full of Kings. And make sure to check out the new Bounce Back Bonus offers—now every day of the week! - Be in a game by 10 a.m. and receive $10 in Bounce Back Coupons after four hours of play. - Be in a game by 10 a.m. and receive $20 in Bounce Back Coupons after five hours of play. Continued on page 7 January 17-30, 2017

Central City Nuggets $3,000 End of month Progressive Drawings $25,000 Mountains of Money Giveaway

Earn 2000 points in the month of December to qualify for our End of Month drawing on Jan. 31. Ten lucky guests will be called at 7 and 9 p.m. *If progressive is hit jackpot resets to $1500. See Guest Services for full details.

$1,500 Free roll Blackjack Tournament

Guests can earn entries Jan. 1 – Jan. 29. Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday we will have drawings at 5, 7 and Come and try out your blackjack skills 9 p.m. Earn 10x entries on penny machines every Thursday, Jan. 5 to Jan. 26. at our $1,500 free roll blackjack tournament on Friday, Jan. 20 from 4-7 p.m. *See Guest Services for full details. Guests must RSVP at the blackjack pit by Jan. 19. *See Blackjack Pit for full details.

Earn and get collectors guitar pins

Food specials

Every Tuesday in January from 11 $2 Hot dog and domestic beer 11 a.m. --10 p.m. or while supplies last we will be giving away light up collectors a.m.-9 p.m. Daily at the Celebrity Bar $29.99 Surf and Turf Lobster Tail and guitar pins to guests who have earned 50 points. *See Guest Services for full Petite Filet Wednesday-Sunday at The details. Bistro

Black Hawk Nuggets Continued from page 6 Visit the Lady Luck Poker Room, located on the 2nd floor, for additional details.

Table games

Up your odds with the best table games crew in Black Hawk! Play Craps, Roulette, Buffalo Black Jack Bonus and Double Deck Blackjack every day of the week! There are 20X odds on Craps everyday! $5* games open daily. See Table games, located on the second floor of Lady Luck, for additional promotions and details. *Limits subject to change, management reserves all rights.

Platinum and Millionaire bonus points

The tier rewards are racking up with a great point multiplier day for Platinum and Millionaire players. Tuesday, Jan. 17. Platinum players will receive 8X points and Millionaire players will receive 10X points. You don’t need to register, come on in and enjoy

January 17-30, 2017

your favorite slot machine and receive bonus points all day!

Select and Gold bonus points The tier rewards are racking up with a great point multiplier day for Select and Gold players. Tuesday, Jan. 24. Select players will receive 3X points and Gold players will receive 5X points. You don’t need to register, come on in and enjoy your favorite slot machine and receive bonus points all day!

Bus fare redemption Ride in style to Lady Luck! Guests who play with a Fan Club Card can receive up to $23 cash back on bus fare every day. Earn 350 unadjusted points on Lady Luck Player’s Card to receive cash back. Poker and table games guests can earn too! Ask Supervisor for details. Guests must redeem bus ticket at Guest Services. Limit one bus redemption per person per day.

I-70 Exit 243 • 321 Gregory Street, Central City CO, 80427 • (800) 924-6646

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years


Central City Nuggets Free knife set

Join us Thursday, Jan. 26 starting at 11 a.m. to pick up your free Knife set! All you need is 100 same day base points.

Get in the Zone!

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THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years

January 17-30, 2017

Central City Nuggets Mittens of Money

Fridays 5-10 p.m., Saturdays 2-10 p.m. • Jan. 6 –28, hourly drawing winners pick prize mittens! Keep the mittens and win up to $500! Guaranteed $500 cash prize at 10 p.m.! Win warm mittens stuffed with up to $500 of hot cash, with Mittens of Money! Guests begin earning weekly entries Jan. 1 with every 50 base points. Virtual entry barrel is emptied each Saturday night after the 10 p.m. drawing. Fridays from 5-10 p.m. and Saturdays from 2-10 p.m., hourly drawing winners will pick one left-hand mitten and one right-hand mitten from our prize board! These fleece Century Casino mittens will have mystery cash prizes inside. Add the prizes together and the winner keeps the Mittens of Money and the total cash prize, up to $500! Win a guaranteed $500 cash prize each night at 10 p.m.!

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All new! - Mail-My-Multipler Sunday and Monday

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$7.99 prime rib every day!

Enjoy our 8 oz. slow-roasted Prime Rib Special, accompanied by choice of potato with seasonal vegetables, for just $7.99 from 11 a.m., just by having a player’s card! Prime Rib special is also available for $14.99 with no card. Not to be combined with any other discount or coupon.

New members get up to $20 in day one Insta-Play!

Sign up for free at our Player‘s Club for a card and earn 10 base points on your day of signup and return to the Player’s Club for $5 in Insta-Play added right to your account! Earn 100 base points total on your signup day and redeem at the Club for $5 in Insta-Play added to your account! Earn 200 base points that same day for another $5 Insta-Play bonus! Finally, earn 300 base points that same day for another amazing $5 in Insta-Play bonus available at the Club!

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Bigger Bingo –Thursday Bingo

Enjoy free Bingo every from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., with $100 Insta-Play Play or Table Games Play Chips prizes, with $250 cash prizes for our bigger bingo games for three random hourly games each Thursday! Players with a Player’s Card can pick up their Bingo card at the Player’s Club one hour before each game.

Miltary appreciation Monday

Guests with military ID will receive a free ice cream, plus 50% off meals (up to $25 in one day) at the Retro Deli or Mid City Grill.

Fantasy golf Wednesday!

Earn up to seven Fantasy Golf Card Scratch Tickets Each Wednesday (at 250 base points, 400 base points, and 1,000 base points, and every 1,000 base points thereafter up to 5,000) and Win your share of $1,000 in Cash and Insta-Play prizes if you have one of the lowest five scores re-

corded that day! Win double prizes if your score is under par for the card! Scores are tallied and winners posted the next day and prizes must be claimed within one week. Play, scratch, and win with Fantasy Golf Wednesdays at Century!

Senior celebration – Wednesday and Thursday

Guests aged 50 or better receive 2X points on play all day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., plus 50% off purchases (up to $25 in one day) at the Retro Deli or Mid City Grill. Please note that 50% food discount cannot be combined with any other coupon or discount, and including daily food specials.

Birthdays at Century

All guests can come in on the day of their birthday and get 2X points plus a free gift! Guests who come in on the day of their 21st birthday receive the 2X points and the gift, plus $10 in comp added to their account, plus a $5 Promo Chip to use at the tables! Guests with a birthday coupon from our mailer redeem it at the Player’s Club for a gift of 10X their age in points!

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THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years


A Tailing Tale

A Tailing Tale of George Nelson

In 1931, President Herbert Hoover led boys and three girls. our struggling country through the great George’s parent’s marriage was wrought depression. The U.S. adopted the Star with problems, primarily due to Martin’s Spangled Banner as our national anthem, practice of spending large sums of money and on May 7, George Nelson for whatever he thought he was born in a little hospital on needed at the time. It didn’t the corner of Broadway and By Maggie matter what something cost, Alpine in Boulder. if Martin felt he needed it he Magoffin The first child born to bought it. This often left the Martin and Dollie Nelson, family with no money and George’s earliest memories Dollie’s earnings from the are of his life as a young boy grocery store kept food on the in Rollinsville. The only stutable. So, Dollie took George dent in his grade level for and Wally and left Martin, nearly five years, like most moving into an apartment young boys, George and his above Schobert’s Garage. younger brother, Wally, were frequently In 1948, Martin became County Comup to mischief. Besides engaging in regu- missioner and moved into town, each day lar bouts of wrestling and fighting with one returning to the ranch to care for the horses, another, they smashed pennies on railroad cattle and milk cows. He frequently brought tracks and got into trouble with their mom fresh milk to the boys and regularly butchwhen they hiked up to the dam to fish. ered cattle and sold them to Ramstetter’s In1942, Martin took a job keeping the Grocery. Throughout WWII, Black Hawk road open for the miners at the Hender- and Central City always had fresh meat son mine, on Berthoud Pass, just west of Empire, so the family moved into a small cabin there so George’s father would not have so far to travel to work. After spending part of the school year and the summer in Empire, that fall Dollie and the boys moved to Idaho Springs where the winters weren’t as harsh. The next summer, the family moved into the original Nils Nelson homestead in Four-Mile Gulch in Black Hawk, and each day, George and Wally walked about a mile to the Black Hawk schoolhouse. Traversing through FourMile Gulch, they arrived in town in the area where the post office sits today. Later in ’42, Martin and Dollie Nelson bought the old Van DeVeer place, thanks to Martin Nelson and Ramstetter’s west of the cemeteries up from Central Grocery. A rarity for the times. George recalls a time when Martin had City. The only boy in his class of three to pick up a herd of cattle in Georgetown students, George graduated eighth grade from Central City middle school and the and drive them up to Central City. He enfollowing year he attended Central City listed the assistance of George and another High School—the numbers during those boy. Riding horseback, they drove that herd years were a bit more even with three of cattle down Highway 40 and up Fall

A Tailing TaLe


River. Once up Fall River they headed up Bald Mountain Gulch and then into Central City. At some point in the late 40’s or early 50’s, Martin sold the former Van DeVeer house and bought the Stoehle house in Chase Gulch. Today, the City of Black Hawk owns the home and it is currently undergoing restoration. Locals call it “The Mansion.” When George was 15-years-old, his mother remarried. Still living in Black Hawk, George took a job at the Teller House in Central washing dishes. Over the summer, he saved up enough money so that by his birthday the following spring he was able to buy a ’31 Chevy coupe, for which he paid $300. He said, “That car would only go 55 mph, but it could climb a brick wall.” At 16, George went to work for the Quiller Grocery Store. He got to school at 9 a.m. and left at 3:30 p.m. After grabbing a milkshake at the drugstore, he would hurry over to Quiller’s and then close the store at 5 p.m. After graduating from high school in ’49, George continued working for Quiller’s driving a delivery truck, stocking grocery shelves and cutting meat. In 1951, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy where he worked in the commissary, and when he was discharged in 1955, his training at Quillers cutting meat provided him with a lifelong career. George went to work as a meat cutter for A&P Groceries on the east coast and then in ’63 returned to Denver to carry out the same work for the National Tea Company. A story about George Nelson would not be complete without highlighting the man’s love for dancing and his lovely wife, Betty. Throughout his life, he has enjoyed all kinds of dancing. He even met his wife, Betty, at a dance. They were married in 1983, and the couple spent many happy times together on the dance floors of the Denver area. George and Betty also spent many

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years

fun weekends at the old Gundy house in Chase Gulch, purchased by Martin Nelson in the 1950’s and moved from its original location to where it sits today. The house came to George when Martin passed away in ’78, and in 1985, with the assistance of Betty’s children and several friends, they cleaned the place up and turned it into their refuge in the mountains. They spent 25 happy summers playing cards, dancing and partying with friends and family in the old house, and today the City of Black Hawk preserves and protects the home as a historical landmark.

FROM MAGGIE Be sure to check out my website for past columns at The first two books in my Misadventures of the Cholua Brother’s Series are available on my website, on, and They can also be bought through the Gilpin Historical Museum and Mountain Menagerie in Central City. Watch for the release of the third and final book in the series Bonanza Beans available in late February or early March. Cholua Brothers Mining Company specialty coffees are available at Mountain Menagerie in Central City or from their website at This column was previously published in the Central City Weekly Register-Call. Send in your tales – Mail your stories with contact information: Maggie M P.O. Box 746495 Arvada, CO 80006-6495 Email: If you prefer to tell me your story orally and have me write it for you, please feel free to call me at 303-881-3321. January 17 - 30, 2016

Gemstone & Minerals

Spinel: The unfamiliar gemstone Since beauty, rarity and durability measure the value of a mineral or gemstone, certainly red, light red, and orange spinel (pronounced spin-ELL) should rank near the top. This, unfortunately, is not the case for spinel; in fact, not only the public but many jewelers are completely unfamiliar with this species. The reasons for this state of affairs are not always easy to discover. However, the best red colors have long been confused with rubies. Since spinel is associated with ruby in most all of the areas of the world where it is mined, this confusion is understandable. Also, the fact that the names used for red spinel, such as “Balas ruby” (possibly from Balascia, and old name for Badakshan in Afghanistan) or the name “spinel ruby” add to the confusion to identify spinel. The layman may be misled to believe that these terms are merely locality names for ruby, such as Burma ruby or Ceylon ruby. Spinel and ruby are chemically similar. This is why the two are so much the same. The red coloring in both gems is due to chromium. The other colors in which spinel occurs tend to be subdued or “grayed out.” Therefore, the blue and violet stones are seldom confused with sappphire; neither are they often seen in jewelry. Two colors that are sometimes mentioned for

January 17- 30, 2017

spinel, yellow and colorless, are so rare that they have no importance. Green spinel is virtually unknown, except as very dark stones that are of interest only to collectors. One very good reason that spinel is relatively little known is its rarity. Today a fine red spinel of more than five carrats in weight is uncommon. That was not always true, since some of the most famous gemstones in history are spinels of great size and some of the spinels in gem collections weigh more than 100 carats. One of the most fascinating gemstones in all the world, because of its rich history and the events engraved upon it, is a large spinel called the “Timur Ruby.” Since 1612, this famous stone, called “Tribute of the World” in the East, has belonged to the same owners as the Kohinoor diamond. From the inscriptions still on the stone, we learned that this is the “ruby” that fell in the hands of the Tartar conquerer, Timur-i-leng (the lame Timur), or Tamerlaine, in Western countries, when he conquered Deli in 1398. Where the stone was mined will never be known, although Afghanistan has been suggested. It is a rather dark red and does not have facets, only the natural face was polished; hence, it is almost without brilliancy. It finally came into the hands of the

British East India Company in 1849 and was exhibited along with several smaller spinels in a necklace in the Great Exposition of 1851. The stone weighs 361 carats. It was given to Queen Victoria and has remained in the Indian Room at Buckingham Palace, rather than with the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London; because of this, few persons have seen the stone and there are no known pictures of it. Another famous spinel in the British Crown Jewels is the “Black Prince Ruby.” This stone weighs about 170 carats. It was first mentioned in 1367, when it formed part of the treasure of the King of Granada in Spain. Upon his death at the hand of Dom Pedro, it came into his possession. He, in turn, gave it to the Prince of Wales, also known as the Black Prince. The stone passed to the British Crown and was worn by Henry V in his coroneted helmet on the victorious day at Agincourt in 1415, when the helmet deflected the nearly fatal blow of the Duc d’ Alencon. Today, the stone is in the Imperial State Crown in the most conspicuous position in the front-center part of the headpiece. A red spinel of more than 400 carats and

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years

cut in Oriental style forms the apex of the crown made for Empress Catherine II of Russia in 1762. It forms part of the Diamond Treasure of the Soviet Union in the Kremlin. Large spinels are in the mineral collection of the British Museum of Natural History, including a polished stone of 520 carats taken during the war with China in 1861. One of the largest red spinels on display in the United States is a faceted stone of 71 carats in the American Museum of Natural History. It is difficult to be sure of the derivation of the name spinal. It may be from the Latin “spinella,” the diminutive of “spina” (a thorn), from which we get our word spine. This word does not describe spinel crystals very well. It has been suggested that the word spinel may be from a Greek word meaning “spark.” In reference to the bright-red and bright-orange color of some natural crystals. Most spinels that reach the jewelry trade have been polished in their country of origin. Because color is the main consideration, the cuts employed are not usually precise; therefore, the fine colors that warrant the expense are usually recut in the United States.



Henry from Denver won a blazing $1,579 on the Blazing7s slot at Century Casino.

Jeffrey from Lakewood was playing Video Poker when he won $1,831 at Century Casino.

Angela shows off her $17,061 winnings from the Reserve Casino.

Mike has two hands full of $12,000 he won at the Reserve Casino.

Clinton points to his big win of $15,158.27 from the Isle Casino.

Althea from Arvada won $8,000 on her slot machine at Lady Luck Casino.

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years

January 17-30, 2017

Real DEALS 刀䔀䐀䔀䔀䴀 夀伀唀刀 䈀唀匀 吀䤀䌀䬀䔀吀 䄀吀 䜀䔀吀 ␀㈀㔀 䤀一 娀ⴀ倀䰀䄀夀℀

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THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years


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THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years


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THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years

October 4 - 17, 2016



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Alton Way #9 Englewood 80112 5 Whitlock Recreation Center 1555 Dover Street 1 East Moon Asian Bistro 8162 S Holly St Centennial 80122 5 YMCA 6350 Eldridge Street 1 One Price Cleaners 9364 S Colorado Blvd Highlands Ranch 80126 Broomfield 1 Heidi’s Brooklyn Deli 8283 S Akron St Centennial 80112 6 ABO’S PIZZA 2145 E 120TH AVE 1 Legacy Center DTC 5613 DTC Pkwy Greenwood Village 80111 6 Apple Mary’s Laundry 1360 Hwy 287 1 Munch a Sub 116 Inverness Drive East Greenwood Village 80111 6 BERRY N’ BLENZ 1281 E 120TH AVE 1 Pho Vy 8283 S Akron St Centennial 80122 6 Big Dog Deli 300 Nickel Street 1 URS Center Corporate Offices 8181 E Tufts Greenwood Village 80237 6 C-21 CONVENIENCE STORE 1090 E 10TH AVENUE 1 What a Sub 5660 S. 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CentreTech Parkway 6 H MART 5036 W 92ND AVE Aurora 80011 6 HO-HO CHINESE RESTAURANT 10255 WASHINGTON ST 2 Fairway Liquor 10890 E Dartmouth Ave Aurora 80014 6 Hong Fu Chinese Restaurant 9027 Harlan Street 2 Finish Line Car Wash 1150 S Chambers Aurora 80014 6 Jim’s Burger Haven 7855 Sheridan 2 Freddie G’s Barbershop 3108 S Parker Road Aurora 80111 6 Jim’s Burger Haven 595 E 88th Ave 2 H Mart 2751 S Parker Road Aurora 80014 6 La Guardia Liquors 8008 Chase Street 2 Hampden Plaza Liquors 10017 Hampden Littleton 80231 6 Ly’s Chinese Café 6585 W 44th Ave 2 Hiro Japanese Buffet 2797 S Parker Road Aurora 80014 6 MARGARET W CARPENTER RECREATION CENTER 2 Ho-Ho Chinese Restaurant 10605 E Mississippi Aurora 80014 11911 COLORADO BLVD 2 HOL-E MOL-E Donuts 3124 S Parker Road Aurora 80014 6 MCKESSON CORPORATION 11000 WESTMOOR DRIVE 2 Laundromat 15200 E 6th Ave Aurora 80012 6 MICKEY’S TOP SIRLOIN 6950 BROADWAY 2 Liquor Store 4801 Colorado Denver 80222 6 Moon Liquors 9170 Hurin Street 2 Mex Mall 10809 E Colfax Aurora 80010 6 NEW ASIAN EXPRESS 10185 WASHINGTON ST 2 Pollo Picante 10498 E Colfax Aurora 80010 6 PACIFIC OCEAN MARKET 6600 W 120TH AVE 2 Stockade Wines & Liquor 2694 S Parker Road Aurora 80014 6 Panaderia el Huentitan 7055 N Pecos 2 Turn of the Century Bingo 1921 S Havana Aurora 80014 6 PHO 65 6530 WADSWORTH 2 Waltons Donuts 4086 S Parker Road Aurora 80014 6 Y & J RESTAURANT 5020 W 92ND AVE Denver 6 PHO 79 6650 W 120TH AVENUE 3 At The Car Wash 2600 S. Broadway Denver 80110 6 PHO DUY 6600 W 120TH AVE 3 Bobas & Crepes 4085 E Mississippi Denver 80246 6 PHO MAI 6765 W 120th Ave 3 Bob’s Market 3296 S Washington Denver 80210 6 PARTY TIME 7264 BROADWAY 3 Breakfast Inn 6101 E Evans Denver 80224 6 SOUTH PHILLY CHEESESTEAKS 8755 WADSWORTH 3 Coin Laundry 7511 E Iliff Denver 80231 6 Spirit World Liquor 7156 Pecos 3 Cook Park Recreation Center Monaco & Cherry Creek Dr Denver 80224 6 TCF BANK 11968 VRAIN STREET 3 Crown Burgers 2195 S Colorado Denver 80224 6 TCF BANK 7790 W 80TH AVE 3 Dry Cleaners 4609 E Mississippi Denver 80246 6 Tiki Time Wine & Spirits 2300 E 120th Ave 3 Englewood Library 1000 Englewood Parkway Englewood 80110 6 TOTAL BEVERAGE 9359 SHERIDAN 3 Englewood Recreation Center 1155 W Oxford Ave Englewood 80110 6 VECTRA BANK 1955 W 120TH AVENUE 3 Golden Chinese Restaurant 910 S Monaco Denver 80224 6 WASHTIME LAUNDRY 540 E 120TH AVE 3 Harvard Gulch Recreation Center 6 WESTERN CONVENIENCE STORE 550 E. Iliff Ave Denver 80210 12702 LOWELL 3 Jaya Asian Grill 1699 S Colorado Denver 80222 6 WEST VIEW RECREATION CENTER 3 Laundromat 1081 S. Pearl St. Denver 80209 10747 W 108TH AVE 3 Laundromat 4389 E Mississippi Denver 80246 3 New China Café 609 E. Alameda & Pearl Denver 80209 3 New York Pizzeria 600 S Holly Denver 80222 3 Platte Park Recreation Center 1500 S. Grant Denver 80223 ARVADA IDAHO SPRINGS 3 Regency Student Center 3900 Elati Denver 80216 3 University of Denver Bridge North side of Bridge Denver 80210 Ralston Road Cafe Mountain Tool & Feed 3 Virginia Village Library 1500 S Dalia Denver 80222 9543 Ralston Road Marriott Courtyard 3 Waltons Donuts 6603 Leetsdale Denver 80224 3 Washington Park Recreation Center VFW Post #4171 WHEAT RIDGE 701 S Franklin Denver 80209 3 White Glove Car Wash 7759 E Iliff Denver 80231 6 & 40 Motel Brunswick Zone Denver Wildfire Restaurant 4 Central Public Library 1357 Broadway/Colfax Denver 80203 9751 W. 49th Ave. 4 Coloradoland Tire & Service 887 S Broadway Denver 80209 Visitor Center ————— 4 Common Grounds Coffee 1550 17th Street Denver 80202 4 Delectable Egg 1625 Court Place Denver 80202 VFW Post W. 49th Ave. & Kipling 4 Denver Diner Speer & Colfax Denver 80203 Kum & Go 80206 4 Grand China Restaurant 2200 E Colfax Denver GOLDEN 4 Green Island Asian Grill 990 W 6th Avenue Denver 80204 Vintage Moose 4 Heidi’s Brooklyn Deli 1225 17th Street Denver 80202 Howard Johnson’s 4 La Alma Recreation Center 1325 W. 11th St. Denver 80204 H&H Hotel 14000 W. 44th Ave., 4 La Familia Recreation Center 65 S. Elati Street Denver 80223 Marion’s 4 Mr Lucky’s Gourmet Sandwiches Golden Chamber of 711 6th Avenue Denver 80203 Kermits 4 Papa’s Pizza 5761 Washington Street Denver 80216 Commerce 4 Racine’s 7th & Sherman Denver 80202 McDonalds Capital Restaurant 4 Tattered Cover Books 2526 E Colfax Denver 80206 4 Tattered Cover Books 1628 16th Street Denver 80202 Table Mountain Inn DENVER 4 Tokyo San Bowl 727 Colorado Denver 80206 4 Uptown Oasis 289 E 20th Ave Denver 80205 Wells Fargo Federal Center 4 Waterworks Car Wash 276 Broadway Denver 80202 Coach USA\Horizon Holiday Lanes Denver— SOUTHWEST 5 4 G’s Mexican Restaurant 2788 S Federal Denver 80236 Red Rocks Center AURORA 5 Arrow Liquor Mart 8055 W Bowles Littleton 80123 5 Athmar Recreation Center 2680 West Mexico Ave Denver 80219 ENGLEWOOD Casino Tours 5 Barnum Senior Center 360 Hooker St. Denver 80219 5 Barry’s Bingo 1860 S Federal Denver 80219 Country Buffet CENTRAL CITY 5 Berkeley Village Liquor 5306 Sheridan ARVADA 80002 301 Englewood Pkwy 5 Black & Read Bookstore 7821 Wadsworth Lakewood 80214 Visitor Center 5 Blackjack Pizza 5934 S Kipling Littleton 80127 5 Chihuahua Restaurant 2250 S. Federal Denver 80219 5 El Gallito 2100 S Sheridan Lakewood 80232 5 Federal Center 225 Kipling Street #53 Lakewood 80215 5 Federal Center 225 Kipling Street #67 Lakewood 80215 5 Golden Taipei 6772 W Coal Mine Rd Littleton 80122 5 Harvey Park Recreation Center 2120 S. Tennyson Denver 80219 5 Holiday Bowling 10350 W. Colfax Lakewood 80215 17th & Court 17th & California/City Center 5 John Elway Chrysler-Jeep 5445 S Broadway Littleton 80121 th 5 King’s Land Restaurant 2200 W Alameda Denver 80223 18 & Curtis Brown Palace - Broadway & 17th 5 La Pasadita Carniceria 5330 Sheridan Blvd Denver 80204 5 Loretto Heights College 3001 S Federal Denver 80219 19th & Curtis Duffy’s - 1625 Court 5 New Peking 12605 W Alameda Lakewood 80228 5 Newbarry’s Restaurant 2995 W. Jewell Denver 80219 5 Old Fashion Italian Deli 395 W Littleton Blvd Littleton 80120

Wheat Ridge Lakewood Lakewood Arvada Lakewood Littleton Arvada Lakewood Arvada

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or vi

Trail’s End

101 Years of The Denver Western Stock Show

The Wild West and Buffalo Bill Cody are synonymous when it comes to the adventurous American West. Arguably America’s first western showman, William F. Cody personified the West and endeared America as well as Europe to a by gone era. While Buffalo Bill’s frontier exploits are legendary, the time spent from his Pony Express days to frontier Army scout, were only 12 years. Cody spent the next 35 years as frontier showman for audiences around the world. Out of this great showmanship idea, the National Western Stock Show was born. This new venue, based in Denver, showcased the area’s prime livestock at an annual event that has been the pride of Denver for over 100 years. Denver, a cow town? You bet it is, once a year for 100 years and proudly so! Congratulations to the Denver Western Stock Show! The following is a brief time line of the proud history of this great Denver story: 1899 — Livestock exhibits begin

January 17 - 30, 2017

in Denver, but not on any regular basis. 1905 — A Livestock Commission is organized of merchants, stockyard executives, meat packers and cattlemen. The exhibition site selected on South Platte River, is still the location of many exhibits shown today. 1906 — The first show opened on Monday, Jan. 29, and ran six days. Harry Petrie, superintendent of the Denver Stockyards was named the first general manager. Attendance was estimated at 15,000 with stockmen visiting from Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago and points east. The first Grand Champion Steer sold for 33 cents a pound, a remarkable 23 cents over the market price. Street cars, horse drawn carriages, and special trains from Union Station brought most of the public to the show, where admission was free. 1907 — The Horse Division was added to the livestock show. A circus tent of sorts was used to host the show. 1909 — A new 6,000 seat amphitheater, hosted the livestock show.

The Denver Union Stockyard Company provided the facility, which still stands today. Admission was 25 cents. Cattle breeds included Aberdeen Angus, Hereford and Shorthorn. 1911 — Two and three story barns and a club building were constructed. The first poultry show was introduced. 1912 to 1914 — Extreme weather in Colorado and surrounding states, resulted in low attendance. 1915 — The entire week long event was canceled, the only time in its’ history, due to a hoof and mouth disease epidemic, which prohibited livestock from crossing state lines. 1916 — The Livestock Exchange Building opened as the main building for the Denver Union Stockyard Company. 1919 — The Brown Palace Hotel paid a record 50 cents a pound for the Grand Champion steer. 1922 — Children’s programs were added for public benefit. 1926 — What would become known as the Great Depression began to effect Colorado’s economy, and the Western Stock Show began years of struggle as well. 1932 — The 25th National Western presented the first rodeo, which became a highlighted tradition. 1941 — The Grand Champion Steer was exhibited by 12 year old Kenny Monfort of Greeley. 1942 — The WPA, a World War II work program, constructed a new barn on the facility, marking the first major capital improvement on the grounds in 10 years. 1943 — The show was confined to “local” participation due to travel and fuel limitations caused by World War II. The Executive Committee invests all profits in War Bonds. 1944 — The Quarter Horse Show made its debut at the show. 1945 — Two Hereford bulls owned by Dan Thornton, later Governor of Colorado, were sold for $50,000 each, a new record for breeding cattle at the time. 1947 — Denver taxpayers passed a $1.5 million bond issue for the building of the Denver Coliseum. 1953 — The Denver Coliseum opens for the 46th National Western Stock Show. 1956 — The Golden Anniversary of the National Western Stock Show, with entries second only to the record 1948 turnout.

1959 — Appaloosa horse classes were added to the Quarter Horses, Palominos and Arabian classes. 1966 — Livestock entries topped the 4,000 mark for the first time. Charolais cattle were added to the Livestock Show. 1972 — Controversy abounded as “Big Mac,” the Grand Champion Steer was ruled ineligible. Previously entered at the American Royal Show in Kansas City as a white steer, Big Mac, had been dyed black for the National Western Stock Show. 1973 — The Hall of Education was opened to the public. 1975 — The National Sheep Shearing Contest became a part of the event. 1976 — A new attendance record of 240,000 and entries reached an all time high of 5,320. 1980 — A record 22 cattle breeds and bison were showcased. This was the first year of the bison show and sale. 1981 — Attendance soared to more than 360,000 when the show dates were increased to 12 days and included 21 Rodeo performances. 1985 — A downtown parade in advance of the show is revived. 1988 — The Stock Show was expanded to 14 days and attendance topped the half million mark for the first time. 1995 — The Events Center, a state-of-the-art equestrian arena with a 150 x 300 foot floor, was dedicated at the show. The Grand Champion steer and Reserve Champion were ruled ineligible due to the illegal use of the drug Clenbuterol. 1996 — The 90th National Western Stock Show was expanded to 16 days, with 23 Rodeo performances, 11 Horse Shows performances and two Mexican Rodeo Extravaganzas. 1997 — The National Western was selected as the world’s #1 Indoor Rodeo at the Pro Rodeo Cowboys’ Association convention.

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 25 Years

1998 — The Wild West Show, patterned after the great Buffalo Bill shows of yesteryear, made its debut, and two Professional Bull Riders (PBR) performances were added. 1999 — Olympic qualifying competition for the United States Equestrian Reining Horse Team makes its debut. 2000 — Miniature Hereford cattle were judged for the first time at the 2000 show. 2003 — A new record for breeding cattle entries was set at 4,491. 2004 — National Western became the first national stock show to host a bucking bull sale. 2005 — The National Western Stock Show added two Pro Rodeos to the slate of events for the first time in history. The National Western Stock Show is indeed a history to be proud of in Denver and the American West. Happy 101 anniversary Western Stock Show! Buffalo Bill would be proud.



The tragic tale of Flat Stanley The following is airline tickets. a true story. Only Maybe you’ve the facts have been hosted Stanley yourchanged to protect self. Classrooms evthe guilty. erywhere use Flat His name was Stanley paper cutStanley…Flat Stanouts in educational ley. He came to us projects. Students in the mail, which is send him to friends an unusual way for a or relatives and after visitor to arrive. He his visit, hosts return By Dorothy Rosby was around eight him with a journal inches tall and paand photographs of per thin. He was quiet, but he his adventures. At least, that’s smiled a lot. In fact, he smiled how it’s supposed to work. no matter how tough his life My niece the kindergargot. And it did get tough. ten teacher sent Stanley to us Flat Stanley is a paper doll shortly before Christmas. He based on a children’s book by came without a stitch of clothJeff Brown. In the story, Stan- ing so our first job was to dress ley Lambchop is flattened by a him. My husband colored him bulletin board, but he makes with magic markers and we set the most of his new physique. off to show him our life. When he and his brother fly We photographed Stanley kites, he’s the kite. He slips un- at every stop we made along der doors into locked rooms, our eight-hour drive to visit and he travels by mail to visit relatives. We got some curious friends. And he travels a lot be- looks from other tourists when cause stamps are cheaper than Stanley and I posed next to an

interstate rest stop, but Stanly wasn’t embarrassed. Once we arrived at my inlaws’, we showed him the sites in their town. He had the time of his life, though he never actually said so. The first clue that we weren’t cut out to be host parents might have been when I dropped Stanley face down in the snow during a photoshoot. He wasn’t hurt, but the ink on his shirt smeared. I felt horrible, but he didn’t seem to mind. Then we forgot him in the car on Christmas Day. He sat alone, cold and hungry while we were inside eating traditional Scandinavian fare. But he never complained. Maybe he doesn’t like lefse and lutefisk any more than I do. Over New Year’s weekend we traveled to visit my family. Again, we photographed Stanley at every stop along the way. He’s very photogenic, except on windy days.

The museum we visited was filled with great photo ops. Stanley posed by statues, animals, and various modes of transportation. And that’s when tragedy struck. Stanley had posed debonairly against the window of an antique car, but just before we could snap photos, he lost his balance and fell into the crack between the door and the window. Someone screamed, but I don’t think it was Stanley. Just like that, he became part of the museum’s permanent collection, but a part that will never be seen again, unless there’s another sequel to Night at the Museum. I was devastated. But my relatives, clearly better hosts than we are, came to the rescue. They enlarged one of the photos we’d taken and printed a new Stanley. And it’s actually better, though I’d never say that to the old one. He’s on card stock so he’s sturdier. And they

used a photo taken before the snow mishap, so his shirt isn’t smeared. Plus, they made us a couple of spares, just in case. When we write up the notes about Flat Stanley’s visit we’ll leave out the parts where he suffered, and the new Stanley probably won’t mention them either. Among his many fine qualities is that he’s very discreet. When he arrives at his kindergarten later this month, the students may not even realize he’s a clone. He looks a little taller than he was when he left and he’s definitely stronger. Hard times will do that to you. So will card stock. (Dorothy Rosby is the author of the humor book, I Didn’t Know You Could Make Birthday Cake from Scratch: Parenting Blunders from Cradle to Empty Nest. Contact drosby@

Horoscopes ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Wishful thinking won’t get you ahead, Aries. But hard work will. Don’t shy away from an opportunity that comes your way, even if it seems less promising at first glance.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Someone close to you puts their faith in your ability to get a job done, Leo. This week devote all of your effort to completing this work, and it will only enhance your résumé.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, assess a situation before sharing your opinions with others. The surface details don’t tell the whole story, so wait until you can get a full handle on things.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you find yourself in a leadership role this week and are asked to make a lot of decisions. Wield your power carefully as others are watching you intently.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, it may be in your best interest to remain out of the spotlight at the next social gathering. Afford others the chance to be the center of attention.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, a few variables are thrown into the mix once you think you have everything figured out. You will show your ability to problem-solve if you can handle the task.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 It is easy to make promises and then not follow through with your intentions, Libra. But that is not the way you operate. If you say you will do something, you will.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Many positive things are on the horizon, Capricorn. You just have to get through a few rough patches before it is smooth sailing. Pisces is a pivotal player.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, patience is required when a difficult situation presents itself. Resist the temptation to act before you get a full grasp of the situation and what you should do.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Opportunities to travel present themselves in the near future, Scorpio. Pack your bags and be ready to depart at a moment’s notice. You can certainly use some time away.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, resist the temptation to take the easy way out and challenge yourself this week. Who knows what strength you can find within yourself if you try new things? PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, put your suspicions to rest as no one is trying to hide anything. This person has shown all of his or her cards. Offer help if they need it. 1. Subaru Outback 9. Coe 10. Ellie Caulkins


12. LED 13. Ether 14. UAE 15. Air 16. Eme

8. Shinar 19. Shekel 22. Skodas 23 Alan 26. NA

27. Lab 29. Galapagos 30. Axle 31. Ernie 34. Oaks

37. UEFA 38. Stoplight 39. SM

1. Steven Seagal 2. Bolshoi Ballet 3. Rye bread


4. Opaque 5. Teller House 6. Acid alkaline 7. Con 8. Kestrel

11. KE 17. Mr 19. SK 20. Ed 21. ESA

22. Sag 24. LAX 25. Nae 26. Naval 28. Bream

32. Rut 33. Ifs 34. Op 35. Ki 36. SG

Crossword puzzle answers from page 4 PAGE 18

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