Colorado Gambler 11-17-15

Page 1

Gambler Celebrating 23 Years Serving Colorado’s Gaming Community y coloradogambler cogamblerr

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Check out valuable coupons on page 4

Black Hawk, Central City promos and giveaways Pages 6-9


Thinking About Poker: Getting Back to Basics Page 11

COLORADO HISTORY In Honor of Native American History Month Page 16

r 45

November 17 - 30 , 2015

See Thanksgiving Promos on pages 6-7




Thanksgiving stories you probably never heard Page 17


The Last Hand

Espress Yourself GIVEAWAY

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 • 6PM – 8PM Take home one of three premium ESPRESSO BREWING MACHINES. Earn entries with every 50 BASE POINTS or every 15 minutes of rated play on table games, starting at 9AM.


Be one of ten lucky guests to choose a designer purse filled with up to $500 PROMO PLAY! Earn entries with EVERY 50 BASE POINTS or for every 15 minutes of rated play on table games, starting at 9AM.

Visit Guest Services for details. Must be 21 and a Player Extras Club member. Saratoga Casino reserves all rights. Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-522-4700.


Gobblers and Gamblers Visions of turkeys in my head

but if Nevada figured out how to make it legal, so can Colorado. The state is always looking I have visions of someone for sources of new revenue, inventing a turkey slot maand millions of dollars are chine that has a player pullbeing lost by not having legal ing a turkey leg to match the sports betting here in Coloimages and win. The turkey head could be where the num- By Bob Sweeney rado. We’re one of the leading states in all major sports and bers appear with pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and yet no way to wager on a football, basegravy spinning around that would be ball or basketball game. like the cherries we all like to see on the Another growing gaming activity is “normal” slot machines. Fantasy Football and related sports that The chefs and culinary staffs will be will add more intrigue to the wagering preparing some great meals on Thanks- world. giving Day and will be enjoyed by many. The year ahead looks good for ColoIf you’ve ever prepared a Thanksgiving rado, and we hope you enjoy a pleasant, dinner, you know that every dish from the kitchen gets dirty. It can be labor in- family-filled Thanksgiving. tensive, but everyone enjoys the meal. Here’s a salute to the cooks and staffs, mothers and wives. The food and beverage service in our mountain casinos is just outstanding. Visitors can find wonderful buffet lunches and dinners at almost every venue. Certain casinos specialize in chef creations from deli hotdogs, homemade soups, prime rib, burgers, porterhouse steaks to all you can eat crab legs at some of the larger buffet tables. New visitors should register for a player’s card that entitles the new guests to some free meals with some limited play. Of course the wonderful food is to attract players, but for many folks, the wife would rather dine than gamble or vice-versa. There is something in our mountain towns for everyone, and these attractions will continue to grow and expand as we march forward in the gaming industry. Something we’re starting in the New Year will be a “Giving Back” feature where we report on the many philanthropy activities of the gaming community both in Gilpin County and the metro Denver area. A lot of good deeds go unnoticed, which is wonderful that folks do great things for others without looking for credit or special thanks. That’s how the Elks and Lions Clubs work, they don’t look for a thank you, but just serve the hungry, homeless, children and blind. We have an estimated 10,000 people working and connected to the gaming industry, and that is a huge number of folks who have good jobs and are thankful this Thanksgiving for great employers and a dynamic, exciting business. Looking forward, we would urge our leaders to seek sports betting for licensed casinos in the state. There are federal laws surrounding sports betting,

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years

November 17 - 30, 2015



1,500 CASH FRIDAYS, NOVEMBER 6, 13 & 20 6:00PM – 10:00PM

Pick out turkeys for CASH. The higher your tier level, the more turkeys you pick. Receive one free entry each Friday and earn additional entries for every 100 unadjusted points earned.


FIND 500 $

TUESDAYS, NOVEMBER 10 & 17 11:00AM – 7:00PM

NOVEMBER 10 PIE: APPLE NOVEMBER 17 PIE: PUMPKIN You get a freshly baked personal pie from Bread Works Bakery and Café of Boulder when you earn 15 points. Your pie could be hiding a surprise CASH prize. Redeem your pie at the players club. Valid while supplies last.



Finish off your Black Friday with a chance to win a share of $15,000 in CASH and prizes. We’re giving out 55" Samsung® televisions and loads of loot every hour. Receive one free entry on November 27 and earn additional entries for every 100 unadjusted points earned. 1-800-THE-ISLE (843-4753) • WWW.THEISLEBLACKHAWK.COM


© 2015 Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Isle is a registered trademark of Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Must be 21 or older. Management reserves all rights. Promotions subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please visit the players club or cashier services for details. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-522-4700.

RealDEALS Here are 刀䔀䐀䔀䔀䴀 夀伀唀刀 䈀唀匀 吀䤀䌀䬀䔀吀 䄀吀 䜀䔀吀 ␀㈀㔀 䤀一 娀ⴀ倀䰀䄀夀℀

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Present this offer to Guest Services after 5PM to receive 50 BONUS ENTRIES into our Passion for Fashion Giveaway! Offer valid only on date indicated. Limit one per person. Visit Guest Services for details. Must be 21 and a Player Extras Club member. Saratoga Reserves all rights. Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-522-4700.

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Any Breakfast Entree at the Mid City Grill 8 am to 11 am only

for readers of “The Gambler” Expires 11/30/2015


THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years

November 17 - 30, 2015

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword puzzle by Tony Thorpe. Answers on page 18

November 17 - 30, 2015

ACROSS: 1. November holiday in the USA and Canada (12) 8. President Lincoln (3) 10. Colors on roulette (3, 3, 5) 12. Goal in Mexico (3) 13. Former music giant (3) 15. Passes through without difficulty (5) 16. Norse god (4) 17. Very funny TV channel (3) 20. City of Angels (2)

21. Put to an end (9) 25. Natural logarithm (2) 26. Loud uproar from a crowd (6) 27. Adirondack Olympic Lake village (6) 29. The most common protein found in the blood (7) 31. Outbreak of anger or excitement (5) 32. Coin toss activity for deciding things (4)

DOWN: 1. Popular bird in November (6) 2. Capital of Ethiopia (6, 5) 3. Leader from 970 to 931 BC would have loved Central City (4, 7) 4. Turkey parts (7) 5. Meat from a calf (4) 6. Without clothes (5) 7. The UK plus Ireland (2) 9. Dancing With The Stars and Fox host (4, 7) 11. Common Vietnamese surname (2)

14. If I had this many dollars I’d buy you a house (7) 18. Brake horsepower (3) 19. Russia banned deadly ones (7) 21. Everything (3) 22. Optical measuring unit (3) 23. International Republican Institute (3) 24. Heir to the French throne and Alabama Island (7) 26. Felines love this member of the mint family (6)

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years

33. Football’s Patriots (2) 34. Between East and North (2) 36. Neurotically detail oriented (4) 38. Excuse me? (2) 39. Islamic leadership position (4) 41. Cavity in the skull (5) 44. Seasonal pies are made from these (8) 45. Swish, nothing but (3)

28. 7 plays for Real Madrid (2) 30. Popular league on Sundays (3) 35. Flightless bird (3) 36. Makes a guitar sound loud (3) 37. Cassius Clay (3) 40. Pontiac Trans (2) 42. Cornhusker State (2) 43. Longhorns College (2)


Indicates a Thanksgiving Promo

New Member

Monte Carlo

There has never been a better time to sign up for the Fan Club at Lady Luck. Join the club today. When you’re a fan, you get better rewards faster than ever. For all new members, just play $10 and receive $20 in Otis & Henry’s Bar & Grill. Sign up your email address, receive $5 and start raking in those rewards.

There are now even more chances to win in the Lady Luck Poker Room. The new Monte Carlo Jackpots are up and running with 12 individual progressive prizes! There are jackpots for Royal Flushes, Straight Flushes and any 4 of a kind. Visit the Lady Luck Poker Room, located on the 2nd floor, for details and updated jackpot amounts.

Win Win Mystery Point Multiplier

Lady Luck Poker

Earn yourself a Holiday Helper on Tuesday, Nov. 17. You get a free Holiday Helper Cookware set when you earn 300 unadjusted points on your Fan Club card. Receive one per day, while supplies last. See guest services for rules and additional details on all promos and giveaways.

Earn up to 20X Points Thursdays in November. Drop the puck from noon until 8 p.m. in the promotions area and try to score up to 20 times points on slots. Plus you get 5 times points on video poker. Excludes Thursday, Nov. 26. See guest services for rules and additional details.

Tic Tac Oh What Fun

Social Media

Holiday Helpers

You could win $500 CASH during the Tic Tac Oh What Fun giveaway, Fridays and Saturdays, Nov. 6 – 28. We’re picking three lucky winners every hour from 2 – 8 p.m. to select pieces on our game board for fantastic prizes. Get one FREE entry and earn more with play.

Make sure to ‘like’ Lady Luck Black Hawk on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and Twitter. Stay up to date with all promotions, events and special contests. Also, make sure to register your email with Guest Services to receive special promotion emails.

Platinum and Millionaire Bonus Points

Play and Stay

The tier rewards are racking up in November with FOUR point multiplier days for Platinum and Millionaire players. Nov. 6, 13, 20 and 24 Platinum players will receive 8X points and Millionaire players will receive 10X points. You don’t need to register, come on in and enjoy your favorite slot machine and receive bonus points all day.

Select and Gold Bonus Points The tier rewards are racking up in November with FOUR point multiplier days for Select and Gold players. Nov. 6, 13, 20 and 24 Select players will receive 3X points and Gold players will receive 5X points. You don’t need to register, come on in and enjoy your favorite slot machine and receive bonus points all day

15X Turkey Points Gobble up the points, Thursday, Nov. 26. Register at guest services for 15X points on your favorite penny slots from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Black Friday 25X Pennies

Join in on the Black Friday fun—and extend it into Saturday! Friday and Saturday, Nov. 27 and 28 receive 25X points on all your favorite penny slots from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Simply register at guest services before playing.


Play More, Be Happy and stay for free with your friends at Lady Luck. Earn 500 Tier Score points Sunday through Thursday between 8 a.m. and midnight for a free room in the Lady Luck hotel tower. On Fridays play 800 Tier Score Points between 8 a.m. and midnight for a free room. Make sure to register at guest services prior to play. Offer subject to availability. Excludes holidays and blackout dates.

Club 40 We’re multiplying the fun Mondays and Wednesdays. Join us twice a week for Club 40. All guests age 40 or better will receive 6x points on slots and 2x points on video poker. Guests will also receive a free entrée at Otis & Henry’s once they earn 25 Tier Score points on their Lady Luck Player’s Card.

Bus Fare Redemption Guests who play with a Fan Club Card can receive up to $22 cash back on bus fare every day. Earn 350 unadjusted points on Lady Luck Player’s Card to receive cash back. Poker and table games guests can earn too! Ask Supervisor for details. Guests must redeem bus ticket at Guest Services. Limit one bus redemption per person per day.

It’s easier than ever to win BIG in the Lady Luck Poker Room! The Bad Beat Jackpot now includes a decreasing qualifier element starting at Aces full of Kings. And make sure to check out the new Bounce Back Bonus offers—now every day of the week! • Be in a game by 10 a.m. and receive $10 in Bounce Back Coupons after four hours of play. • Be in a game by 10 a.m. and receive $20 in Bounce Back Coupons after five hours of play. Visit the Lady Luck Poker Room, located on the 2nd floor, for additional details.

Table Games

Up your odds with the best table games crew in Black Hawk! Play Craps, Roulette, Bonus 6, Buffalo Black Jack Bonus and Double Deck Blackjack every day of the week! There are 20X odds on Craps EVERYDAY! $5 games open every day and $2 craps Monday through Thursday. See Table games, located on the second floor of Lady Luck, for additional promotions and details.

www.goldenmardi $50K Cornucopia of Cash

The Cornucopia of Cash is overflowing with $50K. Get your share of the bounty by joining us every Friday and Saturday in November with bonus drawings on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 26. Earn one entry for every 10 base points or every half hour of tracked table games play. Drawings are 3 – 11 p.m. Fridays, 1 – 11 p.m. Saturdays and 4 – 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving. Don’t miss your chance to select from our cash loaded cornucopia, here at Mardi Gras Casino.

Pepper Shakers, a beautiful ceramic Gravy Boat or a matching, large, ceramic Serving Platter just for playing slots or table games. You have four days each week to earn these must-have gifts and if you miss any, make sure you come in Nov. 23 – 26 and earn whatever you missed. Stop by any Guest Service center for full details and find out how to get yours.

Turkey Spin Kiosk Game

Come in every Monday to win cash, FreePlay and other great prizes in our Turkey Spin Kiosk Game. Swipe your A-Play Club Card at any promotional kiosk with no point requirement for the first swipe and get an additional swipe after earning 200 base points on the day of the promotion. Enjoy Thanksgiving kiosk fun with us, here at the Mardi Gras, Gates and Gulch casinos.

Turkey Pluck Sundays

Join us every Sunday for our Turkey Pluck Drawings. Pluck a feather to reveal big prizes, up to $500. For any week that the $500 top prize is not selected, we will add $1,000 to our Turkey Pluck Finale Drawing. The finale will be following the regular drawings on Sunday, Nov. 29, at 7 p.m. and up to $5,000 will be awarded.

Thanksgiving Buffet

Spend Thanksgiving with us and enjoy a delicious buffet feast with all the fixins,’ better than home cooked! Enjoy turkey, prime rib, ham, corn bread, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, snow crab legs and much more! If you love a delicious buffet, we have everything you are looking for, just $19.99, 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day!

Tuesday/Wednesday Tournaments

Win BIG Tuesdays and Wednesdays with our Slot and Video Poker Tournaments, open to everyone. Each Tuesday, play our $1,000 Slot Tournament and on Wednesdays, try our $1,000 Video Poker Tournament. Play 50 points for your first round and 100 points for each additional round, both days 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Don’t miss your share of $1,000, at the Golden Mardi Gras casino, where Denver plays.

Kitchen Storage Container Giveaway Join us Monday, Nov. 23, for our kitchen storage container giveaway! The giveaway will start at 11 a.m. at the first floor Host station! Just earn 100 same day base points to get yours FREE! Receive your voucher from the promotional kiosk.

Pig Skin Tailgate Party Food Bar Every Sunday this month, join us for our pig skin tailgate party food bar. The food bar will start one hour before the game starts, just earn 10 base points to participate.

$100 in Z-Play Every Sunday this month join us for our pig skin tailgate party and win up to $100 in Z-Play. Just earn 10 base points then swipe your Clue Z card at the kiosk to win free Z-Play.

Who wants a discount on gas? Earn your base points Monday through Sunday and receive up to $1.50 off the following Tuesday at our Z Stop Gas Station. See Club Z for complete details.

Don’t want to pay for Breakfast? Just earn 10 same day base points before 11 a.m. and receive a voucher for a free Double Down Breakfast at Club Z! Receive your voucher from the promotional kiosk.

$3.99 Prime Rib Dinner Join us every Friday this month for our $3.99 Prime Rib Dinner special. Receive your voucher from the promotional kiosk.

Want to convert your comps to FREE gas? Earn Turbo, Nitro or Flame status and redeem your comps for up to $20 in gas each day!

Play and Ride

Give Thanks Play & Earn

Turn your play into great gifts this November during our Give Thanks gift giveaway. Each Monday through Thursday in November, you can take home Turkey Salt &

and receive up to $100 in Z-Play the same day! See Club Z for complete details. Club Z

Sign up for a new Club Z card at Z Casino

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years

Earn 75 same day base points, redeem your bus ticket at Club Z and receive $25 in Z-Play. Earn 500 same day base points and get an additional $5 in Z-Play. Continued on page 7

November 17 - 30, 2015

BronGo Play Giveaway

Continued from Page 6

Join us for the Big Game and score $5 Promo Play or a $5 Promo Chip for every Denver team touchdown. Simply play with your Player Extras Club card to win. Some restrictions apply. Visit Guest Services for details.

$70,000 sNOw Problem Drawing & Giveaway Every Wednesday through Saturday this month from 1 – 11 p.m. every other hour, win up to $250 in Z-Play at each drawing. We will have two winners per drawing hour. Earn entries with every 100 points for that day of play. Earn finalist entries with every 250 points earned from Nov. 4 – Dec. 5. On Nov. 21 and 28 and Dec. 5, we will have one snow blower winner and four $250 in Z-Play winners at 9:30 p.m. The fun doesn’t stop there we will have additional drawings at 10 p.m., 11 p.m. and midnight for $100 in Z-Play.

Get Reimbursed for Your ATM Fees Stop by the Z Stop Gas Station to use our ATM, bring your receipt to Z Casino within 2 hours from the time on your receipt. You will receive $5 in Z-Play or $3 Cash back.

Most Points Z Casino is the place for the most points. Every day this month win up to 10X Points every day, just play our kiosk game.

www.SaratogaCasino Fall Into Winnings

Every Saturday in November, from 6 – 11 p.m., be one of six winners to play the old favorite Plinko for a chance to win up to $600 cash. Earn entries for every 100 base points or every 30 minutes of rated play on table games. Accumulate entries from Sunday through Saturday each drawing week. Plus, earn 10X entries every Wednesday. Visit Guest Services for details.

What’s Crackin’ Giveaway Every Friday in November, from 6 – 10 p.m., be one of five winners to pick a walnut and crack open a prize of up to $500 Promo Play. Earn entries with every 100 base points or every 30 minutes of rated play on table games, starting at 9 a.m. each Friday. Visit Guest Services for details.

Both the Black Hawk and Central City shuttle stops at Z Casino (on Selak Street adjacent to our free parking lot).

Z Cafe

Passion for Fashion Giveaway

Stop by Z Cafe located on the 2 floor of Z Casino to get your favorite Cappuccino, Latte, Mocha and much more. nd

Mustang Grill

On Sunday, Nov. 29, from 6 – 8 p.m., be one of 10 lucky guests to choose a designer purse filled with up to $500 Promo Play. Earn entries with every 50 base points or for every 15 minutes of rated play on table games, starting at 9 a.m.

Stop by Z Casino’s Mustang Grill and try our specialties which include the amazing Prime Rib dinner or Famous Z Ribs now only $7.77 with your Club Z Card. Located on the 3rd floor of Z Casino.

This Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov. 26, enjoy heaping helpings of all your Thanksgiving favorites in the Main Street Café and Mill City Chophouse.

Table Games

Blood, Sweat & Cheers Plinko

Play the Hottest Table Games in Black Hawk at Z Casino! We have all your favorites including Craps with Sharp Shooter, and blackjack. Our table games are open Thursday through Saturday 2 p.m. to close and Sunday, noon – close. November 17 - 30, 2015

All day, Monday – Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, get a $5 Promo Play Bonus when you earn 50 same day base points. Earn 4X Points on all slots and 2X points on video poker. Take advantage of the $2 breakfast, $4 lunch and $6 dinner menu in the Main Street Café. Some restrictions apply. Visit Guest Services for details.

Weekday Warriors $20 Bus Fare Redemption

Get $20 cash back on bus fare. Gold members – only 150 same day base points. Platinum members – only 100 same day base points. Diamond members – FREE. Some restrictions apply. Visit Guest Services for details.

Join Now, Win Now

New Player Extras Club members get up to $210. Visit Guest Services for details.

Espress Yourself Giveaway On Monday, Nov. 23, from 6 – 8 p.m., take home one of three premium espresso brewing machines. Earn entries with every 50 base points or every 15 minutes of rated play on table games, starting at 9 a.m.

Catch the Free Shuttle

Weekday Warriors Black Hawk’s Best Rewards Programs


After every Denver team touchdown, three lucky guests will play Football Plinko for a chance to intercept up to $1,000 Promo Play. Simply play with your Player Extras Club card in your favorite slot machine to win. Some restrictions apply. Visit Guest Services for details. New Year’s Eve Fun at Full Throttle Giveaway Start earning your entries on Nov. 23 through New Year’s Day to win a brand spanking’ new 2016 Ford Mustang. Receive one free entry every day and additional entries with every 100-tier points earned. Every Tuesday starting Nov. 24, you can earn 25X entries and better your chances to win our hot sports car. On Dec. 31, random cash drawings will be held from 8:30 – 11:30 p.m., and at 12:30 a.m. on New Year’s Day one lucky winner will be driving off in a 2016 Ford Mustang.

Gobblers for Greenbacks Giveaway You could win up to $1,500 during the Gobblers for Greenbacks Giveaway. Random drawings will be held from 6 – 10 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 20. Winners will get to pick turkeys and find

out what cash prize they will be taking home. Get one FREE entry and earn more with play.

$15,000 Black Friday Cash & TV Giveaway

Also, make sure to register your email with the Players Club or Cashier Services to receive special promotion emails.

Table Games

On Friday, Nov. 27, just sit back, relax and play your favorite slot machine for your chance to walk away a huge winner. Drawings will take place from 3 – 10 p.m. Winners will take home a share of cash or win a 55” Curved Samsung LED TV. Guests will receive one free entry and additional entries with every 100 unadjusted points!

The Isle has all your favorite table games including Black Jack, Craps with 10 times odds and Roulette! Also available at the Isle, Three Card Poker, Bonus 6, Buffalo Black Jack, Double Deck Black Jack, 21+3, Mississippi Stud, Ultimate Texas Hold’Em and Let-It-Ride. Play “Craps-Free Craps” with 10 times odds.

Easy As Pie Giveaway

Earn 500 unadjusted points on your IsleOne club card Sunday’s through Thursday’s between 8 a.m. and midnight and stay the night on us! Or on Friday earn 800 unadjusted points and your hotel stay is FREE. This offer is valid only on the day the points are earned and is based on availability, blackout days in November apply. You must register prior to playing. Not Valid on Nov. 25, 26 or 27.

Have you been craving Grandma’s home baked pies? If so, on Tuesday, Nov. 17, you can take home a delicious, freshly baked pie from Bread Works Bakery and Café of Boulder. All you have to do is earn 15 tier points from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. and pick up your pie at the Player’s Club.

20X Pilgrim Point Multiplier Gobble up 20X points on penny slots each Thursday in November from 8 a.m. - midnight. Register at the Player’s Club or Cashier Services prior to playing.

Make You Happy Mystery Multiplier Every Monday in November from 8 a.m. – midnight, you will receive a lucky mystery multiplier when you visit the Players Club or Cashier Services upon registration. Multipliers range from 5X to 20X pints. You will receive a free buffet after earning 100 tier points. Not valid on video poker. Multiplier cannot be combined with any other offer. Must register prior to playing.

50+ Perks With age comes big bonuses! Every Sunday in November from 8 a.m. – midnight everyone age 50 or better is invited to stop by for 5X points on slots and 2X points on video poker. Receive one free buffet after earning 100 unadjusted points from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Cannot be combined with any other point multiplier.

New Member In November, all new members of the Fan Club will receive a free buffet after playing 30 minutes on their new Players card. Guests who provide an email address at the time of enrollment will receive 5,000 Fan Club points.

Social Media Make sure to “like” Isle Black Hawk on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Stay up to date with all promotions, events and special contests!

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years

Play And Stay

Bus Fare Refund

Do you ride the bus to Black Hawk? The Isle will refund your bus fare up to $22. Simply earn 450 unadjusted points on your player’s card and present your return bus ticket to the player’s club or cashier services. Table Games and Poker players will receive their bus fare back with four hours of consecutive play. Guests must redeem bus ticket at the Players Club or Cashier Services. Limit one bus redemption per person per day.

Calypso’s Buffet

Whatever your taste, Calypso’s Buffet is sure to satisfy your appetite any day of the week! Enjoy all-you-can-eat breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner buffets. Featuring delicious breakfast spreads, crisp salads, freshly baked breads, tender chicken and beef entrées, wood stone-baked pizzas and savory side dishes.

Thanksgiving Day Buffet

Join us for a special Thanksgiving Day buffet and enjoy all of your favorite holiday dishes as well as, All-You-Can-Eat Crab Legs for $29.99.


Tradewinds at the Isle has a new menu that features what we believe to be the best hamburgers in Black Hawk. Whether you try the classics, a green chili and chipotle, the black & blue or mushroom and Swiss burger you will not be disappointed. Tradewinds now offers the best desserts in town; visit Tradewinds at the Isle Casino Hotel Black Hawk. PAGE 7

Central City Nuggets $100 in Z-Play

Every Sunday this month join us for our pig skin tailgate party and win up to $100 in Z-Play. Just earn 10 base points then swipe your Clue Z card at the kiosk to win free Z-Play. Club Z Card Sign up for a new Club Z card at Johnny Z’s and receive up to $100 in Z-Play the same day. See Club Z for complete details.

Kitchen Storage Container Giveaway Join us Tuesday, Nov. 24, for our kitchen storage container giveaway. The giveaway will start at 11 a.m. at the first floor Host station. Just earn 100 same day base points to get yours FREE. Receive your voucher from the promotional kiosk.

Pig Skin Tailgate Party Every Sunday this month, join us for our pig skin tailgate party food bar. The food bar will start one hour before the game starts, just earn 10 base points to participate.

Who wants a discount on gas?

Earn your base points Monday through Sunday and receive up to $1.50 off per gallon the following Tuesday at our Z Stop Gas Station. See Club Z for complete details.

Don’t want to pay for Breakfast?

Just earn 10 same day base points before 11 a.m. and receive a voucher for a free Double Down Breakfast. Receive your voucher from the promotional kiosk.

Prime Rib Dinner special

Join us every Friday this month for our $3.99 Prime Rib Dinner special. Receive your voucher from the promotional kiosk.

Want to convert your comps to FREE gas?

Earn Turbo, Nitro or Flame status and redeem your comps for up to $20 in gas each day.

Play and Ride Earn 75 same day base points, redeem your bus ticket at Club Z and receive $25 in Z-Play. Earn 500 same day base points and get an additional $5 in Z-Play.

$70,000 sNOw Problem Drawing & Giveaway Every Wednesday through Saturday this month from noon – 10 p.m. every other hour with an additional drawing at 11 p.m., win up to $250 in ZPlay at each drawing. We will have two winners per drawing hour. Earn entries with every 100 points for that day of play. Earn finalist entries with every 250 points earned from Nov. 4 through Dec. 5. On Nov. 21 and 28 and Dec. 5, we will have one snow blower winner and four $250 in Z-Play winners. The fun doesn’t stop there we will have additional drawings at 10 p.m., 11 p.m. and midnight for $100 in Z-Play.

Get reimbursed for your ATM fees Stop by the Z Stop Gas Station to use our ATM and bring your receipt to Johnny Z’s within 2 hours from the time on your receipt. You will receive $5 in Z-Play or $3 Cash back.

Most Points Johnny Z’s Casino is the place for the most points. Every day this month win up to 10X Points every day, just play our kiosk game.

Prime Rib or Z Ribs Try our amazing Prime Rib dinner or Famous Z Ribs now only $7.77 with your Club Z Card, located on the 2nd floor of Johnny Z’s Casino.

Z Cafe Stop by Z Cafe located on the 2nd floor of Johnny Z’s to get your favorite Cappuccino, Latte, Mocha and much more.

Table Games Play the Hottest Table Games in Central City at Johnny Z’s Casino every day from 10 a.m. to close. We have all your favorites from Craps with Fire Bet, Three Card poker, Double Deck Blackjack, and Buffalo Blackjack. Whether you’re in Central City or Black Hawk win at the Z.

Catch the Free Shuttle The Central City shuttle stops right in front of Johnny Z’s in Central City. With quick, easy access to Z Casino in Black Hawk, ride the Central City Free Ride.




Stop by the Reward Center Kiosk at Johnny Z’s or Z Casino any Friday this month to get your voucher for a $ 3.99 Prime Rib Dinner. Served daily starting at 11am $ 7.77 Prime Rib Dinner Served all other days

Johnny Z’s Casino | 132 Lawrence St Z Casino | 101 Gregory St Central City, CO Black Hawk, CO 303-582-5623 303-271-2500 One voucher per Friday per guest. See Club Z for complete details on all promotions and offers. Management reserves all rights. PAGE 8

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years

November 17 - 30, 2015 Win Your Slice of the Pie

Huge New Year’s Eve Grand Prize CASH Drawings. Fridays and Saturdays, 4 – 11 p.m., in November and December. Winner drawn every half hour gets a pie. Pick a Slice of Money Pie to win $50-$250, plus bonus entries, and a $500 winner at 11 p.m. Earn entries with every 150 base points played on your Player’s Club card from Nov. 1 – Dec. 27. Earn 2X entries on slots with all your play on Tuesdays. Fridays and Saturdays every half hour we draw a guaranteed winner. The winner wins a whole pie, plus picks a slice of the Money Pie, revealing either a cash prize or an Insta-Play prize with bonus entries. Stay for a guaranteed $500 cash prize at 11 p.m. Entries will be emptied from the weekly barrel after each Sunday drawing but kept and entered into the Big Barrel for our New Year’s Eve GRAND PRIZE Cash Drawings. After every drawing there will be a Hot Seat drawing for table games players who will choose a slice from their own pie packed

with bonus entries. Thursday, Dec. 31, our drawings will proceed from 7:16 p.m. – 12:46 a.m., drawing from our BIG BARREL for $1,000 CASH Prizes every half hour. At 12:16 a.m., we draw for our $5,000 GRAND PRIZE WINNER. We’ll award $16,000 in Cash across 12 lucky players on New Year’s Eve. Don’t miss our celebration and Win Your Slice of the Pie.

Free Prime Rib Tuesdays Every Tuesday you can enjoy the our Prime Rib Special at the Mid City Grill for FREE from 11 a.m. with just 150 base points earned on your Player’s Club card that day. Must redeem for certificate at the Player’s Club prior to being seated for your meal, and must redeem certificate on the same day it is issued. Just play on Tuesdays and eat our most popular meal for FREE.

Sunday Football Score Board Score a touchdown and $700. Score with drawings every half hour from 2 – 8 p.m. every Sunday starting Sept. 13. Every player with a Century Casino Player’s Card can get one entry to the drawing per drawing day, additional entries are available to players who receive our mail. Winners punch out spots on our game board to find out how many “yards” they earned on that “down.” Gain a total of ten

Central City Nuggets yards or more for a First Down to win $100 Insta-Play instantly. Score a Field Goal to win a total of $300 cash. And score a Touchdown to win $700 cash. Everyone playing the board wins at least a $50 Insta-Play prize.

11 a.m., 8 p.m., and one random hourly game. Players with a Player’s Card can pick up their Bingo card at the Player’s Club one hour before each game.

New Members get up to $20 in Day One Insta-Play

Earn 2X entries on slots to win Friday and Saturday Win Your Slice of the Pie drawings.

Sign up at our Player‘s Club for a free club card to get a FREE SPIN to win up to $1,500. Earn 10 base points on your day of signup and return to the Player’s Club for $5 in Insta-Play added right to your account. Earn 100 base points total on your signup day and redeem at the Club for $5 in Insta-Play added to your account. Earn 200 base points that same day for another $5 Insta-Play bonus. Finally, earn 300 base points that same day for another amazing $5 in Insta-Play bonus available at the Club. That’s up to $20 in Day One Insta-Play for New Members. Wow.

Bigger Bingo –Thursday Bingo Enjoy FREE Bingo every Thursday from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m., with $100 Insta-Play Play or Table Games Play Chips prizes, with $250 cash prizes for our bigger bingo games at


Guests with military ID will receive a free ice cream, plus 50% off meals (up to $25 in one day) at the Retro Deli or Mid City Grill.

Fantasy Golf Wednesday

Earn up to three Fantasy Golf Card Scratch Tickets Each Wednesday (at 250 base points, 400 base points, and 1,000 base points each) and Win your share of $1,000 in Cash and Insta-Play prizes if you have one of the lowest five scores recorded that day. Win DOUBLE PRIZES if your score is under par for the card. Scores are tallied and winners posted the next day and prizes must be claimed within one week. Play, scratch, and win with Fantasy Golf Wednesdays at Century.

$7.99 Prime Rib Every Day Enjoy our 8 oz. slow-roasted Prime Rib

Senior Celebration – Wednesday and Thursday Guests aged 50 or better receive 2X points on play ALL DAY from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., plus 50% off purchases (up to $25 in one day) at the Retro Deli or Mid City Grill. Please note that 50% food discount cannot be combined with any other coupon or discount, and including daily food specials.

Birthdays at Century All guests can come in on the day of their birthday and get 2X points plus a free gift. Guests who come in on the day of their 21st birthday receive the 2X points and the gift, plus $10 in comp added to their account, plus a $5 Promo Chip to use at the tables. Guests with a birthday coupon from our mailer redeem it at the Player’s Club for a gift of 10X their age in points.

November and December

Every Tuesday you can enjoy our Prime Rib Special at the Mid City Grill for FREE from 11am with just 150 base points earned on your Player’s Club card that day!





$5 INSTA-PLAY - sign up for the Player’s Club for free and earn 10 base points that same day! + $5 INSTA-PLAY - earn 100 base points on day of signup! + $5 INSTA-PLAY - earn 200 base points on day of signup! + $5 INSTA-PLAY - earn 300 base points on day of signup!

November 17 - 30, 2015

Military Appreciation Monday

Fridays & Saturdays 4-11PM



Tuesday Bonus Entries

Special, accompanied by choice of potato with seasonal vegetables, for just $7.99 from 11 a.m., just by having a player’s card. Prime Rib special is also available for $14.99 with no card. Not to be combined with any other discount or coupon, except for the Tuesday Play & Eat 150 base points free Prime Rib discount.








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THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years


Julie won a 2015 Subaru XV Crosstrek at the Labor Day Driveaway Finale at Mardi Gras Casino.

An anonymous winner from Idaho Springs won $134,686.39 playing a penny progressive Triple Double Butterfly Sevens on a 90-cent bet at Century Casino in Central City.

NEW STOP LOCATED IN PARK HILL SMITH ROAD & FOREST 5200 Smith Road, 1.4 miles west of Quebec Street Replaces the old Wal-Mart pickup location

Amber won $3,202 playing a White Tiger machine at Lady Luck Casino Black Hawk.


• ARVADA - 5250 Sheridan Blvd • THORNTON - 8800 N. Washington St. • GOLDEN - 14000 W. 44th Ave. • DOWNTOWN - 15th St. & Glenarm Pl. • BEAR VALLEY 3100 S. Sheridan Blvd. • LAKEWOOD - 14th & Oak St. Comfortable /Convenient/ Reliable/ Safe Redemption programs offered from 16 casino’s Still only $23 round trip Phone number 303-421-2780 Web site:

Always Committed to Excellence (ACE) Barbara won $5,684.46 playing a Quick Hit slot machine at Saratoga Casino Black Hawk.

November 17 - 30, 2015

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years


Gemstone & Minerals

Famous and notable diamonds The Sancy Diamond (full name, Le Grand Sancy) has one of the most intriguing and colorful - and also one of the most confused and involved - histories of all the famous diamonds of Europe. It is a 55-carat pear-shaped stone, apparently of Indian origin. In 1570, the stone was purchased in Constantinople by the French Ambassador to Turkey, Nicholas Harlai, the Seigneur de Sancy, who was an avid collector of gems and jewelry. This passion for personal adornment was more popular during the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe than at any other time or in any other place, except in the East. He brought it to France, where Henry III, who was very sensitive about being bald, borrowed it to decorate a small cap he always wore to conceal his bald head. Sancy was a prominent figure at the French Court at the time. Henry

was the vicious, vain, weak son of Catherine de Medici. During the next reign, when Sancy was made Superintendent of Finance, Henry IV borrowed the gem as security for a substantial loan to hire soldiers. A messenger was dispatched with the jewel but never reached his destination; thieves had followed him. Knowing that the man was loyal, Sancy made a search for him and his body was discovered, disinterred, and in the stomach of the servant the great diamond was found! Sancy sold the diamond to James I, and in the 1605 Inventory of Jewels in the Tower of London, the jewel is described in the quaint language of the period: “...and one fayre dyamonde, cutt in fawcetts, bought of Sauncy.” It remained in England until 1669, Charles I, son of James I, was beheaded and his widow, Henri-

etta Maria presented the jewel to Somerset, the Earl of Worcester, from whom it passed once again to the English Crown. James I later owned it, but lost all at the disastrous Battle of the Boyne and fled to France. Although Louis XIV was a pleasant and generous host to James, shabby, mournful, exiled kings bored him. James, in desperation, sold the stone to the greedy king, who was known for his love of diamonds. According to another gem historian, the Sancy as sold under different circumstances. During the Civil War, Queen Henrietta Maria took it to the Continent and pledged it, together with otheradiamonds, to the Duke of Epernon for 460,000 livres. In 1657, Cardinal Mazarin paid off the duke and, with the Queen’s consent, took possession of the gems and bequeathed them with other fine stones to Louis XIV. In 1792, at the beginning of the French Revolution, the Sancy and othe famous gems were stolen from the Royal Treasury in Paris. It reappeared in 1828 and was sold by

a French merchant to Prince Anatole Demidoff of Russia; the prince, in turn, is recorded as selling it in 1865 for $100,000. Two years later, it was displayed by the French jeweler, G. Bapse, at the Paris Exposition, bearing a price tag of one million frances. In 1906, the Sancy was purchased by William Waldorf Astor as a wedding present when his son married Nancy Langhorne of Virginia. Lady Astor often wore the big pear-shaped gem in a tiara on state occasions. In 1962, it was one of the features of the Ten Centuries of French Jewelry exhibition at the Louvre Museum. After Lady Astor’s death in 1964, the celebrated stone was inherited by her son, the 3rd Viscount Astor. The gem is set in a mounting that permits it to be affixed to the head ornament.

Star of Arkansas

The Star of Arkansas is one of the largest diamonds ever found in the well-known kimberlite pipe called “The Crater of Diamonds”

Thinking About Poker: Getting Back To Basics

I t ’ s been a few m o n t h s since my last article due to a family issue and even longer since I’ve played poker. Getting everything resolved took away most of the stress and finally afforded time to relax at my local Pokertorium. There had been disappointing sessions some months ago; while I welcomed the break from playing I realized I had to make some changes. In poker, as in sports or any other competitive endeavor, when one senses a weakness and/or problem in one’s performance, an excellent re-evaluation and restarting technique which happens to be the title of this piece: Get back to basics. While sitting in the hospitals and hospice centers just … well, waiting … I dug out some of the old

November 17 - 30, 2015

poker books in my library and began to study anew. I could mention the titles but every serious and semi-serious poker player has a few books in their library. My piece first of advice to anyone who is dissatisfied with the level of their play is to reread – and study – the books you have. Read slowly with attention to detail and you will rediscover poker truths, which may have become lost to you in the maelstrom of time and your poker playing sessions. One of the first truths to regain my attention was that I was playing too many hands. I saw possibilities in J-9 offsuit [which has always been a hand I played a lot but in reality is garbage] and Ace-little unsuited in any position; another garbage hand. I reacquainted myself

with an old matrix of hand selection and position and rememorized the hand rankings, which go like this: • Group A: AA, KK, AKs • Group B: QQ, AK, JJ, TT • Group C: AQs, 99, AQ, 88, AJs • Group D: 77, KQs, 66, ATs, 55, AJ • Group E: KQ, 44, KJs, 33, 22, AT, QTs Next after the quality of the hand one must consider your position vis-à-vis the hand you now hold. A quick down-and-dirty guideline for this can be summed up thusly: • In early position, open the betting with anything in Groups A, B or C. Call a raise with Group B. Raise a reraise with Group A. • In middle position, open the betting with anything in Groups A, B, C or D. Call a raise with Group B. Raise a reraise with Group A plus QQ & AK. • In late position open the betting with anything in Groups A, B, C, D or E. Call a raise with Group B & C plus JJ & TT. Reraise a raise with Group A plus QQ & AK. So I played some on the computer – there are free and subscription sites still available to us poker players despite the overbearing arm of

the government, which shut down online poker some years ago. I wrote out the information presented above and began to experiment with the results. I was surprised at the results and pleasantly so; my win rates went up, the amount won per winning session increased and my losing sessions decreased in number and in the amount of loss! Time to take this back to the brickand-mortar casinos and see how it will work against real live people. Before I detail the results of this experiment, I must raise a point, which should be appreciated by each and every poker player: Are you there for fun, relaxation, social interaction and the casino experience? Or are you there, focused, ready, willing and determined to make some money? If it’s the former reason, then the money you lose at poker is the price of entertainment - the same as a night out to a show, movie, dinner and dancing—whatever. However, if you are there as a serious-minded poker player who wants to come home with more money than you brought, you must remain disciplined in what you’re doing. There

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years

near Murfreesboro, Ark. The rough stone weighed 15.33 carats and was flawless and colorless. The shape was elongated and thin measuring 1 1/2 x 7/16 x 1/4 inches. The Star was cut into a long, narrow, shallow 8.27-carat Marquise-shape cut by a New York City diamond cutter. The value of the finished gem was originally established at $11,000 to $15,000, however, its fine quality, uncommonly large size for an Arkansas diamond and attendant publicity led several leading jewelers to reappraise the stone at from $25,000 to $100,000. The Star of Arkansas is unmounted.

Gaming are many factors within the game and behaviors which cause leaks in one’s game which will negatively affect one’s bankroll; they will be addressed in later articles as my experiment and relearning of the game progresses. The first – and to my way of thinking the most important – factor to going home a winner is hand selection as detailed above. Playing too many hands leaks a blind here, a call there, chasing a hand when the odds do not favor you; all these whittle away the bankroll little by little. I can see a number of articles in the future as I get back to basics and relearn this wonderful game we call poker. Stand by for future articles. I played three times last month – all $1/$2 - $100 games - using the above chart: My first session netted $1,000. The second $160 and the third $285 for a total gain of $1,445. It would have been more but I misread an opponent’s hand and gave back $200 right at the end of the session. Note to self: Do not play past the point when you know you are tired. But do keep thinking about poker!


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This information is subject to change without notice.

A Tailing Tale

A Tailing Tale of Caspar Hennecke ery.” You may be thinking, “So who was Alfred Payne By Maggie and what happened to him?” Magoffin Mr. Payne worked as headman and bookkeeper for the Dalton Mill. One day after cleaning up, he ordered the engineer to start the mill. Alfred then put the whole amalgam First bakery into the retorts and carin Black Hawk ried it to the blacksmith shop to be retorted. He Like thousands of others, in 1860, Caspar Hennecke arrived generally had someone to help him with in Black Hawk to find gold. After mining this task to watch the pipe that lead into for several months and finding he was the basin of cold water in which the not cut out for the life of a miner, Cas- evaporated quicksilver was gathered par bought a log cabin from B.F. Dalton, but on this day Alfred went alone. That decision was to be his demise. owner of the Dalton Mill and started a The pipe came out, and not seeing it bakery. He baked bread in big round iron happen, Alfred breathed the gases of kettles with iron covers. He put the the evaporated quicksilver. He hurried mixed dough inside and built a fire to the mill to get help, Alfred was taken around the kettles. Once he got the right to Dalton’s home and the doctor did combination of heat and baking time, he his best to save him but the next day he put a shingle outside that read, “Bread died. From Maggie: for Sale,” and he began baking bread My Misadventures of the Cholua day and night. Neighbors and miners Brothers Series Book 1, Dead Man bought Caspar’s big, round, well-baked loaves and the miner turned baker be- Walking, and Book 2, Pistols and Petticoats, can now be purchased from gan running a profitable bakery. Later, Caspar hired a young man who the Cholua Brother’s Coffee section in was a learned baker and they started Mountain Menagerie on Main Street in baking cakes, dried apple pies and Central City. Copies of Dead Man Walkdoughnuts. The shingle outside now ing are available at the Gilpin County History Museum. Copies of either book read, “Bakery.” Come winter, a sack of flour in Den- can be purchased on my website at Magver cost $30. Caspar, being the industri-,, ous man that he was, put gold dust in and Please plan to stop by and see me at a buckskin money bag, and then went this year’s annual Tommy Knocker Bato Denver where he bought pipes, tozaar on Saturday, Dec. 5 and 6 at the bacco, needles, thread, buttons and historical Teller other trinkets that House in Central miners needed. At City. I will be signthe same time, he ing copies of all arranged with the three books of the firm from where Misadventures of Mail your stories with contact he purchased his the Cholua Brothinformation: Maggie M items to fill mail ers series. orders and send P.O. Box 6571, Westminster, CO This column is goods to Black 80021 sponsored by Hawk for his Email: Maggie@maggiem Cholua Brothers neighbors. This Old Time Coffee became a regular If you prefer to tell me your business for CasStore - Black Hawk story orally and have me write par and his shingle and was previously changed again— it for you, please feel free to call published in the this time reading, me at 303-881-3321 Central City Weekly “Store and BakRegister-Call. Our submitter prefers to remain anonymous and is a descendent of Alfred Payne, former employee of the Dalton Mill. The story of the first bakery in Black Hawk is one of many documented and handed down through several generations.

A Tailing TaLe




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THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years



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Momma said, ‘Eat your meat’ — Doctors say, ‘No’

In Isaiah 22:13, the Bible advised us to, “Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we shall die,” but everywhere you turn today our country’s health “experts” are lecturing us to “give up meat, bacon and sausages,” which just happen to be three of my favorite foods. On Oct. 23, the World Health Organization said, “Eating processed meat, such as sausages BY MORT MARKS and ham, causes cancer, while unprocessed red meat may also be carcinogenic.” The report continued, “Simply eating 50 grams of processed meat each day, the equivalent of two slices of bacon, can increase the risk of such cancer… “Unprocessed red meats such as steak and lamb shanks are classified as ‘probably carcinogenic.’” Millions of us who grew up in the years before physicians and self-righteous dieticians were around to bombard us with apprehensions and fears about our well being listened to “momma.” “Eat your meat and potatoes. Have some bread and butter with a piece of cheese. Enjoy, enjoy, that’s the way to stay healthy,” Momma would say. We listened to her. We ate. We enjoyed, and for the most part we stayed healthy. Those were the “good old days” when eating was fun. Now, in our present era, so-called “health experts” hope to take control of our meals. They are attempting to change our eating habits from “live to eat” to “eat to live” and that mealtime need no longer be a “joyful time.” Must our present pursuit of fitness and health be allowed to become a national obsession, an irrational response to manipulation by the “health experts,” who have so often changed their “scientific food eating opinions” after just a few years? Today, all of us are brainwashed to believe that disability and even death lurk behind every step we take, and every morsel of food we eat. Too often, we have seen food and health warnings come and go. Remember when coffee was considered to be a dangerous drink and one to certainly be avoided? Today, we are told that drinking two cups of coffee a day may well help you avoid Alzheimer’s November 17 - 30, 2015

disease. Remember a few years ago we were warned that eating butter, cheese and eggs would cause great health problems? We were told to “give up your eggs, forget cheese and certainly switch your butter to margarine.” Today, eggs and cheese – along with butter – are once again considered to be excellent foods that are good for your health. Remember when we were told that “grilled meats” were a no-no? Some researchers put “grilling” on the nutritional black list for causing cancer. Then further research and tests showed that grilled hamburgers yielded a substance that inhibited cancer in animals. Our mommas always knew that grilled hamburgers were good for us. Too often, we have seen food fads come and go. For example, the director of nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, D.C., pointed out the following “fads:” Honey: “Compared to granulated sugar, honey has 18 calories more per tablespoon and causes a dramatic fluctuation of blood and sugar levels.” Brown rice: “It may be the Perrier of rice, but it’s not as high in fiber as most people think.” Herbal Teas: “Brewed herbal teas produce acids and toxins that build up in body tissues,” according to a National Restaurant Association report. And remember granola? The report said, “It’s not what it’s cracked up to be. Granola cereals contain less than 5 percent fiber compared to 28 percent in bran cereals. Perhaps it’s time to say “to hell” with all these nutritional experts theories? I’m going to eat what “Momma” said was best for me and what also looks good and tastes good. I’m going to keep eating a good breakfast that will often include bacon and eggs and always bread and butter. For dinner, I’ll turn to Sir Winston Churchill who pointed out, “His idea of a good dinner is first, have good food then discuss good food.” What could be better than dining on a thick slice of well seasoned marbled roast beef with a beautifully baked Colorado potato?


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For advertising call Sharon Sweeney 303-503-1388

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THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years


Colorado History

In Honor of Native American History Month Archeology brings early culture to life

Over several decades, archeological digs at various historic Native American sites across the country have yielded a wealth of information. Artifacts found at Mesa Verde and Hovenweep in Colorado and Clovis, N.M., help us piece together the way of life and culture of several Indian tribes of Colorado and the American West. Through archeology and scientific research, the evidence of Native Americans in North America began with the Paleo Period some 14,000 years ago. The Paleo people lived primarily on wild game. Small nomadic bands of Paleo hunters would stalk such dangerous animals as the woolly mammoth, mastodons, bison and the ground sloth. These animals not only provided food for the people, their bones were carved into tools and the hides were used for clothing and coverings. Several artifacts recovered from one of the oldest archeological sites in the West, the Blackwater Draw near Clovis, reflect this time period. Included were projectile points, tools, knives, fluted flint points and spearpoints known as Clovis, named for the site. The Archaic Period, also known as the time of the “hunters and gatherers,” occurred some 10,000 years ago. These Native Americans lived in huts in small semi-permanent villages and gathered local nuts, berries and roots. The Woodland Period, approximately 1,800 years ago, was an era of settlement. Villages became permanent, and the population rose dramatically. People of the Woodland era learned agricultural techniques, which produced a host of crops. Maize, beans and PAGE 16

squash became a substantial part of their food source. This expanse of time was also known as the period of the “Mound Builders,” as their spiritual culture led to the building of earthen burial and ceremonial mounds. During this period, the first bows and arrows were developed. The Mississippian Period, which began around 900 A.D., was a time of growth and prosperity. Agricultural technology increased, providing for large crops of beans, corn, squash and sunflowers. Their diet was supplemented with fresh meat supplied with the bow and arrow and longthrowing spear. These spears, as well as nets and bone fishhooks, were used for fishing. Native Americans made hooks from deer leg bones, as it was easier to

carve and gentler to the mouth of the fish. The Historic Period is the era when the Europeans arrived in North America, approximately 500 years ago. Many of the archeological sites from this era can be found in Colorado. Various artifacts have been recovered from the earliest sites such Mesa Verde and Hovenweep, including ceremonial Indian dance fans made from the feathers of peacocks, pheasants, quails, turkeys, and both golden eagles and bald eagles. Archeological discoveries from this period of Native American history have also revealed artifacts from battlefields in the American West, including Sand Creek in Colorado and the site of the Battle of the Little Big Horn in southern Montana. Many of the artifacts found at Sand Creek, including bullets, buttons, mortar shells and arrowheads, are on display at the Colorado History Center. In the aftermath of the battle at the Little Big Horn, the Indians harvested what items they could from

the battleground for their own daily use. Metal was a prized possession. The Indians used the metal from gun parts, barrel rings, and other objects containing metal to fashion metal tools, utensils and weapons. Native Americans often honored their sacred spiritual world with carvings of the birds and animals that sustained them. A rare axe was recovered in Leflore County, Okla. Known as the Woodpecker axe, the handle was made from persimmon wood. The top of the axe depicts an ivory-billed woodpecker, important to the Native Americans not only as a food source, but their beaks and feathers were used for decoration. Personal items, in the form of adornments, have been found in several locations. These items include Arikara copper bracelets made from hammered copper from the Great Lakes region, and silver necklaces and armbands from the Arapaho and Cheyenne tribes. Archeological sites have also uncovered several necklaces made of shells, beaded necklaces and bracelets and ear spools from the region of the Dakotas. The Navajo, a tribe of the American southwestern desert

Photos courtesy of Linda Wommack

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years

region, lived primarily in Arizona and portions of New Mexico. Exquisite woven mats and blankets, as well as painted rugs and jewelry made of turquoise, have been found in various areas of this region. Desert southwestern pottery, often considered to be some of the most artistic in all of North America, has also been recovered. One of the largest collections ever found was in the southwestern corner of Colorado, including Mesa Verde and Hovenweep, where the climate was dry and arid. These Native Americans, known has the Anasazi, created their wonderful pottery by a technique known as “coil and pinch.” Dried clay would be gathered, filtered and cleaned until all roots, pebbles and all impurities were removed. Pure clay is flexible and shrinks and crack as it dries. A strengthening material such as a bone, ash, rock, sand or shell would be added, which is called tempering. Tempering allowed the clay to dry more evenly to help prevent it from coming apart during the pottery process. The prepared clay would then be rolled out into long rope-like strands. Starting from the bottom, these strands of clay were then coiled by hand, around and upward to form the general shape of the container. The coils were then pinched together, forming the outer edge of the pot. With the clay still wet and pliable, decorating the pottery by carving, brushing or stamped impressions, was done with ease. When the clay had dried in the hot sun, the decorated pottery pieces were then cooked or “fired” in a fire pit. This hardened the pottery for durability. These Pueblo potters created intricately painted pitchers, effigy pots, ladles, water containers, bowls and ceremonial pots that have survived to this day. With the incredible array of Native American artifacts recovered from the various archeological sites across the country, we have a glimpse into the lives and culture of our early Native Americans. November 17 - 30, 2015

Trail’s End

Thanksgiving stories you probably never heard


n Thankshe was a strong giving supporter of the Church Day, we of England. His family, express which included his wife gratitude Elinor Lockwood, and for all blessings we entheir two sons, John joy, an action that most and Francis, were very of us should perform poor. When London more frequently. Unpromotors began enlike other American By Rosemary Fetter listing volunteers to holidays, Thanksgiving settle near the Hudson is solely about food, family, friend- River, which was considered northship and, of course, football. Tech- ern Virginia, Billington signed nically, it celebrates the legendary up. In exchange for their passage, feast enjoyed by the Pilgrims, a re- the family agreed to work for the ligious Separatist sect that set sail colony until 1627, with assets to from England in September 1620 be divided among the colonists at heading for the tip of Manhattan. that time. It was thinly disguised After winter storms blew them off servitude, but these were desperate course, they settled at Cape Cod in people. Too late, Billington learned that today’s Massachusetts. More than half the original settlers died that the trip’s organizers belonged to a first winter, giving them cause for Separatist sect that had been tossed celebration the following autumn out of England and had been living in the Netherlands. Because of the following a bountiful harvest. Joining them were Wampanoag dangers of an ocean crossing and Indians, who helped them succeed the strict terms of the contract, rein the new land. Through some cruiters had been unable to find the miracle the tribe still survives, al- necessary 150 volunteers among beit in miniscule numbers. (Ac- members, so they began enlisting cording to some sources, the Indi- individuals outside the Church. ans were actually invited to the cel- Obviously, the Billingtons were not ebration to sign a treaty that ceded ideal candidates for resettlement. the Plymouth Plantation’s land They complained constantly, and to the Pilgrims. And they brought even before the ship left the harmost of the food.) However, there bor, teenager Francis Billington were some goings-on among the nearly sank them all when he “fired Pilgrims that didn’t get into the a gun near an uncovered barrel of gunpowder and set fire to a cabin.” history books. When the Mayflower landed, For example, The Mayflower Murderer, John Billington, was Billington discovered that he had one of 41 men who signed the May- no land patent. In his disappointment, he became flower Compact, which became quarrelsome. In the basis of the colony’s governM a r c h ment. His life was unre1620, the markable but for one distinction: He became the first American, to use the term loosely, executed for murder in the future United States. Billington probably should never have been allowed on the Mayf l o w e r to begin with, since

November 17 - 30, 2015

Oil on canvas by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1899) is idealized version of the First Thanksgiving at Plymouth Rock. Courtesy of other settlers tied his hands and feet together as punishment for insulting Miles Standish. However, in 1623, the contentious colonist received three acres in the land division, although it was less than he thought he deserved. He continued to cause trouble and was not allowed to hold public office because of his reputation (and probably because he was not a Separatist.) Not long after, he had an argument with his neighbor, John Newcomen. He shot the man in the arm, a wound that later proved fatal. Billington’s state of mind, never the best, had been tried to the limit. His oldest son John had recently died, probably from a cholera or diphtheria epidemic. Just as he was about to reap the meager rewards after years of hardship, he learned that a new tide of Calvinists from Holland would be descending on the colony, taking up land and resources. To make matters worse, he and the other colonists were expected to support them until they became self-sufficient. According to all accounts, he simply lost it. Today, he would likely be found guilty of manslaughter and serve a prison term, but this was 17th century New England. He was found guilty of willful murder by grand and petty jury and hanged

in September 1630. Later, his wife Elinor also had problems with the authorities and was whipped and sentenced to sit in the stocks for slandering a neighbor. Only Francis managed to escape the family curse, married, had nine children and lived to a ripe old age.

First documented Thanksgiving observance

The first documented Thanksgiving observance in the future 13 colonies took place in Virginia, not Plymouth Rock. That Thanksgiving was held Dec. 4, 1619, at Berkeley Hundred (which later became Berkeley Plantation), about 8,000 acres on the north bank of the James River. According to historians, on Sept. 19, 1619, a group of 38 English colonists headed by Capt. John Woodlief left England and landed in Virginia 10 weeks later. The settlers were sent by the London Company, which owned thousands of acres in the area. The company’s instruction to Capt. John Woodlief, which were to be opened upon reaching Virginia, read, “We ordain that the day of our ships arrival at the place assigned for plantacon in the land of Virginia shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving.”

THE COLORADO GAMBLER – Celebrating 23 Years

In 1777, the Continental Congress passed a proclamation naming Dec. 18, “a day of solemn thanksgiving and praise,” but conflicts among the newly-formed United States prevented George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789 from being enacted. Subsequent presidents, many of them from Virginia, were not particularly supportive of a New England-inspired holiday, and Thomas Jefferson strongly opposed it. Thanksgiving became a national holiday shortly after the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. A New England editor named Sarah Josepha Hale, a staunch Union supporter, wrote a stirring article in September 1863, following the Battle of Gettysburg. President Lincoln rewarded her 35-year struggle for a national Thanksgiving by proclaiming the fourth Thursday in November a day of Thanksgiving. Since most of the opposition had come from the Southern states, which no longer had a vote, the proclamation was met with resounding enthusiasm. After the War, some Southerners still refused to accept the imposed holiday, holding their own observances for years. As usual, the winners write the history books.



A new flock of birds has landed species of bird has migrated into the area. We can have practically any type of music, from classical to jazz to mariachi, serenade everyone at the movies. We can interrupt our next meeting with our choice of animal sounds: a chimpanzee, a wolf howling, or a dog—not barking—but laughing. I’ve heard it. It sounds like Old Yeller in the front row of a comedy club. We can download a ringtone that sounds like Yogi Bear repeating, “I got a text and you don’t.” Or one of an angry fellow yelling, “Pick up the phone! Would you please pick up the phone? Pick it up! Pick it up! PICK IT UP,” which is exactly what everyone in earshot is thinking. We can have a ringtone of a baby laughing, which is probably better than a baby crying. Or we can download one that wolf whistles at us every time

we get a call. That could be a real self-esteem booster. All of these are entertaining the first time we hear them, but much less so after four or five hundred times. If we don’t silence our phones, we run the risk of someone doing it for us … with a hammer. And the odds are good that our clever ringtone will go off at the wrong time sometime. I’ve had cellphones ring while I was presenting, and one of those times, I was in the middle of a joke about cellphones. I’m not making that up. I didn’t mind; the joke was a lot funnier when the phone rang. I was at a banquet where a cellphone rang at the head table during an award presentation. To make matters worse, it belonged to the honoree’s mother, and she missed much of the presentation while she tried to locate and silence her


PISCES - (Feb 20 - March 20) This is a good time for any position of leadership, including running for office. You most confident at this time. Your communications inspire others. Lucky Numbers: 1, 11, 12, 16, 21, 51

CANCER - (June 22 - July 22) This brings a period where things are moving smoothly. You may want to relax after turmoil of the recent past. You can relax, but you want to add plans for your future. This is the time to map out where you are going. Lucky Numbers: 15, 21, 25, 33, 36, 52

ARIES - (March 21 - April 20) This transit brings romantic opportunities your way. The key to success is to approach others with optimism, a cooperative spirit and consideration of others. If you focus only on your own needs you will be rejected by others. Lucky Numbers: 4, 7, 18, 33, 39, 62 TAURUS - (April 21 - May 21) This transit brings period of rapid personal advancement and fulfillment. This is an excellent time travel, pursuit of philosophy or spiritual growth and financial speculations. This could be one of the happiest periods of your life. Lucky Numbers: 6, 12, 24, 31, 41, 49 GEMINI - (May 22 - June 21) This transit is a test of your self discipline and restraint. You have the tendency to over indulge yourself or over extend yourself. There is a feeling that luck will provide everything to you at this time but that is a false notion. If you remain focused and work you will be successful at this time. Lucky Numbers: 13, 16, 25, 34, 36, 51

LEO - (July 23rd – Aug 22) This transit may bring profitable ideas for business or creative projects. You will have the ear of those in power. Your contacts will prove beneficial either in a financial or social way. Lucky Numbers: 6, 13, 25, 29, 44, 62 VIRGO - (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) You will be feeling more optimistic and self confidence during this transit. You may even feel more energized and healthier. This is a good time for reasonable financial investments, romance, travel, sports and social activities in general. Lucky Numbers: 12, 24, 29, 39, 46, 58 LIBRA - (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) This is a period of increased social and romantic opportunities, especially for meeting the opposite sex. You appear to be happier and sunnier in your disposition to family and friends. This is good for creative endeavors and business connected to the arts. Lucky Numbers: 1, 6, 10, 23, 53, 62

26. Clamor 27. Placid 29. Albumin 31. Furor

32. Flip 33. NE 34. NE 36. Anal

38. Eh 39. Imam 41. Sinus 44. Pumpkins

1. Avalanche 1. Turkey 2. Addis Ababa 45. Net


SCORPIO - (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) There are many changes happening in your life, some subtle and others right there. Opportunities are there for you in areas such as social, religious, educational and government institutions. This is also a good time for travel and vacationing. Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, 12, 37, 53, 64 SAGITTARIUS - (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) This is a good time for socializing and meeting people. Your relationships are going and you feel optimistic in general. You may want to just sit back and enjoy the experience, if, instead you focus and move ahead, you will be successful. Lucky Numbers: 6, 12, 15, 44, 46, 50 CAPRICORN - (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) You have been going through many changes, some good, some disruptive. Now things are going your way, this is a good transit for financial speculations, educational pursuits, travel, philosophy and spiritual growth. Lucky Numbers: 18, 22, 29, 32, 33, 62 AQUARIUS - (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) There maybe challenges in your life at this time. You may feel as if you need to prove yourself to have your time in the sunshine. Don’t worry as things work out in your favor during this transit. Lucky Numbers: 12, 19, 33, 54, 58, 62

email her at

17. TBS 20. LA 21. Abolished 25. Ln

Horoscopes by Teelok

phone. So did the rest of us. Fortunately, the ringtone was a little musical ditty and not, “Pick it up! Pick it up! PICK IT UP!” I’ve heard cell phones go off during church services many times, but the worst was when one rang just as its owner was about to receive communion. At least it wasn’t a wolf whistle or a mariachi band. Again, I’m not judging—or planning to tell you about all the times I’ve neglected to silence my own phone. I’m just explaining why I use a common, boring ringtone. It’s for all those times I forget. Dorothy Rosby is the author of the humor book, I Used to Think I Was Not That Bad and Then I Got to Know Me Better. Contact

12. Gol ACROSS 1. Thanksgiving 13. EMI 15. Eases 8. Abe 10. Red and black 16. Odin


’m at the movie use ours as an alarm The Intern, when clock, it’s with us someone’s cellfrom that first chirp, phone breaks into or chime, or sound song up front. It’s a of seagulls landing in catchy, little instruour bedroom to that mental and I’d problast text before bed. ably feel like dancing Some of us have if I weren’t holding our phones set to ding a bucket of popcorn every time we get an the size of Seattle and By Dorothy Rosby email, and since even trying so hard to hear the smartest smartwhat Anne Hathaway phone can’t distinis telling Robert De Niro. When guish between a message from the cellphone’s owner finally a friend and one from the Nianswers it, he tells the caller— gerian Oil Ministry, they ding a and everyone else in the the- lot. They buzz to remind us of atre—that he’s in the middle of appointments, they tweet to tell a movie, something those of us us we have a tweet or a Facein the audience are well aware book message, and they ring, of. ding, or play a rousing chorus of But I’m not judging. I’ve “La Bamba” every time we get a forgotten to silence my phone phone call. a few times too, and I bet you “Ring” doesn’t begin to dehave too. It’s not that we don’t scribe what phones do these know better, it’s just that our days. They sing, ding, beep, and cellphones are such a part of our buzz. They chirp, trill, chime, day that it’s easy to forget. If we and vibrate. It’s like a new

3. King Solomon 4. Giblets 5. Veal 6. Naked

7. GB 9. Erin Andrews 11. Do 14. Million

18. BHP 19. Selfies 21. All 22. OMU

23. IRI 24. Dauphin 26. Catnip 28. CR

30. NFL 35. Emu 36. Amp 37. Ali

40. Am 42. NE 43. UT

Contact Mary Nightstar at and type “horoscope” in the subject line.

Crossword puzzle answers from page 5


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