Idioma Translations

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7EBSITES <C(5"6(&**J(4(:"7+(C"#(+,*(+#4&734+%"&("C(5"6#(E*I( 7%+*F(83*47*(J"(&"+(7%G835(8#"K%J*(+,*(#$"%!C"#(5"6#( 7%+*H((-"7+(N6"+4+%"&7(:#*4+*J(C#"G(4(7%+*(J"E&3"4J( 4#*(&"+"#%"6735(%&4::6#4+*H <C(8"77%I3*(4##4&'*(+"(,4Ke the site files sent to 67F("#(,4K*(+,*(:"&+*&+(*W+#4:+*J(4&J(7*&J(%+(+"( 67(47(4(:"85(834+C"#GF(J4+4I47*("#(%&J**J(%&(4&5( :"&K*&%*&+(C"#G(U(E*(:4&(+,*&(4&43yse the files and '%K*(4::6#4+*(:"7+7H <C(5"6(4#*(7*#%"67(4I"6+(+#4&734+%&'(5"6#(7%+*( :"&+*&+F(83*47*(:"&+4:+("&*("C("6#(4::"6&+("#( project management team fir7+(+"(J%7:677(5"6#( 8#"9*:+("I9*:+%K*7H( !*(:4&(4JK%7*("&(,"E(+"(7+#6:+6#*(4&J(G4&4'*( +,*(+#4&734+%"&(8#":*77F(G4&4'*(7%+*(68J4+*7( *CC*:+%K*35& !*(:4&(437"(477%7+(E%+,(+*:,&%:43(%776*7F(3%&'6%7+%:( +*7+%&'F(:63+6#43(%776*7(4&J(G6:,(G"#*H

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Your Starting Point

Translation vs Copywriting

When writing copy that will ultimately need to be translated, you need to keep two very important factors in mind. Firstly, try to write the text in as neutral a style as possible – we don’t expect all brand specific terminology to be excluded – that would only act to weaken your communication platform, but excessive ambiguity of overembellishment will not translate readily.

The first thing you need to do is ask yourself whether you need a translator or whether, what you actually need is a copywriter working in the target language. A translator is cheaper, but their remit is quite narrow, they are trained not to re-interpret a text, merely to mirror it in another language; using all the correct style, terminology, grammar and phraseology to make it fully understandable in another language, but NOT take a creative stance on the text.

By avoiding confusing terminology (raining cats and dogs), slang or colloquialisms (brass monkeys), humour or analogies that are not completely obvious, you ensure you text is easily translatable into another language.

If you require a high-level reversioning of your source text you really need to consider either having your translated text copy edited by a specialist or, for best results, using a target-language copywriter from the outset.

If you can’t avoid some or all of the above you must be prepared for the fact that when your source text is translated there may be instances where the text is either not translatable or you will need to accept that it will need to be reworded, sometimes quite radically to be understood.

Expectations If you expect us to get it 100% right first time '()% *+,-./)%-')0. 1-!+--2!')3-!'4!,-5)-1!'(-!14,6 1)'(!74*& !Be prepared for us to have questions. !... please be patient and give us as much information as you can. S

What Will Help Us Do The Best Possible Job For You 1. Allowing Sufficient Time This is the problem we come up against most of all. Weeks and weeks are spent carefully crafting the source text. However once this had been through countless revision cycles, the text is handed to the translation agency with a deadline that means the work has to be rushed, corners have to be cut and compromises will have to be made. This approach devalues the whole process and potentially jeopardises the outcome of the whole project in terms of quality and ultimate customer satisfaction

RH(S upporting Documentation (a) <t is always helpful to us to have sight of the original copywriting brief. )his will help us and our teams get an insight into client objectives in terms of brand communication but also in terms of projectspecific considerations. (b) Let us have access to previously translated material. This isn’t cheating on our part, but in order to provide the best possible translation it helps to have as much text as possible to help us maintain consistency of terminology

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((WEBSITE( WEBSITE( TRANSLATIONS

WHAT’S IN YOUR WEBSITE? Just like businesses, different websites work in different ways. They are likely to consist of many different elements; use a number of different file types; have graphic components (static or animated); downloads and external links to other websites. The website may incorporate environments for capturing data, online shopping or product downloads. There may also be content within the main site that might not be relevant to other markets, such as news releases, product data or document downloads. These are just some of the reasons why it is often impossible to ‘simply’ download your site and obtain the data that will provide a meaningful quotation.

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BRIEFING CHECKLIST #ONlDENTIALITY AND DATA SECURITY If your website roll-out plan is confidential or if you need to give Idioma access to confidential information you may need to provide a #ONlDENTIALITY !GREEMENT before you can release files. IIdioma sign many such agreements with clients and ALL our translators sign nondisclosure undertakings with us. We also have secure server facilities and professional indemnity insurance. (OW WILL YOU PROVIDE THE CONTENT FOR TRANSLATION !S A COPY DECK Usually a Word or text file, but may also be an .xls or .csv file with all of the relevant text content extracted from the website and presented ready for translation !S WEB lLES Usually HTML, ASP, XML or similar file types that we can edit for language and return in the same format (we use professional tools that allow us to edit and QA many file types). !S A DATABASE Content can often be extracted into a suitable database format ready for translation.

-ETA TAGS AND !LT TAGS Please confirm if you will need Meta tags and Alt tags translating. If you are providing a copy-deck or exported website content, can you provide the text content for the Meta and Alt tags? $OWNLOADED WEBSITES Idioma can download your website for evaluation, however we cannot guarantee accuracy as the data achieved may reflect unwanted content (e.g. news releases) or often-repeated content (such as navigation), links to off-site areas or broken links. Password protected website or other secure areas within the website may prevent download, as may some types of website construction. We normally suggest that this option is only used to provide an approximate guide to cost. )F REQUESTING THAT THE SITE IS DOWNLOADED PLEASE SPECIFY THE CONTENT TO BE TRANSLATED %NTIRE SITE – this will include all text content, including downloads (e.g. PDFs), images with text, animations etc.

3PECIlC PAGES – please provide clear instructions as to which parts of your site should be translated – a list of URLs and links is preferable (OW WILL YOU TRANSFER lLES Idioma are able to provide the following facilities: %MAIL – we can accept up to 10Mb files via email !"#$ – we can accept 240*3-+'!5).!:4%';!(41-5-,! 4,)9)+./!3*%'!<-!%-+'!<7!,-9)%'-,-2!:4%' & %&'()*+ –!=4*!0.+!./%4!(.+2!2-/)5-,!4,!04//-0'!74*,! ',.+%/.')4+%!<7!(.+2&!>*%'!/-'!*%!6+41!<-84,-!(.+2&!


-./)0/)(\A/A=0@\0/)(1>1)0\ If you are managing your website content using a Content Management System, and if you update the site on a regular basis then you may be interested in -\1. LM#*:+(have developed workflow automation tools that allow your CMS to talk directly to our translation environment via "6# interface.

#LIENT BENElTS • Cost and quality leveraging through re-purposing of translated content • Reduced management of updates through -\1( • Faster implementation of update

For more information please go to




As with all translation we charge on a per source word basis, and this will be shown on your estimate. Source language is usually English.

If we are asked to edit graphics files for translatable text, we will show this as an hourly fee.

If you would prefer to talk your project through face-to-face or on the phone with a Project or Account Manager, please contact LM@0-) at one of our locations for a chat or to make an appointment for us to visit your offices.

The translation rates quoted will always be based upon the following: • Translation by professionally-qualified translators in each target country • Review and proofreading • Terminology checking where relevant • Pre-delivery quality management • Checking of files to ensure no code is damaged (where relevant) We may suggest other activities which should be carried out in order to ensure the best results. For instance, as creation of term dictionaries, or establishing a Translation Memory. A Translation Memory is particularly important when considering the best method of managing a regularly updated website, or where the volume of text content is very large. If your website content is changed often you should make this clear to us as we can allow for the setting up of a Translation Memory from the outset of a project; rather than the more costly option of post-translation. If copywriting or copyediting is required, we will show these as an hourly fee, rather than at a per word rate.

LINGUISTIC REVIEW Before your translated site goes live we suggest that the versions are subjected to a linguistic review. The review is designed to ensure that the translations are contextually correct, that no text remains untranslated and that no text has been mis-placed when rebuilding the website in an unfamiliar language. This check is always carried out once the text is back in situ within the website so that in addition, we can check all links. Costs for the linguistic review, where required will be shown as an hourly fee.

PROJECT MANAGEMENT We may include Project Management in the cost estimate. This may be because there are a large number of files to prepare, distribute and manage, or because we anticipate a high level of translator queries, or perhaps you need us to extract the content from your website and prepare a copy deck. Whatever the reason, we will always detail the work we are expecting to undertake, and discuss this with you should you wish it.

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Idioma translations Ljermontova 2 Belgrade Serbia

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