1 minute read
Play and Learn English 4

My name is ..........................................................

Play and Learn English 4
Flávia Corrêa Magalhães
2ª Edición. 2019
Editorial Idiomagic
Suipacha 404 Tucumán - Argentina
ISBN 978-987-4965-01-1
Hecho el depósito que establece la ley 11.723. Impreso en talleres propios de la editorial. Libro de edición argentina.
Correa Magalhaes, Flavia
Play and Learn English 4 : Students book / Flavia Correa Magalhaes ; ilustrado por Rolando Robles. - 2a ed. mejorada.San Miguel de Tucumán : Idiomagic, 2018.
118 p. + CD-DVD : il. ; 21 x 30 cm. - (Play and Learn English / Correa Magalhaes, Flavia)
ISBN 978-987-4965-01-1
1. Inglés para Niños. 2. Educación Inicial. 3. Libro de Texto. I. Robles, Rolando , ilus. II. Título.
CDD 372.21
Text © Flávia Corrêa Magalhães. Design and Ilustration © Editorial Idiomagic.
First Published 2013.
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The main objective of this book is to awaken childrens creativity and to create a personalized form of learning the language. The symbols used in this book act as instruction aids for the activities. We teach by using visual aids and symbols, in this way by looking at it, the child is able to understand the instructions. The activities develop childrens thinking and coordination which are fundamental for their age group. The following symbols are used in this book:
Picture Dictionary
Vocabulary: Hi, Hello, Bye-Bye, Teacher, Boy, Girl, Student, School, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night.
Lesson 1
Listen, repeat and pick up:
Good Morning!
Good Afternoon!
Good Night!
She is a girl.
Im a boy.
He is a student.
She is a teacher.
Its a school.
Activity 1
Listen to your teacher, find the different pictures that are mentioned and color them in.