Actually reaching for the top!
In this Issue PUCP Virtual Campus… the possibilities Legal English A Top Notch visit Wrapping up course units with style Revised Certificate in Advanced English
Top Notch has been with us for half a year already. It is amazing to see that the third book in the series is already in use for Basic 11! Ever since the decision was made to adopt the textbook, we made it our aim to provide students with a wide scope of objectives, may there be pursuing studies abroad, advancing their careers, or simply learning English for personal growth. In accordance with this, Basic-11 and Basic-12 students (starting in July and August 2008) will notice that these courses will be supplemented with Reading Supplements whose objective is to boost reading skills so that [1] you can transition more smoothly into the intermediate level and [2] you can be more confident of the skills you need in order to obtain an international certificate, may it be PET at the end of Basic 12 or FCE at the end of Intermediate 12. There is no question about it: Our service has no other aim in mind than taking you to the top!
Sections Academic Calendar Words of Wisdom Song of the Month Study Tip At the Cultural Center… Staff Birthdays A Good Laugh English for Fun By our Students
Contributions this month Being a Teenager Today by Diana Pajuelo, Sheila Barrón, Rebeca Orellana & Carolina Esquivel
What would you like to watch? by Cynthia Muñoz, Manuel Gomez and Luis Gamarra
Message to Your Soul by Judy Smith Study Tip by Johanna Villacrez English for Fun activities by Fabiola Cabello Cultural Center Information by Juan José Cabello
Photo credits Top Notch Visit picture: Alicia Craman Wrap-up pictures: Claudia Olcese & Cristian Garay Marcia Rodriguez’s picture: Tania Quiroz
Published by INIPUC Camino Real 1037 – San Isidro (626-6430 | 626-6431 | F: 626-6464) Prol. Primavera 907 – Chacarilla (626-6470) Av. Javier Prado Este 5495 – Camacho (626-6401) Proofreader for this issue: Jonathan Thiel NOT FOR SALE
Judging from the picture above, it is clear that one of our priorities is motivating students to be involved in their learning process. The snapshot was taken while a group of our students was precisely going for the best as they practiced language with Top Notch. If you are in need for further practice, this month we provide interesting activities for two of the three holidays we celebrate in July: U.S. Independence Day (July 4th), Teacher’s Day in Perú (July 6th) and Fiestas Patrias (July 28th). While Perú became independent from Spain in 1821, the United States had already signed their Declaration of Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1776, 45 years earlier. Both dates however, resemble each other in terms of celebrations and signs of patriotism together with fireworks and parades. Teacher’s Day, nevertheless, is quite different in the United States. A full week is devoted to the profession, known as Teacher’s Appreciation Week in May. The national date to honor teachers consequently falls in that month; May 6th. Teacher Fabiola Cabello has contributed to our July Newsletter with two activities based on the two holidays mentioned before. Just like we thank Fabiola, we would like to thank all our contributors this month, from writers to photographers. See you again in August!
Academic Calendar
A Message to your Soul (by Judy Smith)
“Nothing is so strong as gentleness; and nothing so gentle as real strength” - Francis de Sales
Final Exam (Daily Courses) Reserved Registration Open Registration
: Thursday, July 24th : Friday, July 25th : July 30th to August 2nd
August Classes start Junior Courses start Reading Reports are due
: Monday, August 4th : Saturday, August 23th : Friday, August 15th
Fiestas Patrias 28 y 29 de Julio
INIPUC Online Practice Website: Registration: Weekly Podcast: The INIPUC toolbar
Independence Day (U.S.) July 4th Teacher’s Day (Perú) July 6th
PUCP Virtual Campus… The possibilities Online surveys and online grades capture feature impress everyone In June 2008, PUCP virtual campus expanded its services for both INIPUC students and teachers. The students’ site now features an Online Survey icon which allows them to answer their monthly teacher’s performance survey. Rather than the paper-based format, the online system allows for immediate results and more flexibility, as the process is carried out over a one-week period. The teacher’s site, on the other hand, features an Online Grades Capture feature, which allows teachers to key-in students’ final grades straight into the INIPUC system from the comfort of their homes. Once validated, results are available to students so that the online registration process starts immediately. Thanks to the support and expertise of DIA (Dirección de Informática Académica PUCP), these and other services promise to set new standards in all our services!
A Top Notch visit Textbook co-author Joan Saslow visits INIPUC For the second time in the last eight months we have had the visit of one of the Top Notch authors. On June 28th, we welcomed Ms. Joan Saslow, who co-authors this great series with Mr. Allen Ascher who visited us in October 2007. The session was organized by INIPUC Staff Development Area, led by coordinator Scarlett Ostojic, who coordinated the event with representatives from Pearson Longman, publishers of the Top Notch series. Ms. Saslow shared with the INIPUC staff interesting reflections based on Top Notch objectives. Teachers gladly attended a four-hour training session which included two plenary sessions given by the author, and a workshop led by coordinator Ralph Grayson and assisted by other members of the coordination staff. At the end of the session teachers had the opportunity to share their ideas and good vibe as they worked together to develop amazing Top Notch projects. The final result of their work proved colorful and informative. It is undeniable that the INIPUC staff is constantly being trained to make our students reach the top!
Teachers up to the front
Joan Saslow
Wrapping-up course units with style Students do their best to innovate when it comes to crafting their unit wrap-ups New online surveys offer students an innovative way to have their say and help us improve our standards.
Legal English The course will be offered again in August and September 2008 The ESP Area announces the beginning of a new Legal English Course in August 2008. This course is embodied in the main areas of the North American legal system. It offers tools for an adequate use of terminology and legal texts, facilitating communication in today's global world. The course is aimed at professionals and law students, legal assistants and aids, government staff, notaries, translators and interpreters. Emphasis is placed in the comprehension of legal texts, the expansion of law-related lexis and knowledge and the promotion of oral and written communication skills in case studies and simulations. Four relevant topics, which are studied and discussed in the two-term program are Business Law, Contracts, Administrative Law and Tax Law. The course is scheduled from 7:30 to 9:30PM every Tuesday and Thursday. The course starts on Tuesday, August 5th and it will run throughout August and September. For more information, visit the official Legal English website at
Upcoming TOEFL Administration Dates Details: Registration:
30/05/08 02/08/08
09:00AM 10:00AM
San Chacarilla Isidro
06/06/08 08/08/08
09:00AM 09:00PM
Chacarilla Camacho
21/06/08 16/08/08
09:00AM 12:00PM
San Camacho Isidro
We have been noticing for quite some time now that the “wrap-up” effect has caught on among INIPUC students. When it comes to crafting unit wrap-ups, students put all their creativity to work and do their best to make their results look innovative and different. Such was the case of the following students in June: Claudia Quinde wrapped up one of the units in Basic 4 with a bear-shaped card which contained the corresponding course-book page cut-ups and their attached conversations. Her work got her teacher’s attention because of the lively colors and cute hugging bear that was mounted on the card. Rossana Rodríguez submitted her wrap-up in a giant house-shaped card, completed with windows and doors. When opened, the house displayed conversations containing the language that she and her classmates had practiced so much in class. Isabel Vargas made it clear that she wanted to submit a wrap-up task that was colorful and easy to read. She came up with a calendar-looking booklet which contained all the required conversations. Evely Quispe, from Basic 1, thought that the best way to show her understanding of “directions” would be with a three-dimensional city-map-shaped wrap-up task. The craft was made of cardboard and it used a magnetized arrow to guide conversation readers through the city. Truly amazing! We would like to congratulate all these students and motivate you to keep up your great work!
A Good Laugh ( Independence Day weekend was coming up, and the nursery school teacher took the opportunity to tell her class about patriotism. "We live in a great country," she said. "One of the things we should be happy is that, in this country, we are all free.“ One little boy came walking up to her from the back of the room. He stood with his hands on his hips and said, “I'm not free. I'm four."
Revised Certificate in Advanced English In this issue we look at the changes that affect the CAE Last month we listed the most important changes that Cambridge ESOL will make effective in December 2008 for the First Certificate in English (FCE). This month we would like to inform you, specially our Advanced students, of the most relevant changes they will see reflected in their CAE preparation course in response to what Cambridge-ESOL has decided about this exam. CAE Paper 1: Reading − Reduced from 1 hour 15 minutes (45 questions) to 1 hour (34 questions). − Part 1 (multiple-matching task) removed. CAE Paper 2: Writing − Reduced from 2 hours to 1 hour 30 minutes. − Reduced input and output in Part 1 (only article, report or proposal) − Inclusion of set text questions in Part 2 (as in FCE and CPE) CAE Paper 3: Use of English − Change name from English in Use to Use of English − Reduced from 1 hour 30 minutes (80 questions) to 1 hour (50 questions). − Error correction, register transfer and gapped text sections removed. − Inclusion of gapped sentences and key word transformations
CAE Paper 4: Listening − Reduced from 45 minutes (30-40 questions) to 40 minutes (30 questions) − Inclusion of short extracts (as in FCE and CPE) − Only one productive task − All texts are heard twice CAE Paper 5: Speaking − Part 1 (interlocutor conversation) reduced from three to two sections. − Section 2 of Part 1 removed (candidates invited to “ask each other something about…”) − Questions on visuals included. Source: Cambridge-ESOL Research notes. Issue30 / November 2007
Study Tip
Song of the Month
Johanna Villacrez helps us reflect about the importance of reading
Teacher Jorge Landauro proposed “Starlight” by Muse
Is reading that important? It definitely is. Nowadays the exigency of reading has become higher. When faced with a text, a professional is expected to know how to get the information he/she needs. Therefore, it is very important for us to know different reading techniques in order to get what we want. Techniques include skimming (reading for a general idea); scanning (reading for details); making a difference among what is inferred, implied, deducted, etc; identifying true and false information and many others. My suggestion it to grab a text or piece of written information you feel attracted to, read it and start to practice these techniques. When finished, grab something else and keep going. Read as much as you can. As usual, when in doubt, ask your teacher
Far away This ship has taken me far away Far away from the memories Of the people who care if I live or die Starlight I will be chasing a starlight Until the end of my life I don't know if it's worth it anymore Hold you in my arms I just wanted to hold You in my arms My life You electrify my life Let’s conspire to ignite All the souls that would die just to feel alive (1) I'll never let you go If you promise not to fade away Never fade away Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations (Chorus)
Erratum In our June issue we informed you that Legal English would be offered Tuesdays and Fridays. The correct days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. We apologize for this mistake.
Teacher Marcia Rodríguez celebrated her birthday on June 13
Staff Birthdays July
15 28 30 31
2 4 10 14
María Teresa Calienes Víctor Carrión José Argumedo Geraldine Delta
Far away This ship has taken me far away Far away from the memories Of the people who care if I live or die (Repeat 1, then chorus)
Félix Gilardi Luis Ramirez Ginettee Espinoza Laura del Río | Mónica La Puente
Festival de Lima Del 7 al 15 de agosto de 2008 se realizará en la ciudad de Lima la décimo segunda edición del Festival de Lima – Encuentro Latinoamericano de Cine. El Festival de Lima es organizado por el Centro Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y cuenta con la participación de instituciones tanto públicas como privadas del país y del extranjero. El país invitado en esta versión del festival será Alemania. El evento incluye exhibición de cortometrajes, presentaciones especiales (filmes de ficción o documentales, de excepcional calidad y de difícil acceso en nuestro medio), muestras paralelas, programa para niños, muestras en video clásicos del cine latinoamericano, ciclos de cinematografía, muestras de escuelas de cine, programas de cine para televisión, muestras de material recuperado, trabajos de jóvenes realizadores, diálogos con cineastas, talleres, exposiciones, homenajes a artistas o instituciones de reconocida trayectoria, entre otros. En un seminario paralelo al Festival se desarrollará el tema del cine digital desde diversos ángulos; desafíos artísticos, perspectivas de mercado y últimos avances tecnológicos.
Cursos y Talleres ▫ Teatro para Jóvenes y Adultos - Aristóteles Picho. ▫ Clown - Gonzalo Torres. ▫ Oratoria, Comunicación Efectiva y Exposición -
Dasso ▫ Cajón Peruano (Básico) - María del Carmen Dongo. ▫ Historia del Arte: Siglos XIX y XX - Silvio de Ferrari ▫ Guión - Augusto Cabada ▫ Imagen y Etiqueta Ejecutiva - Carolina Mujica
Cursos y Seminarios de Empresa ▫ Corretaje Inmobiliario - Fernando Saetton ▫ Contrato de Seguros - Carlos Rivera ▫ Gestión y Administración de Créditos - Luis Vento ▫ Elaboración y Evaluación de Proyectos Social - Ekaterina Reyes.
▫ Indicadores
y Herramientas Modernas de Gestión Humberto Reyes Rocha ▫ Marketing Profesional y Personal - Isabel Flores
▫ Escuela
de Escritura Creativa. Alonso Cueto e Iván Thays. ▫ Periodismo: Redacción General, Corrección y Edición de Estilo y Actualidad Internacional. Carlos Eduardo Vargas Tagle y César Arias Quincot. ▫ Contabilidad y Finanzas para no especialistas: Contabilidad, Análisis de Estados Financieros y Finanzas. Luis Vento y José Carpio. Detalles y horarios de cursos en la página web del CCPUCP Obtén hasta el 10% de descuento en los cursos y talleres del Centro Cultural al comprar tu Pasaporte Cultural. El pasaporte es vigente por un año y es renovable. El costo del pasaporte puede ser cancelado con tarjeta de crédito, débito o depósito en nuestras cuentas del BIF. Para más información, escribe a Av. Camino Real 1075 San Isidro | 616-1616 3
By our Students
Being a teenager today…
What would you like to watch?
What’s it like to be a teenager today? JA8 students Diana Pajuelo, Sheila Barrón, Rebeca Orellana & Carolina Esquivel tell us…
From Campus we get these two movies recommended by B9 students Cynthia Muñoz, Manuel Gomez and Luis Gamarra.
Being a teenager is something difficult, but it is normal in our life. Our body changes and our lifestyle too. Sometimes we get depressed by nothing, but there is something good: We grow up and we can make our own decisions, make friends and a lot more things. Friends: Teenagers always have friends, there’s always a best friend who is the person you can trust. As there are good friends, there are bad friends too. Parents and Family: Most of the time, parents help you with their experience in life. They are also more mature than you. [Whether you like it or not] they know more than you do! Hobbies: Nowadays, teens prefer playing in front of computers, watching TV and going to lots of parties. School: For us, sometimes school is important and sometimes it is not. School is a way of finding friends and for learning. Part-time Jobs: For teenagers, part-time jobs are very important because they want to earn their money and buy what they want. Teenager Rights: We are not old enough to vote or get married, but we have the right to study and be respected.
Hulk: Based on the Marvel comic, the Incredible Hulk is a great production, very expensive as well, from [Universal Studios]. It is about a scientific experiment that produces a mutation that [turns a man] into a green monster when he is furious. Society wants him dead, so be careful with this film. It is not for those [weak at the heart].
Narnia: Narnia is a movie inspired by the book with the same name. It is a kind of fantasy and epic film with a good message. It is for all audiences. You can hold your breath when the battles start in the film, or you can see legendary creatures too. The actors are Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Anna Popplewell, William Moseley and Tilda Swinton.
English for Fun
“By our Students” features contributions by those students whose outstanding work in class has been submitted for consideration. Please understand that space constraints do not allow us to reproduce as many contributions as we would like. Publications are subject to editing and modification due to design and layout. Contributions can be sent by email to
Teacher’s day Jokes
Peruvian Traditions and Holidays
Here are some short teachers jokes expressing teacher’s humor. Read the clues below which lead you to the right word and fill in the blanks to complete them.
Here’s a list of definitions regarding Peruvian Traditions and important holidays. Challenge yourself to remember which one we are talking about…
Contributed by Fabiola Cabello Teacher’s Day Jokes Answers: 1-homework 2-a nickel-3-quiete 4-line “28 de Julio” Answers: 1-Bullfighting 2-San Juan Feast 3-Inty Raymi 4-Sr de los Milagros Procession 5-Peruvian Folk Music Day 6-Peruvian Independence day 7-Spring Festival in Trujillo. 4