Newsletter June 2008

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Keeping up with change

In this Issue First Legal English course comes to an end Registration offices redesigned Welcoming three kids into our family Advanced courses re-engineered Revised Cambridge-ESOL exams Curso de Español y Cultura Peruana vuelve en julio

Our very first Newsletter was launched in October 2003. As it can be judged from the pictures below, not little has happened since then when it comes to keeping our “face” updated. The clear progression that this publication’s design has gone through has always responded to our institute’s ever-changing and agile pace. Always in search for the new, the innovative or simply the different, we have always looked for ways in which to deliver information in an appealing format. In recent issues, we have reported on the introduction of new teaching techniques, materials, updated resources, and much more. It definitely could not take too long for our Newsletter to keep up with this trend of novelty. Aside from the new color palette, your comments and suggestions have allowed us to come up with a more comfortable design, a new font type with distinct styles, more cultural information, and an overall appearance that is aligned with all other INIPUC artwork.

Sections Academic Calendar Words of Wisdom Song of the Month Study Tip At the Cultural Center… Staff Birthdays A Good Laugh English for Fun By our Students

Contributions this month As time goes by by Sebastián Santoro Autorretrato by Michelle Young Message to Your Soul by Judy Smith Study Tip by Johanna Villacrez English for Fun activities by Tere Calienes Cultural Center Information by Juan José Cabello

Photo credits Legal English picture: Diana De Piérola New offices: Cristian Garay Baby shower picture: Adriana Marcés Published by INIPUC Camino Real 1037 – San Isidro (626-6430 | 626-6431 | F: 626-6464) Prol. Primavera 907 – Chacarilla (626-6470) Av. Javier Prado Este 5495 – Camacho (626-6401) Proofreader for this issue: Jonathan Thiel NOT FOR SALE

In this issue, we mention two important holidays in June: Flag Day, which is celebrated in the United States on June 14th. The other holiday is Father’s Day, which falls on June 15th this year. Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the American flag, which has gone through several changes throughout the years. Do you know what this symbol currently looks like? You will find out in this issue. Father’s Day celebration started in the 20th century as a complement to Mother’s Day. Although it is celebrated in June in most countries, several others have this holiday in March (e.g. Spain and Bolivia), in July (e.g. Dominican Republic and Uruguay), in August (e.g. Brazil and China), and others. In this issue, we test how much you know about famous fathers. We hope you enjoy the activity on the back page. We are sure you will enjoy every piece of news we bring you in this issue, not to mention our new layout and artwork. We feel enthusiastic about the upcoming improvements in our Advanced Level, which you can read about in these pages, as well as the success of our March-April Legal English Course. Finally, we cannot help feeling delighted by the birth of our colleagues’ babies, six in total between March and June, including a set of twins! We will bring you more news in July. See you then!

Academic Calendar

A Message to your Soul (by Judy Smith)

June 14


“The secret of achievement is to not let what you are doing get to you before you get to it.” (From God’s Little Instruction Book)

Flag Day (U.S.)

Final Exam (Daily Courses) Reserved Registration Open Registration

: Wednesday, June 25 th : Thursday, June 26 th : June 27th to July 1 st

July Classes start Junior Courses start Reading Reports are due

: Wednesday, July 2 nd : Saturday, June 28th : Friday, July 18 th

INIPUC Online Internet Registration: Weekly Podcast: The INIPUC toolbar

June 15 Father’s Day


First Legal English course comes to an end Our very first Legal English Course successfully ended on April 29th when all participants were awarded their Certificates of Attendance in s short ceremony. Throughout March and April, course tutors María Elena Padilla and Zaida Benitez frequently reported being very satisfied with the quality of participation and the interesting contributions that all course members were making to the development of the program. Participants graduated with thorough knowledge of the American legal system, as well as with a broadened repertoire of legal jargon that will allow them to face up to the challenge of dealing with documents and cases in their field.

New Legal English Course August-September 2008 San Isidro, Tue and Fri, 7:30-9:30PM

Registration offices redesigned New format enhances our personal approach As you may have noticed, the Infrastructure Department was hard at work remodeling all INIPUC’s registration offices for about six weeks. The work included demolishing, partitioning, redistributing and reorganizing. The result of all this was a registration line of counters that allow our staff to approach our customers more closely and be able to serve them better and more efficiently. Students and visitors had the best comments about this redesign. Many of them exclaimed “Wow! Now, this is different!” Some others thought that the new design makes registration much more comfortable. Each registration desk is now fitted with LCD monitors, which save considerable workspace and allow for more comfort. Electric curtains provide the necessary security and add to the new style.

The new office format has been applied to all our branches.

Welcoming three kids into our family INIPUC staff wished all the best to our mothers-to-be

Course Tutors Zaida Benitez and María Elena Padilla stand proud next to four of their Legal English course participants.

Following the note we published in May where we reported on the recent birth of Alonso, Mariano and Mateo, sons of three of our colleagues, we would now like to report on the baby showers that were recently organized to welcome these children into our family: On the third week of May, teacher Mirna Dominguez was greeted by her colleagues in Camacho. The staff organized a lunch meeting where she received lots of presents and best wishes. Mirna’s twins, Alexa Carolina and Samantha Marie, were safely born on June 8th. Later in the same month, Camacho head secretary Maricela Andrade was also greeted by the staff in a lunch meeting organized in that venue and a gathering at a local restaurant. Maricela is also giving birth early in June, and this will be her second baby boy. Maricela has promised to send us a picture as soon as her baby is born. Congratulations to both our friends! We wish you and your kids all the best!

Advanced courses re-engineered Extended course offer and updated materials set higher standards As announced in June, INIPUC’s Advanced Courses have been re-engineered to set higher standards and offer more flexibility to our students. In the first place, the introduction of the textbook CAE Gold Plus will provide students with updated exam preparation material. All the changes that CambridgeESOL has introduced in the new CAE are reflected in this new edition of the Gold series. The introduction of this new textbook will be gradual, according to the progress calendar that has been made public to our students. CAE Gold Plus features a fully-interactive CD-Rom (or workbook CD) that includes I-Tests that provide additional practice in scenarios that resemble the real CAE. Secondly, in order to provide our students with a wider offer of advanced courses, we will be programming two CAE courses and two CPE courses every month at various times of the day and at our different branches. Finally, in response to course demands, all Advanced course exams will now feature two-hour final exams. In the first 50 minutes, students will sit for the writing section of the test, while the remaining 50 minutes will be devoted to the other sections of the exam. Writing sections for CAE and CPE preparation courses will now mirror the type of tasks that candidates are expected to face in an actual Cambridge-ESOL examination.

Upcoming TOEFL Administration Dates Details: Registration:


30/05/08 21/06/08


San Camacho Isidro

06/06/08 28/06/08

09:00AM 12:00PM

Chacarilla San Isidro

21/06/08 11/07/08



The Camacho coffee shop was decorated with pink balloons and ribbon to express our fondest feelings for our colleague Mirna Dominguez, soon to become mother of twins!

¡Atención alumnos de Español! Curso de Español y Cultura Peruana vuelve en julio El Área de Español como Lengua Extranjera anuncia que en julio se iniciará un nuevo ciclo del curso Español y Cultura Peruana, el cual está especialmente diseñado para alumnos con un nivel mínimo de E9. El curso tiene una duración de tres ciclos (julio a setiembre) y se dicta de lunes a viernes en San Isidro de 3:30 a 5:30PM. Los viernes están dedicados a actividades fuera del INIPUC (visitas, tours, etc.) Para mayores informes, escribe a idiomas@pucp. o visita

A Good Laugh ( An Army brat was boasting about his father to a Navy brat. "My dad is an engineer. He can do everything. Do you know the Alps?“ "Yes," said the Navy brat. "My dad has built them.“ Then the naval kid spoke: "And do you know the Dead Sea?“ "Yes.“ “It's my dad who's killed it!"

Revised Cambridge – ESOL Exams Changes in the FCE and CAE will be effective in December 2008 For more than two years now, Cambridge ESOL has been carrying out a thorough review on the First Certificate in English (FCE) and the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE). The results of this review will be seen in the FCE and CAE administrations in December 2008, when the new versions of the exams are in the hands of test-takers. The revised tests include new and/or improved task types, and their overall length has been reduced by approximately one hour. In this way, the progression from FCE to CAE and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) will be more straightforward. This month we give a closer look at some of the most important changes in the FCE. FCE Paper 3: Use of English − Reduced from 1 hour 15 minutes (65 questions) to 45 minutes (42 questions). − Error correction section removed.

FCE Paper 1: Reading − Reduced from 1 hour 15 minutes (35 questions) to 1 hour (30 questions). − Part 1 (matching heading or summary sentences to paragraphs of a text) removed. − Part 3 (gapped text) only in sentence form (not paragraphs).

FCE Paper 4: Listening − Overall format of the paper now standardized with other CambridgeESOL general English listening tests.

FCE Paper 2: Writing − Reduced from 1 hour 30 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes. − Limit of words for Part 1 reduced. − Writing e-mails now included, as well as writing a review in Part 2. − Set texts reduced from five to two.

FCE Paper 5: Speaking − Speaking section enhanced with additional prompts and questions to help candidates produce language. Source: Cambridge-ESOL Research notes. Issue30 / November 2007

Study Tip

Song of the Month

Johanna Villacrez addresses students’ concern for a native American accent

“The Call” by Regina Spektor, is extracted from The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Students usually wonder “Why don’t I sound like an American?” In principle, English and Spanish have different sounds and sound combinations. This makes the task a bit hard, but not impossible. Here is a couple of reflections: Whenever we want to improve our pronunciation in English, we need to listen carefully to the subtle differences in sounds (for example: /b/ or /v/ or /f/ ). We also need to pay attention to the way we place our lips, teeth, and tongue when we pronounce certain sounds. My suggestion is: observe how English speakers move their mouths, look at yourself in the mirror, and have fun trying to produce sounds the way they do!

It started out as a feeling Which then grew into a hope Which then turned into a quiet thought Which then turned into a quiet word And then that word grew louder and louder 'Til it was a battle cry I'll come back when you call me No need to say goodbye Just because everything's changing Doesn't mean it's never Been this way before All you can do is try to know who your friends are As you head off to the war Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light You'll come back when it's over No need to say good bye Now we're back to the beginning It's just a feeling and now one knows yet But just because they can't feel it too Doesn't mean that you have to forget Let your memories grow stronger ans stronger 'Til they're before your eyes (Chorus)

Erratum In our May issue, we credited our colleague Michel Lovón for proofreading our material. We, however, misspelled his first name on the front page. We apologize for this mistake, dear Michel!

Staff Birthdays June


13 14 15 19 25 30

1 2 3 6 8 15

Marcia Rodríguez Luis Angel Esparza Daniel González | Kathia Zegarra Nathalia Burbano | Cristian Garay María Fernanda del Carpio María Lía Palacios

César Carrillo Yeanette Flores Miguel Sierra Ralph Grayson Javier Saldarriaga María Teresa Calienes

FilmoCorto Festival de Cortometrajes de Lima 10 al 13 de julio de 2008 Se han abierto las inscripciones para FilmoCorto 2008, el Festival de Cortometrajes de Lima. FilmoCorto ofrece a los concursantes dos secciones: la Sección Oficial, en la que podrán participar todos los realizadores peruanos sin restricción de edad, y la Sección Estudiantil, para alumnos o estudiantes de universidades, escuelas, institutos de formación cinematográfica o en comunicaciones. Las inscripciones están abiertas en la Filmoteca y el Centro Cultural PUCP, así como en su página web.

Teatro “La Prueba” De: David Auburn Dirección: Francisco Lombardi Con Wendy Vásquez, Carlos Gassols, Vanessa Saba y Diego Lombardi. Funciones de Jueves a lunes 8PM S/. 35 general, S/. 20 jubilados y estudiantes. Lunes populares S/.25 Entradas en Teleticket (Wong y Metro) Boletería del teatro de 3 a 10PM “La Prueba” narra la historia de una joven llamada Catherine, hija de Robert, un matemático brillante que lucha por mantener la salud mental. Catherine, también matemática, deja la universidad y sus años más creativos para poder cuidar a su padre que se encuentra convencido de que alienígenas le mandan mensajes secretos a través de los números decimales Dewey. ¿Qué parte de la genialidad de su padre ha heredado, y que parte de su locura? Sus sospechas la mortifican cuando su hermana Claire y Hall, un discípulo de su padre empiezan a tratarla como si fuera mentalmente inestable, y tratan de encontrar quién es el autor de la prueba matemática, que supuestamente, sería una revolución en ese campo.

Cursos y Talleres Imagen y Etiqueta Ejecutiva Con Carolina Mujica. Martes y jueves de 7PM a 9PM. Del 24 de junio al 17 de julio. Yoga Con Pavarti Nanda Nath. Miércoles 2 y jueves 3 de julio de 6:30PM a 9:30PM Introducción a la Enología Con Cristina Vallarino. 9, 10 y 11 de julio de 7PM a 9:15PM.

Cursos y Seminarios de Empresa Redacción para Asistentes y Secretarias de Gerencia Con Elizabeth Tavera. Viernes de 7PM a 9:30PM y sábados de 10AM a 12:30PM. Del 14 de junio al 11 de julio. Animaciones, Juegos y Dinámicas en Capacitación Organizacional Viernes de 7PM a 9:30PM y sábados de 10AM a 12:30PM. Del 13 de junio al 27 de junio.

Más cursos en la página web del CCPUCP Av. Camino Real 1075 San Isidro | 616-1616 3

By our Students

As time goes by…


Reflections on the surprises and joys of growing older Sebastián Santoro, an Advanced-5 student, writes his impressions of Reeve Lindbergh’ article published in the May issue of Reader’s Digest

Michelle Young, alumna de Español 10, se describe a sí misma.

If I may paraphrase the great voice of the 50’s, Frank Sinatra, I could start this humble contribution to our newsletter by saying that fundamental things still apply, no matter how much time has gone by. I know it, and I know it big time. I myself am the great grandson of one of the most generous woman of our time. My grandmother has put up every single relative or friend of ours in times of need or sickness since I can remember, and if I may believe what rumours say, even before. Since the day my grandmother had a house, that house was full of people. Once a Mexican friend of my aunt needed a place to stay while visiting Peru. Honouring the tradition, my aunt Norma (who was named after my grandmother) asked her mom if her friend could stay at our house. Upon her return to Mexico she would confess to my aunt that she “spent a week trying to figure out who lived on that house and who didn’t.” What I wanted to get from that was this: As years pass by, people grow older, and younger generations fly out of the nest, leaving a house full of slow-moving, myopic and arthritic life. Growing up in a house full of third age ladies, I learned how to say goodbye and accept things lost. I also learned about survival and the desire of living, which is what really keeps you alive. Dying was not a once-in-a-while issue. It was more of a weekly happening when some aunt passed away. When my own grandmother had a terrible flu which threatened her life, I remember joking with her, saying: “Come on, oldie, you’re strong as a bull. You’ve gotten out of worst situations.” Later on she would confess that comment was the only reason she kept on living. Now you may understand why I was so touched and yet so amused by Reeve Lindbergh’s article on the surprises and joys of growing older. I’ve been there, seen that, enjoyed and grieved the pros and cons of aging (even if not my own aging). To make it short, I could sum it up by telling you the one true and valuable secret I’ve learned about life: It’s not over until it’s over.

¿Quién soy yo? Soy un ser curioso, llena de asombro. Viva, sin duda. Mi corazón palpita con el mundo. ¿Pasión? Sí, tengo. Tengo hambre por aprender y tengo facilidad para mis estudios. Me apetece el arte, la música, lo que habla el alma. Tengo las manos sudadas y los pies mal formados pero busco los riesgos y soy la primera que baila. Mis ojos sencillos han visto montañas y desiertos. Mis zapatos han cruzado muchas fronteras, pero mi corazón se queda con la gente que amo. Me encanta nadar en el mar y mirar las estrellas. Canto. ¿Por qué no cantaría? Cómo pequeña soy, yo sé. Pero ¿con cuánta posibilidad? No me lo puedo imaginar.

“Autorretrato” Oleo sobre tela Mario Hernandez Prada Colombia

Father’s Day Crossword Puzzle

It’s flag day!

Find out who these famous fathers are!

The United States have celebrated Flag Day since 1777. Over the years, the design of the flag has changed several times. The one they have now has been used for over 47 years! Do you know what it represents? Have a guess!

Across 1. The first father ever 4. Biological father of Pax and adoptive father of Maddox, Sahara and Shiloh (He’s very handsome) 6. Father of Pebbles (He always says “YabbaDabba-Doo!”) 7. Bart's father (He's Yellow) 8. Father of the Smurfs (He's blue and wears red pants) 9. Month in which father's day is celebrated in Peru, England and The US

Down 2. Father of Luke Skywalker. 3. Pinocchio's father 5. Suri’s dad (He’s rather short) Answers: 1. Adam 2. Darth Vader 3. Ghepetto 4. Brad Pitt 5. Tom Cruise 6. Fred Flintstone 7. Homer 8. Papa Smurf 9. June

English for Fun

“By our Students” features contributions by those students whose outstanding work in class has been submitted for consideration. Please understand that space constraints do not allow us to reproduce as many contributions as we would like. Publications are subject to editing and modification due to design and layout. Contributions can be sent by email to

Answers: (1) b (1) a

Contributed by María Teresa Calienes


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