Expanding Services
In this Issue Aprendiendo de Nuestra Cultura Nueva Central de Informes Exámenes de Inglés para Niños First Online Reading Comprehension Course Turn our Pages in issuu
It has been three years since INIPUC became a Cambridge-ESOL authorized examination center for internal candidates. In three years we have progressively expanded our offer from three to now eleven international exams! The newest of our exams are the International Legal English Certificate (ILEC) and the International Certificate in Financial English (ICFE). Both exams are administered by Cambridge-ESOL in conjunction with prestigious international legal and financial bodies. They are aimed to people who work or study in these professional areas, who have an advanced level of English, and who would like to broaden their horizon to international levels. If you are a lawyer, notary, law student, accountant, auditor or anyone in similar fields, one of these specialized exams is for you. The sites www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/ilec and www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/icfe contain all the information you need about these new services. We cannot deny how proud we would feel to see you as a proud holder of any of our international certificates.
Academic Calendar Words of Wisdom Song of the Month Study Tip At the Cultural Center… Staff Birthdays A Good Laugh English for Fun By our Students
Contributions this month Acrósticos: Robin Shelley, Lili Zeng, Monika Jalan, Joyce Heredes, Stephanie Mellace y Vanessa De Souza
I am really learning English!: Jorge Gosicha Vidal and Karla Arenas
Message to Your Soul: Judy Smith Study Tip: Fabiola Cabello Song of the Month: Fernando Velazco English for Fun activities: Maricel Euribe Cultural Center Information: Juan José Cabello
Photo credits Aprendiendo de Nuestra Cultura: Javier Saldarriaga Central de Informes: Patricia Villasante No pasa Nada: www.cultural.pucp.edu.pe
Published by INIPUC Camino Real 1037 – San Isidro Prol. Primavera 907 – Chacarilla Av. Javier Prado Este 5495 – Camacho 626-6411 | 626-6412 | 626-6413 Proofreader for this issue: Chris Mullins NOT FOR SALE
Academic Calendar September Final Exam (Daily Courses) Reserved Registration Open Registration
A Message to your Soul (by Judy Smith)
News Flash!
“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But
Changes due to APEC
the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” - Mother Teresa : Thursday, September 25th : Friday, September 26th : September27th to 29th
October Classes start Junior Courses start Reading Reports are due
As if these two new exams were not enough, we are launching more services, like the Online Reading Comprehension course and our brand new Information Switchboard.. We feel thrilled to see how fast everything moves around INIPUC and how much energy is being put into bringing added quality and outstanding service to our customers. Flip through the pages of this issue to read more about these upgrades. To finish up, even though springtime in the western hemisphere does not seem to want to bring joy to our dark, drizzly days in Lima, Ms. Maricel Euribe brings us two fun activities that remind us that, yes!, spring starts September 23rd! Read us back in October. Until then, enjoy the season!
: Tuesday, September 30th : Saturday, October 25th : Friday, October 17th
INIPUC Online Newsletter: Practice Website: Weekly Podcast: The INIPUC toolbar
www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/newsletter www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/ejercicios www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/podcast http://idiomas.ourtoolbar.com/exe
First Day of Classes for November: Oct. 28th INIPUC will be closed on Nov. 20th, 21st and 22nd.
Aprendiendo de Nuestra Cultura Alumnos del programa de extensión de Español para Extranjeros visitan Caral Como parte del programa de extensión que ofrece el área de Español para Extranjeros, los alumnos del módulo I visitaron las ruinas de Caral, en la provincia de Supe. El domingo 24 de agosto, los alumnos de este programa se dieron cita al alba para tomar el bus que los llevaría 187 kilómetros al norte de Lima y algunos más hasta llegar a las ruinas de Caral. Es así que nuestros alumnos del curso Español y Cultura Peruana, disfrutaron y aprendieron en un entorno educativo donde apreciaron lo que hasta hoy se conoce como la civilización más antigua de América, desarrollada casi simultáneamente con las de Mesopotamia, Egipto, India y China. El viaje de investigación contó con la participación de 18 personas que recorrieron el Complejo Arqueológico Supe-Caral con un guía-investigador del lugar. Asimismo visitaron la Albufera de Medio Mundo y Huaura, lugar donde se proclamó por primera vez la Independencia del Perú. Anterior a esta actividad, y como parte del curso, el 15 de agosto el grupo visitó el Museo Arqueológico y Antropológico de Pueblo Libre. Para informes, visite www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/spanish
First Online Reading Comprehension Course 100+ students registered for the first Reading Comprehension Course in English delivered online Thanks to the support of PUCP Virtual, the first online Reading Comprehension Course was launched on September 8th. The course responds to the ever-growing need to provide elementary instruction in English to individuals who use English as a tool for understanding written texts in their fields. Most of the first 100 students in the course are individuals who pursue Master’s degrees but who, for some reason or another, have not been able to study English in an academic environment. The course is organized around seven two-month modules in which participants distribute their own time to study the materials which are delivered together with an online self-study guide. Throughout the course, students have the opportunity to practice reading techniques, vocabulary and grammar they study in their materials. In addition to that, interactive self-assessment tools are provided to help participants measure their own progress. Instructor Giulianna Astorne was in charge of the design of the first module in this course, while instructor Zarela Cruz is already giving the final touches to module 2 which is due to start in November. In order to deliver the course to more than 100 people at the same time, five tutors have been assigned to this task: Besides Ms. Astorne and Ms. Cruz, the team of tutors include Mr. César La Rosa, Ms. Nelly Jara and Mr. Cristian Garay. They will all be guiding their group of students through the material and providing them with all the necessary support for their success. We are thrilled with this new achievement and we thank all those who have been involved in this project for putting all their effort and professional knowledge into it. Information: www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/lectura-virtual
Alumnos y docentes que visitaron el Complejo Arequeológico Supe-Caral el 24 de agosto.
Nueva Central de Informes 626-6411 | 626-6412 | 626-6413 Desde Camacho, nuestro nuevo servicio canaliza sus requerimientos Contando con modernos equipos IP, un entusiasta grupo de operadoras atiende nuestra nueva central de informes desde el local de Camacho. Desde mediados de setiembre, nuestro servicio de recepción de llamadas se trasladó a Camacho, donde, haciendo uso de equipo de telefonía IP, las llamadas son recibidas y redirigidas al área correspondiente. Este equipo se encarga de mantener nuestras líneas atendidas en todo momento, brindando toda la información necesaria acerca de nuestros cursos, metodología y servicios conexos. La atención de las operadoras es de 8AM a 7:30PM. A partir de esa hora, queda disponible la central automática PUCP en el teléfono 626-2000 desde donde se puede comunicar a los anexos directos de las oficinas del INIPUC. Part of the staff in the first Online Reading Comprehension Course Sitting (Left to right): Giuliana Astorne (Materials Designer and Tutor), Giselle Castro, Haydeé Azabache &, Marité Román (PUCP Virtual). Standing (Left to right): César La Rosa, Nelly Jara, Cristian Garay (Tutors) & Zarela Cruz (Materials Designer and Tutor)
Turn our pages in issuu Sheyla Sandoval, una de nuestras cordiales operadoras.
We are glad to announce that the INIPUC Newsletter is now available online not only in traditional pdf format, but also through an issuu viewer. To read us in isuuu, visit www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/newsletter
Upcoming TOEFL Administration Dates
A Good Laugh
Details: www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/toefl Registration: www.toefl.org
Skeptical of his son's newfound determination to become Charles Atlas, the father nevertheless followed the teenager over to the weight-lifting department, admiring a set of weights. "Please, Dad," pleaded the boy, "I promise I'll use 'em every day." "I don't know, Michael. It's really a commitment on your part," the father pointed out. "Please, Dad?" the boy continued. Finally won over, the father paid for the equipment and headed for the door. From the corner of the store he heard his son yelp, "What! You mean I have to carry them to the car?"
30/05/08 27/09/08
09:00AM 12:00PM
San Isidro
06/06/08 11/10/08
09:00AM 10:00AM
21/06/08 17/10/08
San Camacho Isidro
Atención padres de familia: Exámenes de Inglés para Niños Nuevos exámenes Cambridge para niños motivan y confirman progreso El área de Exámenes Internacionales del INIPUC se complace en anunciar que hemos adquirido la autorización para administrar los renombrados exámenes Cambridge-ESOL para niños denominados Starters, Movers y Flyers. Los exámenes de inglés para niños, o YLE, están diseñados para motivar y confirmar el progreso del alumno. Por este motivo, no implican notas aprobatorias o desaprobatorias. Los resultados están determinados por un número de escudos Cambridge entre 0 y 5, que indican el avance que ha tenido el menor en las distintas áreas de aprendizaje. Los exámenes YLE ayudarán a los padres de familia a visualizar el progreso de sus hijos de una manera objetiva y desde una perspectiva internacional. Los tres exámenes incluyen una prueba de lecto-escritura, una prueba de comprensión auditiva y una pequeña entrevista a cargo de personal externo y autorizado para este fin. Estos exámenes estarán disponibles en distintas fechas del año de acuerdo al calendario que se enviará a los padres de familia. Para mayor información, visite www.idiomas.pucp.edu.pe/yle
Registration for PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, TKT, ILEC & ICFE opens September 23rd
Study Tip
Song of the Month
Can a person actually learn a new accent? Fabiola Cabello answers this question
Let’s have some good fun with the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack album!
Accent is the combination of three main components: intonation (the “music”), word connections and pronunciation. Many people feel that after a certain age, it is just not possible to learn a new accent, but this is not true! The key is definitely practice. Here are some dos and don’ts that can help you work on your accent: When speaking: Think of music and feelings. Llet your mouth relax and flow. Do not over-pronounce each word. Keep your mouth rather closed and produce the sounds in the throat moving your tongue actively. You can try putting a pencil between your teeth or holding your fingers over your lips when you speak or read a paragraph aloud. Recording yourself is a good idea as well. Do not speak word for word, you will sound mechanical and stiff, quite different from a normal conversation tone. Connect words to form sound groups. Remember: A new accent is an adventure. You’ll soon notice natives get to understand you better. Source: www.americanaccent.com
(1) Coz everybody is Kung Fu Fighting Your mind becomes fast as lightning Although the future is a little bit fright'ning It's the book of your life that you're writing (2) You're a diamond in the rough A brilliant ball play You could be a work of art If you just go all the way Now what would it take to break I believe that you can bend Not only do you have to fight But you have gotta win (Repeat 1) You are a natural Why is it so hard to see? Maybe it's just because You keep on looking at me The journey's a lonely one So much more than we know But sometimes you've got to go Go on and be your own hero (Repeat 1, 2, 1)
Con: Cesar Ritter, Eduardo Camino, Erika Villalobos Miguel Iza, Lizet Chávez Anneliese Fiedler, Vanessa Vizcarra y Manuel Gold
El final de algo es, inevitablemente, el punto de partida de otra cosa. En No Pasa Nada el punto de partida lo da el final de una relación de pareja. Dos jóvenes amigos, que acaban de separarse de las que han sido sus mujeres por años, se topan casualmente en un paradero, a la salida de algún bar y dada la coincidencia, comienzan a acompañarse en esta nueva etapa, en la que sus vidas se cruzan todas las noches en bares y discotecas, con las de otros y otras, que también salen en la búsqueda de algo Un día de esos, a partir de la carcajada que les produce una conversación absurda, deciden hacer una obra a partir de sus nuevas anécdotas. A partir de ese momento el espectador puede descubrir que la obra que está viendo es la obra que ellos están tratando de armar. Tratan de componer algo con fragmentos de su propia cotidianeidad, fragmentos sin hilación, en los que aparentemente no pasa nada. ¿Pero es realmente así? Hay tramos de la vida en los que se está en búsqueda de algo y ni siquiera se sabe bien de qué. Tramos en los que la vida avanza sin dirección ni propósitos claros. Pero que con el tiempo terminan llevando a sus protagonistas a otro lado. Tramos que sería un error editar, al final de los cuáles, aun sin haberlo decidido, algo pasó. De jueves a lunes 8PM. Entradas en Teleticket Wong y Metro y Boleteria CCPUCP. Costo: S/. 35 general, S/. 20 jubilados y estudiantes. Lunes populares: S/. 25 general, jubilados y estudiantes.
Cursos y Talleres Diseño de Jardines. Fernando Bulnes: 22/09 al 27/11. Lunes y miércoles, 7PM a 9PM. Procesos de Cambio. Mónica Prochazka: 30/09 al 23/10. Martes y jueves, 7PM a 9:30PM.
Cursos y Seminarios para Empresa Entrevistas de Selección de Personal para no Especialistas. Javier Otoya: 24/09 al 15/10, excepto 08/10. Lunes y miércoles, 7PM a 9:30PM. Financiamiento de Proyectos Hipotecarios. Fernando Carrasco. 20/09 al 10/10 (excepto 26/09). Viernes, 6:30PM a 9:30PM y sábados, 9:30PM a 12:30PM.
Actividad Especial
Staff Birthdays September 17 Roxana Neumann 18 Melissa Masuda 23 Javier Román 24 Michel Lovón 25 Sandra Mazuelos 29 María Isabel Pescio
No pasa nada Dirige: Jorge Castro
October 1 Milagros Torres | Mabel del Águila César La Rosa 2 Mayra Zubiate | Chris Mullins 3 Silvana Prato 14 Giuliana Gallegos 15 Mari Céspedes
Turismo, Cultura y Medio Ambiente. Sonaly Tuesta, Federico Murrugarra y Luis Repetto. Lunes 29 de septiembre, 7PM. Ingreso libre. Sala de conferencias
www.cultural.pucp.edu.pe Av. Camino Real 1075 San Isidro | 616-1616 3
By our Students
Acrósticos Ecológicos Los alumnos de Español 12 desean compartir con nosotros estos acrósticos escritos en clase para motivarnos a tomar conciencia acerca de la importancia de la Ecología.
Evitemos la contaminación de los mares Convirtamos los vehículos a gas natural Obliguemos a la gente a reciclar Luchemos contra las fabricas grandes que producen tóxicos Organicemos talleres para promover los problemas ecológicos Ganemos la confianza de la gente para enseñarles como hacer su parte Intentemos salvar las partes del medio ambiente que aun no estén dañadas Aumentemos el apoyo a las organizaciones que cuidan el medio ambiente
Elijamos políticos que se comprometan con cuidar el medio ambiente Cuidemos la naturaleza como si fuera nuestra familia Ordenemos el reciclaje de botellas de plástico para no contaminar Limpiemos la basura de nuestro medio ambiente Organicemos una organización para proteger la naturaleza Guardemos nuestras promesas de cuidar el ambiente donde vivimos Idealicemos una naturaleza sin explotación Alejemos a nuestro hijos de la contaminación atmosférica y acústica
Robin Shelley, Lili Zeng y Monika Jalan
Joyce Heredes, Stephanie Mellace y Vanessa De Souza
I am really learning English! Several students told us about recent experiences in which they have realized how much English they have really learned. Here are two of them. “I am currently working in a hotel and, comparing my level of English with my partners’, I realize that my level is better. I worked onboard a Disney Cruise Line vessel for two years. At the beginning, I was an assistant server, but I didn’t feel confident enough to be a server, until one day one of my friends told me ‘Just try’. In the end, I got a promotion as a server. At the same time, I discovered that speaking English is all about confidence.” Jorge Gosicha Vidal (San Isidro)
“I came back two weeks ago after spending three years in a foreign country. At the beginning, being along in another nation was definitely a hard task. The fact of being a different country surrounded by English speakers with dissimilar customs was a little bit overwhelming. On the other hand, I knew that Miami, my new place, was a melting pot. I also knew that the inter-cultural challenge ahead of me encouraged me to overcome my reticence and made me face the experience with a ‘cosmopolitan’ point of view. Knowing how to speak English has given me the opportunity to work and study without boundaries. It certainly gives you the upper hand if you want to take advantage of all the knowledge that is available to us due to globalization. Since my experience, I understood how important it is to be bilingual nowadays, because if you are able to get and transmit information in two of the main languages in the world (English and Spanish), you will have doors wide open.” Karla Arenas (San Isidro)
English for Fun
“By our Students” features contributions by those students whose outstanding work in class has been submitted for consideration. Please understand that space constraints do not allow us to reproduce as many contributions as we would like. Publications are subject to editing and modification due to design and layout. Contributions can be sent by email to rgrayson@pucp.edu.pe.
Spring Crossword
Let’s complete a poem about spring!
Use the wordlist to complete the crossword
Use the words in the box
Source: www.dltk-holidays.com
Source: www.dltk-holidays.com
Crossword answers: Across: 4-sprout | 7-duckling | 11-caterpillar | 12-seeds | Down: 1daffodil | 2-tulip | 3-bonnet | 5-puddle | 6-lilacs | 8-jacket | 9-srping | 10-hatch Poem answers: 1-seeds | 2-sow | 3-ground | 4-sun | 5- warms | 6-rain clouds | 7-plants | 8-sleepy | 9-earth