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non invasive strategies

Thematic ties. Through the project the main discourse has been to seek out ways of strenghtening ties and supporting the functions of spaces, through diversifying the uses of a given space. We’ve employed strategic densification with an emphasis on converting derelict spaces. The programs have sought to mediate between mutually exclusive spheres, in ways that have enabled us to minimize interstitial spaces/voids Rather than plotting out roads and houses, we’ve focused on establishing a series of interrelated /interdependent structures and spaces, how does architecture negotiate severe topologies without domesticating or taming.

Overall reflections. From the outset the ambition was two fold on the one hand to create a sort of anatomy to the site, laying out strands of specific/intentional areas/structures, these would be given clusters that provide definite and in some sense classical interpretations of urban networks. On the other hand there was an apprahention about laying out a masterplan, in that these seldom, if ever, work. With this in mind the second layer was to be a systemic one. We feel that the intertwining of logics has a potential of yielding unexpedted results and as such offer greater opportunities when it comes to tracing the outline of future developments, great cities are after all not planned, but grown. The plan then is a sort of vessel, providing fragmented logics, for the implementation of a city that is uncovered like an archeological excavation. Two modes of operation; one that brances out, seeking points of attachment, hiearchical structures to

adhere to and support. The other one of systemic logic driven employment, a crystalline virus. The systemic: The central part of the site is the most difficult to tackle. It is a heavily contradictory patchwork of sizes, topology and program, and at first glance seem to keep its redeeming qualities somewhat to itself, nowhere is there a clearly dominant or priveleged feature. As a countermeasure to this heterogeneity a strategy of inversion was employed; the site as a homogeneus field of potential events, the nullification of meaning. The strategy of the found: This modality operates as a mapping that traces a dense layer of multiple meanings, a palimpsest of sorts. Through the multiplicity new cross connections are established as a strategic means of visualizing simultaneous potentials.

Principal programmatic reflections: Nacka has great qualities, there’s a tradition of delineated areas creating their own identity. This has much to do with the way in which both roads and typology separate the constituent parts. The densifications that have been made in the latter decades have been more than successfull. Areas like Nacka Strand, Sickla Köpkvarter, Hamarbyhamnen, Järlasjö and the developing areas of Kvarnholmen and Sickla Utbildningskvarter biuld on and connect to these previous successes. We believe that in order to create viable spaces, it is necessary to not solely focus on densification. The identity and character of an area, the flow of people and the user groups are pivotal points. Merely densifying and filling out the area between Forum Nacka and City Hall would merely be an empty gesture, and ultimately, a step backward in the urban development of Nacka.

How to make Nacka center an urban node -connect the city center with the potent areas in the municipality of nacka -establish a cross connection. Järlasjön/citycenter/archipelago -meld citycenter with nacka strand -make the area very public and versatile OBS -usage 250 m -introduce diverse programs for extensive 24hour -link the center with surrounding areas through the implementation of anchorpoint framework -more buildings, more fields, more park, less derelict space make the citycenter a place for people to spend time more often and longer





-increase porosity of central site to promote flow and vitality.

[sport+office] [swimming]


[Anchorbone C]

[office+policest [office]



[office] [boat housing] [fastfood] [office]

[car retail]


[24h parking+24h s

[outdoor Programmatic Spheres_after

[Anchorpoint C] [school 10-12 year] [school extra year]

[indoor sport]



sport] [outdoor sport]

[bus stop] [sport/parking]


[sport+office] [swimhall]



[outdoor sport] [office+shopping]

[school 6-9 year]


[Anchorpoint B]



[cityhall] [school 1-5 year]

[bus st [office]

[Firestation] [gasstation] [[church]]


[Sickla education area]


[Sickla shopping area]

[bowling] [restaurants]

[dens. housing]

[Järla sjöstad]

A note about communication - A net of events and connections - The three anchorpoints. Even to place Nacka Center as a node unto itself in naive and weak in comparison to the flows that border the site. Instead we see a network of nodes as the obvious way of negotiating the site. Instead of shrinking the center to a point, we view it as a constituent part of a city interlaced vith the adjacent areas. The center as a place possessing a dense vitality, that makes it’s status as a hub a given. Establishing a densification across an otherwise single track nacka, from Järlasjön to Ryssviken. To further develop the the dense area from forum nacka to the järla area and to establish a water front area towards the archipelago. Connecting Nackas Harbour Principal programmatic intentions. When pursuing a strategy of densification and the establishing of a central node, it is important to pay heed to the allready diverse programmatic distribution present in nacka. The three areas that we have pointed out posess different dominant qualities and potentials, amongst others through their adjacent programs. Thus the intersection and interweaving (sic!) with the present environment and adjacent areas is two fold, programmatic and structural. This affords us with a strategy which is exNacka Harbour tensively flexible and Connecting adaptable to market New Harbour focus demands.


ka strand]

[C:1] Studie Area


New Harbour focus nacka meets the archipelago


Connecting Nacka Harbour

New Highrises

Nackas harbour is a great asset, the possibility to have a continuous housing development along the waterside has to be exploited. The hard typologi and the steep sloopes makes it anyhow imposible to use for recreation.

Part of the experince passing by on the highway. Feeling of beeing thrown thrue a city, not passing by a suburb

New Highrises


Part of the experince passing by on the highway. Feeling of beeing thrown thrue a city, not passing by a suburb

[car retail]


sport] Studie Area

horpoint A]


Nackas harbour is a great asset, the possibility to have a continuous housing development along the waterside has to be exploited. The hard typologi and the steep sloopes makes it anyhow imposible to use for recreation.

nacka meets the archipelago


Nackas harbour is a great asset, the possibility to have a continuous housing development along the waterside has to be exploited. The hard typologi and the steep sloopes makes it anyhow imposible to use for recreation.

Centrala nacka är i stort organiserat längs med de stora vägarna som löper längs med åsarna och kopplar sthlm och nacka med värmdö och gustavsberg. Nacka har följt en naturlig utveckling där man fyllt ut utrymmet mellan vägarna och åsarna. För att skapa ett centrum är det det viktigt att knyta Nacka centrum till skärgården och den fantastiska kontext som finns. Etablera en serie händelser, ankarpunkter där folk rör sig från. Nacka forum med sina stora busshåll platser och stora kommers är en given ankarpunkt.. Den nya kontakten från Kvarnholmen har poten tial att utvecklas, dok helst med ett helt nytt bostadsområde mot vattnet som kopplar nacka till skärgården och som etblerar krysskontakter med sjön på båda sidor av åsen -

Midse fed w place

Möjligen skapa en egen kaj miljö i förlängning av nacka strand. skulle kunna vara en del av en promenad som fortsätter ut på kvarnholmen och vidare in mot stan

New Highrises Part of the experince passing by on the highway. Feeling of beeing thrown thrue a city, not passing by a suburb

New Highrises


Nacka island

New cross connections

Part of the experince passing by on the highway. Feeling of beeing thrown thrue a city, not passing by a suburb

Connecting Nackas Harbour Nackas harbour is a great asset, the possibility to have a continuous housing development along the waterside has to be exploited. The hard typologi and the steep sloopes makes it anyhow imposible to use for recreation.

New cross co

Centrala nacka är i stort organiserat sthlm och nacka med värmdö och g Nacka har följt en naturlig utvecklin För att skapa ett centrum är det det kontext som finns. Etablera en serie händelser, a platser och stora kommers är tial att utvecklas, dok helst m skärgården och som etblerar -




[parking] [housing]




[Nacka forum] [gasstation]


New Harbour focus

cka meets the archipelago

by on the highway. e a city, not passing by a suburb

Housing, mainly 3-7 stories + some ~18 levels Connecting Nacka Harbour

Nackas harbour is a great asset, the possibility to have a continuous housing development along the waterside has to be exploited. The hard typologi and the steep sloopes makes it anyhow imposible to use for recreation.

New Highrises Part of the experince passing by on the highway. Feeling of beeing thrown thrue a city, not passing by a suburb

Connecting Nackas Harbour Nackas harbour is a great asset, the possibility to have a continuous housing development along the waterside has to be exploited. The hard typologi and the steep sloopes makes it anyhow imposible to use for recreation.

New cross connections

Centrala nacka är i stort organiserat längs med de stora vägarna som löper längs med åsarna och kopplar sthlm och nacka med värmdö och gustavsberg. Nacka har följt en naturlig utveckling där man fyllt ut utrymmet mellan vägarna och åsarna. För att skapa ett centrum är det det viktigt att knyta Nacka centrum till skärgården och den fantastiska kontext som finns. Etablera en serie händelser, ankarpunkter där folk rör sig från. Nacka forum med sina stora busshåll platser och stora kommers är en given ankarpunkt.. Den nya kontakten från Kvarnholmen har poten tial att utvecklas, dok helst med ett helt nytt bostadsområde mot vattnet som kopplar nacka till skärgården och som etblerar krysskontakter med sjön på båda sidor av åsen -

Möjligen skapa en egen kaj miljö i förlängning av nacka strand. skulle kunna vara en del av en promenad som fortsätter ut på kvarnholmen och vidare in mot stan

Nacka is all about islands and roads Midsection is made of enclaves, fed with people from single places from värmdövägen

Attached houses / villas

Möjligen skapa en egen kaj m promenad som fortsätter ut p

1b // embedded infrastructure

Mapping: The initial mappings porvide simultaneous, layered readings of site relations, in this way it produces a variety of juxtapositions that become generative design tools.

Infrastructural Relations: The north eastern entry appears as a composite archipelago of vehicular traffic vessels and derelict interstitial spaces. The initial mapping is preoccupied with speculatory modifications and implements in order to claim these interstitial spaces in order to produce cross connections and programs suitable for spaces that are otherwise redundant.

1a // infrastructural relations The north eastern entry appears as a composite archipelago of vehicular traffic vessels and derelict interstitial spaces. The initial mapping is preoccupied with speculatory modifications and implements in order to claim these interstitial spaces in order to produce cross connections and programs suitable for spaces that are otherwise redundant.

Embedded Infrastructure: The main feature of the south western entry point to the site is a condensed transportation vortex. Trains, cars and pedestrian traffic are congealed into a knot. From this point a path establishes an edge towards the western housing areas, while at the same time establishing a node, underneath the highway, towards the lake shore.

Internal Relations:The main area of the site is comprised of a plethora of different public and private program. The diagram attempts to produce a series of interrelations and connections in order to redefine the site as a potential land-/eventscape.

1d // link up The main public programs of the central site are arranged in separate spheres thus negating interchange as interstitial occurences. Through discrete manipulaton the proposal aims to establish causalities between these disparate programs in order to utilize this quality as generative impetus.

Link Up: The main public programs of the central site are arranged in separate spheres thus negating interchange as interstitial occurences. Through discrete manipulaton the proposal aims to establish causalities between these disparate programs in order to utilize this quality as generative impetus.

A//anchorpoint/highway exit adjacent programs nacka strand//office/event forum nacka//shopping/office/ parking sports area//sport/school/market city hall user profile commuters//värmdö/gustavsberg/ saltsjöbaden office workers//nacka strand viable new programs parking/eventspace/metro/tram/ sport viable hybrid programs parking-sport metro-sport-event potential transitional commuter hub city/ suburbs urban node coupling car/bus/ train/metro

C//anchorpoint+anchorbone/harbour walk adjacent programs marinstaden//housing nacka strand marina//sport/office/ reataurant/event highschool sports area user profile local residents/school kids/office workers viable new programs extended campus area harbour bath/student housing potential slow area potential link along waterfront /nacka strand/marinstaden connecting nacka to the waterfront

B//anchorpoint/local center adjacent programs trainstation Järla sjöstad//housing/restaurants/event/bar Järlasjön//swimming schools x3//low/mid/senior sportsfacilities office Sickla köpkvarter//shopping restaurants user profile local residents passing by school kids passing by viable new programs housing school potential medium slow area well connected//communication node/train/bus close proximity to Järla sjöstad potential local node potential to create urban area on both sides of värmdøvägen

D//city park adjacent programs school soccer fields/aquatics center youth clubs city hall user profile families/kids/athletes students senior citizens viable new programs city park library senior housing//close proximity to transport/library/park/shops potential/character derelict ‘woods’ -transform into ‘new landscape’ secluded no flow across site topographic isolation plenty of areas in nacka with similar qualities. potential in utilizing central site as park/event space communication needed to vitalize area


Grid: How does an area attain a character that is both cohesive and heterogeneous? The implementation of a gridded matrix, not as a totalitarian scheme but as a striation, that enables disparate (sic!) programs to connect and interrelate



in a neutral and flexible system.



Park: In the western part we propose a school for the lower grades, providing an edge and a natural continuation of the present school areas. In this continaution a play/sports area is also created. områdenStrövområden finns det gott finns om i det gott om Ini the southern part a combined pedestrian and bicyce route is provided, redicing the singularity of the area and increasing the flow of people. An extension of the movement from och vi vill nacka att den och natur vi vill som att den natur sicklasom köpkvarter and järla sjöstad. The northeastern area will be comprised of a park that ‘houses’ the library and city hall. The youth club is situated in the transition between the hill, i anslutning liggertilli anslutning centrum ska till centrum ska sportsfacilities and the park, incorporating a skate park and basketball courts etc. There are earbetad vara ochbearbetad ge möjlighet och till ge möjlighet till for rummaging about in nacka, so we propose the ‘landscapes’ in the center plenty of areas ‘culturescapes’ providing diverse experiences for the local residents. The big hill divides the jande avutnyttjande beboerne. av beboerne. as area adversely. We want to biuld on the qualities of the hill, the view of järlasjön, the nature vora bergskullen the nacka reserve, and the feel og the hill itself, while at the same time making it more acDen storadelar bergskullen upp delarof upp cessible through programming of its edges. The aim is to couple it with the campus area and det på dåligt området vis. Vipåvill dåligt bygga vis. Vi villatbygga the same time create a diverse programmatic scape which will enable it to link up with with areas. på kullens vidare kvaliteter på kullens somkvaliteter ligger adjacent som ligger


et över järlasjön i utkiket över och järlasjön och reservatetsnatur nackareservatetsnatur och den och den


ade oasskyddade kombinerat oasmed kombinerat programering med programering av dess kanterav gör dess denkanter gör den t tillgänglig väldigt tillgänglig kunstig Vi göra villden kunstig och göra främst den sammankoppla och främst sammankoppla den med campus den med campus det. Skapa området. ett artificiellt Skapa landskap ett artificiellt somlandskap programeras som beroende programeras på vilka beroende på vilka am den program ligger uppden emot. ligger upp emot.

ogramering av dess kanter gör den

sammankoppla den med campus dskap som programeras beroende på vilka

p01_school/playarea p01_school/playarea parkscape integrates with parkscape area School area integrates Schoolwith



Skatepark_Basket courts etc.: As the park transitions, from the more formal plazalike appearance in the library/sportscenter zone, toward the more severe topology of the hill, the programs shift towards more youth/after school type programs.

Senior/Serviced Apartments: In the southeastern part of the site the park changes and accomodates sernior/serviced apartments, these are laid out in conjunction with boulecourts, ampitheatre in close proximity to the library, shopping and (future) subway line. The housing is organized in L-shaped clusters, with a wide distribution corridor/livingroom and a communal area with kitchen and possibility of nurse support.








58 57









53 48 8







47 8








44 8


42 41




40 8



J 8














8 8





8 8






8 8






J 8


J J J J J 8









Northern Residential Area: This area consists of a mix of typologies and stack heights. Towards the freeway a cluster of slender one-apartment-per-storey, 18 floor buildings, lends a striking silhouette to the area. Deeper into the site a buildings of the same typology in 10 storey format mix with diverse 6 storey formats, creating ascreen towards the highway while maintaining porosity and flexibility.



Anchorpoints_Buildings: The anchorpoint strategy focuses on providing facilitating structures that mediate the transitionel points in the urban fabric. These structures take on specific programmes according to site requirements and affordances. As key focalpoints within their respective areas their task is to provide a form of cohesion and intention to the spaces thay inhabit as well as the programs they contain. Intention not through rigid semantic readings but rather through a suggestive nature. The programs are archetypal in their relation to the city center. Public spheres that tie into and support adjacent programmatics.

Sports Center: The sports center, is placed as one of the two key biuldings in the north eatern area of the site. The building attaches itself to a previously derelict part of the site and in doing so accomplishes two things; through its straddling of the highway exit, it frees up space in the central site and at the same time creates a bufferzone between the park and a highly trafficated area.

Carpark: The mixed use structure comprises parking structure, offices and showroom. It strategically uses its position on a piece of urban flotsam between nacka sjรถstad the highway and the center. in this vortex it provides functions that supplement the adjacent programmes while at the same time offering a distinctive profile on a nondescript interstitial space.


[A1] [B1]




[B1] [B2]


[B1] [C1] [ENTRENCE]


[A1] [B1] [B2] [C1] [D1]







Library: The library is the second of the two major public programs that relate to the forum nacka and also plays the part of transitional structure between the forum and the park. In the park the library acts as a spatial organizer, provoding direction and distinction in the reading of space relative to city hall, the sports center, down slope to the serviced apartments and towards the street/forum nacka.

Anchorbone: As an amalgamation of three well knows programme types the anchorbone is a vital juxtaposition of types, linking a berlinesque badeschiff with student housing and a pedestrian bridge, thus providing vital impetus and the outline of a possible anatomy to a new urban development. (+45) 26365355

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