Know the Importance of Open Water Certification! The latest extreme fun for people is to try open and under water activities with or without equipment. People are trying to establish harmony with water and exploring a world full of colorful creatures and unique aquatic life, which is all about experiencing. Like, sky surfing and speed skating, diving is also gaining popularity and people are aiming to try different kinds of diving to experience amazing fun and witness a complete different world. They are well aware with the hazards involved in diving and they are opting for safer option before going for diving. Many professional courses have been offered by institutions which teach tips and tricks of diving from beginners to advanced stage and people are finding it really lucrative to enroll into. There are many divers who have admitted that they learned diving first, and then took certificate in PADI Open Water Course and such more and then headed towards trying different forms of diving. These e tifi atio s a e e ui ed he e e you go fo di i g. But you do ’t eed to o y a out t yi g di i g e e if you do ’t k o di i g. You ill e assisted fi st, the t ai ed a d afte that allo ed to go to diving sites. There are many people who have shared their diving experience. One such diver said that while learning diving, he explored whole new world which he found spectacular and weightless, noisy yet peaceful; a world which is full of unique creatures. He ended the conversation with a suggestive note that one should have patience while learning diving because instructors make sure almost everything before approving you to go ahead. If are really passionate about the diving thing, then you can further take it as a career too. You need to pu sue so e o e ou ses till di e to ’s le el a d the you a egi you a ee as s u a di i g instructor. It is like living your passion and enjoying your career together, which is not possible for everyone. The job of instructors is basically to provide training to newcomers. The first level of training could start with swimming pool classes. Not everyone dares to start classes from oceans and seas. Open water course is the most basic scuba diving certifications which even a boy aged 10 can try. The only need is to have a good health condition. Every scuba diving institution asks for medical fitness e tifi ate he they o e to get e olled. If you do ’t ha e a y ajo ill ess hi h ould affect your body when you float, then you are eligible for diving. There are different requirements for different courses such as for getting certified as open water diver; one need to dive 60 feet/ 18 m and for children, it is 40 feet/12m. Here, your trai e o ’t e the e to help you out rather you should complete it by your own. After completing this step, you might become eligible for further advanced course. For completing the stage, there are few requirements which needed to be followed in a loop. Take help from text books, watch videos, and take assistance from instructor in order to understand the things completely. It is to be noted that one should take things seriously in order to gain complete understanding.